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Colletotrichum: A catalogue of confusion

Article in Fungal Diversity · December 2009


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6 authors, including:

Kevin David Hyde Lei Cai

Mae Fah Luang University Chinese Academy of Sciences


Eric Mckenzie
Landcare Research


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Online advance Fungal Diversity

Colletotrichum: a catalogue of confusion

Hyde, K.D.1,2*, Cai, L.3, McKenzie, E.H.C.4, Yang, Y.L.5,6, Zhang, J.Z.7 and Prihastuti, H.2,8
International Fungal Research & Development Centre, The Research Institute of Resource Insects, Chinese Academy
of Forestry, Bailongsi, Kunming 650224, PR China
School of Science, Mae Fah Luang University, Thasud, Chiang Rai 57100, Thailand
Novozymes China, No. 14, Xinxi Road, Shangdi, HaiDian, Beijing, 100085, PR China
Landcare Research, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand
Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, Guizhou 550006 PR China
Department of Biology and Geography, Liupanshui Normal College. Shuicheng, Guizhou 553006, P.R. China
Institute of Biotechnology, College of Agriculture & Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Kaixuan Rd 258, Hangzhou
310029, PR China
Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Malang 65145, Indonesia

Hyde, K.D., Cai, L., McKenzie, E.H.C., Yang, Y.L., Zhang, J.Z. and Prihastuti, H. (2009). Colletotrichum: a catalogue
of confusion. Fungal Diversity 39: 1-17.

Identification of Colletotrichum species has long been difficult due to limited morphological characters. Single gene
phylogenetic analyses have also not proved to be very successful in delineating species. This may be partly due to the
high level of erroneous names in GenBank. In this paper we review the problems associated with taxonomy of
Colletotrichum and difficulties in identifying taxa to species. We advocate epitypification and use of multi-locus
phylogeny to delimit species and gain a better understanding of the genus. We review the lifestyles of Colletotrichum
species, which may occur as epiphytes, endophytes, saprobes and pathogens. It is not clear in most cases whether taxa
isolated from these different life modes are the same species, or different morphologically similar species; in most cases
identification has been based on morphology and may not be accurate. We use three selected species, C. dematium, C.
destructivum and C. fragariae to highlight the problems associated with species identification and the problems that
may occur when wrong names are applied to species. We also review clinical aspects of the genus and the use of
Colletotrichum species in biotransformations. In most examples, the need for correct identification, which can be
achieved by contrasting with types and comparison of molecular data, is stressed. We propose the need for agreement
on protocols to deal with description and naming of Colletotrichum species and make predictions for the next five years.
The reviews serve to illustrate the importance of correctly identifying strains before commencement of scholarly

Key words: biocontrol, biotransformation, mycoses, novel compound discovery

Article Information
Received 27 October 2009
Accepted 2 December 2009
Published online 9 December 2009
*Corresponding author: Kevin D. Hyde; e-mail: [email protected]

Introduction 2003, 2004; Liu et al., 2007; Prihastuti et al.,

2009), as well as human pathogens (Cano et al.,
What we now know as Colletotrichum 2004). The genus has worldwide importance,
was first reported by Tode (1790) in the genus causing diseases on a wide range of economic
Vermicularia. Colletotrichum itself was intro- crops and ornamental plants (Sutton, 1992;
duced by Corda (1831) and is now known to Than et al., 2008a-c; Hyde et al., 2009).
comprise “coelomycetes” with a Glomerella Colletotrichum has continued to rank highly as
teleomorph stage (Sutton, 1992; Shenoy et al., one of the most studied genera of phytopatho-
2007a; Hyde et al., 2009). Colletotrichum genic fungi. Latunde-Dada (2001) concluded
encompasses species with endophytic, epiphy- that Colletotrichum, as judged by the number
tic, saprobic and phytopathogenic lifestyles of hits recorded in the Web of Science over the
(Kumar and Hyde, 2004; Photita et al., 2001a,b, period 1981 to March 2001 rated with Botrytis,

