Modern Trends in Inductive Power Transfer For
Modern Trends in Inductive Power Transfer For
Modern Trends in Inductive Power Transfer For
1, MARCH 2013
Abstract— Inductive power transfer (IPT) has progressed to is transferred by induction from one coil to another without
be a power distribution system offering significant benefits in physical contact. Such power transfer is clean, unaffected by
modern automation systems and particularly so in stringent chemicals or dirt, and has the capacity to revolutionize many
environments. Here, the same technology may be used in very
dirty environments and in a clean room manufacture. This manufacturing processes.
paper reviews the development of simple factory automation Early commercial IPT systems found applications in car
(FA) IPT systems for both today’s complex applications and assembly plants where tolerance to paint and welding fumes
onward to a much more challenging application—IPT roadway. was highly prized [4]–[8] and also in transcutaneous medical
The underpinning of all IPT technology is two strongly coupled devices [3]. In manufacturing applications, one primary circuit
coils operating at resonance to transfer power efficiently. Over
time the air-gap, efficiency, coupling factor, and power transfer was able to drive a multitude of secondary circuits using new
capability have significantly improved. New magnetic concepts decoupling controllers that could switch a secondary pickup
are introduced to allow misalignment, enabling IPT systems to circuit on and off without placing a VAR load on the primary
migrate from overhead monorails to the floor. However, the circuit [7]. IPT systems, however, really found their applica-
demands of IPT roadway bring about significant challenges. tion with clean factory automation (CFA) manufacturing flat
Here, compared with the best FA practice, air-gaps need to be
100 times larger, power levels greater than ten times, system losses panel displays and computer chips under stringently clean
ten times lower to meet efficiency requirements, and systems conditions and achieving higher yields than any competing
from different manufacturers must be interoperable over the full technology [3]. The technology has continued to evolve to
range of operation. This paper describes how roadway challenges include larger more powerful systems, operating under difficult
are being met and outlines the problems that still exist and the conditions in worldwide applications.
solutions designers are finding to them.
Perhaps the biggest challenge for IPT systems today is
Index Terms— Inductive power transfer (IPT), roadway pow- transportation for both public and private vehicles on networks
ered electric vehicles, strongly coupled magnetic resonance, of railways and roadways in every country in the world. IPT
wireless charging systems.
offers the possibility of being able to power these vehicles
electrically using electric wires under the ground to provide
I. I NTRODUCTION power, charge, and alignment means [9]–[45] for cars, buses,
and trains by magnetically coupling power directly into a pad
I NDUCTIVE power transfer (IPT) was first suggested soon
after Ampere and Faraday proposed their laws that became
the underpinning of electrical engineering. Following this,
placed underneath a vehicle. If power transfer is accomplished
with a stationary vehicle and a battery, it is called wireless
the most significant advances were made by Tesla who charging of a battery electric vehicle (BEV), and developments
demonstrated significant power transfers at ac frequencies here have accelerated over the past decade [9]–[34]; if it is
using highly resonant tuned coils [1], [2]. The means by accomplished while moving it is called dynamic powering, and
which such power, however, could be transferred at low cost, while concepts were developed in the early 70s [35], [56], [79],
and regulated, remained a challenge which was difficult to only recently has this begun to receive renewed attention due
overcome with the technology of the day. Therefore, IPT in part to stationary charging developments and a willingness
was considered to be not viable for some time and against a of car manufacturers to support this technology [36]–[45].
background of disbelief it was not until the end of the twentieth BEVs are now challenging internal combustion engine (ICE)
century that real commercial IPT systems appeared [3]. IPT vehicles in all applications of vehicles in our society except
involves the coupling of two or more coils: when coupled a range; dynamically charged electric vehicle (EV) will compete
current in one coil causes an induced voltage in the other with ICE vehicles in all aspects of performance except original
hence under the correct conditions that voltage can be used purchase cost: they are cleaner, quieter, and more efficient
to power some application and in these circumstances power and with the appropriate roadway structure they could have
unlimited range [40]. BEVs can operate with a plug in battery
Manuscript received April 4, 2013; accepted May 8, 2013. Date of charger or with inductive charging: dynamically powered vehi-
publication May 18, 2013; date of current version July 3, 2013. cles can only operate with an IPT link and it is the develop-
Recommended for publication by Don F. D. Tan.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engi- ment of that link that holds the promise for EVs in the future.
