Differentiated Learning-Based Instruction in Mathematics 10 - Arvin A. Villantino (MAT - Math)

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Chapter I


Student diversity inside the classroom challenges educators to create an

environment focused on individual learning. Differentiated instruction based on

different learning styles of each student can facilitate individual learning.

The scenario of having a diverse classroom with diverse students is not new

in Philippine education and it is always a problem on how to address the different

learning preferences and styles of the students.

As stipulated in the Philippine Constitution, Article XIV, Section 1, stated


“The state shall establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate,

and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and

In addition to this, as indicated in the Presidential Decree No.6- Section 5;

“One of the educational objectives is to design, utilize and improve

instructional technology and to develop or produce textbook and other
instructional materials leading to quality education.”

Teaching students that possess individual differences and with the variety of

learning styles really a big responsibility of the teachers that need to develop and


Moreover, Gregory & Chapman, (2013) Diversity is common in every

classroom, and in each room we can find distinctive perspectives and

characteristics of young individuals ready and willing to learn, and teaching diverse

students is always a great challenge to every educator. It is very crucial to the

teachers to be mindful on how the students learn best in order for them to satisfy

the needs of their diverse students.

Educators should consider the academic differences of the learners to help

them integrate the content of the curriculum to their own lives and modify the

complexity of instruction so all students experience learning success thus, making

learning meaningful and interesting to them. Having diverse classroom and

teaching diverse students will help discover the many benefits and learning

opportunities both for the students and the teachers.

It is observed in the Philippine classroom that most of the teachers are

engaged in traditional instruction, in which one lesson is designed to meet the

needs of all learners, and these teachers think they are using differentiation but

actually not.

Hart, (2016) Traditional mathematics content standards often expect

students to acquire conceptual knowledge at a pace that is not manageable for

some to achieve, forcing these students over time into a seemingly

insurmountable deficit of learning and intensifying self-doubt. The state standards

demand that certain content must be taught within a given year. To reach this

standard, teachers often continue to move from one concept to the next even

when some students in their classes do not have a clear understanding of the

material. Because mathematics is foundational, one concept building upon the

next with increasing complexity, these students tend to fall farther and farther

behind. They often shut down and grow a disdain for mathematics, believing it is

too hard and they are just “not good at math.”

Thomson, (2015) implicitly stated that “understanding how students learn

mathematics is a huge and complex requirement. One way to begin this quest is to

gain understanding of how students perceive and learn fundamental concepts and


Background of the Study

Education For All” is the primary goal of Philippine education

regardless of the “differences”. The Philippine Education For All (EFA) 2015 is a

vision and a holistic program of reforms that aims at improving the quality of basic

education for every Filipino by 2015. Through this, the Philippine government is

committed in improving the quality of education at all grade level.

The teachers are challenged to address the diversity of Filipino students,

and to accommodate these differences as they motivate the students to learn. In

response to the different levels and needs of the students, differentiated instruction

will be the approach in the learning environment in the Philippine classroom that

has 40-60 students or more, especially in the public schools.

December 3, the 2018 PISA results revealed that the Philippines scored

353 in Mathematics, 357 in Science, and 340 in Reading, all below the average of

participating OECD countries. With the PISA results also reflecting the learners’

performance in the National Achievement Test, DepEd recognizes the urgency of

addressing issues and gaps in attaining quality of basic education in the


Göbel, (2012) stated that “number processing is part of a wide range of

numerical activities such as counting, estimating, simple addition as well as more

complex mathematical activities such as solving equations. It is often assumed

that higher mathematical abilities, typically acquired years later than basic number

processing and calculation, rest upon proficiency in early numerical activities (e.g.

counting, reciting multiplication tables). Consequently it is often expected that

expertise in mathematics goes hand in hand with excellent basic number

processing abilities”.

In Bayugo National High school, District of Jalajala, the test result of the last

school year 2019 – 2020, showed that the Mean Percentage Score in the subject

Mathematics in not higher the 65%. This observation in the researcher’s workplace

is quite alarming for knowing that only a small percentage of the population of the

grade 10 high school students attained the mastery level in subject.

