Cad Post Test

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7. Andrea develops concepts necessary for

1. Markuz Ishan is 3 years old; he starts to write everyday living, builds healthy attitudes towards
large zigzag lines which later become circular oneself, and achieves personal independence.
markings and may start to name his drawing. These are among the attributes of an individual
Which of the following stages of drawing in in what particular stage?*
early childhood does he belong? *
A. Infancy and early childhood
A. Scribbling Stage B. Middle Childhood
B. Preschematic Stage C. Adolescence
C. Schematic Stage D. Early adulthood.
D. Symbolic Stage
8. Enzo and Abby are bestfriends, they love
2. What stage of language acquisition at around 2- playing in the playground every afternoon. One
4 months children used to express satisfaction day, Abby fell while transferring on the other
and pleasure? * side of the beam and his cry caught the
attention of everybody. What do you think is the
A. Babbling lacking ability of Abby that’s why he fell from the
B. Cooing beam?*
C. One-word Utterances
D. Two-word Utterances A. Coordination
B. Static Balance
3. Which of the following activities will you C. Dynamic Balance
implement if you want to develop the gross D. Agility
motor skills of the preschoolers? *
9. Whichever side the child’s head is facing, the
A. Provide them drawing and painting limbs on that side will straighten while the
activities opposite limbs will curl. What type of reflex is
B. Teach them how to hold spoon and fork described?*
C. Give them outdoor activities like jumping
and hopping A. Galant Reflex
D. Develop their self-help skills B. Tonic neck Reflex
C. Startle/Moro Reflex
4. An infant presented with a new toy car may look D. Rooting Reflex
at the facial expressions of his mother for
guidance before determining whether to play 10. Which of the following is an example of
with the car. What type of socio-emotional Telegraphic Speech?*
development of such action? *
A. “mama!”
A. Crying B. “Mom, I want some milk to drink.”
B. Temperament C. “ babababababa!”
C. Separation Anxiety D. “ want bread!”
D. Social Referencing
11. Some children are more active than others, as
5. Which of the following principles of growth and everyone knows extremely high levels of activity
development is explained in this statement: The or hyperactivity are considered problematic.
child will learn the first letters of the alphabet How may a teacher help a child who is
before learning to read words and phrases?* hyperactive?*

A. Development is sequential and orderly A. Make him the leader of the class.
B. Developmental patterns show wide B. Transfer him to another class.
individual differences C. Give him challenging activities that are
C. Development proceeds from the simple to appropriate to his ability level and
the more complex interests.
D. Development is a product of the D. Allow him to spend longer at the
interaction of the organism and its playground until he gets tired.
12. Which scenario shows physical developments
6. Which idea is correct about preschoolers’ of adolescents?*
Socio-emotional development?*
A. 95% of brain growth is reached by the
A. The development of identity is crucial to time the person reaches this age.
the preschoolers. B. This stage is the peak bone-producing
B. Preschoolers’ social development is years – bones grow longer and broader.
shown through play. C. On part of the females, there is a
C. Preschoolers are not interested yet in widening of the pelvis to make child
building friendship. bearing easier.
D. None of the above
D. People like receiving positive feedback
from their parents and teachers. A. Development is sequential and orderly
13. Which of the following is a one-word utterance B. Growth and development proceed from
which the infants use to convey desire, general to specific
intentions, and demands?* C. Developmental patterns show wide
individual differences
A. Holophrase D. Development is a product of the
B. Telegraphic speech interaction of the organism and its
C. Babbling environment
D. Cooing
20. Linda started to cry when her father left the
14. Which idea is TRUE about preschooler’s house and went to her uncle. What specific
cognitive development?* socio-emotional development did Linda
A. Brain connections become weak when
preschoolers’ interact with the A. Crying
environment. B. Temperament
B. Preschoolers’ language development C. Separation Anxiety
occurs in two areas. D. Social Referencing
C. Preschoolers engage in symbolic and
intuitive thinking. 21. The babies will grasp anything that is placed in
D. Preschoolers cannot yet process their hands. What type of reflex is described?*
A. Galant Reflex
15. Which type of reflex is most evident when an B. Tonic neck Reflex
infant’s cheek is stroked and the baby responds C. Gripping Reflex
by turning the head in the direction of the D. Rooting Reflex
touched area then the baby opens the mouth
for feeding?* 22. What is known as the body’s immediate and
involuntary response evoked by a given stimuli?
A. Sucking reflex *
B. Rooting reflex
C. Gripping reflex A. Motor Skills
D. Curling reflex B. Movement
C. Reflex
16. Yuna Ishi is extremely active in all activities D. Fine Motor
both in school and at home. Sometimes she
gets fatigued more easily due to physical and 23. Which of the following main areas of
mental exertions. In what stage of development preschoolers language development becomes
does she belong?* increasingly complex when it comes to
conversation or social uses of language?*
A. Early Childhood
B. Late Childhood A. Phonology
C. Early Adulthood B. Semantics
D. Late Adulthood C. Pragmatics
D. Syntax
17. What motor development skill is present in
middle/late childhood years when the child has 24. What is the importance of picture books, crib
the ability to quickly change or shift the direction mobiles and bright toys to children under 6
of the body?* years of age?*

