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Session No.

and Title Probability

Duration 3 hours

Target Participants Mathematics Teachers

Link to the Previous Session/Topic Counting techniques such as fundamental counting principle, permutation and combination will be applied on
some problems solving involving probability.

Link to the Next Session/Topic The session on Probability focuses on finding the probability of different kinds of events such as, simple events,
compound events, mutually and not exclusive events, dependent and independent events and conditional

How does this contribute to the This session provides the trainers with the concept probability and different techniques and methods they can
program outcomes? use in teaching probability.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

 illustrate the probability of a union of two events and intersection of events;

 illustrate and find probabilities of mutually exclusive events;
 illustrate and find probabilities of independent and dependent events;
 solve problems involving conditional probabilities.

Key Understandings  Illustrate the probabilities of different type of events.

References  Learner’s Module In Mathematics 9

 E-Math9 by Oronce and Mendoza

Prepared by  Jelly Anne A. Garcia

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INTRODUCTION Greet the participants and make them feel good and
comfortable. Provide an energizer, if necessary.

Present the objectives of the session. 1-3 2 mins

At the end of the session, participants are expected to:

 illustrate the probability of a union of two events and

intersection of events;
 illustrate and find probabilities of mutually exclusive events;
 illustrate and find probabilities of independent and
dependent events;
 solve problems involving conditional probabilities.
ACTIVITY The participant shall group themselves according to the given
“Group yourselves into” category
 “Group yourselves according to your…”
Do: 4-9 15 mins
 Tell the participants to group themselves according to the
given category.
 Time the participants 10 seconds per category.
 Eliminate Participants who did not make it to their
appropriate group.
1. What can you say about the activity? 3 mins
2. In doing the activity, what do you think is developed among

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ACTIVITY  Go to your respective group and form a circle. 15 mins

 List the number of members that belong to the category
given to you. 10-12

1. What was the objective of the activity?
2. If I were to pick a random person from your group; What are
the chances that I will pick someone from Taytay, Rizal?
3. What are the chances that the person is an alumna of URS?
4. What are the chances that the person has complete
academic requirement in graduate school?
5. How did you arrive with your answer?

ABSTRACTION  Using the power point presentation, present the meaning of

 Discuss the meaning of probability and its formula. 13-17 15 mins

 Let’s try to apply the formula,
If I were to pick one person in your group at random, what is the
probability that:
1. He/she likes watching movies?
2. He/she has 1 child?
3. He/ she is from Binangonan, Rizal?

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“Kakacellphone mo”  Divide the participants into groups.

 Create a venn diagram showing the result of the survey.

Ask: 19-22 20 mins

1. The student picked has facebook account?
2. The student picked has an Instagram account?
3. The student has both facebook and twitter account?
4. The student has facebook or Instagram account?
5. The students has facebook, Instagram and twitter

How about this problem?

A restaurant serves a bowl of candies to their customers. The
bowl of candies Marco receives has 10 chocolate candies, 8
coffee candies, and 12 caramel candies. After Marco chooses a
candy, he eats it. Find the probability of getting candies with the
indicated flavors.
a) P(chocolate or coffee)
b) P(caramel or not coffee)
ANALYSIS Ask: 23 5mins
1. What is the difference between the venn diagram in problem
number 1 and problem number 2?
2. What does the intersection mean in the venn diagram?
3. Does the 2nd problem have intersection?
4. What can you say about the probability of the events with
intersection? Without intersection?

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ABSTRACTION  Present slides on venn diagram of mutually exclusive and
not mutually exclusive events. 24-29 5 mins

 Mutually exclusive events - events that have no outcomes in
common. This also means that if two or more events are
mutually exclusive, they cannot happen at the same time,
this also referred to as disjoint events.
 Not mutually exclusive - if an events have intersection or
there are outcomes that are common to A and B.

LECTURETTE Do: 30-32 15 mins

 Present the slides on formula of probability of mutually
exclusive and not mutually exclusive events.
 Solve samples 1-3 together with the participants.

 Give each group their assigned task.

Say: Manila paper, pentel, 33-39 10mins

 Illustrate and identify the probability of the problem assigned assigned task per group
to your group on manila paper. You have 3 minutes to answer
the question given to you.

 Answers the assigned tasked and then present by one
1. How did you get your answer? 40 5 mins
2. What kind of events are in the problem?
3. Does one event affects the other? How can you say so?
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4. What do we call the events that does NOT affect each
ABSTRACTION  Two events are independent if the occurrence of one of the
events gives no information about whether or not the other
event will occur; that is, the events have no influence on each
other. 41-44 5mins
 When the outcome of one event affects the outcome of
another event, they are dependent events. If two events, A
and B, are dependent, then the probability of both events
occurring is the product of the probability of A and the
probability of B after A occurs.
LECTURETTE Do: 45-48 15mins
 Present the slides on formula of probability of dependent
and independent events.
 Solve samples 1-4 together with the participants.
 The participants will go to their group respectively. Playing cards
 Playing cards will be given each group.

Say: 47-50 20mins

 The Instruction on how to play In Between
1. Each player will be given 2 playing cards.
2. He/she can PLAY or PASS the cards. It depends on your card
and strategy.
3. If they pass, they have to show their card.
4. If they play, a card will be drawn from the deck.
5. If the drawn card is “IN BETWEEN” the cards of the player
then he/she won the game.

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 Play in between and try to strategize in winning.
ANALYSIS Ask: 51 5mins
1.What strategy did you use to win the game?
2. How will you know if you have a high probability of winning?
3. How can we find the probability of an event, if another event
has already occurred?
ABSTRACTION Say: 52-54 5mins
 The conditional probability of an event A given B is the
probability that the event A will occur given that an event B
has already occurred. This probability is written as P(A|B) and
read as “the probability of A given B”.
LECTURETTE Do: 55-63 10mins
 Present the slides on definition and formula for Conditional
 Solve Problems on Conditional Probability with help of
APPLICATION Say: 64-70 10mins
 Answer the following problems about probability.

 Answer the problems and Check.

 Where did you had difficulty answering?
CLOSURE Words to ponder: 71 2mins
“In life, it is impossible to be 100% sure of whether you will
succeed or fail. But working hard is a sure shot way to increase
your chances of doing well” – Anonymous

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Corroborated by :
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Facilitator Principal Facilitator

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Staff Participant Participant

Certified and verified by:


EPS, Mathematics

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