In this study differentiated instruction will be applied to determine whether

there is a difference in achievement between the students who are exposed to

differentiated instruction and those that undergo the traditional or conservative

instructional approach. Through this, the learning styles of grade ten students will

be identified and this will help in preparing lessons for each learning styles.

Teachers teaching Mathematics subject believed they were using differentiated

instruction because they used group works and activities inside the classroom but

in reality, it’s not because they designed one lesson for all students and as

teachers we believe that “one size doesn’t fit all”, thus, the learning preference and

styles of the students were not met.

Conducting learning style inventory before the school year start is very

necessary because knowing the different learning styles of the students will help

the teacher plan and design the appropriate lessons for them

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Differentiated Learning-

Based Instruction in Mathematics in Bayugo National High School during the

school year 2021-2012.

The Differentiated Learning-Based Instruction covered the following learning

competencies in mathematics 10: Determine the means and nth term of a

sequence, Solves polynomial equations, Solves problems involving permutations

and combinations, and Finds probability of an event.

These competencies are selected based on the result of least mastered

skills on mastery level of the students in Bayugo National High School, District of

Jalajala School Year 2019-2020.

The respondents of the study were the Grade 10 junior high school

students who were heterogeneous in nature. The researcher utilized 30

respondents for the control group and 30 respondents for the experimental group.

From the four sections (4) of grade 10 level, four sections which the researcher

handled, the 10 - Aristotle, 10 - Socrates, 10 - Plato and 10 – Confucius sections

were selected through fishbowl technique. The researcher determined which of the

two groups were the control and experimental group by means of a toss-coin.

The control group was exposed to a traditional method of teaching

instruction for eight weeks while the experimental was exposed to differentiated

instruction. Both classes met four times a week having one hour per session, a

total of 32 hours for two months.

To be able to gather from the control and experimental groups sufficient

data for analysis, the researcher utilized pretest to determine students readiness

before subjecting them into instruction. The test came from K to 12 Grade Ten

Curriculum Module and was being administered at the beginning of every grading

period. This test is composed of 40 multiple choice questions.

After the pretest, an instrument on learning style inventory was

administered to determine students’ learning style to both groups. In this study the

Grasha- Reichmann Student Learning Styles Scales (GRSLSS) was used. There

are six styles included in GRSLSS namely

1 Avoidant,

2 Dependent,

3 Participant,

4 Independent,

5 Competitive , and

6 Collaborative.

After eight weeks of applying differentiated instruction, a post-test was

administered. The post-test is a 40 multiple – choice item test and was made by

the researcher based on the pre-test given at the beginning.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Differentiated Learning-

Based Instruction in Grade 10 students in Bayugo National High School School

Year 2021 – 2022.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of the performance of the respondents before and after

the exposure to the Differentiated Learning-Based instruction in Mathematics 10

as revealed by pretest and posttest scores.

2. Are there significant differences on the level of performance of the

students before and after the exposure to the Differentiated Learning-Based

instruction In Mathematics 10?

3. Is there significant difference between the performance of pupils who

were taught using the traditional method and those who taught using Differentiated

Learning-Based Instruction based on the following learning style;

3.1 Avoidant

3.2 Dependent

3.3 Participant

3.4 Independent

3.5 Competitive

3.6 Collaborative

Hypothesis of the Study

This study tested the following null hypotheses:

1. There is no significant difference in the performance of the respondents

before and after exposure to the Differentiated Learning-Based instruction

as revealed by the pre-test and post test scores.

2. There are no significant differences between the performance of pupils who

were taught using the traditional method and those who taught with

Differentiated Learning-Based Instructions.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the expected output of the study, theoretical

framework, conceptual model, the variables and their definitions and

related literature and studies.