A. Speed A. entertainment
B. Agility B. sensory stimulation
C. Power C. selective attention
D. Balance D. exercise

18. V dramatically gains height and weight, starts to 25. Ms. Santos uses images and language to
have a deep voice, and pursues independence represent and understand her various lessons
often. V is at what developmental stage?* to preschooler learners. What stage in the
cognitive theory of development?*
A. Early Childhood
B. Middle and Late Childhood A. Sensorimotor stage
C. Adolescence B. Preoperational
D. Early Adulthood C. Concrete operational
D. Formal operational
19. What principle of development is described in
this situation? Ana and Bella are both 5-year- 26. Which statement is true about intermediate
olds yet Bella lags behind in reading ability.* preschoolers?*
C. Gross-motor skills and eye-hand
A. On the average, girls are generally as coordination are improved and balance
much as two (2) years ahead of boys in added.
terms of physical maturity. D. They begin to take pride in their ability to
B. Boys physically mature earlier than girls in do things and their capacity to exert effort.
the intermediate grades. 32. Which of the following activities best support
C. There is no physical growth because this fine motor development in preschoolers?*
is before the “growth spurt”.
D. They are past “growth spurt”. A. Dancing
B. Tricycles, scooters, and pedal cars
27. Which of the following is true about human C. Balloon and bubble play
development?* D. Gardening and planting

A. A Human development considers both 33. What principle of development is described in

maturation and learning this situation? When Bonifacio was 1 year old,
B. Development refers to the progressive he picked up his candy with his whole hand. At
series of changes of an orderly coherent 3 years old, he can now pick up his food using
type toward the goal of maturity. his two fingers.*
C. Development is the gradual and orderly
unfolding of the characteristics of the A. Development is sequential and orderly
individuals as they go through the B. Growth and development proceed from
successive stages of growth. general to specific
D. All of the above. C. Developmental patterns show wide
individual differences
28. What statement is true about middle childhood? D. Development is a product of the
* interaction of the organism and its
A. Children at the middle childhood stage
can easily distinguish logical from non- 34. Which situation best illustrates the concept of
logical statements. growth?*
B. Children at middle childhood stage have
greater long-term memory than the pre- A. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two
schoolers. months.
C. Physical growth stops B. A high school student gets a score of 85
D. Physical growth gets stunted. in a mental ability test.
C. An education student has gained
29. Mommy Kate can recognize the drawings of her knowledge on approaches and strategies
3-year old daughter. The drawings usually in teaching different subjects.
consist of prominent heads with basic elements. D. An elementary grader has learned to play
Later, arms, legs, hands, and even facial piano.
expressions are included. Which of the
following stages of drawing in early childhood 35. At which stage of human development do
does she belong?* children start to become more self-sufficient,
develop school readiness, start to learn reading,
A. Scribbling Stage counting, and writing?*
B. Preschematic Stage
C. Schematic Stage A. Infancy
D. Symbolic Stage B. Early childhood
C. Middle childhood
30. Which scenario shows physical developments D. Adolescence
of adolescents?*
36. Which of the following principles of growth and
A. Girls reach 98% of their adult height. development is explained in this statement: The
B. The person plays with others bound by development of one person is not the same with
agreed rules and roles. other persons and that no two persons are
C. People during this stage love to tumble, exactly alike?*
roll and dance.
D. The person plays beside but not with A. Development is sequential and orderly
others. B. Developmental patterns show wide
individual differences
31. Which scenario best shows physical C. Development proceeds from the simple to
developments of adolescents?* the more complex
D. Development is a product of the
A. The female develops a wider shoulder, interaction of the organism and its
longer legs relative to the trunk. environment
B. Coordination both in fine motor skills and
those involving large muscles improves. 37. Kate loves to run. She runs a great distance
from their house to Aunt Sally’s sari-sari store to
buy candy in a short period of time. What motor
skill is being developed by Kate?* A. Tonic neck Reflex
B. Startle/Moro Reflex
A. Power C. Sucking Reflex
B. Agility D. Rooting reflex
C. Speed
D. Balance 44. Sarawat is fully capable and have mastered
writing, reading and counting, and have been
38. Angela is trying to make nonsense and exposed to different life experiences and local
repetitive CV pattern sounds. In this speech traditions. Sarawat is at what developmental
stage, which is she experiencing?* stage?*

