MICRONE Nanjing Micro One Elec ME7660CS1G - C88402

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ME7660C Charge Pump DC-DC Voltage Converter

ME7660C is a charge pump dc-to-dc Features

voltage converter using AL-gate CMOS • Converts +5V Logic supply to + 5V;
technology and optimization design. It • Wide input voltage range: 2.5V~10V;
converters a +2.5V to +10V input to a • Efficient voltage conversion: 99.9%;
corresponding -2.5V to -10V output using • Good power efficiency: 98%;
only two external capacitors, eliminating • Low power supply: 40uA @5V input;
inductors and their associated cost, size • Easy to use: only two external capacitors required;
and EMI. The on-board oscillator • Compatible with RS232 negative powersupply
operates at a nominal frequency of standard;
10KHz. Operation below 10 KHz (for • High ESD protection: up to 3kV;
lower supply current applications) is • No Dx diode needed for high voltage operation;
possible by connecting an external • Package : SOP8, DIP8。
capacitor from OSC to ground.

Selection Guide Applications

• LCD Display Module;
• Specially designed LCD display module;
• Instrument product。

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Pin Configuration

Pin Assigment
PIN Number PIN
1 1 NC No connection
2 2 CAP+ Connecting external capacitor(+) pin
3 3 GND Ground pin
4 4 CAP Connecting external capacitor(-) pin
5 5 Vout Voltage output pin
6 6 Low Voltage Low voltage selection pin
7 7 OSC Connecting oscillation capacitor pin
8 8 V+ Power supply pin

Block Diagram

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Absolute Maximum Ratings

Input voltage VIN +10.5V V
LV PIN input voltage VLX -0.3~(V++0.3)(if V+<5.5V)
OSC PIN input voltage VOSC (V+-5.5V)~(V++0.3V)(if V+>5.5V)
LV PIN input voltage ILV 20(if V+>3.5V) µA
Output Short Duration

(Vsupply ≤5.5V)
Power SOP8 Pd 470 mW
DIP8 Pd 730 mW
Operating Ambient
TOpr -40~+85 ℃
Storage Temperature Tstg -65~+150 ℃
Soldering temperature and
Tsolder 260℃, 10s

Electrical Characteristics(V+=5V,COSC=0)
Symbol Item Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

I+ Supply Current RL=∞ — 40 100 µA

V+H Supply Voltage, High LV Open 3.5 — 10 V
VL Supply Voltage, Low LV to GND 2.5 — 3.5 V
70 Ω
ROUT Output Resistance IOUT=5mA
V+=3V 120 Ω
FOSC Oscillator Frequency Pin 7 open — 10 — kHz
PEFF Power Efficiency RL=5kΩ 95 98 — %
VOUTEFF Voltage Conversion Efficiency RL=∞ 98 99.9 — %

Test Circuits

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Type Characteristics

ME7660C together with two external capacitors C1、C2 complement a voltage Inverter. Capacitor C1 is
charged to a voltage V+, for the first half cycle when switches S1 and S3 are closed ( while switches S2
and S4 are open during this half cycle); During the second half cycle of operation, switches S2 and S4 are
closed, with S1 and S3 open, thereby shifting capacitor C2 negatively to -V .

The voltage regulator portion of the chip is an

integral part of the anti-latch-up circuitry. Its inherent
voltage drop can degrade operation at low voltages.
To improve low-voltage operation, the LV pin should
be connected to GND, disabling the regulator. For
supply voltages greater than 3.5V, the LV terminal
must be left open to ensure latch-up-proof operation.

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Theoretical Power Efficiency Considerations

In theory, a capacitive charge pump can approach 100% efficiency if certain conditions are met:

1、 The drive circuitry consumes no power.

2、 The output switches have extremely low ON resistance and no offset when operation.

3、 The impedances of the pump and reservoir capacitors are negligible at the pump frequency.

1、Supply voltage should not exceed maximum rating;

2、Do not connect LV terminal to GND for supply voltages greater than 3.5V;
3、Do not short circuit the output to V supply for voltages above 5.5V for extended periods;

4、Polarized capacitors should be connected as the figure above.

Typical Application

Above figure is the basic application circuit to ME7660C may be paralleled to reduce output
resistance (see the above figure)
provide a negative supply from -2.5V~ -10V
while a positive supply from +2.5V ~ +10V is
Rout=Rout(of ME7660C)/n(number of devices)
available. When V =+5V, the output resistance
is about 70Ω; The output voltage is –4V while
the load current is 10mA.

ME7660C may be cascaded as shown above to ME7660C may be cascaded as shown above to
produce larger negative output voltage (-10V). produce larger negative output voltage (-15V).
However, The output resistance is approximately two However, The output resistance is approximately two
of a single chip resistance. of a single chip resistance.

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To increase the conversion efficiency, the oscillator

frequency may be lowered by connecting a capacitor
from pin 7 and pin 8 as shown above.
ME7660C may be applied to achieve positive
This reduces the switching losses. However,
voltage multiplication using the circuit shown in the
lowering the oscillator frequency will cause an
above figure
undesirable increase in the impedance of the pump
and reservoir capacitors. So, the values of C1 and
C2 should be increased by the same factor that the

In above figure, C1、C3 are the pump and Since the switches that allow the charge pumping
reservoir capacitors respectively for the operation are bi-directional, the charge transfer
generation of the negative voltage; C2、C4 are can be performed backwards as easily as
the pump and reservoir capacitors respectively forwards. In the above figure, ME7660C
for the multiplied positive voltage. When +5V transforming –5V to +5V. The only problem hear is
supply is provided, +9V and -5V can be that the internal clock and switch-drive section will
generated. not operate until some positive voltage has been
generated. An initial inefficient pump, as show in
left figure, could be used to start this circuit up,
after which it will bypass the other (D1 and D2 in
left figure would never turn on),or else the diode
and resistor show dotted in above figure can used
to “force” the internal regulator on.

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In some applications due to noise, it may be

desirable to increase the oscillator frequency.
This can be achieved by overdriving the
oscillator from an external clock as shown in the
above figure. The external clock output should
connect a 1k Ω resistor to prevent device
latch-up. Besides, the pump frequency will be
half of the clock frequency because of the
internal circuit

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Package Diomensions

● SOP8

● DIP8

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· The information described herein is subject to change without notice.

· Nanjing Micro One Electronics Inc is not responsible for any problems caused by
circuits or diagrams described herein whose related industrial properties, patents, or
other rights belong to third parties. The application circuit examples explain typical
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· Use of the information described herein for other purposes and/or reproduction or
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· The products described herein cannot be used as part of any device or equipment
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without prior written permission of Nanjing Micro One Electronics Inc.
· Although Nanjing Micro One Electronics Inc exerts the greatest possible effort to
ensure high quality and reliability, the failure or malfunction of semiconductor
products may occur. The user of these products should therefore give thorough
consideration to safety design, including redundancy, fire-prevention measures, and
malfunction prevention, to prevent any accidents, fires, or community damage that
may ensue.

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