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Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020

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Clinical Practice Keywords Tissue drainage/Oedema/

Immune system
Systems of life
Lymphatic system This article has been
double-blind peer reviewed

In this article...
● H
 ow the lymphatic system is structured and how it drains tissue
● Causes, symptoms and treatment of different types of oedema, including lymphoedema
● How the lymphatic system transports fat and contributes to immunity

The lymphatic system 1:

structure, function and oedema
Key points
Author John Knight is associate professor in biomedical science; Yamni Nigam is
The lymphatic professor in biomedical science; both at the College of Human and Health Sciences,
system works in Swansea University.
parallel with the
cardiovascular Abstract This article is the first in a six-part series about the lymphatic system. It
system and has discusses how the system is structured and how it functions, focusing on tissue
a network of drainage, fat transportation and activation of immune responses. It also examines the
vessels and key causes, symptoms and treatment of oedema. Part 2 will focus on the lymphatic
lymphoid organs organs, part 3 will examine immunity in more detail, part 4 will discuss allergies,
anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock, part 5 will focus on vaccinations and
The system immunological memory, and part 6 will discuss immunotherapies.
circulates lymph
around the body, Citation Knight J, Nigam Y (2020) The lymphatic system 1: structure, function and
draining tissue, oedema. Nursing Times [online]; 116: 10, 39-43.
transporting fat and

activating immune
responses his is the first article in a six-part Latin word lympha, meaning water (
series examining the lymphatic CollinsLymphDefinition). Unlike the car-
An over- system and immunity. It pro- diovascular system, the lymphatic system
accumulation of vides an overview of the struc- is not a closed system and does not have a
lymph leads to ture and function of the lymphatic system, discrete pump analogous to the heart.
swelling of the soft focusing primarily on its role in tissue However, in many respects, the lymphatic
tissues called drainage. It also examines factors that can vessels are structurally similar to veins:
oedema; this compromise lymphatic flow, briefly they have relatively thin walls and carry
includes explores the role of the lymphatic system lymph under low pressure. For this
lymphoedema, in fat transportation, and introduces the reason, like veins, most of the larger lym-
which is caused by overlap and synergy between the lym- phatic vessels are equipped with valves to
poor lymphatic phatic and immune systems. prevent the backflow of lymph under the
drainage influence of gravity.
The lymphatic system Lymph flows through several key lym-
The lymphatic system can be thought of phoid organs, where its composition is
as a second circulatory system that runs in monitored and modified. The lymphoid
parallel, and in conjunction, with the car- organs are divided into:
diovascular system; it extends into every l P rimary lymphoid organs (red bone
major region of the body, with the notable marrow and the thymus gland), where
exceptions of the brain and spinal cord lymphocytes are generated from
(Moore and Bertram, 2018). The major ana- immature progenitor cells;
tomical components of the lymphatic l S econdary lymphoid organs (the spleen
system are highlighted in Fig 1. and lymph nodes), where lymphocytes
The lymphatic vessels form the con- reside and are positioned to mount
duits of the lymphatic system, and a immune responses.
watery fluid called lymph runs through The location and roles of the lymphoid
them; the term ‘lymph’ comes from the organs are summarised in Table 1 and will

Nursing Times [online] October 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 10 39
Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice
Systems of life

