Differential Equations

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Differential equations

1. Differential Equation: An equation involving derivatives of the dependent variable with

respect to independent variable (variables) is known as a differential equation.

2. Linear and non-linear differential equation: A differential equation is said to be linear if

unknown function (dependent variable) as its derivative which occurs in the equation,
occur only in the first degree, and are not multiplied together. Otherwise, the
differential equation is said to be non-linear.

3. Order: Order of a differential equation is the order of the highest order derivative
occurring in the differential equation.

4. Degree: Degree of a differential equation is defined if it is a polynomial equation in its


5. Degree (when defined) of a differential equation is the highest power (positive integer
only) of the highest order derivative in it.

6. Solution: A function which satisfies the given differential equation is called its solution.

7. General Solution: The solution which contains as many arbitrary constants as the order
of the differential equation is called a general solution.

8. Particular Solution: The solution free from arbitrary constants is called particular

9. To form a differential equation from a given function we differentiate the function

successively as many times as the number of arbitrary constants in the given function
and then eliminate the arbitrary constants.

10. Variable Separable method: Variable separable method is used to solve such an
equation in which variables can be separated completely i.e., terms containing y should
remain with dy and terms containing x should remain with dx.

11. A differential equation which can be expressed in the

dy dx
form f(x, y) or g(x, y) where, f(x, y) and g (x, y) are homogenous functions of
dx dy
degree zero is called a homogeneous differential equation.
12. A differential equation of the form + Py = Q, where P and Q are constants or
functions of x only is called a first order linear differential equation.
Mind map : learning made simple Chapter - 9
It is used to solve such an equation in which variables can be An equation involving derivatives of the dependent variable with respect to
separated completely. For egy: dx = x dy can be solved as independent variable (variables) is called a differential equation. If there is
dx dy Integrating both sides log x = log y + log c ⇒ x = c ⇒ x = cy
= only one independent variation, then we call it as an ordinary differential
2 3
x y y
equation. For eg: 2 d y +  dy  = 0.
,is the solution. 2  
dx  dx 

The order of a Differential Equations representing a It is the order of the highest order derivative occurring
family of curves is same as the number of arbitrary dy
in the Differential Equation For eg: the order of = ex
constants present in the equation corresponding to the 2 dx
d y
family of curves. For eg: Let the family of curves be is one and order of 2 + x = 0 is two.
y = mx, m = constant, then, y ' = m dx
dy dy
y = y'x ⇒ y = x ⇒ x – y = 0.
dx dx Differential Equation
ree of a
D eg
It is defined if the Differential Equations is a
A Differential Equation which can be expressed
dy dx polynomial equation in its derivatives, and is
in the form = f (x, y ) or
dx dy
= g (x, y ), Differential defined as the highest power (positive integer
where, f (x, y) and g (x , y) are homogeneous Equations only) of the highest order derivative.
functions of degree zero is called a homogenous 3
 d 2 y  dy
Differential Equation For eg: the degree of  2  + = 0 is three
2 2 2  dx  dx
For eg : x + xy dy = x + y dx
( ) ( ) Order and degree (if defined) of a D.E. are always
y positive integers.
To solve this, we substitute = v ⇒ y = vx.

A function which satisfies the given

To form a Differential Equation from a given function, Differential Equation is called its solution.
A Differential Equation of the form + Py = Q, we differentiate the function successively as many The solution which contains as many
where P1 Q are times as the no. of arbitrary constants in the given arbitrary constants as the order of the D.E.
constants or functions or 'x' only is called a first function, and then eliminate the arbitrary constants. is called a general solution and the solution
order linear Differential Equations its solution is For eg: Let the function be y = ax + b, then we have to free from arbitrary constants is called
P.dx P.dx
ye ∫ dx + c . For eg : dy + 3 y = 2 x has
= ∫ Q. e ∫ differentiate it two times, since there are 2 arbitrary particular solution.
3. dx 3. dx
dx constants a and b. ∴ y ' = a ⇒ y " = 0. Jhus y " = 0 is the
3x 3x For eg: y = e x + 1 is a solution of y” –y' = 0 .
solution ye ∫ = ∫ 2 x. e ∫ dx + c ⇒ ye = 2 ∫ xe + c.
required Differential Equation. x x x x
Since y ' = e and y " = e ⇒ y "– y ' = e – e = 0.

Important Questions
Multiple Choice questions-
1. The degree of the differential equation:

(a) 3

(b) 2

(c) 1

(d) not defined.

2. The order of the differential equation:

(a) 2

(b) 1

(c) 0

(d) not defined.

3. The number of arbitrary constants in the general solution of a differential equation of fourth
order is:

(a) 0

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4.

4. The number of arbitrary constants in the particular solution of a differential equation of third
order is:

(a) 3

(b) 2

(c) 1

(d) 0.

5. Which of the following differential equations has y = c 1 ex + c2 e-x as the general solution?

(a) +y=0

(b) –y=0

(c) +1=0

(d) –1=0

6. Which of the following differential equations has y = x as one of its particular solutions?

(a) – x² + xy = x

(b) +x + xy = x

(c) – x² + xy = 0

(d) +x + xy = 0

7. The general solution of the differential equation = ex+y is

(a) ex + e-y = c

(b) ex + ey = c

(c) e-x + ey = c

(d) e-x + e-y = c.

8. Which of the following differential equations cannot be solved, using variable separable

(a) + ex+y + e-x+y

(b) (y² – 2xy) dx = (x² – 2xy) dy

(c) xy = 1 + x + y + xy

(d) + y = 2.

