SS2 E-Note Second Term Computer

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©Deeper Life High School.

2023 …leadership with distinction


Concept of Computer • Definition of some terms: (i)
1 Files Computer file. (ii) Record (iii) Field
(iv) Data item.
• Types of data item: (i) Numeric (ii)
Alphabetic (iii) Alpha – numeric (c)
File structure organization (from
data item to file).
• Types of file organization: (i) Serial
(ii) Sequential (iii) Indexed (iv)

Concept of Computer • Methods of accessing files: (i) Serial

2 Files Access (ii) Sequential Access (iii)
Random Access
• File classification: (i) Master file (ii)
Transaction file (iii) Reference file.
• Criteria for classifying files: (i)
Nature of content. (ii) Organization
method (iii) Storage medium.

HANDLING • Basic operations on computer files.

COMPUTER FILES I • File Security.
3 (PRACTICAL) • Effects of file insecurity: data loss
and insecurity.
• Methods of file security: (i) Use of
backups (ii) Use of anti-virus (iii)
Pass wording. (iv) Proper label of
stored devices, etc.
• Advantages of computerized files.

WORD PROCESSING • Definition of (i) Word Processing

(ii) Text document
4 • Examples of word processors
• Application Areas …leadership with distinction

• Facilities available in a word
processor – type document, edit
document, store document, move,
copy, paste, etc.
• Features: Editing, Formatting,
Justification, search and replace,
Office application Class Activities. (Task)
• Working with object, pictures and
shapes, grouping of shapes in Ms
5 Word.
• Using the Drop cap
• Steps creating water mark
• Inserting footer and header

• Definition of System Development

SYSTEM Cycle Description of System
6 DEVELOPMENT Development Cycle
CYCLE • Stages in System Development
Cycle: (i) Preliminary study (ii)
Feasibility study (iii) Investigative
study (iv) Analysis (v) Design (vi)
Implementation (viii) Study review
• Description of each stage of system
development cycle.

7 Mid term
SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT • Application process of SDLC
8 CYCLE • Group (students) Presentations
SYSTEM • The students should be grouped,
DEVELOPMENT each should will select a spoken
9 persons that will represent the
entire group, at the end of the
presentation the audience
(classmate) will be given room to
ask the group tough questions any
member of the group is free to
respond to the questions.
• Teacher should pay attention to
the presentation delivery, …leadership with distinction
confidence, speaking, knowledge
based marks should awarded
evenly to the group.

10 Overview of Number • list and explain the common

Bases number bases
• convert from one number base
to another
• perform basic arithmetic in
various number bases
11 Revision
12 Examination
13 …leadership with distinction

LESSON OBJECTIVES: By the end of Lesson the students will be able to
• Define terms related to computer files
• Mention the types of data items
• Types of file organization


COMPUTER FILES: This is an entity of data available to system users that is capable of being
manipulated as an entry. Computer files are the most basic unit of data that users can store on a disk.
Every program, image, video, song, and document is stored as a file.

RECORD: A Record is a collection of related data items or fields. Each record usually corresponds
to a specific unit of information, e.g Employee number, Employee name, Basic salary, etc. The
elements of records are usually called fields or members.

FIELD: This is portion where data items are physically arranged in a computer file. It is commonly
used to refer to a column in a database or a field in a data entry form. It is a space allocated for a
particular item of information. The length of a field may be fixed or variable.

DATA ITEM: Data item is the smallest unit of information stored in computer files. In computing,
data is information that has been translated into a form that is more convenient to move or process.
Data can exist in a variety of forms – as numbers or text on pieces of paper, as bits and bytes stored
in electronic memory, or as facts stored in a person’s mind.

There are four types of data items, which are;

• Numeric
• Alphabetic
• Alpha-numeric
• Boolean
Represented above is the structure of a file in a systematic order from top to bottom, i.e. from
Data item is the smallest unit of information stored in computer file.
A field is a collection of related data items …leadership with distinction
A record is a collection of related fields.
The collection of records is called file.

PRACTICE EXERCISE: (5 fill in the gap question per subtopic, 3 short answer questions)
1. A directory is a type of file that acts as a ____________ for other files and folders.
2. The file path provides the ____________ to locate a file's location within a file system.
3. The read-only attribute on a file prevents ____________ modifications to its content.
4. A fragmented file is one that is stored in non-contiguous ____________ on a storage device.
5. File permissions specify who can ____________ a file and what actions they can perform on
1. Define the following key terms;
• Computer file
• Record
• Field
• Data item
2. Highlight the types of data item


There are a large number of ways records can be organized on disk or tape. The main methods of
file organization used for files are;
• Serial
• Sequential
• Indexed
• Random ( or Direct) …leadership with distinction

SERIAL ORGANISATION: Serial files are stored in chronological order; that is, as each record is
received it is stored in the next available storage position. It is only used on serial medium such as
magnetic tape. This type of file organization means that the records are in no particular order and
therefore to retrieve a single record, the whole file needs to be read from the beginning to the end.

SEQUENTIAL ORGANIZATION: Sequential files are serial files whose records are sorted and
stored in an ascending or descending order on a particular key field. In a sequential file organization,
records are organized in the sequence by which they were added. Records in these files can only be
read or written sequentially.
INDEXED ORGANIZATION: An indexed file organization contains reference numbers, like
employee numbers, that identify a record in relation to other records. These references are called the
primary keys that are unique to a particular record. This allows greater flexibility for users to
randomly search through thousands of records in a file. However, it employs complex programming
in order to be implemented.

RANDOM FILE ORGANIZATION: This is a file arranged physically without regard to the
sequence of the primary key. It is also called a ‘direct file’ or a ‘direct access file’, it enables quick
access to specific records or other elements within the file rather than having to read the file

TOPICAL TEST: (10 multiple Choice Questions,)

Certainly, here are ten multiple-choice questions related to records and types of data:
1. In a database, a record refers to:
a) A physical storage unit
b) A collection of fields
c) A programming language
d) A network protocol
2. Which of the following is an example of structured data?
a) A collection of random text files
b) A list of unorganized numbers …leadership with distinction
c) A spreadsheet with labeled columns
d) A series of unformatted images
3. In a student database, a record might represent:
a) The school building's address
b) An email template for teachers
c) Information about a specific student
d) The curriculum for a course
4. Unstructured data refers to information that:
a) Is organized in tables and rows
b) Is presented in a formal manner
c) Lacks a predefined structure or format
d) Is stored only in numerical form
5. Which type of data is suitable for storage in a relational database?
a) Videos and images
b) Text documents
c) Unorganized notes
d) Structured tables with relationships
6. A record in a music database might contain information about:
a) The name of the database administrator
b) The music genre of a song
c) The software used to manage the database
d) The operating system of the computer
7. Semi-structured data is characterized by:
a) A rigid and predefined structure
b) A lack of data hierarchy
c) A mix of structured and unstructured elements
d) Being suitable only for small databases …leadership with distinction
8. The term "field" in a database refers to:
a) A data analysis technique
b) A section of a computer screen
c) A column in a database table
d) A specific type of record
9. Which type of data can be best represented using a graph database?
a) Employee names and IDs
b) Financial transactions
c) Social network connections
d) Weather forecasts
10. What does the acronym "NoSQL" stand for in the context of database systems?
a) Non-organized System for Query Language
b) Notable Sequence for Query Logic
c) Non-structured Query Language
d) Not Only SQL
You are a detective investigating a mysterious case involving different types of data. Your task is to
decipher the clues and match each piece of data to its correct type. Here are the clues:
1. "2568" - This data type represents a quantity or numerical value, often used in calculations.
2. "Hello, world!" - This data type consists of characters and is often used for text-based
3. "True" - This data type holds binary values that can be either "true" or "false."
4. "3.14159" - This data type represents a decimal number with precision.
5. "2023-08-15" - This data type stores a specific point in time or date.
6. "apple, banana, orange" - This data type is used to store multiple values as a list or array.
Can you match each clue to its correct data type?
INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES: …leadership with distinction

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.


