4850 Unit Plan Part 1
4850 Unit Plan Part 1
4850 Unit Plan Part 1
Lesson 1:
Introductory Material:
Course: 1st Block Health and Personal Fitness
National Health Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to
Education enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Standards: Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and
avoid or reduce health risks.
Georgia HEHS.4.c: Demonstrate how to ask for and offer assistance to enhance the health of self and
Standards of others.
Excellence: HEHS.7.a: Demonstrate individual responsibility for improving personal health.
(write out
Skill Pedagogy Identify any skill steps that will be addressed in the lesson:
#1. Introduce the Skill
Provide students with a definition.
Discuss the relevance of the skill to their health and their lives.
Explain the educational outcomes of the skill.
#2. Present Skill Cues/Critical Elements
#3. Model the Skill
Provide students with the opportunity to observe the skill being applied effectively.
Correct misconceptions about what the skill is and how to perform it.
#4. Practice and Feedback
Encourage verbal rehearsal and action.
Provide opportunities for practice in real-life, relevant situations with coaching and
#5. Assess the Skill and Support Transfer
Evaluate student performance.
Provide opportunities for personal practice (students practice the skills in real life outside
the classroom).
Essential a. What is one way that building self-esteem helps with mental health?
Questions: b. How does self-esteem develop and improve?
c. Why do we do the FitnessGram Tests?
Language Used Self Esteem, Mental Health, Self Confidence, Self Talk, Obstacles, Strategies, Flip-it
in the Lesson:
Behavioral/Performance Objectives:
Prior Academic Knowledge & Skills: (Describe prior knowledge and skills students will need to use and
build upon to be successful in lesson)
Basic knowledge of mental health learned in previous grades.
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Self-Esteem Workbook.pdf
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Mental Health - Glencoe
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Mental Health Student note
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/FitnessGram Pre-test Goal
Lesson The students will dress out for personal fitness at the beginning of class. They will have 10 minutes to
Introduction: dress out, use the bathroom, and do whatever they need to do before coming back in the classroom
to start the lesson. There will be no instant activity, but we will have a short discussion about prior
knowledge of mental health. This will introduce the topic and get them thinking about what we are
l Activity; Warm-Up; starting.
Set Induction)
Indicate time
allocation: (minutes)
Less than 5
Transition: The notes will be passed out while I pull up the power point.
Transition: The students will put their notes in a safe place while the self-esteem workbook is passed
Focused Learning: Activity #3 – FitnessGram Pre-Tests Height, Weight, Sit and Reach
(Specific and a. The students will go around to different stations
detailed plan to b. One station will be the weight station. They will get their weight and write it down
facilitate skill on their sheet.
development and c. The next station will be the height station. They will get their height and record it
student learning) on their sheet.
d. The last station will be the sit and reach station. They will do their sit and reach test
and record the results on their paper.
Indicate time Differentiated Instruction:
allocation: (minutes) Higher Order Thinking Questions (3):
30 1. Why do we do the FitnessGram tests?
2. What do the FitnessGram tests tell you about your health?
Transition: The students will dress back out and dismiss from the gym
Closing: The students will complete a 3 question TOD before going to the aux gym.
a. What is one way that building self-esteem helps with mental health?
Indicate time b. How does self-esteem develop and improve?
allocation: (minutes) c. Why do we do the FitnessGram Tests?
Differentiated The students will have discretion to identify things that they like about
Instruction: themselves, improving their self-esteem.
Extensions: I think going more in depth with how this workbook improves the students’
self-esteem would help. They could also do a survey about where they are
before and after the workbook in terms of self-esteem.
Lesson 2:
Introductory Material:
Course: 1st Block Health and Personal Fitness
National Health Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to
Education enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Standards: Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and
avoid or reduce health risks.
Georgia HEHS.4.c: Demonstrate how to ask for and offer assistance to enhance the health of self and
Standards of others.
Excellence: HEHS.7.a: Demonstrate individual responsibility for improving personal health.
(write out
Skill Pedagogy Identify any skill steps that will be addressed in the lesson:
#1. Introduce the Skill
Provide students with a definition.
Discuss the relevance of the skill to their health and their lives.
Explain the educational outcomes of the skill.
#2. Present Skill Cues/Critical Elements
#3. Model the Skill
Provide students with the opportunity to observe the skill being applied effectively.
Correct misconceptions about what the skill is and how to perform it.
#4. Practice and Feedback
Encourage verbal rehearsal and action.
Provide opportunities for practice in real-life, relevant situations with coaching and
#5. Assess the Skill and Support Transfer
Evaluate student performance.
Provide opportunities for personal practice (students practice the skills in real life outside
the classroom).
Essential 1. What is one way that I can flip a mistake, failure, or obstacle?
Questions: 2. What is one of the goals that you set? Why?
3. What are 2 common risk factors associated with suicide?
Skill Model Used Skill Cues
in Unit: Identify Personal Responsibilities- Analyze the role of
individual responsibility for enhancing health.
Choose a Skill or Strategy- Demonstrate a variety of healthy
practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the
health of self and others.