Puccinia and Verticillium. Colletotrichum is influences. To overcome the inadequacies of
only surpassed by Fusarium, Phytophthora and these traditional schemes, molecular techniques
Rhizoctonia in phytopathogenic publications. have been used to characterize and identify
The objective of this paper on Colletotri- taxa within Colletotrichum (Sreenivasaprasad
chum is to 1) review the problems in taxonomy et al., 1996; Abang et al., 2002; Moriwaki et
and difficulties of identifying taxa to species, 2) al., 2002; Peres et al., 2002; Guerber et al.,
review the relationships and lifestyles, 3) 2003; Photita et al., 2005; Du et al., 2005;
review clinical aspects and 4) review industrial Shenoy et al., 2007b; Whitelaw-Weckert et al.,
use (e.g. biotransformations). In all cases we 2007; Peres et al., 2008; Than et al., 2008a-c).
discuss the potential problems with misidentifi- Cannon et al. (2000) stated that nucleic acid
cation of taxa. Extensive research by numerous analyses should provide the most reliable
researchers has been carried out on Colletotri- framework to classify Colletotrichum, as DNA
chum dematium, C. destructivum and C. fraga- characters were not directly influenced by
riae and these data are reviewed. The reviews environmental factors.
serve to illustrate the importance of correctly The combined use of molecular diagnos-
identifying strains before commencement of tic tools along with traditional morphological
scholarly research. techniques is at present an appropriate and
good approach for studying Colletotrichum
Taxonomic systematics of Colletotrichum species complexes (Cannon et al., 2000; Cai et
species al., 2009). Photita et al. (2005) separated 34
Identification within the genus Colletotri- isolates of Colletotrichum isolated from seven
chum is complicated as species have few hosts in Thailand into five morpho-groups viz:
distinguishing morphological characters, and C. musae, C. gloeosporioides group 1, C. glo-
because teleomorphic stages are rarely formed eosporioides group 2, C. gloeosporioides group
(Hyde et al., 2009). Some taxa have uncertain 3 and C. truncatum. Whitelaw-Weckert et al.
or extensive host relationships and pathological (2007) proposed a new C. acutatum group,
variations, and are often morphologically which is now included in C. simmondsii
variable in culture (Simmonds, 1965; Bailey (Shivas and Tan, 2009), based on cultural,
and Jeger, 1992; TeBeest et al., 1997; Freeman morphological, RAPD-PCR and sequencing of
et al., 2000; Latunde-Dada, 2001; Du et al., parts of the rDNA-ITS regions and the β-tubulin
2005; Thaung, 2008). TeBeest et al. (1997) gene. Than et al. (2008b) differentiated the
concluded that taxonomic uncertainty has made isolates of chilli anthracnose from Thailand
accurate identification difficult and complic- into three species viz: C. acutatum, C. capsici
ated efforts to understand host relationships, and C. gloeosporioides (but see page 3) based
diagnose diseases accurately, develop effective on morphological characterization, sequencing
control strategies and establish cost effective based on rDNA-ITS and β-tubulin gene and
quarantine programs. pathogenicity testing. Thus, accurate identific-
Traditionally, Colletotrichum species ation of Colletotrichum species can be
have been identified and delimited on morpho- achieved by combining multigene analysis and
logical characters; several features have been morphological characters. Once a species is
utilized by taxonomists including size and accurately named, it unlocks data that can be
shape of conidia and appressoria; presence or used for developing and implementing
absence of setae, sclerotia, acervuli and effective disease control strategies (Freeman et
teleomorph state and cultural characters such as al., 1993) and other research.
colony colour, growth rate and texture One of the problems with accurate
(Simmonds, 1965; Smith and Black, 1990; identification of Colletotrichum species using
Sutton, 1992; TeBeest et al., 1997; Photita et multigene analysis or barcoding is that many
al., 2005; Than et al., 2008a-c; Thaung, 2008). existing sequences in GenBank are basically
These criteria alone are not always adequate for wrongly named. Crouch et al. (2009a) have
reliable differentiation among Colletotrichum revealed a high frequency of misidentification
species due to variation in morphology and (86%) based on rDNA-ITS sequence similarity
phenotype among species under environmental comparison in GenBank within the C. grami-

Fungal Diversity

nicola species complex. Cai et al. (2009) In many cases the same species have
analyzed the 343 rDNA-ITS sequences of C. been recorded with several lifestyles although
gloeosporioides in GenBank (accessed 06- with the ambiguity of species identification it is
Sept-2009) and found that an astounding 86% not always clear whether they are definitely the
of these sequences show considerable evolu- same species. How and if taxa change their
tionary divergence from the epitype of C. lifestyle from non-pathogenic to pathogenic
gloeosporioides and most likely represent other still needs to be addressed and is an important
species. These are remarkably high error rates unanswered question in the study of Colleto-
and show that accurate identification of trichum. Full descriptions of the life styles for
Colletotrichum species using rDNA-ITS se- each Colletotrichum species linked with
quence data presently lodged in GenBank is molecular data for accurate taxon identification
impossible. How can this situation be rectified? are needed to explore, understand and develop
Isolates that represent the types of species are effective control strategies in the genus. In one
needed. Published new species must have ex- such study, Prihastuti et al. (2009) described C.
type living strains deposited in easily fructicola and C. siamense from coffee berries,
accessible culture collections for future work. isolated as epiphytes, endophytes and patho-
In some cases (e.g. C. boninense, C. kahawae) gens and these species have since been shown
the living type is available, however in most to be widespread on several hosts (Yang et al.,
cases it is not. Epitypification is necessary in 2009). Colletotrichum dematium also occurs as
certain cases, such as where the type specimen an endophyte, pathogen and saprobe (Damm et
of the taxon no longer exists, or is in poor al., 2009). The significance of these findings
condition, or of ambiguous status, or has may have great importance as evidence grows
deteriorated so that many important features that these species of Colletotrichum are
are not available for further studies (Shenoy et ubiquitous and widespread.
al., 2007b; Cannon et al., 2008; Hyde and
Zhang, 2008; Than et al., 2008a). Epitypifi- Colletotrichum as plant pathogens and agents
cation can solve many taxonomic problems and of post harvest disease
stabilize the understanding of species, genera, Colletotrichum is one of the most econo-
families or orders (Phillips et al., 2007; Shenoy mically important genera of fungi, causing
et al., 2007b; Than et al., 2008a; Cannon et al., anthracnose disease, affecting a wide host
2008; Hyde and Zhang, 2008). Epitypification range, especially on tropical and subtropical
of Colletotrichum species commenced in 2007 crops as well as fruit trees (Sutton, 1992).
and now 42 currently used species have been Above ground plant parts can be affected by
epitypified or have living cultures (Hyde et al., Colletotrichum diseases at all stages on stems,
2009). leaves, flowers and fruits. An example of
Colletotrichum anthracnose familiar to many is
Colletotrichum lifestyles the blackening of tropical fruits (Tang et al.,
Colletotrichum species have been re- 2005), especially bananas and mangoes in fruit
ported to occur as endophytes, epiphytes, bowls.
saprobes, plant pathogens and even human Crouch and Beirn (2009) review the
pathogens (Sutton, 1992; TeBeest et al., 1997; graminicolous species of Colletotrichum in this
Cano et al., 2004; Kumar and Hyde, 2004; issue, while Hyde et al. (2009) discuss diseases
Photita et al., 2004, 2005; Promputtha et al., caused by Colletotrichum species, whose
2007). Colletotrichum species that cause names are in current use. The disease often
serious plant disease are also commonly takes two forms, resulting in spots on leaves or
isolated as endophytes from healthy plants and the blackening of fruits, usually post-harvest.
have been identified as saprobes on dead plant In the case of persimmon, Colletotrichum horii
material (Photita et al., 2001a, 2003; Kumar can infect fruits, twigs, cause dieback, and even
and Hyde, 2004; Liu et al., 2007; Promputtha tree death (Zhang, 2008). Colletotrichum
et al., 2007; Damm et al., 2009; Prihastuti et al., acutatum, C. capsici and C. gloeosporioides
2009). have been reported causing anthracnose disease

