4850 Unit Plan Part 2

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Lesson 4:

Introductory Material:
Course: 1st Block Health and Personal Fitness

Unit Focus: Lesson # in Unit: (i.e., Lesson 3 of 8)

Mental Health 4 of 5

Date of Lesson: Class Time: Length of Lesson: (Time) Number of Students:

1-25-25 8:42-10:12 1 hr 10 mins 32

Equipment/Supplies: (Attach all relevant handouts, Technology Use: (by students)

activities, templates, PP slides, etc. to be used in lesson) Students personal laptops to use for unit test quizizz
40 Stress Chart/Personal Coping Skills Table review.
papers, unit test quizizz review, students
fitnessgram papers from earlier in the week

Description of Facility: Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional)

Typical classroom with 35 desks, 1 teacher desk, Sensitivity around the topic of mental health,
touch screen board, and 2 dry erase boards. Full- specifically anxiety and depression.
size gym with 3 basketball courts and an upstairs
walking track or auxiliary gym with full-size
basketball court.

Standards/Essential Questions/Skill Development/Assessments:

Healthy HBO 4. Prevent and manage emotional stress and anxiety in healthy ways.
Behavior HBO 9. Practice habits that promote mental and emotional wellbeing.

National Health Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to
Education enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Standards: Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and
avoid or reduce health risks.
Georgia HEHS.4.b: Demonstrate strategies to prevent, manage, or resolve conflicts without harming
Standards of self or others.
Excellence: HEHS.7.a: Demonstrate individual responsibility for improving personal health.
(write out

Skill Pedagogy Identify any skill steps that will be addressed in the lesson:
#1. Introduce the Skill
Provide students with a definition.
Discuss the relevance of the skill to their health and their lives.
Explain the educational outcomes of the skill.
#2. Present Skill Cues/Critical Elements
#3. Model the Skill
Provide students with the opportunity to observe the skill being applied effectively.
Correct misconceptions about what the skill is and how to perform it.
#4. Practice and Feedback
Encourage verbal rehearsal and action.
Provide opportunities for practice in real-life, relevant situations with coaching and
#5. Assess the Skill and Support Transfer
Evaluate student performance.
Provide opportunities for personal practice (students practice the skills in real life outside
the classroom).

Essential What is a Stressor?

Questions: What is a Stress Response?
What is a Coping Mechanism?
Skill Model Used Skill Cues
in Unit: Identify Personal Responsibilities- Analyze the role of
individual responsibility for enhancing health.
Choose a Skill or Strategy- Demonstrate a variety of healthy
practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the
health of self and others.
Reference: RMC Health –
Make It a Habit- Demonstrate a variety of behaviors to Resources and Tools RMC
avoid or reduce health risks to self and others. Health » Resources & Tools
 What can I do now to continue building my healthy
practices towards future responsibilities? \
 How does mastering this health practice help me
prepare for future responsibilities?
 How does identifying my future responsibilities
help me now?
In what ways can I prepare for my future responsibilities in
my current life?

Assessments: Diagnostic Formative Summative

Diagnostic, Gauge where students are in Gauge student progress/growth Gauge student mastery of
their learning prior to the through ongoing and periodic standards.
beginning of the lesson. observation and/or checks for
Summative understanding.
Have a short discussion The students will complete
about the things we a unit test quizizz review
learned yesterday. Also for a grade. They will be
have a short discussion able to do it as many times
about if any of them have as they want for the best
ever used or attempted to grade possible. They will
us a coping mechanism. also complete a 3 question
TOD before going upstairs
to do personal fitness for a
completion grade.

Language Used Stressor, Stress Response, Coping Mechanism, Sort-Term Effects, Long-Term Effects,
in the Lesson: Distraction, Grounding, Emotional Release, Self-Love, Thought Challenge, Access
your Higher Self, Coping Skills

Behavioral/Performance Objectives:
Prior Academic Knowledge & Skills: (Describe prior knowledge and skills students will need to use and
build upon to be successful in lesson)
Knowledge of stress from mental health notes from Monday and Tuesday.

