Specification - PLCC & FOTE Jewar

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Technical Specification


Power line carrier

communication (PLCC)


Fiber Optic Terminal Equipment



400/220 kV JEWAR, 220/33 KV (CHAUKAGHAT) VARANASI, 220/33

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1.0 Power line carrier communication

1.1 General

The PLCC system shall be used to carry speech, protection and control signals, and
SCADA and computer data traffic. Interface connections shall be made directly with
telephone equipment and equipment handling data.

The PLCC system shall be suitably designed to work over the high voltage
overhead power transmission lines and shall comply with IEC 495. The system
shall operate satisfactorily under all power system switching and weather
conditions that may be encountered at any time. It shall be capable of operating
properly during its period of service.

A panel or enclosure shall be provided for paralleling the HF outputs for

connection to the coaxial cable between the PLC and the Line Matching Unit. A
suitable coaxial cable shall be used between the PLC and this panel. The HF cables
from the PLC shall be terminated on the panel with plug-in connectors to allow
each PLC to be interchanged between lines

1.2 Scope of Work

This technical specification covers the requirements of design, manufacture,

works, packing, and dispatch of PLCC & FOTE equipment:
 PLCC equipment (Complete with telecom equipment for speech, data & and tele-
protection) with cabinet and required accessories.
 All cabling, wiring, terminations, and interconnections to the equipment
including to the installed equipment.
 Communication Cable connection/interfacing with communication equipment/
patch cord etc.
 Any other work that is not identified in the specification but is required for
completion of the work within the intent of the specification shall also be in the
 On-site training of the Employer personnel.
 FOTE Equipment (Complete with necessary cards for speech, data & protection )
 Digital protection coupler and necessary interfacing cards & cables
 Phase to phase coupling for 400 kV lines, 220 kV and 132 kV single circuit lines shall be
provided. For D/c line Inter circuit coupling can be provided.
 Site survey, Engineering & Supply, Configuration, site-testing, and commissioning
of PLCC and FOTE at respective 400/220,220/33 and 220/132/33kV GIS and AIS
substations including integration with NMS.

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2.0 Standard

All the PLCC equipment covered under the package shall conform to the
requirements of the latest edition of the relevant IEC/IS Specifications or
equivalent National Standards. The IEC/IS Specifications and international
publication relevant to the equipment covered under this specification shall
include but not be limited to the list given below:

 IS-8997 - Coupling devices for PLC System

 IS-8998- Methods of test for coupling devices for PLC System

 IEC-481 - Coupling devices for power line carrier systems

 IEC-495- Single sideboard power line carrier terminal

 IEC-683- Planning of (single Side- band) power line carrier systems.

 CIGRE- Teleportation report by committee 34 & 35

 CIGRE- Guide on power line carrier 1979.

 CCIR - International Radio Consultative Committee

 CCITT - International Telegraph & Telephone Consultative Committee

 EIA- Electric Industries Association

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2.1 Frequency planning

A frequency planning study shall be carried out by the Bidders such that the SNR
for various channels shall be as per IEC. For transposed lines, the signal
attenuation considered for frequency planning shall be justified through study
The frequency and output power of the PLCC system for protection shall be
planned such that the protection signal is received with full reliability even when
one phase is earthed or is an open circuit on the line side causing an additional
minimum loss of 6 dB.

2.2 Proposed arrangement

The power line carrier communication equipment is to provide primarily efficient,

secure, and reliable information links for carrier-aided distance protection and
direct tripping of remote-end breaker and also for speech communication between
400/220/132 kV sub-stations.

It shall include separate carrier terminals of multipurpose type for speech and
protection purposes. All carriers/ terminals including those for protection shall be
suitable for point-to-point speech communication also.

The time intervals between receipt of a trip command on the transmit side, its
transmission over the carrier link, reception at the far end, and giving the
command to the trip relay at the distant end shall not exceed 20 msec. for
permissive inter-tripping and 30 m sec. for direct inter-tripping even for the
longest line section. The above timings are inclusive of operating time for auxiliary
relays and interposing relays, if any, included in the PLCC equipment.

