Password 2 Teaching Notes
Password 2 Teaching Notes
Password 2 Teaching Notes
Password 1 2 3 4
Katarzyna Zaremba-Jaworska
VOCABULARY appearance
• appearance after exercise 6 page 4
• verb collocations
To help students memorise the phrases in exercise 6, ask
• pairwork: volunteers to mime the following expressions and ask
Speaking – describing personal appearance the class to guess the phrase: paint your nails, dye your
– discussing English proverbs hair, straighten your hair, wear contact lenses, grow
a moustache, put on your make-up, shave off your beard.
Matura topics Człowiek
and tasks
As a follow-up, give each student/each pair of students
a copy of the worksheet with the sentences below to
translate into English (worksheet activities page 117).
CULTURE NOTE avatar Alternatively, you may dictate the sentences or write them
exercise 2 page 4 on the board.
The word ‘avatar’ has its origins in Hinduism, where it means 1 Moja mama zawsze maluje paznokcie na czerwono.
the incarnation of a god. In computing, an avatar is a three- or 2 Mary nie lubi swoich kręconych włosów i prostuje je
two-dimensional graphical image that represents an online codziennie rano.
user. Avatars are commonly used in multiplayer gaming, online 3 Nie rozumiem, dlaczego mężczyźni zapuszczają wąsy.
communities and web forums. The term ‘avatar’ was used for 4 Jenny potrzebuje (take) pół godziny, żeby się umalować.
the first time for the on-screen representation of the user in 5 Peter zgolił brodę i teraz wygląda o wiele lepiej.
1985 by Richard Garriott in the computer game Ultima IV:
Quest of the Avatar. Key
1 My mother always paints her nails red.
EXTRA ACTIVITY describing appearance 2 Mary doesn’t like her curly hair and straightens it every
exercise 4 page 4 morning.
3 I don’t understand why men grow a moustache /
To revise vocabulary, dictate some sentences describing moustaches.
personal appearance similar to the ones below. Tell 4 It takes Jenny half an hour to put on her make-up.
students to write down only those sentences which are 5 Peter has shaven off his beard and now he looks much
true for them. better.
1 I have long curly hair and I wear braces.
2 I’ve got freckles and wavy hair. EXTRA CHALLENGE English sayings
3 I have a high forehead and straight black hair.
exercise 8 page 4
4 I am short-haired and tanned.
5 I’m tallish and slim. Write the following jumbled sayings on the board and ask
6 I think I am very good-looking. students to put them in the right order.
7 I have a tattoo. 1 man / the / do / make / not / clothes
8 I’m quite muscular and well-built. 2 mirror / old / an / friend / the / is / best
Discuss the meanings of the sayings with the class. Ask
9 I sometimes wear my hair in a ponytail.
students if they know the Polish equivalents: Nie szata
10 I’ve got dimples when I smile. zdobi człowieka and Nie ten przyjaciel co cię chwali lecz
ten co ci prawdę powie. Ask students if they agree with
EXTRA CHALLENGE verb collocations the sayings or not and find out why.
exercise 6 page 4
Ask students to work in pairs or small groups and make
a list of nouns that go with the following verbs taken from 1 Clothes do not make the man – You cannot judge
exercise 6: to colour, to change, to flatten, to paint, to cut. a person solely by his clothes.
2 The best mirror is an old friend – An old friend will be
honest enough to tell you about how you really look.
Key (suggested answers)
to colour: your hair, a picture, your judgement (= influence)
to change: a hairstyle, hair colour, your looks, your habits,
jobs, your mind Students find an interesting picture of a famous person on
to flatten: the dough, your stomach, houses (= destroy), the Internet and write a description of them. During the
the land next lesson, students present the picture to the class and
to paint: a picture, the ceiling, children’s faces, a portrait read out their descriptions.
to cut: your hair, your finger, the cake, the string, the lawn,
the grass
EXTRA ACTIVITY vocabulary: clothes 4 Who has (największy wpływ na) you?
• a text about the influence of a hairstyle on exercise 5 page 12
people’s character
To help students translate the parts of sentences into
• pairwork: English, write the expressions below on the board for
– talking about first impressions students to use.
– describing the types of women / men the • smell
students find the prettiest / most handsome • tell the difference
Człowiek; Znajomość środków językowych • see boyfriend
Matura topics (PP: Test luk sterowany, Uzupełnianie zdań; • ever meet someone
and tasks PR: Układanie fragmentów zdań, Tłumaczenie • look gorgeous
fragmentów zdań) • forget to pack
• grow beards
EXTRA ACTIVITY make / let + person + verb • advise someone to dye
Alternatively, give students a copy of the worksheet with
exercise 2 page 12 the two possible answers to choose from (worksheet
Divide the class into two groups. Ask one group to write activities page 119).
about what their parents make them do, e.g. My parents 1 do you smell / are you smelling
make me clean my room twice a week, while students in 2 I can’t tell the difference / I’m not telling the difference
the other group write about the things their parents let 3 I see my boyfriend / I am seeing my boyfriend
them do, e.g. My parents let me watch TV at the weekend. 4 ever meet him / ever meeting him
Get students from both teams to work in pairs and tell
5 are looking absolutely gorgeous / look absolutely
each other what their parents let or make them do. Elicit
some ideas.
6 I forgot to pack / I forgot packing
EXTRA ACTIVITY idioms 7 are growing beards / grow beards
8 advised me dying / advised me to dye
before exercise 3 page 12
Write the following sentence on the board: I’m sorry, I feel HOMEWORK
really terrible today. This has been a real bad hair day. Ask students to write 2–3 sentences with parts of the
Explain the meaning of the idiom: a) a day when your hair sentence placed in brackets and written in Polish for their
looks untidy and you do not feel attractive; b) a difficult partner to translate. Encourage them to use the language
day when nothing seems to go well for you. Ask students: from the unit, e.g.
Do you ever have a bad hair day? What do you do if you Can you imagine (pofarbowanie włosów na różowo) ?
have one? Students first answer the question in pairs and
then as a class.
1 today – temporary (present continuous); usually –
permanent (present simple)
2 today – temporary (Present simple: the verb ‘fancy’
describes a state, not an action. Do you fancy? =
Would you like / Do you feel like?)
3 permanent (present simple)
4 at the moment – temporary (present continuous)
5 permanent (present simple) when I go …
6 permanent (present simple)
7 permanent (present simple)
8 now – temporary (present continuous)
1 train 2 supermarket 3 airport 4 theatre
EXTRA ACTIVITY describing jobs
1 have to work a day in your life.
exercise 5 page 16 2 sit and watch it for hours.
Students work in pairs. Focus their attention on the words 3 leaving early.
and phrases in exercise 5: stressful, badly paid, involve 4 is so close to Monday.
responsibility, have good promotion opportunities, involve
dealing with clients, involve working outside. Tell students HOMEWORK
to put the jobs from exercises 3 and 4 in order from the Write the names of the following jobs on the board:
worst paid to the best paid; the least to the most stressful, personal shopper, live mannequin, professional bridesmaid,
or from those which involve working outside the most to fortune cookie writer, white hat hacker, Google tricycle
those which involve working outside the least. Encourage mapper. Students choose one of the jobs and write
students to justify their answers. a definition for it in English. Tell students to use internet
sources to help them define the words.
EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
exercise 8 page 16 Key (suggested answers)
Personal shopper shops for people who don’t have the
Tell students to check the meaning of the adjectives in bold time or the energy to do their own shopping or simply do
in the Wordlist on page 27 before they do the task. As not enjoy doing it. They shop for everything from clothing
a follow-up activity, students work in pairs. One student and shoes to more personal items.
reads out sentences 1–7 and the other has to tell the Live mannequin is someone who is trained to be
missing adjectives without opening the book. Then the a mannequin in a store. They can interact with customers
students swap roles and do the activity again. and change poses unlike a conventional mannequin.
Professional bridesmaid helps the bride shop for a dress,
EXTRA ACTIVITY plans a hen night, or simply chats on the phone about
after exercise 8 page 16 what’s on the to-do-list.
Fortune cookie writer writes sentences that people find in
Students give their own examples of jobs that can be fortune cookies i.e. cookies with a piece of paper inside,
described by the adjectives in bold in exercise 8, e.g. on which there is an aphorism or a vague prophecy.
• lucrative – lawyer White hat hacker legally helps companies or governments
• repetitive – checkout assistant find security holes in their computer systems.
• skilled – driver Google tricycle mapper rides a human-powered trike
• manual – shoemaker attached to a generator and a pole of nine cameras in
• challenging – doctor order to capture difficult-to-reach areas of the world for
• rewarding – teacher Google Street View.
Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the
sentences below (worksheet activities page 122). Students
translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.
Alternatively, you may write the sentences on the board.
1 The children are dirty because (bawiły się na dworze)
all day.
2 (Jesteśmy przyjaciółmi) since we were 5 years old.
3 I’m sorry for the mess. (Gotowałam) all morning.
4 I’m afraid (właśnie zepsułam) your iPad.
5 (Ona siedzi tutaj) for an hour and she’s really cold.
1 they have been playing outside
2 We’ve been friends
3 I’ve been cooking
4 I’ve just broken
5 She’s been sitting here
What is the lesson about? 4 F (His parents suggested that he should study computer
• careers advising graphics but he wasn’t too keen on the idea.)
Vocabulary • word formation (noun and adjective 5 T (‘Can you study that?’, he asked in amazement.)
suffixes) 6 F (This type of work practice is called shadowing and is
Reading • an interview with a careers adviser 7 F (In the interview, the careers adviser is explaining how
• pairwork: to plan a future career.)
– discussing the choice of a future career
EXTRA ACTIVITY word formation
Matura topics Praca; Rozumienie pisanych tekstów
and tasks (Dobieranie, Prawda/Fałsz) exercise 9 page 21
Before students do exercise 9, write the words below on
EXTRA ACTIVITY vocabulary from the text the board. Ask students to come up to the board and
underline the suffixes. Elicit which words are nouns and
before exercise 3 page 20 which are adjectives.
Before students read the text, you may pre-teach the words manager fearless payment
and phrases below to help students understand the text. educator friendship fascinating
• standardised exams – a standardised exam requires all concentration disappointed bilingual
those sitting the exam to answer the same questions in hopeful aggressive available
the same way. It makes it possible to compare the results With a stronger class, you may ask students to work in
of individual students or groups of students. groups and write as many words with the suffixes listed
• income – money that someone receives from working in the exercise as they can. Set a time limit of about 3–4
or from investing money minutes. Check the answers as a class.
• leadership skills – a set of skills which allow a person
to be a successful leader Key (suggested answers)
• reliability – the quality of being a reliable person, i.e. -or/-er: inventor, teacher
someone who you can trust to behave well, work hard, -tion: invention, creation
or do whatever is expected of them -ful: useful, helpful
• unique talents – very special and unusual talents -less: hopeless, useless
• average – somewhere around a usual or ordinary level -ship: friendship, leadership
or standard -ed: excited, interested
• be suitable for something – right for a particular -ive: competitive, positive
purpose, person, or situation -ment: entertainment
To help students understand the words, you may also ask -ing: boring, interesting
the following questions: -al: facial, manual
Can you give an example of a standardised exam? -able: capable, incredible
What unique talents do you have?
Do you know a person with good leadership skills? HOMEWORK
What does he/she do?
Tell students to imagine that they go to a school which
What kind of work are you suitable for? What makes you
focuses on developing students’ unique talents and
think so?
passions rather than just teaching academic subjects.
Students write 2–3 sentences to describe an unusual
EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes subject they would like to have in their timetable and
exercise 5 page 20 explain why they’d like to learn it, e.g. I’d like to learn
scuba-diving at school. It is an amazing sport which is also
Inform students that statements 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 are false.
good for your health …
Students read the text to find the fragments which contain
the answers and explain why the sentences are true or
1 F (Secondly, school doesn’t really help because it is about
standardised exams which mainly test their academic
2 F (And finally, because of parents who want their
teenage children to follow a career which guarantees
a good income.)
3 T (Sir Ken Robinson, a British author and educationalist,
who thinks that schools should focus on developing
students’ unique talents and passions rather than just
teaching them academic subjects.)