A. Cooing A. Early Childhood

B. Holophrase B. Middle and Late Childhood
C. Telegraphic speech C. Adolescence
D. Babbling speech D. Early Adulthood

39. What principle of development is described in 45. Teachers and caregivers can best help develop
this situation? The baby coos first, then babbles the emotional skills of preschoolers by all
before being able to say “ma-ma” and “da-da”.* EXCEPT_______.*

A. Development is sequential and orderly A. Modeling words that children can use to
B. Growth and development proceed from express strong feelings
general to specific B. Calmly telling children to control their
C. Developmental patterns show wide feelings
individual differences C. Doing mirror talk or paraphrase reflection
D. Development is a product of the D. Using dolls, puppets or pictures to
interaction of the organism and its demonstrate how to express feelings.
46. Jaeon engages in flings and learns to live with
40. Which of the following concepts refers to the someone in an intimate way. Jaeon is at what
ability of a toddler to understand other feelings? developmental stage?*
A. Early Childhood
A. Egocentrism B. Middle and Late Childhood
B. Attachment C. Adolescence
C. Empathy D. Early Adulthood
D. Sympathy
47. Which of the following principles can be the
41. Which scenario shows physical developments basis of the growing realization of the
of adolescents?* significance of early childhood education?*

A. The person develops his attachment for A. The young children are capable of doing
the very first time. many things at an early stage.
B. Menarche and spermarche happens at B. The child should be seen and should
this stage which is a sign of sexual learn
maturation. C. The first five years of life are formative
C. Most experience the shifts in years of the child.
accumulation and location of their body D. early childhood experiences can be
fat. interesting and challenging
D. The person develops his ability to master 48. Which of the following statements where an
emotions and the ability to relate to infant is in a holophrastic stage?*
A. Aaaaaaaa
42. Daenerys loves to play with her dragon toys, B. bee-bee-bee
and is excited for schooling because she knows C. mama
her friend, Jon, will be one of her classmates. D. eat bread
Daenerys is at what developmental stage?*
49. Cassandra loves to run, walk, hop, jump, skip,
A. Early Childhood catch and throw balls. What motor development
B. Middle and Late Childhood she acquires?*
C. Adolescence A. Gross Motor Development
D. Early Adulthood B. Fine Motor Development
C. Gross-fine motor development
43. What reflex is most evident when an infant D. None of the above
cheek is stroked, the baby responds by turning 50. Jungkook, a math teacher, introduced his
his/her head in the direction of the touch and lesson by showing the formula in solving their
opening their mouths for feeding?* session's word problems. Which concrete
operational skill is needed in order to grasp the 57. How many main levels of moral development
lesson?* are there according to Kohlberg?*

A. Deductive Thinking A. 5
B. Inductive Thinking B. 2
C. Top-Down Thinking C. 3
D. Communicative Thinking D. 4

51. Because of her previous heartbreak, Shiela’s 58. It signals the first sign of puberty and sexual
now afraid to commit to a new relationship maturity in boys. at about age 12 or 13, boy
because the painful memory of her past holds experience enlargement of the testes and the
her back. What stage in Erikson’s theory is manufacture of sperms in the scrotum, most
reflected in the given scenario?* likely experienced their first ejaculation.*

