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The black hole final state for the Dirac fields In

Schwarzschild spacetime

D. Ahn1*, Y. H. Moon1, R. B. Mann2*, and I. Fuentes-Schuller3

Institute of Quantum Information Processing and Systems, University of Seoul, Seoul
130-743, Republic of Korea
Department of Physics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L,
Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, A-
postal 70-543, Mexico D. F. 04510, Mexico

Abstract: We show that the internal stationary state of a black hole for massless Dirac
fields can be represented by an entangled state of collapsing matter and infalling
Hawking radiation. This implies that the Horowitz-Maldacena conjecture for the
black hole final state originally proposed for the massless scalar fields is also
applicable to fermionic fields as well. For an initially mixed state we find that the
measure of mixedness is expected to decrease under evaporation.

*Corresponding Authors
E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]

The black hole information paradox [1,2] has posed a serious challenge to
fundamental physics for over three decades. Hawking’s semi-classical argument
predicts that the process of black hole formation and evaporation is not unitary [3].
On the other hand, there is evidence from string theory that the formation and
evaporation of black holes should be consistent with the basic principles of quantum
mechanics [4]. Nonetheless the Hawking effect, discovered nearly 30 years ago, is
generally accepted as very credible and considered to be an essential ingredient of the
as yet unknown correct theory of quantum gravity.
Recently Horowitz and Maldacena (HM) proposed a final-state boundary condition
(FBC) [4] in an attempt to reconcile the unitarity of black hole evaporation with
Hawking's semi-classical reasoning for massless scalar fields. The essence of the
proposal is to impose a unique final-state boundary condition at the black hole
singularity [4]. The final boundary state is an entangled state of the collapsing matter
and infalling Hawking radiation [4-9]. When a black hole evaporates, particles are
created in entangled pairs with one falling into the black hole and the other radiated to
infinity. The projection of the final boundary state at the black hole singularity
collapses the state into one associated with the collapsing matter and transfers the
information to the outgoing Hawking radiation [4-9]. One of the critical assumptions
in the HM proposal is that the internal quantum state of the black hole can be
represented by entangled states of collapsing matter and infalling Hawking radiation.
This conjecture is important because the final state boundary condition of the HM
proposal is based on this entangled internal quantum state [4]. Recently, one of us
proved that the HM conjecture is true in the special case of collapsing gravitational
shell of the Schwarzschild black hole by considering a massless scalar field [8].
From a mathematical point of view, the Hawking effect arises from the logarithmic
phase discontinuity of the wave functions [10]. Fermionic Hawking radiation is
therefore also expected to exist (eg. neutrino radiation) [11-14], and has recently been
shown to arise as a tunnelling effect [15]. It is therefore an interesting question as to
whether the HM conjecture is also applicable to Dirac fields as well [7]. In this paper
we consider this question and construct a modified FBC for massless neutrino fields
for a shell that gravitationally collapses to a Schwarzschild black hole.
For s-wave collapse, a stationary Schwarzschild black hole has an effective (1+1)
dimensional metric represented by [11]

⎛ 2M ⎞ 2 dr 2
ds 2 = −⎜1− ⎟ dt + (1)
⎝ r ⎠ ⎛ 2M ⎞
⎜1− ⎟
⎝ r ⎠
where M is the mass of the black hole. At r = 2M , the Schwarzschild spacetime has
an event horizon. Extending our formulation to a more general (3+1) dimensional
setting is mathematically straightforward. The Levi-Civita connection coefficients
Γ λ μν can be calculated by the Lagrange method [16] and are given by
⎛ 2M ⎞ M M /r 2 M /r 2
Γ r
= ⎜1− ⎟ , Γ rr = −
, and Γ tr =
. (2)
⎛ 2M ⎞ ⎛ 2M ⎞
⎝ r ⎠ r2
⎜1− ⎟ ⎜1− ⎟
⎝ r ⎠ ⎝ r ⎠
The gamma matrices are defined by γ μ = eα μ γ α where eα μ are tetrads and γ α are
the gamma matrices for the inertial frame [11]. For example, we obtain
⎛ 2M ⎞
1/ 2
⎛ 2M ⎞−1/ 2
γ t = ⎜1− ⎟ 0 γ and γ = ⎜1− ⎟ γ1 . (3)
⎝ r ⎠
⎝ r ⎠
The affine connection is then given by

