Solucionario Guía 7 Termodinámica - Balance de Masa y Energía en Sistemas Abiertos 2-2022

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Conservation of Mass

5-1C Flow through a control volume is steady when it involves no changes with time at any specified position.

5-2C Mass flow rate is the amount of mass flowing through a cross-section per unit time whereas the volume flow rate is the
amount of volume flowing through a cross-section per unit time.

5-3C The amount of mass or energy entering a control volume does not have to be equal to the amount of mass or energy
leaving during an unsteady-flow process.

5-4C No, a flow with the same volume flow rate at the inlet and the exit is not necessarily steady (unless the density is
constant). To be steady, the mass flow rate through the device must remain constant.

5-5 The ventilating fan of the bathroom of a building runs continuously. The mass of air “vented out” per day is to be
Assumptions Flow through the fan is steady.
Properties The density of air in the building is given to be 1.20 kg/m3.
Analysis The mass flow rate of air vented out is

mair V air (1.20 kg/m3 )(0.030 m 3 /s) 0.036 kg/s

Then the mass of air vented out in 24 h becomes

m mair t (0.036 kg/s)(24 3600 s) 3110 kg

Discussion Note that more than 3 tons of air is vented out by a bathroom fan in one day.

5-6E The ducts of an air-conditioning system pass through an open area. The inlet velocity and the mass flow rate of air are
to be determined.
Assumptions Flow through the air conditioning duct is steady.
Properties The density of air is given to be 0.078 lbm/ft3 at the inlet. 450 ft3/min D = 10 in
Analysis The inlet velocity of air and the mass flow rate through the duct are

V1 V1 450 ft 3 /min
V1 825 ft/min 13.8 ft/s
A1 D2 / 4 10/12 ft 2

m 1V1 (0.078 lbm/ft 3 )( 450 ft 3 / min) 35.1 lbm/min 0.585 lbm/s

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5-7 Air flows through a pipe. Heat is supplied to the air. The volume flow rates of air at the inlet and exit, the velocity at the
exit, and the mass flow rate are to be determined.

200 kPa 180 kPa
20 C 40 C
5 m/s

Properties The gas constant for air is 0.287 kJ/kg.K (Table A-2).
Analysis (a) (b) The volume flow rate at the inlet and the mass flow rate are

D2 (0.28 m) 2
V1 AcV1 V1 (5 m/s) 0.3079m 3 /s
4 4
P1 D 2 (200 kPa) (0.28 m) 2
m 1 AcV1 V1 (5 m/s) 0.7318kg/s
RT1 4 (0.287 kJ/kg.K)(20 273 K) 4

(c) Noting that mass flow rate is constant, the volume flow rate and the velocity at the exit of the pipe are determined from
m m 0.7318 kg/s
V2 0.3654m3 /s
P2 (180 kPa)
RT2 (0.287 kJ/kg.K)(40 273 K)
V2 0.3654 m3 / s
V2 5.94 m/s
Ac (0.28 m)2

5-8E Helium at a specified state is compressed to another specified state. The mass flow rate and the inlet area are to be
Assumptions Flow through the compressor is steady. 200 psia
3 600°F
Properties The gas cosntant of helium is R = 2.6809 psia ft /lbm R (Table A-1E)
0.01 ft2
Analysis The mass flow rate is determined from
A2V2 A2V2 P2 (0.01 ft 2 )(100 ft/s)(200 psia)
m 0.07038lbm/s
v2 RT2 (2.6809 psia ft 3 /lbm R)(1060 R)
15 psia
The inlet area is determined from 70°F
50 ft/s
mv 1 mRT1 (0.07038 lbm/s)(2.6809 psia ft 3 /lbm R)(530 R)
A1 0.1333 ft 2
V1 V1 P1 (50 ft/s) (15 psia)

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5-9 A rigid tank initially contains air at atmospheric conditions. The tank is connected to a supply line, and air is allowed to
enter the tank until the density rises to a specified level. The mass of air that entered the tank is to be determined.
Properties The density of air is given to be 1.18 kg/m3 at the beginning, and
5.30 kg/m3 at the end.
Analysis We take the tank as the system, which is a control volume since mass
crosses the boundary. The mass balance for this system can be expressed as
Mass balance:
min mout msystem mi m2 m1 2V 1V
V1 = 2 m3
Substituting, 1 = 1.18 kg/m3
mi ( 2 1 )V [(5.30 - 1.18) kg/m3 ]( 2 m 3 ) 8.24 kg

Therefore, 8.24 kg of mass entered the tank.

