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Muscles Name Origin Insertion Action

1.) FRONTALIS Epicranial Aponeurosis Skin superior to orbit Raises eyebrows,

2.) TEMPORALIS Temporal Fossa Coronoid Process of Elevates and Retracts
Mandible Mandible
3.) OCCIPITALIS Occipital Bone Epicranial Draws scalp posteriorly
4.) ORBICULARIS OCULI Frontal Bone, Maxilla Skin of eyelid Closes eye
5.) ORBICULARIS ORIS Maxilla and Mandible Skin of lips Closes lips
6.) CORRUGATOR SUPERCILII Nasal Bridge, Orbicularis Skin of eyebrow Depresses and Pulls
Oculi eyebrows
7.) ZYGOMATICUS Zygomatic Bone Muscles and skin at Elevates and Abducts
( major & minor ) the angle of the upper lip
8.) RISORIUS Fascia of Masseter Skin at angle of Abducts corner of mouth
orbicularis oris
9.) MENTALIS Mandible Skin of chin Elevates lower lip
10.) BUCCINATOR Maxilla Orbicularis oris at Retracts angle of mouth
angle of mouth
11.) DEPRESSOR LABII Lower border of Mandible Skin of lower lip Depresses lower lip
12.) LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS Maxilla Skin of upper lip Elevates upper lip
13.) MASSETER Zygomatic Arch Lateral ramus of Elevates and Protracts
mandible mandible
14.) SCALENES Traverse Processes of Ribs 1 and 2 Flexes and rotates neck
( anterior, middle, and cervical vertebrae
15.) STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID Manubrium and medial Mastoid process Rotates, extends neck
16.) STERNOHYOID Manubrium of Sternum Hyoid Depresses hyoid
17.) STERNOTHYROID Manubrium of Sternum Thyroid cartilage of Depresses larynx
18.) OMOHYOID Superior border of scapula Hyoid Depresses and fixes
19.) DIGASTRIC Mastoid process of Mandible near Elevates hyoid
temporal midline
20.) MYLOHYOID Body of mandible Hyoid Elevates floor of mouth
and tongue
21.) PLATYSMA Fascia covering pectoralis Skin over inferior Depresses lower lip
major and deltoid border of mandible
22.) PECTORALIS MAJOR Clavicle, sternum, and Crest of greater Flexes, adducts, and
cartilage of ribs 1-7 tubercle of humerus medially rotates arm
23.) PECTORALIS MINOR Ribs 3-5 Coracoid process of Depresses glenoid cavity
24.) EXTERNAL ABDOMINAL Ribs 5-12 Iliac crest Compresses abdominal
OBLIQUE wall and laterally rotates
25.) INTERNAL ABDOMINAL Iliac crest Ribs 10-12 Compresses abdominal
OBLIQUE wall and laterally rotates
26.) TRANSVERUS ABDOMINIS Ribs 7-12 Xiphoid process Compresses abdominal
wall and laterally rotates
27.) RECTUS ABDOMINIS Pubic crest Xiphoid process Flexes vertebral column
28.) QUADRATUS LUMBORUM Posterior iliac crest rib 12 Laterally flexes vertebral
29.) SPINALIS Ilium ribs, Vertebral Vertebral column Extends and rotates
column vertebral column and
30.) SERRATUS ANTERIOR Ribs 1-9 Medial border of Abducts scapula
31.) DIAPHRAGM Xiphoid process Central tendon Inspiration
32.) EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALIS Inferior margin of a rib Superior margin of Elevate ribs (inspiration)
rib below
33.) INTERNAL INTERCOSTALIS Superior margin of a rib Inferior margin of rib Depresses ribs
above (expiration)
34.) SPLENIUS C4-T6 Occipital and Extends and rotates
temporal bone head
35.) SEMISPINALIS C4-T6 Occipital bone Extends and rotates