on chilli fruits in Thailand (Than et al., 2008b). Wright (1998) studied Colletotrichum
However, the application of these three species infection of Citrus and isolated Colletotrichum
names needs care as C. acutatum sensu lato as endophytes from growing stems over an
includes three recently named species (Shivas entire season. She consistently isolated C.
and Tan, 2009); C. capsici is now known as C gloeosporioides, which appeared to grow into
dematium; and C. gloeosporioides from chilli new stem tissues and eventually into the flower
is either C. asianum or C. fructicola (Damm et and infected flowers at fruit set (Wright et al.,
al., 2009; Cai pers. comm.). Because of their 1996, 1997; Wright, 1998). Pathogenicity
importance in phytopathology, plant breeding testing also showed that the endophytic strains
and biosecurity, species need to be correctly of C. gloeosporioides caused disease of
identified and this has not previously been easy oranges and Wright (1998) speculated that the
due to the lack of taxonomically informative endophytes grow into the albedo of oranges
characters. Much has been written on and remain dormant until a period of post
Colletotrichum as plant pathogens, albeit in harvest storage somehow triggers the fungus to
term of species sensu lato (e.g. Sutton, 1980, become active and cause stem end fruit rot
1992) and interested readers should refer to (Wright et al., 1996, 1997). The strain was not
these texts for further data. Three examples are compared with the epitype, which was not
also discussed later in the paper. available at the time, but this is likely to be C.
gloeosporioides sensu stricto as the epitype is
Colletotrichum as endophytes from oranges.
Colletotrichum species have been found
as symptomless inhabitants (endophytes) in Colletotrichum as saprobes
plant tissues (Liu et al., 2007; Damm et al., Colletotrichum species are rarely re-
2009; Prihastuti et al., 2009). For example, corded in studies concerning saprobes on
putative C. gloeosporioides and C. acutatum various hosts (e.g. pine needles, Zamora et al.,
strains were isolated from healthy leaves and 2008; Castanopsis diversifolia leaves, Duong
pseudostems of banana (Musa acuminata), et al., 2008; Magnoliaceae wood, Kodsueb et
ginger (Alpinia malaccensis), Euphatorium al., 2008), although Photita et al. (2001a, 2003)
thymifolia and wild ginger (Amomum siamense) have recorded C. gloeosporioides as a saprobe
in Thailand, and in low frequencies from on banana (Musa sp.) and Osono et al. (2009)
rhizomes of wild ginger (Bussaban et al., 2001; recorded C. gloeosporioides on decaying
Photita et al., 2005). Lu et al. (2004) isolated leaves of Shorea obtusa. Colletotrichum
C. gloeosporioides and C. boninense as gloeosporioides and a Colletotrichum species
endophytes from leaves of 12 different tree have been also recorded on dead leaves of
species in the Iwokrama Forest Reserve, Draceana lourieri (Thongkantha et al., 2008).
Guyana. Hyde and Soytong (2008) discussed It appears that Colletotrichum species survive
the role of endophytes that can become primary and compete poorly as saprotrophs. In the
saprobic decomposers or as latent infections of Compendium of Soil Fungi, Domsch et al.
pathogens that cause disease under specific (2007) listed only two species; C. dematium as
conditions. Simmonds (1941) showed in field a common saprotroph on dead plant material,
experiments that Gloeosporium musarum (= C. and C. gloeosporioides that has rarely been
musae) can remain latent within the skin of reported from soil. Conidia of C. acutatum and
green banana fruits for almost five months, and C. gloeosporioides isolates from strawberry
develop anthracnose fruit rot as the fruit ripens. survive for up to 1 year in autoclaved soil,
The development of the fungus in the latent whereas the viability declined rapidly within a
phase is restricted due to a poor capacity for few days in untreated soils at 22% soil
secreting macerating enzymes and pectines- moisture (field capacity) (Freeman et al., 2002).
terase (Simmonds, 1963). Quiescent infections The number of conidia of C. gloeosporioides,
of strawberry transplants by C. gloeosporioides causal agent of water yam (Dioscorea alata)
are common and play an important role as anthracnose in Guadeloupe, was higher in
inoculum sources of anthracnose crown rot artificially inoculated residues on the soil
(Raman and Louws, 2008). surface than in residues buried at 0.1 m soil