5-10 A cyclone separator is used to remove fine solid particles that are suspended in a gas stream. The mass flow rates at the
two outlets and the amount of fly ash collected per year are to be determined.
Assumptions Flow through the separator is steady.
Analysis Since the ash particles cannot be converted into the gas and vice-versa, the mass flow rate of ash into the control
volume must equal that going out, and the mass flow rate of flue gas into the control volume must equal that going out.
Hence, the mass flow rate of ash leaving is
mash yashmin (0.001)(10 kg/s) 0.01kg/s

The mass flow rate of flue gas leaving the separator is then
mflue gas min mash 10 0.01 9.99 kg/s

The amount of fly ash collected per year is

mash mash t (0.01 kg/s)(365 24 3600 s/year) 315,400kg/year

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5-11 A spherical hot-air balloon is considered. The time it takes to inflate the balloon is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Air is an ideal gas.
Properties The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa m3/kg K (Table A-1).
Analysis The specific volume of air entering the balloon is

RT (0.287 kPa m 3 /kg K)(20 273 K)

v 0.7008 m 3 /kg
P 120 kPa
The mass flow rate at this entrance is

AcV D2 V (1.0 m) 2 3 m/s

m 3.362 kg/s
v 4 v 4 0.7008 m 3 /kg

The initial mass of the air in the balloon is

Vi D3 (5 m)3
mi 93.39 kg
v 6v 6(0.7008 m 3 /kg)

Similarly, the final mass of air in the balloon is

Vf D3 (15 m)3
mf 2522 kg
v 6v 6(0.7008 m3/kg)
The time it takes to inflate the balloon is determined from
mf mi (2522 93.39) kg
t 722 s 12.0 min
m 3.362 kg/s

5-12 A desktop computer is to be cooled by a fan at a high elevation where the air density is low. The mass flow rate of air
through the fan and the diameter of the casing for a given velocity are to be determined.
Assumptions Flow through the fan is steady.
Properties The density of air at a high elevation is given to be 0.7 kg/m3.
Analysis The mass flow rate of air is

mair V air (0.7 kg/m3 )(0.34 m 3 /min) 0.238 kg/min 0.0040 kg/s

If the mean velocity is 110 m/min, the diameter of the casing is

D2 4V 4(0.34 m 3 /min)
V AV V D 0.063 m
4 V (110 m/min)

Therefore, the diameter of the casing must be at least 6.3 cm to ensure that
the mean velocity does not exceed 110 m/min.
Discussion This problem shows that engineering systems are sized to satisfy certain constraints imposed by certain

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5-13 A water pump increases water pressure. The diameters of the inlet and exit openings are given. The velocity of the
water at the inlet and outlet are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Flow through the pump is steady. 2 The specific volume remains constant.
Properties The inlet state of water is compressed liquid. We approximate it as a saturated liquid at the given temperature.
Then, at 15°C and 40°C, we have (Table A-4)
T 15 C
v1 0.001001 m 3 /kg
x 0
900 kPa
T 40 C
v1 0.001008 m 3 /kg Water
x 0 100 kPa
Analysis The velocity of the water at the inlet is 15 C

mv1 4mv1 4(0.5 kg/s)(0.001001 m3/kg)

V1 6.37 m/s
A1 D12 (0.01 m)2

Since the mass flow rate and the specific volume remains constant, the velocity at the pump exit is
2 2
A D 0.01 m
V2 V1 1 V1 1 (6.37 m/s) 2.83 m/s
A2 D2 0.015 m

Using the specific volume at 40°C, the water velocity at the inlet becomes

mv 1 4mv 1 4(0.5 kg/s)(0.001008 m 3 /kg)

V1 6.42 m/s
A1 D12 (0.01 m) 2

which is a 0.8% increase in velocity.