A. Integrity vs. Despair A. Menarche

B. Intimacy vs. Isolation B. Spermarche
C. Identity vs. Role Confusion C. Monarche
D. Initiative vs. Guilt D. Spermerch

52. It is the period of transition between childhood 59. Jimin learned that a nurse takes care of sick
and adulthood. It is a period of transition in people, and a lecturer teaches lessons. Then,
terms of physical, cognitive, and socio- she learned that these things are examples of a
emotional changes. * profession. Which of the following concrete
operational skills was involved?*
A. Infancy
B. Adolescence A. Deductive Thinking
C. Adulthood B. Inductive Thinking
D. Childhood C. Top-Down Thinking
D. Communicative Thinking
53. In the middle childhood stage, children are
capable of handling their emotions and 60. In a math class, Joshua can now solve
resolving problems. Which concept below best operations even if his teacher interchanges
describes this situation?* numbers in a certain math operation. What
cognitive operation is being developed by
A. Self-control Joshua?*
B. Emotional Development
C. Building Friendships A. Decentration
D. Understanding the Self B. Reversibility
C. Seriation
54. Which of the following refers to the level of D. Classification
difficulty at which problems are too hard for the
children to solve alone but not too hard when 61. As her way of parenting, Marta makes sure to
given support from adults or competent peers?* permit her child, Dana, to explore and
manipulate her environment, so that Dana will
A. Zone of Proximal Development develop independence. Marta also tries her
B. Zone of Actual Development best to not discourage or push her daughter for
C. More Knowledgeable Other her, Dana, to develop both self-control and self-
D. Scaffolding esteem. What stage in Erikson’s theory is
reflected in the given scenario?*
55. Billy is very aloof and cold with his classmates.
In which goal must not have been attained by A. Trust vs. Mistrust
Billy during his developmental years, according B. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
to Erikson’s theory?* C. Initiative vs. Guilt
D. Industry vs. Inferiority
A. Initiative
B. Generativity 62. Which of the following is a term for the
C. Autonomy appropriate assistance given by the teacher to
D. Trust assist the learner accomplish the task?*

56. Ruiz a five year old girl throws tantrums A. Zone of Proximal Development
everytime she cannot get what she wants. B. Zone of Actual Development
Which set of concept in Psychoanalytic theory C. More Knowledgeable Other
does this situation belong?* D. Scaffolding
A. Id
B. Ego 63. Soledad will help Restituta in her Math project
C. Super ego with the agreement that Restituta will also help
D. Phallic Soledad in her Science project. The scenario
presented above best fits what stage of the water. What concrete operational approach is
Moral Development Theory?* used by Daren’s teacher?*
A. Stage 1
B. Stage 2 A. Deductive Thinking
C. Stage 3 B. Inductive Thinking
D. Stage 4 C. Top-Down Thinking
D. Communicative Thinking
64. If we are going to make a decision according to
the common good, justice, compassion, and 70. Which of the following is concerned with social
equality, what level of morality do we have?* rules and morals—similar to what many people
call their ” conscience ” or their “moral
A. Pre-conventional compass.”?*
B. Conventional
C. Post-conventional A. Id
D. Morality B. Ego
C. Superego
65. During adolescence, the teen develops social D. Mindset
cognition in the context of family structure,
school, the community, and the media. He/she 71. Raven brought honor and pride to her school as
also manifests emotions that need to be one of the pupils who qualified for Palarong
regulated for success in school as well as for Pambansa from her region. She bagged many
his/her own emotional well-being. As a teacher, recognitions in the field of swimming at the
what would be your appropriate response Elementary level and bested the other 24
regarding this stage?* participants from other schools. Raven is
confident with her swimming ability and she
A. Promote prejudice and biases among knows that she will compete at the national
learners regarding their sexual level someday if she will continue to do well in
orientation. her training. What concept under socio-
B. Encourage students to resort in violence. emotional development of Middle Childhood is
C. Create a learning environment wherein being described in the scenario?*
the well-being of students is prioritized.
D. Never let your students be vocal with their A. Understanding the Self
opinions on a particular matter. B. Building Friendships
C. Self-Control
66. If we are going to make a decision according to D. Emotional Development
the common good, justice, compassion, and
equality, what level of morality do we have?* 72. What term describes the phenomenon when a
person is "stuck" in one stage of psychosexual
A. Pre-conventional development?*
B. Conventional
C. Post-conventional A. Fixation
D. Morality B. Oedipus Complex
C. Elektra Complex
67. Monty is very attached to his mother and D. Latency
Rebecca to her father. In what developmental
stage best described the situation according to 73. Which of the following will be Freud’s
Freudian psychological theory?* description of the child’s behaviour if he has a
biting and sarcastic manner?*
A. Phallic stage
B. Latent stage A. Anally expulsive
C. Annal stage B. Anally retentive
D. Pre-genital stage C. Fixated in the oral stage
D. Experiencing the crisis in trust vs. mistrust
68. Based on Piaget's theory, what should a
teacher provide for children in the concrete 74. According to Piagetian theory, the most
operational stage?* essential component of constructivism is when
A. Activities for hypothesis formulation.
B. Learning activities that involve problems A. Are given guidance to build positive social
of classification and ordering. interactions through learning.
C. Games and other physical activities to B. Actively build meaningful understanding
develop motor skills. through experiences and interactions
D. Stimulating environment with ample C. Actively experience emotional uplifts
objects to play with. through learning.
D. Are given assistance to create physical
69. Daren is being instructed by his science teacher constructs through experiences and
to give specific examples of animals that live in interactions
75. Which of the following is concerned with the
instant gratification of basic physical needs and A. Oral
urges and said to operate entirely B. Anal
unconsciously?* C. Phallic
D. Latency
A. Id
B. Ego 82. Which of the following reasoning abilities is
C. Superego present wherein an individual can now come up
D. Mindset with different hypotheses about the problem
and weigh data in order to make a final decision
76. How many stages are in the psycho-social or judgment?*
theory of Erik Erikson ?* A. Hypothetical Reasoning
B. Analogical Reasoning
A. 7 C. Deductive Reasoning
B. 6 D. Inductive Reasoning
C. 8
D. 10 83. Seven-year-old Keisha was tasked by her
teacher to group objects according to their
77. Liza wanted to have a perfect score so that she similarities. What concrete operational skill is
will not be punished at home. What level of being developed by the given task?*
morality is it?*
A. Decentration
A. Pre-conventional B. Reversibility
B. Conventional C. Seriation
C. Post-conventional D. Classification
D. Morality
84. Mika is an 8-year old girl who tries to dedicate
78. Does the presence or absence of warmth and herself to school and learning social skills. What
control of parenting affect socio-emotional psychosocial crisis is she most likely to
development?* experience?*