For security reasons, each transmission line shall be protected by Main-I and
Main-II protections as given below:

 Main-I Distance protection type with permissive inter-tripping.

 Main-II Distance protection of different designs/ philosophy/manufacture to
the relay under Main I.

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2.3 Power Line Carrier Terminal

As already indicated the information link shall be provided for speech protection
telex and data services.

The input and output parameters shall be in accordance with the recommended
values of IEC: 495 for an ambient temperature range of 0-55 0 C. The equipment
shall be capable of withstanding 55 0C for six hours continuously.

The salient features are detailed below:

 Mode of transmission: Amplitude Modulation single sideband with

suppressed carrier or reduced carrier.

 Carrier frequency: 40 to 500 kHz range.

 Power Output (PEP) at HF terminal: 40 Watt

 PLCC should use “the same hardware for Digital and Analogue mode of
It should be software configurable at the site from analog mode to Digital mode.

 In the input circuit of the PLCC terminal protective devices shall be provided in
the form of zener diodes or surge suppressers in order to eliminate any surge
transfer through the coupling device or the surge induced in the connecting path
of H.F. cable.

 Sudden changes in input level to the receiver shall not cause false tripping. Fail-
safe devices shall be provided so that a malfunction in one unit or subassembly
cannot cause damage elsewhere in the system.

 The PLCC set shall be designed to give a guaranteed performance from 0 deg. C
to 55 deg. C ambient temperature. The thermal capability of the equipment shall
be so designed that the equipment remains operational successfully up to 60
deg. C ambient temperatures. Any ventilation fans provided for the circulation of
air inside the cabinets shall conform to relevant Indian Standards.

 The terminals shall be provided with built-in indicating instruments to facilitate

checking of important voltage current values and signal levels in different
parts of the PLCC Terminals.

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 Protection fuses shall be provided in all important circuits and fuses shall be
as mounted to allow their easy inspection and replacement.

 All test points shall be easily accessible. The carrier set shall be provided with
suitable supervision and alarm facilities.
 PLCC terminals shall be housed in floor-mounting sheet metal cabinets, suitable
for mounting on concrete plinths as well as channel frames by means of nuts and
 The cable holes’ entry points of different sizes should be made and welded at
two points so that they can be easily removed at the site.
 All the panels shall be protected against moisture ingress and corrosion during
storage. Panels shall be properly dried before they are installed and energized

 All cabinets having PLCC terminals shall be provided with lamps, heaters,
hydrometers, cooling fans & door switches. Each panel shall be provided with
240 V AC single-phase sockets with a switch to accept 5 & 15A standard Indian

 A nameplate shall be provided on the front door of each cabinet indicating

channel function, transmitter frequency and direction, etc.

 The PLCC terminal equipment shall conform to type tests and be subjected
to routine tests as per IEC: 495 / IS / Latest PGCIL Practice.

PLC terminals shall conform to the following electrical characteristics:

a) Mode of transmission: Single side-band suppressed carrier amplitude

b) H.F. range: 40 to 500 KHz.

c) Nominal carrier frequency band: 4 KHz for single channel sets. 8 KHz for twin
channel sets.

d) Effectively transmitted speech frequency band or signal frequency band

when only speech or signal is transmitted: 300 Hz to 3400 HZ or more.

e) Nominal Impedance:
i) Carrier Frequency Side: 75 ohms unbalanced or 150 ohms balanced.
ii) VF side: 600 ohms.
iii) Return loss within the: shall not be less than 12 dB

f) Supply voltage: 48 V.D.C. (+ 15% - 10%) with +ve pole earthed. The PLC
terminal shall protect the short circuit of the output terminals of power supply
units to ensure that the unit is switched off from supply without causing any
damage to the power supply unit itself.
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g) Stability of carrier frequency: +/- 5 Hz from its nominal value.

h) Effectively transmitted speech: 0.3 to 3.76 KHz. and data signal frequency
band Should be within.

i) Relative levels (VF side): Across 600 ohms

a) 4 Wire transmit: 0 to 17 dBr.
b) 4 Wire receive: - 3.5 dBr. to + 8 dBr.
c) 2 Wire transmit 0 dBr.
d) 2 Wire receive: - 7 dBr.