Γμ = − γ ν (∂μ γ ν + Γν μλγ λ ),
and the Dirac equation in the Schwarzschild spacetime is

[iγ μ
(∂μ + Γμ ) − m]ψ = 0, (5)

∂ ⎡ ∂ ⎤
i ψ = ω (r)⎢−iγ 0γ 1ω1/ 2 (r) (ω1/ 2 (r)ψ )+ mγ 0ψ⎥, (6)
∂t ⎣ ∂r ⎦

where m is the mass of the Dirac particle and ω (r) = 1− 2M /r

1/ 2
. For a neutrino field,
we have m = 0 and an additional constraint
(1 + iγ 5 )ψ = 0 (7)
where γ 5 is given by [11]
⎛0 1 0 0⎞
⎜ ⎟
−1 0 0 0⎟
γ5 =⎜ .
⎜0 0 0 −1⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝0 0 1 0⎠
The positive frequency normal mode solution of (6) coming out of the past horizon
of the black hole is obtained as
ψ Ω− = ω −1 / 2 (r )[ur (Ω) exp(−iΩu ) + AΩ− vr (Ω) exp(−iΩv)], (8)
where ur (Ω), v r (Ω) are 4 component spinors given by

⎛ 2Ω⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎛ 0 ⎞ ⎛1⎞
ur (Ω) = ⎜ ⎟ ⊗ ⎜ ⎟ , v r (Ω) = ⎜ ⎟ ⊗ ⎜ ⎟,
⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎝0⎠ ⎝2iΩ⎠ ⎝0⎠
and AΩ− is the fraction of the wave incoming from infinity. Since the Dirac field is
massless one can effectively regard ur (Ω), v r (Ω) as 2 component spinors. We will set
AΩ− to be zero when we match this solution with Kruskal components at H − . The
advanced and retarded coordinates u, v are given by
u = t − r*, v = t + r*, r* = r + 2 M ln r / 2 M − 1 . (9)

In Kruskal coordinates, the Schwarzschild metric becomes

exp(−r /2M)
ds2 = −2M du dv ,
r (10)
u = −4 M exp(−u /4 M), v = 4 M exp(v /4 M) .
Since the Killing vector in Kruskal coordinate is given by ∂ /∂u on H − , the
(unnormalized) positive frequency solution is
ψ Ω = U u (Ω)exp(−iΩ u ) , (11)

1 ⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞
where U u (Ω ) = ⎜ ⎟ ⊗ ⎜ ⎟.
⎛ e− r / 2 M ⎞
1/ 4
⎝ 0⎠ ⎝ 0⎠
⎜ 2M ⎟
⎝ r ⎠
For a neutrino field, the helicity condition (7), implies that the spinors are of the form

(φ1 iφ1 φ 2 −iφ 2 ) (instead of (φ1 0 φ2 0) ) and as a result the spinors in (8)
† †

and (11) should be modified accordingly.

Using exp(−iΩu) = (u /4 M ) and exp(−iΩv) = (v /4 M )

i 4 MΩ i 4 MΩ
, and the fact that u < 0
in region I and u > 0 in region II [8] (Fig. 1), the wave coming out of the past horizon
of the black hole on H − can be written as
ψΩ− = (e 2πMΩ out φΩ + e−2 πMΩ in φΩ )/(2cosh(4πMΩ)) ,
1/ 2