A. Yes, how parents show sympathy to their A. Trust vs Mistrust

children does not affect their B. Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt
development. C. Industry vs Inferiority
B. Yes, as part of the microsystem, how D. Initiative vs Guilt
parents deal and raise their children
greatly affects development. 85. George gets jealous whenever he sees his
C. No, children are fully responsible for how father showing love and affection to his mother.
they feel regardless of the absence of Which of the following is he showing according
warmth from parents. to Freud?*
D. No, only peer interaction defines
children’s socio-emotional development. A. Oral
B. Anal
79. Arizona, who is a low-achieving, shy and C. Oedipus Complex
withdrawn, is rejected by most of her peers. Her D. Electra Complex
teacher wants to help Arizona increase her self-
esteem and social acceptance. What can 86. Which of the following refers to a skilled person
Arizona’s teacher suggest to her parent?* who has advanced information about a certain
task and will provide assistance to the learner?*
A. Transfer her to a different school
B. Help their daughter improve her motor A. Zone of Proximal Development
skills B. Zone of Actual Development
C. Help their daughter learn to accept more C. More Knowledgeable Other
responsibility for her academic failure D. Scaffolding
D. Help their daughter improve her skills in
relating to peers. 87. In the context of Erikson’s theory, which of the
following means putting aside differences and
80. Which of the following personality types refers antagonisms?*
to an obsession with cleanliness, perfection, A. Hope
and control?* B. Determination
A. Anal expulsive C. Fidelity
B. Oral receptive D. Love
C. Anal retentive
D. Oral aggressive 88. Why is Ego considered as the deciding agent of
the personality?*
81. According to Freud, this period is considered as
the “calm” period; energies are shifted to A. Because it is where God dwells.
physical and intellectual activities.*
B. Because it reasons and considers the C. Industry vs Inferiority
best response to situations D. Generativity vs Stagnation
C. Because it is primitive and instinctive in
nature. 95. What stage of Jean Piaget’s Cognitive
D. Because it acts to perfect and civilize our Development Theory is evident when thinking
behaviour. becomes more logical and an individual can
now solve abstract problems?*
89. Elementary-aged children are not focused on A. Sensorimotor Stage
themselves anymore but are also aware of the B. Formal Operational Stage
needs and desires of others. Which concept C. Concrete Operational Stage
below best describes this situation?* D. Pre-operational Stage

A. Understanding the Self 96. One major development of this stage is the
B. Building Friendships development of symbolic function as the ability
C. Self-Control to use symbols such as words, images,
D. Emotional Development gestures to represent real objects and events.
What stage of Piaget’s Cognitive Development
90. Mommy Maria always encourages her daughter is described in the statement?*
Sam to do things on her own by saying “You’re
not a baby anymore. Do it.” What stage in A. Sensorimotor Stage
Erikson’s theory is reflected in the given B. Formal Operational Stage
scenario?* C. Concrete Operational Stage
D. Pre-operational Stage
A. Integrity vs. Despair
B. Intimacy vs. Isolation 97. Which is not a factor affecting physical
C. Identity vs. Role Confusion development among adolescence?*
D. Initiative vs. Guilt
A. Parents who are both physically short.
91. According to Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of B. Eating only sweet potatoes as a daily
Development, the stage in which a child needs meal.
to learn important academic skills and compare C. Growing up with anemia.
favorably with peers in school to achieve D. Having few friends at school.
competence is the ____ stage.*
98. Derek is a Grade 5 pupil at Rizal Elementary
A. Trust vs. Mistrust School. He's known to many as a friendly pupil
B. Initiative vs. Guilt in their school. According to his friends, they are
C. Identity vs. Role Confusion comfortable when they are playing with Derek
D. Industry vs. Inferiority because he's easy to be with. Which concept
under socio-emotional development of middle
childhood is present in the scenario?*
92. Oedipus and Electra complexes are reactivated
at this stage, but directed toward other persons A. Understanding the Self
of the opposite sex. What stage is this B. Building Friendships
according to Freud?* C. Self-Control
D. Emotional Development
A. Anal
B. Mistrust 99. Based on Piaget's theory, what should a
C. Phallic teacher provide for children in the sensorimotor
D. Genital stage?*

