Ta'Aruf Vol1 Issue6

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TA’ARUF A monthly eNewsletter

Volume 1 Issue 6 AN INTRODUCTION TO ISLAM November 2006

Quranic Studies

Assalamu alaikum,
[Hud :112] Therefore stand firm (in
It is the duty of a the straight Path) as thou art com-
common Muslim manded,- thou and those who with
to urge the mem- thee turn (unto Allah); and trans-
bers of his family gress not (from the Path): for He
and, indeed, every
person present in seeth well all that ye do.
his immediate sur-
roundings to fulfil Righteous actions are for all times and all places. From the
the three basic re- above Aya it is very clear that “ as thou art commanded “ is the base of
quirements which righteousness in Ibada .
will ensure their For those who benefited from Ramadan, fulfilled the require-
salvation in the
ments of taqwa, truly fasted in the month, prayed in it with truthful-
Hereafter. These
three requirements
ness, and strove against soul, then praise and thank Allah, and ask
have been spelled Him for steadfastness upon it until you meet your death. Allah (SWT)
out in Surah ‘Asr: says in the Holy Qur’an:

Verily, Time “And worship your Lord until

bears evidence there comes you to the certainty
that man is in [i.e. death].” [al-Hijr: 99]
a loss save
those who ac- The Muslim must continuously be in the state of obedi-
cept faith, do ence of Allah (SWT), firm upon His Sharee`ah, steadfast upon His
virtuous deeds Deen, so that he or she is not of those who worship Allah only during
and invite
one month or only in one place. Rather, the believer knows that the
each other to
Lord of Ramadan is also the Lord of other months, and that He is the
the right path
and urge each Lord of all times and places, so he is steadfast upon the Sharee`ah of
other to re- Allah until he meets Him while He is pleased with him.
main steadfast If the fasting of Ramadan comes to an end, then indeed the vol-
on it. (103:1-3) untary fasting is still prescribed throughout the entire year. If standing
in prayer at night during Ramadan comes to an end, then indeed, the
entire year is a time for performing the night prayer. And if the Zakaat-
Syed S. Z. Hashmi. ul-Fitr comes to an end, then there is still the Khairat that is obligatory
( MAKTABA-E-SALIK ) as well as the voluntary charity that lasts the whole year. This goes the
Email: [email protected] same for reciting the Qur'an and pondering over its meaning as well as

(continued page 4)

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Page 2 Ta’aruf
H a d i t h / S u n n a h

Sincere Repentance
The Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,
'The one who repents from sin is like the one who never sinned.'
[Ibn Maja]
He also said, 'Remorse is repentance.'
[Ibn Maja and Ahmad]
Abu Huraira (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wa-
salam) said, "Allah will turn towards anyone who turns in repentance before the sun rises from the place
it set."
The Conditions for Repentance:
The conditions for repentance are well known:
1. Leaving the sin;
2. Remorse over having committed the sin;
3. Resolve never to return to the sin;
(If it relates to the rights of another person, then to) Return the rights or property one wrongly
took. [al Bariqa fi Sharh al-Tariqa; Riyad al-Salihin]
If these conditions are truly met, then one can expect one's sins to be forgiven. However,
one has to be very careful about how sincere one is in fulfilling one's conditions. It is recom-
mended to seek forgiveness a lot, and to repent every time the sin comes to one's mind.
If one keeps repeating the sin, then one should find the root causes of the sin and eliminate them.
For example, if one falls into a certain sin because of the company one keeps, then it would be
necessary to either stop keeping their company, or to change the nature of one's relationship
with them.
So, what is true repentance?
Ibn Hajar mentioned that Qurtubi quoted 23 different definitions of true repentance (al-
tawba al-nasuh) in his tafsir. Ibn Hajar mentioned the most important of these:
1. Umar’s words (radiAllahu anhu) that it is, "To sin and then never to return to it."
2. To hate the sin, and seek forgiveness for it every time it occurs to one, as Hasan al-Basri (Allah
have mercy on him) said.
3. Qatada’s words (Allah have mercy on him), "To be genuine and truthful in one’s repentance,"
which is what Imam Bukhari chose as the definition of true repentance in his chapter heading.
4. To have sincerity in one’s repentance.
5. To be concerned about one’s repentance not being accepted.
6. To be such that it does not need repentance after it.
7. To be made out of fear and hope, and be accompanied by consistency in worship.
8. Like the seventh, but with the added condition that one deserts those who assisted one in sin.
9. That one’s sin is between one’s eyes. [That is, one does not forget it.] [Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari]