Reference: RMC Health –
Make It a Habit- Demonstrate a variety of behaviors to Resources and Tools RMC
avoid or reduce health risks to self and others. Health » Resources & Tools
What can I do now to continue building my healthy
practices towards future responsibilities? \
How does mastering this health practice help me
prepare for future responsibilities?
How does identifying my future responsibilities
help me now?
In what ways can I prepare for my future
responsibilities in my current life?
Language Used Self Esteem, Mental Health, Self Confidence, Self-Talk, Obstacles, Strategies, Flip-it
in the Lesson:
Behavioral/Performance Objectives:
Prior Academic Knowledge & Skills: (Describe prior knowledge and skills students will need to use and
build upon to be successful in lesson)
Knowledge of mental health and self esteem learned in the previous lesson.
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Self-Esteem Workbook.pdf
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Mental Health - Glencoe
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Mental Health Student note
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/FitnessGram Pre-test Goal
Lesson The students will dress out for personal fitness at the beginning of class. They will have 10 minutes to
Introduction: dress out, use the bathroom, and do whatever they need to do before coming back in the classroom
to start the lesson. There will be no instant activity, but we will have a short discussion about the
lesson from yesterday. This will introduce the topic and get them thinking about what we are
l Activity; Warm-Up; continuing.
Set Induction)
Indicate time
allocation: (minutes)
Less than 5
Transition: The students will get their notes sheet out from yesterday.
Transition: The students will bring their notes to me and get them checked off to make sure they have
everything they need and didn’t miss anything. They will then put them in a safe place
where they won’t lose them and pull out the workbook that we started yesterday.
Transition: The students will dress back out and dismiss from the gym
Closing: The students will complete a 3 question TOD before going to the aux gym.
1. What is one way that I can flip a mistake, failure, or obstacle?
2. What is one of the goals that you set? Why?
Indicate time 3. What are 2 common risk factors associated with suicide?
allocation: (minutes)
Differentiated The students will have discretion to identify goals that they are setting for
Instruction: themselves in order to improve their self-esteem.
Extensions: I think going more in depth with how this workbook improves the students’
self-esteem would help. They could also do a survey about where they are
before and after the workbook in terms of self-esteem.
Lesson 3:
Introductory Material:
Course: 1st Block Health and Personal Fitness
National Health Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to
Education enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Standards: Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and
avoid or reduce health risks.
Georgia HEHS.4.b: Demonstrate strategies to prevent, manage, or resolve conflicts without harming
Standards of self or others.
Excellence: HEHS.7.a: Demonstrate individual responsibility for improving personal health.
(write out
Skill Pedagogy Identify any skill steps that will be addressed in the lesson:
#1. Introduce the Skill
Provide students with a definition.
Discuss the relevance of the skill to their health and their lives.
Explain the educational outcomes of the skill.
#2. Present Skill Cues/Critical Elements
#3. Model the Skill
Provide students with the opportunity to observe the skill being applied effectively.
Correct misconceptions about what the skill is and how to perform it.
#4. Practice and Feedback
Encourage verbal rehearsal and action.
Provide opportunities for practice in real-life, relevant situations with coaching and
#5. Assess the Skill and Support Transfer
Evaluate student performance.
Provide opportunities for personal practice (students practice the skills in real life outside
the classroom).
Essential 1. What was the most interesting mental health disorder to you and why?
Questions: 2. How many of these disorders did you already know prior to doing this packet?
3. What are 3 of the warning signs that a person is suicidal?
Language Used Mental Health Disorders, Stigma, ADHD, ANXIETY DISORDERS, BIPOLAR DISORDER,
SCHIZOPHRENIA, Mental Illness, Anxiety, Depression, Suicide
Behavioral/Performance Objectives:
Prior Academic Knowledge & Skills: (Describe prior knowledge and skills students will need to use and
build upon to be successful in lesson)
Knowledge of mental health disorders from the notes.
Indicate time
allocation: (minutes)
Transition: The students will grab a notes sheet from the front table as they come back to the classroom.
Transition: The students will bring their notes to me and get them checked off to make sure they have
everything they need and didn’t miss anything. They will then put them in a safe place
where they won’t lose them. They will then grab an Analysis of mental health disorders
packet off the front desk.
Differentiated Instruction:
Transition: The students will place their finished packets in the first block section of the front table
and complete a 3 question TOD before leaving class.
Closing: The students will complete a 3 question TOD before leaving the classroom.
4. What was the most interesting mental health disorder to you and why?
5. How many of these disorders did you already know prior to doing this packet?
Indicate time 6. What are 3 of the warning signs that a person is suicidal?
allocation: (minutes)
Differentiated The students will have discretion to tell their own personal opinion on how they
Instruction: can end the stigma associated with mental illness.
Extensions: I think going more in depth with how this packet helps the students understand these
mental illnesses. Like how more likely the people with the illnesses are to have anxiety,
depression, or suicidal thoughts or tendancies.
Supplemental file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/analysis_of_mental_health_disorders.pdf
Resources: file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Anxiety Depression and Suicide Student
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Anxiety, Depression and Suicide.pdf