Fungal Diversity

depth, which decomposed faster (Ripoche et al., specks, and black acervuli form in concentric
2008). In Finland, C. acutatum can survive one rings (Bello, 2000). On beech, C. dematium
winter in strawberry residues on the soil was reported to cause post-emergence
surface or covered with soil and in infected damping-off of current-year beech seedlings
weed debris and infect young strawberry plants (Sahashi et al., 1995).
in greenhouse tests (Parikka et al., 2006). The pathogenicity of C. dematium on
In most of the above studies the species mulberry, beech seedlings and Polygonatum
were identified based on morphology and not falcatum has also been tested (Sahashi et al.,
compared with types or at the molecular level 1995; Yoshida and Shirata, 1998; Yoshida et
and thus the names of species are most likely al., 2002; Tomioka et al., 2008). These studies
wrong. Future studies must be compared proved that putative strains of C. dematium are
against the types using molecular data. pathogenic to various hosts. Yang et al. (2009)
also isolated this taxon from amaryllids with
Problems associated with selected species anthracnose symptoms.
Much has been written about many Colletotrichum dematium is difficult to
individual species of Colletotrichum and yet in recognize based on morphological charac-
most cases the name used represented a species teristics, mainly because different researchers
complex and it is unclear which actual species have described conidia width differently (ht
is involved. In the following section we review tp://
three species of Colletotrichum in order to x?Link=T&Rec=120313). Colonies of putative
highlight the problems associated with inade- C. dematium strains have been reported by
quate knowledge of the species and possible Sutton (1992) to be very variable with white to
incorrect or inaccurate naming. pale mouse-grey or grey-vinaceous patches
with abundant setae and black, conical sclerotia.
Colletotrichum dematium (Pers.) Grove Conidia are formed in olive-grey to light
Colletotrichum dematium until recently vinaceous-salmon masses, and are 18–26 × 2–3
was a relatively poorly known species in urgent µm, falcate, fusiform, and gradually tapered to
need of epitypification. It was originally each end (Sutton, 1992). Appressoria are
collected from a stem of Eryngium in France as medium brown, clavate, ovate to irregular,
well as solanaceous hosts (see Damm et al., margin entire or slightly irregularly lobed
2009 for detailed discussion) and has been (Sutton, 1992). Bobev et al. (2009) reported C.
more recently recorded from numerous hosts dematium (spores mean sizes: 22 × 4.5 µm,
such as a pathogen of chilli (Than et al., 2008c). ranging from 18.3–25 × 4.2–5.8 µm, and 99%
It has been also recorded as a pathogen of similar to an isolate of C. dematium (GenBank
Polygonatum falcatum (Tomioka et al., 2008) Accession No. AJ301954; strain BBA 62147)
and an endophyte of Pteromiscum sp. (Ren et infecting Goniolimon tataricum. In Yang et al.
al., 2008). Disease symptoms are reported to (2009) study on amaryllids, putative C. dema-
range from fruit rot to shoot, leaf, and flower tium spores were 13.5–19 × 2.5–4 µm ( x =
blight, e.g., Sutton (1980) reported that in herb. 15.8 × 3.2 μm, n = 50). When combined with
IMI it was represented by 216 collections from other morphological and molecular charac-
37 countries on 118 different host genera. teristics we defined our species as C. dematium
Many putative hosts are commercial plants, (Fig. 1), but since the species was presently not
such as tomato (Bello, 2000), mulberry epitypified we could not be definite about this
(Yoshida et al. 2002), soybean (Fakir, 1979; name. This taxon therefore urgently needed
Shovan et al., 2008) and beech (Sahashi et al., epitypifying so that researchers could obtain
1995). The symptoms on mulberry leaf are accurate reference criteria, as is now available
brown necrotic spots or streaks (Yoshida and for C. gloeosporioides (Cannon et al., 2008).
Shirata, 1998). Tomato anthracnose results in Damm et al. (2009) epitypify C. dema-
greyish, sunken, water-soaked lesions on tium in this issue, with conidial sizes of (18–
tomato fruits and later the centre of the spots )20–23(–24) × 3–4(–5.5) µm. The species in
become tan and flecked with small black Yang et al. (2009) was shown to be different