93. Which of the following best characterize a child A. Games and other physical activities to
in sensorimotor stage according to Piaget?* develop motor skills.
A. The child can now solve abstract B. Learning activities that involve problems
problems. of classification and ordering.
B. The child becomes more organized in his C. Activities for hypothesis formulation.
movements and activities D. Stimulating environment with ample
C. The child can now think logically but only objects to play with.
in terms of concrete objects.
D. The child can now make mental 100. Marivic gets jealous whenever she sees her
representations and is able to pretend. father showing love and affection to her mother.
Which of the following is she showing according
94. A 38-year-old woman quits her high-paying to Freud?*
marketing job to focus on her children and
become a school counselor. What stage would A. Complex
Erikson consider this to be?* B. Elektra Complex
C. Phallic
A. Identity vs Role Confusion D. Oedipus complex
B. Ego Integrity vs Despair
101. Patricia will help Vincent in her Math project 107. The infant will be able to grasp an object
with the agreement that Vincent will also with the whole hand before using only thumb
help Patricia in her Science project. The and forefinger. What principle of development is
scenario presented above best fits what stage described?
of Kohlberg’s theory?*
A. Growth and development proceed from
A. Punishment general to specific.
B. Social Approval B. Development is sequential.
C. Mutual Benefit C. Developmental patterns show wide
D. Law and Order individual differences
D. Development proceeds from the simple to
102. All are the role of caregivers in the Socio- the more complex.
emotional Development of the Preschooler,
except one: 108. It is the first day of school for Jeremiah. His
mother left him off at the drop off area.
A. Read storybooks that deal with However, Jeremiah cried too loudly and called
friendships and different feelings. out to his mother within a few seconds.
B. Play games that does not involve social Jeremiah is having ______.
interaction and teamwork. A. Stranger anxiety
C. Develop routines in the home or school B. Separation anxiety
that encourage working together and C. Social referencing
getting along. D. Attachment
D. Greet each child with his or her names
each day. Be sincere and respectful to 109. Which activity will help best enhance the
each child. fine motor skills of preschoolers?

103. Because of her previous heartbreak, Sheila A. Balancing on a beam

is now afraid to commit to a new relationship B. Playing football
because the painful memory of her past holds C. Shoe lacing
her back. What stage in Erikson’s theory is D. Playing tug-of-war
reflected in the given scenario?
110. Which statements below best describes
A. Integrity vs. Despair development?
B. Intimacy vs. Isolation
C. Identity vs. Role Confusion A. A high school student's height increased
D. Initiative vs. Guilt by 5'2" to 5'4"
B. A high school student's change in weight
104. At this stage, children are can now make from 110 lbs. to 125 lbs.
mental representations and is able to pretend. C. A student had learned to operate the
The child is now closer to the use of symbols. It computer
covers from about 3-7 years old, roughly D. A student's enlargement of hips
corresponding to the preschool years.
111. Who first coined the term “Scaffolding”?
A. Sensori-motor stage
B. Pre-operational stage A. Lev Vygotsky
C. Concrete operational stage B. John Flavell
D. Formal Operational stage C. Jerome Bruner
D. John Dewey
105. The child is not playing but directs his
attention on anything that interests him. What 112. What is the role of the “id” ?
stage of play is shown?
A. The pleasure principle giving desires and
A. Onlooker play conflicts.
B. Parallel play B. The conscience that determines right and
C. Associative play wrong.
D. Unoccupied play C. It provides self-confidence.
106. This theory recognized social interaction D. It focus on reality principle
and language as two central factors in cognitive
development and complex forms of thinking 113. As learners become more proficient and
have their origins in social interactions rather able to complete tasks on their own without
than in the child’s private explorations. assistance anymore, the guidance can be
withdrawn. This technique is called ___.
A. Cognitive Development Theory
B. Socio-Cultural Theory A. Scaffold and fade-away Technique
C. Psychoanalytic Theory B. Zone of Proximal Development
D. Psychosexual Theory C. More Knowledgable Others
D. Scaffolding
120. In this stage covers from about 2 to 7 years
114. This is also known as one's life instinct or old, roughly corresponding to the preschool
sexual instinct. years. What stage of Cognitive Development by
Piaget is this?
A. Eros
B. Thanatos A. Formal Operational Stage
C. Oedipus B. Concrete-Operational Stage
D. Electra C. Sensori-Motor Stage
D. Pre-operational Stage
115. Which of the following situations does NOT
support Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal 121. What do you call the important aspect of
Development (ZPD)? self-concept which refers to one’s judgments
about one’s worth.
A. The teacher determines a student's prior
knowledge and builds up on that when A. Self-esteem
introducing a new concept. B. Self-concept
B. The teacher distributes topics for the C. Sexual identity
students to report giving them the D. Sexual orientation
challenge to learn on their own.
C. The teacher breaks the concept into 122. Hannah goes with her mother in school.
smaller chunks in order to achieve She enjoys the workplace of her mother. Which
mastery of prerequisite skills. of the following layer of Ecological System is
D. None of the choices. illustrated by the situation?