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (3 minutes) 1 to have a lot of experience 6 to start work
Tell students to imagine that they’ve applied for their 2 be a good team player 7 paid weekly /
dream job. Ask students what they would tell the employer 3 to be a little impatient monthly
to show that they are the right person for the job. 4 to be responsible for something 8 bring documents
Encourage students to use the vocabulary and expressions 5 to organise games and activities 9 hours a week
from the previous lessons. for children 10 to have duties
EXTRA CHALLENGE strengths and weaknesses HOMEWORK matura writing task – wiadomość e-mail
exercise 6 page 22 Students write an email for the following task. Give each
student a copy of the worksheet with the task (worksheet
Ask students the question: What is your greatest
activities page 122). Alternatively, you may write it on the
weakness? Elicit some ideas from the class. Then explain
board or dictate it to students.
that job candidates are often advised to present themselves
in the best possible light. To answer the question about EXAM TASK Niedawno brałeś/brałaś udział w rozmowie
weaknesses, they should try to turn a negative quality into
o pracę (ogłoszenie z ćwiczenia 2). Napisz wiadomość
a positive one, e.g. someone who can’t meet deadlines
e-mail (80–130 wyrazów) do kolegi z Anglii i:
may say, ‘I am a perfectionist, I sometimes care too much
• zrelacjonuj przebieg rozmowy,
about the quality of my work’. Give each pair of students
• opisz wrażenie jakie zrobił na tobie właściciel klubu,
a copy of the worksheet with the table below and ask
z którym rozmawiałeś/rozmawiałaś,
the students to match the positive expressions with their
more negative equivalents (worksheet activities page 122). • przedstaw plusy i minusy tej pracy,
• napisz, co zamierzasz zrobić jeśli nie dostaniesz tej pracy.
Alternatively, you may write the adjectives on the board.
negative positive
stubborn self-confident
irresponsible realistic
negative creative
arrogant responsible
disorganised dedicated
boring adventurous
Students work in pairs and make sentences, using the
adjectives to describe a weakness in a positive way.
1 opinion 3 opinion 5 opinion 7 fact
2 fact 4 fact 6 opinion 8 opinion
1 Monica has been working as a sales representative for
two years. Last week she has travelled travelled to
London to meet an important client.
2 Jane Austen was a famous English novelist. She has
written wrote very popular books about relationships
between men and women.
4 You look terrible. What were you doing have you been
7 I just had have just had a job interview, it went very well.
• holidays and travel after exercise 6 page 28
• travel idioms
Read out the following sentences slowly. Tell students to find
• a dialogue: and correct a lexical mistake in each sentence. Alternatively,
– two people talking about holidays give each pair of students a copy of the worksheet with the
sentences to correct (worksheet activities page 124).
• pairwork:
Speaking – describing holidays
1 If only I could go away from it all!
– discussing holidays at home and abroad 2 Last summer I had the time in my life.
3 Why can’t you just put your hair down?
Matura topics Podróżowanie i turystyka
4 The campsite was in the middle of everywhere.
and tasks
5 Is all set up for our trip to Portugal?
6 What time are you planning to kick the road?
MATURA SPEAKING TASK opis ilustracji
exercise 2 page 28 Key
Students work in pairs and choose one picture each from 1 go get away from it all
1–6 on page 28. They take turns to describe their pictures 2 the time in of my life
and answer the three questions below (worksheet activities 3 put let your hair down
page 124). 4 in the middle of everywhere nowhere
5 set up for
EXAM TASK Examiner’s questions: 6 kick hit the road
1 How are the people in the picture feeling?
2 Who do you like spending your holidays with? Why?
3 Describe your best holiday ever. at the end of the lesson
Write the quotations below on the board. Make sure
EXTRA ACTIVITY holidays students understand what they mean. Ask students
after exercise 3 page 28 whether they agree or disagree with the statements.
To practise the holiday vocabulary, you may want to do ‘A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.’
the following activity. Students work in pairs. One student – Tim Cahill
chooses one of the holiday types from the table in exercise ‘We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.’
3, e.g. package holiday and the other responds by giving – Anonymous
the appropriate accommodation (five-star hotel) and ‘When overseas you learn more about your own country,
typical activities connected with it (go on an excursion). than you do about the place you’re visiting.’
– Clint Borgen
EXTRA CHALLENGE accommodation
after exercise 3 page 28 Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the sentences
Write on the board: half-board, full board, self-catering below (worksheet activities page 124). Alternatively, you may
(accommodation / holiday). Ask students to complete the write them on the board. Students translate the Polish parts
following sentences with appropriate phrases: of the sentences in brackets into English.
1 If you only want accommodation and no meals, book … 1 We need to (wymeldować się z hotelu) before
2 If you want a room and all your meals cooked for you, 10.00 a.m. tomorrow.
choose … 2 Last year I (pojechałem na wycieczkę objazdową)
3 If you want a room plus breakfast and dinner, choose … around Italy.
Ask students: Which type of accommodation do you 3 Be careful when you (zjeżdżasz ze stoku) .
usually prefer? Why? 4* When I’m on holiday I always (wyluzowuję się) .
5* If you want to (wyruszyć w drogę) at 5.00 a.m.
Key tomorrow, we should go to bed really early tonight.
1 a self-catering holiday (a place where you can cook your
own food) Key
2 full board accomodation (the service that you get at 1 check out of the hotel
a hotel when you eat all your meals there) 2 went on a tour
3 half-board accomodation (an arrangement in which you 3 go down / are going down the slope
stay in at a hotel and have breakfast and an evening 4* let my hair down
meal there, but not lunch) 5* hit the road
2 I gave my guidebook to (Ron) who
3 Mandy is interested in (travel books) what
4 The teacher is thinking about (her holidays) what
5 We decided on (a package holiday) what
6 This watch belongs to (Mary) who
7 I went to Africa with (my brother) who
Uczeń B
What is the lesson about?
Razem z kolegą planujesz dwutygodniową podróż.
Reading • an article about the traveller Kira Salak W zależności od tego jak potoczy się rozmowa, spróbuj
włączyć do niej wszystkie/wybrane kwestie:
• means of transport
Vocabulary • accidents
• poproś ucznia A o dokładniejsze wyjaśnienie jakiejś kwestii,
• prepositional phrases • grzecznie nie zgódź się z uczniem A, tak by musiał podać
kolejne argumenty lub zaproponować inne rozwiązanie,
• pairwork: • dowiedz się co uczeń A chciałby zobaczyć w miejscu
– talking about extreme holidays docelowym,
Writing • a blog entry • uważasz, że koszt podróży przekracza twoje finansowe
Matura topics Podróżowanie i turystyka; Rozumienie
and tasks pisanych tekstów (Dobieranie) As a follow-up, ask a few pairs to act out their role-plays
for the class.
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (2–3 minutes) EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
Divide the class into three groups. Tell group 1 to make exercise 6 page 32
a list of famous / celebrity travellers they know, group 2
– the most exotic travel destinations, group 3 – different If students have problems matching sentences with the gaps,
problems people might have while travelling. Elicit write the questions below on the board. Alternatively, you
students’ answers. may distribute copies of the worksheet with the sentences
(worksheet activities page 125). Explain that each question
CULTURE NOTE famous travellers asks about the missing information in gaps 1–4. Tell students
to work in pairs and match each question with one sentence
Christopher Columbus (1450 – 1506) was a 15th century (a–f). Check the answers as a class.
Italian explorer, navigator, coloniser and a citizen of the 1 Why is Kira Salak called such names as ‘a real-life Lara
Republic of Genoa. He’s most famous for discovering the ‘New Croft’ and ‘the craziest woman adventurer’?
World’ of the Americas on an expedition sponsored by King 2 Why did she take an interest in explorers from the past?
Ferdinand of Spain in 1492. He completed four voyages across 3 Why did the accidents in the text seem to be nothing special?
the Atlantic Ocean. 4 Why does Kira want show people problems such as
James Cook (1728 – 1779) was a British explorer, navigator, slavery or the killings that occur in some countries?
cartographer and captain in the Royal Navy. Cook made
detailed maps of New Zealand prior to making three voyages Key
to the Pacific Ocean, during which he made the first recorded 1f 2c 3a 4d
European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia
and the Hawaiian Islands. He was also the first one to EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
circumnavigate New Zealand.
exercise 11 page 33
EXTRA ACTIVITY charades Ask students to note down the expressions from exercise
11 in an interesting way: draw cartoons or pictograms
exercise 2 page 32
in their notebook. Then give each student a copy of the
Invite a volunteer to choose one phrase from exercise 2 and worksheet with the sentences below (worksheet activities
come to the front of the class. Tell him/her to mime the page 125). Students translate the Polish parts of the
meaning of the phrase. The rest of the class try to guess sentences in brackets into English.
which expression it is. 1 I’m sorry. I (wzięłam twoją torbę przez pomyłkę) .
2 My brother is a sailor and (pracuje na morzu) .
MATURA SPEAKING TASK rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli 3 I usually (chodzę do szkoły na piechotę) but
exercise 4 page 32 yesterday I had to go by bus.
4 If you feel you (jesteś w niebezpieczeństwie) ,
Tell students to work in pairs. Give each pair of students please call the police.
a copy of the worksheet with the task below (worksheet 5 What do you like most about (podróżowaniu drogą
activities page 125). Alternatively, you may dictate the task lotniczą) ?
or write it on the board. 6 Even though (mam okropne boleści) , I have to go
to work.
EXAM TASK Uczeń A 7 I am late because (po drodze pomogłem) an elderly
Razem z kolegą planujesz dwutygodniową podróż. lady carry her shopping.
Omówcie cztery poniższe kwestie: 8 Are you here (w interesach) ?
cel podróży zakwaterowanie 9 (Po przyjeździe do hotelu) I was greeted by the
manager himself.
What is the lesson about? Hotel receptionist: Good morning. This is the 40 Winks
Speaking • at a tourist information office
Hotel. How can I help you?
Client: Good morning. I’d like to book a room for two
Functional • making a reservation nights. I’ll be in Warsaw on Thursday morning.
language (…)
Client: All right. Can I make a reservation? I’d like to pay
• a dialogue at a tourist information office
Listening by credit card if it’s OK.
• a client making a reservation on the phone
Hotel receptionist: I just need your name and credit card
Matura topics Podróżowanie i turystyka; Mówienie details to make the booking.
and tasks (Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli) Then students swap roles and do the activity again.
Matura topics Podróżowanie i turystyka, Praca; Wypowiedź Students work in pairs and answer the questions:
and tasks pisemna (Artykuł) 1 What could the articles be about?
2 Why do you think the titles are either incomplete
sentences or questions?
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (3–4 minutes)
3 What makes these titles interesting? Which one do you
Ask students if they have ever thought of doing volunteer like the most? Why?
work. Ask: What kind of work would you like to do? In
a weaker class, you may write the following statement HOMEWORK
together with the options A–D on the board. Tell students
to choose the option that is true for them and justify their Tell students to find an interesting article online. Students
choice. should be prepared to give information on:
• the title of the article;
I would like to do volunteer work that would: • what it is about;
A let me develop my interests and share my knowledge with • why they find it interesting.
B help people in need around the world, not just people in
my community.
C involve taking care of animals.
D involve protecting the environment.
1 get away from it all
2 make most of your time
3 hit the road
4 will have the time of your life
• technology exercise 7 page 40
• digital skills
Before students match the problems with the solutions,
• pairwork: you should ask questions to help them think of real life
Speaking – a digital questionnaire examples of the things described in the exercise.
– talking about computers and digital skills 1 Can you name any malicious software?
• monologue: 2 Which secure websites do you use?
– someone talking about digital skills 3 What can we do to protect our personal data online?
4 Do your parents use any parental controls?
Matura topics Nauka i technika
and tasks 5 Have you come across any trolling recently?
6 What kind of privacy settings do you use on Facebook?
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (2–3 minutes)
EXTRA ACTIVITY jumbled words
Discuss the following question with the class: What would
at the end of the lesson
your life be like without a computer? Write the sentence
below on the board for students to complete with their Students work in pairs. Each of them chooses four words
own ideas. or phrases consisting of two words from the lesson (e.g.
If I didn’t have a computer, I would / wouldn’t … device, update, website, laptop, digital skills, video call,
leave feedback, shopping site, antivirus software, store
EXTRA ACTIVITY vocabulary practice data, etc.). Students rewrite the words with the letters
jumbled up for their partner to put in the correct order
exercise 2 page 40 (e.g. ‘eicscen’ for ‘science’). Set a time limit of about two
Tell students to read the digital skills checklist in exercise 2 minutes for this activity.
a couple of times before closing their books. Give each
student a copy of the worksheet with the gapped phrases HOMEWORK
below (worksheet activities page 127) and ask them to
Students design a new website for their school. They draw
complete the phrases from memory. Alternatively, you may
a sketch showing the layout and make notes to explain
write the phrases on the board. Set a time limit of three
how the website will be organised, e.g. the title, headlines,
minutes for students to complete the missing verbs. The
contact information, photo gallery, pages, sub-pages, etc.
student or the pair that can remember the most wins.
During the next lesson students present their website to
1 a video call the class.
2 a website
3 on a forum
4 feedback on a shopping site
5 antivirus software
6 code
7 a website
8 a website
9 music or photos online
10 data on a device
11 a new search engine
• inventions exercises 5 and 6 page 41
• collocations with make / take / do
Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the Find
• three texts (monologues and dialogues) someone who … activity below (worksheet activities
about inventions, their history and role page 127).
Listening • a dialogue: Find someone who:
– two friends talking about research • makes a lot of mistakes when he/she writes in English.
concerning mobile phones • hates taking notes.
• pairwork:
• can’t do without a mobile phone.
Speaking – expressing opinions about mobile phones • can’t make decisions easily.
and the Internet • has done an interesting experiment.
• hasn’t done much work this week.
