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M.Sc. Geology

Session - 2020-22

Department of Geology
Programme Outcomes of M. Sc. Geology Programme

M.Sc. geology programme renders insight on the Earth Systems Sciences and its
relationship with other branches of science leading to development of basic
observational skill to become prominent geoscientist. Students will develop their
critical thinking skills, application to solve the geological problems using
scientific methods. Training under this program will enhance the ability of the
students to acquire, analyze, recommend and communicate their ideas, scientific
data and interpretation to the users. The programme equips them for competing
in different National and International level examinations. This programme
provides ample opportunities to the students to become a professional geologist
in reputed industries and government agencies. It also motivates students to
build their careers as researchers/academicians at universities or scientific
organizations of National and International repute.

Course Structure of the Programme
Course Course Title Course Credit Hours Credit
Code Type L T P Cr
Mineralogy and
EGS.506 Crystallography Core 4 0 0 4
EGS.507 Paleontology Core 4 0 0 4
EGS.508 Sedimentology Core 2 0 0 2
Mineralogy and
EGS.509 Crystallography (Practical) Core 0 0 4 2
Paleontology and
EGS.510 Sedimentology (Practical) Core 0 0 4 2
Select any one from the following Discipline Elective course/MOOC
Geomorphology and Discipline
Geotectonics Elective 4 0 0 4
Environmental Geology and Discipline
EGS.512 Natural Hazards Elective 4 0 0 4
Natural Resource and Discipline
EGS.513 Watershed Management Elective 4 0 0 4
Compulsory Foundation Course
Computer application Compulsory
CST.501 (Theory)*# Foundation 2 0 0 2
STA.503 Statistics for Science * #
Foundation 2 0 0 2
Interdisciplinary course
Interdisciplinary course # IDC 2 0 0 2
Total Credit Hours 20 0 8 24

Interdisciplinary course offered by the Department

EGS 534 Introduction to Disaster Interdiscip- 2 0 0 2
Management linary

Course Course Title Course Type Credit Hours Credi
Code t
L T P Cr
Geochemistry and Isotope
EGS.521 Geology Core 4 0 0 4
Igneous and Metamorphic
EGS.522 Petrology Core 4 0 0 4
EGS.523 Structural Geology Core 4 0 0 4

Igneous and Metamorphic
EGS.524 Petrology (Practical) Core 0 0 4 2
EGS.525 Structural Geology (Practical) Core 0 0 4 2
EGS.526 Field training – I † Skill Based 0 0 0 2
EGS.542 Seminar Skill Based 0 0 0 1
Select any one from the following Discipline Elective course /MOOC
Oceanography and Discipline
EGS.527 Climatology $ Elective 4 0 0 4
EGS.528 Mineral Exploration and Discipline 4 0 0 4
Petroleum Geology Elective
Interdisciplinary course# IDC 2 0 0 2
Total Credit Hours 18 0 10 25

Interdisciplinary course offered by the Department

EGS 534 Introduction to Disaster Interdiscip- 2 0 0 2
Management linary

* University level courses (theory) will be offered by the Department of Computer

Sciences and Technology, Mathematics and Statistics or Computational Science.
# Student can also choose suitable MOOC courses instead of CST.501 or STA.
503 or IDC
† Fieldwork will be conducted any time during the semester as per the suitable
time. During any unavoidable circumstance, if the field work is not conducted in
the allocated semester, then the fieldwork and its credits will be shifted to the
subsequent semesters as per the requirement. Evaluation of this course will be
based on the field activity, daily field report, final report submission and
$ Based on the availability of infrastructural facility and faculty any one of the
course will be offered to the batch.
NB: Students are free to choose suitable MOOC courses in addition to the credit
defined in the course structure.

Course Course Title Course Type Credit Hours Credit
Code L T P Cr
Engineering Geology and
EGS.551 Geophysics Core 4 0 0 4
Hydrogeology, Remote
EGS.552 Sensing and GIS Core 4 0 0 4
Hydrogeology, Remote
EGS.553 Sensing and GIS (Practical) Core 0 0 4 2
EGS.555 Research Methodology Foundation 4 0 0 4
EGS.543 Seminar Skill Based 0 0 0 1
EGS.599 Project work Skill Based 0 0 12 6
Value added Course VAC 1 0 0 1
Total Credit Hours 13 0 16 22

Value Added Course offered by the Department

EGS.503 Introduction to Field Value added
accessories for Geoscience course 1 0 0 1

Course Course Title Course Type Credit Hours Credit
Code L T P Cr
Principle of Stratigraphy
EGS.571 and Indian Stratigraphy Core 4 0 0 4
EGS.572 Ore Geology Core 4 0 0 4
Ore geology and
EGS.573 Exploration (Practical) Core 0 0 4 2
EGS.574 Field training – II †† Core 0 0 0 2
EGS.575 Geosciences DEC 2 0 0 2
EGS.576 Quantitative Geosciences DEC 2 0 0 2
EGS.599 Project work Skill Based 0 0 12 6
Value added course VAC 1 0 0 1
Total Credit Hours 13 0 18 23

Grand total credit Hours /Credit for all semester

64 0 52 94

Value Added Course offered by the Department

EGS.504 Introduction to geological Value added
1 0 0 1
Mapping course

†† Fieldwork will be conducted any time during the semester as per the suitable
time window. Evaluation of this course will be based on the field activity, daily
field report, final report submission and presentation during the 4th semester.
*DEC - Discipline enrichment course

L: Lectures, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credit (Two Practical credit hours = One

Evaluation Criteria for Theory Courses: Total Marks 100

A. Continuous Assessment: [25 Marks]
i. Surprise Test (minimum three) - (10 Marks)
ii. Term paper (10 Marks)
iii. Assignment(s) (5 Marks)
B. Mid Semester Test: Based on Subjective Type Test [25 Marks]
C. End Semester Subjective Test [25Marks]
D. End-Term Exam: Based on Objective Type Tests [25 Marks]

Evaluation Criteria for Practical/Seminar/Project/field training courses are

given in the detailed syllabus.

Semester – I
Course Code: EGS. 506 L T P Credits
4 0 0 4
Course Title: Mineralogy and Crystallography
Total Hours: 60
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student
will be able to:
• Apprise how the internal structure of minerals affects the external structure
and physical properties of mineral and crystals.
• Compare the mineralogical concepts of polymorphism, solid solution and
• Interpret the basic properties and chemistry of common rock-forming
• Solve the difficulties of mineral identification and mineralogical by applying
polarizing microscope, x-ray diffraction, electron microprobe.

Course Contents
UNIT I Hours 14
Mineralogy: Introduction to mineralogy, broad classification, properties of
minerals & environments of formation. Crystal chemistry: chemistry of elements,
bonding and packing in mineral, coordination number, chemical analysis of
minerals, general and structural mineral formulae. Polymorphs/structural
states, rules of substitution, introduction to phase diagram and solid solution

UNIT II Hours 15
Crystallography: Crystal systems, introduction to symmetry, derivation of 32
classes of symmetry.2D and 3D lattice, 14 Bravais lattice; introduction to space
group. International system of crystallographic notation and study of
stereogram. Different types of crystal projections – spherical and stereographic
and their uses. Crystal defects, twinning and twin laws: common types of twins
and their examples in minerals. Introduction to X-ray crystallography, and
Bragg’s equation. Powder method in X-ray crystallography.

UNIT III Hours 13

Optical Mineralogy: Petrographical microscope; Introduction to optics, Isotropic
and anisotropic minerals, optical crystallography of uniaxial and biaxial crystals,
indicatrix, pleochroism, interference figures, crystal orientation, determination
of optic sign, 2V and 2E.

UNIT IV Hours 18
A detailed study of the important silicates (listed below) and non-silicate mineral
with reference to general and structural formulae, classification, atomic

structure, polymorphs/structural states, solid solution and experimental work
on pressure-temperature stability of the minerals, modes of occurrence and
(a) Nesosilicates / Orthosilicates: olivine group, garnet group, aluminosilicate
group (kyanite, andalusite, sillimanite), humite group, zircon.
(b) Sorosilicates: melilite, axinite and epidote group.
(c) Cyclosilicates: beryl, tourmaline, cordierite, eudialyte
(d) Inosilicates: pyroxene group, amphibole group and wollastonite
(e) Phyllosilicates: mica group, kaolinite-serpentine group, talc-pyrophyllite,
chlorite, smectite.
(f) Tectosilicates: silica group, feldspar group, zeolite and feldspathoid

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Tutorial, Problem solving,

Seminar, Tools used: PPT, Video, Animation, Whatsapp, Software Tool:
Mineralogical interactive software, crystal maker, XRD data analysis tool,
website: Mindat, Web minerals.

Suggested Readings:
1. Dyar M. D., Gunter M. E., and Tasa D., 2008.Mineralogy and Optical
Mineralogy, Mineralogical, Society of America, ISBN 978-0-939950-81-2.
2. Perkins Dexter, 2012. Mineralogy, Pearson Education.
3. William E. Ford, 2006. Dana’s Textbook of Mineralogy (With Extended Treatise
on Crystallography and Physical Mineralogy), CBS Publishers & Distributors
Pvt. Ltd., ISBN 10: 8123908091.
4. Bloss, 1999.Optical Crystallography, Mineralogical Society of America.
5. Bloss, 1994.Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, Mineralogical Society of
6. William Nesse, 2011. Introduction to Mineralogy, Oxford University Press,
ISBN: 9780199827381.
7. William Nesse, 2012. Introduction to Optical Mineralogy, Oxford University
Press, ISBN: 9780199846276.
8. Cornelius Klein, 2007. Minerals and Rocks-Exercises in Crystallography,
Mineralogy and Hand Specimen Petrology, Wiley publisher.
9. Berry, L.G., Mason, B. and Dietrich, R.V., 2004.Mineralogy, CBS Publishers,
ISBN 10: 8123911483, ISBN 13: 9788123911489.
10. Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals by Deer W.A., Howie R.A. and
Zussman, J., 2013, Mineralogical Society of America.
11. Gribble, 2005.Rutley's Elements of Mineralogy, CBS Publishers, ISBN-10:

Course Code: EGS-507 L T P Credits
Course Title: Paleontology 4 0 0 4

Total Hours: 60
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
 Identify certain fossils fauna.
 Experiment with the technique of fossil extraction and taxonomy.
 Elaborate the origin and evolutionary history of various fossils in time and
space and its application in hydrocarbon exploration.
• Formulate the paleoclimatic, paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographic
history of the earth.

Course Contents
UNIT I Hours 15
Scope of paleontology; Origin and evolution of life through age; species concept
and speciation. Techniques in palaeontology: mega fossils, microfossils, nano-
fossils and ichno-fossils–mode of collection and illustration; binomial
nomenclature, Mass extinctions and their causes.
Study of Invertebrate paleontology with special reference to functional
morphology: trilobites, brachiopods, echinoids, gastropods and cephalopods
general morphology and Indian occurrence.

UNIT II Hours 15
Micropaleontology: Classification and uses of micro fossils. Detailed study of
microfossils such as diatoms, Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Conodonta, Ostracoda
and Charophyta. Plant fossils: Gondwana flora and their significance.

UNIT III Hours 15

Vertebrate palaeontology: General characters, classification, evolution of Fishes
including Agnaths, Placoderms, Chondrichythis and Osteichthyes. General
characters, age of Amphibians, Reptiles and Mammals. General characters,
classification, evolution, age and extinction of Dinosaurs.General characters,
classification and evolution of Horse, Elephant and Man. Vertebrate fossil
records of Siwaliks.A brief study on the Mesozoic reptiles of India.

UNIT IV Hours 15
Use of paleontological data in stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, paleoecology,
evolution, paleoclimate and sea level changes; Principle of paleobiogeography.
Use of microfossils in interpretation of sea floor tectonism. Application of
micropaleontology in hydrocarbon exploration; oxygen and carbon stable
isotopes studies of microfossils and their use in bathymetric measurement and
paleoclimate interpretation.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Problem solving, assignment,
Group discussion, Tools used: PPT, Video, Animation.