116. This refers to the ability to come up with A. Microsystem

different hypothesis about the problem and B. Mesosystem
to gather and weigh data in order to make a C. Exosystem
final decision or judgment. This can be done in D. Macrosystem
the absence of concrete objects. The
individuals can now deal with “What if 123. Which of the following activities show fine
questions” motor development?

A. Deductive Reasoning A. Hopping on one foot

B. Inductive Reasoning B. Throwing and catching ball
C. Analogical Reasoning C. Buttoning and drawing
D. Hypothetical Reasoning D. Bending and stretching

117. Which of the following is FALSE? 124. A stage of human development where
children start to become more self- sufficient,
A. Development is sequential and orderly develop school readiness, start to learn reading,
B. Developmental patterns show wide counting, and writing.
individual differences
C. Development proceeds from the simple to A. Infancy
the more complex B. Early childhood
D. Development proceeds from specific to C. Middle childhood
general. D. Adolescence

118. The development of one person is not the 125. This stage covers from 0-2 years old, which
same with other persons and that no two corresponds from birth to infancy. This is the
persons are exactly alike? What principle of stage when a child who is initially reflexive in
development explains this? grasping, sucking and reaching becomes more
organized in his movement and activity.
A. Development is sequential and orderly
B. Developmental patterns show wide A. Sensori-Motor Stage
individual differences B. Pre-operational Stage
C. Development proceeds from the simple to C. Concrete Operational Stage
the more complex D. Formal Operational Stage
D. Development is a product of the
interaction of the organism and its 126. Why is Latency Stage considered as the
environment “calm” or “NO-pleasure zone” period?
119. Which of the following is not included in the
stages of drawing? A. Children’s attention is geared towards
physical and academic activities.
A. Scribbling Stage B. Children at this stage are both into oral
B. Scrambling Stage and anal pleasures.
C. Pre-schematic Stage C. Children at this stage are suffering from
D. Schematic Stage identity crisis.
D. None of the above
134. If you want to develop the gross motor skills
127. Socorro is very organized and is very of children, then you should ____.
particular of cleanliness and perfection. In the
context of Freud’s psychosexual theory, A. Provide them drawing and painting
Socorro has what type of personality? activities
B. Teach them how to hold spoon and fork
A. Oral Receptive C. Give them outdoor activities like jumping
B. Oral Aggressive and hopping
C. Anal Retentive D. Develop their self-help skills
D. Anal Expulsive
135. Teacher Clara tells her students: “You must
128. All are concepts under CONCRETE be honest at all times not only because you are
OPERATIONAL STAGE, except one: afraid of the punishment but more because you
yourselves are convinced of the value of
A. Seriation honesty.” Based on Kohlberg’s theory, which
B. Animism level of moral development does the teacher
C. Decentering want her students to reach?
D. Conservation
A. Conventional level
129. Kent asserts to the notion that development B. Post-conventional level
is rapid from birth to adolescence, but little or C. Between conventional and post-
less changes happen in adulthood. conventional levels
D. Between pre-conventional and post-
A. Life-long Approach conventional levels
B. Life-span Approach
C. Traditional Approach 136. Why is children’s speech at particular stage
D. Conventional Approach is termed as Telegraphic Speech?