Matura topics Nauka i technika; Rozumienie ze słuchu • can do without the TV.
and tasks (Wielokrotny wybór) Ask students to look at the bullet points and elicit the
question they need to ask, e.g. Do you make a lot of
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (5 minutes) mistakes when you write in English? Do you hate taking
notes? Can you do without your mobile? Tell students to
Divide the class into groups of three or four. Give each
mingle and find someone who says yes to each question.
group a copy of the worksheet with the inventions quiz
Ask students to make a note of any extra details. Get some
below (worksheet activities page 127). Check the answers
feedback from the class.
as a class.
1 Who created the first lightning conductors?
EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
a Thomas Alva Edison
b Benjamin Franklin exercise 7 page 41
c Franklin Otis In a weaker class, get students to listen to the recording
2 What did Waterman invent? while following the script on page 157. Before they answer
a the fountain pen the question in exercise 7, tell them to find the phrases in
b the umbrella the script which indicate either a fact or an opinion.
c gloves
3 Who designed a primitive version of the car
1 Opinion (I thought …)
in the 15th century?
2 Fact (Recent survey results show …)
a Galileo Galilei
3 Opinion (I hadn’t realised that … / In my view it has
b Nostradamus a really bad effect on relationships.)
c Leonardo da Vinci 4 Opinion (I think …)
4 Who invented dynamite?
a Alexander Fleming HOMEWORK
b Albert Einstein Students write a short text (about a hundred words) to
c Alfred Nobel answer the question: If you could invent a machine, what
5 When was the aeroplane invented? type of machine would you invent? Encourage students to
a 1896 draw the machine in order to show it to the class.
b 1929
c 1903
1b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 c
Maria Skłodowska-Curie: 2, 5
Albert Einstein: 4, 6
Thomas Edison: 1, 3, 7
1 scanner 3 printer
2 dishwasher 4 coffee maker
• a text about the possibility to send emails exercise 4 page 48
to yourself in the future
In a weaker class, before students start doing exercise 4,
Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie, Kultura; you may want to tell them which part of speech is needed
Matura topics Znajomość środków językowych (PP: to complete each sentence. You may also say which of the
and tasks Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań; PR: Test luk verbs are used in the past simple / past participle form.
sterowany, Słowotórstwo) 1 adjective, positive 5 verb, past simple
2 adjective 6 verb, present perfect
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (2–3 minutes) 3 noun 7 adjective
4 verb 8 adjective
Ask students to translate the following sentence into
English: Uwielbiam słuchać muzyki kiedy odpoczywam. Ask
different students to write their translations on the board.
Compare the translations and discuss them with the class. Students translate the sentences below in two different
ways, using the words given.
Key (possible answers) 1 Wolałabym zostać w domu dziś wieczorem.
I love / enjoy / adore listening to music when I take a rest / chill a prefer b rather
out / relax. 2 Nie pomogę ci, jeśli mi nie powiesz o co chodzi.
a unless b if
EXTRA CHALLENGE translations 3 Zadzwonię do ciebie, jak tylko dotrę do domu.
after exercise 1 page 48 a soon b moment
Dictate the sentences below for students to translate into
English. Key
1 Zadzwoń do mnie jak tylko będziesz mógł. 1 a I would prefer to stay at home tonight.
b I would rather stay at home tonight.
2 Wolę pływanie od biegania.
2 a I won’t help you unless you tell me what’s going on.
3 Jeśli zdam egzamin to pojadę na wakacje. b I won’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on.
4 Jeśli nie chcesz ze mną rozmawiać, to nie dzwoń do mnie. 3 a I’ll call you as soon as I get home.
5 Czy możemy już wyjść? b I’ll call you the moment I get home.
1 Call me as soon as you can.
2 I prefer swimming to running.
3 If I pass my exam, I’ll go on holiday.
4 Unless you want to talk to me / If you don’t want to talk
to me, don’t call me.
5 Shall we leave now?
1 In total twelve people have walked on the Moon.
Besides Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin – who were
the first two astronauts to set foot on the Moon —
there was also Pete Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard,
Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young,
Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison Schmitt.
2 The record for the farthest distance travelled in space
was established by the crew of NASA’s Apollo 13 in
April 1970. The aim of the mission was to land on the
moon, but due to major technical problems the landing
did not take place. The flight passed over the far side of
the moon at an altitude of 254 km (158 miles) from the
lunar surface and 400,171 km (248,655 miles) from Earth.
Follow-up ACTIVITY
Ask students the following discussion questions.
What kind of people become astronauts?
Do you think you have the right personality to be an
astronaut? Why? / Why not?
• friends and family exercise 7 page 52
• phrasal verbs
Before students do exercise 7, give each student a copy
• dialogues: of the worksheet with the phrases and definitions below
Listening – three dialogues between friends or family (worksheet activities page 130). Ask students to match the
members phrases with their definitions.
• pairwork: 1 bring up 5 be related to sb
– discussion about relationships 2 grow up 6 be connected to sb
– describing a romantic story from a film 3 make friends 7 look like sb
or a book
4 remain friends 8 take after sb
Matura topics Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie
and tasks a to belong to the same family
b to look or behave like an older relative
c to look after a child until he or she is an adult
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (4–5 minutes)
d to become friends
Explain that you are going to read out some statements e to change from being a baby or young child to being
about relationships between famous people or film an older child or adult
characters. The students’ task is to listen and decide if they
f to continue to be friends
are true or false. Tell students to raise a hand if they know
the correct answer. g to be similar in appearance to someone else
1 Nicole Kidman is Tom Cruise’s wife. h to have a social, business, or family relationship
2 Queen Elizabeth is Prince Harry’s grandmother.
3 Brad Pitt is Angelina Jolie’s fiancé.
1c 2e 3d 4f 5a 6h 7g 8b
4 Bart is Homer Simpsons’ son.
5 Vernon is Harry Potter’s father.
6 Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father.
7 Chris Martin is Gwyneth Paltrow’s partner. at the end of the lesson
8 Chris Hemsworth is Liam Hemsworth’s brother. Prepare cards with the phrases below (worksheet activities
page 130). Invite pairs of students to pick a card and mime
Key the activity. The rest of the class must guess the activity and
1 false (She is his ex-wife.) 5 false (He is his uncle.) write a sentence using the phrase.
2 true 6 true • get on with your neighbours
3 false (He is her husband.) 7 false (He is her ex-husband.) • hang out with your classmates
4 true 8 true • fall out with your best friend
• fall for a film star
EXTRA ACTIVITY family tennis • make up with your girlfriend
exercise 2 page 52 • make friends with a colleague
• break up with your boyfriend
Tell students to keep their books closed. Students work in • look like your brother / sister
pairs. One student ‘serves’ with a word for a male member
of the family, e.g. brother, and the other has to ‘return’ the HOMEWORK
serve with the female equivalent of that word, e.g. sister.
The game continues until one person makes too long Students create a poster that illustrates their family’s
a pause or makes a mistake. interests, e.g. depicts a boat, a house, a garden, the night
sky, etc. Students present their posters to the class during
the next lesson.
Matura topics
Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie, Człowiek; Encourage them to write some sentences either about
Znajomość środków językowych (Tłumaczenie themselves or the people and objects in the class, using
and tasks
fragmentów zdań) these words. Give students some examples:
• I don’t have grey hair and Bartek doesn’t have grey hair.
Determiners: all, every, most, some, any, Neither of us has / have grey hair.
no, none etc. • Marysia is wearing glasses and Kasia is wearing glasses.
Both Marysia and Kasia are wearing glasses.
• No one in class likes eating snails. None of the students
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (4–5 minutes)
likes eating snails.
Write the following sentences on the board. Tell students • I can have crisps or a chocolate bar for lunch. Either
to complete the sentences in pairs, using appropriate snack is good.
words. Set a time limit of one minute. Then, have a quick
feedback session with the class. Key
1 Have you got British friends? both = obaj, obie, oboje (2 osoby)
2 No, I haven’t got friends who live in Great Britain. either = każdy (z dwóch)
3 But I have English pen friends. neither = żaden (z dwóch)
4 My brother has friends at all. time he wants to none of = żaden (z wielu)
make friends, something goes wrong.
Key Dictate the sentences below for students to translate into
1 any / many 3 a few / some / a lot of / a couple of English.
2 any / many 4 no; Every 1 Mam kilka interesujących książek o Drugiej Wojnie
EXTRA ACTIVITY determiners 2 Nie mogę z tobą teraz rozmawiać bo mam dużo pracy
exercise 4 page 54 do zrobienia.
Write the determiners listed in exercise 4 on the board. 3 Wszyscy studenci powinni zrobić co w ich mocy by zdać
Also prepare a list which includes singular countable egzamin.
nouns, plural nouns and uncountable nouns, e.g. 4* Nie mogę ci dać żadnej z tych książek, bo nie są moje.
1 sister 5 parents 9 food 5* Żadne z moich rodziców nie jadło jeszcze sushi.
2 an argument 6 blouses 10 time
3 a friend 7 books 11 money Key
4 a date 8 journeys 12 love 1 I’ve got a few / a couple of interesting books about
World War II.
Invite a student to pick a number from one to twelve. 2 I can’t talk to you now because I’ve got a lot of work to do.
Then read out the word that corresponds to the number 3 All students should do their best to pass the exam.
chosen by the student. The student then has to choose an 4* I can’t give you any of these books. / I can’t give you
appropriate determiner that goes with his/her word and either of these books. / I can give you neither of these
make a sentence, e.g. My parents haven’t got much time books. / I can give you none of these books because they
for each other. (5) Get feedback from the class. aren’t mine.
5* Neither of my parents has eaten sushi yet.
READING AND VOCABULARY reading for gist and detail • relationships and dating
BACKROUND NOTE Bridget Jones’ Diary
What is the lesson about?
exercise 3 page 56
• relationships and dating
Vocabulary • prepositional phrases Bridget Jones’ Diary is a 1996 novel by Helen Fielding, an
• polysemous words English journalist, novelist and screenwriter. The novel is
loosely based on Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Written
• an excerpt from the novel by Helen Fielding, in the form of a personal diary, the book is a satirical portrayal
Bridget Jones’ Diary of a thirtysomething single working woman who is trying to
• pairwork: establish a long-term relationship. The books have been very
– a quiz How romantic are you? popular with more than two million copies sold worldwide.
– a discussion about family life and The story of Bridget Jones is continued in Bridget Jones: The
relationships Edge of Reason (1999) and Mad About the Boy (2013).
Matura topics Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie
and tasks EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
exercise 6 page 57
Culture note Saint Valentine’s day In a weaker class, you may want to do an alternative
exercise 1 page 56 reading task. Give each student a copy of the worksheet
with the questions below (worksheet activities page 131)
On Saint Valentine’s day (14th February) people all around and ask students to match them with answers 1–8.
the world express their love for one another by sending cards, A Who introduced Mark to Bridget?
flowers and small gifts. The first official Saint Valentine’s Day B What did Mark suggest to Bridget?
was celebrated in 496 in memory of bishop Valentine, a 3rd
C Why did Bridget go to the party?
century martyr. According to one legend, the bishop helped
couples to marry secretly. This was a crime since marriages had D Why does Bridget’s mother want her to meet Mark Darcy?
been forbidden in 270 AD by Emperor Claudius, who claimed E Why did Bridget feel embarrassed?
that married men made poor soldiers. As bishop Valentine F What was Mark Darcy wearing?
disobeyed the law, he was imprisoned and sentenced to death. G How did Mark react to / feel about Bridget’s talkativeness?
Before his execution, he wrote a letter to the prison warden’s H How does Bridget feel about the men her mother chooses
daughter with whom he had fallen in love. He signed the letter, for her?
‘from your Valentine’ – a phrase which has come to be written
on 14th February cards and gifts ever since. Key
1C 2H 3D 4E 5F 6A 7G 8B
1 Where do you go out with your friends?
I need to put the washing out and then we can play.
3 I don’t feel like going out tonight. I’m too tired.
I really want to be friends with Tom. He’s so handsome.
4 I can’t get through to her. The line is busy all the time.
Oliver and Julia are getting married next month.
6 As I’m single, I feel lonely sometimes.
7 We broke up after a really bad fight and never made up.
8 There’s a connection between poverty and happiness.
Discuss the following questions with students.
There are famous love stories in every culture. What is
a famous love story in your country?
What famous literary love stories do you know?
Do you enjoy reading or watching love stories?
Why? / Why not?
1 experience
2 candidate
3 position
4 opportunity
5 career
6 part
7 organisation
Unhelpful tips: Talk a lot; If you don’t know what to say,
make up the answers; Don’t ask any questions; Criticise
your previous employer.
What is the lesson about? e.g. I think ‘Kuchenne rewolucje’ is a very entertaining
• TV shows
programme because you can follow very interesting stories
• people on television about restaurants and the people who work there. / In my
opinion, ‘STOP Drogówka’ is an educational programme.
• a dialogue: You can learn about the mistakes drivers often make.