Suggested Readings:
1. Clarkson, E. N. K., 1998. Invertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution, Wiley-
2. Michael Benton, 2004. Vertebrate Palaeontology, Wiley-Blackwell.
3. Howard A. Armstrong, Martin D. Brasier, 2004. Microfossils, Blackwell
Publishing Ltd.
4. Michael Foote, Arnold I. Miller, 2006. Principles of Paleontology, W. H.
5. Jones, R. W. 2002. Applied Palaeontology, Natural History Museum, London.
6. Shrock, N., 2005.Principles of Invertebrate Paleontology, CBS Publisher &
distributer Private Ltd.
7. Henry Wood, 2004. Paleontology Invertebrate, CBS Publication & distributer
Private Ltd.
8. Donald R. Prothero, 2003. Bringing Fossils to Life: An Introduction to
Palaeobiology, McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
9. Sen Gupta, B. K., 2003. Modern foraminifera, Springer Netherlands

Course Code: EGS-508

Course Title:Sedimentology L T P Credits
2 0 0 2

Total Hours: 30
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• Categorize the various sedimentary rocks and their mode of genesis in
different depositional environment.
• Interpret the processes responsible for the deposition of the sediment and
formation of sedimentary textures and structures.
• Construct the depositional environment of certain sedimentary rock based
on recognition of facies associations, lithology, textures and structures.
• Formulate the sedimentary basin forming processes and its environmental
and economic significance.

Course Contents
UNIT I Hours 8
Origin of terrigenous clastic and non-clastic grains; weathering and its products;
Grain size, textural parameters and their significance. Textural and
compositional maturity. Major carbonate minerals; carbonate grains of biological
origin. Simple fluid flow concepts, fluid flow mechanics and formation of
sedimentary bed, sediment transport.

UNIT II Hours 7
Petrographic characteristic and classification of conglomerate, sandstones,
limestones and argillaceous rocks, mudrocks. Concept of facies and methods of
their analysis and interpretation of depositional environments. Processes and
characteristics of Aeolian, fluvial, barrier-beach, tidal-flats and deep sea

UNIT III Hours 8

Important bed forms and sedimentary structures– their genesis and
stratigraphic significance. Application of sedimentary structures in
palaeocurrent analysis; Diagenesis – Physical and chemical processes. Evidences
of diagensis in sandstones, mudrocks and carbonate rocks. Evaporites,
siliceous, phosphatic and ferruginous rocks. Heavy minerals and their
importance in determination of provenance.

UNIT IV Hours 7
Tectonic and sedimentation; Review of concept of geosynclines and plate-
margins, major types of basins and distribution of environments and lithofacies
within basins, evolution of basins with time. Sedimentary basins of India and
their economic importance.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Tutorial, Problem solving,

Seminar, assignment, Group discussion, Tools used: PPT, ICT, Video, and
Animation, softwares: google class, piazza, padlet.

Suggested Readings:
1. Sam Boggs, Jr., 2011. Principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy, Prentice
2. Donald R. Prothero and Fred Schwab, 2013.Sedimentary Geology, W. H.
3. Tucker, M.E. and Wright, V.P., 1991.Carbonate Sedimentology, Wiley
4. Reading, H.G., 1996.Sedimentary Environments: Processes, Facies and
Stratigraphy, Wiley-Blackwell.
5. Gary Nichols, 2009. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN:
6. Adams, A. E., MacKenzie, W. S., and Guilford, C., 1984.Atlas of Sedimentary
Rocks Under the Microscope, Prentice Hall.
7. Maurice E. Tucker, 2011. Sedimentary Rocks in the Field: A Practical Guide
(Geological Field Guide), Wiley-Blackwell.
8. Miall, A. D., 2000.Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis, Springer-Verlag.
9. Einsele, G., 1992.Sedimentary Basins, Springer Verlag.
10. Reineck, H. E. and Singh, I. B., 1980.Depositional Sedimentary
Environments, Springer-Verlag.
11. Sengupta, S., 1997.Introduction to Sedimentology, Oxford-IBH.

Course Code: EGS 509 L T P Credits
Course Title: Mineralogy and Crystallography (Practical) 0 0 4 2

Total Hours: 60
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• Demonstrate the different minerals in hand specimen and under petrological
• Interpret the crystal parameter and to identify the mineral phase.
• Compare the different crystals system in hand specimen and under
petrological microscope.
• Solve mineralogical and crystallographic problems using XRD data.
• Formulate empirical formula of the mineralogical phases and the impurities
present in the minerals.

Course Contents
UNIT I Hours 32
Mineralogy and crystallography: Identification of rock-forming minerals in hand
specimens. Introduction to crystal models, Goniometer and its use in measuring
interfacial angle of crystals and calculation of axial ratio. Representation of
symmetry elements of crystals belonging to 32 classes of symmetry and study of
their stereograms. Analysis of XRD spectrum.

UNIT II Hours28
Optical Mineralogy: Scheme of pleochroism and absorption of a given mineral in
thin section. Determination of extinction angle, Determination of order of
interference colours. Determination of length fast and length-slow characters of
minerals. Study of interference figures of uniaxial and biaxial crystals,
determination of optic signs. Identification of rock forming minerals using optical

Transactional Modes: Demonstration, practical with real specimens, Problem

solving, Group discussion, Tools used: PPT, Video, Animation, Software Tool:
Mineralogical interactive software, crystal maker, website: Mindat, Web

Suggested Readings:
1. Cornelius Klein, 2007. Minerals and Rocks-Exercises in Crystallography,
Mineralogy and Hand Specimen Petrology, Wiley.
2. Perkins Dexter, 2012. Mineralogy, Pearson Education.
3. William E. Ford, 2006. Dana’s Textbook of Mineralogy (With Extended
Treatise on Crystallography and Physical Mineralogy), CBS Publishers &
Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
4. Dyar M. D., Gunter M. E., and Tasa, D., 2008. Mineralogy and Optical
Mineralogy, Mineralogical, Society of America.

5. Bloss, 1999.Optical Crystallography, Mineralogical Society of America.
6. Bloss, 1994.Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, Mineralogical Society of
7. William Nesse, 2011. Introduction to Mineralogy, Oxford University Press.
8. William Nesse, 2012. Introduction to Optical Mineralogy, Oxford University
9. Berry, L. G., Mason, B. and Dietrich, R. V., 2004.Mineralogy, CBS
10. Deer,W. A., Howie, R. A. and Zussman,J., 2013.Introduction to the Rock-
Forming Minerals, Mineralogical Society of America.

Evaluation Criteria: Total Marks – 100,

End semester exam (50 marks), Continues assessment (30marks), Lab record
(10marks), Viva (10marks).

Course Code: EGS 510

L T P Credits
Course Title: Paleontology and Sedimentology (Practical)
0 0 4 2
Total Hours: 60
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student
will be able to:
• Classify the various sedimentary rocks and fossils.
• Analyze certain fossils and rock samples for paleoenvironment and
paleoclimatic interpretation.
• Apply the sample preparation methods, separation of fossils and rocks,
cataloguing of samples at research and industrial applications.
• Correlate the multidisciplinary nature of modern palaeontology with
lithostaratigraphy, paleaoenvironment and paleobigeography.
• Reconstruct paleoenvironmental and ecological set up based on
sedimentological and faunal records.

Course Contents
UNIT I Hours 32
Study of clastic and non-clastic rocks in hand specimens. Microscopic
examination of important rock-types.Grain-size analysis by sieving method:
plotting of size-distribution data as frequency and cumulative curves;
Computation of statistical parameters and interpretation.Heavy mineral
separation; their Microscopic characters, graphic representation and
interpretation.Assemblages of sedimentary structures and their palaeo-
environmental significance.Palaeo-current analysis. Study of vertical profile
sections of some selected sedimentary environment.

UNIT II Hours 28
Study of morphology of brachiopods, bivalves and gastropods, cephalopods,
echinoids. Separation, processing, wet sieve analyses, preparation of slides of
microfossils (demonstration only).Morphology and morphological descriptions of

planktonic & benthonic foraminifera, ostracods. Morphology of radiolaria,
diatoms, pollen and spores. Construction of range charts.

Transactional Modes: Demonstration, practical with real specimens, Problem

solving, Group discussion, Tools used: PPT, Video, Animation, Software Tool:
Sedilog, Gradistat, Photoshop.

Suggested Readings:
1. Adams, A. E., MacKenzie, W. S., and Guilford, C., 1984.Atlas of Sedimentary
Rocks Under the Microscope, Prentice Hall.
2. Shrock, N., 2005.Principles of Invertebrate Paleontology, CBS publication.
3. Roy C. Lindholm, 1987. A Practical approach to Sedimentology, Allen and
Unwin, London.
4. Braiser, M. D., 1980.Microfossils, George Allen and Unwin.
5. Bignot, G., 1985.Elements of Micropaleontology, Grahm and Trottman,
6. Haq and Boersma, 1978.Introduction to Marine Micropaleontology, Elsevier.
7. Smith, A. B., 1994. Systematics & Fossil Record-Documenting Evolutionary
Patterns, Blackwell publisher.
8. Jones, R. W., 1996. Micropaleontology in Petroleum exploration, Clarendon
Press Oxford.
9. Henry Wood, 2004. Paleontology Invertebrate, CBS Publication.
10. Sengupta, S., 1997.Introduction to Sedimentology, Oxford-IBH.

Evaluation Criteria: Total Marks – 100,

End semester exam (50 marks), Continues assessment (30 marks), Lab record
(10 marks), Viva (10 marks).

Discipline Elective course

Course Code: EGS.511
Course Title: Geomorphology and Geotectonic L T P Credits
4 0 0 4
Total Hours: 60
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student
will be able to:
• Demonstrate the principal theories and models for landscape evolution.
• Assess the mode of formation, age and history of landforms in India.
• Distinguish landforms and their processes of formation in different climate
zones and tectonic regimes.
• Develop relevant solution for elucidate geomorphologic problems.

Course Contents
UNIT I Hours 14
Development in geomorphology, Historical and process geomorphology,the
geomorphic systems,geomorphic materials and process: weathering, sediment

production, pedogenesis, mass movement, erosion, transportation and
deposition, landforms in relation to climate, rock type, structure and tectonics.

UNIT II Hours 16
Geomorphic processes and landforms-fluvial, glacial, aeolian, coastal and karst.
River forms and processes-stream flow, stage-discharge
relationship;hydrographs and flood frequency analysis, Submarine relief,
Environmental change-causes, effects on processes and landforms. Extra-
terrestrial geomorphology.

UNIT III Hours 15

Definition and scope of tectonic geomorphology.Landscapeevolution.Concept of
Form-Process relationship in landscape evolution. Geomorphology and
topographic analysis including DEM, topographical maps, map reading,
geomorphic mapping, slope analysis and drainage basin analysis, applications
of geomorphology in mineral prospecting, civil engineering, hydrology and
environmental studies.

UNIT IV Hours 15
Major tectonic features of the oceanic and continental crust.Seafloor spreading
and plate tectonics.Island arcs, Oceanic islands and volcanic arcs. Continental
drift-geological and geophysical evidence, mechanics, objections, present status.
Gravity and magnetic anomalies at mid-oceanic ridges, deep sea trenches,
continental shield areas and mountain chains. Isostasy, orogeny and
epeirogeny. Seismic belts of the earth. Seismicity and plate movements.
Geodynamic Evolution of Himalaya. Geodynamics of the Indian plate.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Problem solving, Seminar,

assignment, Group discussion, Tools used, ICT, PPT, Video, Animation.

Suggested Readings:
1. Thornbury, W. D., 2004.Principles of Geomorphology, CBS publisher &
distributer private Ltd.
2. Philip Kearey, Keith A. K., Frederick J. V., 2009. Global Tectonics, Wiley-
3. Richard John Huggett, 2007. Fundamental of Geomorphology, Taylor &
4. Angela L. Coe (edt), 2010. Geological Field Techniques, by Wiley-Blackwell.
5. Richard J. L, Peter B., and John W. B., 2011. Basic Geological Mapping
(Geological Field Guide), Wiley-Blackwell; ISBN-13: 978-0470686348
6. Michael A. Summerfield (Editor), 2000. Geomorphology and Global Tectonics,
Wiley,ISBN: 978-0-471-97193-1,
7. P. McL. D. Duff., 1993. Holmes’ Principles of Physical Geology, Chapman and
Hall, London.
8. R. J. Allison, 2002. Applied Geomorphology: Theory and Practice, Wiley.