TOPIC: Computer files
• Methods of accessing files.
• File classification.
• Criteria for classifying files

SUB-TOPIC 1: Methods of Accessing Files

An access method defines the way the computer processes the read and write files. Each file
organization can be accessed or processed in different ways, the methods of accessing files include
the following:
• Serial Access
• Sequential Access
• Random Access
Serial Access
This is a method of storing or retrieving data or information that requires the program to start
writing or reading at the beginning and continues until it finds the desired data. The only way to
access a serially organized file is serially, for instance, the tape.
Sequential Access
The method of access used is still SERIAL but of course in an organized way, that is, in the order in
which they are physically arranged. It is important to note that to process (e.g update) a sequential
master tape file, the transaction file must also be in the sequence of the master file. Also, if the
record required is the twentieth record on the file, in order to get it into storage to process it the
computer will first have to read in all nineteen preceding records.
This is possible with files organized sequentially or indexed-sequentially.
Random Access:
This is a method of retrieval or storage of data that does not require any other stored data to be read
first, that is, the storage locations can be accessed (read or written to) in any order, with the help of
the record key. It is also called ‘direct access’. This type of access is possible on a file with
indexed-sequential or random organization.

PRACTICE EXERCISE: (5 fill in the gap question per subtopic, 3 short answer questions)
1. In random access, data can be read or written at ____________ positions within a file. …leadership with distinction

2. Sequential access is particularly suitable for processing ____________ data, such as log files.
3. An index is a data structure that facilitates quick ____________ access to specific parts of a file.
4. In batch access, a group of related data records is processed in a single ____________.
5. The file system provides an organized way to access and manage files and folders on a
Computer files can be classified as follows:
• Master files,
• Transaction,
• Reference,
• Backup, report and
• Sort file.
Master File:
This is a file containing relatively permanent information, usually updated periodically, e.g customer
ledger, payroll, inventory, etc. it is a file that can be used as an authoritative source of data when
carrying out a particular job on the computer. Master files contain descriptive data.

Transaction File:
Transaction file holds the data related to master file, transaction files holds the data used to update
master file and used for audit trails. In a company, huge data is to be stored about products, sales,
inventories and employee’s details This is a collection of transaction records. (customers, employees,
vendors, etc.). Transaction files also serve as audit trails and history of the organization.
Examples of transaction files are:
1. Customer’s orders for products (to update an order file)
2. Details of price changes for products (to update a product file)
3. Details of cash postings in customer accounts (to be held for audit purposes)
4. Purchase orders, job cards, invoice dispatch notes etc
Reference File:
In computer science, a reference is a value that enables a program to indirectly access a particular
data item, such as variable or a record, in the computer’s memory or in some other storage device.
Reference file contains data that are to be permanently stored. Amendment to records on it are usually
not frequent. It stores data that are used as reference for processing of transaction.

Backup file

A backup files is used to hold copies (backups) of data or information from the computers fixed
storage (hard disk). Since a file held on the hard disk may be corrupted, lost or changed accidentally, …leadership with distinction
it is necessary to keep copies of the recently updated files. In case of the hard disk failure, a backup
file can be used to reconstruct the original file.

Report file

Report file is used to store relatively permanent records extracted from the master file or generated
after processing. For example you may obtain a stock levels report generated from an inventory
system while a copy of the report will be stored in the report file.
Sort file
It stores data which is arranged in a particular order.

Used mainly where data is to be processed sequentially. In sequential processing, data or records
are first sorted and held on a magnetic tape before updating the master file.


Computer files can be classified according to the following criteria:
• Nature of Content: Files of similar contents are classified together. Examples are database
files, worksheet files, etc.
• Organization method: The organization methods include sequential methods, random
methods, etc.
• Storage medium: a storage medium is any technology used to place, keep and retrieve data.

TOPICAL TEST: (10 multiple Choice Questions)

1. Which classification label might be assigned to files that are actively being used and modified by
a) Static
b) Archived
c) Dynamic
d) Obsolete
2. The classification of files can help in determining appropriate ____________ for data retention
and deletion.
a) File formats
b) Backup strategies
c) Encryption methods
d) Printing options …leadership with distinction

3. Files that are constantly changing and updated, such as log files, are often categorized as
____________ files.
a) Dynamic
b) Read-only
c) Sequential
d) Compressed
4. The process of assigning metadata to files, such as tags or labels, assists in their ____________.
a) Classification
b) Encryption
c) Compression
d) Backup
5. Which classification label is often given to files that are temporarily created by applications
during their execution?
a) Permanent
b) Dynamic
c) Archived
d) Obsolete
6. In ____________ access, data can be read or written in any order, allowing for efficient retrieval
of specific information.
a) Sequential
b) Batch
c) Indexed
d) Random
7. Which access method is commonly used for reading large media files, such as video or audio
a) Sequential access
b) Random access
c) Dynamic access …leadership with distinction
d) Batch access
8. The process of accessing data in a file by specifying its position or offset is a characteristic of
____________ access.
a) Sequential
b) Random
c) Batch
d) Dynamic
9. Which access method is efficient for processing a large number of data records in a single batch
a) Indexed access
b) Random access
c) Sequential access
d) Dynamic access
10. A ____________ is a logical structure that provides an organized way to access files and folders
in an operating system.
a) File hierarchy
b) File index
c) File segment
d) File header
The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.
----Carl Rogers …leadership with distinction

LESSON OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson the student will be able to
• Mention the Basic operations on computer files
• Define File Security.
• State effects of file insecurity: data loss and insecurity.
• Methods of file security.
The following are some operations that can be performed on a computer file;

(i) File creation: Creating a file with a given name

(ii) File Deletion: Deleting files that are no longer wanted
(iii) File retrieval: Retrieving a lose file or stored file.
(iv) File copy: Copying a created file to either an external or in-built storage device.
(v) File view: Viewing a created file or granting privilege of viewing.
(vi) File Update: Reading or changing the content of a file.
(vii) File Open: Opening the content of a file on the screen.
(viii) File Close: Losing access to a file by closing, until it is opened again.
File security refers to the measures put in place to protect files and ensure that only authorized users
can access them. This can include measures such as setting strong passwords, encrypting files, and
implementing access controls.

