Our Insight Understanding The London Plus Visitor
Our Insight Understanding The London Plus Visitor
Our Insight Understanding The London Plus Visitor
About this research
Introducing the London+ visitor
London in the UK context
Quantifying London+
Countries of origin
Motivation & behaviour
Economic impact
21% 9%
On average LONDON +
15 %
of London visitors go
According to our research 15% of London visitors came to London as part of a wider to another UK nation
international holiday visitors outside of LONDON
trip to the UK (London+). In terms of the nations visited by these London+ visitors, spend between 24% and
80% went to an English location outside of London, 30% to Scotland, 21% to Wales 64% more nights in the UK
and 9% to Northern Ireland. A fairly high number of London respondents (27%) compared to single nation
visited multiple locations outside London, with England and Scotland being the most visitors
popular combination.
Looking at holiday visitors to London from overseas, these are predominantly from
long-haul destinations, and spend between 24% and 64% more nights in the UK
(including London) compared to international holiday visitors to individual nations.
London+ visitors are estimated to generate 1.6m international visits a year and to 24%
spend just over £641m a year in the UK nations’ economies.
over £
£ Of the international visits to each
£641m £ £
nation LONDON + represents
8% 8%
Research aims
• Track where London visitors travel within the UK
• Capture London+ visitors’ countries of origin and destinations
• Compare London+ visitor behaviour with non-London+ behaviour
• Estimate potential size and economic contribution of London+ visitors
This London & Partners research aimed to get under the For the first time, we have quantified who visits London
skin of the London+ visitor, and estimate their contribution as part of a broader UK trip, where beyond London they
to the economies of nations across the UK. visit, how long they stay, and how much they spend while
they are here. Our research has identified numerous op-
London has long been recognised as a magnet that draws portunities and, of course, posed further questions. How
people into the UK. Once here, many visitors seize the op- can we encourage the London+ visitor to spend more time
portunity to explore other destinations across England, and in London and beyond? How can regional tourism bodies
also to visit Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Similarly, tap into this phenomenon, and inspire the visitor to extend
there is much evidence to suggest that a significant their stay? What sort of collaborative ‘in-market’ promotion-
number of visitors head directly to locations around the UK al activity is most likely to succeed?
and then stop off in the capital on their return home.
We are now planning follow-up tranches of research in
Visit Britain touched upon this so-called ‘London+’ effect order to answer some of these questions.
in its piece of 2013 qualitative research, Foresight Number
117.1 The national tourism agency ran focus groups to
find out why overseas visitors came to London in such
numbers, and explored barriers to travel further. However,
this research did not attempt to quantify the number of
people who might be classed as London+ visitors, nor did This analysis is the first
it calculate their likely contribution to tourist economies attempt to develop a
across the UK. fact-based examination
This research paper seeks to explore these very topics and
of the London+ effect,
extend the scope of previous analyses by looking at both with a particular focus on
overseas and domestic visitors.
overseas visitors.
We surveyed thousands of people from more than 80
countries in our bid to find out more about the London+
…makes up 15% of London’s Visitors
…is usually a long-haul traveller
IS SOMEONE WHO VISITS LONDON AS PART OF …tends to visit just one nation beyond London
A WIDER TRIP TO THE UK. …is drawn by history and heritage
London & Partners is London’s official promotional organisation. Our job is to promote London
and attract visitors, businesses, students, events and congresses to this remarkable world city.
As part of our work, we try to understand why individuals choose to visit and stay here, and also
attempt to quantify the economic contribution they make.