j) Level regulations control: In case of a 30 dB change in the carrier frequency

(Automatic Gain Control) signal level within the regulation range, the change in
voice frequency receiver levels of both speech & signals shall be less than 1 dB.

k) The signaling channel shall be operated by a potential free open or closed

contact of the relays at the transmit side and provide a potential free change-over
contact at the receiver side of the relays.
l) Permissible limits for variation of overall loss (attenuation) of the speech
channel relative to 800 HZ for back-to-back operation of one pair of terminals
should be

300 - 400 Hz: - 0.9 to + 3.0 dB

400 - 600 Hz: - 0.9 to + 1.8 dB
600 - 1600 Hz: - 0.9 to + 0.9 dB
1600 - 2000 Hz: - 0.9 to + 1.8 dB

m) R.F. sensitivity: - 30 dBm.

n) Noise performance:
Noise generated within the terminals. The weighted telephone noise level
measured at the speech output of a pair of PLC terminals without companders
shall not exceed -60 dBm. OP, measurement shall be carried out as per I.E.C.
specification No.495 of 1974.:
o) No. of ports per channel: 1 no. 2W/4W speech port and 4 nos. of data RS232
ports and 1 no. express channel speech port with a suitable telephone set for
analog mode and digital mode it should be 3 speech channels and 4 data ports (for
1200 Baud rate) in 8 KHZ band.

P) The PLC terminals shall be provided with emergency call facilities from the
carrier sets for point-to-point carrier communication and complete with a
telephone suitable for hanging inside the cabinet.

q) The PLC terminals should be vermin-proof and provided with a ventilating

fan. A necessary socketing arrangement for the connection of the H.F. cable from
the coupling device shall have to be provided.

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r) Additional accessories (Dummy Load, testing cables, Laptop with necessary
software, etc.) wherever necessary are to be provided with the PLCC carrier such
that the Transmitter of the PLCC can be looped back to its Receiver to carry out
local testing of the PLCC terminal.

r) Necessary testing cables to be provided for tuning the Trans & receive filter
and doing other tests (like TX & Rx level, speech level, and Data testing) should be
provided along with each PLCC carrier to have the testing facility of PLCC at the

s) “Voltage withstand tests indicated in relevant IEC/IS – Specification. The

bidder shall however have to clearly indicate the voltage withstand value of the

The following tests shall be carried out during Pre FAT in the factory:

i) The carrier link shall be set up by connecting two terminals with an intermediate
circuit simulating actual worst conditions of maximum loss, white loss, and noise
spikes. The system shall perform satisfactorily for all combinations of inputs. This
test shall be carried out for a period of 3 days (Hot Test)
ii) Before and after the above test measurements of input and output values will be
made and the results shall satisfy the requirements indicated in IEC-495.

The bidder shall submit the guaranteed technical particulars of PLC terminals in
accordance with guaranteed technical particulars furnished separately.

2.4 Speech Communication

PLC equipment offered shall provide telephone communication between the

stations where the transmission lines are terminating.

It shall be possible for the subscriber at any of the stations to contact the stations
to contact subscriber at all other stations connected in the system as shown in the
specification drawing.

Each PLCC terminal for speech, as well as protection purposes, shall be provided
with a plug-in type service telephone and buzzer

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2.5 High Frequency Cable

High-frequency cable shall connect the coupling device installed in the switchyard to
the PLCC terminal installed indoors.
The cable shall be steel armored and its outer covering shall be protected against
attack by termites.
The impedance of the cable shall be such as to match the impedance of the PLCC
terminal on one side and that of the coupling device on the other side over the
entire carrier frequency range of 40-500 kHz.

The conductor resistance of the cable shall not exceed 16 ohms per Km at 200 C.

The cable shall be designed to withstand a test voltage of 4 kV between the

conductor and outer sheath for one minute. The bidder shall specify attenuation
per Km of the cable at various carrier frequencies in the range of 40 to 500 kHz.
The typical attenuation figures for H.F. cable shall be in the range of 1 to 5 dB/km
in the frequency range of 40- 500 kHz. The H.F. cable shall conform to type tests
and be subjected to routine tests as per IEC: 96-2/BS: 2316/IS: 5802.