File Insecurity This is the concept that a file is always vulnerable and is prone to be lost or missing
in the computer.
File Insecurity refers to the concepts that a computer system is vulnerable to attack, thereby affecting
the files in the system.
Effects of file insecurity include;
1. Data Loss: This refers to the unforeseen loss of data or information.
Causes of data loss:
(i) Human error
(ii) Computer virus
(iii) Natural disaster …leadership with distinction

(iv) Hardware or system problem
(v) Software corruption or program problem.

2. Overwriting: This is a process of writing a binary set of data on a memory. Overwriting

generally occurs when unused files system clusters are written upon with new data. In general
it writes over the previous data.
1. Backups: The process of backing up a file refers to making copies of file so that these
additional copies may be used to restore the original data after a data loss event. Two distinct
purpose of backup are;
(i) Primary purpose: This is to recover data as a reaction to data loss, be it data corruption
or deleted data.
(ii) Secondary Purpose: The secondary purpose of data is to recover data from a historical
period of time within the constraints of a user-defined data retention policy.
2. Anti-virus: An anti-virus program protects a computer file from malicious virus attack,
detects and heals files that have been attacked. It is a program written to fight computer
virus. They are self replicating program that copies themselves and can infect other
programs. There are a number of antivirus packages available in the market, some major
ones are Norton antivirus, McAfee Scan, Karspasky, Avast, etc.
3. Password: A password is a secret word or string of characters that is used for authentication,
to prove identity or gain access to a resource. This prevents people from damaging files or
getting into e-mails account and disrupting them. It is a standard security precaution on
many computer systems.
4. Storage device labelling: Storage devices such as Floppies, CD’s DVDs, Flash drives needs
to be labelled so that one knows what is labelled in them, so as not to accidentally delete
them or format them.
PRACTICE EXERCISE: (5 fill in the gap question)
1. File Encryption: The process of converting a readable file into an unreadable format using a
specific algorithm is called ___.
2. Access Control: File ___ involves determining who is allowed to access a file and what actions
they can perform on it.
3. Authentication: To ensure file security, users often need to provide valid ___ credentials, such as
passwords or biometric data.
4. Permissions: File ___ define what actions can be performed on a file, such as read, write, and
execute, for different user categories.
5. Malware Protection: A ___ is a type of malicious software that can encrypt files and demand a
ransom for their release. …leadership with distinction

1. encryption
2. access control
3. authentication
4. permissions
5. ransomware
State two (2) File security methods and explain them.
1. What are the two purposes of file backup?
1. Computers can form calculations quickly and effectively
2. They use up less room
3. Data can be retrieved easily and quickly
4. Security is often tight and difficult to break into.
5. Documents that are lost can be retrieved
6. Mistakes and changes made can be corrected.
7. Quicker to find things and easier to sort.
8. Makes work easier
9. Search tools can enable work to be found easily.
10. Transactions and accounts can be handled more properly by computers than manually.
11. Computers can present information through graphs and bars
12. They are more reliable.

Limitations of Computerized Files:

1. They are expensive to set up
2. They require skilled labour with proficiency to set up.
3. They are not effective where there is irregular power supply.
4. They are prone to ‘hacking’
PRACTICE EXERCISE: (5 fill in the gap question per subtopic, 3 short answer questions)
1. The process of loading an operating system and essential programs into a computer's memory
when it is turned on is known as ____________.
2. The primary pointing device on a computer is the ____________, often used to move the cursor
on the screen.
3. To copy selected text or files, you would typically use the ____________ keyboard shortcut.
4. The act of saving your work onto a storage medium to prevent data loss is called ____________. …leadership with distinction

5. A ____________ is a graphical representation of a program, allowing users to interact with the
computer through icons and windows.
1. Explain any two effects of file insecurity?
2. What is ‘overwriting’?
3. Define file insecurity.
The Code Breaker's Challenge:
You are a detective investigating a case involving computer operations. Your task is to decode a
message left by the culprit. The message seems to be a sequence of basic computer operations.
Here's what you've deciphered so far:
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + S
Alt + F4
Your challenge is to figure out the pattern and determine what the next operation could be. Can you
crack the code and identify the next basic computer operation in the sequence?
TOPICAL TEST: (10 multiple Choice Questions,)
1. File insecurity refers to situations where files are susceptible to unauthorized access,
modification, or ____________.
a) Compression
b) Deletion
c) Encryption
d) Duplication
2. Which of the following is a common consequence of file insecurity?
a) Improved system performance
b) Efficient file organization
c) Data privacy breaches
d) Increased network speed …leadership with distinction

3. What is the primary purpose of using strong passwords for files and accounts?
a) Enhancing file visibility
b) Slowing down data access
c) Protecting against unauthorized access
d) Simplifying file management
4. Malware is a type of software designed to:
a) Improve file organization
b) Enhance system performance
c) Steal, damage, or gain unauthorized access to files
d) Enhance network connectivity
5. The practice of social engineering involves manipulating individuals to divulge sensitive
information and is often used in:
a) File encryption
b) File compression
c) Cybersecurity training
d) Unauthorized file access
6. A data breach occurs when:
a) Files are backed up securely
b) Files are organized efficiently
c) Unauthorized parties gain access to confidential data
d) Files are encrypted using strong algorithms
7. What is the purpose of a firewall in file security?
a) Encrypting files during transfer
b) Improving file search functionality
c) Monitoring and controlling network traffic
d) Organizing files into folders …leadership with distinction

8. The term phishing refers to attempts to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information
a) Physical security measures
b) File compression techniques
c) Social media engagement
d) Deceptive communication
9. encrypting a file involves:
a) Deleting it from the system
b) Storing it in multiple locations
c) Converting its content into unreadable form
d) Sharing it with authorized users
10. What is a common reason for file insecurity related to outdated software?
a) Increased compatibility
b) Enhanced system performance
c) Lack of security patches and updates
d) Improved file naming conventions.
1. A file method is a set of rules and procedures that define how files are ____________ and
managed within a computer system.
2. File compression reduces the size of a file by encoding its data using ____________ algorithms.
3. Encryption is the process of converting a file's contents into a scrambled or unreadable form
using a ____________.
4. A firewall is a network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing
____________ traffic.
5. Access control is a method used to restrict and manage ____________ to files based on user
roles and permissions.

The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change. …leadership with distinction

----Carl Rogers

• Definition of (i) Word Processing (ii) Text document.
• Examples of word processors.
• Application Areas.
• Facilities available in a word processor – type document, edit document, store document,
move, copy, paste, etc,
• Features: Editing, Formatting, Justification, search and replace, spell-check etc
SUB-TOPIC 1: Definition of (i) Word Processing (ii) Text document

Word Processing
This is an act of using the computer or other electronic equipments for the manipulation of text which
involves creation, editing, storage and printing. Other electronic devices that can be used to achieve
this are mobile phones, personal digital assistant (PDA), electric typewriters, computer etc.

Text Document
This is a collection of data that is written, typed, printed on paper, or created with a Computer
application and used to provide information for future use. A text document could contain single or
multiple pages.