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5-14 Refrigerant-134a flows through a pipe. Heat is supplied to R-134a. The volume flow rates of air at the inlet and exit,
the mass flow rate, and the velocity at the exit are to be determined.
Properties The specific volumes of R-134a at the inlet and exit are (Table A-13)

P1 200 kPa P1 180 kPa

v1 0.1142 m 3 /kg v2 0.1374 m 3 /kg
T1 20 C T1 40 C

200 kPa 180 kPa
20 C 40 C
5 m/s

(a) (b) The volume flow rate at the inlet and the mass flow rate are

D2 (0.28 m)2
V1 AcV1 V1 (5 m/s) 0.3079m3 /s
4 4
1 1 D2 1 (0.28 m)2
m AcV1 V1 (5 m/s) 2.696kg/s
v1 v1 4 0.1142 m3/kg 4

(c) Noting that mass flow rate is constant, the volume flow rate and the velocity at the exit of the pipe are determined from

V2 mv 2 (2.696 kg/s)(0.1374 m3/kg) 0.3705m3 /s

V2 0.3705 m3 / s
V2 6.02 m/s
Ac (0.28 m)2

5-15 A smoking lounge that can accommodate 15 smokers is considered. The required minimum flow rate of air that needs
to be supplied to the lounge and the diameter of the duct are to be determined.
Assumptions Infiltration of air into the smoking lounge is negligible.
Properties The minimum fresh air requirements for a smoking lounge is given to be 30 L/s per person.
Analysis The required minimum flow rate of air that needs to be supplied to the lounge is determined directly from

V air V air per person ( No. of persons)

= (30 L/s person)(15 persons) = 450 L/s = 0.45 m 3 /s

The volume flow rate of fresh air can be expressed as Smoking

V VA V ( D 2 / 4)
15 smokers
Solving for the diameter D and substituting,
30 L/s person
4V 4(0.45 m 3 /s)
D 0.268 m
V (8 m/s)

Therefore, the diameter of the fresh air duct should be at least 26.8 cm if the velocity of air is not to exceed 8 m/s.

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5-16 Warm water is withdrawn from a solar water storage tank while cold water enters the tank. The amount of water in the
tank in a 20-minute period is to be determined.
Properties The density of water is taken to be 1000 kg/m3 for
both cold and warm water. Cold water
Analysis The initial mass in the tank is first determined from 20 C
5 L/min
m1 V tank (1000 kg/m 3 )(0.3 m 3 ) 300 kg 300 L
45 C Warm water
The amount of warm water leaving the tank during a 20-min 45 C
period is 0.5 m/s
(0.02 m) 2
me AcV t (1000 kg/m 3 ) (0.5 m/s)(20 60 s) 188.5 kg
The amount of cold water entering the tank during a 20-min period is

mi Vc t (1000 kg/m3 )(0.005 m3/min)(20 min) 100 kg

The final mass in the tank can be determined from a mass balance as

mi me m2 m1 m2 m1 mi me 300 100 188.5 211.5kg

Flow Work and Energy Transfer by Mass

5-17C Flow energy or flow work is the energy needed to push a fluid into or out of a control volume. Fluids at rest do not
possess any flow energy.

5-18C Flowing fluids possess flow energy in addition to the forms of energy a fluid at rest possesses. The total energy of a
fluid at rest consists of internal, kinetic, and potential energies. The total energy of a flowing fluid consists of internal,
kinetic, potential, and flow energies.

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5-19 Warm air in a house is forced to leave by the infiltrating cold outside air at a specified rate. The net energy loss due to
mass transfer is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The flow of the air into and out of the house through the cracks is steady. 2 The kinetic and potential
energies are negligible. 3 Air is an ideal gas with constant specific heats at room temperature.
Properties The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa m3/kg K (Table A-1). The constant pressure specific heat of air at room
temperature is cp = 1.005 kJ/kg C (Table A-2).
Analysis The density of air at the indoor conditions and its mass flow rate are
P 101.325 kPa
1.189 kg/m 3
RT (0.287 kPa m 3 /kg K)(24 273)K

m V (1.189 kg/m3 )(150 m 3 /h) 178.35 kg/h 0.0495 kg/s

Noting that the total energy of a flowing fluid is equal to its enthalpy
when the kinetic and potential energies are negligible, and that the rate
of energy transfer by mass is equal to the product of the mass flow rate Warm
and the total energy of the fluid per unit mass, the rates of energy air
Cold air Warm air
transfer by mass into and out of the house by air are
5 C 24 C 24 C
E mass, in m in mh1

E mass, out m out mh2

The net energy loss by air infiltration is equal to the difference between the outgoing and incoming energy flow rates, which
E mass E mass, out E mass, in m(h2 h1 ) mc p (T2 T1 )
(0.0495 kg/s)(1.005 kJ/kg C)(24 - 5) C 0.945 kJ/s
0.945 kW
This quantity represents the rate of energy transfer to the refrigerant in the compressor.
Discussion The rate of energy loss by infiltration will be less in reality since some air will leave the house before it is fully
heated to 24 C.