neering, The University of Auckland, Auckland 1142, New Zealand (e-mail: IPT is a technology of the time, totally dependent on
[email protected]; [email protected]). recent developments in magnetic materials: litz wire, embed-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at ded controllers, and particularly power electronics. Over the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JESTPE.2013.2264473 past 30 years the operating frequency for power transfers
2168-6777/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE
∼1–10 kW has increased from typically 10–20 kHz over small are, however, advantages and disadvantages with all of these
(relatively confined) air-gaps but now there is a push to 85 kHz possibilities. Increasing the power by increasing the frequency
and beyond at significantly larger spacing between the resonant is something of an illusion and may not bring about the
couplers. The power rating has also continually increased from benefits expected. The system is clearly frequency sensitive but
3 to 100 kW and higher as more applications are developed. it is not a simple dependency as it appears here and this limit
Lower power IPT systems used for charging cell phones, is described in the next section. Increasing the mutual coupling
medical equipment, and other small IT devices are developed is without doubt the best solution as it involves making the
over a similar time period, initially in the 100–400-kHz magnetics better and as this is a magnetic coupling it is really
region to keep the magnetic systems small without being the ideal approach, but there are limits in terms of magnetic
overly concerned with efficiency, but more recently operation coupler size and volume of material that must be considered
∼1–10 MHz has been developed and higher frequencies are for each application. Increasing the excitation current is a
being proposed but again are restricted to very lower power forced solution that usually leads to a lower efficiency. It will
applications ideal for harvesting power [2]. The names for give more power, but it puts more stress on all the components
such IPT systems vary, and include contactless power sys- in the process. Increasing Q 2 of the secondary electrical circuit
tem (CPS), wireless power transfer (WPT), wireless energy is a good solution but as described below this increases the
transfer, strongly coupled magnetic resonance, high-efficiency VA of the secondary and narrows its bandwidth (much in the
inductive-power distribution and others; however, the essential same sense as tuning a radio receiver). It cannot be carried to
principles are the same given the distances over which the excess or the system becomes too difficult to tune and keep on
power is coupled is almost always within one quarter of a tune over time (because of aging effects of capacitors) or in
wavelength and therefore, the fundamental operation of all of uncontrolled environments (where the presence of materials or
these systems can be described by simple coupled models. movement can shift the inductance value). These possibilities
This paper reviews the essential elements required to are examined in the next section.
develop high-power IPT systems and comments on the key
metrics which must be considered, including safety, field A. Power from the Viewpoint of Electrical and Magnetic
leakage, and heating. It also describes its latest challenge— Quality Factors
as a key enabler for EVs to increase the range and eliminate For systems where there is normally one primary and one
the need to plug in. secondary as in charging applications, (1) may be rewritten as
In its simplest form an IPT system comprises two coils Pout = ωL 1 I1 × I1 × × Q 2 = V1 I1 × k 2 × Q 2 . (2)
L1 L2
L 1 and L 2 with mutual inductance, M. For a current I1 in L 1
at frequency ω, the voltage induced in L 2 is Voc = j ωM I1 In this form, the power transfer can be seen as the input VA,
and is commonly referred to as the open-circuit voltage of the multiplied by the magnetic coupling factor k 2 , multiplied by
coupled system. If the secondary (pickup) is short-circuited the the electrical quality factor of the loaded secondary circuit Q 2 ,
short circuit current is Isc = Voc / j ωL 2 = M/L 2 ·I1 . From first and is not dependent on ω that is now included in the voltage
principles, the product of the short circuit current Isc multiplied at the input of L 1 . In other words, the transferred power can be
by the open circuit voltage Voc is the maximum VA rating for increased by increasing the NI product or primary frequency
the pickup called Psu and gives a measure of how good the until the VA limits of the primary system are reached, after
power coupling of any magnetic system is for a particular which additional compensation may be required (which would
driving condition. The maximum power that the system can then add to the system cost). If the power demand is fixed,
transfer—called here Pout is [7] as follows: and this limit is not reached, then an increase in frequency at
the same voltage lowers the B field in the air-gap and in any
M2 2
Pout = Psu × Q 2 = ω I Q2 (1) ferrite which may be present, and enables a smaller volume
L2 1 of copper to be used.