Listening – two people talking about what was on TV 1 Dzień Dobry TVN 5 Uwaga!
the previous night
2 Kuchenne rewolucje 6 Kuba Wojewódzki
• pairwork: 3 Wojciech Cejrowski 7 Galileo
Speaking – describing TV personalities – Boso przez świat 8 STOP Drogówka
– discussing the future of television 4 9 Dr House
Matura topics Kultura
and tasks EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
exercise 6 page 66
EXTRA ACTIVITY TV programmes After students have completed exercise 6, they test each
exercise 2 page 66 other in pairs. One student reads out the definitions in
exercise 6 while the other has to say the correct word
To revise different types of TV programmes, ask students without looking in the book. Then give each student
to complete the quiz below. Divide the class into teams. a copy of the worksheet with the sentences to translate
Give each team a copy of the worksheet with the quiz into English (worksheet activities page 134). Alternatively,
(worksheet activities page 134). Read out the statements
you may dictate the sentences below to students.
as well as the three options (a, b and c). Teams write their
1 Kiedy byłam mała, chciałam zostać pogodynką.
answers down. Check the answers as a class.
2 Czy uważasz, że praca jako prezenter wiadomości jest
1 A funny TV series about the lives of fictional characters is
known as a .
3 Kto jest najlepszym aktorem głosowym w Polsce?
a talk show
4 Uważam, że Agnieszka Chylińska jest dobrą jurorką.
b sitcom
5 Nie zgadzam się z opinią tego eksperta.
c soap opera
6 Ten komentator jest bardzo denerwujący!
2 A TV programme that documents real life events is known
as a . 7 Dorota Wellman jest fantastycznym gospodarzem
a drama
b reality show
c documentary
1 When I was little, I wanted to become a weather
3 A show that reports world events as they unfold is known forecaster.
as . 2 Do you think that working as a newsreader is interesting?
a a party political broadcast 3 Who is the best voice-over artist in Poland?
b a TV series 4 In my opinion, Agnieszka Chylińska is a very good judge.
c the news 5 I don’t agree with this pundit’s opinion.
4 A TV programme in which contestants answer questions 6 This commentator is very annoying!
or play games of skill or chance in order to win money or 7 Dorota Wellman is a fantastic host.
other prizes is known as a .
a game show HOMEWORK
b lottery show Tell students to write a TV guide for the following
c chat show Saturday which includes broadcast times, titles and short
descriptions of at least five different programmes. In class,
Key students swap their guides and decide which programmes
1b 2c 3c 4a they would like to watch and why. Ask a few students to
present their ideas to the class, e.g.
5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Talk show: The Jeremy Knight Show – the
exercise 5 page 66 host invites guests to air their differences over family and
Write the list of TV programmes below on the board. Ask relationship issues.
students to write down numbers 1–9 and note down an 6 p.m. – 6.15 p.m. Animated Movie: Teenage Mutant
adjective which they would use to describe each programme Ninja Turtles, ‘A Foot too Big’ – Donnie meets Bigfoot and
on the list. Invite individual students to present their ideas discovers she’s being hunted, so asks his brothers to help
to the class. Remind them to give reasons for their opinions, protect her.
• the news exercise 9 page 67
• adjectives and prepositions
Ask students the following discussion questions to recycle
• monologues: the phrases from exercise 9.
– four texts about different news sources 1 Is it ever OK to tell lies? If yes, in what kind of situations is
– an interview with a girl who is talking about it acceptable?
a programme she has watched
2 Is bending the truth less harmful than lying?
• pairwork: 3 Which newspapers do you read? Do they have a political
Speaking – discussing a question about the media and bias? If yes, what kind of bias?
politicians 4 Does the foreign media usually paint your country in
Matura topics Kultura; Rozumienie ze słuchu (Dobieranie) a good light? Give examples to support your opinion.
and tasks 5 Do you believe statistical data in the media? Can you
quote any statistics regarding Poland?
EXTRA ACTIVITY adjectives and prepositions
after exercise 5 page 67 Students complete the sentences below so that they are
Students take turns to test each other in pairs. One true about themselves or the people they know.
student calls out the adjectives from exercise 5 (full, 1 I know someone who is addicted to . This person …
biased, addicted, interested, excellent, responsible) and 2 I’d like to be good at because …
the other responds with the appropriate prepositions 3 I’m really curious about because …
(addicted to, interested in, etc.). The activity continues
4 One of my friends is interested in . He/she …
until the student being tested is able to give all the correct
answers. Then students exchange roles: one student calls 5 I’m really fed up with because …
out the prepositions (of, for, to, in, at, towards) to elicit the
appropriate adjectives.
1C 2H 3B 4F 5D 6A 7I
• defining relative clauses exercise 6 page 68
• non-defining relative clauses
Give each pair of students a copy of the worksheet with the
• an article about a reality show gapped sentences below (worksheet activities page 134).
• a text about a TV show Students work in pairs and decide which relative pronoun
is missing in each sentence and where it can be left out.
Matura topics Kultura; Znajomość środków językowych Ask students to compare their answers in pairs. Conduct
and tasks (Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań)
a feedback session with the class.
1 This is the book my grandfather gave me.
Defining relative clauses 2 The woman daughter won the beauty contest is our
IF YOU NEED A QUICK REVIEW … (5 minutes) 3 I’ve never lived in a house there’s no electricity.
Ask individual students to come to the front of the class. 4 That’s the time of the year we all work very hard.
Give them a slip of paper with one of these words on it for 5 Have you got the documents I gave you?
them to define: forecaster, pundit, host, voice-over artist, 6 This is the programme I love watching!
commentator, contestant, newsreader, judge. You may
want to brainstorm some language before the activity and Key
write it on the board, e.g. This is a person who … / They 1 This is the book (which / that) my grandfather gave me.
often appear in … shows. The rest of the class must guess 2 The woman whose daughter won the beauty contest is
the word. our neighbour.
3 I’ve never lived in a house where there’s no electricity.
EXTRA ACTIVITY defining relative clauses 4 That’s the time of the year when we all work very hard.
after exercise 5 page 68 5 Have you got the documents (which / that) I gave you?
6 This is the programme (which / that) I love watching!
Give a small object to a student (a piece of paper, book,
pen, eraser, ruler, mug, etc.) and ask them to pass it HOMEWORK
on to someone in the class. Say: Please give this to the
girl / boy / student. When the student asks for more details Students think of a reality show they would like to watch
or hands it to the ‘wrong’ person, be more precise and or take part in. They describe the show, using the headings
explain, e.g. Give it to the girl who is wearing a red skirt. and sentences below.
Act out similar dialogues with other students in the class, • Title
using some of the sentences (1–9) below, e.g. • Prize
A Marek, give this book to the girl. • Length
B Which girl? • Number of contestants
A Give it to the girl who is standing next to the window. This is a reality show in which …
As a follow-up, you may invite individual students to come The contestants are people who …
to the front of the class and act out similar dialogues, They live where …
using their own ideas. The winner is the person who …
1 Give it to the girl / boy who is standing next to the The person who drops out of the show.
window / door / cabinet.
2 Give it to the girl / boy whose hair is Non-defining relative clauses
black / blonde / curly / straight.
3 Give it to a person whose name starts with A, etc. IF YOU NEED A QUICK REVIEW … (4–5 minutes)
4 Give it to a person whose parents you know well / who Ask students to work in groups of four or five. Tell them to
lives near you. pretend that they are at a party. In their groups students
5 Give it to someone who is good at maths / biology / gossip about other people at the party (the members of
chemistry, etc. the other groups). Students have to pretend that they want
6 Give it to a student who has helped you with something to find out more about the other guests from another
recently. student, e.g.
7 Give it to a person you often chat with. A Do you know the girl who is standing by the door?
8 Give me the book whose cover is blue and red / which is B The girl who is standing by the door is my sister.
on your desk / which belongs to Kasia, etc. C I think the boy who has green eyes looks very handsome.
9 Stand in the corner where there are no chairs / where D The top which the tall girl with blue eyes is wearing looks
there is a rubbish bin / in which there is a big plant pot, very elegant, doesn’t it?
etc. At the end of the activity ask each group to act out their
dialogues in front of the class.
• artists and their work after exercise 11 page 71
• word formation (noun suffixes)
Tell students to keep their books closed. To practise the
Reading • three texts about contemporary artists vocabulary from exercise 11, call out the words in bold
in exercise 11 to elicit the correct nouns, e.g. enjoy –
• pairwork: enjoyment; real – reality, etc.
– describing pictures
– discussion about art
– presentation about an artistic happening MATURA SPEAKING TASK rozmowa na podstawie
at the end of the lesson materiału stymulującego
Matura topics Kultura; Rozumienie pisanych tekstów
and tasks (Dobieranie) Ask students to look at the three pictures on pages 70–71
and then give each student a copy of the worksheet with
the exam task below (worksheet activities page 135).
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (2–3 minutes) Alternatively, you may dictate the task to students.
Discuss the following two questions with the class.
EXAM TASK Popatrz na zdjęcia 1–3 na stronach 70–71.
• Did your art lessons at school make you more or less
interested in art? Why? Zamierzasz w weekend wziąć udział w jakimś wydarzeniu
artystycznym. Masz do wyboru trzy możliwości.
• When was the last time you went to an art gallery?
Did you enjoy it? Why? / Why not? • Wybierz to wydarzenie, które, Twoim zdaniem, jest
najbardziej interesujące.
• Wyjaśnij, dlaczego odrzucasz pozostałe możliwości.
EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
Examiner’s questions:
exercise 7 page 70 1 Do you think any modern artists will be remembered in
Divide the class into three teams. Each team reads one a hundred years’ time? Why? / Why not?
of the three texts and answers the questions about it 2 Does music play an important role in your life? Why? /
(team A: statements 1–2; team B: statements 3–4; team Why not?
C: statements 5–7). In groups, students decide if the
statements are facts or opinions. Tell students to give HOMEWORK
reasons to support their answers. Have a feedback session
with the class. Students prepare a short presentation about a contemporary
artist of their choice. Tell them to include the following:
Key • a few biographical details
• their greatest achievements
1 Fact: One of his unique creations is called ‘Painting
Projections’… • what they think about this artist
2 Fact: I just stood there in silence surrounded by a crowd If possible, students may bring copies of the artist’s work
of other viewers … to the next class to illustrate their presentation.
3 Fact: […] whose popularity is growing rapidly, judging by
the increasing number of subscribers it has on YouTube.
4 Opinion: Watching such a big crowd all doing the same
things at the same time makes you wonder if it’s a form
of art or just some kind of practical joke.
5 Opinion: Willard Wigan, who is considered by some art
critics to be one of the most original and gifted sculptors
in Britain …
6 Opinion: It’s hard to believe that anyone can create such
an incredible piece of art.
7 Fact: According to his online profile his first creations
were shoes and hats – for ants!
a2 b1 c5 d3 e4
What is the lesson about? • get medical help immediately; do not try to put the joint
• parts of the body
back yourself; keep the injured area cool
• illnesses • rinse the skin and let it dry naturally; do not towel dry;
Vocabulary take an over-the-counter antihistamine
• symptoms and treatment
• body idioms • do not lie down; hold a towel under your nose
• stabilise the injured part of the body; apply ice to the
• a monologue: injury
Listening – an extract from a radio programme about
• pairwork: a stabilise the injured part of the body; apply ice to the
Speaking – talking about online health advice and injury
helping someone in a medical emergency b drink tea with honey and lemon juice; take an aspirin
Matura topics Zdrowie c clean the wound under warm running tap water;
and tasks put a plaster on the wound
d rest your foot and avoid any activity that may cause pain;
use a cold compress
EXTRA ACTIVITY body parts e get medical help immediately; do not try to put the joint
after exercise 2 page 78 back yourself; keep the injured area cool
f rinse the skin and let it dry naturally; do not towel dry;
Tell students to stand up. Give them some simple take an over-the-counter antihistamine
instructions to follow, e.g. say: touch your knees with both g do not lie down; hold a towel under your nose
hands; put your hands on your thighs; stick your thumbs h apply ice to the area from time to time for the first
up; touch your friend’s shoulder; put your right hand on twenty-four hours, then apply heat
your left hip; point to your chin; scratch your elbow, etc. i soak your hand in cool water for at least five minutes;
You may also invite individual students to come to the apply an aloe vera cream or an antibiotic ointment
front of the class and give similar commands. j take vitamin C; rest
• adjectives exercises 7 and 8 page 79
• idioms and collocations
Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the
• dialogues: sentences below (worksheet activities page 139). Students
Listening – a radio interview about antibiotics listen to the recording and match the statements with
– a boy and girl discussing animal testing questions 1–4 in exercise 8. Explain that there are two extra
answers which students don’t have to use.
• pairwork:
– talking about new therapies and medical A The boy thinks that many animals carry nasty viruses and
Speaking inventions that’s why it’s OK to test drugs on them.
– discussion about using animals in medical B Animal activists broke into a research centre in the early
research hours and released the animals from their cages. They did
this because they disagreed with animal testing.