5-20E A water pump increases water pressure. The flow work required by the pump is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Flow through the pump is steady. 2 The state of water at the pump inlet is saturated liquid. 3 The specific
volume remains constant.
Properties The specific volume of saturated liquid water at 15 psia is

v v f@ 15 psia 0.01672 ft 3 /lbm (Table A-5E)

80 psia
Then the flow work relation gives
wflow P2v 2 P1v 1 v ( P2 P1 ) Water
15 psia
1 Btu
(0.01672 ft 3 /lbm)(80 15)psia
5.404 psia ft 3

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5-22E Steam is leaving a pressure cooker at a specified pressure. The velocity, flow rate, the total and flow energies, and the
rate of energy transfer by mass are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The flow is steady, and the initial start-up period is disregarded. 2 The kinetic and potential energies are
negligible, and thus they are not considered. 3 Saturation conditions exist within the cooker at all times so that steam leaves
the cooker as a saturated vapor at 20 psia.
Properties The properties of saturated liquid water and water vapor at 20 psia are vf = 0.01683 ft3/lbm, vg = 20.093 ft3/lbm,
ug = 1081.8 Btu/lbm, and hg = 1156.2 Btu/lbm (Table A-5E).
Analysis (a) Saturation conditions exist in a pressure cooker at all times after the steady operating conditions are established.
Therefore, the liquid has the properties of saturated liquid and the exiting steam has the properties of saturated vapor at the
operating pressure. The amount of liquid that has evaporated, the mass flow rate of the exiting steam, and the exit velocity

V liquid 0.6 gal 0.13368 ft 3

m 3
4.766 lbm
vf 0.01683 ft /lbm 1 gal
m 4.766 lbm Sat. vapor Q
m 0.1059 lbm/min 1.765 10-3 lbm/s
t 45 min P = 20 psia
m mv g (1.765 10 -3 lbm/s)(20.093 ft 3 /lbm) 144 in 2
V 34.1 ft/s
g Ac Ac 0.15 in 2 1 ft 2

(b) Noting that h = u + Pv and that the kinetic and potential energies are disregarded, the flow and total energies of the
exiting steam are
eflow Pv h u 1156.2 1081.8 74.4 Btu/lbm
h ke pe h 1156.2 Btu/lbm

Note that the kinetic energy in this case is ke = V2/2 = (34.1 ft/s)2 /2 = 581 ft2/s2 = 0.0232 Btu/lbm, which is very small
compared to enthalpy.
(c) The rate at which energy is leaving the cooker by mass is simply the product of the mass flow rate and the total energy of
the exiting steam per unit mass,
Emass m (1.765 10 lbm/s)(1156.2 Btu/lbm) 2.04 Btu/s

Discussion The numerical value of the energy leaving the cooker with steam alone does not mean much since this value
depends on the reference point selected for enthalpy (it could even be negative). The significant quantity is the difference
between the enthalpies of the exiting vapor and the liquid inside (which is hfg) since it relates directly to the amount of
energy supplied to the cooker.

Steady Flow Energy Balance: Nozzles and Diffusers

5-23C It is mostly converted to internal energy as shown by a rise in the fluid temperature.

5-24C The kinetic energy of a fluid increases at the expense of the internal energy as evidenced by a decrease in the fluid

5-25C Heat transfer to the fluid as it flows through a nozzle is desirable since it will probably increase the kinetic energy of
the fluid. Heat transfer from the fluid will decrease the exit velocity.

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5-27E Air is accelerated in an adiabatic nozzle. The velocity at the exit is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Air is an ideal gas with constant specific
heats. 3 Potential energy changes are negligible. 4 There are no work interactions. 5 The nozzle is adiabatic.
Properties The specific heat of air at the average temperature of (700+645)/2=672.5°F is cp = 0.253 Btu/lbm R (Table A-
Analysis There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m2 m . We take nozzle as the system, which is a control
volume since mass crosses the boundary. The energy balance for this steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form
0 (steady)
E in E out E system 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies
300 psia
E in E out AIR 250 psia
700 F
645 F
80 ft/s
m(h1 V12 / 2) m(h2 + V22 /2)
h1 V12 / 2 h2 + V22 /2