9. Douglas W. B., and Robert S. A., 2011.Tectonic Geomorphology, Wiley-
Blackwell; ISBN-13: 978-1444338867
10. Robert S. A., and Suzanne P. A., 2010.Geomorphology: The Mechanics and
Chemistry of Landscapes, Cambridge University Press.
11. Paul R. B, and David R. M., 2013.Key Concepts in Geomorphology, W. H.
12. Sharma, H. S., 1991. Indian Geomorphology, Concept Publishing Co. New
13. Mahapatra, G. B., 2008. Text book of Physical Geology, CBS Publishers &
Distributors Private Ltd.
14. Condie, K. C., 1997. Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution, Butterworth-

Course Code: EGS-512

L T P Credits
Course Title: Environmental Geology and Natural Hazards
4 0 0 4
Total Hours: 60
Learning Outcomes:Upon successful completion of this course, the student will
be able to:
• Discuss the role of geologic processes in assessment of natural hazards
• Formulate the occurrence and formation of earth resources and significant
environmental effects caused by their extraction, processing, and use;
• Predict the major sources of water, soil, and sediment pollution and methods
for their management;
 Evaluate the causes and effects of global climate change.
 Justify the how to mitigate the effects of natural hazard.

Course Contents
UNIT I Hours 15
Introduction to Environmental Geology: Fundamental concepts of environmental
geosciences, its scope and necessity; Definition, structure, composition and
general characteristics of lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and
biosphere; Concept of ecology, ecosystem, its structure and functions, types of
ecosystem; Biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur;
Physiography, drainage, climate, soils and natural resources of India.

UNIT II Hours 15
Environmental issues: Water pollution : types of water pollution, groundwater
pollution sources, pathways and mechanism, attenuation processes, case
histories of natural (arsenic and fluoride poisoning) and man-made water
pollution; water logging, causes, effects and remedial measures, aquifers;
declining groundwater tables, subsidence and compaction of aquifers ; Soil
pollution- sources, causes and effects; Soil pollution control measures; Air
pollution : definition, terminology, sources and classification of air pollutants;

effects of air pollution- acid rain, green house effects and ozone layer depletion;
Air pollution control and management.

UNIT III Hours 15

Introduction to Disasters: Introduction to natural and manmade disasters;
Dimensions of natural and anthropogenic disasters; Floods –nature and
frequency of flooding, flood hazards, urbanization and flooding, flood
hydrographs, Dams barrages and river diversions; Landslides; Coastal
hazards – tropical cyclone, coastal erosion, sea level changes, coastal zone
management; Earth quakes - Seismic waves, quake resistant buildings and
dams; Tsunamis; Volcanoes; Wild fires; Oil spills; Urban hazards and disasters.

UNIT IV Hours 15
Risk Assessment and Preparedness: Pre-Disaster Management activities;
Hazard and vulnerability analysis; Hazard zonation maps : preparation and
utilization; capability assessment; emergency / contingency planning and
post-disaster management activities; Development planning, planning
environment, types of plans, MBO, SWOT analysis; Mitigation strategy : Relief
measures, community health, casualty management Role of Government,
Non-Governmental and media agencies, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation;
Awareness through print and electronic media, involving youth in field

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Tutorial, Problem solving,

Seminar, assignment, Group discussion, Tools used: PPT, Video, Animation,
toposheet and maps.

Suggested Readings:
1. Barbar W. Murk et al., 1996. Environmental Geology, John Wiley & Sons, New
2. Edward A. K, 2011.Introduction to Environmental Geology, Pearson Education
3. Valdiya, K. S., 2013. Environmental Geology, McGraw-Hill Education (India)
4. Collins Larry R. and Schneid Thomas D., 2000.Disaster Management and
Preparedness, Taylor and Francis.
5. Graham Thompson and Jon Turk, 2007.Earth Science and the Environment,
Thomson and Brooks/cole.
6. Goel S.L. and Kumar Ram, 2001.Disaster Management, Deep and Deep
7. Living with Risk: A global review of disaster reduction initiatives, 2004 Vision,
United Nations.
8. Parasuraman S., 2004. India Disasters Report: Towards a Policy Initiatives,
Oxford University Press.

L T P Credits
Course Code: EGS-513
4 0 0 4
Course Title: Natural Resource and Watershed

Total Hours: 60
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student
will be able to integrate and apply technical knowledge in the following key areas
• appraise the types of natural resources available and their relation with
• invent new ideas to conserve, manage and develop the Earth’s natural
resources available
• discuss exploration of water resource through watershed management and
exploration methods
• evaluate the validity and limitations of scientific theories and claims about
the environment.
• appraise the interactions among physical, biological, chemical, and human
components of the environment.

Course Contents
UNIT I Hours 15
Natural resources: Definition; Resource and Reserve; Classification of natural
resources; natural resource degradation and conservation; Environmental
impacts of resource depletion. Forest Resources: Forest cover of India and world;
forest types, functions of forest – production and protection; Conservation of
forests; forestry programmes – social forestry, farm forestry, urban forestry,
community forestry; deforestation; Exploitation of forest resources;
Afforestation; Desertification; Forest policy.

UNIT II Hours 15
Water Resources: Surface, ground water, marine and brackish water resources
- assessment and utilization; Rivers and Lakes in India; hydrological cycle;
Ground water depletion; Water logging and salinity; Water Conservation and
management techniques; Rain water harvesting; Watershed management;
Eutrophication; Restoration of Lakes; River cleaning, River action plans - Ganga
and Yamuna action plan, Interlinking of rivers; conflicts over water.
Land resources: Land degradation due to mining, exploration, industrialization,
irrigation and natural disasters; Soil Erosion, Loss of soil fertility, Restoration of
soil Fertility, Soil Conservation Methods; restoration of degraded land; Wasteland
reclamation, Organic farming, green manuring, Wetland – definition,
classification, functions, ecological importance and conservation.

UNIT III Hours 15

Concept of watershed, introduction to watershed management, different
stakeholders and their relative importance, watershed management policies and
decision making, problems, approach and components. Structure and relief,
physiographic divisions, drainage systems and watersheds. Concept of small

dams waste disposal practices and management; rainwater harvesting; Wetland
and concept of Micro Watershed Management; Watershed Management using
Geo-spatial technologies.

UNIT IV Hours 15
Community participation, private sector participation, Institutional issues,
Socio-economy, Integrated development; Watershed Management in India, Water
legislation and implementations, policies and decision making. Community
participation, Private sector participation, Case studies. Storm water
management, design of drainage system, flood routing through channels and
reservoir, flood control and reservoir operation, case studies on flood damage.
Drought assessment and classification, drought analysis techniques, drought
mitigation planning. Perspective on recycle and reuse, Waste water reclamation.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Tutorial, Problem solving,

Seminar, assignment, Group discussion, Tools used: PPT, Video, Animation.

Suggested Readings:
1. David A., 2013. Environmental economics and natural resource management,
2. Gurdev Singh and Vinod Ahuja, 1992.Land resource management, Oxford &
IBH Pub. Co.
3. Kathy Wilson Peacock, 2008. Natural resources and sustainable
developments, Facts on file Inc.
4. Daniel R. L., 2009.Sustainable natural resource management for scientists
and engineers, Cambridge University press
5. Jaidev Somesh, 2010. Natural resources in 21st century, ABD Publisher.
6. Panday, S.N. and Misra, S.P. (Eds.), 2008.Essential Environmental Studies,
CRC Press.
7. Murthy, K.S. 1998.Watershed Management in India, Wiley Eastern Ltd. /
New Age International Ltd.
8. Tideman, E.M., 1996.Watershed Management: Guidelines for Indian
Conditions, Omega, New Delhi.
9. Verghese, B.G., 1990.Water of Hope: Integrated Water Resource Development
and Regional Co-operation within the Himalayan-Ganga-Brhamaputra-Barak
Basin, Oxford-IBH.

L T P Credits
Course Code: CST: 501 2 0 0 2
Course Title: Computer applications (Theory)
Total Hours: 30
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student
will be able to:
 Describe parts of computer hardware and software.
 Discuss networking and internet concepts.

 Use word processing software, presentation software, spreadsheet software
and latex.

Course Contents
UNIT I Hours 8
Computer Fundamentals: Introduction to Computer, Input devices, Output
Devices, Memory (Primary and Secondary), Concept of Hardware and Software,
C.P.U., System bus, Motherboard, Ports and Interfaces, Expansion Cards, Ribbon
Cables, Memory Chips, Processors, Software: Types of Software, Operating
System, User Interface of popular Operating System, Introduction to
programming language, Types of Computer.

UNIT II Hours 8
Computer Network: Introduction to Computer Network, Types of Network: LAN,
WAN and MAN, Topologies of Network, Internet concept, WWW.
Word Processing: Text creation and Manipulation; Table handling; Spell check,
Hyper-linking, Creating Table of Contents and table of figures, Creating and
tracking comments, language setting and thesaurus, Header and Footer, Mail
Merge, Different views, Creating equations, Page setting, Printing, Shortcut keys.

UNIT III Hours 7

Presentation Tool: Creating Presentations, Presentation views, working on Slide
Transition, Making Notes Pages and Handouts, Drawing and Working with
Objects, Using Animations, Running and Controlling a Slide Show, Printing
Presentations, and Shortcut keys.
Spread Sheet: Entering and editing data in cell, Basic formulas and functions,
deleting or inserting cells, deleting or inserting rows and columns, printing of
Spread Sheet, Shortcut keys.

UNIT IV Hours 7
Use of Computers in Education and Research: Data analysis tools, e-Library,
Search engines related to research, Research paper editing tools like Latex.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Blended Learning, Collaborative Learning, Peer


Suggested Readings:
1. Sinha, P.K. (2017). Computer Fundamentals. New Delhi: BPB Publications.
2. Goel, A., Ray and(S. K. 2012) Computers: Basics and Applications. New Delhi:
Pearson Education India.
3. Microsoft Office Professional 2013 Step by Step
97807356694 13.pdf

Course Code: STA. 503 L T P Credits
Course Title: Statistics for Sciences 2 0 0 2

Total Hours: 30
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• Apply statistical methods for the interpretation and analysis of scientific
• Do required statistical application in geological research

Course Contents
UNIT I Hours 8
Descriptive Statistics: Meaning, need and importance of statistics. Attributes
and variables. Measurement and measurement scales. Collection and tabulation
of data. Diagrammatic representation of frequency distribution: histogram,
frequency polygon, frequency curve, gives, stem and leaf plot, pie chart

UNIT II Hours 8
Measures of central tendency, dispersion (including box and whisker plot),
skewness and kurtosis. Data on two attributes, independence and association of
attributes in 2x2 tables. Linear regression and correlation (Karl Pearson’s and
Spearman’s) and residual plots.

UNIT III Hours 7

Random experiments, sample spaces (finite and infinite), events, algebra of
events, three basic approaches to probability, combinatorial problems

UNIT IV Hours 7
Axiomatic approach to probability. Product sample spaces, conditional
probability, Bayes’ formula. Correlation and Regression analysis, rank
correlation coefficients, curve fitting

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Tutorial, Problem solving with example, Group

discussion, PPT, Video and Animation.

Suggested Readings:
1. Charles Henry Brase and Corrinne Pellillo Brase, 2013. Understanding Basic
Statistics, 6th edition, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, USA.
2. Hogg, R. V. and Raise, A. T., 1978.Introduction to mathematical statistics,
Macmillan Pub. Co. Inc.
3. Croxton, F. E. and Cowden, D. J., 1975.Applied General Statistics, Prentice-
Hall Inc.
4. Hoel, P. G., 1997. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley & Sons,

5. Meyer, P. L., 1975. Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications, Oxford
& IBH Pub.

Semester II

Course Code: EGS. 521

L T P Credits
Course Title: Geochemistry and Isotope Geology
4 0 0 4
Total Hours-60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will
be able to
 Appraise behaviors of elements in the formation of primary and secondary
 Formulate basics of isotope systematics and radioactive decay.
 Design the geochemical aspects for assessment of elements in and on
 Discuss the principles and applications of radiogenic isotope systematics
to study geological processes and date rock-forming events.
 Adapt the principles and applications of stable isotope systematics.

Course Contents
Unit 1 Hours 14
Introduction of geochemistry and cosmo-chemistry. Abundance of elements in
the solar system and chemical composition and properties of Earth’s layers.
Atmosphere: its layers, chemical composition and evolution of atmosphere.
Meteorites, classification, mineralogy, origin, significance and phenomena of fall.