where out φΩ vanishes inside the event horizon(region II) and in φΩ vanishes in the
exterior region of the black hole (region I). Since ( u ) i4 MΩ has a phase discontinuity of
e 4 πMΩ across the boundary surface H + at which u changes sign, the components out φΩ
and in φΩ have the same phase discontinuity. We denote the normalized form of the
Kruskal solution (11) as ΨΩ− (as for the case of the scalar wave [17]). Here we have
also used the fact that v =0 on H − and the Dirac inner product
(ψΩ− ,ψΩ− ) = ∫ dr(ψ ) γ γ ψΩ− [14] in the derivation. The above definition of the positive
− †
Ω 0

frequency solution leads to the Bogoliubov transformation [8] of the second-quantized

fields and the ground state Φ0 in ⊗ out
that looks like the vacuum in the far past is the

entangled state on the Fock space Hin ⊗ Hout

∑ (−1) e
1 n −4 nπMΩ
Φ0 in ⊗ out
= −8 πMΩ 1/ 2
nΩ in
⊗ nΩ out
, (13)
(1+ e ) n = 0,1

where nΩ α is the second-quantized fermion number state for a mode Ω in a Fock

space Hα and nΩ α is the corresponding anti-particle state.

We now show that the Dirac field inside the event horizon also can be decomposed
into collapsing matter and the advanced wave incoming from infinity having similar
form as the Hawking radiation. The Penrose diagram of a collapsing star is shown in
Fig. 2 including the region II (black hole). The collapsing shell metric in two-
dimension is given by [8,17]
⎧−dτ 2 + dr 2, r < R(τ )
ds2 = ⎨−⎛⎜1− 2M ⎞⎟ dt 2 + dr , r > R(τ ),
⎪ ⎝ r ⎠ 2M
⎪⎩ 1−
with the shell radius R(τ ) defined by
⎧R , τ < 0
R(τ ) = ⎨ o (15)
⎩ Ro − ντ , τ > 0.
We define the advanced and retarded null coordinates as
V = τ + r − Ro, U = τ − r + Ro ,
v* = t + r − Ro* , u* = t − r * +Ro*,
with Ro* = Ro + 2 M ln(Ro /2 M −1) . The null coordinates are chosen such that the shell
begins to collapse at U = V = u* = v* = 0 [9]. In these coordinates, the metric is given
⎧−dUdV inside the shell,
ds2 = ⎨ (17)
⎩−(1− 2M /r)du * dv * outside the shell.
For r > R?(τ ) , the Levi-Civita connection coefficients and gamma matrices are given
Γ v* v*v* = −Γ u* u*u* = 2M /r 2 ,
γ v* = 1/2(1− 2M /r) (γ 0 + γ1),
1/ 2

γ u* = 1/2(1− 2M /r) (γ 0 − γ1 ),
1/ 2

M 0 1
Γu* = Γv* = γ γ.
2r 2

The Dirac equation for a massless neutrino becomes
⎡ M 0 1⎤
⎢⎣(∂u* + ∂ v * ) − γ γ (∂ u* − ∂ v * ) + r 2 γ γ ⎥⎦ψ = 0 ,
0 1

with (1+ iγ 5 )ψ = 0 . The solution is given by

ψ = ω −1/ 2 (r)[Fu* (Ω)exp(−iΩu*) + Gv * (Ω)exp(−iΩv*)], (20)

where Fu* and Gv * are 4-component spinors

⎛ 1⎞ ⎛0⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
i 0
Fu* (Ω) = ⎜ ⎟ , Gv * (Ω) = ⎜ ⎟ . (21)
⎜ 0⎟ ⎜1⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0⎠ ⎝ −i⎠
For r < R?(τ ) , the Dirac equation for a massless neutrino is given by

