Term Paper On Geology of Nigeria

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Writing a thesis is a daunting task for any student, but when it comes to a topic as complex and

diverse as the geology of Nigeria, the challenge can seem overwhelming. In order to successfully
complete a term paper on this subject, one must have a deep understanding of the geology of the
country, as well as strong research and writing skills.

Nigeria is a country with a rich geological history, spanning millions of years. It is home to a wide
range of geological formations, including ancient rocks, volcanoes, and sedimentary basins. The
country also has a diverse range of mineral resources, including oil, natural gas, gold, and coal.

As a result, writing a thesis on the geology of Nigeria requires a deep understanding of the country's
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Recharge is variable across Nigeria, controlled largely by climate. Petrography reveals the rock units
of having quartz, plagioclase, microcline, orthoclase, biotite, hornblende, etc. More information on
the derivation and interpretation of these statistics can be seen on the FAO Aquastat website. Gwari
Dan Dume Finguila Kaingiwa Tessaira Shinkafe Sardauna S. The soil mapping was executed by
combination of conventional method, soil landscape relationship and spatial analyses in GIS environ
using digital terrain model to produce the soil map of Ikwo Local Government in Ebonyi State at a
scale of 1:50,000. The major soils mapped include Typic Udifluvent, Aquertic Udifluvent, Typic
dystrudept and Ultic Udifluvent. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. A total of 48 students comprising 24
males and 24 females were selected from two different public senior high schools in the Kumasi
metropolis of Ghana to participate in the study. The Tertiary rocks of the Sokoto Basin are mostly
interbedded sandstones, clay and some limestone (Pavelic et al. 2012). More detailed information
can be found in the key references listed below. This has necessitated the need for increase in the
precision of soil characterization for maize production in Nigeria the most populous country in
Africa. Photo Mechanical work supervised by Mrs. Kate Oyewole (PTO I) Cartographic
reproduction and design - supervised by Mrs. B. O. Fashola (PTO I) Digital Processing - Supervised
by Mr. H. O. Davies (Assistant Director) Peer Review - Moderated by Mr. O. Ezewu (Director,
Regional Geology) The entire project was undertaken by committee on production of maps. Gamu
Daurawa Magaria Kandare BunguduMainchi Kalmalo Kurdula Tagimba Alkamari Gabasawa
Dambarta GwagwadaKajuruko Pankshin Kuduguwu Kaltungo Gazabure Magumeri Dipchari
Madagali K Lamido Nyibango Nyibango Jato Aka Awgawtun B. For Milton Santos, this overcoming
involves a precise and original theory about how geographic space exercises an active role in the
social process. Petrographic analysis revealed angular to sub-angular grains with the dominance of
quartz and feldspars in the arkosic and sub-arkosic arenites with variable, but low lithic and heavy
mineral constituents. These were re-measured at a sample of original observation sites using GPS.
Gurmana Bulkachuwa Beni Sheik Kogin Baba Mayo Selbe Oke - Odde Oke - Igbo Ajebandele G.
Madaki Ako Gombe Lankoviri Zaki Biam Obangedde Nassarawa Kutuwanji Omu Aran Olampecho
Ile Oluji Ogbomosho Shepeleri Ago - Are Yashikera Kusheriki Kontagora Bin Yauri Lan Gulbi
Dogondaji Dutsin Ma Charanchi Garagumsa Garandoili K. If reproducing diagrams that include
third party information, please cite both the Africa Groundwater Atlas and the third party sources.
These aquifers are typically unconfined, with typical variations in water table depth of less than 5 m.
Geochemical Map of Zone 1 and 2 Displaying Zinc Isolines - Map. To browse Academia.edu and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. This
is particularly an issue for local, low storage basement aquifers, both in the north where rainfall is
low and in the south, where rainfall is high (Ministry of Water Resources 2013). The present edition
therefore contains greater Geological details and nomenclatures than the earlier edition. The mapped
faults in the area show a conjugational relationship, which dominantly strike in the NE and NW
direction, the conjugational zones are were aquifers abound. Consequently, the main purpose of this
paper is to review and assessment the most recent efforts of surveying and producing a digital map
for African soils. The result revealed variation in morphological, physical and chemical properties of
the soils. Download a GIS shapefile of the Nigeria geology and hydrogeology map. The new
boreholes so far are focussed on sedimentary aquifers used for urban water supply; with borehole
depths of 80 to 100 m (Ministry of Water Resources 2013). The texture of the surface soil across the
study area was sandy loam overlying gravely sandy clay loam in pedons EA1 and 3, and sandy clay
loam in the other pedons.