provided a detailed description of the
morphology and pathogenicity of G. glycines
and first established the connection between C.
destructivum and G. glycines. Appressoria size
and conidia length in C. destructivum is
considered to be similar to that in C. lindemu-
thianum. However, C. destructivum and C.
lindemuthianum have been differentiated by
cultural characteristics, conidia width, and their
respective teleomorphs (Manandahar et al.,
1986). More recently, due to the similarity of
morphology of conidia and appressoria, the
infection process and the rDNA-ITS sequence
data, C. higginsianum was considered to be a
synonym of C. destructivum (O’Connell et al.,
Figs 1a-d. Putative strain of Colletotrichum dematium 2004). Sun and Zhang (2009) isolated putative
(later shown to be C. spaethianum): a. Colony on PDA C. destructivum strains from cowpea and found
at 25ºC, 7 days. b. Conidia on PDA. c. Appressoria. d. that their morphological characters (e.g. colony,
Hyphopodia. Bars = 10 µm.
conidia and appressoria) (Figs 2a-c) were
and is named C. spaethianum. This is an similar to C. destructivum (sensu Sutton, 1992)
excellent example of the importance of and their infection process and intracellular
epitypification and how it helps stabilize names infection structures (Fig. 2d) on cowpea also
and allows comparison in various studies on were consistent with that of C. destructivum on
Colletotrichum species. Only a small number other hosts (Bailey et al., 1990; Latunde-Dada
of strains were included in the species concept et al., 1997; Shen et al., 2001). However,
and many strains previously reported as C. cowpea isolates with rDNA-ITS sequences
dematium sensu lato were shown to represent identical to that of C. higginsianum from
other species, i.e. C. circinans, C. dematium, C. cruciferous hosts could infect and complete the
lilii, C. lineola, C. liriopes, C. spaethianum, C. asexual cycle on Arabidopsis thaliana. The
spinaciae, C. tofieldiae, C. trichellum, C. infection process showed that in the initial
truncatum and two unidentified species. The biotrophic phase, intracellular primary hyphae
outcome has enormous phytopathological were confined to one epidermal cell, whereas
significance. Even though a small number of in the subsequent necrotrophic phase,
strains were included as C. dematium sensu secondary hyphae invaded the neighboring
stricto, these strains indicate that it has a wide cells, in the same way as C. higginsianum
host range and occurs as an endophyte, originating from cruciferous plants (O’Connell
pathogen and saprobe (Damm et al., 2009). et al. 2004). This implied that the host range or
the cruciferous hosts are not reliable criteria to
Colletotrichum destructivum O’Gara delimit the two species. Thus O’Connell et al.
Colletotrichum destructivum was des- (2004) proposed C. higginsianum to be a
cribed from red clover (Fabaceae) by O'Gara synonym of C. destructivum.
(1915) and has been confused with several Latunde-Dada and Lucas (2007) showed
species including C. gloeosporioides, C. linde- that the nucleotide sequences of the D2 and
muthianum and C. truncatum. In reviewing the ITS-2 regions of rDNA amongst C. truncatum,
genus, von Arx (1957) maintained C. destruc- C. destructivum and C. linicola had very high
tivum as a distinct species. Colletotrichum similarities (97-99%), and proposed, by a
destructivum was also accepted in von Arx combination of phylogenetic relationships, as
(1970). Sutton (1980) did not consider well as morphology, infection processes and
C. destructivum an acceptable species; he intracellular infection structures that C.
probably thought of it as a synonym of destructivum was a species aggregate, which
Glomerella cingulata. Manandahar et al. (1986) also includes C. linicola and C. truncatum. The

Fungal Diversity

Figs 2a-d. Morphological characteristics of colony, conidia, appressoria and infection structures of a putative strain of
Colletotrichum destructivum from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). a. Colony on PDA. b. Conidia from PDA. c.
Appressoria produced from the germinated conidia on hydrophobic polystyrene. d. Infection vesicle (arrow) and
primary hyphae (PH) in tissue of V. unguiculata cv. qiudou 512 72 hours after inoculation. Note that an appressorium
(A) produces an infection peg which invades a host epidermal cell to form a globose infection vesicle (arrowed), and
developing branched primary hyphae (PH). Bars = 10 μm

above discussion illustrates the confusion coccodes (Wallr.) Hughes, C. dematium (Pers.)
surrounding the status of C. destructivum and Grove, C. truncatum (Schwein.) Andrus &
closely related species which is still unresolved. Moore and C. trifolii Bain, it is considered as a
Many Colletotrichum species have been secondary pathogen (Graham et al., 1976;
described on legumes, mostly from crops in Koch et al., 1989). The host range of C.
temperate regions. Colletotrichum destructivum destructivum is wide and includes legumes
is capable of causing anthracnose disease in such as Glycine max, Leucaena leucocephala,
lucerne (Boland and Brochu, 1989). It has been Lotus spp., Melilotus albus, Phaseolus
reported to cause considerable yield losses in lathyroides, Trifolium spp., Vigna unguiculata,
Europe (Pauly, 1974; Robotic and Klokocar- Coronilla varia, as well as tobacco (Nicotiana
Smit, 1983), North America (Boland and tabacum), dodder (Cuscuta spp.) and
Brochu, 1989), northern Africa (Troeung and Arabidopsis thaliana (Forer et al., 1973;
Gosset, 1987) and South Africa (Thompson Massenot and Raynal, 1973; Baxter et al., 1983;
and van der Westhuizen, 1985; Koch et al., Manandahar et al., 1986; Wolcan and Bello,
1989). However, in a complex infection with C. 1988; Koch et al., 1989; Latunde-Dada et al.,