Functional Health Information: (Cognitive objective; ABCD format) Standard Method of

addressed: Assessment:
TSWBAT recall what a coping mechanism is on the TOD. HEHS.4.b TOD

Health-related Skill(s): (Psychomotor objective; ABCD format) Standard Method of

addressed: Assessment:
TSWBAT evaluate their coping mechanisms at the end of the Stress HEHS.4.b Stress Chart
Chart worksheet.

Development of attitudes, values, beliefs & norms to adopt/maintain Standard Method of

healthy behaviors: (Affective objective; ABCD format) addressed: Assessment:

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Stress Chart.pdf
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Personal Coping Skills
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/FitnessGram Pre-test Goal
Sheet (1).pdf
Lesson Plan Details:
Write a detailed outline of your class session including your participatory methods,
instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions, student supports,
assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another
teacher could understand the instructions enough to use them. Include what you will do as a
teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase.
*Note: the statements and scaffolding questions in red below are meant to guide your
thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in
your plan.
Lesson Purpose: This is the 4th lesson in our mental health unit. It will cover the stress chart and the personal
coping skills worksheets as well as the unit test quizizz review to help the students get
prepared for the unit test tomorrow. The purpose of this lesson is to introduce coping
mechanisms and coping skills. It will allow them to think more personally about themselves
and how they cope with stress. Also, this lesson will allow the students to study for the test
tomorrow by practicing the quizizz.

Lesson The students will dress out for personal fitness at the beginning of class. They will have 10 minutes to
Introduction: dress out, use the bathroom, and do whatever they need to do before coming back in the classroom
to start the lesson. There will be no instant activity, but we will have a short discussion about the
lesson from yesterday, as well as a short discussion about if any of them have ever used or
l Activity; Warm-Up; attempted to us a coping mechanism.
Set Induction)

Indicate time
allocation: (minutes)
Less than 5
Transition: The students will grab a stress chart and coping skills worksheet from the table up front and be
ready to start the lesson.

Focused Learning: Activity #1 – Stress Chart

(Specific and a. I will explain what the stress chart worksheet is and why we are doing it. I will then
detailed plan to explain how to do the worksheet, giving examples and asking for student
facilitate skill demonstrations to help explain the activity.
development and b. The students will be asked to think about things that cause them stress. Then they
student learning) will fill out the table describing their stressor, stress response, and coping
c. They will then be asked to evaluate their coping mechanisms at the bottom of the
Indicate time page by answering these 3 questions.
allocation: (minutes)  Are they healthy or unhealthy?
15  What short-term and long-term effects can result from your stress
 What changes if any could you make to reduce your stress?
d. They will then be asked to turn their papers over to the back where the personal
coping skills worksheet is.

Differentiated Instruction:
Higher Order Thinking Questions (3):
1. Have you ever thought about what may cause you stress before doing this
2. Have you ever thought about or performed a coping mechanism prior to doing
this activity?

Check for Understanding:

I will walk around the classroom to make sure the students know what they are doing and
why they are doing it. I will also be making sure they are staying engaged.

Transition: The students will be asked to turn their papers over to the back where the personal
coping skills worksheet is.

Focused Learning: Activity #2 – Personal Coping Skills

(Specific and a. I will explain what the worksheet is and why we are doing it. I will then explain how
detailed plan to to do the worksheet, giving examples and asking for student demonstrations to
facilitate skill help explain the activity.
development and b. In this activity the students will be asked to use the table to think about and analyze
student learning) their own coping skills.
c. There are 6 types of coping skills, distraction, self-love, grounding, emotional
release, thought challenge, and access your higher self. These all have the
Indicate time definitions next to them to help the students understand them.
allocation: (minutes) d. They will then be asked to explain which 2 of the coping skills worked best for them
15 and why.
e. They will turn it in to the first block section on the front table when they are done
and get ready to do the quizizz test review.

Differentiated Instruction:

Higher Order Thinking Questions (3):

1. Which of these coping skills had you used prior to doing this activity?
2. Which of these have you never used?

Check for Understanding:

I will walk around the classroom to make sure the students know what they are doing and
why they are doing it. I will also be making sure they are staying engaged.

Transition: The students will turn in their papers to the first block section on the front table and get
out their laptops to prepare for the quizizz review.