9. A homogeneous differential equation of the form = h( ) can be solved by making the


(a) y = vx

(b) v = yx

(c) x = vy

(d) x = v

10. Which of the following is a homogeneous differential equation?

(a) (4x + 6y + 5)dy – (3y + 2x + 4)dx = 0

(b) xy dx – (x³ + y²)dy = Q

(c) (x³ + 2y²) dx + 2xy dy = 0

(d) y² dx + (x² – xy – y²)dy = 0.

Very Short Questions:

1. Find the order and the degree of the differential equation: x 2 = 1 + (Delhi

2. Determine the order and the degree of the differential equation: + 2𝑦 = 0

(C.B.S.E. 2019 C)

3. Form the differential equation representing the family of curves: y = b (x + a), where « and
b are arbitrary constants. (C.B.S.E. 2019 C)

4. Write the general solution of differential equation:

= ex+y (C.B.S.E. Sample Paper 2019-20)

5. Find the integrating factor of the differential equation:

y – 2x = y3e-y

6. Form the differential equation representing the family of curves y = a sin (3x – b), where a

and b are arbitrary constants. (C.B.S.E. 2019C)

Short Questions:
1. Determine the order and the degree of the differential equation:

2. Form the differential equation representing the family of curves: y = e2x (a + bx), where ‘a’
and ‘h’ are arbitrary constants. (Delhi 2019)

3. Solve the following differentia equation:

+ y = cos x - sin x (Outside Delhi 2019)

4. Solve the following differential equation:

+ x = (tan y + sec2y). (Outside Delhi 2019 C)

Long Questions:
1. Find the area enclosed by the circle:

x2 + y2 = a2. (N.C.E.R.T.)

2. Using integration, find the area of the region in the first quadrant enclosed by the x-axis,
the line y = x and the circle x2 + y2 = 32. (C.B.S.E. 2018)

3. Find the area bounded by the curves y = √x, 2y + 3 = Y and Y-axis. (C.B.S.E. Sample Paper

4. Find the area of region:

{(x,y): x2 + y2 < 8, x2 < 2y}. (C.B.S.E. Sample Paper 2018-19)

Case Study Questions:

1. If the equation is of the form where P, Q are functions of x, then the

solution of the differential equation is given by ye

is called the integrating factor (I.F.).

Based on the above information, answer the following questions.


2. If the equation is of the form where f(x, y), g(x, y) are

homogeneous functions of the same degree in x and y, then put y = vx And

so that the dependent variable y is changed to another variable v and

then apply variable separable method.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions.


Answer Key-
Multiple Choice questions-
1. Answer: (a) 3

2. Answer: (a) 2

3. Answer: (d) 4.

4. Answer: (d) 0.

5. Answer: (b) –y=0

6. Answer: (c) – x² + xy = 0

7. Answer: (a) ex + e-y = c

8. Answer: (b) (y² – 2xy) dx = (x² – 2xy) dy

9. Answer: (c) x = vy

10.Answer: (d) y² dx + (x² – xy – y²)dy = 0.

Very Short Answer:

1. Solution: Here, order = 2 and degree = 1.

2. Solution: Order = 2 and Degree = 1.

3. Solution:

We have: y= b(x + a) …(1)

Diff. w.r.t. x, b.

Again diff. w.r.t. x, = 0,

which is the reqd. differential equation.

4. Solution:

We have: = ex+y

⇒ e-y dy = ex dx [Variables Separable

⇒ – e-y + c = ex

⇒ ex + e-y = c.

5. Solution:

The given equation can be written as.


6. Solution:

We have: y – a sin (3x – b) …(1)

Diff. W.r.t y = a cos (3x – b) .3

= 3a cos (3x – b)

= -3a sin (3x – b) 3

= -9a sin (3x – b)

= -9y [Using (1)]

+ 9y = 0,m

which in the reqd. differential equation.

Short Answer:
1. Solution: Order = 2 and Degree = 1.

2. Solution:

We have: y = e2x (a + bx) …(1)

Diff. w.r.t. x, = e2x (b) + 2e2x (a + bx)

⇒ = be2x + 2y ………….. (2)

Again diff. w.r.t. x,

= 2be2x + 22x

=2( – 2𝑦) +

[Using (2)]

Hence, -4 + 4y = 0, which is the reqd. differential equation.

3. Solution:

The given differential equation is:

+ y = cos x – sin x dx Linear Equation

∴ I.F. = e∫1dx = ex

The solution is :

y.ex = ∫ (cos x — sin x) ex dx + C

⇒ y.ex = ex cos x + C

or y = cos x + C e-x

4. Solution:

The given differential equation is:

+ x = (tany + sec2y).

Linear Equation

∵ I.F. = Jldy = ey

∴ The solution is:

x. ey = ∫ ey (tan y + sec2 y)dy + c

⇒ x. ey = ey tan y + c

= x = tan y + c e-y, which is the reqd. solution.

Long Answer:
1. Solution:

log x = -log (1 + v2) + log C

x(1 + v2) = C

𝑥 1 + =𝐶

x2 + y2 = C.

2. Solution:

= tan-1 x + C

When y = 0, x = 1,

then 0 = + C


∴ y (1 + x2) = tan -1 x –

3. Solution:

We have: y = aebx + 5 + 5 …(1)

Diff. w.r.t. x, = aebx + 5. (b)

= dy ……(2) [Using (1)]]

Again diff. w.r.t x.,

=b ………(3)

Dividing (3) by (2),

which is the required differential equation.

4. Solution:

The given differential equation is:


When x = 0, y = 1, ∴ 1 = c + c(0) ⇒ c = 1.

Putting in (2), √1 + 𝑥 = 1 + ey(y -1),

which is the reqd. particular solution.

Case Study Answers:

1. Answer :

2. Answer :

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