The study area falls within the northern sector of Nigerian Basement Complex called the Adamawa
Massif. They are usually unconfined with the water table at about 10 - 40 m depth. See Full PDF
Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers A FIELD REPORT ON THE
EKITI STATE. We also visited the Obi coal, Keana sandstone and brine, which are all within
Nasarrawa state and which belong to the Mid-Benue trough, which was affected by the mid-
Santonian tectonism. Three pedons at three predominant physiographic positions viz: upper, middle
and valley bottom in the study locations around Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria were characterized and
described following the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) soil characterization guideline.
Petrographic analysis revealed angular to sub-angular grains with the dominance of quartz and
feldspars in the arkosic and sub-arkosic arenites with variable, but low lithic and heavy mineral
constituents. The Kalambaina Formation is locally permeable with perched aquifers in sandier layers
(Offodile 2002). As well, the use of different soil classifications in Jordan makes it difficult to
compare data from different surveys, and some of the published soil maps of Jordan were apparently
assembled from previously existing maps without sufficient control of data compatibility. This study
used the Integration of geospatial methods with conventional land assessment methods to overcome
the limitations of conventional soil mapping. There is a national groundwater level monitoring
programme with 43 monitoring points, 32 of which are equipped with data loggers. Studies in
Applied Geography are versatile in terms of subject matters but the foundation of this field is based
on applying geographic concepts and geospatial technologies to solve real world problems. Given
that, it is difficult to define Applied Geography with a strict structure since Geography itself cannot
be defined that way and Geography lacks a set of fundamental theories to call its own. In: Adelana,
S.M.A. and MacDonald, A.M. Applied Groundwater Studies in Africa. Download a GIS shapefile of
the Nigeria geology and hydrogeology map. The Kalambaina and Dange Formations are collectively
known as the Sokoto Group and are of Paleocene age (Adelana et al. 2008). These soil maps are
widely used in land resources assessment studies in Turkey. With the presence of amphibolite, ores
associated with ferromagnesian minerals (chromite, niccolite, and magnetite) may be found under
detailed exploration. Such a setting is analogous to the Oban Massif for the Awi Formation and the
North and Central basement complex and sediments in their second cycle of sedimentation sourced
from the post-Santonian deformational episode for the Lokoja Formation. The major soils mapped
include Typic Udifluvent, Aquertic Udifluvent, Typic dystrudept and Ultic Udifluvent. The
reconnaissance soil map at the scale of 1:200 000 has the highest accuracy for the slope due to the
fact that topographic maps have been used as basic maps for the field studies. Download Free PDF
Gombe Sandstone Formation, and thickens towards the centre of the Chad Basin, where it is
overlain by the Chad Formation (Adelana et al. 2008). The outcrops descriptions also reveal some
features such as fault breccias, scattered boulders, fault and foliation with intrusion of quartz-grain,
present of weathering which causes disintegration of granitic rocks, very coarse-grained and fine-
grained granitic rocks prevalent. For more information on the map development and datasets see the
surface water resource page. The mapped faults in the area show a conjugational relationship, which
dominantly strike in the NE and NW direction, the conjugational zones are were aquifers abound.
Groundwater management activities on other Basins are yet to commence. As far as possible, the
Granite - Gneiss and the Schistcomplexes have being differentiated lithologically. The western end of
the basin has the highest slope of 755 to 1582m denoting the margins of the Biu and Jos plateau
which slopes down to the lowest slope category of 256m at the shores of Lake Chad. Bulk strain
analysis using Fry plot also show a NE and NW orientation of the strain ellipsoids. For Milton
Santos, this overcoming involves a precise and original theory about how geographic space exercises
an active role in the social process. The landscape normally consists of areas of soil (mapping) units
within each of which the within-unit variance (of soil properties) is supposed to be less than the
overall variance.