where the factor Q 2 is the loaded Q of a secondary system The size of the magnetics in a charging application using
that is compensated with a tuning capacitor hence it operates pads is largely determined by their expected tolerance to
at resonance, as used by Tesla. This power equation is valid misalignment. For a misalignment of 200 mm, at least one
for all manner of IPT systems but some minor adjustments of the pads has to be circa 400 mm across hence under
may occur in track-based systems driven from a current source misaligned conditions an overlap exists whereby energy can
when the inductance L 1 can be very large. Pickups in track be transferred. A given pad needs essentially the same input
systems are usually in a close relationship with the track and VA for a given power regardless of the frequency. For a
can partially enclose
√ the track inductor giving high k values given power and VA rating, increasing the frequency requires
(where k = M/ L 1 L 2 is the magnetic coupling factor) that a reduction in pad inductance by partitioning the wire into
are not achievable with floor-mounted systems such as AGVs segments and adding series compensation to manage the
or moving robots. Nonetheless regardless of the value of k the voltage. Simply reducing N makes the windings sparse and
analysis can proceed in the same way. the leakage flux may increase. The area of ferrite may also
Following (1), the power transferred by an IPT system can be reduced but it must contain the flux. It can be made
be improved by increasing any of ω, M, I1 , or Q 2 . There thinner but then it is more likely to break. A good practical
reduction is to reduce the NI product by two with a bifilar Q L 1 = 148 [48], similarly Hu described a 400-m track system
winding—but the power supply must now deliver twice the and pickup operating at 15 kHz, where Q L 1 = 195, and
current. The efficiency of the power electronic supplies and Q L 2 = 565 [49]. In this application, each pickup is designed to
secondary electronics operating at LF frequencies is usually deliver 10 kW of power to a light rail train under development
very high. Power supply efficiencies are typically ∼95% while in Germany by Conductix–Wampfler AG and is expected to
the secondary electronics and control can have an efficiency as operate with a loaded Q 2 of ∼4. Thus, the magnetic losses
high as 96%–97% when it is operating under ideal conditions. or each secondary is ∼1%. Similar examples of designs by
Normally forced cooling is not required. There is a natural Vahle in 2001 for their CPS system in Dresden which has been
desire to be able to couple power at an efficiency of ≈90%, and operating since 2001 have measured Q L > 200 [50] while
therefore the couplers also need to have efficiencies ∼96%– de-Boeij et al. [51] also showed built coupler systems with
97%. For this reason, most couplers use ferrite and litz wire, to Q L 1 = 308.6, and Q L 2 = 314 in the primary and secondary,
shape the field and ensure the conduction losses are low. The respectively.
designs of such couplers have evolved with the applications, Thus, high-Q coils are essential to guarantee low loss but
but from the very first commercial systems in the ’80s there the terminology in the literature was rather confusing and
was a clear understanding that all couplers must be low loss. seemed to imply a difference between the recently presented
The loss in any tuned coil is the VA in the coil divided by research by Kurs et al., [52] which they labeled as strongly
its native Q [30] and therefore, all commercial systems use coupled magnetic resonance, and commercial resonant induc-
resonant coupling coils with high native Q (for the inductor tive systems even as early as those described above. In [52] and
this is labeled here as Q L = ωL/rac , where rac is the intrinsic [53] there are two coupled resonators with intrinsic loss rates
resistance of the wire in the coil inductor at the operating 1 and 2 that are coupled together at a coupling rate K . The
frequency). resonance quality factor for each resonator
√ is Q L = ω/2.
Thus, the magnetic loss in either the primary or secondary The WPT figure of merit is U = K / 1 2 . In conventional
at a given power transfer rate can each be defined as follows: electrical engineering terminology, the same statement may be
VA written as: there are two tuned coupled circuits
with a coupling
Ploss = . (3) factor k and a WPT figure of merit U = k Q L 1 Q L 2 where
k, Q L 1 , and Q L 2 are all defined earlier. As discussed, the
quality factor of each coil that is Q L = ω/BW (where BW is
The VA of the secondary is [46], Pout Q 22 + 1 for a parallel
the bandwidth of the tuned circuit), can also be related to the
resonant secondary, or Pout Q 2 for a series resonant secondary
damping factor of each circuit, or to the electrical parameters
system, and as most systems operate at rated power with
of the circuit described earlier.
nominal loaded Q 2 > 3 both approximate Pout Q 2 . Thus, the
This nomenclature in [53] is generalized for any type of
magnetic power losses near rated power transfer are as follows:
resonator, whereas the electrical one only applies to electrical
V A1 V A2 1/ (k Q 2 )2 1 resonances—which in practice comprise the overwhelming
Ploss = + ≈ Pout Q 2 + . (4) majority of all resonators.
