Azure IoT - Securing IoT Devices
Azure IoT - Securing IoT Devices
Azure IoT - Securing IoT Devices
May 2019
Introduction............................................................................................................ 3
Risk 1: Polluting data and compromising business insights .................................... 5
Are we generating revenue from our data?..................................................................................................5
Are we investing in machine learning or artificial intelligence models?...............................................5
Introducing Azure Sphere................................................................................................14
The Internet of Things has moved past hype The 2016 Mirai botnet attack is only one high-
and into the mainstream, ushering in a new profile example of what can occur if devices
era of connectivity and insights. Companies enter the market with unintentional security
use IoT to transform their business, develop risks, and since then the IoT attack surface
new revenue streams, improve customer has expanded. By the early 2020s, there will
satisfaction, and drive innovation. IoT be an estimated 25 to 30 billion IoT devices
investments are climbing, and IDC predicts worldwide3, and 25% of cyber-attacks will
spending will maintain a double-digit annual target IoT devices. Mirai compromised 100,000
growth rate, surpassing $1 trillion USD devices and took down the internet for much
worldwide by 2022.1 Much of this growth is of the eastern United States; we can only
driven by the availability of network-capable imagine what an army of billions of devices
microcontrollers (MCUs), the small, general- could achieve.
purpose computers powering devices ranging
While many companies may realize IoT
from toys to consumer appliances to industrial
security is a necessity for protecting consumers
equipment. As connectivity becomes less
and customers, the issue can quickly
expensive, companies are connecting both
become complicated. Since the industry
new and legacy devices to capitalize on the
is still maturing, there is a distinct lack of
insights and efficiencies that IoT enables.
best practices and guidelines for securing
Yet, as things become increasingly connected, connected products, and IoT device security
bad actors are uncovering more and more comes with unique challenges. Most devices
vulnerabilities. Without effective security, are distributed across disparate networks and
the general-purpose processors powering locations, making them difficult to service
devices can quickly become weaponized by in person. They also operate within a wide
an attacker once connected to the internet.2 spectrum of physical security—while some
devices are located in protected physical
environments, others operate out in the
of cyber-attacks will
world, leaving them exposed. Intrusions are
hard to detect, because unlike an enterprise
application or PC, IoT devices often have
target IoT devices by
the early 2020s.4 Securing IoT Devices // 3
“The industry will need
to acknowledge IoT’s
pervasive presence and
adopt new strategies that
consider our digital world”6
Earl Perkins
Research Vice President
How much would a data breach impact your Could our devices expose corporate
business? Ask yourself: data and intellectual property?
While consumer data is an ideal target for
Could our devices expose consumer
hackers looking for a quick payday, corporate
data and cost us business?
data can be a major commodity for companies
Though credit card information may be the hoping to outstrip the competition. By
most well-known target for hackers, recent attacking IoT devices, hackers are employing
attacks have also captured medical records,
RISK 5: Compromising
devices to infiltrate
corporate networks
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IDC Forecasts Worldwide Spending on the IoT to Reach $745 Billion in 2019. IDC, 2019 15
Internet Security Threat Report. Symantec, 2019
Anatomy of a secured MCU. Microsoft Azure, 2018 16
WannaCry cyber attack costs the NHS £92m as 19,000 appointments cancelled. The Telegraph, 2018
IOT Security: A Coming Crisis? TRUSTLOOK, 2017 17
US hospital pays $55,000 to hackers after ransomware attack. ZDNet, 2018
IoT Device Security is Being Seriously Neglected. ABERDEEN, 2018 18
NHS Cyber Attack: Why stolen medical information is so much more valuable than financial data.
Unlocking Opportunities in the Internet of Things. Bain & Company, 2018 Independent, 2017
Navigating the Security Landscape in the IoT Era. Gartner, 2016
IoT Devices, Ultrasound Machines Pose Risk to Health IT Netowork. Health IT Security, 2019
Why fake data is a serious IoT security concern. CSO, 2018
Hackers are stealing millions of medical records – and selling them on the dark web. CBS News, 2019
Hospital viruses: Fake cancerous nodes in CT scans, created by malware, trick radiologists. The
Hackers are stealing millions of medical records – and selling them on the dark web. CBS News, 2019
Washington Post, 2019 22
Calculating the Cost of a Data Breach in 2018, the Age of AI and the IoT. SecurityIntelligence, 2018
Why fake data is a serious IoT security concern. CSO, 2018 23
New smart devices security research: Consumers call on manufactures to do more. Microsoft
Hacking the IoT: Vulnerabilities, Dangers, and Legal Responses. Duke Law, 2018 Azure, 2019
Hacking the IoT: Vulnerabilities, Dangers, and Legal Responses. Duke Law, 2018
The 7 Craziest IoT Device Hacks. Radware Blog, 2018
New smart device security research: Consumers call on manufactures to do more. Microsoft
The 7 Craziest IoT Device Hacks. Radware Blog, 2018
Azure, 2019 26
Hackers once stole a casino’s high-roller database through a thermometer in the lobby fish tank.
The Mirai botnet explaine: How teen scammers and CCTV cameras almost brought down the internet. Business Insider, 2018
CSO, 2018 27
How a fish tank helped hack a casino. The Washington Post, 2017
DDoS Attacks Increase 40% Year on Year Confirms Corero Netowkrs. Corero, 2019 28
Microsoft’s IoT Push Continues Apace with Azure Sphere Redmond Channel Partner, 2018