Download Free PDF View PDF Sedimentological and geochemical characterization of the
Cretaceous strata of Calabar Flank, southeastern Nigeria Emmanuel E Okon, Olugbenga A. For more
information on the map development and datasets see the surface water resource page. The study
aims at integrating parametric methods with geospatial techniques in land suitability assessment for
maize production. Fragmentation appears now in the form of a geography that is occupied with the
study of locations, now as the fairly common practice of considering only one aspect of society or
its territory, a partial approach to its object of study. The study area forms part of the Mesozoic Older
Granite Complex, which intruded the Pre-Cambrian Crystalline Basement. The basins slope
generated from DEM of the area indicated five terrain categories. For this purpose, the soil maps
were digitised and performed a data set. Most rural areas are dependent on groundwater, and a
number of towns and cities. Such a setting is analogous to the Oban Massif for the Awi Formation
and the North and Central basement complex and sediments in their second cycle of sedimentation
sourced from the post-Santonian deformational episode for the Lokoja Formation. Crystalline and
coarse-grain rocks, such as gneiss and migmatite, become sandy on weathering, thus preferentially
forming aquifers. Many of these references can be accessed through the Africa Groundwater
Literature Archive. Report this Document Download now Save Save Geological Map of Nigeria For
Later 100% (4) 100% found this document useful (4 votes) 2K views 1 page Geological Map of
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Page You are on page 1 of 1 Search inside document. The techniques involved field descriptions,
textural parameters, petrographic analysis and biostrati-graphic studies using standard
sedimentological methods. They comprise gneisses, migmatites, granites, schists, phyllites and
quartzites (Adelana et al. 2008). Metamorphism is in the amphibolites facies range. The textural and
mineralogical characteristics of the limestones show that the limestones have undergone some
diagenetic processes such as cementation, neomorphism, micritization, compaction and dissolution.
Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. BOBOYE An integrated sedimentological and geochemical evaluation has
been carried out on the Cretaceous sediments of the Calabar Flank. The country has an approximate
surface area of about 924,000 square kilometers. The service sector is large, particularly
telecommunications and financial services; and manufacturing industry is growing. Shales,
sandstones, siltstones and limestones which range from shallow to deep marine depositional
environments have intermediate to basic intrusive dolerites, extrusives and pyroclastics rocks
emplaced in them. This paper seeks to exhibit the fundamental principles and empirical praxis of
applied geography and provides an overview of the principles and practice of applied geography.
This confirms the continental source for the sediments. This modelling suggested declining
groundwater levels would occur, leading to previously productive boreholes becoming dry. These
were re-measured at a sample of original observation sites using GPS. The sediments are dominated
by physical structures such as faults, folds, fractures, joints, cross beds, mud cracks and an
unconformity; chemical structures such as concretions and solution cavity; and biogenic structures
such as burrows and bioturbation. Maiwuya Kontonkoro Birnin Kadu Doka - Tofa Agaza Kanje
Maine Soroa Bakin Diru Rafin Tsaka S. These are mainly in unconsolidated aquifers in urban areas in
the coastal plain in the south, including in Lagos and Port Harcourt (Ministry of Water Resources
2013). The water table depth is usually between 60 and 165 m. Regarding the definition and scope of
geography, the overwhelming majority of the student respondents perceived geography as a
description of the physical environment such as rivers, rocks, the universe, weather and climates,
formation of landforms, among others. Petrographic analysis revealed angular to sub-angular grains
with the dominance of quartz and feldspars in the arkosic and sub-arkosic arenites with variable, but
low lithic and heavy mineral constituents.
The present edition therefore contains greater Geological details and nomenclatures than the earlier
edition. These soil maps are widely used in land resources assessment studies in Turkey. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. The Patti and Lokoja sandstones are thought to
have similar hydrogeological characteristics to the Nupe Sandstone. The outcrops descriptions also
reveal some features such as fault breccias, scattered boulders, fault and foliation with intrusion of
quartz-grain, present of weathering which causes disintegration of granitic rocks, very coarse-grained
and fine-grained granitic rocks prevalent. We also visited Ilubirin area in Ondo State, where we saw
bitumen seepage. Also, the geological history of the area suggests that the rocks in the area originated
from prograding regional metamorphism of the sedimentary rocks (sandstone and shale) and
volcanics (such as basaltic bombs). Analysis of clay-sized fraction revealed a dominance of kaolinite
with illite and montmorillonite making the subordinate group within the clay minerals present. The
upper Cretaceous sediments in the studied area consist of two facies associations; shale-limestone
and cross bedded sandstone. Gamu Daurawa Magaria Kandare Bungudu Mainchi Kalmalo Kurdula
Tagimba Alkamari Gabasawa Dambarta Gwagwada Kajuruko Pankshin Kuduguwu Kaltungo
Gazabure Magumeri Dipchari Madagali K Lamido Nyibango Nyibango Jato Aka Awgawtun B. The
general strike of the rocks in this area is NE-SW. This modelling suggested declining groundwater
levels would occur, leading to previously productive boreholes becoming dry. The Nigeria
Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) is responsible for assessment of surface water resources
through collection of data such as river stage, discharge, water quality and sediment transport. There
are also reports of metals contamination of groundwater from mining activity (Ministry of Water
2013). The areas studied include the basement complex and the sedimentary terrain of the country.