1996; O’Connell et al., 2004), although these acutatum (Gunnell and Gubler, 1992). Since
records need confirmation with sequence data. host origin was deemed less important, von
Host-specificity has also been observed among Arx (1957) placed C. fragariae in synonymy
C. destructivum isolates (Wolcan and Bello, with C. gloeosporioides, but researchers have
1988). generally retained the use of the name C.
The infection processes and intracellular fragariae when dealing with the pathogen on
infection structures of strains named C. strawberries (Howard and Albregts, 1984;
destructivum is well understood (Fig. 2d), with Mass and Howard, 1985; Sutton, 1992).
similar structures in cowpea (Bailey et al., Gunnell and Gubler (1992) reported that
1990; Latunde-Dada et al., 1996), alfalfa C. fragariae could be clearly distinguished
(Latunde-Dada et al., 1997) and tobacco (Shen from C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides by
et al. 2001). C. truncatum and C. linicola the morphology on strawberry leaf agar.
(Latunde-Dada and Lucas, 2007), and C. hig- Delimitation of these species remains
ginsianum have similar infection processes and problematic because literature references to C.
intracellular infection structures (O’Connell et acutatum and C. gloeosporioides may actually
al., 2004). refer to other species (Shivas and Tan, 2009;
Much of the above confusion is based on Sreenivasaprasad et al., 1994).
the fact that C. destructivum has not been Several molecular studies have attempted
epitypified and that types are not available for to resolve relationships of C. fragariae and
sequence data comparison. Thus epitypification other species from strawberry, but studies to
is urgently required and then species named as date are inconclusive. The techniques include
“destructivum” can be verified against the analysis of zymograms (Bonde et al., 1991),
epitype. Similarly, it will be possible to mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length
establish whether the strains from cowpea in polymorphisms (mtDNA RFLPs) (Sreenivasa-
the infection process studies are correctly prasad et al., 1992; Freeman et al., 1993),
named. arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reactions
(AP-PCR) (Freeman and Rodriguez, 1995;
Colletotrichum fragariae Brooks Freeman and Katan, 1997), random amplified
Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) anthrac- polymorphic DNA (RAPD) (Martínez-Culebra
nose is caused by three putative Colletotrichum et al., 2002) and ribosomal DNA (rDNA)
species: C. acutatum, C. fragariae and C. restriction analyses (Sreenivasaprasad et al.,
gloeosporioides (Howard and Albregts, 1983; 1992, 1994). Although molecular studies have
Smith and Black 1986). Colletotrichum acuta- led to the establishment of different molecular
tum and C. gloeosporioides are reported to groups within Colletotrichum isolates from
have a wide host range, while C. fragariae is strawberry, the assignment of taxonomic ranks
restricted to strawberry plants (Gunnell and is difficult, because these techniques were
Gubler, 1992). These species have often been developed for characterization. rDNA sequence
confused because each produces similar analysis is a useful tool for species delimitation
symptoms on strawberry including crown rot in Colletotrichum (Sherriff et al., 1994, 1995;
(Fig 3b), fruit rot and lesions. Colletotrichum Sreenivasaprasad et al., 1993, 1994), but
fragariae was described from Florida by multigene loci analysis has proved more
Brooks (1931) and causes a very destructive definitive. The divergences of rDNA-ITS
crown rot (Howard and Albregts, 1983). sequences between isolates of C. fragariae and
However, it is poorly defined and preliminary C. gloeosporioides is too low to confidently
studies of isolates from strawberry showed that separate the species (Sherrif et al. 1994;
the criteria used in species identification are Sreenivasaprasad et al., 1996; Martínez-
not reliable (Smith and Black, 1990). Some Culebras et al., 2003) and it was suggested that
isolates identified as C. fragariae because they C. fragariae falls within the C. gloeosporioides
lacked a teleomorph conformed to C. gloeo- sensu lato (Sreenivasaprasad et al., 1996).
sporioides. Other isolates, classified as C. Martínez-Culebras et al. (2000) found that
fragariae or C. gloeosporioides that produced a there was only a MvnI specific site among ITS1
red pigment in culture corresponded to C. region of the isolates of C. gloeosporioides

Fungal Diversity

Figs 3a, b. Conidia of a putative strain of Colletotrichum fragariae and its crown rot symptom on strawberry. A.
Cylindrical conidia with one end rounded and the other pointed (grown on strawberry leaf agar). B. Internal brown
necrotic lesions of crown rot caused by C. fragariae. Bar = 10 μm.

instead of C. fragariae. This trait was con- disease as opportunistic pathogens (Table 1).
firmed subsequently by different original Cano et al. (2004) listed five species of clinical
sequence data and could be used for differen- importance while Damm et al. (2009) con-
tiating C. gloeosporioides from C. fragariae firmed, using molecular data, that Colleto-
(Martínez-Culebras et al., 2003), but it was trichum truncatum was isolated from a corneal
considered that more isolates of C. fragariae ulcer of a human eye. Colletotrichum dema-
and C. gloeosporioides from straw-berry and tium was also reported to cause eye keratitis
also C. gloeosporioides from different hosts (Giaconi et al., 2006) and fungal endophthal-
should be studied. Recent phylogenetic re- mitis, a potential devastating ocular disease
search using a wider range of genes has been that causes poor visual outcome (Chakrabarti et
used to study the C gloeosporioides aggregate al., 2008). Cano et al. (2004) considered that it
from strawberry (Johnston, in litt.) and was important to find a quick unambiguous
supports the work of MacKenzie et al. (2007) molecular test to distinguish Colletotrichum
indicating that C. fragariae is distinguishable isolates, as prompt diagnosis was necessary as
from the rest of the C. gloeosporioides aggre- some drugs were not active against certain
gate, but that it is not restricted to strawberry. Colletotrichum species. For instance, itracona-
The drawback in most of the above zole was not active in vitro against C. coccodes
studies is that the strains used were not and C. dematium, but was active against some
compared with the type species. Recently C. isolates of C. gloeosporioides. Cano et al.
gloeosporioides has been epitypified and (2004) provided a table of morphological
multigene loci have been sequenced for this characters and also conducted a sequence
epitype. It is now possible to establish if the analysis based on ribosomal DNA (rDNA)
strains from strawberry are really C. acutatum, dataset to differentiate their clinical strains.
C. gloeosporioides or one of the recently Their phylogenetic analysis employed to
described species, e.g. C. simmondsii. Whether separate the species was rather simple being
C. fragariae (which requires epitypification) is based on a very short fragments of rDNA-ITS
a distinct species still needs resolving. sequence (ranging from 124-174 bp) and not
compared to the ex-type strains. Although we
Colletotrichum in human disease have tried to integrate these short sequences
Although Colletotrichum species are into the rDNA-ITS dataset of Cai et al. (2009),
mainly responsible for plant disease, several their phylogenetic positions could not be
species have been reported to cause human conclusively determined (L. Cai, pers. comm.).

Table 1. Clinical Colletotrichum species.