Unit II Hours 15
Geochemical classification of elements. Periodic table with special reference to
rare earth elements and transition elements. Principles of ionic substitution in
minerals; Distribution coefficient; Behavior of major and trace including rare
earth elements during magmatic crystallization. Elemental mobility in surface
environment, Eh-pH diagram. Concept of geochemical-biogeochemical cycling:
Minor cycle and major cycle. Principle of chemical mass balance and rock- cycle;
Chemical weathering of minerals and rocks

Unit III Hours 18

Isotope Geology
Introduction and physics of the nucleus; radioactive decay; the law of radioactive
decay; review of mineral structure; principles of mass spectrometry; K-Ar
method: principles, methods and applications; Ar-Ar method: principles, method
and advantages: Rb-Sr method: principles, Rb-Sr isochron and limitations. Sm-
Nd Method: decay scheme, evolution of Nd with time, Nd model ages and

application of Nd to petrogenesis; U-Th-Pb Method: decay schemes, U-
Pbisochron, U-Pb mineral dating and application.

Unit IV Hours13
Stable isotopes and their fractionation; ratio Mass Spectrometry; principles of
oxygen, carbon and sulphur isotope geochemistry and their application in
Geology. Application of Cosmogenic radionuclides in the geosciences. Principles
and application of Fission Track and Radiocarbon methods of dating.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Lecture cum demonstration, Project Method,

Seminar, Co-operative learning, Focused group discussion, Team teaching,
Mobile teaching, Collaborative learning, E- tutoring, Problem solving, Case
analysis, Self-learning, Case based study, Experimentation.

Suggested readings:
1. Gunter Faure, 1998. Principles and applications of Geochemistry, Prentice
2. John V. Walther, 2010. Essentials of Geochemistry, Jones and Bartlett
3. Claude Allegre, 2008. Isotope Geology, Cambridge University Press.
4. Dickin, A.P., 2005. Radiogenic Isotope Geology. Cambridge University
5. JochenHoefs, 2015.Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Springer International
6. Gunter Faure, 1986. Principles of Isotope Geology, Wiley.
7. Gunter Faure and Teresa M. M, 2004.Isotopes: Principles and
Applications, Wiley.
8. Francis Albarede, 2003. Geochemistry, An introduction, Cambridge
University Press.
9. William M. W., 2013. Geochemistry, Wiley-Blackwell.
10. McSween Jr. H. Y., Richardson, S. M., and Uhle, M. E.,
2003.Geochemistry:Pathways and Processes, Columbia University Press,
11. Mason, B. and Moore, C.B., 1991. Introduction to Geochemistry, Wiley
12. Krauskopf, K. B., 1967. Introduction to Geochemistry, McGraw Hill.

Course Code: EGS. 522 L T P Credits
Course title: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology 4 0 0 4

Total Hours-60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Evaluate key textural/micro structural features of igneous and metamorphic
rocks and appreciate the significance of such features with regard to geological
processes that have operated.
 Assess certain igneous and metamorphic rocks on the basis of their
mineralogical and textural characteristics.
 Interpret phase diagrams relevant to igneous systems and petrogenic grids
relevant to metamorphic systems on the basis of mineral assemblages
recorded in the rock.
 Discuss the chemistry of certain igneous/metamorphic rocks and predict their
environment(s) of formation.

Course Contents
Unit I Hours 14
Magma: nature of magma, Magma generation in the mantle, their nature and
evolution; Magmatic processes: Partial melting, fractional crystallization, assimilation,
liquid immiscibility factors affecting magma and evolution, melting of mantle.
Generation of magmas in different tectonic environments. The phase equilibrium of
unary, binary and ternary systems and its relation to magma genesis and
crystallization in the recent experimental works. Study of phase equilibria in binary
(Diopside-Anorthite, Forsterite- Silica, Leucite-Silica, Albite Anorthite, Orthoclase-
Anorthite) and ternary silicate systems (Orthoclase-Albite-Silica, Diopsite-Albite
Anorthite, Diopside-Forsterite-Silica, Fayalite-Leucite-Silica) in the light of modern
experimental works. Interpretation of igneous textures in terms of rate of nucleation
and crystal growth.

Unit II Hours 16
IUGS classification of the Igneous rocks, CIPW Norm, total alkali-silica (TAS)
classification of volcanic igneous rocks Petrology and petrogenesis of ultramafic,
basaltic, granitic, alkaline igneous rocks including ophiolite, carbonatite, nephelinite-
ijolilte, lammproits, and layered igneous rocks with Indian examples. Plume
magmatism and hot spots. Mantle metasomatism. Mantle heterogeneities. Partial
melting (batch and fractional melting), crystal fractionation, contamination (AFC
process) and dynamic melting.

Unit III Hours15
Mineralogical phase rule for closed and open systems. Nature of metamorphic
reactions, concept and classification of metamorphic facies, Graphical representation
of minerals in ACF, AKF, AFM and A’F’M’ diagrams; Time relation between phases of
deformation and metamorphic crystallization. Introduction to ultrahigh temperature
and ultrahigh pressure metamorphism, description of each facies of low–Pressure,
medium to high–pressure and very high pressure with special reference to
characteristic minerals, subdivision into zones/sub-facies, Metamorphism of shale,
mafic and calcareous rocks Mineral assemblages, Metamorphic reactions and
pressure–temperature conditions of metamorphism .

Unit IV Hours15
Isograds and reaction isograds, Schrienemakers rule and construction of petrogenetic
grids, Metamorphic differentiation, anatexis and origin of migmatites in the light of
experimental studies, Regional metamorphism and paired metamorphic belts with
reference to the theory of plate tectonics, Geothermobarometry Pressure – temperature
– time paths.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Seminar, Group discussion,

Cooperative learning, Blended learning, Flipped learning, Focused group discussion,
Team teaching, Field visit, Brain storming, Mobile teaching, E- tutoring, Problem
solving., Self-learning, Case based study, etc.

Suggested readings:
1. Winter, J.D., 2001.An introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology,
Prentice Hall.
2. Philpotts, A.R. 1994. Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Prentice
3. Cox, K.G., Bell, J.D. and Pankhurst, R.J., 1993.The Interpretation of Igneous
Rocks, Champman & Hall, London.
4. Turner, F. J., and Verhoogen, J., 1987.Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology,
5. Myron G., 2002. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Blackwell Science.
6. Faure, G., 2001. Origin of Igneous Rocks – The Isotopic Evidence, Springer.
7. Hall A., 1997. Igneous Petrology, Longman.
8. Le Maitre, R.W., 2002. Igneous Rocks: A Classification and Glossary of Terms,
Cambridge University Press.
9. McBirney, 1994.Igneous Petrology, CBS Publishers, Delhi.
10. Sood, M. K., 1982. Modern Igneous Petrology, Wiley-Interscience Publ., New
11. Srivastava Rajesh, K., Chandra, R. and Balkema, A. A., 1997.Magmatism in
Relation to Diverse Tectonic Settings, Oxford University Press.
12. Bucher, K. and Martin, F., 2002.Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks, Springer
– Verlag.

13. Yardley, B.W.D., 1989. An introduction to Metamorphic Petrology, Longman
Scientific & Technical, New York.
14. Spear, F. S. 1993.Mineralogical Phase Equillibria and pressure – temperature –
time Paths, Mineralogical Society of America.
15. Powell, R. 1978. Equilibrium thermodynamics in Petrology: An Introduction,
Harper & Row Publishers, London.
16. Bose, M.K., 1997. Igneous Petrology, World Press, Kolkata.

Course Code: EGS. 523 L T P Credits

Course Title: Structural Geology 4 0 0 4
Total hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Determine the geological structures of deformed continental regimes.
 Reconstruct the regional tectonic set up based on microstructural and
petrofabric data.
 Design the relative timing of formation of structures, the kinematics of
deformation and the progressive deformation histories at various tectonic
 Appraisal of structural geology in the mining and resource exploration

Course Contents
Unit I Hours15
Stress and analysis of stress in two and three dimension. Plane stress analysis and
Mohr stress circle, and its relationship with faulting and fracture mechanics.
Mechanical principle, properties of rocks and their controlling factors.Theory of rock
failure: brittle failure – shear and tensile failures.Role of fluid pressure and effective
pressure in brittle failure.
Strain analysis– finite and infinitesimal, homogeneous and inhomogeneous strains.
Strain and deformation paths. Determination of strain in naturally deformed rocks.

Unit II Hours15
Description and geometric classification of folds.Mechanics of folding. Fold
development and distribution of strains in folds. Brittle and ductile shear zones,
Geometry and products of shear zones, Mylonites and Cataclasites; buckling of single
layer, multilayer and anisotropic materials. Analysis and interpretation of
superimposed folding.

Unit III Hours15

Planar and linear fabrics (Foliation and Lineation) in deformed rocks: description,
classification, genesis and significance.Basic idea about petrofabrics and use of
Universal stage.Stereographic and equal area projections for representing different

types of fabrics, π and β diagrams. Non-diastrophic structures: significance in the
study and analysis of deformed rocks.

Unit IV Hours15
Description and classification of faults and joints.Mechanics of faulting and jointing,
and stress conditions for thrust, normal and strike-slip faults. Mechanics and
geometric aspects of thrust, normal and strike-slip faults, and associated structural
features. Thin-skinned and thick-skinned deformations; Decollement.Geometrical
analysis of simple and complex structures on macroscopic scale.Identification of top
and bottom of the strata/rock.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Lecture cum demonstration, Project

Method, Inquiry training, Seminar, Group discussion, Blended learning, Flipped
learning, Focused group discussion, Team teaching, Field visit, Brain storming, Mobile
teaching, Collaborative learning, E- tutoring, Problem solving.

Suggested readings:
1. Marland P. Billings, 2000. Structural Geology, Phi Learning.
2. Robert J. Twiss and Eldridge M. Moores, 2006.Structural Geology, W. H.
Freeman publisher.
3. Haakon Fossen, 2010. Structural Geology, Cambridge University Press.
4. Donal M. Ragan, 2009. Structural Geology: An Introduction to Geometrical
Techniques, Cambridge University Press.
5. Ramsay, J. G. and Huber, M. I., 1983.Techniques of Modern Structural Geology.
Vol. I. Strain Analysis, Academic Press.
6. Ramsay, J.G. and Huber, M.I., 1987.Techniques of Modern Structural Geology.
Vol. II. Folds and Fractures, Academic Press.
7. Ramsay, J.G., 1967. Folding and fracturing of rocks, McGraw Hill.
8. Stephen Marshak and GautamMitra, 1988.Basic Methods of Structural
Geology,Prentice Hall.
9. Hobbs, B.E., Means, W.D. and Williams, P.F., 1976.An outline of Structural
Geology, John Wiley and Sons. New York.
10. Ghosh, S. K., 1993. Structural Geology: Fundamental and Modern Developments,
Pergamon Press.

Course Code: EGS. 524 L T P Credits

Course Title: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology 0 0 4 2
Total Hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Identify the common rock forming minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks
in both hand specimen and thin-section.

 Inspect key textural/micro structural features of igneous and metamorphic
rocks in hand specimen as well as under the microscope.
 Assign a name to an igneous or metamorphic rock on the basis of its
mineralogical and textural characteristics, and appreciate the environment(s)
of formation.
 Practical experience of rock and mineral identification in hand specimen and
in thin-section using a transmitted light microscope.

Course Contents
Unit I
Rock analyses (rapid method of silicate analysis). Determination of Loss on Ignition
(LOI) of rock samples. Preparation of classificatory and variation diagrams and their
interpretation. Study of non-silicate minerals and elements. Megascopic and
microscopic study of different igneous rocks. Calculation of CIPW Norms.

Unit II
A detailed study of textures in Rock Sections with reference to time relations between
the phases of deformation and recrystallization of minerals, Calculation of ACF, AKF
and AFM values from chemical and structural formulation of minerals and their
graphical representation. Study of Metamorphic Rocks in hand specimens and thin
sections belonging to different facies with emphasis on texture/structure, mineral
composition, parent rock, metamorphic facies / subfacies.