Solving for exit velocity,

0.5 0.5
V2 V12 2(h1 h2 ) V12 2c p (T1 T2 )
2 25,037 ft 2 /s 2
(80 ft/s) 2(0.253 Btu/lbm R)(700 645)R
1 Btu/lbm
838.6 ft/s

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5-28 Air is decelerated in an adiabatic diffuser. The velocity at the exit is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Air is an ideal gas with constant specific
heats. 3 Potential energy changes are negligible. 4 There are no work interactions. 5 The diffuser is adiabatic.
Properties The specific heat of air at the average temperature of (30+90)/2 = 60°C = 333 K is cp = 1.007 kJ/kg K (Table A-
Analysis There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m2 m . We take diffuser as the system, which is a control
volume since mass crosses the boundary. The energy balance for this steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form
0 (steady)
E in E out E system 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies
100 kPa
E in E out AIR 200 kPa
30 C
350 m/s 90 C
m(h1 V12 / 2) m(h2 + V22 /2)
h1 V12 / 2 h2 + V22 /2

Solving for exit velocity,

0.5 0.5
V2 V12 2(h1 h2 ) V12 2c p (T1 T2 )
2 1000 m 2 /s 2
(350 m/s) 2(1.007 kJ/kg K)(30 90)K
1 kJ/kg
40.7 m/s

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5-30 Heat is lost from the steam flowing in a nozzle. The velocity and the volume flow rate at the nozzle exit are to be
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no
change with time. 2 Potential energy change is negligible. 3
There are no work interactions. 400 C 300 C
Analysis We take the steam as the system, which is a control 800 kPa 200 kPa
volume since mass crosses the boundary. The energy balance 10 m/s
for this steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form as Q
Energy balance:
0 (steady)
Ein Eout Esystem 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies

Ein Eout
V12 V22
m h1 m h2 Qout since W pe 0)
2 2

V12 V22 Qout

or h1 h2
2 2 m
The properties of steam at the inlet and exit are (Table A-6)

P1 800 kPa v1 0.38429 m3/kg

T1 400 C h1 3267.7 kJ/kg

P2 200 kPa v 2 1.31623 m3/kg

T1 300 C h2 3072.1 kJ/kg

The mass flow rate of the steam is

1 1
m A1V1 3
(0.08 m2 )(10 m/s) 2.082 kg/s
v1 0.38429 m /s

(10 m/s)2 1 kJ/kg V22 1 kJ/kg 25 kJ/s

3267.7 kJ/kg 3072.1 kJ/kg
2 1000 m 2 /s2 2 1000 m 2 /s2 2.082 kg/s
V2 606 m/s

The volume flow rate at the exit of the nozzle is

V2 mv 2 (2.082 kg/s)(1.31623 m3/kg) 2.74 m3 /s

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5-31 Steam is accelerated in a nozzle from a velocity of 40 m/s to 300 m/s. The exit temperature and the ratio of the
inlet-to-exit area of the nozzle are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Potential energy changes are negligible. 3
There are no work interactions. 4 The device is adiabatic and thus heat transfer is negligible.
Properties From the steam tables (Table A-6),

P1 3 MPa v 1 0.09938 m 3 /kg

T1 400 C h1 3231.7 kJ/kg

Analysis (a) There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m2 m . We take nozzle as the system, which is a control
volume since mass crosses the boundary. The energy balance for this steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form
0 (steady)
Ein Eout Esystem 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies P1 = 3 MPa Steam P2 = 2.5 MPa
Ein Eout T1 = 400 C V2 = 300 m/s
V1 = 40 m/s
m(h1 V12 / 2) m(h2 + V22 /2) (since Q W pe 0)
V22 V12
0 h2 h1

V22 V12 (300 m/s) 2 (40 m/s) 2 1 kJ/kg

h2 h1 3231.7 kJ/kg 3187.5 kJ/kg
2 2 1000 m 2 /s 2

P2 2.5 MPa T2 376.6 C
h2 3187.5 kJ/kg v 2 0.11533 m3/kg

(b) The ratio of the inlet to exit area is determined from the conservation of mass relation,

1 1 A1 v 1 V2 (0.09938 m 3 /kg)(300 m/s)

A2V2 A1V1 6.46
v2 v1 A2 v 2 V1 (0.11533 m 3 /kg)( 40 m/s)