Examples of Word Processor

There are many word processors available for use today; some of these are given below:
• Microsoft Word
• Word Perfect
• Corel word perfect
• Word star
• AmiPro
• iStudio Publisher
• Kingsoft Writer
• Mariner Write …leadership with distinction
• Mathematica
• Mellel
• Microsoft Word
• Microsoft Works
• Microsoft Write
• Nisus Writer
• Nota Bene
• Polaris Office
• PolyEdit
• QuickOffice
• Scrivener
• TechWriter
• TextMaker
• ThinkFree Office
• WordPad,


1. Offices: Word processing plays a vital role in the running of offices. It is used in the
production of letter heads, memo writing, circulars, etc.
2. Publishing: In publishing, typesetting process has been replaced by desktop publishing
software (DTP). This is the use of computers with graphics capacities to produce printed
materials for public consumption such as newspapers and magazines. DTP is much faster and
more flexible than typesetting. Publishers can easily make last minutes changes.
3. Journalism: This is the profession of reporting or editing news stories for the mass. Journalists
get information noted down on paper or through some other means like audio recording device.
4. Education: Word processing offers high versatility and flexibility to education. It is also
model-free instructional software, i.e. it provides many general relative advantages to teachers
and students. Word processing helps teachers use reparation time more efficiently by letting
them modify materials (lesson plan, lesson note and diaries) instead of creating new ones.
Enhances document appearance and allows sharing of documents.
5. Articles: Word processing has reduced the stress involved in article writing. The features
of modern word processing software such as Search and Replace, Go to, File sharing etc. have
made article writing more flexible unlike when typewriter was used.
6. Home: Word processing in the home tends to be educational, planning or business
related, dealing with assignments or work being completed at home or occasionally
recreational, e.g. writing short stories, letter writing, resume creation and card creation.


1. Type Document …leadership with distinction
The keyboard is used to type a document. You type a document by pressing the relevant keys
on the keyboard in order to arrive at the desired word. You do not have to worry about
overflowing the text line because the program will take care of breaking it up appropriately.
This automatic line breaking features is called word wrapping.

2. Edit Document
This is the ability to change text by adding, deleting and re-arranging letters, words, sentences
and paragraph. Text editing is the main operation users perform in word processing, which
also handles graphics and other multimedia files.

3. Store Document
Word processor gives the opportunity of accessing a previously saved file or document either
on the computer or on external storage facility, e.g. flash disk, DVD, diskette, etc. the
following are the three ways of saving a document:
(a) Click on File on the menu bar, the file menu list appears, click on the ‘SAVE’ command
(b) Click on the save button on the standard tool bar.
(c) Press CTRL + S on the keyboard. If you are saving the document for the first time, the
‘Save As’ dialog box will appear after you have used any of the three methods above.
Then type the file name in the space provided in a dialog window in front of ‘FILE NAME’
(the file name must be a name that reflects its contents for easy and quick retrieval).
Click on the ‘SAVE’ button.

4. Move, Copy and Paste

Another fantastic feature of the word processor is the ability to make changes to text easily
without having to cancel or rewrite. You can move a selected text from one place to another,
and as well copy. The difference between Move and Copy is the Move deletes the selected text
from the initial location, while copy retains the text. To Paste is to place the copied or moved
text into desired location in the document.

5. Using different font type and sizes

Several font sizes and type are available in modern word processor. The font size can be
increased or decreased anytime. The font type can also be changed anytime the need arises.
Follow the steps below to increase the font size:
(a) Highlight the word, text or paragraph
(b) Click the down arrow next to the size on the format bar. Often the default size is 12
(c) Click on the desired font under size
(d) Click on OK

Changing Font Type

i. Select the text you wish to change. …leadership with distinction
ii. Click the down arrow next to the font on the format bar. If you want to change the font
to bold, italic or underlined, click on the B, I, or U on the format bar
iii. Click the font you wish to use and the highlighted text will change.

PRACTICE EXERCISE: (5 fill in the gap questions)

1. The process of adjusting the space between characters in a document is known as __________.
2. __________ is a feature that allows you to view and edit a document as it will appear when printed.
3. A table consists of rows and columns, with each intersection of a row and column forming a
4. The term __________ refers to a predefined combination of font style, size, and color that you can
apply to text in a document.
5. The __________ tool in word processing allows you to align text to the left, center, right, or justify
1. Kerning
2. Print Preview
3. Cell
4. Text Style or Text Format
5. Alignment
1. Mention three examples of fonts in word processor
2. What are the differences between Cut and Copy in word processor.
3. illustrate the step of adding water mark in a document.

SUB-TOPIC 2: Features: Editing, Formatting, Justification, Search And Replace.

1. Editing: This is the ability to make corrections by changing text, by adding, deleting and
rearranging letters, words, sentences and paragraphs. …leadership with distinction

2. Formatting: Formatting a document means making the document appears the way you want
it. This refers to the structure, organization, presentation and appearance (colours, size, font
size and font face) of a set of data in a document.
Remove Extra Space between paragraphs in word 2007
i. On the home ribbon, find the Paragraph section
ii. In the bottom right corner of the section, click the button to show the paragraph dialog
iii. Select “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style”
iv. Click OK

You can remove the space between paragraphs you have already typed in your document.
Simply select the paragraphs and then follow the above steps.

Inserting Column in your word document

i. Position your cursor where you would like to insert the columns
ii. Open the Page Layout ribbon
iii. In the Page Setup section, click Columns
iv. From the dropdown menu, select the number of columns you would like o insert.
v. Word will automatically insert the columns in your document.
Inserting a Column Break in your Word Document
i. Position your cursor where you would like to insert the column break
ii. Open the Page Layout ribbon
iii. In the Page Setup section, click Breaks
iv. From the dropdown menu, select Column
v. Any text typed will begin in the next column

3. Justification
Justification in word processor means to adjust horizontal spacing, so that text is aligned evenly along
both the left and right margins. Justifying text creates a smooth edge on both sides.
i. Highlight the text
ii. Press Ctrl + J on the keyboard OR

i. Highlight the text

ii. From the Home button, take your cursor to the paragraph ribbon and click on desired

4. Search and Replace …leadership with distinction
This means looking for a particular word/phrase in a document and replacing it with another word or
phrase. E.g
i. In the word document, select the word (or group of words) that you wish to be replaced. Click
the Replace button found in the Editing group under the Home tab option in the office Ribbon
menu bar.
ii. In the displayed dialog box, you will that the selected word is already in the Find what text
box as show below:

ii. In the Replace with text box, type the word you will like to use to replace the existing ones in
the document.
iv. Click Replace to replace only that word.
v. Click Replace All to replace all the occurrence of the word.

5. Spell Check/Thesaurus
This is the capability of the word processor to check the correctness of spelling or the grammar of a
document using a particular dictionary; it could be British or American dictionary.
Type the text exactly as seen and observe how the word processor underlines words and sentences.
Take your cursor over the underlined texts and right-click to see the correct options.