Discussion of Expected Output and Justification

The researcher underscores the use of Differentiated Learning-Based

Instruction in teaching Grade 10 students in Mathematics 10. It is in-line with the

view of the Department of Education’s Memorandum no. 188 s2003. The objective

of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Differentiated Learning-Based

Instruction in teaching Grade 10 students in Mathematics 10. Differentiated

instruction was applied and the researcher made lessons according to the six

learning styles. The students explored, collaborated, worked with groups in

different activities for the whole duration of the eight-week experiment.

In order to reveal the effectiveness of differentiated instruction on students’

achievement, the teacher employed a learner-centered approach that provided

grade ten students to collaborate with peers and teachers. To facilitate learning,

the teacher initiated group participation in all activities and to interact with other

groups. The lesson prepared for each session was based on the intended learning

activities for each learning style of the students.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of this study is based on the Vygotsky's theory of

sociocultural with key concept on Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding

(ZPD) that explain, to achieve meaningful learning, it needs teacher scaffolding,

collaboration with peers, and most specially, slightly difficult task that beyond the

comfort level of the students (Konstantinou-Katzi et. al.,2013). This given tasks

can be done through the help of someone who is more skilled, which is the


Differentiated instruction as Tomlinson (2012) defines, it is a philosophy of

teaching that is based on the premise that students learn best when their teachers

accommodate the differences in their readiness levels, interest, and learning

profiles. A chief objective of differentiated instruction is to take full advantage of

every student’s ability to learn (Subban,). Using differentiated instruction inside the

classroom recognizes the diversity of the learner, and it affirms that each learner

has his or her own style of learning inside the classroom.

Learners learn and process information in different ways (Gregory and

Chapman, 2013). Some students prefer certain methods of learning, and it is

important that educators utilize a wide variety of teaching activities to address

learning preferences of the students. Being able to identify the various learning

styles of students and teaching them with an informed awareness of those

differences can assist students to achieve a better academic result and improve

their attitudes towards learning.

Input Output

Conceptual Framework
 Students

The research model was based from the System Approach of Coombs
shown in figure 1. Figure 1 shows the conceptual model of the study. The model

Different Learning
Style Effectiveness of
 Avoidant Differentiate
 Dependent Process Learning-Based
 Participant Instruction In
 Independent A. Construction of Mathematics 10
 Competitive Pre-test and Determined
 Collaborative Post-test.

B. Item Analysis of
Pre-test and Post- Pretest and
test Posttest

C. Administration
of the Pre test

D. Administration
of Differentiated

E. Administration
of the Post test

F. Tabulation,
Analysis and
Interpretation of



Figure 1

Conceptual Framework on the Differentiated Learning-Based Instruction in
Mathematics 10.

the three elements that are essential in designing an assessment tool, the input,

process and output.

To meet the target, there should be a specific objective that has to be

attained. The components of the input are the Different Learning Style Scales

(GRSLSS) by Grasha- Reichmann and the pre-test and post-test.

The second frame refers to the process which consists of construction of

pre-test and post-test, item analysis of the test, administration of the pre-test,

administration of the differentiated learning-based instruction, administration of the

post-test, and tabulation, analysis and interpretation of the data.

The last frame is the output which is the effectiveness of Differentiated

Learning-Based Instruction in Mathematics 10.

The line from the output frame going back to the input and the process

presents the feedback. This means that the system is a continuous process which

does not stop after the output was achieved and also feedback transmits whatever

reception it may get from the output of the study.

The Variables, their Definition and Importance to the Study

For the clearer view of this study the following terms are defined operationally

according to the use in the context of this study. It enumerated variables that are

significant in the study.

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated Instruction means is a way of teaching; it’s not a

program or package of worksheets. It asks teachers to know their

students well so they can provide each one with experiences and

tasks that will improve learning.

In a recent study of Valiandes (2015), it was found out that students made

better progress in classrooms where differentiated instruction methods were

systematically employed, compared to students in classrooms where differentiated

instruction methods were not employed. Based on the findings, the quality of

differentiated teaching being given by the teacher has a great effect on students’

achievement as well as the systematic employment of differentiated instruction

methods in mixed ability classrooms in promoting equity, optimization of quality

and effectiveness in teaching.