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The following tests shall be carried out on t h e complete system/subsystem

during commissioning:
 Composite loss and return loss on coupling device using a dummy load
 Composite loss (Attenuation) for HF Cable coupling device.
 End-to-end attenuation measurement for verification of optimum coupling
mode. Test shall be done for all combinations
 End-to-end return loss for optimum coupling mode, Open behind line trap,
Grounded behind line trap.
 If end-to-end return loss for optimum coupling mode is not satisfactory, the
same shall be measured for other coupling modes also
 Adjustment of Tx/Rx levels on PLCC equipment as per test schedule
 AF frequency response (end to end) for the entire 4 kHz Bandwidth for speech
and teleoperation channels.
 Measurement of noise in 2 kHz bandwidth with and without line energized
 SNR (test-one) with line energized noting down weather conditions.
 Transmission time for teleportation and other data channels.
 Observation of Tx/Rx levels (test-tone) for each channel at both ends by sequential
switching on/off parallel channels using dummy load and also with the
transmission line
 Observation of end-to-end and trunk dialing performance.
 Observation of end-to-end protection signaling (command sent & received) in
conjunction with protective relays, noting down transmission/receipt of unwanted
commands under switching operations in the switchyard during protective relay

Further, it is confirmed that all drawings/data sheets/QAP/ type test reports

shall be submitted by Bidder for approval.
Also, the above PLCC system shall generally conform to the requirement as
amended from time to time & IEC, IS & applicable standards.

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3.0 Fiber Optic Terminal Equipment

3.1 General

This is a technical specification for survey, planning, co-ordination with other

suppliers’ equipment, design, Engineering of multi input and multi output fiber
optic equipment complete for speech communication in dialing mode and or
through express telephone, data communication, fiber optic based power system
protection, suitable for multi-point to multi point fiber optic network for Sub-

The fiber optic link shall be based on minimum STM-16-bit rate. The Bidder,
however can propose a system based on higher bit rate systems meeting the fiber
optic link budget requirements. One complete equipment meeting the
specifications requirement in lieu of the separate Fiber Optic Terminal Equipment
and Multiplexer may also be referred to. Mandatory spares for the offered
equipment should be available to the manufacturers.

3.2 Scope of work

This technical specification covers the 400kV, 220kV and 132kV requirements of
design, manufacture, works, packing, supply, transportation, transportation,
installation, termination, testing and commissioning, and documentation.

1) Fiber Optic Transmission System (FOTS) suitable for multi-point to multi- point
fiber optic network which can be designed for linear type/mesh type/ring type as
required including optical & electrical interfaces, DDF, racks, synchronization,
Network Management System (NMS) etc.
2) Multiplexer including Voice, data & protection cards to achieve simultaneous
transmission/reception of voice & data from/to one station to/from another two
three, or more stations.
3) All required cabling, wiring, and interconnections to the supplied equipment at the
defined interfaces. All the subscriber channels shall be terminated on the Main
Distribution Frame (MDF).
4) Integration with new DTPC equipment for carrier and tele-protection.
5) Integration with new EPAX.
6) Integration of fiber optic system with power system for power system protection.
The power system signal may be either electrical shall meet CCITT
Recommendation G.703-1 & G.703-6 or optical.
7) Installation of power supply system (48 Volt DC with positive ground) wherever
8) C37.94 Optical interface for connecting to digital protection coupler /to provide
distance and differential protection. 4 no’s port optical interface card required as
per substation requirement.
9) This upper requirement is fulfilled, so consider PDH equipment with a controller

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card, FXO, RS232, E&M, and E1 interface card to be provided for suitable smooth
operation work.

