Utilities Compiled Problems

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1. Powers of 10 appear frequently with units of measurements. 12. A car battery supplies 48 J of energy at 12 V over a certain
These powers of 10 are written in abbreviated forms. If electric period of time. Determine the charge moved during this period.
resistance is measured in ohms, express the following values in Ans.: 4C
powers of 10 and write them in their abbreviated forms: 2000 13. Electric utilities employ as the unit of energy the kilowatt-
ohms and 3,000,000 ohms. hour (kWh). The power consumed in a household over a 24-h
period is as follows: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.—1.5 kW; 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.—
Ans.: 2k ohms & 3M ohms
0.5 kW; 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.—2.6 kW; and 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.—1.0
2. Electric capacitance is measured in farads (F). However, this is
kW. What is the energy consumption in megajoules?
rather a large unit. Express the following values in powers of 10
Ans.: 118.8MJ
and write them in their abbreviated forms: 0.000005 F, 0.0005 F,
14. An electric heater takes 1.2 kWh in 30 min at 120 V. What is
and 0.000000001 F.
the current input to the heater?
Ans.: 5 microfarad, 500 microfarad, & 1 picofarad
Ans.: 20A
3. The unit of electric inductance is henry (H). Express the
15. A 110-V light bulb takes 0.9-A current and operates 12 h/day.
following values in powers of 10 and write them in their
At the rate of 7 cents/kWh, determine the cost to operate the
abbreviated forms: 0.01 H and 0.003 H.
bulb for 30 days.
Ans.: 10 millihenry & 3 millihenry
Ans.: $2.50
4. Electric current is measured in amperes (A). If an ampere is
16. The energy capacity or rating of a battery is generally
expressed as a flow of charge in coulombs per second (C/s), how
expressed in ampere-hour (Ah). A battery is required to supply
many electrons pass a given point in 30 s in a conductor carrying
0.5 A continuously for three days. What must be the rating of the
8A current. The charge on an electron is approximately 1.6 x 10 -19
Ans.: 36 Ah
Ans.: 15x1020 electrons
17. A battery is rated at 30 Ah. For how many hours can it
5. Find the current in a conductor through which 2.5 x 10 20
continuously supply a current of 2.5 A?
electrons pass in 8 sec if the charge on an electron is
Ans.: 12H
approximately 1.6 x 10-19 C.
18. A copper conductor of circular cross section 5 mm in diameter
Ans.: 5A
is 5 m long. Calculate its resistance at 20°C if the resistivity of
6. A charge of 360 C passes through a conductor in 20 s. What is
copper at 20 °C is 1.72x10-8 ohm • m.
the corresponding current in amperes?
Ans.: 4.38 milli-ohm
Ans.: 18A
19. A cube of an alloy of resistivity 1.12 micro-ohm • m is 2 cm on
7. A 75-W bulb draws a 680-mA current. How much time will be
a side. Determine the resistance between any two faces of the
required to pass a 30-C charge through the bulb?
Ans.: 7.35 min.
Ans. 56 micro-ohm
8. A current of 6 A flows in a resistor. How many coulombs of
20. A transmission line cable consists of 19 strands of identical
charge pass through the resistor in 2 min?
copper conductors, each 1.5 mm in diameter. The physical length
Ans.: 720 C
of the cable is 2 km. But, because of the twist of each strand, the
9. An energy of 12 J is expended in moving a 2-C charge from
actual lengths of the conductors are increased by 5 percent.
infinity to a point A. Assuming infinity to be at zero potential,
What is the resistance of the cable? Resistivity of copper is 1.72 x
determine the potential difference between point A and infinity
10-8 ohm • m.
(i.e., the potential at A).
Ans. 1.076 ohm
Ans.: 6V
21. A block of iron is heated directly by dissipating power in the
10. The potential difference between two conductors is 110 V.
internal resistance of the block. Because of the temperature rise,
How much work is done in moving a 5-C charge from one
the resistance increases exponentially with time and is given by
conductor to the other?
R(t) = 0.5e2t ohms, where t is in seconds. The block is connected
Ans.: 550J
across a 110-V source and dissipates 1827 cal heat energy over a
11. Determine the charge that requires 1-kJ energy to be moved
certain period of time. Calculate this period of time. (Note: 1 cal =
from infinity to a point having a 12-V potential.
4.184 Joule)
Ans.: 83.33C
Ans.: 0.5 sec.
22. How many electrons pass a given point in 40 seconds G in a 35. A group of 5x1016 free electrons passed a point in a conductor
conductor carrying 10 amps? in 20s. Find the current flowing.
Ans. 25x1020 electrons Ans.: 0.4mA
23. An electric heater takes 23.889 kcal in 20 minutes at 200 36. A current of 5A is flowing in a conductor. Find the number of
volts. What is the current drawn by the heater? free electrons passing a point the conductor in 1s.
Ans.: 0.42A Ans.: 3.125x1019 electron
24. A 1 km cable consist of 12 identical strands of aluminum each 37. A 12V battery supplies 60 J of electric energy over a certain
3 mm in diameter. What is the resistance of the cable? period of time. Find the change moved during this period.
Ans.: 0.33 ohms Ans.: 5C
25. A resistor is color coded as Red-Red-Orange-Silver. What is 38. Find the power required to move 90,000 C of charge through
the value of the resistor? a potential difference of 125V in 1 hour.
Ans.: 22 kilo-ohms ±10% Ans.: 3125W
26. Four bulbs rated 110V, 60W each are connected in parallel to 38. A dc motor takes 5 a from a 220V line. Find the kWh supplied
a 230 volts source. Calculate the resistance to be connected in to the motor in 2 hours.
series with the line so that the voltage across the bulbs does not Ans.: 2.2 kWh
exceed 110 volts. 39. A wire has a diameter of 0.032 inch. Find the cross-sectional
Ans.: 55 ohms area of the wire in circular mils.
27. A one meter rod of 2 cm diameter is drawn until its resistance Ans.: 1024 CM
is 100 times the initial resistance. Its length afterward is? 40. Find the radius of wire in mm if its cross-sectional area is 2500
Ans.: 10m circular mils.
28. The substation bus bar is made up to 2 inches round copper Ans.: 0.635 mm
bars 20 ft long. What is the resistance of each bar if the resistivity 41. Find the ohmic value of a carbon resistor with color coded
is 1.724x10-6 ohm-cm. green, blue red and gold, respectively.
Ans.: 5.185x10-5 ohm Ans. 5.6kilo-ohms ±5%
29. Determine the resistance of a bus bar made of copper if the 42. A carbon resistor has colored strips of brown, green, orange
length is 10 meters long and the cross-sectional area is 4x4 sq. and silver, respectively. Find the resistance.
cm. The resistivity is 1.724 micro-ohm-cm. Ans. 15 kilo=ohms ±10%
Ans.: 1.078x10-4 ohm 43. The hot resistance of a 100 V filament lamp is 200 ohms. Find
30. A certain wire has a resistance of R. The resistance of another the current taken.
wire identical with the first except for having twice the diameter Ans.: .5A
is 44. A lamp is rated 100W, 200V. Find the hot resistance of the
Ans.: ¼ R lamp?
31. The resistance of 120 meters of wire is 12 ohms. What is its Ans. 400 ohms
conductance? 45. A filament lamp is rated 50W and 220V. Find the power it will
Ans.: 0.083 mho draw if connected across a 110 V source.
32. The lead storage battery is rated at 12 volts. If the internal Ans.: 12.5W
resistance is 0.01 ohms. What is the maximum power that can be 46. A water heater has a resistance of 5.5 ohms and draws a
delivered to the load? rated current of 40 A. Find the kWh consumed in a period of one
Ans.: 3,600 watts month if the heater is in service on the average of 1.5 hours per
33. A 120 volts battery having an internal resistance of 0.5 ohm is day.
connected through line resistance of 9.5 ohms to a variable load Ans. 396kWh
resistor. What maximum power will the battery deliver to the 47. A positively charged dielectric has charge of 2 coulombs. If
load resistor? 12.5x1018 free electrons are added to it, what will be the net
Ans.: 360 watts charge on the said dielectric?
34. A constant current of 5 A flows through a resistor in a half a Ans.: Zero
minute. Find the quantity of charge passing through the resistor. 48. A 500 MCM ACSR cable has 37 strands. Determine the
Ans.: 150C diameter in mils of each strand.
Ans.: 116.25 mils
50. We have two resistors wound with round copper wire. The
49. The current in an electric lamp is 5 amperes. What quantity of length and the diameter of the first wire are L and A respectively
electricity flows towards the filament in 6 minutes? and those of the second wire are 0.25 L and 0.5 A. Determine the
Ans.: 1800 C ratios of currents and powers for the two resistors if they are
connected across the same voltage source.
Ans.: 0.5
Objective Type

