2024 Wife Application Final

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Women’s International Fund for Education

Scholarship Application

Women’s International Fund for Education

Table of Contents

I. Introduction to the Women’s International Fund for Education

II. General Information on Application

III. Application:
i Personal Information
ii Educational Program
iii Educational Background
iv Employment History
v Financial Circumstances
vi Financial Need
vii Extenuating Circumstances
viii Community Service
ix Leadership Statement Essay
x Education and Career Statement Essay
xi Declaration

IV. Supplemental Application Documents:

i Official Copy of Transcripts
ii Proof of Residency
iii Statement of Acceptance and Schedule of Fees
iv Recommendation Forms

V. Directions for Submitting Application

i Application Deadline
ii List of Documents for Submission
iii Acceptance Process

Women’s International Fund for Education

The Women’s International Fund for Education (WIFE) is an organization in the United
States of America that aims to support young women throughout the world in reaching
their goals to become college/university graduates and leaders in their communities.
WIFE strives to make the world a better place by educating women showing leadership
potential. WIFE was formed in 2010 by a group of young women in California. The funds
available for the scholarship were raised through the generous donations of community
members and a few small businesses.

The Women’s International Fund for Education’s scholarship program is dedicated to

serving young women who strive to become leaders within their community. The
scholarship is designed to be the “seed” that allows each applicant to grow and develop
innovative projects and careers. Scholarships will be awarded to women who demonstrate
their desire to improve the quality of life in their communities as well as the state of the

The Women’s International Fund for Education offers scholarships to women who show
tremendous potential. The scholarship is offered for one academic year. Throughout the
school year the applicant is required to update WIFE regularly, through e-mail or video
chat correspondence. After the completion of the applicant’s first year, the applicant is
required to fill out a survey to provide WIFE with information on their accomplishments.
Applicants are encouraged to re-apply for the scholarship annually.

Thank you for your interest in the Women’s International Fund for Education’s scholarship
program. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve your educational
goals by supporting you in this journey!

With gratitude,
The Women’s International Fund for Education

Women’s International Fund for Education

II. General Information on the Application Process

All sections of the application must be completed in English. Unless otherwise indicated,
the requested information is required. If a question or section does not apply to you,
please mark it NA (not applicable). Some additional documentation may be submitted
separately - see instructions for each section. However, sending everything in one packet
is encouraged.

Eligible applicants must demonstrate financial need, academic ability, leadership skills,
career goals and a desire to improve the welfare of their community and/or the health of
the environment. To be eligible, you must:

● Be a woman at least of age to enter college/university

● Demonstrate financial need
● Demonstrate leadership skills in your community
● Commit to WIFE’s binding contract and mentorship program
● Demonstrate the desire to improve your community and the environment

The application deadline is April 7, 2024. Scholarship funds awarded by the Women’s
International Fund for Education will be applied to the recipient’s account at her school,
NOT directly to the individual. Certain cases may be required to answer follow up
questions to determine eligibility.

Submit your application, postmarked no later than the application deadline to:

Women’s International Fund for Education

Attn: Melissa Mello
3461 64th St.
Sacramento, CA. 95820 USA


Via e-mail: [email protected]

Please write your name at the top of each page and make sure to write or print clearly.
Applications missing required information WILL NOT be considered. The Women’s
International Fund for Education is not responsible for any lost or destroyed documents.
Please mark the appropriate box below when items are arriving separately from this

Your complete application must include each of the following documents (unless
waived by WIFE):
❑ The entire 9-page application form
❑ Written essay on community and environmental leadership goals

Women’s International Fund for Education

❑ Written essay on educational and career goals

❑ Proof of identification
❑ Your signature and date on the Declaration on page 12 of this application
❑ Your signature and date on the Terms of Acceptance on page 13 of this application
❑ Three letters of recommendation from non-relatives using the WIFE form, mailed
separately (this can be included in the packet as long as the letter are sealed and have not
been viewed by the applicant)
❑ Extra pages as necessary for clarification or additional information
❑ An official copy of your transcripts
❑ Signed WIFE contract
Please include the following documents if relevant to your experience:
❑ Resumes, copies of certificates, awards, etc.

Women’s International Fund for Education

III. Application Form

1. General information:




Best way to contact you (e.g. email, phone, mail, etc.):

Mailing address (if different from the one above):

Phone number(s) with country and area code:



E-mail address:

Secondary E-mail address:

Additional contact information (optional):

Age: Date of birth (include day, month, and year):

Are you a resident of the country in which you hope to attend college, if so - for how long?