Fig 1. The major components of the lymphatic system l C

 ellular signals such as hormones.
The flow of blood into capillary beds is
regulated by small rings of smooth muscle
Tonsils called pre-capillary sphincters; when these
are dilated (open), blood from the arteri-
oles flows in under high pressure. In most
tissues, the capillary walls are porous,
which allows fluid to be driven out
Subclavian veins through the capillary walls by a process
Lymph node
Thymus called filtration. As this fluid collects in
the small interstitial spaces that surround
cells, it is referred to as interstitial fluid or
Thoracic duct tissue fluid.
Interstitial fluid bathes most human
cells and has a composition similar to
that of blood plasma, minus the larger
Lymphatic vessel
plasma proteins that are too big to physi-
Inguinal lymph cally pass through the pores in the capil-
lary walls. The average adult human body
has around 11-12L of interstitial fluid
filling interstitial spaces, where it func-
tions as the primary exchange medium in
most human tissues. Freshly produced
interstitial fluid is a complex mixture
that is rich in oxygen and several other
components, such as:
l S  ugars (primarily glucose) – for
be explored in more detail in subsequent to supply the upper and lower regions of metabolism;
articles in this series. the body with blood. Within the organs, l A  mino acids – for building proteins;
The lymphatic system has three major arteries subdivide into progressively l L  ipids – for metabolism and synthesis
functions, which are discussed here: smaller vessels and eventually into the of cell membranes and chemical signals
l T issue drainage; smallest arteries of the body, which are such as hormones;
l F at transport; termed arterioles. Most arterioles connect l E  lectrolytes, including sodium,
l I mmune responses. to capillary beds, which permeate into the potassium, calcium and chloride –
tissues (Fig 2). essential for osmotic/electrochemical
Tissue drainage The major role of capillaries is to dis- balance and as co-factors for enzymes
Interstitial fluid formation tribute blood, ensuring adequate oxygen and structural cellular proteins;
The left ventricle of the heart ejects and nutrients are delivered to all cells, while l H  ormones – to regulate internal
oxygen-rich blood under high pressure simultaneously acting as conduits for: physiology and ensure homeostasis;
into the aorta, which is the major systemic l T he collection of metabolic waste l W  aste products from cellular
artery. Large arteries branch off the aorta products, such as carbon dioxide (CO2); metabolism, including CO2 and

Table 1. Primary and secondary lymphoid organs and their functions

Lymphoid Lymphoid
Description Function
organ organ type
Red bone Primary In adults, this is diffusely located in the central To act as the major haemopoietic tissue,
marrow portions of flat bones such as the ribs, sternum, producing all the formed elements of blood
pelvis and vertebrae, with smaller amounts found in including erythrocytes (red blood cells),
the epiphyses of some of the larger, long bones, leukocytes (white blood cells) and platelets
such as the femur (thromobocytes)
Thymus Primary A small, butterfly-shaped gland located on the Plays a key role in programming the immune
gland superior surface of the heart (Fig 1) system to recognise ‘self’, and provides a site for
the maturation of T-lymphocytes
Spleen Secondary The largest lymphoid organ, the spleen has a lobular Helps trap foreign material and remove damaged
structure and is located on the left-hand side of the and aged erythrocytes, while also acting as a
abdomen, between the ninth and 11th ribs reservoir for erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets

Lymph Secondary Small, bean-shaped lymphoid organs found in major Primarily filter lymph, trapping foreign material
nodes clusters, including the cervical nodes (neck), axial such as bacterial and viral particles
nodes (armpits) and inguinal nodes (groin regions)

Nursing Times [online] October 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 10 40
Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice
Systems of life

nitrogenous waste products such as Fig 2. Capillary beds and the structure of lymphatic capillaries
urea and uric acid.
As interstitial fluid is forced out at the
arterial end of the capillary bed, the blood
remaining in the capillaries is thicker and
more viscous, and so moves more slowly. It
also has a higher concentration of soluble
materials, such as plasma proteins
albumin and fibrinogen, which exert an
osmotic pull. As a result, interstitial fluid
rich in waste metabolites returns to the
blood towards the venous end of the capil-
lary bed, eventually draining into the ven-
ules to be carried away in the venous