3.4 Functional requirement:

3.4.1 Description

The proposed fiber optic communication network shall support the voice & data
communication requirements of RTUs, SCADA/EMS system Power system
protection, and other operational requirements. The communication system shall
provide data & voice connectivity across the various locations or connectivity of
RTUs with Control Centers (SLDC and Back up SLDC). The RTUs located at various
locations will report to the Control Center using IEC 60870- 5-101 or IEC 60870-5-
104 Protocol. The proposed communication system shall provide connectivity of
some RTUs over TCP/IP protocol using an Ethernet interface and other RTUs over
a serial interface. The offered communication System shall support the
communication requirements of RTUs and the SCADA system described in point-
to-multi-point and/or multipoint-to-multipoint configurations using Ethernet over

3.4.3 SDH Equipment:

The fiber optic network shall be based on the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
having a bit rate of STM-16.SDH Equipment along with suitable interfaces and line
cards etc. Associated termination equipment system including E-1channel banks
and drop–insert multiplexer & subscriber line interface cards. System integration
of supplied sub-system and also integration with existing communication
equipment such as SDH etc.

SDH equipment is considered to be divided into three parts i.e. Optical interface
/SFP, Tributary card (Electrical tributaries such as E1 & Ethernet 10/100Mbps)
base equipment (Consisting of common cards, control cards, Optical base card, and
Power supply cards, sub-rack, cabinet, other hardware and accessories required
for installation of equipment i.e. everything besides optical interface/SFP and
tributary cards).

If the bidder is offering equipment with multifunction cards such as cross-connect

or control cards with optical interface/SFP or tributary interface, such type of
multifunction card shall be considered as a common control card and shall be part
of base equipment.

The Link performance for ES, SES, and BER for the fiber optic links shall
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correspond to the National Network as defined in ITU-T G.826.

3.4.3 Redundancy and Protection

Two fiber rings shall be implemented wherever the network permits. On

linear sections of the network, protected links using 4 fibers shall be

3.4.4 FODP to SDH Connectivity

The Bidder shall be responsible for connectivity between the FODP (to be provided
under a separate contract) and the Fiber Optic equipment. The Bidder shall
provide suitable patch-cords of suitable length as per requirement. However, min.
length shall be 10 m.

The patch-cord return loss shall be equal to or better than 50 dB and the insertion
loss equal to or better than 0.5 dB. The patch-cord length between the FODP and
equipment rack shall be suitably protected from abrasion, crush, or mechanical
damage otherwise by flexible conduits or equivalent.

3.4.5 Subscriber Line Units\Subscriber Line Interface Cards

The terms Subscriber Line Interface Cards and Subscriber Line Units have been
used interchangeably throughout the specification. Multiple configurations of SLUs
shall be required to provide subscribers to primary multiplexer Bank
interfacing for a variety of voice and data communications.

3.4.6 Digital Protection Coupler

Digital Tele protection coupler used as one of the two teleportation channels on
the lines between the stations covered under the scope of PLCC supplier. Existing
FOTE Equipment was placed in the Substation control building where whereas
DTPC will placed in the SPR / Bay Control room (approximate distance will be 40-
50m). The connection between Existing FOTE and new FOTE equipment and each
DTPC shall be through Optical fiber. Necessary converter(s) for converting E1
signal to optical fiber at both ends along with FODP shall be in the scope of the
Bidder”. Proper interfacing of the DTPC with Existing FOTE equipment under this
tender shall be ensured by the bidder.

Further, it is confirmed that all drawings/data sheets/QAP/ type test reports shall
be submitted by Bidder for approval.

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The type tests conducted earlier should have either been conducted in an
accredited laboratory (accredited based on ISO / IEC Guide 25 / 17025 or EN
45001 by the NABL.

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The proposed system and accessories including Power equipment covered by this
specification shall conform to CCITT recommendations; it should also have a valid
TEC approval for ISDN connectivity. The equipment offered shall be of proven
design & performance.


The security-related requirements of the equipment shall be as per DoT

(Department of Telecommunication) guidelines and all similar security
requirements as amended by DoT on time to time basis shall be followed/complied
with by the vendor at no additional cost to the bidder till the implementation of the

Also, the above Communication system shall generally be conforming to the

requirement as amended from time to time & IEC, IS & applicable standards.

Drawing and technical document:

The following Drawings and Technical documents shall be submitted by the bidder.

1) Detailed Drawing of each piece of equipment showing Block Diagram, Plan,

Elevation, and side view with all dimensions and weight.
2) Schematic drawing of the complete installation of equipment at each substation.
3) Technical document covering details of erection, operation, maintenance, and
technical particulars of each equipment.
4) Technical document furnishing principle of operation and detailed Circuit
Diagrams of Equipment wherever applicable.
5) Link Budget calculation
6) Frequency planning
7) All software details.

