Grade 6 Demo Nsna

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Grade 6-demo - Nsna

Elementary Eduction (Central Luzon State University)

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Detailed Lesson Plan in

Science VI

I. Objectives
At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to;

 identify organ system

 explain the function of different organ systems.
 form each part of the organ system correctly.
II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Organ System

b. Learning Competency: Explain how the different organ systems work together.
c. Reference: DepED Science module
d. Materials: printed pictures, Power Point Presentation and printed activities

III. Teaching procedure

Teachers activity Pupils activity

A. Preparation

1. Performing routine
 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Greetings

2. Drill

Do you all know the banana song?

Let’s all stand and let’s sing and dance

(Students will stand beside their chairs)

Everybody sing.

Peel banana!
Peel-peel banana!

Chop banana
Chop-chop banana!

Eat banana!
Eat-eat banana!

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Digest banana!
Digest banana!

You may now take your seats. Thank (students will follow and sing)
you for your energetic cooperation.

3. Review

Before we proceed to another topic,

who wants to tell us what is our
previous topic?

Yes Chloe?

Thank you Chloe.

( student will tell about their previous
4. Motivation topic)

Do you look at yourself in the mirror?

Don’t you wonder how you can move?

Karl, can you imagine if we don’t have

bones, do we still have the strength to
lift? Why?

Correct. We will explain that later on. No ma’am.

B. Developmental Activities Because our body will be soft like a

wilted vegetable.
1. Introduction

Can you read what is in the power

point, Aliah?.

Thank you.

Can you read the other slide ,Jed? Body System

Group of organs and tissues that work
together to perform important jobs
for the body.

Thank you. Human are considered as the most

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And these specific task carry out by complex living things because we are
the body enables us to grow, breathe, composed of different organ systems.
move and carry on activities such as Each part of body system does a
dancing, jumping and texting. special job as it coordinates with one
another to perform specific function.

2. Recalling of Guide Questions

Can you read our guide question


3. Presentation

Everybody read the definition of

muscular system.
1. What are the different organ
2. What are the function of
different organ systems.

Thank you class. The cardiac

muscles controls the heart.

The smooth muscles controls the

digestive tract, blood vessels, and Muscular System- all muscles in the
bladder. body make up the skeletal system
which allow us to move. These
And the skeletal muscle are consists of three types of muscles, the
voluntary muscles controlled to cardiac muscles, smooth muscles and
move bones. the skeletal muscles.

When we say muscular, it’s

composed of specialized cells
called muscle fiber “laman”

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Everybody read the definition of

skeletal system.

Thank you.

1. Skeletal supports the body.

Skeletal system, all bones in the body

make up the skeletal system, which
protects internal organs and supports
the body. It also produce million of
2. It protects the internal organs blood cells needed by the body.
of the body

3. Skull protects the brain

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Next, everybody read.

Thank you.

Our integumentary system is our

body’s outer layer. It consists of our skin, hair,
nails and glands. These organs and structures
are our first line of defense against bacteria
and help us to protect from injuries and

Integumentary System, as body

covering that provides protection to
our body against microorganism,
temperature and acts as receptor for
Again everybody read the power touch.

Do you know that the digestion

begins in the mouth by breaking food by
means cutting, tearing and grinding?

Digestive system, it works in digesting

food into substances that can
absorbed by the body. This system
Again everybody read what is

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Respiratory system. known as final digestion of food takes

place in the small intestine and
absorption of nutrients happen.

The respiratory system helps us to breathe. It

includes our airways, lungs and blood vessels.

Let’s proceed to the circulatory system.

Everybody read. Respiratory System, is responsible for
the exchange of gases such as carbon-
dioxide to oxygen in the bloodstream.

Circulatory system is made up of blood vessels

that carry blood away from and towards the
heart. Circulatory system carries oxygen,
nutrients and hormones to cell.

Everybody read what is nervous system.

Circulatory system, it is a transport
system of the body responsible for the
distribution of nutrients to the cells
and carries away the waste product of
Nervous system uses specialized cells called cell.
neurons to send signals or messages all over
the body. It has two major divisions; the
central nervous system (CNS) compose of
brain and spinal cord and the peripheral
nervous system (PNS) consist mainly of nerves
that connects the CNS.

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C. Generalization

What are the 7 major organ or body


Nervous system, is the control unit of

the body thus it regulates and
coordinates body processes.
Very good.

D. Application
(teacher will give a printed activity)

Direction: Match the body system to its proper



1. Muscular System
2.Skeletal System
3.Integumentary System
4.Digestive System
5.Respiratory System
2. 6.Circulatory System
7.Nervous System


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a. Provide support and movement


b. Breaks down food into smaller


II. c. Helps in breathing in oxygen and

Group Activity breathing out of carbon dioxide

Direction: Group your selves into 3 groups and

each group will have different organ system
that you need to build or stick together.
d. Carries nutrients to the cells and
1st group is digestive system
2nd group is respiratory system carry out the waste product of
3rd group is skelital system the cells

e. Serves as control unit of the


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E. Assignment
Direction: Complete the table by supplying the correct answer using one whole sheet of

Body system Organ involve Function of the body


Integumentary system
Muscular system
Skeletal system
Digestive system
Respiratory system
Circulatory system
Nervous system

Downloaded by BENEDICK PET GRAY ([email protected])

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