Your marital status:

❑ Single ❑ Married/domestic partnership ❑ Divorced ❑ Widowed

Spouse/Partner’s name:

Women’s International Fund for Education

Spouse/Partner’s occupation:

Number of children:

2. Your educational program (for which funds are requested):

Semester and academic year (for example, Fall 2025):

Degree, program or course of study (for example, Economics):

Name of school, college or institution (for example, University of South Africa):

Complete school address:

This school is a: ❑ public institution ❑ private institution ❑ distance learning/online

❑ Other_________________

Number of years your degree takes to complete (for example, four years to complete
degree): _________________________

Number of years you have left to complete your degree (for example, I have three years
left in school): ________________________

Semester and year you expect to finish your program (for example, Spring 2025):

You are attending: ❑ Full time ❑ Part time

Cost per semester/quarter (in local currency):

Cost for entire academic year (in local currency and US dollars):

Women’s International Fund for Education

3. Your educational background:

a. List below (from the most recent school you attended to all schools before that), all
degrees and certifications you have completed prior to attending university.
Include name of school, address, name or type of degree/certification, and number of
years attended.

Name of institution Address & Country Type of Year(s) attended


b. Include with your application a recent official transcript showing your grade point
average. Your transcript may be submitted separately. If you do not have a recent
transcript, please explain.

4. Your employment history over the past 5 years: List in order, starting with your most
recent employment. (If you have attached your resume or CV, please write “See attached
Resume/CV” in the table below):

Job title/description City & Country Start/End Date Salary

5. Your financial circumstances (please indicate all amounts in local currency):

If available, include a copy of a recent pay-stub for all income sources

a Your annual household income (in local currency, if you do not have an annual income
write NA):

Total Annual wages/salary (include entire income from household):


Women’s International Fund for Education

Other sources of financial support (e.g., family, community, government):


If you have no income because women are unable to own property or manage funds
please check here: _________

b. Education-Related Annual Income (in local currency):

Loans (state the amount and source): ___________________

Grants/scholarships (state the amount and source):


Student financial aid (state the amount and source):


Total annual educational-related income: ___________________

If you have no income because women are unable to own property or manage funds
please check here: _________

6. Educational Cost:

Note: Please indicate all amounts in local currency.

a) What is the minimum amount required for you to attend school?


b) What is the total amount needed to cover all education related expenses for one
academic year? ___________________________

c) If the WIFE scholarship does not cover the entire cost of your tuition, how will you
pay for the remaining costs?

7. Special circumstances (optional, but recommended):

If you believe the WIFE review committee should consider any unusual expenses,
hardships, or personal challenges that you face, please use this space or attach another
page to explain.

Women’s International Fund for Education

8. Community service:
Please list any volunteer work, awards/recognitions you have received, service projects, or
organizations in which you have participated.

Organization Start Date End Date Hours

9. Grading Scale:

Please describe the grading scale in your country (for example: The United States uses the
grading scale - A,B, C, D, F. Where A is the best possible grade and F is the lowest).

If you have received a low grade in any classes, and you would like to explain the reason do
so below:

10. Statement of Purpose (required):

WIFE seeks to support women who are, or will become leaders in their communities. We
target women who show dedication to improving the quality of life in their community as
well as the state of the local and global environment. We seek to fund education for these
women so they can build a better world, and achieve the goals they are already setting out
to accomplish.

Please include a statement describing your academic and career goals. Please include why
you want to study what you are proposing to study and how that education will help you
achieve your professional goals. Include what your long term professional goals are. Your
essay should fully describe what you hope to achieve through education.

11. Personal History Statement (required):

In an essay describe the experiences you’ve had that have shaped who you are as a person
and how you came to choose your career and educational goals. Please include
obstacles/hardships you have faced in your life and how you have persevered despite
these challenges OR how you have helped others overcome challenging life situations.

Please include your name on each page of the essay.

Women’s International Fund for Education

Declaration (required):

To be eligible for an award from the Women’s International Fund for Education, you must
agree to the following statement and indicate your approval with your printed name, your
signature and the date you signed.

I understand that I will not receive any money personally from the Women’s International
Fund for Education. All funds will go directly to the school specified in this application. I
declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided on this application is
correct and complete. The Women’s International Fund for Education has my permission
to verify any information provided and contact any credit reporting agency as deemed

I fully understand that it is a punishable crime to knowingly make any false statements
concerning any of the information in this application.