Q L1 Q L2 Q L1 Q L2 Expressing the figure of merit in
two forms U = 2K /ωo Q L 1 Q L 2 = k Q L 1 Q L 2 shows that
IPT systems are normally designed to operate such that the unloaded Qs of the two circuit couplers is the important
the effective VA in the primary is usually greater than the factor—and always has been. Here, ωo = ω1 ω2 is the
VA of the secondary (or combined secondaries) [7], [47], but operational frequency of the system, and is the geometrical
care must be taken when these VAs are closely matched if average frequency of the individual coil resonant frequencies
the system operates under variable frequency conditions— ω1,2 of coils one and two, respectively. As defined in [53], a
given this is nominally the point at which bifurcation can system with U > 1 is strongly coupled. As such the majority
occur and power drops. In fixed frequency systems operation of all practical IPT systems operating under resonance are
close to this point is essentially the best operating condition strongly coupled since as shown earlier Q L 1 Q L 2 > 100
and usually guarantees good efficiency. In a charging system, is common requiring k > 0.01 which is true of nearly all
similar sized couplers (which usually have similar VA limits) systems, and for charging systems most have k > 0.1 under
are normally designed to operate with maximum VA while all desirable power transfer conditions.
delivering rated power at the largest lateral displacement
and clearance. Therefore, at this point k Q 2 ≈ 1, hence the B. Power from the Viewpoint of Energy Storage
magnetic losses of both the primary and secondary at rated The power equation may also be written as follows:
power, are proportional to Q 2 /Q L . With more displacement
there is a need to reduce the power delivered or risk operating M2
Pout = ω × L 1 I12 × × Q2 (5)
beyond the pad ratings and shortening their lifespans. L1 L2
If the ideal magnetic losses are desired to be 2%, then in where the power is seen to be 2π times the frequency
a matched coil system operating at the point where both are multiplied by the product of the peak energy stored in the
close to rated VA, each system should operate with ≈1% loss. L 1 inductor, the square of the magnetic coupling factor, and
This equates to a desire to operate such that Q L /Q 2 > 100. the loaded Q of L 2 .
As an example of a typical commercial design, Wang et al. Further, as the energy in the inductor is essentially stored in
described a 20-kW system where the primary track had a the air-gap of a practical IPT system, the peak energy stored
Pickup Switched- to support the magnetic field. The wire, current, frequency,
Compensation Mode VDC and wire to wire spacing are all gradually becoming sub-
ject to international standards—in FA 80/125-A wires spaced
3∅ Pickup 100-mm apart operating at a frequency of ∼20 kHz are an
Input L2 Inductance
industry standard. Pickups (magnetic couplers) may run on
Power Supply
+ Output Track inductance = L1 the floor, or on monorails controlled by signals superposed on
I1 the wires or separately transmitted [4]–[8].
In other aspects, there may be considerable freedom in the
Fig. 1. Typical IPT system. design of IPT systems especially in the pickup circuitry, its
protection, the controllers, and the electrical circuitry and Q 2 .
The most flexible characteristic of all is, however, probably the
may be written as: Peak Energy = B 2 /2μ0 × the volume of magnetic circuits and how they are coupled. Such IPT systems
the air-gap separating L 1 and L 2 . Here, B is the rms flux are loosely coupled with k values that may be as low as 0.01
density. Thus, simplistically the maximum power that can be or as high as 0.3–0.5 or more in some circumstances. But the
transferred by an IPT system includes the frequency, the flux difference between a system with a k value of 0.01 compared
density, the coupling factor, and the size (volume) of the air- with an alternative system with a k value of 0.03 is a factor of
gap. This analysis has not included the flux caused by the nine: this can be compensated by increasing Q 2 by nine times
secondary coil and its loaded Q but it does show that in general but then the system becomes less efficient and difficult to tune
higher powers will require higher flux densities. as the coupler alignments and the ambient temperature vary.
For charging systems there is always a desire to reduce the To this end, a significant effort in the design of IPT systems
size of the secondary system (e.g., in cell phones, robots, and is to increase k by improving the magnetic designs. Simple
EVs), and thus at any given frequency and power transfer, coils wound about a ferrite core have flux out both sides of
this necessarily increases the B in the gap given the coupling the coupler—the flux out the obverse face can never couple
between the primary and secondary will reduce with size. to the other coupler therefore, new coupler topologies are
Therefore, both the primary and secondary will have to be developed where there is no reverse flux. Flux paths are shaped
driven harder to compensate for this reduction, thereby low- by attractors (ferrite) and frighteners (aluminum or copper).
ering the system efficiency. If the primary is larger than the Combinations of ferrite and copper can greatly improve the
secondary (and this is often desired to increase the tolerance flux path geometry giving significant increases in k while also
of the system to misalignment), then there is an even greater reducing other leakage paths.
chance of creating leakage if the smaller secondary cannot
capture the field. In all of these cases, the potential levels of
flux, where humans will interact with these fields, must be
considered and maintained within ICNIRP limits [54], [55], IPT systems use two or more magnetic couplers to transfer
while also ensuring that objects in the gap are not heated in a power from one frame of reference to another. As noted above,
manner that creates a safety hazard. in the discussion on the power equation, arguably the most
important factor in an IPT system is the magnetic coupling
III. E LEMENTS OF AN IPT S YSTEM coefficient k and techniques that increase k lead directly to
systems that can transfer power more efficiently than others.
