Madrileno - March 2 Activity

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _______________
Section: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________



At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Distinguishing between solid waste, compostable, recyclables, and hazardous materials.
2. Promote the Five Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
3. Examine how proper waste management practices contribute to the well-being of local
communities, emphasizing the importance of individual actions in creating a cleaner and
healthier environment for everyone.

II. Pre- Activity

List 5 examples of waste products that can be considered as trash and 5 that can be recycled.

III. Discussion

Waste management plays a crucial role in environmental sustainability, requiring an understanding of
different waste types and their impacts. In this reading, we will explore the importance of recognizing and
categorizing various types of waste, including solid waste, recyclables, and hazardous materials, to minimize
environmental harm (EPA, 2022).

Solid waste comprises everyday items that are discarded. This can include household waste,
packaging materials, and non-biodegradable items. Understanding solid waste is essential for effective waste
management and reducing landfill usage (UNEP, 2019).

Recyclables encompass materials that can be processed and reused. Items such as paper, glass,
plastics, and metals fall into this category. Recycling not only conserves resources but also reduces energy
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

Hazardous materials pose potential risks to human health and the environment. Items like batteries,
chemicals, and electronic waste fall into this category. Proper identification and handling of hazardous waste
are critical to prevent environmental contamination.

Compostable waste refers to organic materials that can break down into nutrient-rich compost through
the process of decomposition. This category includes food scraps, yard waste, and certain biodegradable
products designed for composting .

Each type of waste has distinct environmental implications. Improper disposal can lead to pollution,
soil degradation, and harm to wildlife. Recognizing these impacts is key to making informed decisions about
waste management practices


Landfills are designated areas for the disposal of non-recyclable and non-compostable waste.
Understanding the importance of proper landfill management involves waste compaction, covering, and
monitoring to minimize environmental impact.
Recycling Programs:
Recycling is a key component of responsible waste management. Separating recyclables such as
paper, glass, plastics, and metals diverts materials from landfills and conserves valuable resources .
Composting is an eco-friendly practice for disposing of organic waste. By converting kitchen scraps
and yard waste into nutrient-rich compost, individuals contribute to soil health and reduce the need for
chemical fertilizers.
Hazardous Waste Disposal:
Proper disposal of hazardous waste, such as batteries, electronic devices, and chemicals, requires
adherence to specific guidelines. Local hazardous waste disposal programs and collection events ensure the
safe handling of these materials.

5 Rs

When working with vendors request returnable or reusable containers and refuse unnecessary product
packaging. It’s also easier for organizations to ‘refuse’ waste in the first place by making smarter purchasing
decisions and setting expectations and standards early in the process.

This involves reducing the use of non-recyclable, wasteful, and harmful products. This achieves fewer
waste materials ending up in landfills and the associated negative environmental impacts. To avoid
unnecessary waste, it’s recommended to always use the minimum amount required.

One of the world’s greatest environmental challenges is the plastic crisis due to the high rate at which
we consume plastics. It’s normal consumer behavior of using single-use plastics once and then throw them
away. Consider reusing items throughout the workplace instead of buying new ones to reduce waste. Also,
replace all of the single-use eating utensils with paper plates that are reusable or compostable.
Try repurposing every item that can’t be reduced, reused, or recycled. Many common office products
serve more than one purpose though sometimes it requires creativity. This process is also known as upcycling.
Tin cans, mason jars can be used for holding pencils and pens.

This is the most environmentally friendly waste disposal method of all the other R’s. With an
effective recycling program, most companies have been able to reduce the amount of waste they’ve produced.

To make the 3R work, there is a need to separate or segregate trash or garbage. First, know what trash
or garbage that can be recycled and which ones are not.
Biodegradable – waste or garbage that can be broken down or decomposed
Non-biodegradable – waste or garbage that cannot be broken down or decomposed

Then, for the nonbiodegradable wastes, they can be separated or segregated into paper, plastic, metal,
and glass. This is called waste segregation. Yellow, green, red, and blue are the common colors used in trash
bins and containers. blue= paper red = plastic PAIRWORK green = glass yellow = metal