Focused Learning: Activity #3 – Unit Test Quizizz Review

(Specific and a. The students will do a quizizz review for the test tomorrow.
detailed plan to b. This quizizz consists of questions similar to the ones that will be on the test.
facilitate skill c. This will be a paced review and the results will go in for a grade.
development and d. We will do it one time in class, but the students are allowed unlimited attempts to
student learning) improve their grade and study for the test.
e. Once we finish, the students will put their laptops away and complete the 3
question TOD.
Indicate time
allocation: (minutes) Differentiated Instruction:
Higher Order Thinking Questions (3):
1. How prepared do you feel after this review for the test tomorrow?
2. Do you feel like you need more practice?

Check for Understanding:

I will read each question out loud and provide support to struggling students. I will make
sure every student answers each question before moving on.

Transition: The students will put their laptops away and complete a 3 question TOD. They will then
pull out their fitnessgram pretest papers and go upstairs to the track and walk to prepare
to do the fitnessgram mile test.

Focused Learning: Activity #4 – FitnessGram Mile Pretest

(Specific and a. The students will begin by walking 2 laps around the upstairs track.
detailed plan to b. They will then start their mile. Each time they complete a lap, they will grab a
facilitate skill popsicle stick from me.
development and c. Once they have 11 sticks, they will let me know and I will tell them their time and
student learning) they will record their results on their paper.
d. If they finish before it is time to dress back out, they will be allowed to either
continue to walk, or go play basketball downstairs until it is time to dress back out.
Indicate time
allocation: (minutes) Differentiated Instruction:
Higher Order Thinking Questions (3):
1. Why do we do the FitnessGram Tests?
2. What do the FitnessGram tests tell you about your health?

Check for Understanding:

I will make sure the students are recording the correct results on their sheets.

Transition: The students will dress back out and dismiss from the gym.

Closing: The students will complete a 3 question TOD before going to the upstairs track.
1. What is a Stressor?
2. What is a Stress Response?
Indicate time 3. What is a Coping Mechanism?
allocation: (minutes) Bonus: Do you feel prepared for tomorrow’s test?

Differentiated The students will have discretion to identify their own personal coping skills to
Instruction: help improve their stress management.
Extensions: I think going more in depth with how these worksheets help improve their
stress management skills would help them better understand the topic. They
could also do a survey about where they are before and after the worksheets in
terms of stress management.

Supplemental file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Stress Chart.pdf

Resources: file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Personal Coping Skills Table.pdf
file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/FitnessGram Pre-test Goal Sheet (1).pdf

Lesson 5:

Introductory Material:
Course: 1st Block Health and Personal Fitness

Unit Focus: Lesson # in Unit: (i.e., Lesson 3 of 8)

Mental Health 5 of 5

Date of Lesson: Class Time: Length of Lesson: (Time) Number of Students:

1-26-25 8:42-10:12 1 hr 10 mins 32

Equipment/Supplies: (Attach all relevant handouts, Technology Use: (by students)

activities, templates, PP slides, etc. to be used in lesson) Students personal laptops to use for unit test.
Each students laptop, students fitnessgram
papers from earlier in the week

Description of Facility: Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional)

Typical classroom with 35 desks, 1 teacher desk, Sensitivity around the topic of mental health,
touch screen board, and 2 dry erase boards. Full- specifically anxiety and depression.
size gym with 3 basketball courts and an upstairs
walking track or auxiliary gym with full-size
basketball court.
Standards/Essential Questions/Skill Development/Assessments:
Healthy HBO 4. Prevent and manage emotional stress and anxiety in healthy ways.
Behavior HBO 9. Practice habits that promote mental and emotional wellbeing.

National Health Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease
Education prevention to enhance health.

Georgia HEHS.1.n: Describe the interrelationships of emotional, intellectual, physical, and social health.
Standards of HEHS.1.b: Describe the relationship between personal health and well-being.
(write out

Skill Pedagogy Identify any skill steps that will be addressed in the lesson:
#1. Introduce the Skill
Provide students with a definition.
Discuss the relevance of the skill to their health and their lives.
Explain the educational outcomes of the skill.
#2. Present Skill Cues/Critical Elements
#3. Model the Skill
Provide students with the opportunity to observe the skill being applied effectively.
Correct misconceptions about what the skill is and how to perform it.
#4. Practice and Feedback
Encourage verbal rehearsal and action.
Provide opportunities for practice in real-life, relevant situations with coaching and
#5. Assess the Skill and Support Transfer
Evaluate student performance.
Provide opportunities for personal practice (students practice the skills in real life outside
the classroom).