Based on the assumption that the status of geography education within National Curricula indicates
the likely investment in research and research findings, the paper draws upon data on the prevalence
of geography education around the world, to analyse the differing levels of importance prescribed to
the subject. Predominance of Type III kerogen, T max and hydrocarbon source potential of
Mfamosing, Ekenkpon, New Netim Marl and Nkporo Formations suggest marginal mature to mature
source rocks deposited in shallow continental to open marine setting that some gas may have been
generated. Deeper sandstone layers are often confined and can be artesian. Petrography reveals the
rock units of having quartz, plagioclase, microcline, orthoclase, biotite, hornblende, etc. In: Bauchi
State Agricultural Development Programme. It is sometimes confined by clay layers (Offodile 2002).
This study is to characterize the provenance, depositional environments and hydrocarbon potentials.
The lower deposits of siltstone, mudstone and ironstone are overlain by well-bedded sandstones and
siltstones. The country has an approximate surface area of about 924,000 square kilometers.
Structures such as quartzofeldspathic veins, ptygmatic folds, fractures (mostly discordant), and faults
(normal and dextral types) populate the area. The result of the outcrop descriptions shows three (3)
types of exposure: low-lying ridge, river channel, and whale-back exposures. It is largely unconfined,
but locally confined by lower permeability beds. Gamu Daurawa Magaria Kandare BunguduMainchi
Kalmalo Kurdula Tagimba Alkamari Gabasawa Dambarta GwagwadaKajuruko Pankshin Kuduguwu
Kaltungo Gazabure Magumeri Dipchari Madagali K Lamido Nyibango Nyibango Jato Aka
Awgawtun B. Tijani, Department of Geology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable
Development in Africa, 12(2), 35-44.
Photo Mechanical work supervised by Mrs. Kate Oyewole (PTO I) Cartographic reproduction and
design - supervised by Mrs. B. O. Fashola (PTO I) Digital Processing - Supervised by Mr. H. O.
Davies (Assistant Director) Peer Review - Moderated by Mr. O. Ezewu (Director, Regional Geology)
The entire project was undertaken by committee on production of maps. The reconnaissance soil map
was found to be less accurate in flood plains where the slope does not affect other soil.
Predominance of Type III kerogen, T max and hydrocarbon source potential of Mfamosing,
Ekenkpon, New Netim Marl and Nkporo Formations suggest marginal mature to mature source rocks
deposited in shallow continental to open marine setting that some gas may have been generated. The
limestone-shale facies association consists of the following lithofacies; rippled clayey sandstone,
carbonaceous shale, heterolithic sandstone-shale, laminated grey shale, fossiliferous limestone, fine
grained sandstone, silty shale, medium grained sandstone and carbonaceous sandstone. The Tertiary
rocks of the Sokoto Basin are mostly interbedded sandstones, clay and some limestone (Pavelic et al.
2012). You can download the paper by clicking the button above. One of the challenges facing the
commission to meet these objectives is the huge variety in the status and scope of geography
education in different countries. This study is to characterize the provenance, depositional
environments and hydrocarbon potentials. The results show four mapping units based on the geology
which comprises mainly sandstone, silt stone, shale and river alluvium parent materials. The gneisses
and gneisses are useful as aggregates and aesthetics in the construction industry. Hence, Applied
Geography is a dynamic field that changes over time but always maintains a central focus on
attempting to solve practical problems our societies face. It rests unconformably on the Gombe
Sandstone Formation, and thickens towards the centre of the Chad Basin, where it is overlain by the
Chad Formation (Adelana et al. 2008). Maiwuya Kontonkoro Birnin Kadu Doka - Tofa Agaza Kanje
Maine Soroa Bakin Diru Rafin Tsaka S. Later, we got to Igbokoda, where we saw the whitish coastal
plain sand which was used by the moribund Oluwa glass industry. The outcrop descriptions were
examined at in-situ throughout the geological mapping period. Download Free PDF View PDF See
Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Upload Read for
free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What
is Scribd. The study suggested the following measures to increase resilience to climate change in
Nigeria's groundwater supply. As far as possible, the Granite - Gneiss and the Schist complexes have
being differentiated lithologically. These soil maps are widely used in land resources assessment
studies in Turkey. A field survey, morphological description and laboratory analyses of the soil
samples collected were carried out to characterize, classify and map out selected soils of Akure area,
SouthWestern Nigeria. The study aims at describing the geological attributes and features of the
basement rocks with particular emphasis on structural features in the study area. We proceeded to the
coal seam very close to Onyeama coal seam, in Enugu. Three pedons at three predominant
physiographic positions viz: upper, middle and valley bottom in the study locations around Ibadan,
Southwest Nigeria were characterized and described following the Food and Agricultural
Organization (FAO) soil characterization guideline. For more information on the map see the soil
resource page. BOBOYE An integrated sedimentological and geochemical evaluation has been
carried out on the Cretaceous sediments of the Calabar Flank. The upper part of the formation
contains coals and cross-bedded sandstones (Adelana et al. 2008). Based on the assumption that the
status of geography education within National Curricula indicates the likely investment in research
and research findings, the paper draws upon data on the prevalence of geography education around
the world, to analyse the differing levels of importance prescribed to the subject. The water table
depth is usually between 60 and 165 m. The country has an approximate surface area of about
924,000 square kilometers.