36.) MULTIFIDUS Vertebral column, ilium Vertebral column Extends and rotates
vertebral column
37.) DELTOID Clavicle, acromion Deltoid tuberosity of Abducts, flexes, and
process, and spine of humerus extends arm
38.) TRAPEZIUS Spinous process of C7- T12 Clavicle, sternum, Extends and abducts
and spine of scapula head
39.) LATISSIMUS DORSI T7-12 and L1-5 Intertubercular Extends, adducts, and
groove of humerus medially rotates arm
40.) RHOMBOIDEUS MAJOR Spines of T1-4 Medial border of Adducts scapula
41.) RHOMBOIDEUS MINOR Spines of C6-7 Medial border of Adducts scapula
42.) LEVATOR SCAPULAE C1-4 Superior angle of Elevates scapula
43.) SUPRASPINATUS Supraspinous fossa Greater tubercle of Abducts arm
44.) INFRASPINATUS Infraspinous fossa Greater tubercle of Extends and laterally
humerus rotates arm
45.) SUBSCAPULARIS Subscapular fossa Lesser tubercle of Extends and medially
humerus rotates arm
46.) TERES MINOR Lateral border of scapula Greater tubercle of Extends, adducts, and
humerus laterally rotates arm
47.) TERES MAJOR Lateral border of scapula Crest of lesser Extends, adducts, and
tubercle of humerus medially rotates arm
48.) TRICEPS BRACHII Infraglenoid tuberosity of Olecranon process Extends and adducts arm
scapula of ulna
49.) BICEPS BRACHII Supraglenoid tubercle Radial tuberosity Flexes arm, and forearm,
and supinates hand
50.) CORACOBRACHIALIS Coracoid process of Midmeadial shaft of Flexes and adducts arm
scapula humerus
51.) BRACHIALIS Anterior, distal surface of Coronoid process of Flexes forearm
humerus ulna
52.) BRACHIORADIALIS Lateral supracondylar Styloid process of Flexes forearm
ridge of humerus radius
53.) SUPINATOR Lateral epicondyle of Proximal radius Supinates hand
54.) PRONATOR TERES Medial epicondyle of Lateral, middle shaft Pronates hand
humerus of radius
55.) PRONATOR QUADRATUS Distal part of anterior ulna Distal radius Pronates hand
56.) PALMARIS LONGUS Medial epicondyle of Palmar fascia Flexes hand
57.) FLEXOR CARPI RADIALIS Medial epicondyle of Metacarpals 2 and 3 Flexes and abducts hand
58.) FLEXOR CARPI ULNARIS Medial epicondyle of Psiform, hamate, Flexes and adducts hand
humerus and ulna and metacarpal 5
59.) FLEXOR DIGITORUM Medial epicondyle of Middle phalanges of Flexes hand, posterior,
SUPERFICIALIS humerus digits 2-5 and middle phalanges 2-
60.) FLEXOR DIGITORUM Ulna Distal phalanges of Flexes hand and
PROFUNDUS digits 2-5 phalanges
61.) FLEXOR POLLICIS LONGUS Anterior portion of radius Distal phalanx of Flexes thumb and hand
pollex (thumb)
62.) FLEXOR POLLICIS BREVIS Trapezium Proximal phalanx of Flexes thumb
digit 1
63.) ABDUCTOR POLLICIS BREVIS Scaphoid, trapezium Proximal phalanx of Abducts thumb
digit 1
64.) OPPONENS POLLICIS Trapezium Metacarpal 1 Opposes thumb
65.) ABDUCTOR DIGITI MINIMI Psiform Proximal phalanx of Abducts digit 5
digit 5
66.) FLEXOR DIGITI MINIMI Hamulus of hamate Proximal phalanx of Flexes digit 5
BREVIS digit 5
67.) OPPONENS DIGITI MINIMI Hamulus of hamate Metacarpal 5 Opposes digit 5
68.) EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS Lateral supracondylar Metacarpal 2 Extends and abducts
LONGUS ridge of humerus hand
69.) EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS Lateral epicondyle of Metacarpal 3 Extends and abducts