1.6 MILLION This report is the first in-depth analysis of an important breed of visitor: ‘London+’, who we define
as someone who visits London as part of a broader UK trip, taking in at least one other location in
England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. We wanted to understand the size and value of the
£641 MILLION London+ visits are estimated to London+ market. We also wanted to gain some insight into how this market could grow for the
benefit of the entire nation. The findings in this report provide a framework for discussion and, most
be made to the UK every year
importantly, a starting point for action.
spending in the UK
nations’ economies
Northen Ireland
• London attracts 16.8M overseas visits
Scotland 51%
• 51% of the UK’s international visits (2013)
• London has 12 times more visits than the next city in the UK
Rest of England
London’s pulling power and strong brand means the Capital has a vital role to play as a gateway
to the rest of the UK. 77% of international visitors to the UK come by air, with London Heathrow
and London Gatwick operating as the major hubs of overseas arrivals. 71% of first time holiday
visitors to the UK will come to London.
International visits to UK destinations in 2013 totalled 32.8m, up by 5.8% on 2012. London Top 5 UK cities - Overseas staying visits, 2004 -2003
attracts 16.8 million international visits - 51% of all the UK’s overseas tourists. England
(excluding London) accounts for 42% of visits, followed by Scotland (7%), Wales (3%) and
NI (1%). London receives 12 times as many visits as Edinburgh, the second most visited city, Visits (m)
making it by far the most popular city.2
15 London
10 Manchester
5 Liverpool
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
International Passenger Survey, ONS
• Online survey administered to VisitLondon.com registered users in autumn 2014
• Questions translated into multiple languages
• Respondents living in London excluded
• Respondents had to have made at least one trip to London in the 12 months prior to survey launch
• Final sample: 6,218 respondents
• Bespoke London data from 2013 International Passenger Survey used to estimate size and value
of international London+
The survey was sent in September 2014 to all users who To quantify the economic impact of London+ international
had registered on the VisitLondon.com website between visitors, London & Partners used bespoke data on London
July 2013 and August 2014. The main objective of the visitors from the International Passenger Survey (IPS
survey was to understand the profile of the website users 2013). This data included information on the proportion of
and evaluate the site’s effectiveness in encouraging addi- London visitors who stayed in more than one region within
tional tourists to visit London. the UK.
Countries outside Australia, US, Italy, Germany, France, Spain and the UK.
The UK
73% 15%
Key finding: 15% of London visitors venture outside the capital to
take in another UK location. London only
This part of our research sought to quantify what We also estimated that 1.6m London+ trips were made by
percentage of all visits to the UK were ‘London+’ excursions international visitors. This corresponds to 10% of all the London+ visits as a proportion of international visits
— namely visits that took in a UK location outside London. international visits to the UK (excluding London). to nations outside of London
We also wanted to know what proportion of London visitors
ventured outside the capital to explore other UK nations. So over 12 months, visitors go on one and a half million
trips that combine London with a visit to another UK loca-
Where do UK visitors spend their time? tion. London & Partners is now exploring ways to work with
other tourism bodies across the UK to encourage these UK international visits
The majority of visitors to London choose to stay in the people to extend their stay with excursions to other des- (ex-London)
capital, with nearly three quarters of visitors to London tinations in England and to Wales, Scotland and Northern 90% 10%
preferring to devote their trip to the city alone. That said, Ireland.
UK international
27% of London visitors have broader horizons. Just over
London+ visits
one in ten visits combine a trip to London with taking in a
destination outside the UK to Europe.
• Scope to extend stays of Europeans 2. Rest of the world 30% 2. Rest of the world 17%
3. UK 10% 3. US 12%
4. Italy 9% 4. Italy 6%
We wanted to know whether certain nationalities were contrast, UK visitors top the ‘London only’ visitor league .
6 5. Australia 8% 5. France 6%
more predisposed to exploring the UK with London than Again discounting the ‘rest of the world’,7 the next largest 6. Germany 5% 6. Germany 4%
others. We sought to discover whether London+ visitors group is the US, followed by Italy, France, Germany, Spain 7. France 3% 7. Spain 4%
were more likely to be travelling from close to home, or and Australia. 8. Spain 2% 8. Australia 2%
from further afield. And we were also intrigued to find out
whether nations would switch ‘rankings’ when comparing Comparing the two league tables, the non-London+ visitor
London+ with ‘London only’ visitors. is therefore more likely to be a domestic traveller, while
London+ visitors are most likely to be long-haul travellers.