In: Adelana, S.M.A. and MacDonald, A.M. Applied Groundwater Studies in Africa. The sediments
are dominated by physical structures such as faults, folds, fractures, joints, cross beds, mud cracks
and an unconformity; chemical structures such as concretions and solution cavity; and biogenic
structures such as burrows and bioturbation. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster
and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Gamu Daurawa Magaria
Kandare Bungudu Mainchi Kalmalo Kurdula Tagimba Alkamari Gabasawa Dambarta Gwagwada
Kajuruko Pankshin Kuduguwu Kaltungo Gazabure Magumeri Dipchari Madagali K Lamido
Nyibango Nyibango Jato Aka Awgawtun B. Water table is typically between 3 and 15 m below
ground level (Offodile 2002), but can be as much as 55 m deep. Download Free PDF View PDF
What next for Geography Education. The outcrop descriptions were examined at in-situ throughout
the geological mapping period. Recharge is directly from rainfall, through any overlying alluvial
deposits. Shales, sandstones, siltstones and limestones which range from shallow to deep marine
depositional environments have intermediate to basic intrusive dolerites, extrusives and pyroclastics
rocks emplaced in them. The aquifers therefore tend to be localised, and vary greatly in thickness.
Petrographic analysis revealed angular to sub-angular grains with the dominance of quartz and
feldspars in the arkosic and sub-arkosic arenites with variable, but low lithic and heavy mineral
constituents. Tijani, Department of Geology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. These slope categories
exhibits a variety of land forms ranging from rills, gullies, ponds, rivers, deltas, alluvial plains,
ridges, hills and sand dunes of variable sizes, shapes and morphologi. Data Collection:- From all
NGSA state offices nationwide and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) supervised by Geologist in
charge, Data Compillation and checking by:- Mr. V. Ozoadibe, Mrs. S. L. Salau, Mr. A. Afolabi, Mr.
Garuba, (Assistant Directors), Mrs. Grace Bukar, Miss Fatima Bahago (Senior Geologists). The
reconnaissance soil map was found to be less accurate in flood plains where the slope does not affect
other soil. Other dominant rock types are migmatite, banded, and granite gneisses (migmatites and
gneisses make up 25 %), granite (4 %), and amphibolite (1%) respectively. The cities of Calabar
(coastal southeastern Nigeria) and Port Harcourt (capital of Rivers State, south Nigeria) are totally
dependent on groundwater. The presence of benthic foraminifera such as Bolivina anambra and
Haplopragmoides sp. This is illustrated with the National Soil Map of Jordan: the data was collected
and georeferenced by methods available before the widespread availability of the Global Positioning
System (GPS). You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Overall, basement aquifers
tend not to be high yielding. The techniques involved field descriptions, textural parameters,
petrographic analysis and biostrati-graphic studies using standard sedimentological methods. We also
so the contact between charnockite and porphyritic granite in Babgbe area close to Ondo Town.
Some of the basement complex areas visited are the Ugbe-Akoko-Iboropa-Akoko garnetiferous
gneiss, Itakpe iron ore, the gneiss, porphyritic-granite within the Salem University, Lokoja, and the
Apanomba porphyritic granite. The map reading procedure used by the field surveyors caused
unsystematic errors in the locations of soil observations. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full
PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The textural and
mineralogical characteristics of the limestones show that the limestones have undergone some
diagenetic processes such as cementation, neomorphism, micritization, compaction and dissolution.