Interstitial fluid drainage and lymph

Approximately 85% of the fluid lost at the
arterial end of the capillary bed is
reclaimed into the blood at the venous end
(Herlihy, 2018). The remaining 15% is added
to the interstitial fluid bathing the cells. As
this process is perpetual, the interstitial 600 Return of lymph to the
fluid surrounding the cells is continually QUICK Number of lymph nodes cardiovascular system
being renewed and replaced. FACT adults usually have Lymph eventually enters the larger-diam-
Without adequate drainage, excess eter lymphatic vessels known as lymphatic
interstitial fluid can accumulate in the tis- trunks, which are equipped with robust
sues, leading to swelling (oedema) and, medium and larger lymphatic vessels valves to ensure lymph is progressively
potentially, compression of local blood ensuring a progressive upward movement transported upwards against the pull of
vessels and subsequent tissue damage. The of the lymph. gravity. The largest of the lymphatic vessels
major role of the lymphatic system is to Although bodily movement does play is the thoracic duct, which is typically
continually collect excess interstitial fluid an essential role, it has subsequently been 5-7mm in diameter and carries around 75%
and drain it away from the tissues. discovered that the walls of larger lym- of the body’s lymph (Johnson et al, 2016). As
Interwoven among the capillary beds phatic vessels are equipped with a special- the name implies, the thoracic duct carries
are blind-ended lymphatic capillaries ised type of muscle, which is structurally lymph upwards through the thoracic cavity
(Fig 2); the walls of these vessels are com- intermediate between the smooth muscle (Fig 1); lymphatic flow is aided by normal
posed of cells that form overlapping flaps, that lines arteries and veins and the cardiac breathing movements, which rhythmically
which function as unidirectional mini- muscle located in the myocardium of the compress the walls of the thoracic duct,
valves. Highly porous, they act like heart (Scallan et al, 2016). This unique effectively creating a ‘milking’ effect. The
sponges, soaking up excess fluid from the muscle type actively pumps by contracting thoracic duct terminates at and discharges
interstitial spaces. Unlike the larger lym- in rhythmic waves (similar to the peri- its contents into the left subclavian vein,
phatic vessels, these lymphatic capillaries staltic movements of the gastrointestinal ensuring blood volume is maintained by
lack a muscular wall or internal valves; as tract), ensuring progressive, steady move- recycling fluid that originated from the
such, they rely on capillary action to draw ment of lymph. These rhythmic contrac- blood during capillary filtration. At the
excess fluid away from the tissues and tions of the lymphatic vessel walls comple- point where the duct empties into the sub-
carry it to the progressively larger lym- ment the movement of lymph generated clavian vein, a small bicuspid valve pre-
phatic vessels. through bodily movement; they also vents backflow of venous blood into the
As soon as interstitial fluid enters the ensure adequate movement of lymph lymphatic system (Ilahi et al, 2020).
lymphatic capillaries it is referred to as while the body is stationary or at rest. Thoracic injuries, for example following
lymph; at this stage, newly formed lymph a road traffic accident, can result in tearing
is usually a clear, transparent fluid that Composition of lymph of the thoracic duct and leakage of chyle
resembles water. Initially, in the smaller lymphatic vessels into the pleural cavity. This type of pleural
originating in the tissue capillary beds, effusion is known as a chylothorax and can
Movement of lymph lymph is usually transparent or straw-col- lead to lung compression, making
It was previously thought that the move- oured, similar to plasma. This reflects its breathing difficult. Chylothorax may also
ment of lymph through the lymphatic origins, and it is chemically virtually iden- follow accidental injury to the thoracic
system was a passive process, reliant on tical to interstitial fluid. However, by the duct during surgery or blockage of the tho-

the physical movements of the body. As time it reaches larger lymphatic vessels, it racic duct, for example through malignan-
with veins, contraction of skeletal muscles has mixed with the products of fat diges- cies such as lymphoma. This increases the
compresses lymphatic vessels, raising the tion and takes on a cloudy or milky appear- hydrostatic lymph pressure and causes
pressure inside with internal valves in the ance; at this stage it is referred to as chyle. chyle leakage (Rudrappa and Paul, 2019).

Nursing Times [online] October 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 10 41
Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice For more articles