A simple IPT system is shown in Fig. 1. It comprises of There may, however, be a cost penalty as magnetic materials
the following: such as ferrite are expensive and fragile and in circumstances
1) a power supply that takes electric power from a utility where a large lateral tolerance to misalignment is needed the
or a battery; cost may be excessive. Where low powers are involved the
2) an elongate track that is driven by the power supply magnetic material may be omitted and pickups may be coupled
whereby current in the track causes a magnetic field that magnetically through the air. The required Q 2 may be higher
follows the track; and the efficiency lower but the system is justified by its cost.
3) pickups on or along the track that intercept some of From the earliest systems there is always a balance, such
the magnetic field and convert that intercepted field to as this, to meet some figure of performance. Otto [56] in
controlled electricity; 1973, for example proposed a system for powering an EV
4) electrical loads that may be driven by that electricity. with an air-cored pickup coil >300-mm above the surface of
All of these aspects are important but some are essentially a road using a primary of two copper tubes buried in the road,
self-evident. There are a very large number of power supply each with a current of 2000 A at 10 kHz. The system was
circuits that may be used in an IPT system but all of them never built but avoided the use of ferrite as it would have
achieve the same outputs with different output frequency, been prohibitively expensive. Today, that solution would be
efficiency, and reliability, however, modern IPT supplies gen- unacceptable in that emissions from it would be too high—
erally favor current controlled supplies with unity power factor but from that time different solutions to the power transfer
and with a controlled frequency [3]. The frequency must problem have continued to be innovative in a wide variety of
be system wide but other attributes will vary with cost and applications. In the early 1990s, a monorail conveyor for FA
availability. The track usually uses high-frequency litz wire used IPT at 10 kHz with a track current of 80 A using two
wires at a spacing of 100-mm mounted close to an aluminum high relative permeability of the ferrite in the order of 2000,
I beam that was the backbone of the monorail [7]. Here, the a crack 10 microns wide is equivalent to 20 mm of ferrite.
primary is essentially in air (near the web of the I beam)
and the secondaries used ferrite E cores with a litz wire V. C HARGING EV S W IRELESSLY
winding to each collect ∼1.5 kW from the primary as they In the push to obtain EVs powered by IPT this background
moved. This is an efficient system using a different magnetic in FA technology is useful but inadequate. With FA, the
structure at each end of the coupling and was unique in that misalignments and the air-gaps are small but in the EV appli-
it included a control system that allowed individual conveyors cation they can be large. Present systems would run happily at
to be regulated without compromising other conveyors on the 2–3 kW/carrier, and occasionally higher, but with the EV much
same track. higher powers are needed. For stationary charging, a power
A modification to this used the same controller but the two level of at least 7 kW is needed while in dynamic applications
wires are horizontally displaced in air with currents of 80 A 20 kW is fast becoming the design specification. The biggest
each, at a frequency of 10 kHz and pickups made of ferrite in difficulty of all is that unlike FA, people are, however, com-
a horizontal H shape picked up power using a litz wire coil on monly near to EV charging equipment and the emissions from
the cross bar of the H. This system allowed one of the power the vehicle must be contained below international standards.
wires to be switched hence a carrier could go from one track to On the roadway with a moving vehicle, this may not be a
another at half rated but continuous power and it soon became problem but in a garage situation it is important that the
an essential element of IPT conveyor systems in CFA systems. magnetic field outside the footprint of the car does not exceed
In FA, IPT systems are chosen for their tolerance of dirt in field leakage limits [54], [55].