Taxon Disease Verified using Isolate location Reference

molecular data
C. coccodes No Cano et al., 2004
C. crassipes No CBS 109355 Cano et al., 2004
C. dematium Keratitis No Cano et al., 2004;
Giaconi et al., 2006;
Chakrabarti et al.,
C. gloeosporioides No CBS 102275 Cano et al., 2004
C. graminicola No Cano et al., 2004
C. truncatum Isolated from corneal Yes IMI 266002 Damm et al., 2009
ulcer of human eye

Cano et al. (2004) used two strains repre- trichum strains used have been given specific
senting two species with clinical origin and names, but it is unclear whether these names
compared these against 18 non-clinical strains. are correct. For example in Table 2, the strain
Some of the strains have since been shown to of C. acutatum could be one of three species
be wrongly named (e.g. C. dematium (C. presently known from the species complex
truncatum) CBS 351.73 has been shown to be (Shivas and Tan, 2009); the strains of C.
C. circinans, while C. dematium CBS 167.49 is atramentarium and C. lini used do not
C. spaethianum). It is not clear if the other non- represent currently applied names (see Hyde et
clinical stains had been correctly named and al., 2009); the strains of C. capsici and C.
thus it is not clear if the correct names were dematium f. truncatum may be the one species,
applied to the clinical strains. With the recent as they are now considered to be synonyms of
epitypification of C. dematium, C. gloeospo- C. truncatum (Damm et al., 2009); and the
rioides and C. graminicola it is now possible to strains of C. gloeosporioides (and G. cingulata)
establish if these clinically important strains may represent several different species within
were correctly named. There is an urgent need this species complex (Hyde et al., 2009). It is
for mycologists to revisit the clinical Colleto- essential to apply correct names to strains used
trichum species following recent epitypifi- in biotechnology, since results of these studies
cation to establish which species are involved may need to be verified, repeated or compared,
in human disease. and patents may be forthcoming. In all cases it
would be problematical if taxa were wrongly
Colletotrichum in biotransformation named.
The use of Colletotrichum species in
biotransformation was reviewed by García- Future studies
Pajón et al. (2003) and there have been some A review of Colletotrichum indicates that
publications since (e.g. Bastos et al., 2007; species may have been wrongly named in
Bajpai et al., 2009). Several species have been many studies on biotransformation, clinical,
studied for use in biotransformation, with pathogen, endophyte, molecular, saprobe and
putative strains of C. gloeosporioides having other aspects. It is essential that correct names
received most attention (García-Pajón et al., are used in future so that comparisons between
2003). The importance and potential use of the studies can be confidently made. It is presently
genus in industrial applications has received impossible to compare species used in many
more attention in the last 15 years. studies as a name given by one group of
Biotranformations using Colletotrichum researchers may be different to that given by
species have included detoxification of phyto- other researchers, even though they are
lectins, biotransformations of saturated and working with the same species. Similarly, the
unsaturated acyclic terpenoids, monoterpenoids same name may be given to different species.
and related cyclic compounds including ketone, Furthermore, the name of species with gene
cyclic monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and ste- sequences deposited in GenBank must be
roids (Table 2). In these studies the Colleto- verified before deposition, so that GenBank no

Fungal Diversity

Table 2. Selected examples of species of Colletotrichum used in biotransformations.

Taxon Biotransformation reaction Reference

C. acutatum Transformation of 2-phenylethanol and acetophenone Aristizábal et al., 2008
C. atramentarium Reduction of cyclic ketone García-Pajón et al., 2003
C. capsici Conversion of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) Bajpai et al., 2009
C. dematium Reduction of cyclic ketone García-Pajón et al., 2003
C. dematium f. truncatum Detoxification of phytolectins García-Pajón et al., 2003
C. destructivum Detoxification of phytolectins García-Pajón et al., 2003
C. fragariae Reduction of cyclic ketone García-Pajón et al., 2003
C. graminicola Reduction of cyclic ketone García-Pajón et al., 2003
C. gloeosporioides Detoxification of phytolectins García-Pajón et al., 2003
(as Glomerella cingulata) Transformation of saturated and unsaturated acyclic terpenoids García-Pajón et al., 2003
Transformation of sesquiterpenes
Transformation of widdrol Kumari et al., 2003

Nunez et al., 2006

(as Glomerella cingulata) Reduction of cyclic ketone García-Pajón et al., 2003
C. lagenarium Reduction of cyclic ketone García-Pajón et al., 2003
C. lindemuthianum Reduction of cyclic ketone García-Pajón et al., 2003
C. lini Steroid hydroxylations Romano et al., 2006
C. trifolii Detoxification of phytolectins García-Pajón et al., 2003
Reduction of cyclic ketone García-Pajón et al., 2003