Matura topics Człowiek, Zdrowie; Rozumienie ze słuchu
and tasks (Wielokrotny wybór) C The girl doesn’t know many details, only that the attack
happened last night.
D The boy disagrees with the activists and the girl. He thinks
BACKGROUND NOTE discovery of penicillin this is the only way to test the new drugs which may bring
benefits to the whole society.
The discovery of penicillin, the world’s first antibiotic,
E The girl heard that animal activists blew off the door of
was one of the most significant breakthroughs in medical
a research centre and stole some papers.
history. Penicillin was discovered in London in September
1928 by doctor Alexander Fleming (1881–1955), a Scottish F The girl partly agrees with the activists: drugs shouldn’t
bacteriologist. As the story goes, at the time, Fleming was be tested on animals but she disagrees with the methods
growing bacteria on Petri dishes. His lab was often untidy as they use.
he sometimes left the lids off his dishes, allowing air in. On
returning from holiday one day, Fleming noticed that mould Key
had contaminated some of his Petri dishes. After placing the 1C 2B 3F 4D
dishes under the microscope, he realised that the mould was
preventing the growth of the harmful bacteria Staphylococcus. EXTRA ACTIVITY completing sentences
Fleming conducted more tests and concluded that the mould,
after exercise 9 page 79
thanks to inhibiting growth of the bacteria, could be used to
combat infectious diseases. Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the
sentence beginnings below (worksheet activities page 139).
FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY Students complete the sentences with their own ideas.
Elicit answers from a few students. Alternatively, you may
Students work in pairs and write a real or imagined story write the sentence beginnings on the board or dictate
about someone making an important discovery by chance. them to the class.
1 I’d like to know some of the ins and outs of …
EXTRA CHALLENGE adjective + noun collocations
2 I’m dead set against …
after exercise 5 page 79 3 I don’t think it’s a good idea to release …
Explain that you will read out some words which can 4 Bacteria and viruses are often carried by …
collocate with one of the adjectives from exercise 5. 5 The best way to make a statement about who you are
Students must guess which adjective it is. First, read out is to …
one word to check if students can guess the adjective,
and then continue with the other words in a similar way. HOMEWORK project work
As a follow-up, you may ask students to write their own
Ask students to work in small groups and prepare a poster
sentences using some of the adjective + noun collocations.
or a PowerPoint presentation about an important medical
• profitable: business, campaign, market, investment discovery or invention (e.g. X-Ray, anaesthetics, DNA, IVF,
• medical: school, care, problem, treatment vaccines, organ transplantation). Tell students to include
• cosmetic: products, laboratory, treatment, surgery the following:
• ineffective: therapy, method, drug, communication • historical facts
• countless: times, changes, articles, examples • why the invention / discovery was important
• how the invention / discovery is influencing people’s
life now
At the beginning of the next class get each group to
present their findings to the class.
1 Harry Potter, like all other books, has odd-numbered
pages on the right. Therefore, pages 15 and 16 are
the front and back of a single page, and, therefore,
nothing could have been found between them.
• a dialogue about registering a dog after exercise 5 page 87
as a therapy animal
Give each pair of students a copy of the worksheet with
• a dialogue about going to an acupuncturist the sentences below (worksheet activities page 141). Ask
Listening • a monologue about overusing medication students to paraphrase the following sentences using the
• a monologue about hypnotherapy words / phrases in brackets. Check the answers as a class.
Matura topics Zdrowie; Rozumienie ze słuchu (PR: Wielokrotny
1 Why don’t you talk to your parents about it?
and tasks wybór) (might / idea)
2 I’ve never been to London before. (first time)
3 The performance was impressive. (thought)
4 I think you are absolutely right. (completely agree)
Rozumienie ze słuchu, poziom rozszerzony:
wybór wielokrotny 5 It is mentioned in the article that therapy dogs offer
Uczniowie słuchają kilku krótkich tekstów comfort and support. (according to)
o zróżnicowanej tematyce i do każdego z nich
wybierają jedną z trzech podanych odpowiedzi. Key
Testowane umiejętności: określanie głównej myśli 1 It might be a good idea to talk to your parents about it.
tekstu, kontekstu wypowiedzi, intencji mówiącego 2 It is my first time in London.
lub odróżnianie faktów od opinii 3 We thought the performance was impressive /
outstanding / great.
4 I completely agree with you.
EXTRA ACTIVITY identifying the speaker’s intentions 5 According to the article, therapy dogs offer comfort and
after exercise 4 page 87 support
Write the first sentence below on the board and ask: What HOMEWORK matura writing task – an email
is the speaker doing? Elicit some answers. Then
give each pair of students a copy of the worksheet with Students write an email for the task below. Distribute
the sentences 1–6 and phrases which describe the speakers copies of the worksheet with the task (worksheet activities
intention (worksheet activities page 141). Students match page 142). Alternatively, you may dictate it or write it on
the phrases with the sentences. Check the answers as the board.
a class.
EXAM TASK Niedawno oglądałeś/oglądałaś program na
giving advice making a suggestion inviting temat medycyny niekonwencjonalnej (alternative medicine).
expressing sympathy giving an opinion apologising W mailu do koleżanki ze Szkocji:
1 I’m really sorry to hear about your mum’s accident. • napisz, o czym był program;
2 To my mind, people take too many antibiotics. • wyjaśnij, co cię w programie najbardziej zainteresowało;
3 I’m really sorry I am late – I missed the bus. • opisz jakiś problem zdrowotny, jaki ma osoba w twojej
4 Let’s go for a walk tonight, shall we? rodzinie;
5 Would you like to come to my party on Saturday? • zapytaj koleżankę, co sądzi o alternatywnych metodach
6 If I were you, I’d see a doctor. leczenia i w jaki sposób leczą się członkowie jej rodziny.
1 expressing sympathy
2 giving an opinion
3 apologising
4 making a suggestion
5 inviting
6 giving advice
• paraphrasing unknown words after exercise 4 page 96
• speculating about a picture
Students work in pairs. Student A thinks of an
Functional • expressing certainty and assumption object / place / person or activity. Student B must ask
language questions to guess their partner’s word. Encourage
students to turn some of the phrases in exercise 4 into
• a student describing a picture
questions, e.g.
Listening • a student answering three questions about
the picture • What kind of object / place is it?
• Is it something you use for …?
Matura topics Państwo i społeczeństwo; Mówienie • Is it a person whose job is to …?
and tasks (Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji) • Does it look like …?
• Is it made of …?
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (5 min) • Can you … with it?
Ask students: Can you name any celebrities who are HOMEWORK
involved in charity work? Elicit some ideas from students.
Then write the names of the celebrities below and read out Students find a picture in a newspaper which is related
the information about the charity work they have done. to the topic of the unit (politics, international conflicts,
Students match the celebrities with the sentences. charity, etc.) and write a short description of the picture
• Leonardo DiCaprio • Bill Gates using the phrases from the Phrase Bank. Tell students to
• Robert Lewandowski • Lionel Messi bring their pictures to the class and to be ready to describe
1 This person took part in a UNICEF campaign, which aims
them to the other students. The class vote on which is the
to tell the story of children in countries at war.
most interesting photo / description.
2 The person offered small roles in his film ‘Blood Diamond’
to orphaned children in Mozambique.
3 The person donated nearly half a million dollars to UNICEF
to help children in need in Argentina.
4 This person, together with their spouse, set up the largest
private charity in the world to promote health care and
fight poverty.
1 Robert Lewandowski 3 Lionel Messi
2 Leonardo DiCaprio 4 Bill Gates
1 These men could be soldiers.
2 I’m almost certain that the man is a famous actor.
3 I suppose the journalist is explaining what has happened.
4 I get the impression that the situation is serious.
5 I can’t be 100% sure, but I imagine that this woman
is surprised.
1 nail 3 bill 5 party 7 current
2 order 4 bat 6 table 8 rare
• collecting things after exercise 5 page 103
• easily confused words
Distribute copies of the worksheet with the questions
• monologue: below for students to discuss either in pairs or in small
– a boy talking about collecting things groups (worksheet activities page 148). Elicit some ideas
• dialogue: from the class.
– a radio interview with an art critic 1 Have you ever badgered your parents into buying you
• pairwork: something? How did you do it? Were you successful?
Speaking – a discussion about collecting things and 2 Do you think that hard work always pays off?
making money Why? / Why not?
3 If you had a lot of money, what would you invest it in?
Matura topics Zakupy i usługi, Człowiek; Rozumienie ze
and tasks słuchu (Dobieranie, Wielokrotny wybór)
4 Do you agree with the statement that ‘Being honest
is the only way to make real money’? Why? / Why not?
IF YOU NEED A QUICK REVIEW … (5–6 minutes) 5 Which of the things you own would you be willing
Ask students to keep their books closed. Write the to trade? What would you like to exchange them for?
following groups of words on the board for students to
match in order to create expressions. Alternatively, you EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
may distribute copies of the worksheet with the words
exercise 6 page 103
(worksheet activities page 148). The pair of students who
complete the task first are the winners. First play the whole recording. When you play the
A recording for the second time, pause it after the first part
insert, check, transfer, make, pay, withdraw, take out, offer, of the dialogue to give students some time to choose their
make, report, key in answers. If necessary, play the recording again and ask
B students to compare their answers in pairs. You may also
payments, your card, your balance, small transactions, ask students to listen while reading the audioscript on page
a loan, financial advice, lost or stolen cards, cash, your PIN 161 to check what they understood / didn’t understand.
number, money between accounts, in cheques You may also ask students to explain why the answers they
have not chosen are wrong.
insert your card, check your balance, transfer money
between accounts, make small transactions, pay in cheques, 1 d (correct) I know that paintings like that cost a lot more
withdraw cash, take out a loan, offer financial advice, than paintings by artists who are still alive but even so,
make payments, report lost or stolen cards, key in your it was far more than the predictions.
PIN number a (incorrect) many of his wonderful paintings are kept in
very private (…) may never be seen by the public again
b (incorrect) this is silly money, really! No one could
EXTRA ACTIVITY places to buy things
possibly have imagined that it would make such an
exercise 4 page 103 enormous amount. How can a painting be worth that
If it is a weaker class, read out loud the definitions below much?
for students to guess which word is being defined. In c (incorrect) colourful and typical Picasso
a stronger class, ask pairs of students to write their own 2 a (correct) I find it very sad that some people see
definitions of the places listed in exercise 4. everything as an investment and only think about the
monetary value of things.
1 shops which sell used goods
b (incorrect) People should (…) hang them on their walls
2 public events where people sell their unwanted to allow others to look at them.
possessions, often from the backs of their cars c (incorrect) In my opinion these crazy prices just
3 shops selling household objects, toys, etc. that cost encourage people to collect paintings for the wrong
a pound each reasons.
4 a table or small shop with an open front that people sell d (incorrect) Mark Taylor, on some points, agrees with
things from the interviewer; he does not sound irritated.
5 a public event at which things are sold via the Internet
to the person who offers the most money for them
6 shops where used goods are sold to raise money for
people or animals in need
1 second-hand stores 4 a market stall
2 car boot sales 5 an online auction
3 pound shops 6 charity shops
• the passive exercise 8 page 104
• have something done
Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the sentences
• an article about an experimental system and example below (worksheet activities page 149).
Reading /
of charging Ask students to underline the two objects in each sentence
• a dialogue: and make a note of which grammatical tense is used.
– two friends discussing wedding Then, students rewrite the sentences in the passive in two
preparations different ways, starting with each of the two objects e.g.
Matura topics • Zakupy i usługi, Praca; Znajomość środków Someone sent my brother an important letter last week.
and tasks językowych (Transformacje zdań) (past simple passive)
My brother was sent an important letter last week.
An important letter was sent to my brother last week.
The passive 1 My father’s boss has promised him a pay rise.
2 They are offering us a discount.
EXTRA ACTIVITY questionnaire
3 They didn’t give me the certificate.
after exercise 7 page 104 4 Someone may send you a parcel by mistake.
Distribute copies of the worksheet with the questions below 5 Someone has recommended a very good film to me.
for students to complete with the correct passive form of
the verbs in brackets (worksheet activities page 148). Check Key
the answers as a class. Then have students ask and answer 1 My father’s boss has promised him a pay rise. (future
the questions in pairs. simple, active)
1 What language (speak) in Brazil? • My father has been promised a pay rise.
2 How many subjects (teach) at your school? • A pay rise has been promised to my father.
3 What new rules (introduce) in your school this year? 2 They are offering us a discount. (present continuous)
• We’re being offered a discount.
4 When was the last time you (give) a present?
• A discount is being offered to us.
5 What changes (recently / made) in your house?
3 They didn’t give me the certificate. (past simple)
6 What (build) at the moment in the area where you • I wasn’t given the certificate.
live? • The certificate wasn’t given to me.
7 Where (coffee / grow)? 4 Someone may send you a parcel by mistake.
8 Who (Macbeth / write) by? (modal verb may)
9 Do you know anyone who (bully) online? • You may be sent a parcel by mistake.
10 Who (elect / the Polish Parliament) by? • A parcel may be sent to you by mistake
5 Someone has recommended a very good film to me.
Key (present perfect)
• I have been recommended a very good film.