welding bays and paint shops; in CFA situations IPT systems Traditionally, practical couplers for EV systems are either
are chosen for their cleanliness and residue-free applications. circular in shape with a coil in the form of a flat Archimedean
Pickups in these and other factory applications were widely spiral placed on magnetic material or shaped like a solenoid
named according to the letter of the Latin alphabet that they using a cylindrical spiral with a magnetic material through the
most closely resembled—for example I, E, and H—but other middle of the coil. Such systems have evolved from essentially
shapes were also suggested—for example an asymmetrical track-based designs to concentrated couplers. One of the
S pickup is difficult to mount but gives almost twice the earliest systems was the Santa Barbara project [60]. Here, the
available power as a symmetrical E pickup for the same proposal focused on designs that used a track system as is
material cost [57]. A feature of all of these pickups was commonly used in materials handling even today. An extended
that they operated with relatively small air-gaps, and good loop is built and a large flat E-core pickup designed and fitted
coupling factors at high efficiency. As the technology and under buses and also under cars (in the playa vista project
its applications developed these ideal operating conditions, work). The essential problem that limited this application was
however, became more stressed. Floor-mounted systems used the unavailability of modern materials. Without ferrite and litz
two wires 100-mm apart buried under 10 mm of concrete, wire, the pickups are too heavy and without modern power
each with a current of 125 A at 20 kHz. In their primitive electronics the frequencies are too low (in the early work
form they used a flat E pickup to achieve coupling factors ∼400 Hz) rather than 20 kHz or higher. The power control
within 50% of those attainable with a monorail. In monorail means was, however, also lacking. In consequence, while the
applications, the tines on the E and H pickups could encircle concepts and designs were well thought out, the tolerance for
the track to ∼ 270°. Floor-mounted pickups could not encircle parking or moving is highly constrained, and the cost was too
even to 180° giving a low output but they could sense the wire high.
position under the concrete floor and use this information to In the early mid-90s, plug-in inductive couplers were pro-
navigate around the factory. Also, in a new innovation, extra posed [61]–[66], but while adding a level of safety they did
coils could be added to the flat E ferrite converting it into not solve the fundamental issue of having to remember to
a quadrature pickup where both the power profile and the plug in. In the late 90s and early 2000s there was significant
tolerance to misalignment are enormously improved [58], [59]: redevelopment and limited deployment of plug-less charging
in the primitive flat-E pickup power at typically 1 kW was systems. Both solenoidal and circular or oval-shaped systems
available over a misalignment of ±25 mm with an air-gap of were reinvestigated and deployed successfully with high-
10 mm; in the improved pickup operating with the same track efficiency and high-power transfers of between 20 and 60 kW,
current, this same power was available over ±150 mm. but tolerance to movement was constrained to gaps of between
The floor-mounted pickups do, however, have the whole 2 and 4 in [14], [67], and [68]. The focus then shifted to
track energized all the time and as this may be as long as improving the distances over which power could be coupled
300 m it does create a large area in the factory closed to efficiently without oversizing the magnetics.
personnel. Overhead monorails have a track 3.4-m high and
this makes them inherently safe—but not usable for EVs.
In construction, couplers are fragile and means must be A. Large Air-Gap Circular Magnetic Systems
found to protect the coils from damage. The protection usually Mecke et al. showed, based on research undertaken and pub-
entails packaging the coils in soft plastics or rubber materials lished over the preceding 4 years, that suitable power transfers
that add significantly to the bulk of the pickup without adding for charging EVs could be achieved at high-efficiency over
to its function. The situation is particularly critical as with the large air-gaps [13]. In this paper, they recognized that very
200 DDQ-Simulated
Psu (VA)
Circular Primary
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Quadrature Coil Ferrite X-displacement
(a) ( b) 250
Fig. 4. Multicoil single-sided magnetic coupler designs. (a) DDQ. (b) BP. 200 BP-Measured
150 DDQ-Measured
Psu (VA)
Circular Primary
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Psu (VA)
1) DDQ Coupler: As an example of such a mutlicoil 500
Psu (VA)
Fig 4(a). This coil is also a flat Archimedean spiral essen- 200
tially circular or slightly squarish coil that is placed sym- DD Primary
metrically across the line of touching of the two original 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
coils in the DD. If the two original coils (combined) are (d)
regarded as a single winding d-axis coil this third coil is
a q-axis coil and the output of the (combined) d-axis coil Fig. 6. Measured and simulated comparisons of un-tuned output power
at 127 mm gap with lateral misalignment between pads. Each primary is
is orthogonal (in quadrature) to the output of the new q- energized with I1 = 15 A at 20 kHz showing the performance of a DDQ
axis coil. It is a simple matter to increase the size of or BP secondary on: (a) a circular primary with x-displacement, (b) a
the q-axis coil to make its output commensurate with the circular primary with y-displacement, (c) a DD primary with x-displacement,
(d) a DD primary with y-displacement.