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Volume 1 Issue 6 MAKTABA-E-SALIK Page 3

(Phone): 602-324-7243 Email: [email protected]

Page 4 MAKTABA-E-SALIK Ta’aruf

from page 1 Quranic Studies. Dua (Supplications)

every other righteous deed that is sought, for
they can be done at all times. From the many
bounties that Allah has bestowed upon his ser-
vants is that He (SWT) has placed for them
many different types of righteous acts and pro-
vided many means for doing good deeds.
Therefore, the ardor and zeal of the Muslim
must be constant and he must continue to re-
main in the service of his Lord.
Verily, the true way of the Muslim is that
of one who praises and thanks his Lord for giv-
ing him the ability to fast and make qiyaam.
His condition after Ramadan is better than it O our Lord! Grant me tuafeeq (Your special
was before Ramadan. He is more receptive to help) to thank You for all the Bounties
obey, desiring to do good deeds and quick to whichYou have Bestowed upon me and my par-
enforce the obligatory acts. This is because he ents, and (Help me) do deeds that may win Your
has gained benefit form this prominent institute
favour. And make my offspring righteous as
of learning. It is that of one who fears for hav-
well. Indeed, I seek Your Forgiveness. And in-
ing his fast not accepted, for indeed Allah only
accepts from those who fear Him.
deed I am one of the Muslims (those who submit
I ask Allaah Who has blessed us and you to Your Will). (AL-AHKAAF: 15)
with fasting, i’tikaaf, ‘umrah and charity to Dua is the essence of ibadah. A person en-
bless us with guidance, piety, and acceptance of gaged in dua affirms his belief in Tawheed
our good deeds; may He help us to persist in (monotheism) and shuns belief in all false gods.
doing good deeds and to remain steadfast, for With each dua his belief in Allah grows. He be-
seeches Him, affirming his own powerlessness. A
persistence in doing good deeds is one of the
person seriously and sincerely engaged in dua un-
greatest means of drawing closer to Allaah. derstands exactly the relationship between himself
Hence when a man came to the Prophet and the Creator and affirms it through his actions.
(S.A.W.) and said, “Advise me,” he said, “Say, That is the essence of worship! Additionally, such a
‘I believe in Allaah,’ and remain steadfast.” person can never become arrogant or proud, a logi-
‘Aa’isha (RA) was asked about what the cal result of true worship.
Messenger of Allaah (S.A.W.) did and whether Dua is conversation with Allah, our Crea-
tor, our Lord and Master, the All Knowing, the All
he used to do certain things on particular days.
Powerful. This act in itself is of extraordinary sig-
She said, “No, his good deeds were continuous. nificance. It is the most uplifting, liberating, em-
Who among you could do what the Messenger powering, and transforming conversation a person
of Allaah (S.A.W.) used to do?” The acts of wor- can ever have. We turn to Him because we know
ship prescribed in Islam are based on certain that He alone can lift our sufferings and solve our
conditions which must be fulfilled, like remem- problems. We feel relieved after describing our dif-
brance of Allaah, Hajj and ‘Umrah and their ficulties to our Creator. We feel empowered after
having communicated with the All Mighty. We
naafil actions, enjoining what is good and for-
sense His mercy all around us after talking to the
bidding what is evil, seeking knowledge, ji- Most Merciful. We get a new commitment to follow
haad, and other good deeds. So strive to wor- His path for that is the only path for success. We
ship continuously according to your capability’. feel blessed with each such commitment.

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