Note: Refer Annexure 1 for additional information regarding FOTE


4.1 General

The proposed system shall be a fully hybrid system that supports both Time
Division Multiplexing (TDM) and IP Switching. They should be able to integrate
with public telecom network infrastructure (PSTN/ISDN) and legacy interfaces
(Like E&M). The system shall be fully modular and fully non-blocking type with
distributed architecture and should have provision for hot redundancy of the
main controller unit and power supply unit. The system should have an Auto
attendant (IVR), Voice mail, Call metering, and management software supplied
along with it.

 The EPBAX will serve as a network node or terminating exchange for carrier
telephone, for the trunk dialing system on PLCC. It should handle both local and
long-distance traffic.
 Electronic EPBAX of the latest design should be offered with suitable
programmable features such as using analog telephone & Laptop.
 The electronic EPBAX offered should be capable of operating along with the
existing carrier terminals and existing EPBAX.
 The EPBAX should be suitable for connection with new PLCC panel or existing
PLCC panel and Fiber Optic panel simultaneously over E&M, E1 trunk lines at
any station wherever required whatever be the make of PLCC panels and Fiber
Optic Panels.
 The exchange should be of modular construction, housed in a sheet steel
cabinet, floor mounting type, and available for operation on 48V DC (+15% -
 The EPBAX should employ TDM-PCM technology with a fully non-blocking
switching system. It should support a minimum of 24 local extensions and 8
E&M Trunk Lines.
 Provision for a minimum 8 E&M Trunk Lines and 8 local extensions shall have
to be kept in the EPBAX for future use.
 The EPBAX should be provided with conventional modern facilities like dial,
busy, ringing, ring back, and also additional tones such as carrier tones,
interrupted tones, etc.
 In addition, the EPBAX must be equipped with priority within the exchange and
priority over Trunk Lines and Transit calls at the distant end.
 The EPBAX should have Barred Access to Trunk Lines and Transit calls. The
EPBAX should be able to find 5 alternative switching routes other than the main
 The EPBAX must have both 2- 2-digit, 3-digit, 4-digit and 6-digit station-
numbering facility.
 The EPBAX should be equipped with modern self-checking diagnostic and
monitoring facilities. Adequate protective devices should be incorporated
wherever necessary.

 The bidder shall be responsible for providing workable interconnection of the

EPBAX with all PLCC panels& Fiber Optic panels.
 Telephone signal from EPBAX shall have to be taken to the control desk and
other locations as required. Only screened armored-type telephone cables
should be supplied for all types of two-wire & four-wire connections.

4.2 Scope of Work

The work to be carried out under this specification shall consist of the supply,
delivery to site, installation, testing, commission, handover in approved working
order, and maintenance during the liability period of proposed EPPBX systems at
the proposed new substation in this project in accordance condition. The work
also covers commissioning new Systems.

The IP-PBX shall comprise of the following items:

1) EPPBX equipment, power supply unit, operator consoles, analog, digital, SIP
Telephone sets, etc.
2) Integrated Protection Module (IPM) line protection modules for t h e
mentioned number of extensions, etc.

The bidder shall take responsibility for the guaranteed continuous operation of
the complete system. The bidder has to indicate the different equipment offered
and submit the complete technical details of the equipment and accessories for
fulfilling the requirement.

At the new substation (Jewar S/s, Vashundhra S/s, Khaga S/s, and Varanasi S/s,
Tirwa S/S ), a telephone exchange (PABX) of 24 lines shall be provided for
effective communication among various buildings of the substations, remote end
substation and with control centers (SLDC).

The following shall also be included in the scope of work:

1) Submission of installation report, operation and maintenance manuals, test
certificates given by manufacturer, manufacturer’s catalogs, original DVD/CD of
the software, etc.
2) Training to the maintenance staff of UPTBCB maximum for operation, fault
identification, rectification and programming of the systems.
3) There should be provision for providing safety to the system from thunderbolt or
high voltage or voltage fluctuation.

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