I understand that my application for funds will not be reviewed until my application form
is complete and accompanied by three letters of recommendation, official transcripts,
proof of residency and a statement of acceptance from the institution, unless waived by

Name (printed):

Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________

Women’s International Fund for Education

Terms of Scholarship Acceptance:

If an applicant is awarded a scholarship, the recipient is required to participate in the

Women’s International Fund for Education’s Follow Up Program.

The Follow Up Program is designed to allow the Women’s International Fund for Education
(WIFE) to stay connected to the recipient throughout their educational career. This allows
WIFE to monitor the success of each recipient in reaching her goals. Monitoring each
recipient is necessary for WIFE to evaluate the ultimate success of the scholarship

WIFE’s Follow Up Program consists of the following responsibilities:

I. Regular updates with WIFE organizers in the United States of America, via e-mail or
video chat correspondence
II. Regular updates with the recipient’s mentor – usually a professor or local
professional (more information on the mentorship program will be sent upon
III. Completion of surveys provided throughout the school year from WIFE
IV. Completion of the end-of-year survey, providing detailed information on how the
scholarship has helped you reach your academic goals
V. Outreach to potential applicants in the community (more information on the
outreach program will be sent upon acceptance)
VI. Acquisition of materials (photos, statistics etc.) requested by WIFE that will
support the organization’s development (more information will be provided upon

The purpose of the Follow Up Program is to provide WIFE with information that can be
used in future grant application and other fundraising avenues. By participating in the
tasks listed above, the recipient will be supporting the organization in obtaining future
funds to sponsor future applicants. The tasks will not be extensively time consuming and
will be given with fair timing. WIFE understands and respects each recipient’s dedication
to her coursework.

I understand the terms of acceptance and am willing to participate in the tasks listed
above, created by the Women’s International Fund for Education. I understand that failure
to comply with these requests can result in the loss of funding during the school year.

Name (printed): ________________________________________

Signature: __________________________Date:______________

Women’s International Fund for Education

Release of Information for Publicity Purposes (signature required):

If I receive a WIFE scholarship award, I grant permission to the Women’s International

Fund for Education to produce, publish, and/or distribute for public relations, educational,
and/or research purposes, the following items from my application (mark all that apply):

❑ My name
❑ My educational program and school
❑ My age
❑ The city where I live
❑ My grade-point average
❑ Information about my family
❑ Excerpts from my statement of educational and career goals
❑ Excerpts from my statement regarding extenuating circumstances

I agree that the information indicated above may be used in any form deemed
appropriate, including but not limited to, news releases, the Women’s International Fund
for Education’s website, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and publications, and it may be
edited, copied, and modified accordingly.

I fully understand that such materials as named above become the property of the
Women’s International Fund for Education.

By providing my signature below, I acknowledge that I will not be paid for taking part in
the production of these materials or from any proceeds that may come from their

YES, I agree: ________________________________________

(Signature) (Date)

If there is any information (for example: name) you would not like publicly shared please
list that information here:

Women’s International Fund for Education

Note to applicant: Please do not include your name or other identifying information on
this page.

Voluntary Information:

Completion of any part of this section by the applicant is entirely voluntary. This
information is confidential and will not affect your eligibility for a Women’s International
Fund for Education scholarship. Should you decide to provide the following information, it
may be used as statistical data in our efforts to increase our scholarship funds.

If you think this information should be considered in determining whether you should
receive a WIFE scholarship, you may include it under “(7) Extenuating Circumstances” on
page 10 or in your Statement of Educational and Career Goals or another attachment.

If you decline, please indicate:

❑ I choose not to answer any of these voluntary questions

Ethnicity/race (Please indicate the category that best describes you):

❑ African
❑ Native American or Alaska native
❑ Asian
❑ Latin American
❑ South American
❑ European
❑ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
❑ Other (please specify):______________

Survivor of violence:
Have you ever been a victim of physical or sexual abuse? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Have you ever been a victim of a partner’s/spouse’s violence? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Have you ever been a victim of any other violent crime? ❑ Yes ❑ No

Do you have a disability? ❑ Yes ❑ No

First generation college student:

Looking back over the last three generations, are you the first in your family to
attend an institution of higher education? ❑ Yes ❑ No

Women’s International Fund for Education

IV. Supplemental Application Documents

Please attach the following documents to your application.

1.) Proof of identification (e.g. Photo ID)

2.) Statement of acceptance and bill for tuition (from your university)
3.) Three letters of recommendation
4.) Transcripts
5.) Resume/CV
6.) Essays

Women’s International Fund for Education

Statement of Acceptance and Schedule of Fees:

Note to applicant: This document must be completed and signed by the authorized
admissions or financial officer of your school/university. This document may be mailed
separately or with your application.