1 is spoken
• A very good film has been recommended to me.
2 are taught
3 have been introduced
4 were given HOMEWORK
5 have recently been made Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the text
6 is being built below (worksheet activities page 149). Ask students to put
7 is coffee grown the verbs in brackets in their correct passive or active form.
8 was Macbeth written
The first coins 1 (make) in 700 BC by the
9 has been / was bullied
Lydians who 2 (live) in the area that is now
10 is the Polish Parliament elected
Turkey. The idea of using coins 3 (adopt) by
the ancient Greeks and Romans who also 4
EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes (start) making their own bronze and silver coins.
exercise 8 page 104 Coins 5 (help) to develop trade in the ancient
world. In Rome, coins 6 (produce) in the
Before students rewrite the sentences in the passive, ask
temple of Juno Moneta and that’s where the word ‘money’
them to decide which grammatical tense is used in each
comes from. Today, apart from coins, many other means
of the sentences 1–6 in exercise 8. Also, ask them to note
of payment 7 (use). For example banknotes,
down the correct form of the verb to be in each tense.
which 8 (first / introduce) to Europe by Marco
Polo in the 13th century. Another means of payment, the
Key credit card, 9 (be) around since 1950 while
1 past simple, was the debit card has been with us since 1966. Even though
2 future simple, will be banking 10 (become) so advanced nowadays,
3 present continuous, a are being b is being certain truths about money 11 (remain)
4 past simple, a weren’t b wasn’t universal, for example, Money 12 (not /grow)
5 present simple, is on trees.
6 past simple, was
What is the lesson about? 1 What kind of do people usually pay for when
• a consumer lifestyle they travel?
Vocabulary 2 What are you going to celebrate soon?
• easily confused words
3 How often do you things to other people?
• a text about a materialistic girl who
4 Are you good at finding in clothes shops?
becomes a minimalist
Reading 5 When was the last time you needed some but
• an article about a social awareness and
environmental movement didn’t have any on you?
6 Are the clothes you are wearing today ?
• pairwork:
Speaking 7 What do you usually do with the of the pocket
– discussing materialism and consumerism
money that you haven’t spent?
Matura topics
Zakupy i usługi, Państwo i społeczeństwo; 8 Do you ever things from your friends and family?
Rozumienie pisanych tekstów (Wielokrotny Why? / Why not?
and tasks
wybór) 9 Where is the best place to money in your town?
10 Do you agree that online shopping is the most way
11 How high would you like your to be?
Minimalism goes back to such spiritual leaders as Zarathustra,
Buddha and Confucius. Today, it has become an increasingly 12 Why do you think shop assistants are often unwilling
popular philosophy which encourages people to change their to money?
lifestyles in order to experience freedom from consumerism, 13 What’s the most form of transport? Why?
to reclaim their time, to pursue their passions and live a more 14 What reforms would you introduce in Poland?
meaningful life. Minimalists believe that the problem of
today’s world is that we assign too much meaning to material Key
possessions. To find happiness, people should consume less and 1 expenses 8 borrow
create more. The different aspects of a minimalist lifestyle have 2 occasion 9 exchange
been shown in a film entitled Minimalism: A Documentary 3 lend 10 convenient
About the Important Things (2016). 4 bargains 11 income
5 change 12 change
FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY 6 comfortable 13 economical
Ask students the following questions. 7 rest 14 economic
• Can you imagine living a minimalist lifestyle? Why?/ Why not?
• How many disadvantages of such a lifestyle can you think of? HOMEWORK
EXTRA ACTIVITY noughts and crosses Students write a questionnaire for a magazine. The
questionnaire has the title: Are You a Materialistic Person?
exercise 6 page 107 Encourage students to use language and ideas from the
Students play a game of noughts and crosses to practise reading texts. In class, students interview each other in
the vocabulary from exercise 6. First ask students to draw pairs and report back on their findings.
a noughts and crosses grid and complete it with the words
or phrases from exercise 6, as shown below. Explain that Key (possible questions)
they should not show their grid to their partner. Do you ever buy things you do not really need?
Do you dream of being able to afford many different things?
possessions manage accumulate Do you sometimes go on shopping sprees?
Do you think you spend too much money?
keep up shopping spree get rid of Are you a saver or a spender?
impact donate afford Do you think it’s a good idea to take out a loan to buy
a flat or a car?
Students then draw an empty grid and play the game. Do you accumulate a lot of material possessions?
In order to win a square they need to give the correct Do you have enough free time?
definition of the word in that square. If necessary, explain
that the aim of the game is to be the first to get a line of
noughts or crosses.
Zakupy i usługi, Dom; Znajomość środków EXAM TASK Twój znajomy z Anglii przeprowadza się do
Matura topics Polski, aby podjąć tu pracę i chciałby wynająć mieszkanie
językowych (PP: Test luk sterowany; PR:
and tasks
Transformacje zdań, Test luk otwarty) w Twojej miejscowości. Napisz do niego e-mail (80–130
wyrazów), w którym:
• opiszesz miejscowość, w której mieszkasz;
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (3–4 minutes)
• poinformujesz, w jaki sposób najlepiej szukać mieszkania
Ask students the following discussion questions: na wynajem;
• Would you rent out a room in your flat / house to • polecisz mu dogodną lokalizację i poinformujesz
someone? Why? / Why not? o kosztach wynajmu;
• What is a good landlord / landlady like? • zaproponujesz spotkanie w najbliższym czasie
• What are the advantages of sharing a flat with a friend? i zaoferujesz pomoc w poszukiwaniu mieszkania.
1 case 3 why 5 order 7 being
2 enough 4 have 6 have
C (The text is about two different groups of customers:
those who hunt for sales and those who avoid crowds
and wait till the sales are over.)
What is the lesson about? 5 The park near our school is very dirty. First, we’re going
• protecting the environment to clean it and then we’re going to put bins and signs
Vocabulary against littering around it.
• prepositional phrases
6 When my puppy destroyed my neighbour’s shoes, I had
• four monologues about possible solutions to pay for them.
to problems resulting from climate change
Listening • a dialogue:
– debate about dealing with environmental
problems. 1e 2f 3b 4c 5d 6a
1 change mindsets
• pairwork: 2 miss the point
– discussing climate change 3 instill new habits
Matura topics Świat przyrody, Państwo i społeczeństwo; 4 not make the problem go away
and tasks Rozumienie ze słuchu (Dobieranie) 5 tackle the problem
6 take responsibility
1T 2F 3F 4T 5F
1 dead fish, poisoned, float, lake, forest, a fish kill
2 protective clothes, rubber gloves, remove an oil spill,
buckets and spades, beach, buckets, protective masks, sea
Write the topics on the board or dictate them to students.
Students choose one of the topics below and prepare
a short speech to express their opinion on the topic.
1 It is good to live in a multicultural society.
2 Visitors to other countries should respect and follow local
3 It is really difficult to make an intercultural marriage work.
4 Western Europeans find it difficult to understand the
mentality of Eastern Europeans.
• humour exercise 4 page 131
• prepositional phrases
Explain that students are going to tell an anecdote about
Reading • a text about the British sense of humour a close friend. Together with the class make a list of
questions which may be helpful while telling this anecdote
• pairwork: and write them on the board, e.g.
– discussing the Polish and the British sense
Speaking Who is your close friend? What is her/his name?
of humour
– telling a joke How did you meet?
What kind of person is he/she?
Matura topics Elementy wiedzy o krajach anglojęzycznych; What does he/she look like?
and tasks Rozumienie pisanego tekstu (Dobieranie)
What do you like about him/her?
How do you spend time together?
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (4–5 minutes) Have you ever had an argument? How did you deal with it?
Write the following joke on the board. Ask students to What is the best thing you did together?
work in pairs and think about what the missing line might Students prepare their anecdote, using the questions. Then
be. Elicit some answers from students before you read out they practise telling their anecdotes in pairs. Elicit some
the missing line. answers from students and encourage them to vote on the
Teacher Why are you late, Paul? most interesting anecdote.
Paul Because of the sign down the road.
Teacher What does a sign have to do with you being late? HOMEWORK web research task: British comedians
Paul The sign said, .
Students make a presentation about a famous British
comedian, e.g. Ricky Gervais, Rowan Atkinson, John Cleese,
Key Simon Pegg, etc. Tell them to include the points below:
Paul The sign said, School ahead. Go slow! • biographical details
• career
• most outstanding achievements
What is the lesson about? MATURA SPEAKING TASK rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli
Vocabulary • languages at the end of the lesson
• a radio interview about the European Day Tell students to work in pairs. Give each student a copy
of Languages of the handout with tone of the roles, A or B, (worksheet
activities page 156). Alternatively, you may dictate the task
• pairwork: to students. Remind them to make sure they cover all four
Speaking – discussing questions about foreign
points in the task. Move around the class and monitor,
noting any major errors. Finally, give students some general
Matura topics Państwo i społeczeństwo, Szkoła feedback about how well they performed the task.
and tasks
EXAM TASK Uczeń A: Twój kolega/koleżanka ze Szkocji
planuje wkrótce przyjechać do Polski, żeby kontynuować
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (3–4 minutes) naukę języka polskiego. W rozmowie z uczniem B omów
Discuss the following question with the class: How do you poniższe cztery kwestie.
think the world would be different if there was only one
language? rodzaje kursów
godne polecenia
szkoły językowe
BACKGROUND NOTE foreign language skills
in the job market porady dotyczące uczenia
• One third of Poles speak one foreign language: Only 15% się języka polskiego
of Poles know two foreign languages. 57% of Poles speak koszty utrzymania
English, 38% – German and 34% – Russian. (According to w Polsce
the TNS survey, 2015)
• About 60% of jobs offered in Poland require some knowledge Uczeń B: Jesteś kolegą/koleżanką ucznia A ze Szkocji.
of English. Planujesz przyjechać do Polski, aby kontynuować naukę
• According to recent research, the ideal candidate should języka polskiego. Rozmawiasz na ten temat z uczniem A.
speak English as well as German, French, Russian or Spanish. W zależności od tego jak potoczy się rozmowa, spróbuj
• Less popular languages are becoming more and more useful, włączyć do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty:
e.g. Swedish, Dutch and Danish. It’s also advisable to speak • poproś ucznia A o dokładniejsze objaśnienie jakiejś
the languages of our neighbours, e.g. Lithuanian, Latvian, kwestii;
Ukrainian, Czech or Slovakian. • grzecznie nie zgódź się z uczniem A w jakiejś kwestii, tak
• Depending on the position, an employee who knows by musiał podać kolejne argumenty lub zaproponować
a foreign language can earn from 150zł to 2000zł more each inne rozwiązanie;
month than an employee who doesn’t.
• zaproponuj uczniowi A konwersacje z języka angielskiego
w zamian za konwersacje w języku polskim;
FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY • nie odpowiada Ci rodzaj kursu zaproponowany przez
Ask students the following questions: What careers are ucznia A.
available if you speak several foreign languages? What
other foreign languages, apart from English, would you like
to learn? Why?
1 researcher
2 protective clothes
3 demonstrate
4 recite
Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the
sentences below (worksheet activities page 157). Ask sentences below (worksheet activities page 158). Ask
students to translate the sentences into English, using students to match the sentence parts. Check the answers
the words in brackets. Elicit any other phrases which could as a class. Then, ask students to decide which picture
be useful while negotiating with someone. each sentence refers to and write the correct numbers in
1 Czy jesteś pewien, że to dobry pomysł? (idea) the gaps (e.g. one/two or first/second). Elicit some more
comments on each photo from the class.
2 Nie jestem do końca pewien. (sure)
1 I’d choose picture because it shows that there are
3 W porządku, zróbmy to. (let’s)
2 Out of the two, I’d choose picture because
4 Rozumiem twój punkt widzenia, ale nie uważam, żeby
to było najlepsze rozwiązanie. (your point / solution) 3 I like the picture best because it shows heavy traffic,
5 To mi odpowiada. (fine) 4 I prefer picture because I believe traffic
5 I’d go for the picture because I know from
Key experience
1 Are you sure it’s a good idea? 6 I think I’d choose picture because traffic jams
2 I’m not quite sure. A I think that problems such as a lack of convenient
3 OK, let’s do that. connections affect a lot of people.
4 I see your point, but I don’t think it’s the best solution. B are a very serious problem.
5 That’s fine with me. C which is a very serious problem.
D a lot of problems connected with using public transport.
EXTRA ACTIVITY rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji E how unpleasant travelling by bus or tram can be.
exercise 3 page 135 F congestion remains one of the most serious problems
facing big cities.
Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the words
below (worksheet activities page 158). Alternatively, you
may write the words on the board. Ask students to decide
which words in the list can be used to describe the picture 1D I’d choose picture 1 because it shows that there are
in exercise 3. Get students to use some of the words to a lot of problems connected with using public transport.
describe the photo. 2A Out of the two, I’d choose picture 1 because I think
that problems such as a lack of convenient connections
headphones mouse affect a lot of people.
excited absorbed 3C I like the second picture best because it shows heavy
wall lamp hold the joystick traffic, which is a very serious problem.
concentrate on the game torch 4F I prefer picture 2 because I believe traffic congestion
monitor print remains one of the most serious problems facing big
bored loudspeaker cities.
keyboard cans 5E I’d go for the first picture because I know from
laptop listen to music experience how unpleasant travelling by bus or tram
play video games screen can be.
use a joystick tins 6B I think I’d choose the second picture because traffic
sleepy type jams are a very serious problem.
stare at the screen addicted
headphones, excited, concentrate on the game, keyboard,
play video games, usa a joystick, stare at the screen,
absorbed, hold the joystick, loundspeaker, cans, screen,
1 things you can see in an art gallery: exhibition, paintings,
posters, drawings, photography, modern/fine art
2 people who work in an art gallery: tour guide, attendant,
3 places in an art gallery: a gift shop, cloakroom, café
4 things you can do in an art gallery: learn interesting facts,
walk around, listen to an audio guide, go on an audio
tour, admire the art, take photos
Saving money: a, c, e, h, j, k, l, n
Earning money: b, d, g
Financial help from parents: f, i, m
grow a moustache
put on your make-up
1 a (Czekam) for Tom. He
should be here in five minutes.
shave off your beard b When I go to see my doctor, I usually
(czekam) for ten minutes
1 Moja mama zawsze maluje paznokcie na or so for her to finish seeing the patient
czerwono. before me.
2 Mary nie lubi swoich kręconych włosów 2 a (Co myślisz) of the new
i prostuje je codziennie rano. film starring Leonardo DiCaprio?
3 Nie rozumiem, dlaczego mężczyźni b He looks so sad. (Czy on ciągle myśli)
zapuszczają wąsy. about his bad marks?
4 Jenny potrzebuje (take) pół godziny, żeby się 3 a Why (wąchasz) the meat?
umalować. Is it off?
5 Peter zgolił brodę i teraz wygląda o wiele lepiej. b This cake (pachnie)
delicious, Can I try it?
U1: listening AND VOCABULARY 4 a (Rozumiem) , I have no
more questions.
EXTRA SUPPORT b (Czy widzisz się) Peter
exercise 11 page 5 tomorrow?
1 Stop asking me so many questions. Just use
your (zdrowy rozsądek) .
2 Do celebrities really (wysyłają błędne sygnały)
to young people that in
order to be successful you only need to be
3 Can you (odróżniasz)
between a British and an American accent?
4 Who has (największy wpływ na)
U1: writing
exercise 5 page 12
1 do you smell / are you smelling
2 I can’t tell the difference / I’m not telling the
3 I see my boyfriend / I am seeing my boyfriend
4 ever meet him / ever meeting him
5 are looking absolutely gorgeous / look
absolutely gorgeous
6 I forgot to pack / I forgot packing
7 are growing beards / grow beards
8 advised me dying / advised me to dye
review 1
non-gradable adjectives
1 We need to (wymeldować się z hotelu) 1 Before we went to Peter’s birthday, we were
before 10.00 a.m. tomorrow. buying him a present.
2 Last year I (pojechałem na wycieczkę
objazdową) around Italy. 2 Did you used to have a teddy bear when you
3 Be careful when you (zjeżdżasz ze stoku) were little?
4* When I’m on holiday I always (wyluzowuję 3 By the time I got to school, the exam already
się) . started.
5* If you want to (wyruszyć w drogę)
at 5.00 a.m. tomorrow, we
4 I was walking into the hotel and took the key
should go to bed really early tonight.
from the receptionist.
fall for a film star
1 (you / finish) doing your
make up with your girlfriend homework before midnight?
2 (dad / use) the car at the
make friends with a colleague 3 Don’t phone me this time tomorrow.
I (study) for my exams.
4 I’m afraid the CDs my mum ordered
break up with your boyfriend (not / arrive) by Thursday.
5 This time next month we
(travel) around the USA.
look like your brother / sister 6 By 2017 my brother (start)
studying medicine.
Student B:
1 If I wanted to split up with my
boyfriend / girlfriend, I would
. And what would you do
if you wanted to split up with someone?
2 I love hanging out with
because . And who do you love hanging
out with?
U5: reading STEP BY STEP
3 I take after my because
EXTRA ACTIVITY reference words . And who do you take
after exercise 4 page 61 after?
4 I grew up in . And where did
Group 1 (lines 1–7) you grow up?
Line 2: they
Line 3: one
Line 4: that
Line 6: like that
U6: writing
Tell us about the last time you travelled by
a About an hour after the plane had taken off
b I was coming back from my holidays in Rome.
c I heard a loud bang from the left side of the
d The last time I travelled by plane was two
years ago.
e Finally, we landed in Rome without any
f Someone saw smoke coming from one of the
engines and suddenly
g A few minutes later the pilot made an
h Then we boarded another plane and flew
home safely.
i He said there was a minor problem with one
of the engines
j I was really scared but I hoped the pilot knew
what he was doing.
k all the passengers were screaming and crying.
l and that we had to go back to the airport in
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
review 7
EXTRA ACTIVITY must have vs had to MATURA SPEAKING TASK opis ilustracji
after exercise 7 page 93 at the end of the lesson
1 Student A:
1 He had to take his wife’s car.
EXAM TASK Examiner’s questions:
2 He must have taken his wife’s car.
Describe picture 1 on page 94. Then ask
a It isn’t in the garage. student B the questions below.
b His car had broken down. 1 Who or what do you think the people in the
2 picture are looking for?
1 He had to eat the soup. 2 What would you do if a war broke out
2 He must have eaten the soup. involving your country?
a His mum told him to do so. 3 Describe a situation when you felt afraid of
b There’s been no one else in the kitchen. something.
1 She had to tell him. Student B:
2 She must have told him. EXAM TASK Examiner’s questions:
a He knew about everything when I arrived. Describe picture 2 on page 95. Then ask
b He threatened to leave her. student A the questions below.
4 1 Why do you think the soldiers are running?
1 He had to sell his house. 2 Would you like to work as a war
2 He must have sold his house. correspondent? Why? / Why not?
a He lost his job and couldn’t afford to keep 3 Tell us about a situation when you or someone
it anymore. you know did something dangerous.
b Some other people live there now.
1 Fiona had to write the letter. U8: writing
2 Fiona must have written the letter.
a She really wanted to tell Bob about her HOMEWORK
feelings. 1 Marek wants to spend his holidays in England
b It’s her handwriting and signature. in order to his English improves.
2 I’m in favour for the idea of banning junk
U8: grammar 2
food at schools.
1 Tom’s arm is swollen and it hurts. 3 I gave my mum flowers so that to cheer her up.
(Być może ją złamał).
2 Bob wasn’t here when it happened. 4 I don’t approve with the idea that women are
(Z pewnością nie wziął) worse drivers than men.
your money.
3 Someone called you twice when you were in 5 She took a warm bath in order that relax a bit.
the bathroom. (To mogła
być) your sister.
6 I translated the joke into English in order to
4 I don’t have those CDs any more. I
my friends from London could understand it.
(byłem zmuszony oddać
je) to the library.
5 I am really sorry but I am not sure where
your camera is. I’m afraid
(prawdopodobnie ją zgubiłam).
EXTRA ACTIVITY formal / informal letter quiz EXTRA ACTIVITY must have vs had to
before exercise 1 page 99 1 Two little girls got lost and couldn’t find their
1 If you didn’t know the recipient’s name, how way home.
would you address the person? 2 I can’t find my car keys anywhere. They were
A Dear Mr./Mrs. on the table this morning.
B Hello 3 The boy was crying. His lip was bleeding.
C Dear Sir/Madam 4 The teacher knew that I had broken the
2 Which of these would not be acceptable in window.
a formal letter? 5 The woman didn’t know about her daughter’s
A cannot accident.
B won’t a Someone had to tell her.
C it is b Someone had to borrow them.
3 What opening phrases match the closing c Someone must have hit him.
phrases below? d Someone had to help them.
A Yours e Someone must have helped them.
B Yours sincerely f Someone must have told him.
C Yours faithfully g Someone must have taken them.
4 Where do you put your address when writing
a formal letter? 1 2 3 4 5
A at the end of the letter
B in the top left-hand corner
C in the top right-hand corner
5 Where should you write the date?
A under your address
B above your address
C under the recipient’s address
U9: vocabulary
EXTRA ACTIVITY verbs with two objects EXTRA CHALLENGE I did it myself
exercise 8 page 104 1 My husband is really good with his hands and
1 My father’s boss has promised him a pay rise. usually (repair / the car).
2 The carpet in the conference room is really
dirty. We need to (clean / it)
so please make an appointment in order to
2 They are offering us a discount. get it done.
3 I’m not going to buy a wedding dress in
a shop. I’d like to (make / it)
3 They didn’t give me the certificate. but I have no idea how much it will cost.
4 Sheila didn’t go to a music school. She
(teach) to play the guitar.
4 Someone may send you a parcel by mistake. 5 Where can I (dry-clean /
a leather jacket) around here?
5 Someone has recommended a very good film
to me.
The first coins 1 (make) in 700 BC 1 Wczoraj zreperowano mi ogrzewanie.
by the Lydians who 2 (live) in the
area that is now Turkey. The idea of using coins
(adopt) by the ancient Greeks 2 W przyszłym tygodniu zamierzam komuś
and Romans who also 4 (start) zlecić zainstalowanie nowych okien.
making their own bronze and silver coins.
Coins 5 (help) to develop trade in
the ancient world. In Rome, coins 6
(produce) in the temple of Juno Moneta and 3 Sam wyprasowałeś te koszule czy zapłaciłeś
that’s where the word ‘money’ comes from. komuś żeby je wyprasował?
Today, apart from coins, many other means
of payment 7 (use). For example
banknotes, which 8 (first / introduce)
4 Właśnie pomalowali mi kuchnię.
to Europe by Marco Polo in the 13th century.
Another means of payment, the credit card,
(be) around since 1950 while the
debit card has been with us since 1966. Even 5 Kiedy pójdziesz ściąć sobie włosy?
though banking 10 (become) so
advanced nowadays, certain truths about money
(remain) universal, for example,
Money 12 (not /grow) on trees.
EXAM TASK Twój znajomy z Anglii przeprowadza EXAM TASK Jedna z firm działających w Twojej
się do Polski, aby podjąć tu pracę i chciałby miejscowości nie wypłaca terminowo
wynająć mieszkanie w Twojej miejscowości. Napisz wynagrodzenia swoim pracownikom. Napisz na
do niego e-mail (80–130 wyrazów), w którym: ten temat wpis na forum, (80 – 130 wyrazów),
• opiszesz miejscowość, w której mieszkasz; w którym:
• poinformujesz, w jaki sposób najlepiej szukać • opiszesz sytuację pracowników firmy;
mieszkania na wynajem; • przedstawisz swoje stanowisko w tej sprawie;
• polecisz mu dogodną lokalizację • zaproponujesz zorganizowanie akcji
i poinformujesz o kosztach wynajmu; protestacyjnej przeciw polityce firmy;
• zaproponujesz spotkanie w najbliższym • zachęcisz czytelników forum do udziału w akcji
czasie i zaoferujesz pomoc w poszukiwaniu i zapytasz, jakie inne działania możecie podjąć
mieszkania. w tej sprawie.
EXTRA ACTIVITY partial translation EXTRA ACTIVITY I’d rather, It’s high time, I wish
after exercise 6 page 114 exercise 8 page 116
1 (Substancje biodegradowalne) are not 1 Your sister spends hours in the bathroom
harmful to the environment. doing her hair.
2 The area has been badly (dotknięty przez 2 Your best friend posts every picture he takes
zanieczyszczenia) . of you on Facebook.
3 Cars produce many (szkodliwych gazów) 3 Your sister is often late for school because she
such as carbon dioxide and monoxide. stays up very late watching TV.
4 (Energia odnawialna) is energy 4 Your cousin looks weird because he often
generated from green resources such as wears very unfashionable clothes.
sunlight or wind. 5 Your parents often complain about your poor
5 We’ve gathered here to discuss some marks at school but do not offer any help.
important (kwestii środowiskowych) .
6 Global warming (ma wiele negatywnych
U10: Grammar 1
skutków dla) the environment.
7 The government insists that the motorway EXTRA ACTIVITY I wish + would or past simple
(nie zaszkodzi środowisku) . after exercise 8 page 116
hurry up make can afford invite have
U10: listening and vocabulary
spend slow down rain
EXTRA SUPPORT 1 I wish you so much noise.
exercise 7 page 115 I’m trying to concentrate.
1 The man thinks that people need to change 2 You’re driving too fast. I wish you
their behaviour to improve the situation. a bit.
2 In the man’s opinion, it is hard for individuals 3 I want to go jogging. I wish it
to solve global problems. .