Transactional Modes: Demonstration, Group discussion, Problem solving, Case

analysis, Case study, Self-learning, Case based study, Through SOLE (Self Organized
Learning Environment), Experimentation.

Suggested readings:
1. LeMaitre, R. W., 2002. Igneous Rocks: A Classification and Glossary of Terms,
Cambridge University Press.
2. Winter, J.D., 2001.An introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology,
Prentice Hall.
3. Philpotts, A. R., 1994. Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Prentice
4. Cox, K.G., Bell, J.D., and Pankhurst, R.J., 1993.The Interpretation of Igneous
Rocks, Champman & Hall, London.
5. Myron G., 2002. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Blackwell Science.
6. Faure, G., 2001. Origin of Igneous Rocks – The Isotopic Evidence, Springer.
7. Hall A., 1997. Igneous Petrology, Longman.
8. Le Maitre, R.W., 2002. Igneous Rocks: A Classification and Glossary of Terms,
Cambridge University Press.

Evaluation Criteria: Total Marks – 100,

End semester exam (50 marks), Continues assessment (30 marks), Lab record (10
marks), Viva (10marks).

Course Code: EGS. 525 L T P Credits
Course Title: Structural Geology (Practical) 0 0 4 2

Total hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Solve the geometric and stereonet problems related to structural geology.
 Interpret various maps and identify the geological structures of deformed
continental regimes with microstructural analysis.
 Apply an understanding of structural geology in the mining and resource
exploration environment.

Course Contents
Unit I
Preparation and interpretation of Geological maps and sections. Structural problems
based on orthographic and stereographic projections, concerning economic deposit.
Recording and plotting of the structural data on base map.

Unit II
Study of the hand specimen of deformed structures, Strain estimation from the data
already collected from the field. Study of dip-isogons from the fold profiles.

Transactional Modes: Demonstration, Group discussion, Problem solving, Case

analysis, Case study, Self-learning, Case based study, Through SOLE (Self Organized
Learning Environment), Experimentation.

Suggested readings:
1. Stephen Marshak and Gautam Mitra.1988.Basic Methods of Structural Geology,
Prentice Hall.
2. Ghosh, S.K., 1993. Structural Geology: Fundamental and Modern Developments,
Pergamon Press.
3. Ramsay, J.G. and Huber, M. I., 1987. Techniques of Modern Structural Geology.
Vol. II. Folds and Fractures, Academic Press.
4. Ramsay, J. G. and Huber, M. I., 1983.Techniques of Modern Structural Geology.
Vol. I. Strain Analysis, Academic Press.
5. Donal M. Ragan, 2009. Structural Geology: An Introduction to Geometrical
Techniques, Cambridge University Press.
6. Structural analysis of Metamorphic Tectonites by Turner, F.J. & Weiss, L.E. 1963,
McGraw Hill.

Evaluation Criteria: Total Marks – 100,

End semester exam (50 marks), Continues assessment (30 marks), Lab record
(10marks), Viva (10 marks).

Course Code: EGS 526 L T P Credits
Course Title: Field training - I 0 0 2 1

Total hours: 30
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Identifying rocks and interpreting the physical (including tectonic) processes
that may have been involved in their formation.
 Identify different rock type, different deformational structures, such as fold,
fault, lithology and depositional features etc. in the field.
 Learn how to get adopt in the fieldwork environment in certain professional and
scientific organizations.
 Apply theoretical knowledge at ground observation in field and to learn
essential observational and practical skills.

Geological field training

Fieldwork will be conducted any time during the semester as per the suitable time.
During any unavoidable circumstance, if the field work is not conducted in the
allocated semester, then the fieldwork and its credits will be shifted to the subsequent
semesters as per the requirement. Geological field training and fieldwork will be
carried out as per the guideline of the University at proper sites for a period of 10 days.
During the fieldwork, the students will be exposed to map reading, identification of
lithology, structure, landforms, fossils, field mapping, sampling, data collections for
lithology and structure, ore and economic geology. Evaluation of this course will be
based on the field activity, daily field report, final report submission and presentation.

Transactional Modes: Team teaching, Field visit, Demonstration, Inquiry training,

Group discussion, Blended learning, Focused group discussion, Brain storming,
Problem solving, Case analysis, Self-learning, Case based study, Through SOLE ( Self
Organized Learning Environment).

Suggested readings:
1. Angela L. C., 2010. Geological field techniques, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
2. Lisle, R. J., Brabham, P. and Barnes, J. W., 2011.Basic Geological Mapping
(Geological Field Guide), 5th edition, Wiley-Blackwell.
3. Mathur, S. M., 2001. Guide to Field Geology, PHI Learning Private Limited-New
4. Maley, T. S., 1994.Field geology (Illustrated), Mineral Land Publications.
5. Lahee, F. H., 1961. Field geology, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill.

Evaluation Criteria: Full Marks – 100

Field activity (10 marks), Evaluation of field dairy during every day of fieldwork and
final submission (20 marks), Final field report (40 marks), Presentation (30 marks) –
Presentation will be evaluated using rubrics: Speak Clearly (4 marks), Posture and

Eye contact (4 marks), Content (4 marks), Preparation (4 marks), stay in topic (4
marks); Response to questions (10 marks).

Course Code: EGS.542 L T P Credits

Course Title: Seminar 0 0 0 1

Total hours: 15

Learning Outcome: Student will learn how to present their thought/idea/ scientific
findings in a skillful way. How to participate in the discussion and question /answer
session during presentation?

Students will be assigned with a topic, research article, book chapter or any subject
related topic to prepare a report and presentation. Scheduled seminars will be
conducted in the department in the presence of experts.

Transactional Modes: Project Method, Inquiry training, Seminar, Group discussion,

Problem solving, Case analysis, Case study, Self-learning, Through SOLE (Self
Organized Learning Environment), Experimentation.

Evaluation Criteria- Full marks 100.

Presentation is evaluated using rubrics: Speak Clearly (8 marks), Posture and Eye
contact (8 marks), Content (8 marks), Preparation (8 marks), stay in topic (8 marks);
Response to questions (20 marks);
Report evaluation is based on literature review and background knowledge (20 marks),
Organization of content, formatting and references (10 marks) and Discussion (10

Discipline Elective: Select any one

Course Code: EGS. 527 L T P Credits

Course Title: Oceanography and Climatology 4 0 0 4

Total hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Explain and discuss meteorological, oceanographic and climate phenomena for
both laymen and experts
 Determine the history and development of meteorology, oceanography
(including marine biogeochemistry) and climate
 adapt modern field instrumentation, theory, programming and/or advanced
analysis on geophysical problems

 Evaluate and assess data quality and different information sources in
 Formulate, process and implement strategies for data and theoretical analysis.

Course Contents
Unit I: Oceanography Hours15
Origin, evolution of ocean basins and their environmental response; Topographic
features of the ocean floor; Classification of marinesediments, sedimentation
processes; Wave dynamics; Ocean circulation Gyres: forces driving currents;
thermohaline circulation; equatorial upwelling, coastal upwelling, downwelling; Waker
circulation El Nino, La Nina, seasons and monsoons Ocenic Conveyer belt Circulation.
Tides - equilibrium theory of tides, dynamical theory of tides, tidal currents in coastal
areas, observation and prediction of tides.

Unit II Hours15
Seawater chemistry: salinity - components, sources and processes controlling the
composition of sea water; Density structure of ocean; inputs of organic carbon,
concept of food chain; primary production, measuring productivity, factors limiting
productivity,Marine resources: Origin and evolution of the Indian Ocean, structure
and physiography of the Indian Ocean, bathymetry and bottom characteristics,
sediment distribution on the Indian Ocean floor. Petroleum occurrences and
exploration activity around the margins of the Indian Ocean.India’s Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ); marine minerals in the EEZ of India.

Unit III: Climatology Hours13

Fundamentals of meteorology, Scales of meteorology, Parameters of meteorology-
pressure, wind, temperature, humidity, radiation; Radiations: Radiation laws, short
wave and long wave radiations; Albedo; Emissivity; Radiation Budget of Earth;
Application of meteorological principles to transport and diffusion of pollutants,
Topographic effects.

Unit IV Hours17
The boundary layer; Inversion; Local microclimate; Greenhouse effect; Radiation
balance; Precipitation; Atmospheric movements; Distribution of radiation; Rotation of
earth- Coriolis acceleration, angular momentum; General meridional circulations:
Hadley cells; Middle latitudes; Circulation of water and energy in atmosphere;
Weather, and Climate in India; El Nino, La Nina; Climatic classification schemes;
Climate change-Emissions and Global warming, impact on sea level in south
Asian region; Environmental disruptions and their implications.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Lecture cum demonstration, Project

Method, Inquiry training, Seminar, Group discussion, Blended learning, Flipped
learning, Focused group discussion, Team teaching, Field visit, Brain storming, Mobile
teaching, Collaborative learning, Case based study, Through SOLE ( Self Organized
Learning Environment).

Suggested readings:
1. Garrison, T., 1996.Oceanography-An invitation to Marine Science, Wadsworth
Publishing Company
2. Gross, M.G., 1972. Oceanography - A view of the Earth, Prentice-Hall.
3. Thurman, B.Y., 1978. Introductory Oceanography, Charles E. Merill Publishing
4. Lal, D. S., 2011. Climatology, ShardaPustakBhavan.
5. Critchfield, H. J., 2009. General climatology, PHI Learning, New Delhi.
6. Kale, V. S. and Gupta, A., 2001.Introduction to geomorphology, Orient
Longman, Bangalore.
7. Singh, S., 2011.Physical geography, PrayagPustakBhavan, Allahabad.
8. Strahler, A.N. and Strahler, 1996.An introduction to physical geography, John
Wiley & Sons, UK.
9. S. Davis, R.A. Jr. 1972.Principles of Oceanography, Addison - Wesley
Publishing Company.
10. Roonwal, G.S., 1986. The Indian Ocean: Exploitable mineral and petroleum
Resources, Narosa Publishing House.
11. Francis P. Shepard, 1977. Geological Oceanography: Evolution of coasts,
continental margins & the deep-sea floor, Pan Publication.
12. Bhatt J.J., 1978. Oceanography – Exploring the planet Ocean, D. van Nostrand

Course Code: EGS. 528 L T P Credits

Course Title: Mineral Exploration and Petroleum Geology 4 0 0 4
Total hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 evaluate ore deposit types, including genesis and exploration requirements;
 designing understanding on petroleum geology, exploration techniques, and
resource evaluation;
 explain their concept-oriented approaches in the analysis of geological data;
 assess and apply geochemical exploration methods and geochemical data
 discuss the role of geology in mine design and operation.
 evaluate the range of surface and underground mining techniques
Course Contents
Unit I Hours 15
Mineral Economics : Distribution of mineralresources in India;Magmatic,
hydrothermal and surface processes of ore formation; Active ore-forming systems;
Geological setting, characteristics, and genesis of ferrous, base and noble metals.
Origin, migration and entrapment of petroleum; properties of source and reservoir
rocks; structural, stratigraphic and combination traps; Petroliferous basins of India;

Classification, rank and grading of coal; coal resources of India; Gas hydrates and coal
bed methane.

Unit II Hours15
Mineral Exploration Methods: Geological, geophysical, geochemical and
geobotanical methods of surface and sub-surface exploration on different scales;
Sampling, assaying and evaluation of mineral deposits; Estimation of grade and
reserve of ores; methods of mineral deposit studies including ore microscopy, fluid
inclusions and isotopic systematic; ores and metamorphism: cause and effect
relationship; Methods of petroleum exploration.

Unit-III Hours15
Occurrence and Source rocks: Classification and composition of Petroleum; Physical
properties of petroleum; Occurrence of petroleum; Nature of source rock, composition
of biomass; Kerogene: Composition and types; Reservoir rocks, pore space and fluids;
Reservoir Traps; Origin, migration and accumulation of petroleum. Basin Analysis.

Unit-IV Hours15
Indian Oil Fields- Prospecting and Drilling: Oil bearing basins of India and the
world; India’s position as regards to petroleum and natural gas future prospects;
Geophysical prospecting for petroleum; Drilling, logging and subsurface correlation.
Importance of micropaleontology in the field of petroleum exploration.

Transactional Modes: Lecture,Demonstration, Lecture cum demonstration, Project

Method, Inquiry training, Seminar, Group discussion, Blended learning, Flipped
learning, Focused group discussion, Team teaching, Field visit, Brain storming, Mobile
teaching, Collaborative learning, Case based study.