[γ 0
(∂U + ∂V ) − γ 1 (∂U − ∂V )]Ψ = 0 (22)

with (1+ iγ 5 )Ψ = 0. The solution is of the form

⎛ f (U) ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ if (U) ⎟
Ψ= , (23)
⎜ g(V ) ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝−ig(V )⎠
where f and g are arbitrary functions. The solutions (20) and (23) are connected by the
following relations at the shell boundary [8]
⎛ νU ⎞ ⎛ νV ⎞
u* = −4 M ln⎜1− ⎟ , v* = 4 M ln⎜1− ⎟. (24)
⎝ (1+ ν )(R0 − 2M) ⎠ ⎝ (1− ν )(R0 − 2M) ⎠
The massless neutrino field inside the black hole coming from infinity is given by
ψ Ω+ = ω −1 / 2 (r )[vr (Ω) exp(−iΩv) + AΩ+ ur (Ω) exp(−iΩu )]. (25)
The normal mode on H + (Fig. 2) becomes
−i4 MΩ
ψ =ω+
−1/ 2
(r)V (Ω)e iΩR 0 *
(1− ν )(R0 − 2M) (26)
= (e 2 πMΩ M φΩ + e−2πMΩ in φΩ )/(2cosh(4 πMΩ)) ,
1/ 2

where M φΩ vanishes outside the shell, V > (1− ν )(Ro − 2M) /ν and in φΩ vanishes
inside the shell, V < (1− ν )(Ro − 2M) /ν . The above positive frequency solution
implies that the ground state Φ0 M ⊗in
in second-quantized fields is also an entangled

state on HM ⊗ Hin and is given by

∑ (−1) e
1 n −4 nπMΩ
Φ0 M ⊗in
= −8 πMΩ 1/ 2
nΩ M
⊗ nΩ in
. (27)
(1+ e ) n= 0,1

We propose this as a modified FBC for massless spinor fields. We shall now
investigate its consequences.
We assume that the initial quantum state of the black hole belongs to a two
dimensional Hilbert space HM and ψ M
is the initial quantum state of the collapsing

matter. Let’s assume that the orthonormal bases for HM are {0 M , 1 M }. In the

following, we consider only the single mode and drop the subscript Ω . The FBC
requires a maximally entangled quantum state in HM ⊗ Hin , which is called the final
boundary state and is given by

M ⊗in
Ψ = ∑A * n M n ⊗ in n (SM ⊗ I) ,
n= 0,1 (28)
An = (1+ exp(−8πMΩ))
−1/ 2
(−1) exp(−4nπMΩ) .

where SM is a random unitary transformation. The initial matter state is given by

ψ M
= co 0 M
+ c1 1 M . Then the initial matter state ψ M
evolves into a state

in H M ⊗ H in ⊗ H out , which is denoted by Ψ0 M ⊗in ⊗out

=ψ M
⊗ Φ0 in ⊗out
. The

transformation from the quantum state of collapsing matter to the state of outgoing
Hawking radiation is given by the following final state projection
φ0 out
= M⊗in Ψ Ψ0 M⊗in⊗out
( )
= A0 c0 M 0 SM 0 M + c1 M 0 SM 1 M 0 out + A1 c0 M 1 SM 0 M + c1 M 1 SM 1 M 1 out
( )
= A0
(c 0 out ) 2
0 Sout 0 out + c1 out 0 Sout 1 out 0 out + A1 c0 out 1 Sout 0 out + c1 out 1 Sout 1 out 1 out )
( 2 2
= A0 0 out 0 + A1 1 out 1 Sout c0 0 out + c1 1 out ) ( )
= PSout ψ out
where M
j SM i M
= out
j Sout i out
defines the unitary transformation Sout and where

P = A0 0 0 + A1 1 out 1 is a density operator ( A0 + A1 = 1), which acts as a

2 2 2 2

weighted measurement.

This shows that the pure states always evolve to pure states under the black hole
evaporation irrespective of the boundary condition at the event horizon, thus
indicating that the black hole information paradox can be resolved for the case of
fermions if the initial matter state is pure state.