The study presented by Konstantinou-Katzi et. al. (2013) proved that

differentiated instruction was effective in improving students’ performance and in

enhancing their motivation and engagement. There was a positive impact on

student learning and attitudes towards mathematics when differentiated instruction

applied to engineering students in college-level mathematics. Based on the

observations of the researchers, the whole class was being transformed into more

interactive and livelier one and showed enthusiasm during the interviews and has

a lively participation throughout the semester when the differentiated instruction

was applied. Through the differentiated instruction, the students felt that they were

given the chance to actually do and understand mathematics and not feel

handicapped by any lack of prerequisite knowledge. Students felt they had

constructive interaction with the instructor and their peers. As a result, the

differentiated instruction was shown to be effective in improving students’


Dosch and Zidon (2014) explored the implementation of differentiated

instruction in higher education to understand if quantitative improvements were

noted in a differentiated (DI) classroom compared to a non-differentiated (NDI)

classroom in two different sections of the same Educational Psychology course

taught by the same instructor.

Research has found that implementation of differentiated instruction

can help not only in the students achievement but also in the teaching

performance of the teachers including their perceptions and attitudes. In a study

conducted by Maeng and Bell (2015), it investigated the implementation practices

of secondary science teachers who differentiate instruction and all the participants

employed differentiated instruction (DI) in the delivery of their lessons.

The same study conducted by Robinson, Maldonado, and Whaley

(2014), it investigated how teacher participants from an elementary school, a

middle school, and a high school successfully differentiate instruction. Teachers’

understanding and knowledge in a differentiating classroom are crucial in

achieving students success. The interviews explored participants' perceptions of

how differentiated instruction has influenced their ability to successfully reach the

diverse needs of learners in their classrooms.

Learning Style

The term “learning styles” speaks to the understanding that every

student learns differently. Technically, an individual's learning style refers to the

preferential way in which the student absorbs, processes, comprehends and

retains information.

Allcock (2010) conducted a study comparing learning styles to

academic ability as a basis for differentiation to improved A-level student

performance of psychology students. In one class, learning activities were

differentiated by academic ability; in the other class, learning activities were

differentiated by learning style for nine weeks, followed by a further class test.

Both classes showed significant improvement from the beginning to the final test,

but there was no significant difference in improvement between the two groups.

The study recommended further research in personalized learning make student-

focused intervention to enable students to better understand and to employ their

own learning styles as a tool for independent study.

Individual Learning

Individualized learning, is a method of teaching in which content,

instructional technology, and pace of learning are based upon the abilities and

interest of each learner.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally for the

clearer understanding of the reader.

Performance. It refers to the scores of the respondents during the pre test

and post test.

Pretest and post test. These refer to the examination given to the

respondents before and after exposure to instructional videos.

Respondents. This refers to the subject of the study who took the pretest

and post test exposed to instructional videos.

Avoidant. relating to or denoting a type of personality or behavior

characterized by the avoidance of intimacy or social interaction.

Dependent. a person who depends on or needs someone or something for

aid, support, favor.

Participant. a person who is involved in an activity or event

Independent. free from outside control; not depending on another's


Competitive. as good as or better than others of a comparable nature.

Collaborative. produced or conducted by two or more parties working


Chapter 3


This chapter discusses the research method and procedure used in the

study. This includes the research design, research locale, population and sample,

instrumentation data gathering and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The study used a quasi-experimental design in comparing two variables,

the control and the experimental group using pretest and posttest. This is to

determine the effectiveness of differentiated learning-based instruction in

mathematics 10 in the experimental group.