on immunology, go to
Systems of life

Oedema and lymphoedema Fig 4. Internal structure of a villus

Oedema can be defined as an over-accu-
mulation of fluid in the interstitial spaces,
which leads to visible swelling of the soft Columnar
tissues. Because oedema is subject to epithelial cells
gravity, it becomes more apparent in the
distal regions of the lower limbs and is
often particularly noticeable in the ankles
and feet. Most oedema is referred to as
pitted oedema, because pressing the area
causes a pit to form as the fluid is pushed Blood capillary
away; the pit slowly disappears after sev- Villus network
eral seconds as fluid returns.
Oedema can have a variety of under-
lying causes; the three discussed below are
poor venous return, increased vascular
permeability, and poor drainage by the
lymphatic system.
Poor venous return is commonly seen
in right-handed heart failure, where the
right side of the heart becomes less effi-
cient at collecting venous blood from the
inferior and superior vena cava and
pumping it through the pulmonary circu-
lation of the lungs. This leads to a back-up Intestinal gland
of venous pressure, reducing the reab-
sorption and clearance of interstitial fluid
from the capillary beds. This type of
peripheral oedema is particularly notice- Arteriole
able in the lower limbs, with ankle and vessel
foot swelling frequently observed. In later
stages of heart failure, the oedema may
become so severe that fluid leaks through
the skin of the legs (weeping oedema) or “Oedema that occurs as experience a mild oedema in the later
collects in fluid-filled blisters (Aviles, stages of pregnancy when the large veins
2019). Long periods of immobility, such as a result of poor drainage such as the inferior vena cava in the
prolonged hospital bedrest, also reduce of the lymphatic system abdomen become compressed as the baby
blood flow in the veins of the legs and can
lead to venous stasis and reduced venous
is usually referred to as grows; this often leads to fluid accumula-
tion and swelling in the legs.
return (Knight et al, 2018). Many women lymphoedema” Increased vascular permeability is fre-
quently seen in areas of infection, irritation
or injury where inflammatory mediators,
Fig 3. Lymphoedema of the right arm resulting from axillary
such as histamine and prostaglandins,
induce loosening of the junctions between
adjacent cells in the capillary walls. This
results in the leakage of inflammatory exu-
date, which accumulates in the interstitial
spaces. Increased vascular permeability
can also be associated with fluctuations in
the female sex hormone oestrogen that
occur during the menstrual cycle and
Oedema that occurs as a result of poor
drainage of the lymphatic system is usually
referred to as lymphoedema. In the UK this
is most frequently associated with cancer,
either caused by blockages that occur due
to metastatic spread or following surgery

to remove local lymph nodes. For example,

removal of the axillary lymph nodes (axil-
lary dissection) is recommended in many
cases of breast cancer. Lymphatic drainage

Nursing Times [online] October 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 10 42
Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice
Systems of life