Suggested readings:
1. Leverson, 2006.Geology of Petroleum, CBS.
2. Selley, R.C., 1997. Elements of Petroleum Geology, Atlantic publishers &
distribution Pvt. Ltd, Delhi.
3. Emmons, W. H., 2015. Geology of Petroleum, Sagwan press.
4. Dobrin, M. B., and Savit, C. H., 1988.Introduction to geophysical prospecting,
McGraw-Hill Inc.
5. Kearey, P., Brooks, M. and Hill, I., 2002. An Introduction to Geophysical
Exploration, Wiley-Blackwell.
6. Parasnis, D. S., 1986. Principles of Applied Geophysics, Chapman and Hall.
7. Hawkes, H. E., Webb J. S., 2012. Geochemistry in mineral exploration, Literary
Licensing, LLC.
8. Haldar, S. K., 2013. Mineral Exploration: Principles and Application, Elsevier.

9. Moon C. J., Whateley, M. K. G., and Evans, A. M., 2005.Introduction to Mineral
Exploration, Blackwell Science.
10. Dobrin, M. B., and Savit C. H., 1988.Introduction to geophysical prospecting,
McGraw-Hill Inc.
11. Kearey, P., Brooks M. and Hill, I., 2002. An Introduction to Geophysical
Exploration, Wiley-Blackwell.

Interdisciplinary Course offered by the department

L T P Credits
Course Code: EGS. 534 2 0 0 2
Course Title: Introduction to Disaster Management
Total hours: 30
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will
be able to:
 Discuss the concept of disaster risk management
 Elaborate the both the Natural and Artificial disaster and their
management techniques
 Design concept on management and mitigation of disaster management
 Choose appropriate scientific approaches in understanding causes of
natural hazards

Course Contents
Unit I Hours 7
Disaster Management: definition, scope, Objectives and Approaches;
 Elements of Disaster Management
 Concept of hazard, risk, vulnerability and disaster

Unit II Hours 8
 Classification of disasters- natural disasters andhuman induced disasters;
 Disasters in India- earthquake, landslide, flood, cyclone, industrial
disasters, etc.

Unit III Hours 8

 Disaster mitigation: Concept, importance, tools, strategies with reference
to specific disasters;
 Disaster preparedness: Concept, nature, measures, disaster preparedness

Unit IV Hours 7
 Role and responsibility of Central, State, District and Local Administration,
Armed Forces, NGOs, media, etc.;
 Disaster relief; Reconstruction planning; A brief introduction to the
mechanism of disaster management in India.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Lecture cum demonstration, Project Method,
Inquiry training, Seminar, Group discussion, Blended learning, Flipped learning,
Focused group discussion, Mobile teaching, Collaborative learning, Case based

Suggested reading:
1. Ahmad, A., 2010. Disaster Management: Through the New Millennium, Anmol
Publications, New Delhi.
2. Ahmed, Shaik Iftikhar, 2008.Disaster Management in the Wake of a Flood,
Twenty First Century Publications, Patiala.
3. Bilham, R. 2009. The seismic future of cities, Bulletin of Earthquake
4. Bryant E., 2005. Natural Hazards, Cambridge University Press, U.K.
5. Bureau of Indian Standards (2002). Indian Standards: Criteria for
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part I, Fifth Revision.
6. Burton, I., Kates, R. W., and White, G.F., 1993.Environment as Hazard, 2nd
edition, Guilford Press, New York.

Semester III
Course Code: EGS.551 L T P Credits
Course Title: Engineering Geology and Geophysics 4 0 0 4

Total hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Understand the engineering properties of rock and soil materials, engineering
geological investigations, slope stability, geological factors affecting the stability
of a facility on and in the soil, engineering, stability and protection of
underground facilities, etc.
 Classifysoils and rocks, use of air photos and geological maps, engineering
geological problems related to design and stability.
 Understand the importance of engineering geology related to technical issues
during construction, and conduct basic engineering geological assessments and
Develop the ability to perform geophysical data analysis, interpretation and to
use seismological data for understanding the earth sub surface.

Course Contents
Unit I Hours15

Role of engineering geology in civil constructions.Various stages of engineering

geological investigation for civil engineering projects. Soil mechanics – three phases of
soil, consistency limits, particle size distribution, soil classification, consolidation and
compaction, and shear strength of soil. Engineering properties of rocks; rock
discontinuities.Physical characters of building stones.Metal and concrete aggregates.

Unit II Hours15
Geological consideration for evaluation of dams, reservoir sites, highways, etc.Dam
foundation rock problems.Geotechnical evaluation of tunnel alignments and
transportation routes, method of tunneling; classification of ground for tunneling
purposes; various types of support.Introduction to various types of mining methods
and its planning.
Unit III Hours15
Introduction to geophysics; characteristics of planet and planetary motions, shape
and size of earth; Relative motion of plates, Stability of triple junction, gravitational
and magnetic field of the earth, principles of gravity methods and instrument used,
corrections applied to gravity data; principles of magnetic methods; instruments of
magnetic surveying, Field procedure in conducting magnetic surveys and data

Unit IV Hours15
Seismic methods: principles and instruments used; seismic velocity and interpretation
of seismic data; Seismic refraction and reflection methods. Geometry of refraction and
reflection paths in a layered earth. Seismic noise; Reflection and refraction field
methods. Electrical methods: basic principles and various types of electrode
configuration; Electrical resistivity method, self-potential and resistively surveying;
field procedures and interpretation of field data.Applications of electrical and
electromagnetic methods in solving geological problems.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Lecture cum demonstration, Project

Method, Seminar, Group discussion, Team teaching, Field visit, Brain storming,
Mobile teaching, Collaborative learning, Case analysis, Case study, Case based study,
Through SOLE ( Self Organized Learning Environment).

Suggested readings:
1. Bell, F.G., 1992. Fundamentals of Engineering Geology, Aditya Books Pvt. Ltd.
Indian Edn.
2. Krynine, D.H. and Judd, W.R., 1998.Principles of Engineering Geology, CBS
Edition. Delhi.
3. Bermett, M.R., and Doyle, P., 1999.Environmental Geology, John Wiley & Sons, N.

4. Lowrie, W., 1997.Fundamental of Geophysics, Cambridge Univ. Press. London.
5. Fowler, 2005.The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics, Cambridge
University Press.
6. Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P. and Sheriff, R.E., 1990.Applied Geophysics,
Cambridge University Press.
7. Jaeger J., Cook N. G. and Zimmerman R., 2007. Fundamentals of Rocks
Mechanics, Wiley-Blackwell
8. Reddy, D.V., 1995.Engineering Geology for Civil Engineers, IBH Publishing Co.
Pvt. Ltd.
9. Peter Shearer, 1999.Introduction to Seismology, Cambridge University Press,
10. Alan E. Mussett, M. Aftab Khan, 2000.Looking Into the Earth: An Introduction to
Geological Geophysics, Cambridge University Press.

Course Code: EGS 552 L T P Credits

Course title: Hydrogeology, Remote Sensing and GIS 4 0 0 4

Total hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 appraise the role of groundwater in hydrological cycle, groundwater flow
pattern in different terrains.
 estimate quantity and to assess quality aspects of groundwater for better
management, characterizations of aquifers in terms of yield, categorization of
groundwater for different uses.
 Formulate the evolution of water chemistry through hydrogeochemical
processes across different terrains.
 Develop utilization of satellite data in various applications such as geology,
hydrogeology, climatatology, forestry, town planning etc.
 Maximize digital image processing technique of satellite data for various
applications such as land use/land cover, digital elevation model(DEM).

Course Contents
Unit I Hours 15
Hydrosphere and Groundwater flow: Hydrosphere; Hydrological Cycle Ground
Water- origin, type and occurrence, Scope and importance of Groundwater; Principles
of groundwater flow: Darcy’s law and its validity, concept of permeameters, water
table, peizometer. Tracing of groundwater movement with flow nets; Pumping tests –
principles – types of pumping tests, procedures, concept of well hydraulics,
determination of aquifer properties and well characteristics by simple graphical
methods– significance of transmissivity and storativity data.

Unit II Hours 15
Occurrence, distribution and quality of Groundwater: Vertical distribution of
groundwater; Hydrologic properties of Rocks– Porosity, Hydraulic conductivity,

Aquifers – characteristics of unconfined and confined aquifers; behavior of
sedimentary, crystalline and volcanic rocks as aquifers – factors controlling
hydrologic, aquifer properties and yield of wells in different rock types; Assessment of
groundwater quality using hydrochemical parameters: hydrochemical data
presentation and data analysis, concept and evaluation of hydrochemical facies, use
of environmental isotopes in groundwater studies.

Unit III Hours 15

Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and GIS: Energy-atmospheric interaction:
electromagnetic spectrum; atmospheric windows; spectral reflectance. Platforms,
sensors, satellite series: Types of platform; orbital characteristics; aerial
photographys; sensor types; sensor systems; Indian Remote Sensing Satellite series
programme; LANDSAT; IKONOS; Quick bird. Image processing and interpretation:
digital image processing; elements of image interpretation; visual image
interpretation. Basics of Geographic Information System: spatial data and non-
spatial data; vector and raster data; coordinate system. GPS: GPS systems; receivers;
advantages and limitations.

Unit IV Hours 15
Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Geology: Thermal Infra-red remote
sensing in geological studies; microwave remote sensing for geological applications;
Applications of remote sensing - groundwater exploration, identification of rocks,
mineral explorations, geological surveys; alteration zones mapping; geomorphology
applications, volcanic eruptions, surfacial deposit / bedrock mapping; lithological
mapping; structural mapping; environmental geology; geo-hazard mapping, Drone
application in geoscience.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Lecture cum demonstration, Project

Method, Inquiry training, Seminar, Group discussion, Co-operative learning, Blended
learning, Flipped learning, Focused group discussion, Team teaching, Field visit,
Brain storming, Mobile teaching, Collaborative learning, Problem solving, Self-
learning, Case based study, Through SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environment).

Suggested readings:
1. Todd D.K., 2007. Groundwater Hydrology, John Wiley and Sons
2. Gupta, S. K., 2011. Modern Hydrology and Sustainable Water Development,
3. Raghunath, H.M., 1985. Groundwater, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
4. Lillisand, T. M. and Keifer, R. W., 2007.Remote sensing and image
interpretation, John Willey and Sons, USA
5. Chang, Kang-taung, 2002.Introduction to geographic information systems, Tata
McGraw-Hill, USA.
6. Barrett, E. C. and Curtis L. F., 1999.Introduction to environmental remote
sensing, Chapman and Hall Publishers, USA.

7. Joseph G., 2003. Fundamentals of remote sensing, Universities Press,
8. Sabbins, Jr. F. F., 1986. Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation, WH
Freeman & Co.
9. Pandey, S. N., 1987. Principles and Applications of Photogeology, Wiley
Eastern, New Delhi.
10. Gupta, R.P., 1990. Remote Sensing Geology, Springer Verlag.
11. Karanth, K. R., 1987. Groundwater Assessment Development and
Management, McGraw Hill Publishers
12. Freeze and Cherry, 1979.Groundwater, Prentice-Hall.

Course Code: EGS. 553 L T P Credits

Course Title: Hydrogeology and Remote Sensing and GIS 0 0 4 2
Total hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Construct water table maps for evaluation of groundwater flow, recharge and
discharge site identification.
 Maximize exploration of groundwater resource using hydrogeology, remote
sensing & GIS integrated approach
 Assess the quality of groundwater for different uses and to propose
development and management of groundwater resource
 Improve the use of digital imaging software in groundwater mapping,
exploration and management
 Propose GIS related models in assessing quantity and quality aspects of
groundwater resource.

Lab Exercise:
1. Water table contour mapping.
2. Interpretation of flow net: groundwater flow movement, delineation of recharge
and discharge areas.
3. Calculation of hydraulic gradients.
4. Representation of hydrochemical data in Stiff plot and interpretation.
5. Representation of hydrochemical data in Schoeller diagram and interpretation
6. Representation of hydrochemical data in Box and Whisker plot and
7. Evaluation of hydrochemical facies in Trilinear diagram and interpretation
8. Analysis of hydrochemical facies in Durov diagram.
9. Identification of landforms on toposheets, aerial photographs and satellite
10. Digital image processing and data interpretation using image processing

Transactional Modes: Lecture cum demonstration, Problem solving using graphs,
maps, using image processing and GIS softwares such as Erdas Imagine, ArcGIS.