Mail the completed and signed form to: Or submit via e-mail to:

Women’s International Fund for Education [email protected]

Attn: Melissa Mello

3461 64th St.
Sacramento, CA. 95820 USA

This is to certify that:

Name of Student: ______________________________________ has

been accepted by:

Name of Institution: _______________________________________


For enrollment in Semester: __________Year: ________ in: ____________

(degree program/
course of study)

Itemization of Expenses for Student’s Educational Program for this Semester:

Please include estimated tuition, fees, textbooks, and miscellaneous expenses required
for this program and the date that payment is due. (Please use local currency)

_______________________________________ ___________
Type of expense amount date due
_______________________________________ ___________
Type of expense amount date due
_______________________________________ ___________
Type of expense amount date due
_______________________________________ ____________
Type of expense amount date due

Women’s International Fund for Education

Total tuition, fees, textbooks and miscellaneous fees for this semester: _________

Attach your business card here with clear tape. No staples, please.

Signature of authorized admissions or financial aid officer


Women’s International Fund for Education

Recommendation Form (not to be filled out by friends or family members)

Please take a moment to complete this confidential information, attach separate sheet if
more room is needed. In addition, please include a separate letter describing why you
recommend this applicant. Please include thoughts on their character, past experiences
that shaped them as a leader, their work ethic and other leadership roles you’ve seen them
in. After completion, please place this form and your letter into a sealed envelope with
your signature across the back seal. Applicant should not view this information. Thank

Name of scholarship applicant:

Your name and title:

Your contact information (or attach a business card):

How long have you known the applicant?

Please describe your personal or professional relationship with the applicant:

1. How would you rate the applicant’s past academic, employment, or volunteer record?

❑ Excellent ❑ Good ❑ Average ❑ Below average

Explain: ______________________________________________

2. How would you rate the applicant’s ability to undertake and complete her educational

❑ Excellent ❑ Good ❑ Average ❑ Below average

Explain: ______________________________________________

3. In your opinion, does this applicant deserve a scholarship?

4. The Women’s International Fund for Education seeks to fund education for women who
are leaders in their community and want impact their community in a positive way, either
through social or environmental means. In your opinion, does this applicant embody the
mission of WIFE? Why/how?

5. Is there any other pertinent information you’d like to add (use the back or additional
paper if needed)

(your signature ) (date )

Women’s International Fund for Education

Please submit letter of recommendation with attached form to:

Women’s International Fund for Education
Attn: Melissa Mello
3461 64th St.
Sacramento, CA. 95820 USA or via e-mail: [email protected]

Women’s International Fund for Education

V. Directions for Submitting Application

Application Deadline: April 5, 2024

Applications may be submitted prior to deadline.

List of Documents for Submission:

❑ 9-page application form (fully completed)
❑ Essay on community and environmental leadership goals
❑ Essay on educational and career goals
❑ Proof of residency in home country
❑ Your signature and date on the Declaration page of this application
❑ Your signature and date on the Terms of Acceptance page of this application
❑ Three letters of recommendation from non-relatives using the WIFE form –
sealed and
signed across back seal or mailed separately
❑ Extra pages as necessary for clarification or additional information
❑ An official copy of your transcripts

List of Optional Documents for Submission:

❑ Voluntary information form (page 15)
❑ Resume
❑ Copies of certificates
❑ Copies of awards
❑ Other documents

The entire application must be completed upon submission. If your application is

incomplete, it will not be considered.

Submit your application, postmarked no later than April 5, 2024 to:

Women’s International Fund for Education
Attn: Melissa Mello
3461 64th St.
Sacramento, CA. 95820 USA
Or via e-mail to: [email protected]

Please type or print clearly and make sure to write your name at the top of each page.
Applications missing required information will not be considered. The Women’s
International Fund for Education is not responsible for any lost or destroyed documents.

Acceptance Process:
I. Once applications are submitted, the Women’s International Fund for Education
will contact applicants to notify them that their application has been received.
II. Applications will be reviewed in detail.
III. Applicants will be contacted directly by the Women’s International Fund for
Education with the status of their application within 2-4 weeks of the application

Women’s International Fund for Education

IV. Qualified applicants might be asked to join in an interview in person or via video
chat with a representative from the Women’s International Fund for Education.
V. If applicant is accepted for award further information on the scholarship terms of
acceptance will be sent and the college/institution will receive funding for
student’s tuition.


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