BREVIS humerus hand
70.) EXTENSOR CARPI ULNARIS Lateral epicondyle of Metacarpal 5 Extends and abducts
humerus hand
71.) EXTENSOR DIGITORUM Lateral epicondyle of Middle and distal Extends hand and
humerus phalanges of digits phalanges 2-5
72.) ABDUCTOR POLLICIS Posterior radius and ulna Metacarpal 1 Abducts and extends
LONGUS thumb
73.) ILIOPSOAS T12, L1-5, and iliac fossa Lesser trochanter of Flexes thigh and lumbar
femur vertebrae
74.) SARTORIUS Anterior superior iliac Medial tibia Flexes and laterally
spine rotates thigh
75.) GRACILIS Pubis Medial tibia Adducts thigh and flexes
76.) PECTINEUS Pubic crest Pectineal line of Adducts thigh
77.) ADDUCTOR BREVIS Pubis Linea aspera at Adducts, flexes, and
proximal portion of laterally rotates thigh
78.) ADDUCTOR LONGUS Pubis Linea aspera at Adducts, flexes, and
middle portion of laterally rotates thigh
79.) ADDUCTOR MAGNUS Pubis, ischium Linea aspera and Adducts, extends and
adductor tubercle of laterally rotates thigh
distal femur
80.) RECTUS FEMORIS Anterior inferior iliac spine Tibial tuberosity by Flexes thigh
the patellar ligament
81.) VASTUS LATERALIS Greater trochanter of Tibial tuberosity by Extends leg
femur the patellar ligament
82.) VASTUS INTERMEDIUS Proximal, anterior femur Tibial tuberosity by Extends leg
the patellar ligament
83.) VASTUS MEDIALIS Linea aspera of femur Tibial tuberosity by Extends leg
the patellar ligament
84.) TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE Superior iliac spine Iliotibial band of Flexes, abducts and
fasciae latae to medially rotates thigh
lateral condyle of
85.) GLUTEUS MAXIMUS Outer iliac blade Gluteal tuberosity of Extends, abducts, and
femur laterally rotates thigh
86.) GLUTEUS MEDIUS Outer iliac blade Greater trochanter Abducts and medially
of femur rotates thigh
87.) GLUTEUS MINIMUS Outer iliac blade Greater trochanter Abducts and medially
of femur rotates thigh
88.) BICEPS FEMORIS Ischial tuberosity Head of fibula, Extends thigh, flexes leg
lateral condyle of
89.) SEMITENDINOSUS Ischial tuberosity Medial tibia Extends thigh, flexes leg
90.) SEMIMEMBRANOSUS Ischial tuberosity Medial condyle of Extends thigh, flexes leg
91.) EXTENSOR DIGITORUM Lateral condyle of tibia Middle and distal Dorsiflexes and everts
LONGUS phalanges of digits foot
92.) EXTENSOR HALLUCIS Anterior shaft of fibula Distal phalanx of Dorsiflexes and inverts
LONGUS hallux (big toe) foot
93.) FIBULARIS LONGUS Head and shaft of fibula Metatarsal 1, Plantar flexes and everts
cuneiform 1 foot
94.) FIBULARIS BREVIS Shaft of fibula Metatarsal 5 Plantar flexes and everts
95.) FIBULARIS TERTIUS Fibula Dorsum of Plantar flexes and everts
metatarsal 5 foot
96.) GASTROCNEMIUS Condyles of femur Calcaneus by the Plantar flexes foot
calcaneal tendon
97.) POPLITEUS Lateral condyle of femur Proximal tibia Flexes leg
98.) TIBIALIS POSTERIOR Tibia, fibula Metatarsals 2-5, Plantar flexes and inverts
navicular, foot
cuneiforms, and
99.) TIBIALIS ANTERIOR Tibia Metatarsal 1 and Dorsiflexes and inverts
cuneiform 1 foot
100.) FLEXOR DIGITORUM Posterior tibia Distal phalanges of Plantar flexes and inverts
LONGUS digits 2-5 foot

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