Which nations dominate? The other notable differences are the significant positional Nationalities more likely to be Does it make a difference where you’re
and proportional shifts by Australian and American visitors. London+ visitors from? Proportions of visitors type by market
The tables on the next page display the relative proportions Both nations dominate the London+ market, but are far
of visitors by nation in our sample, comparing London+ less likely to be ‘London only’ visitors. We wanted to find out which nationalities were most pre-
visitors with ‘non-London+’ visitors. Long-haul travellers disposed towards being London+ visitors, and which were COUNTRY LONDON+ NON-LONDON+
dominate the London+ league. Those who travel from content to stay within London for the duration of their stay. Australia 40% 60%
further afield understandably want to exploit their trip to Australians are the most likely nationality to explore another US 32% 68%
the full, stopping off at locations they might never have the UK location as part of their trip, followed by Americans as
chance to see again. Only 8% of French the second most adventurous group. UK visitors are the
Rest of the world 30% 70%
and Spanish visitors to least likely to combine a trip to London with another UK
Italy 20% 80%
Germany 17% 83%
Americans are the dominant group, topping the league at London leave the Capital location. What is striking though is the high proportion
France 8% 92%
nearly a third of the total. Putting the ‘rest of the world’ to explore another of European visitors who choose not to venture beyond
category to one side, the next largest group is from the
UK, followed by Italy, Australia, Germany and France. Spain
location across the UK. London’s limits. Only one in five Italians — and fewer than
one in ten French and Spanish visitors — leave London to
has the smallest national representation at just 2%. By explore the rest of the UK.
Defined as London visitors who don’t take in another UK location as part of their trip, i.e. only visit London or visit
Key finding: England is the most popular draw for London+ visitors,
with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland following in order of Two locations 17%
Three locations 7%
• Majority of London+ visitors visit one location outside London
• England and Scotland is the most popular multi-nation combination
• London+ international holiday visitors spend more nights than single nation visitors
All four locations 3%
We sought to find out where London+ visitors spent their Only 3% of London+ visitors make a beeline for all four
time outside the UK Capital. Do they spread their stay nations but around one in six (17%) are keen on visiting 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
equally across UK countries, or are some areas and nations two locations beyond London.
more popular than others? We also wanted to investigate
how long they typically stay in each location, and whether Where next? The most popular
there was any difference in the duration of stay between multi-nation visits
London+ visitors and those heading to single nations.
Which combinations of countries are the most favoured by Where else did you stay within the UK? 8
The majority head for one stop in England London+ visitors? This is the running order of popularity:
for four out of five people, that location is in England. The 3. Scotland and Wales
popularity of England is clear, and unsurprising considering 4. England, Scotland and Wales
Scotland 30%
London’s excellent transport links and plethora of prime 5. England and Northern Ireland
attractions. That said, Scotland exerts a strong pull, with
nearly one in three London+ visitors choosing to take in a
Wales 21%
destination in this country of cultural cities, mountains and
spectacular coastlines.
73% of London+ visitors
Northern Ireland
Wales drew just over one in five London+ visitors, while visited only one nation 9%
Percentages do not add up to 100% as some trips took in multiple nations.
Average Nights
London+ international holiday visitors
12.2 12.1
stay longer
When comparing the total number of nights stayed by 7.8
London+ international holiday visitors with nights stayed 7.4
by visitors to countries across the UK, we see the average London+ international 7.2
London+ trip lasts considerably longer. In England, holiday visitors spend
London+ visitors stay for 4.4 nights longer than individual
nation visitors, averaging 12.2 nights over their total trip.
between 24-64% 5.4
Nights in nation IPS Nights in London of Nights in nation
(only one nation visited) people also staying in..