Download Free PDF View PDF GEOLOGY OF EBONYI adelekan adeyinka Download Free PDF
View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable.
Both sandstones exhibit fining upwards succession and unconformably overlie the basement
complex. The soil mapping was executed by combination of conventional method, soil landscape
relationship and spatial analyses in GIS environ using digital terrain model to produce the soil map of
Ikwo Local Government in Ebonyi State at a scale of 1:50,000.
The water table depth is usually between 60 and 165 m. The study area falls within the northern
sector of Nigerian Basement Complex called the Adamawa Massif. Gwari Dan Dume Finguila
Kaingiwa Tessaira Shinkafe Sardauna S. Data were obtained using in-depth interview and results
were processed and presented using the thematic analysis approach with reference to the research
objectives. A peer review group, assembled for this purpose, moderated the data which were also
authenticated through field checks by the NGSA. Gamu Daurawa Magaria Kandare
BunguduMainchi Kalmalo Kurdula Tagimba Alkamari Gabasawa Dambarta GwagwadaKajuruko
Pankshin Kuduguwu Kaltungo Gazabure Magumeri Dipchari Madagali K Lamido Nyibango
Nyibango Jato Aka Awgawtun B. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Clay species ration (high kaolinite: illite
ratio) together with results from petrography suggests the possibility of warm and humid
paleoclimatic conditions prevalent during deposition. International Food Policy Research Institute
(IFPRI). Download Free PDF View PDF GEOLOGY OF EBONYI adelekan adeyinka Download
Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently
unavailable. Recharge is directly from rainfall, through any overlying alluvial deposits. The Patti and
Lokoja sandstones are thought to have similar hydrogeological characteristics to the Nupe Sandstone.
This is particularly an issue for local, low storage basement aquifers, both in the north where rainfall
is low and in the south, where rainfall is high (Ministry of Water Resources 2013). The limestone-
shale facies association consists of the following lithofacies; rippled clayey sandstone, carbonaceous
shale, heterolithic sandstone-shale, laminated grey shale, fossiliferous limestone, fine grained
sandstone, silty shale, medium grained sandstone and carbonaceous sandstone. Km land area. The
mapped area (longitudes 4 deg 0’ 0’’ E and 4 deg 3’ 30’’ E and latitudes 7 deg 41’ 15’’ N and 7 deg
45’ 00’’ N) is part of the basement complex of Southwestern Nigeria. Geochemical Map of Zone 1
and 2 Displaying Zinc Isolines - Map. This is critical to the understanding of the general landscape
configuration, its evolution and morphodynamics in the basin. Groundwater is widely used for
domestic, agricultural and industrial supplies. The results show four mapping units based on the
geology which comprises mainly sandstone, silt stone, shale and river alluvium parent materials. It is
separated from the Niger delta by the Okitipupa ridge.). Nigeria as a nation is abundantly blessed
with solid mineral resources, which are distributed equitably in all the States of the Federation. The
Tertiary rocks of the Sokoto Basin are mostly interbedded sandstones, clay and some limestone
(Pavelic et al. 2012). These are sited in basement and sedimentary aquifers. Download Free PDF
View PDF What next for Geography Education. They typically vary in thickness from 10 to 25 m,
with water table depth varying from about 5 to 15 m. Maiwuya Kontonkoro Birnin Kadu Doka -
Tofa Agaza Kanje Maine Soroa Bakin Diru Rafin Tsaka S. The oldest is the Akata Formation, and is
predominantly shaly, with sandstone lenses in the upper parts. Joint patterns in the study area have a
dominant SW trend. Madaki Ako Gombe Lankoviri Zaki Biam Obangedde Nassarawa Kutuwanji
Omu Aran OlampechoIle Oluji Ogbomosho Shepeleri Ago - Are Yashikera Kusheriki Kontagora Bin
Yauri Lan Gulbi Dogondaji Dutsin Ma Charanchi Garagumsa Garandoili K. The service sector is
large, particularly telecommunications and financial services; and manufacturing industry is growing.
Some of the basement complex areas visited are the Ugbe-Akoko-Iboropa-Akoko garnetiferous
gneiss, Itakpe iron ore, the gneiss, porphyritic-granite within the Salem University, Lokoja, and the
Apanomba porphyritic granite.

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