We now consider the case when the initial matter state is mixed state. The mixed
state is represented by the density operator ρ M = ∑ Cn n n with ∑ Cn = 1 .
n = 0,1 M n = 0,1

The information content of the mixed state is found to be dependant on the mixedness
which is defined as M x = Tr ρ M ( ) [18]. In order to get the final density operator at

evaporation, we need to calculate Ψ [ρ ⊗ Φ

M ⊗ in
Φ ]Ψ M , which is 0 in ⊗ out 0 M ⊗ in

given by

M ⊗in [
Ψ ρ M ⊗ Φ0 in ⊗out
Φ0 Ψ ] M ⊗in

∑C ( )j
2 †
i A j Ak M
j SM i M
i SM k M out
i, j,k= 0,1

∑C ( )j
2 †
i A j Ak out
j Sout i out
i Sout k out out
k (30)
i, j,k= 0,1

= (∑ j= 0,1
j out ) (∑
j Sout
i= 0,1
Ci i out ) (∑
i Sout

k= 0,1
Ak k
k )
= DSout ρ out Sout D,

where D = ∑ An n n is the distortion operator. Further more, Tr(D) = 1 and

n = 0,1

Tr(D2 ) ≤ 1. The final density operator is obtained by normalizing eq. (30):

DSout ρ out Sout D

ρf = . (31)
Tr(DSout ρ out Sout D)

The measure of mixedness is calculated as

Tr( ρ f ) = Tr(WρoutWρ out ) ,
Sout D2 Sout †
W = . (33)
Tr( DSout ρout Sout D)

Then we obtain Tr( ρ f ) ≤ Tr( ρout ) = Tr( ρM ) since for all bounded linear operator X
2 2 2

and density operator T, we have the following inequality [19]

Tr( XT ) ≤ X T 1, (34)

where ⋅ is an operator norm and ⋅ 1

is a trace norm. This suggests that the
measure of mixedness is expected to decrease under evaporation or the information
content is to decease. A mixed state arises due to the initial matter state being
entangled with other quantum systems when the black hole was about to form, and
results from taking a partial trace over these other systems. So we can regard black
hole evolution as unitary.

The final-state boundary condition for the neutrino fields resembles that of the
bosons [4-9] so that the black hole evaporation can be represented by the unified final-
state boundary conditions. It is interesting to note that the final state projections
described by equations (28) and (29) resemble universal teleportation protocol [20,
21], where entanglement plus local measurement and unitary transformation enables
teleportation. In this protocol, the black hole evaporation is analogous to the
measurement procedure done by Alice. The major difference exists, however,
between the black hole evaporation and the quantum teleportation. In the latter, Bob
needs a complete measurement results obtained by the classical channel to reconstruct
the quantum state. On the other hand, the former doesn’t need a classical channel
because the evaporation is equivalent to sending the random unitary transformation as
well as the state itself.

We close by pointing out that the Hilbert space of the black hole will in general be a
tensor product of the two-dimensional Hilbert space for each fermionic mode times
some other (bosonic) Hilbert space corresponding to other matter. The full FBC will
be the fermionic condition we proposed in this paper combined with an FBC for other
infalling matter. The complete FBC will be of the form

(M ⊗ in
Ψ )
⊗ (
M ⊗ in
Ψ ) boson
and so is the Unruh state.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Korea Science and Engineering
Foundation, the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology through the Creative
Research Initiatives Program R17-2007-010-01001-0(2007) and the Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council of Canada. D. A. would like to thank M. S. Kim
for the discussion about the measure of mixed states. We are grateful to the organizers
of the APCTP Focus Program on New Frontiers in Black Hole Physics where
discussions initiating this work took place.

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Figure legends

Fig. 1. The Kruskal exptention of the Schwarzschild spacetime [22,23]. In region I,

null asymptotes H + and H− act as futue and past event horizons, respectively. The
boundary lines labelled J + and J − are fute and past null infinities, respectively, and i o
is the spacelike infinity.

Fig. 2. Penrose diagram of a collapsing star [23]. The region I is a fragmentation of

Fig. 1 including the region II (black hole). The null ray γ passes through the center of
the collapsing matter and emerges to form the event horizon H + .


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