3 The woman thinks that people still do very 4 I’d like to buy this book but it’s too expensive.
little to help protect the environment. I wish I more money.
4 She argues that environmental problems 5 I wish you . Otherwise we’ll
should be solved by governments. miss the train.
5 The man and the woman reach an agreement 6 I really would like to travel to Australia. I wish
in the end. I it.
1 If my friend didn’t introduce me to Bob, 1 I’m afraid it is (POSSIBLE) to save all the
I wouldn’t had married him. endangered species in the world.
2 I would call you, if I’d know you needed help. 2 Politicians should act (RESPONSIBLE) when
3 She could had won the match if she tried they do things that impact the natural world.
harder. 3 Those areas which are (ABLE) to benefit
4 If our neighbour told us he was going on from tourism are more likely to welcome
holiday, we would take care of his garden. trophy hunting.
5 If the weather were good yesterday, we would 4 When you visit a national park, you must
go swimming. follow the basic (SAFE) rules.
culture 1 culture 2
EXTRA ACTIVITY table manners around the world EXTRA ACTIVITY vocabulary
after exercise 1 page 128 after exercise 4 page 129
1 In Japan, people slurp loudly when eating 1 Do you usually keep yourself to yourself?
noodles. Loud slurping shows the chef or the Why?
host that you are really enjoying the food. 2 Have you stuffed yourself with something
2 In China, belching and making a mess of the delicious recently? What was it?
table are ways of showing your satisfaction. 3 Are you always straightforward when you talk
3 In India, people eat with their hands rather than to your friends? Why?/ Why not?
with cutlery. However, for reasons of hygiene it is 4 Are crowded buses a source of stress for you?
considered improper to eat with your left hand. Why?
4 In Thailand, people eat with spoons, not with
5 Are you a hospitable person? How do you
forks. Forks are used to put the food onto the
show your hospitality?
5 In Ethiopia, most meals are served on one 6 Do you feel embarrassed when you have to
huge plate from which everyone at the table address strangers? Why?
eats. People don’t get individual plates since
this is considered extravagant.
culture 1 culture 3
culture 5
culture 5
EXTRA ACTIVITY rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji EXTRA ACTIVITY rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli
before exercise 3 page 134 exercise 2 page 135
1 model 1 Czy jesteś pewien, że to dobry pomysł? (idea)
2 Nie jestem do końca pewien. (sure)
2 summer dress
protective clothes
sunglasses 3 W porządku, zróbmy to (let’s)
3 demonstrate
appear on the catwalk
present the latest collection
4 Rozumiem twój punkt widzenia, ale nie
take photos
uważam, żeby to było najlepsze rozwiązanie.
4 congratulate (your point / solution)
pose for photographs
5 To mi odpowiada. (fine)
EXTRA ACTIVITY rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji EXTRA ACTIVITY rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli
exercise 3 page 135 exercise 2 page 136
headphones mouse 1 Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea.
excited absorbed 2 I’d rather not organise the party on
wall lamp hold the joystick a weekday.
concentrate on the game torch 3 What do you mean exactly?
monitor print
4 Are you sure it’s a good idea to invite the
bored loudspeaker
keyboard cans
laptop listen to music 5 Let’s not invite so many people. It’s too
play video games screen expensive.
use a joystick tins 6 I’m not sure about that. What if some people
sleepy type don’t eat meat?
stare at the screen addicted 7 I’m afraid I’m available only at the weekend.
8 Why do you think that weekend is the best
time to organise the barbecue?
SPEAKING 5 1c 2b 3e 4d 5f 6a GRAMMAR 1
6 Students’ own answers Page 36
Page 31
1 1 recommend 5 book 1 1c 3b 5a 7d
2 have 6 arrival / departure 4 A new reality 2f 4g 6e
3 includes 7 extra VOCABULARY 2 1 is going to explode
4 offer 8 trip 2 is going to snow
Page 34
2 1 Could you tell me how much it is exactly? 3 is going to become
1 1 bookmark
2 I wonder if there are any discounts for 4 will make
senior citizens. 2 post on
5 are going to crash
3 I would like to know what the price of the 3 digital
6 will store
trip includes. 4 feedback
3 1 is having
4 I’m afraid there are no rooms available for 5 store
2 Shall I update
those dates. 6 search
3 are you going to do
5M ay I interest you in one of our trips to 2 1 write 3 navigate
4 is going to buy
Oxford? 2 software 4 make
5 ’ll help
6P ersonally, I’d recommend a/the walking 3 1 digital 4 data 6 are meeting
2 store 5 share 4 2 She is going on holiday tomorrow.
7 You’ll have the chance to visit a lot of
3 device 6 post 3 It opens next month.
historic sites.
4 1 feedback 3 update 4 It expires next month.
3 Students’ own answers
2 create 4 coding 5 My bus doesn’t leave until 6.00.
5 1 Make sure you shop on personal secure 6 We are going to the cinema at 8.00.
WRITING websites, otherwise someone may steal 5 1c 3b 5c 7b
Page 31 your money. 2a 4c 6a 8b
1 Suggested answers: 2 If you don’t want strangers to see your
6 1 is going to fall
1 Can you imagine spending Facebook profile, use the malicious privacy
2 plane takes off in
2 Have you ever thought of staying settings.
3 are having a party
3 Personally speaking 3 According to the law, companies have to
protect the trolling personal data of their 4 is going to create
4 What could be better than the comfort 5 Shall I call
5 To my mind / It is my opinion that
4 When you read a hateful posts on social 7 1 starts 6 will be
6 What comes to your mind first when you
media you need to report it as setting 2 is going to buy 7 will be
trolling. 3 aren’t going to learn 8 Are you doing
7 I am convinced
5 If you download malicious hardware 4 am going to study 9 I’ll call
Engaging the reader: 1, 2, 4, 6 software, your computer may slow down. 5 will have to
Expressing opinions: 3, 5, 7 6 Why don’t you use social parental controls
2 1c 2b 3e 4d 5a to manage the way your children use the
Arguments for: 1c, 2b, 4d Internet. GRAMMAR 2
Arguments against: 3e, 5a 6 Students’ own answers Page 37
3 Students’ own answers 1 1c 3f 5a 7d
2b 4e 6g
Unit 1 Mark I’d like to believe that, but in my opinion, Although the clothes will not be on sale in our
magazines have a lot more influence than you high streets, I am sure we’ll see some actors and
CD 1.01 think! We just don’t realise it. You know that they actresses wearing them soon. For the moment,
Presenter Today, we’re asking some teenagers change photographs of celebrities to make them let’s leave the audience and go back to the
who or what influences their choice of clothes. look prettier and slimmer, don’t you? Airbrushing, studio, where Kate Watts has some breaking
First up, we have Anna on the line. Hello, Anna, they call it. news.
can you tell us where you get your ideas for Judy Yes. But if they put a picture of me in 2
clothes? a magazine, I’d like them to make me look good I completely agree with the other listeners –
Anna Well, I have to say that I absolutely love – too! everybody has one item of clothing that they
and couldn’t live without – my fashion magazines never want to throw away – even when they
CD 1.03
and blogs! I’m really into fashion – in a big way. don’t wear it anymore. For me, it’s a T-shirt I got
So, I buy fashion magazines every week and Ben What are you doing, Jax?
Jax I’m just browsing a website. I usually go when I was thirteen. It’s got a picture of my
look out for new trends – designer dresses and favourite band on it and I bought it when I saw
jeans, smart jackets and trousers. I spend a lot of online when I finish school and check out some
clothes sites. But look at this pop-up advert. Oh, them live. It’s too small for me now, but I love it
money to look fashionable!
they make me angry! I hate this type of advert because of the memories! I shall keep it forever!
Presenter Thanks, Anna. And now, we have
Robby. Hi, Robby. What about you? because you can’t escape them. And these days CD 1.07
Robby I’m not really that concerned about they’re putting more and more of them online. In
clothes generally. But on weekdays, I work in fact, I can’t stand adverts in general. They don’t
persuade me to buy anything! Do you fancy changing your image a little?
an office and I have to wear a suit and tie and There’s a new series that offers people a chance
look smart. I ask my dad’s advice because he Ben But we need adverts! They give us ideas.
My dad saw a car advert last year and now he’s to change. Their experts give advice about
does the same. And outside work, I just wear the clothes, hair and make-up. It’s called New Look
same casual gear as my mates – jeans, T-shirts, driving around in that car!
Jax Look, here’s another one! and I think everybody should watch it – there are
hoodies. I think it’s important to look the same as so many great ideas.
the people you hang around with. Ben Sorry! I have to go. I’m meeting Robby in
half an hour. We’re watching a film at his house, 2
Presenter Thank you, Robby. Now, it’s Izzy. Hi! I think this conversation is really interesting.
What influences you, Izzy? but we can cut out all the adverts because it’s
recorded. A friend of mine went to another country to
Izzy It depends. I like to watch celebrities on TV
have an operation on her nose because it was
or read about them, so I guess I’m influenced CD 1.04
cheaper there. She thought her nose was too
by what they wear. Obviously, I can’t afford I believe that the picture was taken during big! Unfortunately, the operation went wrong.
the same outfits but I try to get similar stuff a music concert. In the foreground, I can see People really need to think carefully before they
at a cheaper price. I’m completely addicted to a famous singer and her fans. In the background, do this. Sometimes it’s fine, but not always – and
shoes! I have the same pair of high heels that the there are also lots of young people having then who can you complain to?
actress Hannah Maine was wearing on the red a good time there. Judging from their facial 3
carpet at the first night of her last film! They are features, the teenagers probably come from an
so elegant. Changing the colour of your hair or getting your
Asian country. It looks like the celebrity is on the
Presenter Thank you, Izzy. And finally, Grant. Hi, nails painted can really make you look more
stage. She is taking a selfie of herself and her
Grant! How about you? attractive! Our new salon is giving customers the
fans. She’s wearing a knee-length pink dress and
Grant Hi! OK, well, I’m certainly not trendy. chance to save lots of money if they book an
a pair of black high heels. She has some make-up
I don’t think I’m influenced by anybody or appointment during our first week! Get online or
on and she is smiling at her camera. The fans are
anything. I think it’s important to just be give us a ring today. You won’t regret it!
taking photos of her. They are absolutely ecstatic
yourself. I wear clothes that are comfortable – if 4
because they have the chance to be very close
it’s freezing outside, I wear a thick coat, a scarf, to their idol. This is a lovely image. I find it really I’ve often wondered how actors can look so
a woolly hat, gloves, and warm socks inside my appealing. different in different roles. I know make-up is very
boots. Sometimes I just wear pyjamas all day in important but I had no idea how complicated it
CD 1.05 is. Make-up artists know all sorts of clever ways
the house! I don’t care what I look like! I guess
I look a bit scruffy at times, but that’s fine with 1 to make actors look fatter with special clothes,
me! Teacher Why do you think the singer is taking or give them bigger noses or make them look like
the selfie? a snake! Sometimes when they play the part of
CD 1.02 Student I think the singer is taking the selfie to an alien or someone in a road crash with terrible
Mark These photos of models in your magazine have some memories of the concert. I think she injuries, it can take them up to five hours in the
are horrible! They’re so skinny! I think it’s terrible likes her fans, so she wants to remember them. make-up room!
that the skinniest models are chosen to go in I’d also say that she might upload this photo on
teen mags. Instagram or Facebook so that everybody can
Judy Oh, come on. They need to use models like see how popular she is.
Unit 2
that to show the clothes well. The designs look 2 CD 1.08
better on slim people than on overweight ones! Teacher Do you often take selfies? Why? / Why 1
Mark I’m not saying they should use overweight not?
models – just be more realistic. Not many people I love my job because every day is different.
Student Well, I take selfies quite often. Why? When there’s a news story, I go and meet the
are that slim. It isn’t good for people to think they I guess I take them for fun most of the time.
need to be so thin to look good. people involved, and then I write it up for the
Sometimes I take them to show my friends my newspaper. Life is busy but that’s good!
Judy I know what you mean. But I don’t think it new clothes, especially new tops with funny
makes teenagers go on extreme diets. Most of 2
pictures on them. Sometimes I just take them
the models are naturally thin. A lot of people don’t like us, but the truth is we
because I want my friends to know how I’m
Mark I still think it sends out the wrong do a good job for the country. We discuss things
feeling, or what mood I’m in.
message. These magazines have a responsibility that need to be changed, and then we make
to young people. They have such an influence on CD 1.06 difficult decisions too. I really enjoy Question
us – what we want to buy, what we want to look 1 Time in Parliament and debating different issues.
like, how we’re supposed to behave … We are now very close to the start of the show. 3
Judy Yes, but it’s all down to common sense, In the front row, the designer, Mark Gantree, is There are a lot of kids in my family, so I’ve got
surely? People aren’t that stupid, are they? We waiting for the models to come on stage and a lot of experience with children! In my job, I look
all make our own decisions in the end! show the world his wonderful new collection! after a little boy and his sister. I really enjoy it.
ISBN 978-83-7621-728-4
Produced in Poland