130. Nena, aged 4, can add simple numbers like A. Because children love to do it.
1 +2 and 3+5. However, if ask 2+1, she cannot B. Because it is part of children’s language
already answer. Which explanation supports the development to speak one-word
example? utterances.
C. Because their parents taught them to
A. She is having a cognitive delay speak that way.
B. She is experiencing dyscalculia. D. Because children spoke only the 2-3
C. She cannot do so because of important words with some articles and
irreversibility. prepositions missing to convey an idea.
D. She tends to think that it’s difficult for her
level. 137. The baby coos first, then babbles before
being able to say “ ma-ma” and “da-da”. What
131. Which of the stages of psychosexual theory principle of development is described?
is properly sequenced?
A. Development is the product of the
A. Oral, Anal, Latency, Phallic, Genital interaction of the organism and its
A. Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital environment
B. Oral, Anal, Genital, Latency, Phallic B. Developmental patterns show wide
C. Oral, Anal, Phallic, Genital, Latency individual differences.
C. Development is sequential.
132. Providing children with the appropriate D. Growth and development are continuous
assistance and tools to help them learn is called process.
138. Patrick's mom insists on allowing his three
A. Private Speech bestfriends to stay for sleepover. What layer of
B. Scaffolding Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory is shown?
C. Sociocultural theory
D. Zone of Proximal Development A. Mesosystem
B. Microsystem
133. Baby Ann said “mamam” when she wants to C. Exosystem
drink water and “papay” when she wants some D. Chronosystem
bread. The child is in what stage of language 139. Below are the things that infants can do
development? physically except one:

A. Babbling stage A. Rolls over

B. Holophrastic stage B. Sit with support
C. Telegraphic stage C. Says what he/she wants
D. Cooing stage D. Grasps objects
140. Which is INCORRECT in the socio- adults during the pre-conventional morality
emotional development of Adolescents? stage. This is based on the ideas of _______.

A. Adolescents tend to spend more time with A. Piaget

their parents. B. Vygotsky
B. Teen begins to see his/her role and C. Kohlberg
importance in society. D. Bronfenbrenner
C. Teens begin to acquire a reflective idea of
one’s self, not only in terms of the 147. “Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell
immediate present but also in terms of the you who you are.” What issue of Human
past and the future. Development explains this phrase?
D. Adolescents especially feel stress usually
from relationships with parents, friends, A. Development is determined by genes.
sweethearts, also from pressure of school B. Development is determined by
work. environment.
141. Mrs. Velasco is worried about the thumb- C. Development modifies as we go
sucking of his son. Her friend said that certain throughout life.
behavior among infants is normal. Who D. Personality traits develop during infancy
presented that notion that certain behavior like and endure throughout lifespan.
thumb-sucking among infants is a normal 148. It is the child’s ability to recognize that the
behavior? object still exists even when out of sight.

A. Erik Erikson A. Holophrastic

B. Sigmund Freud B. Telegraphic
C. Lev Vygotsky C. Object permanence
D. Jean Piaget D. Subject permanence

142. Which statement is true about Freud’s Oral 149. Which of the following involves thinking from
Stage? a specific experience to a general principle?

A. This stage is considered as “dormant” A. Inductive logic

stage. B. Deductive logic
B. This stage is experienced by children C. Irreversibility
around 4 or 5 years old. D. Decentration
C. The center of pleasure of this stage is
through mouth-based stimulation. 150. Which idea is TRUE about preschooler’s
D. People of this stage find pleasure through cognitive development?
sexual or intimate relationship with
opposite sex. A. Brain connections become weak when
preschoolers’ interact with the
143. It is the ability to think logically by applying a environment.
general rule to a particular instance or situation. B. Preschoolers’ language development
occurs in two areas.
A. Deductive Reasoning C. Preschoolers’ engage in symbolic and
B. Inductive Reasoning intuitive thinking.
C. Analogical Reasoning D. Preschoolers cannot yet process
D. Hypothetical Reasoning information.

144. Mae played Lego blocks. Annie played dolls 151. According to Erikson, what is the primary
while Bea played dollhouse. Interaction takes task of adolescent?
place but there are no rules and roles agreed
upon. This is an example of ______. A. To establish trust
B. To search for his identity
A. Solitary play C. To be more intimate with others
B. Associative play D. To establish integrity
C. Onlooker play
D. Cooperative play
145. Playing Patintero can be categorized as

A. Associative play
B. Solitary play
C. Cooperative play
D. Onlooker play

146. The child’s concept of right and wrong is

based on the external criteria laid down by

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