longer becomes a dustbin for gene sequences There is an urgent need for agreement on
with the wrong names. At present sequence protocols to handle the naming and describing
data for the rDNA-ITS region and a few other of types, epitypes, new species, subspecies,
genes are available for most of the species with varieties and forms, which is the subject of a
existing type specimens (Hyde et al., 2009; Cai separate paper in this issue (Cai et al., 2009).
et al., 2009) so they can provide a name and These proposed recommendations may or may
thus researchers must check their sequences not be followed in the short term, but in the
against these type strains to verify the name. In long term Colletotrichum specialists should
the future it will hopefully be possible to find a unite and derive a set of technical protocols
better, or even an ideal gene for barcoding that must be followed. Until then we predict
species in the genus. that over the next 1-2 years there will be many
new taxa of Colletotrichum named, resulting in
Concluding remarks perhaps 100-200 accepted species names; there
Several important papers dealing with the will be numerous name changes to important
type specimens and cultures of species plant pathogens (e.g. C. capsici – see Damm et
complexes have been published (Shenoy et al., al., 2009), which will no doubt confuse and
2007a,b; Cannon et al., 2008; Than et al., 2008; frustrate plant pathologists; there will be no
Crouch et al., 2009a-c; Damm et al., 2009; consensus on which genes to use and different
Shivas and Tan, 2009). These complexes can sets of genes will be used, albeit with some
now be further studied and unraveled so that overlapping; there will be no standardized
we can really begin to understand the genus descriptions of species, and illustrations will
beyond the species complexes. Whether the range from a few spores only, to compre-
complexes can be split into numerous species, hensive full colour plates; pathogenicity testing
a few species with many subspecies, varieties will be included in a few cases only. We pre-
or forms, or just into subspecies, varieties or dict that in 2-5 years Colletotrichum taxonomy
forms will remain a matter for debate, much of will become more settled; fewer new taxa will
which depend on personal preference rather be introduced and there will be fewer name
than scientific evidence. It is hoped that new changes; plant pathologists will confidently
species introductions will at least adopt the accept the new names; sets of genes for use in
“genealogical concordance method” (Taylor et species description will be agreed upon and a
al., 2000) and more (see Cai et al., 2009). single magic barcoding gene may be identified;

species descriptions will become standardized Acknowledgements
(or if morphological characters prove to be
totally inadequate they may be done away with This research was made possible by grant number
51101010029 and 52101010002 from Mae Fah Luang
altogether); and pathogenicity testing will University.
become essential to establish the biological role
of these fungi. References
Colletotrichum has particular biosecurity
importance and until the genus becomes settled Abang, M.M., Winter, S., Green, K.R., Hoffmann, P.,
we suggest that plant quarantine authorities Mignouna, H.D. and Wolf, G.A. (2002).
Molecular identification of Colletotrichum
delay taking imprudent action. Many Colleto- gloeosporioides causing yam anthracnose in
trichum species are proving to be widespread Nigeria. Plant Pathology 51: 63-71.
on a broad range of hosts and some are proving Aristizábal, D.A., Lezcano, C.S., García, C.M. and
to be endophytes as well as pathogens. Many Durango, D.L. (2008). Biotransformation of 2-
of the recently described species (e.g. in phenylethanol and acetophenone by the plant
pathogenic fungus Colletotrichum acutatum.
Prihastuti et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2009) are Revista Colombiana de Quimica 37: 7-19.
proving to be widespread on a range of Arx, J.A. von (1957). Die Arten der Gattung
unrelated hosts, some as endophytes, epiphytes Colletotrichum Cda. Phytopathologische Zeits-
and pathogens, or as weak or opportunistic chrift 29: 413-468.
pathogens. Thus, besides existing species, such Arx, J.A. von (1970). A Revision of the Fungi classified
as Gloesporium. 2nd edn. J. Cramer, Vaduz,
as C. kahawae, which is a species of quarantine leichtenstein: 203.
significance and an important pathogen of Bailey, J.A. and Jeger, M.J. (1992). Colletotrichum:
coffee in Africa causing a devastating coffee Biology, Pathology and Control CAB
berry disease, we suggest that some Colleto- International, Wallingford: 1- 388.
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(1990). Infection process and host specificity of a
in distribution and we do not need to be overly Colletotrichum species causing anthracnose
concerned about them. If countries wish to disease in cowpea, Vigna unguiculata. Mycolo-
clarify which species they have within their gical Research 94: 810-814.
boundaries, they need to fund the research that Bajpai, V.K., Kim, H.R., Hou, C.T. and Kang, S.C.
will provide the answers. This research will be (2009). Microbial conversion and in vitro and in
vivo antifungal assessment of bioconverted
based on the collection of fresh specimens and docosahexaenoic acid (bDHA) used against
DNA sequence data. agricultural plant pathogenic fungi. Journal of
Although the many name changes within Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 36:
the genus Colletotrichum over the next few 695-704.
years may be confusing, it is necessary to Bastos, D.Z.L., Pimentel, I.C., de Jesus, D.A. and de
Oliveira, B.H. (2007). Biotransformation of
establish a long-term stable taxonomic betulinic and betulonic acids by fungi. Phyto-
framework. The examples above illustrate chemistry 68: 834-839.
numerous cases where we have no idea Baxter, A.P., Westhuizen, von der G.C.V. and Eicher, A.
whether or not correct names were used. The (1983). Morphology and taxonomy of South
situation is exacerbated by having African isolations of Colletotrichum. South Afri-
can Journal of Botany 2: 259-289.
approximately 86% of names on GenBank Bello, dal G.M., (2000). First Report of Colletotrichum
under C. gloeosporioides apparently wrongly dematium on tomato in Argentina. Plant Disease
identified. It is impossible to repeat or extend 84: 198.
scientific work and compare findings with Bobev, S.G., Jelev, Z.J., Zveibil, A., Maymon, M. and
existing published work if the names applied to Freeman, S. (2009). First report of anthracnose
caused by Colletotrichum dematium on statice
species in publications are erroneous. We have (Goniolimon tataricum, Synonym Limonium
no option but to restudy, revise and clarify the tataricum) in Bulgaria. Plant Disease 93: 552.
genus, so that the naming of Colletotrichum Boland, G.J. and Brochu, L.D. (1989). Colletotrichum
species will, in the future, be reproducible and destructivum on alfalfa in Ontario and cultivar
precise. response to anthracnose. Canadian Journal of
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Fungal Diversity

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