A. Write in your own words what you think is meant by the following words when you are talking about

1. REDUCE _________________________________________

2. REUSE ___________________________________________

3. RECYCLE ________________________________________

B. Why is it not satisfactory to throw our garbage out into the environment?
1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

3. _________________________________________

C. What problems do you think might be associated with burying our garbage under the ground?

1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

3. _________________________________________
V. Assessment
Read the question carefully and chooses the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. What role does waste management play in environmental sustainability?

a) Minimal
b) Moderate
c) Crucial
d) Insignificant
2. Which of the following is an example of solid waste?

a) Paper
b) Glass
c) Household waste
d) Yard waste
3. What is the primary goal of recycling?

a) Conserving resources
b) Increasing waste production
c) Landfill expansion
d) Energy consumption
4. What is the significance of proper identification and handling of hazardous waste?

a) Environmental enrichment
b) Pollution prevention
c) Increased waste generation
d) Soil degradation
5. What defines compostable waste?

a) Non-biodegradable materials
b) Electronic waste
c) Materials that break down into compost
d) Packaging materials
6. What are the potential consequences of improper waste disposal?

a) Environmental enrichment
b) Soil degradation
c) Conservation of wildlife
d) Proper waste management
7. What is the purpose of proper landfill management?

a) Maximizing environmental impact

b) Minimizing waste compaction
c) Monitoring composting practices
d) Increasing hazardous waste disposal
8. Which of the 5 Rs involves making smarter purchasing decisions to reduce waste?

a) Refuse
b) Reduce
c) Reuse
d) Recycle
9. How does the concept of reusing contribute to waste reduction?

a) By using single-use plastics

b) By buying new items
c) By avoiding unnecessary waste
d) By increasing landfill usage
10. What does the term "repurpose" or "upcycling" refer to?

a) Increasing waste
b) Reducing waste
c) Recycling waste
d) Creatively reusing items

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Name: Eloisa Joy M. Madrileno Date: March 02,20214

Task: Describe briefly the topics

A. Biodiversity Conservation and Management

Biodiversity conservation and management refer to the protection, maintenance, and sustainable use of
biological diversity that encompasses the variety of life on Earth. This includes ecosystems, species, and genetic
diversity. The primary goal of conservation is to prevent the extinction of species, preserve habitats, and maintain
ecological balance. Management strategies involve implementing sustainable practices, restoring habitats, creating
protected areas, and promoting responsible behavior towards the environment. human activities to minimize negative
impacts on biodiversity.

B. Waste Management:
Waste management refers to the organized process of collecting, transporting, processing, recycling, and
disposing of waste materials. It involves a range of activities aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of waste and
promoting sustainable practices. Effective waste management entails reducing waste generation, recycling materials, and
safely disposing of residual waste. This field addresses both solid and hazardous waste, with the ultimate goal of
reducing pollution, preserving resources, and safeguarding public health and the environment

C. Sustainability:
Sustainability refers to the capability of meeting the present needs without compromising the ability of the
future generations to meet their own needs. This involves balancing economic, social, and environmental considerations
to create a society that is resilient and harmonious. Sustainable practices aim to minimize negative impacts on
ecosystems, conserve natural resources, and promote social equity. Sustainable development integrates environmental
stewardship, economic prosperity, and social well-being to create a balanced and lasting future.

D. Environmental Education:
Environmental education is the process of educating individuals and communities about environmental issues,
with the aim of fostering an understanding of the natural world and promoting responsible behavior towards the
environment. It seeks to increase awareness about various ecological challenges, such as biodiversity conservation,
climate change, and sustainable practices. This education can take various forms, including formal classroom education,
community outreach programs, and public awareness campaigns. The ultimate goal is to empower individuals to make
informed decisions that contribute to the preservation of the environment.

Biodiversity is the foundation of life on Earth. It's what makes our planet so unique and vibrant. Without it, we
wouldn't have stable ecosystems, food, or medicine. We need to appreciate biodiversity by immersing ourselves in
nature, learning about different species, and understanding their interconnectedness. Let's get involved in supporting
conservation efforts, adopting eco-friendly habits, and spreading awareness. By recognizing and actively preserving
biodiversity, we can secure a sustainable future for ourselves and the diverse life forms we share our planet with. We
must remember that we are not separate from nature. We are a part of it.

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