Evaluation Criteria: Total Marks – 100, End semester exam (50 marks), Continues
assessment (30 marks), Lab record (10 marks), Viva (10 marks).

Course Code: EGS. 555 L T P Credits

Course Title: Research Methodology 4 0 0 4

Total hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Choose and propose appropriate research methods according to their research
aims and objectives
 aware the limitations of particular research methods
 justify knowledge of the selection of various instruments and sample
preparation techniques for addressing specific research problem
 Develop skills in qualitative and quantitative data analysis and presentation
 design advanced critical thinking skills and enhanced writing skills

Course Contents
Unit I Hours 15
Concept and definition of Research: academic research, basic and fundamental
research, applied research, theoretical, conventional and experimental research.
Concepts and needs of research hypothesis. Research proposal and concepts;
developing research proposal in the field of geosciences; research approach and
identifying gap areas from literature review; problem formulation and statement of
research objective.

Unit II Hours 15
Literature survey and review, use of digital library, online resource; necessity of review
of literatures. Problem formulation and statement of research objective; Developing of
bibliography. Concepts on plagiarism, ISSN and ISBN numbers, impact factors and
citation index of research articles and assessing the quality of research articles.

Unit III Hours 15

Pre-field preparations, Field mapping and documentation, Procedure of sampling,
Introduction to field mapping and section measurement, Introduction to working
principles, concepts, sample preparation, applications and limitations of X-ray
Diffractions (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), ICP MS, X-ray fluorescence
(XRF), Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS, EDX, or XEDS), Mass
spectrometer, OSL and Fission Track Dating.

Unit IV Hours 15
Types of data: primary and secondary data, Source and authenticity of secondary
data, Introduction on the techniques of data representation, documentation and
representation tools, basic presentation structures, writing a scientific paper, abstract
and summary writing and organizing thesis, project reports; Integrative approach in

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Lecture cum demonstration, Project

Method, Inquiry training, Seminar, Group discussion, Co-operative learning, Blended
learning, Flipped learning, Team teaching, Brain storming, Mobile teaching,
Collaborative learning, Problem solving, Self-learning, Case based study, Through
SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environment).

Suggested readings:
1. Bruce, L. B. 2001.Qualitative Research Methods for Social Sciences, Allyn and
Bacon, Boston.
2. John, W. C., 2011.Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed
Methods Approaches, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
3. Lester, James, D. and Lester Jr. J. D., 2007.Principles of Writing Research
Papers, Longman, New York.
4. Potts, P. J., 1997.Silicate rock analysis
5. Reed, S. J. B., 1990.Recent developments in geochemical microanalysis:
Chemical Geology, Volume.83, PP. 1-9.
6. Frank A. Settle, 1997.Handbook of Instrumental Techniques for Analytical
Chemistry, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Course Code: EGS. 543 L T P Credits

Course Title: Seminar 0 0 0 1

Total hours: 15
Learning Outcome: Student will learn how to present their thought/idea/ scientific
findings in a skillful way. How to participate in the discussion and question /answer
session during presentation?

Seminar: Students will be assigned with a topic, research article, book chapter or any
subject / project / dissertation related topic to prepare a report and presentation.
Scheduled seminars will be conducted in the department in the presence of experts.

Evaluation Criteria- Full mark 100

Presentation is evaluated using rubrics: Speak Clearly (8 marks), Posture and Eye
contact (8 marks), Content (8 marks), Preparation (8 marks), stay in topic (8 marks);
Response to questions (20 marks);

Report evaluation is based on literature review and background knowledge (20 marks),
Organization of content, formatting and references (10 marks) and Discussion (10

Course code: EGS 599 L T P Credits

Course title: Project work 0 0 12 6

Each candidate required to submit a dissertation/ project report based on his/her

research work carried out towards the fulfillment of his/her M.Sc. dissertation/
Project work.
It will have following components:
(a) Origin of the research problem and literature review
(b) Objective of the research work
(c) Methodology of the work, field observations (if any) and data recorded by the
(d) Details of laboratory investigation (if any) carried out by the candidate,
(e) Synthesis of results and interpretation
(f) Concluding remarks and future direction

Evaluation Criteria: As Satisfactory / unsatisfactory

Supervisor shall assess students on 60 marks based continuous assessment of
students’ performance, the lab/field work and final report. Report evaluation is based
on origin of the research problem, and literature review (15 marks), methodology
adopted (15marks), result and discussion (20 marks), and organization of content,
formatting and references (10 marks).
A committee of examiners shall conduct viva-voce, which would consist of the
supervisor, faculty member(s) of the department, and Head of the Department/
nominee as per the University Rule. The committee shall evaluate for remaining
40marks based on the presentation and viva-voce.
Presentation is evaluated using rubrics: Speak Clearly (4 marks), Posture and Eye
contact (4 marks), Content (4 marks), Preparation (4 marks), stay in topic (4 marks);
and response to questions (20 marks).

Value added Course offered by the department

Course Code: EGS 503 L T P Credits

Course Title: Introduction to field accessories in geosciences 1 0 0 1

Total Hours: 15
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Aware the different field accessories in geosciences.
 Measure the equipment’s confidently at field.

Course Contents

Unit I Hours 3
Field Geology: Introduction to toposheets, Scale definition; small scale and large-
scale maps; reading various components of a toposheet.
Unit II Hours 4
Geological map-definition, various components of a geological map including scale,
legend, structures etc. Studies of outcrop pattern, topographic law and rules of ‘V’.

Unit III Hours 4

Instruments used in geological field studies; techniques and use of geological tools
during field work-use of clinometer compass, Brunton compass, GPS, altimeter.
Unit IV Hours 4
Attitude measurements; measurement of true thickness and distance, section
measurement techniques and significance.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Lecture cum demonstration, Field

visit, Brain storming.

Suggested readings:
1. Angela L. C. 2010. Geological field techniques, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
2. Lisle, R. J., Brabham, P. and Barnes, J. W., 2011.Basic Geological Mapping
(Geological Field Guide) 5th edition, Wiley-Blackwell.
3. Mathur, S.M., 2001. Guide to Field Geology, PHI Learning Private Limited-New
4. Maley, T. S., 1994.Field geology (Illustrated), Mineral Land Publications.
5. Lahee, F. H., 1961. Field geology 6th edition, McGraw-Hill.

Semester IV
Course Code: EGS. 571 L T P Credits
Course Title: Principle of Stratigraphy and Indian 4 0 0 4
Total hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Construct stratigraphic cross sections into a historical summary that expresses
environmental states and changes.
 Design appropriate nomenclature.
 Adapt the baselevel concept in reasoning through the succession of
paleogeographic changes during which a series of strata accumulated.
 Discuss multiple variables that contribute to the accumulation of strata (e.g.,
tectonic subsidence, sediment supply, sea level change) in deducing plausible

 Make up reasoning to construct one or more hypotheses for the paleogeographic
and environmental histories that produced a series of strata.
 Appraise an understanding of stratigraphic sequence mapping and
interpretation to a variety of data types typical to surface geological and
subsurface geological analysis (ie, outcrop, well log, seismic).

Course Contents
Unit I Hours 14
Principle of Stratigraphy: History and development of stratigraphy; stratigraphic
procedures (surface and subsurface), concept of lithofacies and biofacies;
stratigraphic correlation (litho, bio- and chronostratigraphic correlation).Study of
standard stratigraphic code (lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and
chronostratigraphic); Concepts of magneto stratigraphy, chemo-stratigraphy, event
stratigraphy, and sequence stratigraphy.

Unit II Hours16
Archaean-Precambrian stratigraphy of India: Precambrian stratigraphic framework
of India; Classification, structure and tectonics of the Dharwar craton; Ancient
supracrustal (Sargur Type); Gold bearing schist belts of Eastern Karnataka (Kolar
Type); Younger schist belts (Dharwar Type); Gneiss complex, granulites, charnockites;
Structure, tectonics and stratigraphy of the OMG, OMTG, Iron Ore Group (Singbhum
Craton); Stratigraphy of the Sukma, Bengpal, and Bailadila series from Central India;
Ancient granites, viz. Singbhum, Chitradurga, etc.; Archaeans of the Extra Peninsular
region; Archaean-Proterozoic boundary; Stratigraphy, geology, tectonics and
evolution of the following Proterozoic basins/Purana formations in India - Delhi-
Aravalli Supergroup, Singbhum Group, Sausar-Sakoli Groups, Vindhyans,
Cuddapah, Pranhita-Godavari, Bhima, Kaladgi.

Unit III Hours16

Palaeozoic stratigraphy: Igneous activities and palaeogeography during the
Palaeozoic Era. Stratigraphy, facies, and fossil contents of the Palaeozoic rock
formations of Peninsular and extra-peninsular India. Permian-Triassic boundary.
Gondawana stratigraphy: Concepts, classification, fauna, flora and age limits of
Gondwana Supergroup and related palaeogeography, palaeoclimate, depositional
characteristics and igneous activity.
Mesozoic stratigraphy: Classification, depositional characteristics, fauna and flora,
age limits, correlation of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous systems in principal basins
of Peninsular and extra-peninsular India. Stratigraphy of the Deccan volcanic
province; Cretaceous- Palaeogene boundary.

Unit IV Hours 14
Cenozoic stratigraphy: Classification, depositional characteristics, fauna and flora
of the Palaeogene and Neogene systems in their type localities and their equivalents
in India. Epoch boundaries of the Cenozoic in India. Quaternaries of Peninsular India;
Neogene-Quaternary boundary. Stratigraphy and tectonics of the Siwalik Formation.
Quaternary relative sea level changes.
Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Lecture cum demonstration, Project
Method, Seminar, Group discussion, Co-operative learning, Flipped learning, Focused
group discussion, Team teaching, Field visit, Mobile teaching, Collaborative learning,
Case analysis, Case study, Case based study,
Suggested readings:
1. Sam Boggs, Jr., 2011.Principles of sedimentology & stratigraphy, Prentice Hall.
2. Ravindra Kumar, 1998.Fundamentals of historical geology and stratigraphy of
India, New Age, ISBN-13: 978-0852267455.
3. Ramakrishnan, M. and Vaidyanathan R., 2008.Geology of India Vol. 1 & 2,
Geological Society of India, Bangalore, ISBN No: 978-81-85867-98-4.
4. Naqvi, S.M. and Rogers, J.J.W., 1987.Precambrian Geology of India, Oxford
University Press.
5. Krishnan, M.S., 1982.Geology of India and Burma, C.B.S. Publishers &
Distributors, Delhi.
6. Gary Nichols, 2009.Sedimentology and stratigraphy, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN:
7. Bolli, H. M. and Saunders, J. B., 1977., Introduction to stratigraphy and
paleontology, in Indian ocean geology and biostratigraphy (eds. J.R. Heirtzler,
H.M. Bolli, T.A. Davies, J.B. Saunders and J.G. Sclater), American Geophysical
Union, Washington, D. C.
8. Danbar, C.O., and Rodgers, J., 1957.Principles of Stratigraphy, John Wiley &
9. Pascoe, E.H., 1968.A Manual of the Geology of India & Burma (Volume I – IV),
Govt. of India Press, Delhi
10. Pomerol, C., 1982.The Cenozoic Era? Tertiary and Quaternary, Ellis Harwood
Ltd., Halsted Press.
11. Schoch, R.M., 1989.Stratigraphy: Principles and Methods, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.
12. Doyle, P. and Bennett. M. R., 1996.Unlocking the Stratigraphic Record, John

Course Code: EGS. 572 L T P Credits
Course title: Ore Geology 4 0 0 4

Total hours: 60
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Evaluate ore minerals in hand specimen and under the microscope.
 Improve knowledge in wide range of mineral deposits, including recognizing
the overall geometry, zonation and alteration patterns associated with specific
classes of metallic mineral deposits
 Elaborate overall geometry, zonation and alteration patterns of rock
associations to specific classes of metallic mineral deposits.
 Evaluate different processes of element enrichment by fluids and melts to from
ore bodies.
 assess the formation of ore bodies is important in the current debates about
global resources
Course Contents
Unit I Hours 15
Modern concept of ore genesis; mode of occurrence of ore bodies – morphology and
relationship of host rock and migration, wall-rock alteration. Structural,
physicochemical and stratigraphic controls of ore localization. Paragenesis,
paragenetic sequence and zoning in metallic ore deposits. Spatial and temporal
distribution of ore deposits – a global perspective. Earth's evolutionary history and
evolutionary trends in ore deposits. Ore deposits in relation to plate tectonics.