6. File Merging
Modern word processors have the ability of joining two or more documents from one. These
documents can be texts or graphics. Steps:
i. Create a new blank document and then set the page layout to be similar to the documents that
you are going to merged.
ii. Click Insert tab option in the Office ribbon menu bar

iii. In the Text group, click on the down arrow at the right side of object.

iv. Select Text from File ….option

v. In the ‘Insert File” dialog window, select all word documents that you want to merge and
combine into one.
vi. Click on Insert button …leadership with distinction
PRACTICE EXERCISE: (5 fill in the gap question per subtopic, 3 short answer questions)

1. What does it mean to justify text?

2. What is the use of formatting marks in word processors?
1. What features in word processors enables automatic line breaking?
2. Mention three other automatic features in word processors.
3. State the command that you will use in word processors to do the following:
i. Save a document
ii. Copy text
iii. Paste text
iv. Open a file
TOPICAL TEST: (10 multiple Choice Questions,)
1. Which of the following is a popular word processing software developed by Microsoft?
a) Excel
b) PowerPoint
c) Word
d) Photoshop
2. What is the purpose of the "Undo" feature in word processing software?
a) Save the document
b) Redo the last action
c) Delete selected text
d) Reverse the last action
3. Which term describes the arrangement of text on a page, including margins, alignment, and
a) Font
b) Format
c) Indentation
d) Layout
4. What does the "Copy" function do in word processing?
a) Delete selected text …leadership with distinction
b) Move text to a different location
c) Duplicate selected text to the clipboard
d) Change font size
5. Which alignment option positions text evenly between the left and right margins?
a) Left-aligned
b) Center-aligned
c) Right-aligned
d) Justified
6. What is the purpose of the "Find and Replace" tool in word processing?
a) Spell check the document
b) Change the document's font
c) Search for specific text and replace it with another
d) Insert hyperlinks
7. What is a "Header" in word processing?
a) A section of a document that displays page numbers and other information at the top of each
b) A type of font style
c) A tool for adjusting the document's layout
d) The main body of text in a document
8. Which file format is commonly used for sharing documents, ensuring they appear the same on
different devices?
a) TXT
b) PDF
9. What is the purpose of "Bulleted" and "Numbered" lists in word processing?
a) Add images to the document …leadership with distinction

b) Create tables
c) Organize and present information in a structured manner
d) Change the document's page size
10. What is the function of the "Page Break" feature in word processing?
a) Change the font of the document
b) Insert a blank page at the end of the document
c) Divide the document into sections, forcing content to start on a new page
d) Print the document
You've received a mysterious document that seems to be filled with random text. However, you
suspect that there might be a hidden message within it. As you examine the document, you notice
some unusual patterns in the formatting:
1. Every seventh word is in bold.
2. Every ninth word is italicized.
3. Every eleventh word is underlined.
After carefully applying these formatting rules, you read the formatted words in order and discover
a message.
Question: What is the hidden message in the document?
(Note: You can create a simple text document and use random words to set up this brain
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.
----Louisa May Alcott …leadership with distinction


• Working with object, pictures and shapes, grouping of shapes in Ms Word.
• Using the Drop cap
• Steps creating water mark
• Inserting footer and header



▪ To select all of the text in the document, choose Select All.

▪ To select objects that are hidden, stacked, or behind text, choose Select Objects. To select an
object, click or tap when your pointer becomes a selection arrow as it moves over an object.
To select multiple objects, press and hold Ctrl while you click or tap the objects that you want.
▪ To select text with similar formatting, choose Select All Text with Similar Formatting.
▪ To open the task pane where you can select, multi-select, show, hide, or change the order of
objects, choose Selection Pane, and then select the options that you want. …leadership with distinction

Group shapes, pictures, or other objects
• Press and hold CTRL and select shapes, pictures, or other objects to group.
• The Wrap Text option for each object must be other than In line with Text.
Do one of the following:

▪ Go to Picture Format or Picture Tools Format > Group > Group.

▪ Go to Shape Format or Drawing Tools Format > Group > Group.

Insert a drop cap

A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter used as a decorative element at the beginning
of a paragraph or section. The size of a drop cap is usually two or more lines.

The following illustration shows your options for positioning a drop cap. …leadership with distinction

Add a drop cap

1. Select the first character of a paragraph.

2. Go to INSERT > Drop Cap.

3. Select the drop cap option you want.

▪ To create a drop cap that fits within your paragraph, select Dropped.

▪ To create a drop cap that is in the margin, outside of your paragraph, select In margin. …leadership with distinction

Remove a drop cap

1. Highlight the large drop cap letter.

2. Go to INSERT > Drop Cap, and select None.


• Draw a complete flowchart symbol and duplicate in five on same page

SUB-TOPIC 2: Applying Headers and footers

CONTENT: …leadership with distinction

1. Go to Insert > Header or Footer.
2. Choose the header style you want to use.
3. Add or change text for the header or footer. For more info on things you can do with headers,
see Edit your existing headers and footers. To edit a header or footer that's been already
created, double-click on it.
4. To eliminate a header--like deleting it on the title page--select it and then check the Different
First Page box.
5. Select Close Header and Footer or press Esc to exit.

To delete, select Insert > Header (or Footer) > Remove Header (or Remove Footer)

Task: Creating a Newsletter Article
Imagine you are part of a school's journalism club, and you've been assigned to create an article for
the upcoming school newsletter. Your article will be about the recent Pi day that took place in your
school. Follow the instructions below to complete the task:
1. Open a New Document Open a blank document in a word processing software of your
2. Formatting: Format your document with the following specifications:
- Set the font style to "Arial" and the font size to 12.
- Align the text to justify.
- Insert a centered title at the top of the document: "Highlights from the Annual Pi day"
3. Introduction Write an introduction paragraph (3-4 sentences) introducing the Pi day and its
significance to the school community.
4. Event Details create a bulleted list that includes at least four key event details from the science fair
(e.g., projects displayed, participating grades, special guests).
5. Participant Interviews: Add a section with two participant interviews. Use italic font for the
interviewees' names and bold for their answers. Include questions about their favorite project and
what they learned from the experience.
6. Visuals insert one relevant image from the Pi day. Position it to the right of the text and provide a
caption for the image.
7. Conclusion Write a closing paragraph summarizing the success of the Pi day and encouraging
readers to look forward to more school events. …leadership with distinction

8. Proofreading Use the spelling and grammar check features to review and correct any errors in your
9. Saving and sharing save your document with an appropriate filename (e.g., " Pi day
_Article.docx"). Export the document as a PDF file for sharing.
Question: Create the article about the Pi day based on the instructions provided. Your article should
be well-structured, visually appealing, and error-free. And add a water mark of your name across.

TOPIC: System Development Cycle.
• Definition of System Development Cycle
• Description of System Development Cycle.
• Stages in System Development Cycle: (i) Preliminary study (ii) Feasibility study (iii)
Investigative study (iv) Analysis (v) Design (vi) Implementation (viii) Study review.
SUB-TOPIC 1: Description of System Development Cycle.
Description of System Development Cycle
The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process applies to information system development
projects ensuring that all functional and user requirements and agency strategic goals and objectives
are met. The SDLC provides a structured and standardized process for all phases of any system
development effort. These phases track the development of a system through several developmental
stages from feasibility analysis, system planning and concept development; to acquisition and
requirements definition; design; development; integration and testing; deployment and acceptance;
though deployment and production; and finally to system retirement or maintenance.