Essential 1. Do you feel like the activities we did this week prepared you for the test?
Questions: 2. How do you feel about the test?
3. What were some things you didn’t know coming into this unit that you now leave
this unit knowing well?
Skill Model Used Skill Cues
in Unit: Identify Personal Responsibilities- Analyze the role of
individual responsibility for enhancing health.
Choose a Skill or Strategy- Demonstrate a variety of healthy
practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the
health of self and others.
Reference: RMC Health –
Make It a Habit- Demonstrate a variety of behaviors to Resources and Tools RMC
avoid or reduce health risks to self and others. Health » Resources & Tools
 What can I do now to continue building my healthy
practices towards future responsibilities? \
 How does mastering this health practice help me
prepare for future responsibilities?
 How does identifying my future responsibilities
help me now?
In what ways can I prepare for my future responsibilities in
my current life?

Assessments: Diagnostic Formative Summative

Diagnostic, Gauge where students are in Gauge student progress/growth Gauge student mastery of
their learning prior to the through ongoing and periodic standards.
beginning of the lesson. observation and/or checks for
Summative understanding.
Have a short review session The students will
reviewing all the things we complete a 35 question
have gone over in the past unit test covering
week. This will help as a everything that we have
refresher for the test. learned in the mental
health unit.

Language Used Stressor, Stress Response, Coping Mechanism, Self Esteem, Mental Health, Self
in the Lesson: Confidence, Self-Talk, Obstacles, Strategies, Mental Health Disorders, Mental Illness,
Anxiety, Depression, Suicide

Behavioral/Performance Objectives:
Prior Academic Knowledge & Skills: (Describe prior knowledge and skills students will need to use and
build upon to be successful in lesson)

All knowledge about mental health learned in previous lessons.

Functional Health Information: (Cognitive objective; ABCD format) Standard Method of

addressed: Assessment:
TSWBAT recall at least 70% of the information learned in the unit on HEHS.1.n Unit Test
the unit test. HEHS.1.b
Health-related Skill(s): (Psychomotor objective; ABCD format) Standard Method of
addressed: Assessment:
TSWBAT write out new things they learned and how they feel HEHS.1.n TOD
about the test on the TOD. HEHS.1.b

Development of attitudes, values, beliefs & norms to Standard Method of

adopt/maintain healthy behaviors: (Affective objective; ABCD addressed: Assessment:

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Mental Health Post-test.pdf

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/FitnessGram Pre-test Goal
Sheet (1).pdf

Lesson Plan Details:

Write a detailed outline of your class session including your participatory methods,
instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions, student supports,
assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another
teacher could understand the instructions enough to use them. Include what you will do as a
teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase.
*Note: the statements and scaffolding questions in red below are meant to guide your
thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in
your plan.
Lesson Purpose: This is the 5th and final lesson of our mental health unit. The students will be completing the
mental health unit test as well as the fitnessgram pretest worksheet. The purpose of this
lesson is to give the students a summative assessment to see how well the content was
taught. It is also allowing the students to set personal goals for their fitnessgram tests in
the future.

Lesson The students will dress out for personal fitness at the beginning of class. They will have 10 minutes to
Introduction: dress out, use the bathroom, and do whatever they need to do before coming back in the classroom
to start the lesson. There will be no instant activity, but there will be a short review session to help
the students prepare for the test.
l Activity; Warm-Up;
Set Induction)

Indicate time
allocation: (minutes)
Less than 5
Transition: The students will pull out their laptops and open the unit test on CTLS.

Focused Learning: Activity #1 – Mental Health Unit Test

(Specific and a. The students will start the mental health unit test and work quietly on their own until they
detailed plan to are finished.
facilitate skill b. This test is composed of 35 questions on everything that we have learned in this unit.
c. Once they finish, they will close their laptop and sit quietly at their desk until everyone else
development and
student learning) is finished.
d. When everyone finishes, they will put their laptops away and pull out a sheet of paper and
complete a short 2 question TOD about the test and turn it in to the first block section on
Indicate time the table at the front of the classroom. They will then pull out their fitnessgram pretest
sheets and prepare to go to the aux gym.
allocation: (minutes)
Differentiated Instruction:

Higher Order Thinking Questions (3):

4. Do you feel like the activities we did this week prepared you for the test?
5. How do you feel about the test?
6. What were some things you didn’t know coming into this unit that you now leave
this unit knowing well?