d-axis giving a true d–q axes pickup. Thus, in a pickup
situation comprising d and q components this pickup coil is
sensitive to both of them and can take power from both of 2) Bipolar Coupler: Another multicoil coupler called a
them as shown in Fig. 5. Here as shown, the use of this DDQ bipolar (BP) design also includes magnetically independent
pad on a vehicle enables a power zone which is around three coils [34] shown in Fig. 4(b). Its operation may be visualized
times larger irrespective of whether the ground pad is circular by considering the two coils lying on the striated ferrite such
[see Fig. 5(a)] or polarized [see Fig. 5(b)], compared with that the line of centers is along the direction of the ferrite. If
that which can be achieved using matched circular—circular the coils are now made larger, but keeping the line of centers
or matched polarized to polarized in Fig. 3. Notably, if a DD the same, then at some point where the two coils overlap
primary is used then coupling and power transfers are better they can be designed to be orthogonal to each other. At this
suited to large air-gaps, but the ability to align the vehicle in point, the outputs from the two coils are uncorrelated and
any direction is not possible. they can be used independently, and tuned independently, with
In another very important way, the DDQ pick up, however, independent outputs. As a secondary (vehicle) coupler, the
may be seen as essentially a two-phase coil and it can be output from a BP pad is almost identical (<10% difference)
used with a three-phase excitation coil (under the road) if the to that of the DDQ irrespective of whether it operates from
wavelengths of the flux patterns are more or less equal as a circular or DD primary, as shown in Fig. 6 [34], but this
shown in similar research with AGV track systems [58], [59]. BP coupler uses between 25% and 30% less copper in its
construction. While the DDQ is very versatile in that the Q use three-wires in delta, or four wires in star, or six wires as
coil can be made any size desired relative to the DD coil, three independent phases. Some of these wiring choices are
here both coils of the BP must be identical. Nevertheless, it particularly difficult to tune. But they can produce usefully
is also interoperable with either single-, two-phase or three- high outputs and have found application in street cars and
phase tracks or couplers. Naturally, either the DDQ or the trains particularly where there is a known and fixed separation
BP coupler could be used as the primary (ground) pad and in the magnetics and room under the vehicle (such as in light
used to couple to any range of secondary (vehicle) pads. This rail or buses) to create a matched three-phase to three-phase
would require a second synchronized power supply to enable system [77], [78].
the independent coils to be driven separately, but could then
enable simple circular, solenoid or DD pads to be used on the
vehicle side under stationary charging conditions.
As described above, IPT systems hold the promise of
charging EVs without wires. Hands-free charging simply
E. Three-Phase Magnetic Systems involves parking over a charging pad and the system will
Today, the complete coupled system for an EV charger as automatically connect and charge the battery in a process that
described above is essentially a single phase one extending is truly opportunistic and can be repeated many times per
from a single-phase power supply driving a single-phase day whenever the vehicle is stationary, and the opportunity
ground pad, coupled to a single-phase secondary pad with arises. In the most stringent stationary charging application for
one or more coils under the vehicle, each with a single- IPT systems so far, couplers used on a roadside must transfer
phase resonant circuit and associated control. Alternatively, power from a ground pad buried in the road to a pad in a
two- or three-phase systems may use two- or three-phase vehicle some 250-mm above it with a possible misalignment
ground pads coupled to single-, two- or three-phase vehicle of 150–200 mm in any direction. The coupling pads may be
pads, and a variety of processing circuits. Two-phase pads circular, elliptical, oval, or rectangular and today will usually
such as the BP pad operating with currents in each coil at have single sided coils to optimize their coupling efficiency
90° as described in [32] were found to be less effective than and reduce the losses. As discussed in Section V, an obvious
the DD single-phase generator described above and require choice of pads is a DD pad on the ground with either a DDQ or
two synchronized generators. Three-phase ground pads may BP pad on the vehicle. As noted, the pads do need a protective
comprise three single-phase pads or one pad specially designed covering that is usually polyurethane on the car pad and a
for three-phase operation and were proposed [74], [75] and suitable material on the ground pad. The ground pad may need
applied in various commercial systems [76]–[78]. At present, special strengthening if vehicle wheels can run over it as the
it is not clear which is the better system. Single-phase systems fragile ferrite in its core is always an issue.