NI data were not available
Visiting friends
or relatives 22%
Key findings: taking a holiday is the most popular reason for visiting Holiday - for a specific
London and the UK. London is the first stop for most visitors. cultural or sporting event 8%
or study visit
Other 6%
The better tourism agencies understand their target Heritage and shopping divide opinion
audiences, the more chance they have to engage and
inspire them. We wanted to find out what motivated the We wanted to find out whether there were any differences
London+ visitor to come to the UK in the first place. Do in interests when comparing London+ with non-London+ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
visitors head straight for the capital or to another UK loca- visitors.
tion first? This section of the research answers these key
questions. In the main, London+ visitors and non-London+ visitors are Drivers: London+ compared to non-London+ visitors
drawn to the UK for the same reasons. Both groups rate
‘attractions’ as the primary draw, closely followed by the
A holiday is the main draw UK’s cultural offer. The allure of parks, culinary delights and
nightlife is closely aligned for both camps. However, there 100%
are two areas where the groups express markedly different 84%
Well over half of London+ visitors come to the UK on
79% 73%
holiday, with nearly one in ten attracted by a specific preferences: non-London+ visitors are more interested in 71%
cultural or sporting event. The next most common reason shopping compared to London+ counterparts, who in turn 75% 68%
to make the journey is to visit friends or relatives, with just are more attracted to history and heritage. Nightlife comes 58%
over one in five trips motivated by personal relationships. last on the list for both groups, attracting just one in 14
Education and commerce are neck and neck, with around people to the UK. Compared to non-London+ visitors, the
one in sixteen people visiting for study or business. Exactly average London+ visitor is more likely to:
2% of London+ visitors embark for a specific conference 33%
or event. More than two thirds of London+ visitors choose • organise trips 4-12 months in advance 25% 22%
to make London their first stop, before they go on to other • rent apartments or stay in B&Bs 18% 17%
UK destinations. • have visited London less frequently 9%
7% 6%
Visits (m)
We have always known that visitors who combine trips to is impressive at more than £529m a year. Scotland is the
London with forays to other nations around the UK make second biggest benefactor, receiving 1.1m nights and an
a significant economic contribution to regional economies. estimated economic injection of £96m a year, 6 per cent of
We were keen to find out how much these visitors spend the nation’s tourist’s spending.
and where they spend it. We also sought to quantify the 10 London+ visits
proportion of each nation’s respective tourist economy they Although in third place, Wales’ economic take-out is
make up. £16m spent over 264,000 nights stays a year. Samples Nation/Region
were too small for Northern Ireland to draw any significant visits (ex London+)
Far-reaching economic impact conclusions.
London+ as
London+ as
Overall eco- proportion of 0
Country regional int’l % of Region’s Total nights
visits per nomic impact international
visited visits (m) visits (all (m)
country (m)
(£ m) tourism econo- London UK England Scotland Wales
mies (IPS) (exc. London) (exc. London)
England 13.63 1.28 9% 8.86 £529 7%
Scotland 2.44 0.21 8% 1.11 £96 6% London+ as a
Wales 0.88 0.07 8% 0.26 £16 5% proportion 15% 10% 9% 8% 8%
of Nations visits
IPS (2013) nights and spending data used to estimate economic impact in terms of visitors expenditures outside London. Data for NI was not available.
England in line with the previous sections does not include London.
of London, 30% to Scotland, 21% to Wales and 9%
to Northern Ireland
• London+ international visitors contribute just over
£641m a year to the UK tourism economy We hope that this piece
• London+ international holiday visitors spend between of research has shed
24% and 64% more nights in the UK (including light on a very much
London) compared to international visitors to individual debated topic, and will
• Long-haul travellers are significantly more likely
eventually lead to a more
to travel to another UK destination outside London
concerted approach
compared to EU and GB visitors between national and
regional tourism boards
This research has also generated some intriguing facts
about the motivation and mindset of the London+ visitor.
and London.
We now know that London+ visitors are primarily attracted
to history and heritage and that the majority visit London
first before going on to another destination. However,
London & Partners is very much at the beginning of its
investigations. We need to find out much more about the
appeal of ‘beyond London’, and explore the barriers to
booking extended trips.
Michele Mazza
[email protected]
Thank you