A quasi-experiment (website) is a prospective or retrospective study in

which patients or clusters of patients self-select into (or their providers select on

their behalf) one of several different treatment groups for the purpose of

comparing the real-world effectiveness and safety of those non-randomized


In a quasi-experimental design(**), the research substitutes statistical

"controls" for the absence of physical control of the experimental situation. The

most common quasi-experimental design is the Comparison Group Pre-test/Post-

test Design. This design is the same as the classic controlled experimental design

except that the subjects cannot be randomly assigned to either the experimental or

the control group, or the researcher cannot control which group will get the

treatment. In other words, participants do not all have the same chance of being

in the control or the experimental groups, or of receiving or not receiving the


Setting of the Study

This study was conducted at Bayugo National High School (BNHS) which

is located in the municipality of Jalajala. It is specifically at T. Raagas St. Bayugo

Jalajala, Rizal. There were 32 teachers (25 in Junior High School and 5 in Senior

High School) and 800 enrolled students in the school. Bayugo National High

School is offering complete Secondary Education. In Senior High General

Academic Strand (GAS), Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL), Humanities and

Social Sciences (HUMMS) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

(STEM) track are being offered.

Among its facilities are 2 computer rooms, 1 in Junior High School and 1 in

Senior High School. It also has 2 canteens (Junior High and Senior High), H.E

room and 2 laboratories (Science Laboratory and TVL laboratory).

Bayugo National High School is conducting activities to improve student’s

numerical skills. In fact, during January which is the Math Month, a lot of activities

in conducted including Math Camp, Quiz Bee and Robotics; and at present the

Mathematics department conducted a project "MINUS" (Mathematical Intervention

for Numerically Unskilled Students) through those activities and project the

numerical skills and the critical thinking of the students developed and it enhanced

and test the numerical skills of the learners.

Subject of the Study

The subjects of the study are the (60) grade 10 students of Bayugo National

High School in S.Y. 2021-2022 and was selected through purposive sampling

since all sections are heterogeneous in nature. It involved two sections out of four

section of the total population of grade 10. Each section consists of forty five (45)

students. The first group was the control group which they were taught using the

traditional method while the second group was the experimental group which

taught using Differentiated Learning-based instruction.

Sources of Data

To determine the effectiveness of Differentiated Learning-based instruction

in mathematics 10, the researcher made use of pretest and post-test. The eighty

(40) item pretest and post-test was item analyze by expert and used by the

researcher to determine the effectiveness of the differentiated learning-based

instruction for the respondents. The pretest and post-test contains four different

lessons in mathematics 10 consisting of 10 items each which served as the main

instrument in gathering the needed data. It was content validated by the person’s

knowledgeable in the field of research in Mathematics with its corresponding table

of specification.

Procedure of the Study

The study aimed to determine the Effectiveness of Differentiated

Learning-based Instruction in Mathematics 10. The researcher sought permission

to conduct the study from the office of the Division School Superintendent and

from the Office of the Principal of Bayugo National High School.

The researcher will prepare the pretest and post-test that covers the

lessons in Mathematics 10: Determine the means and nth term of a sequence,

Solves polynomial equations, Solves problems involving permutations and

combinations, and Finds probability of an event. The test items will be subjected to

item analysis and evaluation.

Next to this, is the determination of respondents, from the four sections of the

grade 10 level, forty percent will be used of about sixty (60) respondents since all

sections are heterogeneous in nature.

Followed is the experimentation proper, that the respondents so with the other

members of the class, will be given pretest. After the pretest, the researcher will do

the experimentation by exposing the experimental group to the Differentiated

learning-based instruction.

Likewise, the pretest and posttest scores of the selected respondents will be

drawn from the list of the class for tallying, tabulation and analysis of scores using

appropriate statistical tools, to determine whether the differentiated learning-based

instruction is effective or not.

Statistical Treatment

The test results were analyzed using the following statistical tools.

To determine the level of performance of the respondents before and after

exposure to the Differentiated Learning-based Instruction in Mathematics as

revealed by pre- test and post- test scores, mean and standard deviation is used.

To determine if there is a significant differences on the level of

performance of the students before and after the exposure to the Differentiated

Learning-Based instruction In Mathematics 10 as revealed by the pretest and

posttest results, t test dependent will be used.


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