Unit II Hours 15
Mineralogy, classification and genesis of petrological ore associations: Ortho-
magmatic ores of ultramafic-mafic association, ores of felsic-silicic igneous rocks: ores
related to submarine volcanism, biochemical, chemical and clastic sedimentation;
placers and residual concentration deposits. Ores of metamorphic affiliations.
Hydrothermal ore deposits. Principle of Fluid inclusions in ore: assumptions,
limitations and applications. Geothermo-barometry and isotope studies in ore geology.

Unit III Hours 15

Study of ore minerals related to the following metals such as such Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Pb,
Zn, Al, Mg, Au, Sn and W with special reference to their mineralogy, genesis, uses in
important industries and their distribution in India. Strategic, critical and essential
minerals. Importance of minerals in national economy and mineral policy. Mineral
concessional rules of India. Law of the Sea.

Unit IV Hours 15

Fundamentals of coal petrology, peat, lignite, bituminous and anthracite coal.

Microscopic constituents of coal. Indian coal deposits. Origin, migration and
entrapment of natural hydrocarbons. Characters of source and reservoir rocks.
Structural, stratigraphic and mixed traps. Techniques of exploration. Geographical
and geological distributions of onshore and offshore petroliferous basins of India.
Methods of petroleum exploration. Surface and subsurface exploration, gas hydrate
and coal bed methane. Nuclear and Non-conventional source of energy.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Lecture cum demonstration, Project

Method, Inquiry training, Seminar, Group discussion, Focused group discussion,
Team teaching, Mobile teaching, Collaborative learning, Problem solving, Case
analysis, Self-learning, Case based study.

Suggested readings:
1. Robb, L., 2005.Introduction to Ore-forming processes, Blackwell Publ., Oxford.
2. Evans, A.M., 1992.Ore geology and industrial minerals, Blackwell Science.
3. Misra, K.C. 1999.Understanding mineral deposits, Kluwer Academic
4. Sinha, R. K. and Sharma, N.L., 1970.Mineral economics, Oxford& IBH.
5. Jensen, M.L. and Bateman, A.M., 1981.Economic mineral deposits, John Wiley
& Sons.
6. Stanton, R. L., 1972.Ore Petrology, McGraw Hill.
7. Guilbert, J. M. and Park, Jr. C. F., 1986.The Geology of Ore Deposits,
8. Barnes, H. L., 1979. Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, John Wiley:
9. Umeshwar Prasad, 2014. Economic Geology: Economic Mineral Deposits
(Second Edition), CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Course Code: EGS. 573 L T P Credits

Course Title: Ore geology and Exploration 0 0 4 2
Total hours: 60

Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Recognize common ore minerals in hand samples and under the microscope
 Get familiarize with a wide range of mineral deposits, including recognizing the
overall geometry, zonation and alteration patterns associated with specific
classes of metallic mineral deposits

Lab Exercise:
1. Megascopic study of Indian metallic ores and industrial minerals in hand
2. Study of optical properties and identification of important ore minerals under
3. Preparation of maps showing distribution of metallic minerals in India and also
classical world mineral deposits.
4. Preparation of maps showing distribution industrial minerals in India and also
classical world mineral deposits.
5. Estimation of grade, tonnage of ore deposits.
6. Interpretation of borehole logs.
7. Calculation of apparent resistivity of subsurface layers using Schlumberger and
Wenner electrode configuration
8. Interpretation of seismic and gravity data for mineral exploration

Suggested readings:
1. Annels, A.E., 1992.Mineral deposit evaluation, Chapman and Hall, London.
2. Evans, A.M., 1992.Ore geology and industrial minerals, Blackwell Science.
3. Lowrie, W., 1997.Fundamental of Geophysics, Cambridge Univ. Press. London.
4. Fowler, 2005.The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics, Cambridge
University Press.
5. Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P. and Sheriff, R.E., 1990.Applied Geophysics,
Cambridge University Press.

Evaluation Criteria- Full marks – 100,

End semester exam (50 marks), Continues assessment (30 marks), Lab record
(10 marks), Viva (10 marks).

Course Code: EGS 574 L T P Credits
Course Title: Field Training - II 0 0 0 2

Total hours: 30
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Apply theoretical knowledge at ground observation in field and to learn
essential observational and practical skills.
 Identification of rocks and interpreting the physical (including tectonic)
processes that may have been involved in their formation.
 Divide different rock type, different deformational structures, such as fold,
fault, lithology and depositional features etc. in the field.
 Improve understanding of fieldwork environment in certain professional and
scientific organizations.
 Assess how to prepare geological map, geological cross section.

Geological field training

Fieldwork will be conducted any time during the semester as per the suitable time.
Geological field training and fieldwork will be carried out as per the guideline of the
University at proper sites for a period of 10 days. During the fieldwork, students will
do the geological mapping of an areas (depend on the prospective mining or
continental elevated region); will learn different rock type, different deformational
structures, such as fold, fault, lithology and depositional features; will visit
mining/drilling sites; sample and fossils collections if available in the area. Evaluation
of this course will be based on the field activity, daily field report, final report
submission and presentation during the 4th semester.

Transactional Modes: Demonstration, Inquiry training, Group discussion,

Cooperative learning, Blended learning, Focused group discussion, Team teaching,
Field visit, Brain storming, Problem solving, Case analysis, Self-learning, Case based
study, Through SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environment).

Suggested readings:
1. Angela L. C., 2010.Geological field techniques, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
2. Lisle, R. J., Brabham, P. and Barnes, J. W., 2011.Basic Geological Mapping
(Geological Field Guide), Wiley-Blackwell.
3. Mathur, S.M., 2001.Guide to Field Geology, PHI Learning Private Limited-New
4. Maley, T.S., 1994.Field geology (Illustrated), Mineral Land Publications.
5. Lahee, F. H., 1961.Field geology, McGraw-Hill.

Evaluation Criteria: Full Marks – 100

Field activity (10 marks), Evaluation of field dairy during every day of fieldwork and
final submission (20 marks), Final field report (40 marks), Presentation (30 marks) –
Presentation will be evaluated using rubrics: Speak Clearly (4 marks), Posture and

Eye contact (4 marks), Content (4 marks), Preparation (4 marks), stay in topic (4
marks); Response to questions (10 marks).

Course Code: EGS. 575 L T P Credits

Course title: Comprehensive Geosciences 2 0 0 2

Total hours: 30
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 solve quantitative problems of geosciences
 prepare themselves for various national level competitive exams

Comprehensive Geosciences:
This course will be conducted as lecture cum tutorial classes. Past question papers of
national level exams like CSIR-JRF-NET/GATE will be discussed in the classes. In
this course student will solve geological questions from all the courses studied during
their M.Sc. program in time bound manner. Different case study will be discussed in
the classes. Problems will cover all the aspects of geosciences.

Transactional Modes: Project Method, Inquiry training, Seminar, Group discussion,

Focused group discussion, Team teaching, Brain storming, Collaborative learning,
Problem solving, Case analysis, Case study, Self-learning, Through SOLE ( Self
Organized Learning Environment).

Evaluation Criteria- Full mark 100

Assignment (10 marks), Surprise test ( 15 marks), Mid semester Test (25 marks), End
semester (objective type) exam (50 marks)

Course Code: EGS. 576 L T P Credits

Course Title: Quantitative Geosciences 2 0 0 2

Total hours: 30
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 solve quantitative problems of geosciences
 prepare themselves for various national level competitive exams
 interpret geologic markers vis a vis climate change

Quantitative Geosciences:
This course will be conducted as lecture cum tutorial classes. Students will learn the
approach and application of different statistical tool to interpret the data comprises of
suitable geological problems. These includes application such as probability function,
hypothesis testing, Annova, exponential smoothing, regression and correlations, cross
correlation, sampling, moving average for time series data, Fourier transformation,

matrix, PCA analysis and Eigen value, intrapolation, Markov chain and Embedded
Markov chain, segmenting sequences, splines and semi variograms. Besides this,
student will also solve other quantitative problems (related to geochemistry, isotope
geology, geophysics, hydrogeology and economic geology) of geosciences in time bound

Transactional Modes: Project Method, Inquiry training, Seminar, Group discussion,

Focused group discussion, Team teaching, Brain storming, Collaborative learning,
Problem solving, Case analysis, Case study, Self-learning, Through SOLE ( Self
Organized Learning Environment).

Suggested readings:
1. Ma, Y. Z. (2019). Quantitative geosciences: data analytics, geostatistics, reservoir
characterization and modeling. Springer International Publishing.
2. Marsal, D., & Merriam, D. F. (2014). Statistics for geoscientists. Elsevier.
3. Zou, H. (2007). Quantitative geochemistry. Imperial college press.
4. Davis, J. C., (2002). Statistics and data analysis in geology. Wiley.
5. Liboutry, L. (2000). Quantitative geophysics and geology. Springer Science &
Business Media.
6. Whitten, H. T. (Ed.). (1975). Quantitative studies in the geological sciences (Vol. 142).
Geological Society of America.

Evaluation Criteria- Full marks – 100,

Assignment ( 10 marks), Surprise test ( 15 marks), Mid semester Test (25 marks),
End semester (objective type) exam (50 marks)

Course code: EGS 599 L T P Credits

Course title: Project work 0 0 12 6
Each candidate required to submit a dissertation/ project report based on his/her
research work carried out towards the fulfillment of his/her M.Sc. dissertation/
Project work.
It will have following components:
(a) Origin of the research problem and literature review
(b) Objective of the research work
(c) Methodology of the work, field observations (if any) and data recorded by the
(d) Details of laboratory investigation (if any) carried out by the candidate,
(e) Synthesis of results and interpretation
(f) Concluding remarks and future direction

Evaluation Criteria: As Satisfactory / unsatisfactory

Supervisor shall assess students on 60 marks based continuous assessment of
students’ performance, the lab/field work and final report. Report evaluation is based
on origin of the research problem, and literature review (15 marks), methodology

adopted (15 marks), result and discussion (20 marks), and organization of content,
formatting and references (10 marks).
A committee of examiners shall conduct viva-voce, which would consist of the
supervisor, faculty member(s) of the department, and Head of the Department/
nominee as per the University Rule. The committee shall evaluate for remaining 40
marks based on the presentation and viva-voce.
Presentation is evaluated using rubrics: Speak Clearly (4 marks), Posture and Eye
contact (4 marks), Content (4 marks), Preparation (4 marks), stay in topic (4 marks);
and response to questions (20 marks).

Value added Course offered by the department

Course Code: EGS 504 L T P Credits

Course Title: Introduction to geological Mapping 1 0 0 1
Total hours: 15

Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be
able to
 Evaluate the processes and practices of geological mapping.
 Assess the processes of sampling techniques.

Unit I Hours 3
Geological mapping procedures: Geological mapping of igneous terrains, geological
mapping of sedimentary terrains.

Unit II Hours 4
Geological mapping of metamorphic terrains and recording of structural information,
preparation of Geological Cross-section.

Unit III Hours 4

Techniques for sample collection: Sampling and oriented sampling, its significance;
sampling for isotopic, geochronological and geochemical studies and its significance.

Unit IV Hours 4
Sampling strategies for micro-palaeontological and biostratigraphic studies and
recording of palaeontological information.

Transactional Modes: Lecture, Demonstration, Lecture cum demonstration, Field

visit, Brain storming.

Suggested readings:
1. Angela L. C., 2010.Geological field techniques, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
2. Lisle, R. J., Brabham, P. and Barnes, J. W., 2011.Basic Geological Mapping
(Geological Field Guide) 5th edition, Wiley-Blackwell.
3. Mathur, S.M., 2001.Guide to Field Geology PHI Learning Private Limited-New
4. Maley, T.S., 1994.Field geology (Illustrated), Mineral Land Publications.
5. Lahee, F. H., 1961.Field geology 6th edition, McGraw-Hill.


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