of the arm normally passes through the “Many women experience clinicians. Lymph node assessment can
axilla, therefore, axillary dissection can
lead to pronounced lymphoedema of the
mild oedema in pregnancy; provide valuable diagnostic information
about potential sites of infection – for
arm (Fig 3). this often leads to fluid example, the cervical lymph nodes of the
Symptoms include a heavy, aching limb accumulation and swelling neck commonly show lymphadenopathy
and weakness. Left untreated, it may pro- in the legs” in upper-respiratory-tract or middle-ear
gress to chronic lymphoedema and, in infections. The role of lymph nodes in
severe cases, the formation of hard fibrotic sequestering foreign material and partici-
tissue, which inhibits oxygen supply to the Fat transport pating in immune responses will be exam-
affected areas. Patients may become prone Within the gastrointestinal tract most ined in detail in the third part of this series,
to repeated skin infections and develop nutrient absorption takes place in the which examines antibody-mediated
skin ulcers that are difficult to heal. ilium, which is equipped with tiny, finger- immune responses. NT
Severely obese patients with a body mass like projections called villi that massively
index (BMI) over 50 are also prone to lym- increase its total surface area. Each villus ● Part 2 of this series will focus on the
phoedema which, in many cases, can be contains a complex, highly convoluted major lymphatic organs, including the red
severe and disfiguring. The link between blood capillary network and a central bone marrow, thymus and spleen.
extreme obesity and lymphoedema is blind-ended lymphatic vessel called a lac-
unclear. However it has been hypothesised teal (Fig 4). References
that increased adipose tissue accumulation Following the processes of mechanical Aviles F (2019) Managing the ‘weepy leg’ of
may collapse lymphatic vessels, reducing and chemical digestion, the products of chronic wound edema. Today’s Wound Clinic; 13: 9,
tissue drainage, while increased inflamma- carbohydrate digestion (monosaccharide Greene AK et al (2015) Obesity-induced
tion may damage lymphatic vessels, sugars such as glucose) and protein diges- lymphedema nonreversible following massive
reducing their tissue density and ability to tion (amino acids) are absorbed directly weight loss. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery –
collect and pump lymph (Nitti et al, 2016; through the walls of the villi into the blood Global Open; 3: 6, e426.
Greene et al, 2015). The complete blockage capillary network and transported to the Herlihy B (2018) Lymphatic system. In: The Human
Body in Health and Illness. Elsevier.
of lymphatic vessels can lead to an extreme liver via the hepatic portal vein.
Ilahi M et al (2020) Anatomy, Thorax, Thoracic
lymphoedema called elephantiasis. Larger-chain fatty acids do not enter Duct. Treasure Island, FL: StatPearls Publishing.
the blood directly; instead they enter the Johnson OW et al (2016) The thoracic duct:
Filarial elephantiasis columnar epithelial cells lining the villi, clinical importance, anatomic variation, imaging,
In tropical regions, the bites of infected and are coated and packaged with a mix- and embolization. European Radiology; 26: 8,
mosquitoes transmit microscopic, ture of cholesterol and protein to form
Knight J et al (2018) Effects of bedrest 1:
threadlike, filarial worms. The parasites small spherical aggregates called chylomi- introduction and the cardiovascular system.
enter the lymphatic vessels and are carried crons which are then absorbed directly Nursing Times; 114: 12, 55-58.
to regional lymph nodes, where they cause into the lymphatic system’s central lac- Mohammad FI (2018) Filarial worms. Journal of
significant blockages in a disease called teals (Nigam et al, 2019). The lymphatic International Pharmaceutical Research; 45, 89-93.
lymphatic filariasis, which can result in system is a major route for the transporta- Mohseni S et al (2014) Peripheral
lymphadenopathy: approach and diagnostic tools.
lymphoedema (Mohammad, 2018). tion of the products of fat digestion and, Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences; 39: 2(Suppl),
Because lymphatic filariasis predomi- although it carries large amounts of modi- 158-170.
nantly occurs within poor urban and rural fied lipids, it does not appear to be suscep- Moore JE, Bertram CD (2018) Lymphatic system
populations, the lymphoedema often tible to the build-up of fatty plaque that flows. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics; 50: 1,
remains untreated and develops into irre- can affect arteries. 459-482.
Nigam Y et al (2019) Gastrointestinal tract 4:
versible elephantiasis. In 2018, 893 million
anatomy and role of the jejunum and ileum.
people in 49 countries were living in areas Immune responses Nursing Times; 115: 9, 41-44.
that required preventive chemotherapy to Virtually all tissues in the human body are Nitti MD et al (2016) Obesity-induced lymphatic
stop the spread of infection ( drained by the lymphatic system, there- dysfunction is reversible with weight loss. The
LymphFil). fore, any infections within organs or tis- Journal of Physiology; 594: 23, 7073-7087.
Rudrappa M, Paul M (2019) Chylothorax. Treasure
sues usually result in the pathogenic parti-
Island, FL: StatsPearls Publishing.
Treatment of lymphoedema cles – bacteria, viruses or fungal cells Scallan JP et al (2016) Lymphatic pumping:
There are several treatments available for – circulating in the lymph. Throughout mechanics, mechanisms and malfunction. The
relieving chronic lymphoedema, including: the lymphatic system, strategically located Journal of Physiology; 594: 20, 5749-5768.
l M anual lymphatic drainage (MLD), collections of lymphoid tissue called
which involves gentle, rhythmic lymph nodes trap and process pathogens CLINICAL
massage to encourage the flow of and activate specific immune responses SERIES Lymphatic system series
lymph; that ultimately lead to pathogen destruc-
Part 1: Structure, function and oedema Oct
l C omplete decongestive therapy, which tion. Adults usually have around 600 of Part 2: Lymphatic organs Nov
incorporates therapeutic exercise, these bean-shaped nodes, which vary in Part 3: Immunity Dec
application of short-stretch size and typically enlarge and become Part 4: Allergies, anaphylaxis and
compression bandages, skincare and tender and inflamed in the presence of anaphylactic shock Jan 2021
MLD; infection (Mohseni et al, 2014). Enlarge- Part 5: Vaccinations and
l S equential gradient pump therapy, ment of the lymph nodes is called lym- immunological memory Feb
which helps break up fibrotic tissue to phadenopathy; swollen, tender nodes are Part 6: Immunotherapies Mar
re-enable movement of lymph. usually readily palpable by experienced

Nursing Times [online] October 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 10 43

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