Stages in System Development Cycle …leadership with distinction
• Preliminary study
• Feasibility study
• Investigative study
• Analysis
• Design
• Implementation
• Maintenance
• Study review


(i) Preliminary study: Preliminary system study is the first stage of system development life
cycle. This is a brief investigation of the system under consideration and gives a clear picture of
what actually the physical system is. In practice, the initial system study involves the preparation
of a System proposal which lists the Problem Definition, Objectives of the Study, Terms of
reference for Study, Constraints, Expected benefits of the new system, etc. in the light of the user
requirements. The system proposal is prepared by the System Analyst (who studies the system)
and places it before the user management. In summary, we would say that system study phase
passes through the following steps:
▪ problem identification and project initiation
▪ background analysis
▪ inference or findings

(ii) Feasibility study: After the system proposal is accepted by the management, the next phase
is to examine the feasibility of the system. The feasibility study is basically the test of the
proposed system in the light of its workability, meeting user’s requirements, effective use of
resources and of course, the cost effectiveness. These are categorized as technical, operational,
economic, schedule and social feasibility. The main goal of feasibility study is not to solve the
problem but to achieve the scope. In short, following decision are taken in different feasibility

Economic feasibility - The likely benefits outweigh the cost of solving the problem which is
generally demonstrated by a cost/ benefit analysis.

Operational feasibility - Whether the problem can be solved in the user’s environment with existing
and proposed system workings?

Organizational feasibility – Whether the proposed system is consistent with the organization’s
strategic objectives?
Technical feasibility - Whether the problem be solved using existing technology and resources
available? …leadership with distinction

Social feasibility – Whether the problem be solved without causing any social issues? Whether the
system will be acceptable to the society?

(iii) Investigative study: The detailed investigation of the system is carried out in accordance
with the objectives of the proposed system. This involves detailed study of various operations
performed by a system and their relationships within and outside the system. During this process,
data are collected on the available files, decision points and transactions handled by the present
system. Interviews, on-site observation and questionnaire are the tools to be used for detailed
system study. Using the following steps it becomes easy to draw the exact boundary of the new
system under consideration:
▪ Keeping in view the problems and new requirements
▪ Workout the pros and cons including new areas of the system
All the data and the findings must be documented in the form of detailed data flow diagrams (DFDs),
data dictionary, logical data structures and miniature specifications. It includes planning for the new
system, analysis of requirement, system constraints, functions and proposed system architecture,
prototype of the proposed system and its analysis.
▪ The new project will then proceed through all the above life cycle phases.

PRACTICE EXERCISE: (5 fill in the gap questions)

1. The __________ is a structured process that outlines the steps involved in designing, developing,
testing, deploying, and maintaining software applications.
2. The first phase of the SDLC is the __________ phase, where the initial idea for the software is
conceptualized, and the project's feasibility is assessed.
3. During the __________ phase, the software requirements are gathered from stakeholders,
including users, clients, and business analysts.
4. The __________ phase involves creating the actual code and programming the software
according to the design specifications.
5. The __________ phase involves thorough testing of the software to identify and fix any defects
before it is released to users.
1. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
2. Planning
3. Requirements gathering …leadership with distinction
4. Development
5. Testing
SUB-TOPIC 2: Analysis
(iv) Analysis: Systems analysis is a process of collecting factual data, understand the processes
involved, identifying problems and recommending feasible suggestions for improving the system
functioning. This involves studying the business processes, gathering operational data,
understand the information flow, finding out bottlenecks and evolving solutions for overcoming
the weaknesses of the system so as to achieve the organizational goals. System Analysis also
includes subdividing of complex process involving the entire system, identification of data store
and manual processes.
The major objectives of systems analysis are to find answers for each business process:
What is being done?
How is it being done?
Who is doing it?
When is he doing it? Why is it being done?
How can it be improved?
It is more of a thinking process and involves the creative skills of the System Analyst. It attempts to
give birth to a new efficient system that satisfies the current needs of the user and has scope for
future growth within the organizational constraints. The result of this process is a logical system
design. System analysis is an iterative process that continues until a preferred and acceptable
solution emerges.

(v) Design: Based on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of a new system, the new
system must be designed. This is the phase of system designing. It is the most crucial phase in
the development of a system. The logical system design arrived at as a result of system analysis
and is converted into physical system design. In the design phase the SDLC process continues to
move from the, what questions of the analysis phase to the how. The logical design produced
during the analysis is turned into a physical design - a detailed description of what is needed to
solve original problem. Input, output, databases, forms, codification schemes and processing
specifications are drawn up in detail. In the design stage, the programming language and the
hardware and software platform in which the new system will run are also decided. In the design
stage, logical design is translated into computer programming codes after which testing is done
to ensure a workable system
The system design needs to be implemented to make it a workable system. This demands the
coding of design into computer language, i.e., programming language. This is also called the
programming phase in which the programmer converts the program specifications into computer
instructions, which we refer to as programs. It is an important stage where the defined procedures …leadership with distinction

are transformed into control specifications by the help of a computer language. The programs
coordinate the data movements and control the entire process in a system.

Before actually implementing the new system into operations, a test run of the system is done
removing all the bugs, if any. It is an important phase of a successful system. After codifying the
whole programs of the system, a test plan should be developed and run on a given set of test data.
The output of the test run should match the expected results. Sometimes, system testing is
considered as a part of implementation process.
Using the test data following test run are carried out:
▪ Program test
▪ System test

Program test: When the programs have been coded and compiled and brought to working
conditions, they must be individually tested with the prepared test data. All verification and
validation be checked and any undesirable happening must be noted and debugged (error

System Test: After carrying out the program test for each of the programs of the system and errors
removed, then system test is done. At this stage the test is done on actual data. The complete system
is executed on the actual data. At each stage of the execution, the results or output of the system is
analyzed. During the result analysis, it may be found that the outputs are not matching the expected
output of the system. In such case, the errors in the particular programs are identified and are fixed
and further tested for the expected output.

(vi) Implementation: After having the user acceptance of the new system developed, the
implementation phase begins. Implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is
turned into practice. The major steps involved in this phase are:
▪ Acquisition and Installation of Hardware and Software
▪ Conversion
▪ User Training
▪ Documentation
The hardware and the relevant software required for running the system must be made fully
operational before implementation. The conversion is also one of the most critical and expensive
activities in the system development life cycle. The data from the old system needs to be converted
to operate in the new format of the new system. The database needs to be setup with security and
recovery procedures fully defined.
During this phase, all the programs of the system are loaded onto the user’s computer. After loading
the system, training of the user starts. Main topics of such type of training are:
▪ How to execute the package?
▪ How to enter the data?
▪ How to process the data (processing details)? …leadership with distinction