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5-32E Air is decelerated in a diffuser from 750 ft/s to a low velocity. The exit temperature and the exit velocity of air are to
be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Air is an ideal gas with variable specific
heats. 3 Potential energy changes are negligible. 4 The device is adiabatic and thus heat transfer is negligible. 5 There are no
work interactions.
Properties The enthalpy of air at the inlet temperature of 65 F (or 520 R) is h1 = 125.40 Btu/lbm (Table A-17E).
Analysis (a) There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m2 m . We take diffuser as the system, which is a control
volume since mass crosses the boundary. The energy balance for this steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form
0 (steady)
Ein Eout Esystem 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies
1 AIR 2
Ein Eout

m(h1 V12 / 2) m(h2 + V22 /2) (since Q W pe 0)

V22 V12 ,
0 h2 h1
V22 V12 0 750 ft/s 1 Btu/lbm
h2 h1 125.40 Btu/lbm 136.63 Btu/lbm
2 2 25,037 ft 2 /s 2

From Table A-17E,

T2 = 571.6 R = 112 F
(b) The exit velocity of air is determined from the conservation of mass relation,
1 1 1 1
A2V2 A1V1 A2V2 A1V1
v2 v1 RT2 / P2 RT1 / P1

A1T2 P1 1 (571.6 R )(13 psia)
V2 V1 (750 ft/s ) 244 ft/s
A2T1 P2 3 (525 R )(14.5 psia)

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5-33 CO2 gas is accelerated in a nozzle to 450 m/s. The inlet velocity and the exit temperature are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 CO2 is an ideal gas with variable specific
heats. 3 Potential energy changes are negligible. 4 The device is adiabatic and thus heat transfer is negligible. 5 There are no
work interactions.
Properties The gas constant and molar mass of CO2 are 0.1889 kPa.m3/kg.K and 44 kg/kmol (Table A-1). The enthalpy of
CO2 at 500 C is h1 30,797 kJ/kmol (Table A-20).

Analysis (a) There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m2 m . Using the ideal gas relation, the specific volume is
determined to be

RT1 0.1889 kPa m 3 /kg K 773 K

v1 0.146 m 3 /kg
P1 1000 kPa CO2
1 2

1 mv1 6000/3600 kg/s 0.146 m3/kg

m A1V1 V1 60.8 m/s
v1 A1 40 10 4 m2
(b) We take nozzle as the system, which is a control volume since mass crosses the boundary. The energy balance for this
steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form as
0 (steady)
Ein Eout Esystem 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies

Ein Eout

m(h1 V12 / 2) m(h2 + V22 /2) (since Q W pe 0)

V22 V12
0 h2 h1

V 22 V12
h2 h1 M
2 2
450 m/s 60.8 m/s 1 kJ/kg
30,797 kJ/kmol 44 kg/kmol
2 1000 m 2 /s 2
26,423 kJ/kmol

Then the exit temperature of CO2 from Table A-20 is obtained to be T2 = 685.8 K 686 K

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5-34 R-134a is accelerated in a nozzle from a velocity of 20 m/s. The exit velocity of the refrigerant and the ratio of the
inlet-to-exit area of the nozzle are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Potential energy changes are negligible. 3
There are no work interactions. 4 The device is adiabatic and thus heat transfer is negligible.
Properties From the refrigerant tables (Table A-13)

P1 700 kPa v 1 0.043358 m 3 /kg

T1 120 C h1 358.92 kJ/kg
1 R-134a 2

P2 400 kPa v 2 0.056796 m 3 /kg

T2 30 C h2 275.09 kJ/kg

Analysis (a) There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m2 m . We take nozzle as the system, which is a control
volume since mass crosses the boundary. The energy balance for this steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form
0 (steady)
Ein Eout Esystem 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies

Ein Eout

m(h1 V12 / 2) m(h2 + V22 /2) (since Q W pe 0)

V22 V12
0 h2 h1
V22 20 m/s 1 kJ/kg
0 275.09 358.92 kJ/kg
2 1000 m 2 /s 2

It yields
V2 = 409.9 m/s
(b) The ratio of the inlet to exit area is determined from the conservation of mass relation,

1 1 A1 v 1 V2 0.043358 m 3 /kg 409.9 m/s

A2V2 A1V1 15.65
v2 v1 A2 v 2 V1 0.056796 m 3 /kg 20 m/s

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
5-35 Nitrogen is decelerated in a diffuser from 275 m/s to a lower velocity. The exit velocity of nitrogen and the ratio of the
inlet-to-exit area are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Nitrogen is an ideal gas with variable
specific heats. 3 Potential energy changes are negligible. 4 The device is adiabatic and thus heat transfer is negligible. 5
There are no work interactions.
Properties The molar mass of nitrogen is M = 28 kg/kmol (Table A-1). The enthalpies are (Table A-18)