are potentially lower cost but three-phase systems may produce In a more challenging mode, power transfer may be estab-
better coupling results, particularly at higher powers, with lished with the EV while it is being driven along the road in
larger air-gaps and possibly in dynamic applications, however, a lane that includes wiring to create a magnetic field that the
they are also necessarily large. vehicle drives above. This is the ultimate EV experience—an
Three-phase IPT pickup systems operate in a similar fashion EV with no range anxiety, that does not need long charging
to three-phase linear induction motors except that the traveling times, and that is more efficient than any other EV can ever be
magnetic field in an IPT system moves at such high speed as the power flow is essentially from the road directly to the
that positive and negative sequences are not so important as wheel motors bypassing the battery that maintains its charge
the concept of slip has no meaning. Usually, with a three- principally by scavenging energy as available. For systems to
phase system a three-phase generator would be used with a be developed and then installed with confidence by municipal
three-phase track and three-phase pickups, but as these pickups or government authorities, several decisions, however, need
can be very large a better option may well be to use single- to be made to ensure compatibility of the best magnetic
phase pickups with a DDQ or BP pickup to give continuous couplers by the various suppliers and car manufacturers that
output power. Three-phase systems can also be used with are targeting this technology, particularly given the investment
a single-phase pickup covering ∼0.8 of one cycle of the is likely to be high (perhaps as much as 10% of a highway
ground pad’s magnetic field pattern [75]. This single-phase lane) and needs to last for up to 30 years. Thus, the focus of
option is convenient but it has implementation difficulties as new research is to determine not only the best frequency of
the pickup can never present a balanced load to the three- operation (something that needs to be agreed across a number
phase primary and any unbalance shows as one phase with of interested parties), but also the power transfer rates/meter-
essentially resistive loading, and the other two phases with squared over defined clearances and tolerances, a selection of
reactive loads—one capacitive and one inductive. The DDQ robust magnetics that are compatible between various suppliers
and BP pads present a better load to the track than a single and suitable for the application (that includes light, medium,
coil structure given they are essentially two-phase systems, and potentially heavy duty vehicles) while size and weight
and while ideally their pole spacing should be optimized to limits also need to be addressed on board the vehicle. Despite
match the track pole width, the variation in heights and power the enormous challenges, this is an ideal situation that only
demands between classes of vehicles makes this optimization IPT can possibly deliver, therefore steps toward it must be
an on-going and significant challenge. Three-phase tracks may considered as discussed below.
the primary and secondary is essential to enable safe power
regulation. Generally, however, the secondary also needs a This paper reviewed the challenge ahead to create low-cost
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that compared with the state-of-the-art 15 years ago require [17] Y. Kamiya, M. Nakaoka, T. Sato, J. Kusaka, Y. Daisho, S. Takahashi, and
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Proc. IEEE Veh. Power Propuls. Conf., Sep. 2009, pp. 402–407.
[24] V.V. Haerri, U. K. Madawala, D. J. Thrimawithana, R. Arnold, and
The authors would like to thank Dr. Budhia for providing A. Maksimovic, “A plug in hybrid ‘Blue Angel III’ for vehicle to
the figures for the roadway powered analysis. grid system with a wireless grid interface,” in Proc. IEEE Veh. Power
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[87] H. H. Wu, A. Gilchrist, K. D. Sealy, and D. Bronson, “A high efficiency John Talbot Boys received the B.E., M.E., and
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[88] J. T. Boys and J. R. Lee, “Power quality with green energy, DDC, and Auckland, New Zealand, in 1963, 1965, and 1968,
inductively powered EV’s,” in Proc. IEEE 33rd Int. Telecommun. Energy respectively.
Conf., Oct. 2011, pp. 1–8. He was with SPS Technologies for five years
[89] J. R. Lee, J. T. Boys, and G. A. Covic, “Communications requirements before returning to academia as a Lecturer with
and performance of a distributed demand control system,” in Proc. IEEE the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New
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[90] U. K. Madawala and D. J. Thrimawithana, “A bidirectional inductive he developed his work in power electronics and
power interface for electric vehicles in V2G systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. inductive power transfer. He is currently a Professor
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[91] U. K. Madawala, M. Neath, and D. J. Thrimawithana, “A power- He is Co-Founder of Halo-IPT, now Qualcomm Halo, San Diego, CA, USA,
frequency controller for bidirectional inductive power transfer systems,” specializing in IPT applications with electric vehicles. He has published more
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 310–317, Jan. 2013. than 100 papers in international journals and he is the holder of more than 20
[92] M. A. Fasugba and P. T. Krein, “Gaining vehicle-to-grid benefits with U.S. patents from which licenses in specialized application areas have been
unidirectional electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle chargers,” in Proc. granted around the world.
IEEE Veh. Power Propuls. Conf., Sep. 2011, pp. 1–6. Dr. Boys is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand and a Distin-
[93] M. A. Fasugba and P. T. Krein, “Cost benefits and vehicle-to-grid guished Fellow of the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand.
regulation services of unidirectional charging of electric vehicles,” in
Proc. IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. Exposit., Sep. 2011, pp. 827–834.