▪ How to take out the reports?
The documentation of the system is also one of the most important activity in the system development
life cycle. This ensures the continuity of the system. Generally following two types of
documentations are prepared for any system.
▪ User or Operator Documentation
▪ System Documentation
(vii) Maintenance: Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors in the system during its working
life and to tune the system to any variations in its working environments. It must meet the scope
of any future enhancement, future functionality and any other added functional features to cope
up with the latest future needs. It has been seen that there are always some errors found in the
systems that must be noted and corrected. It also means the review of the system from time to
time. The review of the system is done for:
▪ knowing the full capabilities of the system
▪ knowing the required changes or the additional requirements
▪ studying the performance.
TOPICAL TEST: (10 multiple Choice Questions)
1. What does SDLC stand for?
a) Software Development Lifecycle
b) System Deployment Life Cycle
c) Software Deployment Logistics Cycle
d) System Design and Launch Cycle
2. Which phase of the SDLC involves identifying the software's scope, goals, and constraints?
a) Design
b) Testing
c) Planning
d) Maintenance
3. During which phase are software requirements gathered and documented?
a) Design
b) Implementation
c) Testing
d) Requirements Analysi
4. Which SDLC model emphasizes a sequential progression of phases, with each phase dependent
on the completion of the previous one? …leadership with distinction
a) Agile
b) Waterfall
c) Spiral
d) RAD (Rapid Application Development)
5. The main goal of the Design phase in SDLC is to:
a) Write the code for the software.
b) Gather user feedback on the prototype.
c) Define the architecture and components of the software.
d) Identify and fix defects in the software.
6. In the Testing phase of SDLC, the primary purpose is to:
a) Develop the software's user interface.
b) Design the database structure.
c) Ensure the software meets the specified requirements and is free of defects.
d) Define the software's features and functionalities.
7. Which SDLC model focuses on iterative and incremental development, accommodating changing
requirements throughout the project?
a) Waterfall
b) V-Model
c) Agile
d) Incremental
8. What is the primary objective of the Deployment phase in SDLC?
a) Develop the software code.
b) Gather user feedback.
c) Distribute the software to users.
d) Document the requirements.
9. Which phase of SDLC involves continuous monitoring, bug fixing, and making enhancements to
the software after it's released? …leadership with distinction

a) Planning
b) Maintenance
c) Testing
d) Implementation
10. Which SDLC model involves a risk-driven approach, emphasizing constant evaluation and
adjustments to the software's design and functionality?
a) Waterfall
b) Iterative
c) RAD (Rapid Application Development)
d) Spiral
1. a) Software Development Lifecycle
2. c) Planning
3. d) Requirements Analysis
4. b) Waterfall
5. c) Define the architecture and components of the software.
6. c) Ensure the software meets the specified requirements and is free of defects.
7. c) Agile
8. c) Distribute the software to users.
9. b) Maintenance
10. d) Spiral
Sure, here's a brain teaser related to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
A software development team was working diligently on a new project. However, when reviewing
their documentation, they realized that an entire phase of the SDLC seemed to be missing. The team
was puzzled and unsure how to proceed. Can you determine which phase is missing?
1. This phase typically involves creating a detailed plan for how the software will be built.
2. It includes defining the scope, objectives, resources, and schedules for the project. …leadership with distinction
3. It's a crucial phase that helps ensure the project is feasible and well-organized before moving
Question: which phase of the SDLC is missing from the project documentation?
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
—Malcolm X

• Application process of SDLC
• Group (students) Presentations
SUB-TOPIC 1: Application process of SDLC

The application of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in a firm involves implementing
a structured approach to develop and manage software projects. Here's how SDLC can be
applied in a firm:
1. Initiation
- Identify the need for a new software application or an update to an existing one.
- Define the scope, objectives, and expected outcomes of the project.
- Allocate resources, budget, and establish a project team.
2. Requirement Gathering and Analysis: …leadership with distinction
- Engage with stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations.
- Document detailed requirements, features, and functionalities.
- Analyze the feasibility, technical complexity, and potential risks of the project.
3. Planning:
- Create a project plan outlining the timeline, tasks, and milestones.
- Define roles and responsibilities for team members.
- Allocate resources, including personnel, hardware, and software tools.
4. Design
- Design the architecture and technical specifications of the software.
- Create wireframes or prototypes to visualize user interfaces.
- Plan the database structure, data flow, and integration points.
5. Implementation (Coding)
- Develop the software based on the design specifications.
- Write clean, maintainable code following coding standards and best practices.
- Collaborate using version control systems and development environments.
6. Testing:
- Develop comprehensive test cases and scenarios.
- Conduct different levels of testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and user
acceptance testing.
- Identify and resolve defects and issues.
7. Deployment:
- Prepare the software for deployment in the production environment.
- Set up servers, databases, and other necessary components.
- Test the software in the target environment to ensure stability and compatibility.
8. Maintenance and Support:
- Monitor the software in the live environment for performance, security, and user experience.
- Address user feedback, bugs, and feature requests. …leadership with distinction
- Release updates, patches, and enhancements as needed.
9. Documentation:
- Maintain thorough documentation of the project, including design, code, and user guides.
- Document changes and updates made during the development process.
- Ensure documentation is accessible to the relevant stakeholders.
10. Project Management:
- Monitor project progress against the defined timeline and milestones.
- Manage risks and issues as they arise.
- Communicate project status and updates to stakeholders.
11. Change Management:
- Address changes in project scope or requirements through a structured change management
- Assess the impact of changes on the project timeline, budget, and resources.
12. Feedback and Iteration:
- Gather feedback from end-users and stakeholders after deployment.
- Use feedback to identify areas for improvement and plan iterative updates.
13. Training and Knowledge Transfer:
- Provide training to users on how to use the software effectively.
- Ensure that the development team transfers knowledge to support and maintenance teams.
14. Compliance and Security:
- Ensure the software complies with relevant industry regulations and security standards.
- Implement security measures to protect data and user information.
15. Continuous Improvement:
- Conduct post-project reviews to identify lessons learned and areas for improvement.
- Use insights from reviews to refine the firm's SDLC processes for future projects.
By following a structured SDLC approach, a firm can effectively manage software projects,
minimize risks, deliver high-quality software solutions, and meet the needs of both internal and
external stakeholders. …leadership with distinction
Students should identify one problem or challenge in their campus and state the process of solving
the problem using SDLC
SUB-TOPIC 2: Group Presentation
The students should be grouped, each group will select a spoke person that will represent the
entire group, at the end of the presentation the audience (classmate) will be given the floor to
ask tough questions any member of the group is free to respond to the questions.
Teacher should pay attention to the presentation delivery, confidence, speaking, knowledge
based, marks should awarded evenly to the group.( 5 mins for each presentation) …leadership with distinction


TOPIC: Overview of Number Bases:

LESSON OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to :

• list and explain the common number bases
• convert from one number base to another
• perform basic arithmetic in various number bases

ENTRY BEHAVIOUR: Students are expected to have solid foundation in basic arithmetic and
number theory.

SUB-TOPIC 1: (a) Review of number bases (i) Binary (ii) Octal (iii) Decimal (iv) Hexadecimal



Most computer systems operates using binary logic. The binary number shystem works like the
decimal number system except that the binary number systems uses base 2, and its digits are 0
and 1 while decimal system uses base 10 and its digits are from 0 – 9.
The common number systems used in computing are:
(i) Base 10 known as Decimal Number System
(ii) Base 2 known as Binary Number System
(iii) Base 8 known as Octal Number System
(iv) Base 16 known as Hexadecimal Number System

Binary Number system:

The binary numeral system, or base-2 number system, represents numeric values using two
symbols, 0 and 1.
Octal Number System:
The octal numeral system is the base 8 number system, and uses the digits 0-7. Numerals can be
made from binary numerals by grouping consecutive binary digits into group of three (starting
from the right). For example, the binary representation for decimal 74 is 1001010, which can be
grouped into (00)1 001 010. Therefore, the octal representation is 112.