51. One of the following is the best conductor of electricity.

a. Air b. Copper c. Carbon d. Silicon
52. What is a symbol that represents a quantity or single object?
a. unit b. number c. item d. base
53. What do you call the elements that conducts electricity very readily?
a. semi-conductors b. conductors c. insulators d. dielectric
54. A substance which cannot be reduced to a simpler substance by chemical means
a. atom b. molecule c. matter d. element
55. It is a neutral particle that has no electrical charge.
a. atom b. proton c. electron d. neutron
56. For current to flow, the circuit must be __________.
a. Complete b. Isolated c. Insulated d. Protected
57. What is the unit of electrical pressure?
a. Ampere b. Watt c. Ohm d. Volt
58. It is defined as anything that occupies space and has weight.
a. atom b. compound c. molecule d. matter
59. Represents the current flow produced by one volt working across one ohm of resistance.
a. resistance b. ampere c. voltage d. electromotive force
60. What is the purpose of a load in an electric circuit?
a. To decrease the current b. To increase the resistance
c. To utilize the electric energy d. To share some of the currents
61. What is the SI unit of energy?
a. Joule b. kWh c. kCal d.m-kg
62. For a given line voltage, four heating coils will produce maximum heat when connected
a. all in parallel b. all in series
c. with two parallel pairs in series. d. one pair in parallel with the other two in series
63. Car batteries are rated in “ampere-hour”. This is a measure of their ___________.
a. emf b. charge c. power d. current
64. Which of the following is true in a circuit containing two unequal resistances in parallel?
a. Current is the same in both b. Large current flows in larger resistor
c. Smaller resistance has smaller conductance d. Potential difference across each is the same
65. The term “electric pressure“ is the same as which of the following?
a. Circuit current b. Voltage c. Power demand d. Energy consumption
66. The resistance of material varies inversely to which of the following?
a. Length of the material b. Cross-sectional area
c. Temperature of the material d. Resistivity of the material
67. A good conductor has a high _________.
a. resistance b. impedance c. conductance d. reluctance
68. The effect of electric shock on human body is dependent on which of the following?
a. current b. voltage c. duration of contact d. all of these
69. Which one refers to the number of protons in the nucleus of an element?
a. Atomic Weight b. Atomic number c. Valence number d. Atomic charge
70. What is the SI unit of power?
a. Watt/second b. Joule c. Watt d. Watt-hour

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