Check for Understanding:

I will walk around the classroom during the test to make sure nobody is cheating and
everyone is staying on task and being quiet.

Transition: The students will put their laptops away and pull out a sheet of paper and complete a
short 2 question TOD about the test and turn it in to the first block section on the front
table. They will then pull out their fitnessgram pretest sheets and go upstairs to the aux

Focused Learning: Activity #2 – FitnessGram Push-up and Sit-up Pretest and Goals
(Specific and a. The students will go to the aux gym and find a partner and an open spot on the gym
detailed plan to floor.
facilitate skill b. I will play the fitnessgram push-up audio prompt and the first partner will do the
development and test. When they fail to complete a push-up, they will record how many they did on
student learning) their paper. Then the second partner will go and do the same thing.
c. We will then move on to the sit-up test. It will go the same way as the push-up test.
d. After everyone finishes, they will complete the bottom part of their worksheet. This
Indicate time has the students create 2 fitness goals for the semester based off all their pretest
allocation: (minutes) results. They will write how they will measure these goals and their plans to achieve
30 these goals. They will then answer the question, “How do you feel about exercise?
What types of physical activity do you like?”.
e. Once they finish, they may either walk the upstairs track, or go downstairs and play.

Differentiated Instruction:

Higher Order Thinking Questions (3):

3. Why do we do the FitnessGram Tests?
4. What do the FitnessGram tests tell you about your health?

Check for Understanding:

I will make sure the students are recording the correct results on their sheets. I will also
make sure the students are understanding the bottom of the sheet.
Transition: The students will dress back out and dismiss from the gym.
Closing: The students will complete a short 2 question TOD about the test before going to the
1. How do you feel about the test?
Indicate time 2. What were some things you didn’t know coming into this unit that you now leave
allocation: (minutes) this unit knowing well?

Differentiated The students will have discretion to identify their own personal fitness goals for
Instruction: the semester to help improve their personal fitness.

Extensions: I think having a class discussion about the test would allow the students to tell
me in person how they felt the content taught was helpful.

Supplemental file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Mental Health Post-test.pdf

Resources: file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/FitnessGram Pre-test Goal Sheet (1).pdf

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/FitnessGram Pre-test Goal Sheet (1).pdf

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Mental Health Post-test.pdf

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Mental Health Student note sheet.pdf

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Mental Health - Glencoe Health.pdf

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Self-Esteem Workbook (1).pdf

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Personal Coping Skills Table.pdf

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Stress Chart (1).pdf


file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Anxiety, Depression and Suicide.pdf

file:///Users/johnreidjarvis/Downloads/Anxiety Depression and Suicide Student






Based on the short discussion we had as a class on Monday, I gathered that only about
4 students were confident in their knowledge on mental health.

On Tuesday, we had a discussion about the things we learned on Monday. We also had
a TOD at the end of class that day. From what I gathered that day, about 9 more
students were confident in their knowledge on mental health. I had a discussion with
these students, and they each told me they studied the topic at home.

Wednesday, we started with another discussion about what we learned Tuesday. The
students were a lot more involved in the discussion, almost shouting answers out at
me. I could tell they were getting better with their knowledge on the topic. From that
discussion and the TOD we did at the end of class, I gathered that about 6 more
students gained confidence on their knowledge of mental health.

On Thursday, we started the same as all the other days. We talked about the
information we learned on Wednesday. Once again, more students were involved in
the discussion. We also did a Quizizz review, and the students did great on it. Again,
after the TODs were done and turned in, I gathered that about 10 more students were
confident in their mental health knowledge.

On Friday we had our unit test. The students were supposed to go home and study the
Quizizz to try and get the best grade possible and it seems they did. We had a review
and just about every student was on fire. They were firing off answers like crazy.
Every student but one passed the test, and that totals out to 31 out of 32 students
confident in their knowledge on mental health.

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