T1 7 C = 280 K h1 8141 kJ/kmol

T2 27 C = 300 K h2 8723 kJ/kmol

Analysis (a) There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m2 m . We take diffuser as the system, which is a control
volume since mass crosses the boundary. The energy balance for this steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form
0 (steady)
Ein Eout Esystem 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies
1 N2 2
Ein Eout

m(h1 V12 / 2) m(h2 + V22 /2) (since Q W pe 0)

V22 V12 h2 h1 V22 V12 ,
0 h2 h1
2 M 2
8723 8141 kJ/kmol V22 275 m/s 1 kJ/kg
28 kg/kmol 2 1000 m 2 /s 2

It yields
V2 = 185 m/s
(b) The ratio of the inlet to exit area is determined from the conservation of mass relation,

1 1 A1 v 1 V2 RT1 / P1 V2
A2V2 A1V1
v2 v1 A2 v 2 V1 RT2 / P2 V1
A1 T1 / P1 V2 280 K/60 kPa 185 m/s
A2 T2 / P2 V1 300 K/85 kPa 200 m/s

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
5-37 R-134a is decelerated in a diffuser from a velocity of 160 m/s. The exit velocity of R-134a and the mass flow rate of
the R-134a are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Potential energy changes are negligible. 3
There are no work interactions.
Properties From the R-134a tables (Tables A-11 through A-13)

P1 600 kPa v 1 0.034335 m 3 /kg 2 kJ/s

sat. vapor h1 262.46 kJ/kg
1 R-134a 2

P2 700 kPa v 2 0.031696 m 3 /kg

T2 40 C h2 278.59 kJ/kg

Analysis (a) There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m2 m . Then the exit velocity of R-134a is determined
from the steady-flow mass balance to be

1 1 v 2 A1 1 (0.031696 m 3 /kg)
A2V2 A1V1 V2 V1 160 m/s 82.06 m/s
v2 v1 v 1 A2 1.8 (0.034335 m 3 /kg)

(b) We take diffuser as the system, which is a control volume since mass crosses the boundary. The energy balance for this
steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form as
0 (steady)
Ein Eout Esystem 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies

Ein Eout

Qin m(h1 V12 / 2) m(h2 + V22 /2) (since W pe 0)

V22 V12
Qin m h2 h1

Substituting, the mass flow rate of the refrigerant is determined to be

82.06 m/s (160 m/s)2 1 kJ/kg
2 kJ/s m (278.59 262.46)kJ/kg
2 1000 m 2 /s 2

It yields
m 0.2984kg/s

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
5-38 Steam is accelerated in a nozzle from a velocity of 60 m/s. The mass flow rate, the exit velocity, and the exit area of the
nozzle are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Potential energy changes are negligible. 3
There are no work interactions.
Properties From the steam tables (Table A-6)
75 kJ/s
P1 4 MPa v 1 0.07343 m 3 /kg
T1 400 C h1 3214.5 kJ/kg Steam
1 2

P2 2 MPa v 2 0.12551 m 3 /kg

T2 300 C h2 3024.2 kJ/kg

Analysis (a) There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m2 m . The mass flow rate of steam is

1 1
m V1 A1 3
(60 m/s)(50 10 4 m 2 ) 4.085 kg/s
v1 0.07343 m /kg

(b) We take nozzle as the system, which is a control volume since mass crosses the boundary. The energy balance for this
steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form as
0 (steady)
Ein Eout Esystem 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies

Ein Eout

m(h1 V12 / 2) Qout m(h2 + V22 /2) (since W pe 0)

V22 V12
Qout m h2 h1

Substituting, the exit velocity of the steam is determined to be

V22 (60 m/s)2 1 kJ/kg

75 kJ/s 4.085 kg/s 3024.2 3214.5
2 1000 m 2 /s 2

It yields
V2 = 589.5 m/s
(c) The exit area of the nozzle is determined from

1 mv 2 4.085 kg/s 0.12551 m 3 /kg

m V2 A2 A2 8.70 10 4 m 2
v2 V2 589.5 m/s

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

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