Decimal Number System: …leadership with distinction
The decimal numeral system (also called base ten or occasionally denary) has ten as its base. It is
the most common notation and often refers to a base-10 positional notation.

Hexadecimal Number System:

Hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a positional numeral system with a base of 16, i.e. it uses
sixteen distinct symbols, i.e. 0-9, A-F representing values 10-15.


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate terms or values to complete the sentences correctly.

1. A __________ numeral system is a way of representing numbers using a specific set of

symbols and rules for their arrangement.
2. The __________ numeral system, also known as base-10, is the most common numeral
system used in daily life.
3. In the binary numeral system, each digit can be either 0 or __________.
4. The hexadecimal numeral system uses a set of symbols that includes digits 0-9 and the
letters __________ to represent values.
5. The __________ digit in a number holds the most significant value and contributes the
most to the overall value of the number.
6. Converting a number from binary to decimal involves using the powers of __________.
7. The octal numeral system, also known as base-8, uses digits ranging from __________ to
8. When converting a number from decimal to another base, the process involves successive
__________ and __________ operations.
9. The least significant digit (LSD) in a number has the __________ impact on the overall
value of the number.
10.The binary system is widely used in computers due to its compatibility with electronic
devices that can represent two distinct __________ states. …leadership with distinction

SUB-TOPIC 2: (b) Conversion in number bases
From Decimal to other bases:
To convert from base 10 to any other base, simply divide the given number continuously by the
number base being converted to, until its no longer divisible. Then the remainders are copied in
ascending order.
Example I: Convert 34510 to base 2
2 345
2 172 R1
2 86 R0
2 43 R0
Therefore, 34510 = 1010110012
2 21 R1
2 10 R1
2 5 R0
2 2 R1
2 1 R0
0 R1

Example II: Convert 200010to base 8

8 2000
8 250 R 0 Therefore, 200010 = 37208
8 31 R2
8 3 R7
8 0 R3

Conversion from Binary to Decimal

Example I: Convert 1011001012 to base 10
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 place value
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 12 binary digits
= 1 x 28 + 0 x 27 + 1 x 26 + 1 x 25 + 0 x 24 + 0 x 23 + 1 x 22 + 0 x 21 + 1 x 20 …leadership with distinction

= 1 x 256 + 1 x 64 + 1 x 32 + 1 x 4 + 1 x 1
= 256 + 64 + 32 + 4 + 1
= 35710
Conversion from Octal to Decimal
458 to base 10
= 4 x 81 + 5 x 80
= 32 + 5
= 3710
Conversion from Hexadecimal to Binary
The hexadecimal number system (base 16) uses group of four bits, the table below can be used
for conversions:
Decimal Binary Hexadecimal
0 0000 0
1 0001 1
2 0010 2
3 0011 3
4 0100 4
5 0101 5
6 0110 6
7 0111 7
8 1000 8
9 1001 9
10 1010 A
11 1011 B
12 1100 C
13 1101 D
14 1110 E
15 1111 F

To convert D14B to binary:

D = 1101, 1 = 0001, 4 = 0100, B = 1011

When we put the pieces together, we get D14B16 = 11010001010010112 …leadership with distinction
Fill in the blanks accurately to complete the questions correctly.
1. To convert a binary number to decimal, you multiply each digit by the corresponding
power of __________ and then sum them up.
2. The hexadecimal digit "A" is equivalent to the decimal value __________.
3. To convert a decimal number to binary, you repeatedly divide the number by 2 and note
down the __________.
4. In octal, each group of three binary digits is represented by a single __________ digit.
5. The process of converting a number from one base to another is often aided by using an
intermediate step, such as converting to decimal __________.
6. The binary number 101101 can be represented in octal as __________.
7. To convert a hexadecimal number to binary, replace each hexadecimal digit with its
equivalent __________-bit binary representation.
8. The octal number 34 is equivalent to the binary number __________.
9. When converting from a base other than decimal to decimal, you multiply each digit by the
corresponding power of the base and then sum them up to get the decimal __________.
10.To convert a decimal number to another base, you repeatedly divide the number by the
base and note down the __________ as remainders.

SUB-TOPIC 3: (c) Basic Arithmetic in number bases (i) Addition (ii) Subtraction.



The rules for adding base 2 numbers are simple;
1 + 1 = 10
1 + 1 + 1 = 11
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 100
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 101

Example I: Add the numbers 10101101 + 1011110

10101101 …leadership with distinction

+ 1011110

Example II: 10001 – 100


Example III: Add up 4678 + 4538


Example IV: Compute FAD16 – BED16



Fill in the blanks correctly with the results of the arithmetic operations in the specified number

1. In binary addition, when adding 1 and 1, the result is __________ with a carry of
2. In octal subtraction, when subtracting 3 from 7, the result is __________.
3. The addition of 5 and 7 in hexadecimal yields __________.
4. In binary multiplication, when multiplying 101 by 10, the result is __________.
5. The result of subtracting 25 from 37 in octal is __________.
6. When dividing 1101 by 11 in binary, the quotient is __________ and the remainder is
7. In hexadecimal addition, adding B and 6 gives you __________.
8. Multiplying 25 by 3 in octal results in __________.
9. When performing 1111 minus 1001 in binary, the result is __________.
10.Dividing AB by 11 in hexadecimal gives a quotient of __________ and a remainder of
__________. …leadership with distinction

1. What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10101? A) 21 B) 25 C) 29 D) 31

2. Which of the following is a valid digit in the octal numeral system? A) 8 B) 9 C) A D) B
3. What is the hexadecimal representation of the decimal number 255? A) FF B) DD C) CC
4. In binary subtraction, what is 1 - 1? A) 0 B) 1 C) 10 D) -1
5. What is the decimal equivalent of the octal number 47? A) 31 B) 39 C) 55 D) 71
6. In hexadecimal, what is the value of the digit 'C'? A) 10 B) 12 C) 14 D) 16
7. What is the binary representation of the decimal number 13? A) 1101 B) 1011 C) 1110
D) 1001
8. Which of the following is the correct conversion of the binary number 1101 to octal? A)
15 B) 13 C) 27 D) 33
9. When converting from binary to hexadecimal, how many binary digits correspond to one
hexadecimal digit? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 8
10.What is the decimal result of adding the octal numbers 34 and 46? A) 70 B) 84 C) 120 D)


1. Explain the concept of a numeral system or number base.

2. Describe the process of converting a decimal number to binary.
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the binary numeral system in digital
4. Explain the concept of place value notation in various numeral systems. How does it differ
between base-10, base-2, and other bases? Provide examples to illustrate your points.
5. Describe the process of converting a binary number to its octal equivalent. Provide
examples and explain the reasoning behind each step

Binary Triangle:

Imagine you have a triangle made up of rows of binary numbers like this:
10 …leadership with distinction

Each row represents a binary number, where each digit is either 0 or 1. Can you find the pattern
in the rows and determine the next three rows in the sequence?

Give it a shot! This brain teaser challenges you to discern the pattern and continue the sequence
based on the rules of binary numbers.

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES: …leadership with distinction

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