1.2.3-Lab - Learning-The-Details-Of-Attacks
1.2.3-Lab - Learning-The-Details-Of-Attacks
1.2.3-Lab - Learning-The-Details-Of-Attacks
Research and analyze IoT application vulnerabilities.
Part 1: Conduct a Search of IoT Application Vulnerabilities
Background / Scenario
The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of digitally connected devices that are connecting every aspect of our lives,
including our homes, offices, cars, and even our bodies to the internet. With the accelerating adoption of IPv6 and the
near universal deployment of Wi-Fi networks, the IoT is growing at an exponential pace.
According to Statista, industry experts estimate that by 2030, the number of active IoT devices will approach 50 billion.
However, IoT devices are particularly vulnerable to security threats because security has not always been considered in
IoT product design. Also, IoT devices are often sold with old and unpatched embedded operating systems and software.
Required Resources
PC or mobile device with internet access
Vulnerability can be exploited by individuals or groups with malicious intent, commonly refereed to as attacker or hackers. These
individuals may have various motivations, including financial gain, political reasons, espionage , activism or simply desire to
disrupt the system. Here are some categories of actors who might exploit vulnerability:
Cybercriminals, Hackvisits, Nation state Actors, Insiders, Scripy Kiddies, Black hat hackers, White hat hackers
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Cybercriminals often exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to systems and networks, steal sensitive data , commit
financial fraud or launch ransomware attack with the intention of extorting money.
Hackvisits are activist with hacking skills may exploit vulnerabilities to further thier social and political issues.
Nation state actor are government sponsored entities may exploit vulnerability for cyber welfare to gain strategic advantage over
other nations.
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Lab - Learning the Details of Attacks
Vulnerability exists due to confusion, There are two primitives in this digital world.. One is code and
other is data.. When data considered as code by a system and starts executing data as code will lead to
unexpected results , these deviations from expected results is called bug.
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