Evaluating Hydrogen Risk Management Policy PR Less - 2023 - International Journ
Evaluating Hydrogen Risk Management Policy PR Less - 2023 - International Journ
Evaluating Hydrogen Risk Management Policy PR Less - 2023 - International Journ
Youhyun Lee a, Min Hyuk Cho b, Min Chul Lee c,*, Young Jin Kim d,**
Department of Public Administration, Ajou University, Republic of Korea
Basic Research Laboratory Center, Kyunghee University, Republic of Korea
Department of Safety Engineering, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 22012,
Republic of Korea
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hannam University, 70 Hannam-ro, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon, 34430, Republic
of Korea
Article history: Hydrogen energy has become a pivotal actor in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 in the
Received 29 December 2022 era of the climate crisis. Regardless of its importance, three consecutive hydrogen safety
Received in revised form accidents and their aftermath in South Korea have aggravated the public's acceptance of
3 March 2023 hydrogen. Hydrogen-induced risks have always existed in our society regardless of
Accepted 11 March 2023 technical improvement. Here, the task of the government is to manage the hydrogen risk
Available online 5 April 2023 to prevent hydrogen disasters. This study included three steps in its research design; 1)
selecting experts through snowball sampling, 2) conducting a qualitative email survey,
Keywords: and 3) analyzing the qualitative answer sheet by applying semantic network analysis.
Hydrogen risk We found that experts' evaluations of the Korean hydrogen PR policy were positive
Hydrogen accident regarding responsiveness but negative regarding openness, guidelines, and control
Policy PR tower. Therefore, we suggest practical policy recommendations; the central government
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Lee), [email protected] (M.C. Lee), [email protected] (Y.J. Kim).
0360-3199/© 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 5 3 6 e2 4 5 4 7 24537
Hydrogen safety should play an important role in cultivating professional crisis management PR
Risk management personnel and others.
© 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
power generation technology development” project. This the fire. The accident occurred simultaneously with the
project is a government-supported R&D project run by the opening of the valve on the container side after connecting the
Korea Energy Technology Assessment Service under the tube trailer and the nozzle on the charging station side. The
Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE). Two visitors high-pressure hose was disconnected, sparking the leaked
died, and six visitors were injured in this accident. hydrogen, and the charging station driver and the trailer
The second accident in South Korea occurred in the H2 driver suffered face and leg burns, respectively.
station near Seoul metropolitan area on January 2022. Third, an explosion of unknown cause occurred at Deo-
Although this accident turned out to be a minor fire accident, kyang Energy in May 2022. The hydrogen manufacturing
necessary and thorough safety measures should be taken plant in the Yeosu Industrial Complex was damaged, and
when handling combustible gas. Two workers were injured in three people were seriously injured. The explosion occurred
on the second floor, used by employees as a cafeteria and who are interested in a certain topic [32]. “Relations” refers to
office. The company where the accident occurred, which has the interaction between two entities on one topic. The basic
headquarters in Ulsan, mainly produces industrial hydrogen function of PR includes mediating the interactions among an
gas, and the explosion is presumed to have ignited on the organization, the public, and a topic.
second floor and shook the ground, causing nearby workers Policy PR is a comparatively emerging issue in both
to evacuate. public administration and journalism and refers to the
strategic communication management activity in which the
government can gain the understanding and consent of the
Hydrogen risk management policy PR (Public people in a series of policy processes to solve public prob-
relations) lems [33]. Conventional communication systems of gov-
ernment depend on the publication of official journals for
Public relations (PR) represents the relationship organizations information purposes through which people can under-
have with the public and is an activity that resolves issues by stand a certain technical government activity. Conventional
openly and honestly facing conflicts between organizations communication encompasses a one-way communication
and the public [30,31]. The term public can refer to a mass or system from the government to the people. However, the
crowd but can be differentiated in terms of a group of people development of democracy and growing demands for
participatory governance urge the implementation of two- “the effect of uncertainty on objectives,” whereas objectives
way communication systems, including active interaction are defined as “what an organization sets out to achieve.”
between the government and the public [34]. Specifically, This definition considers the possibility of something
public policy can be defined as a remedy for resolving public happening and its potential impact on an organization's
problems and conflicts in a society. In this vein, policy PR objectives. ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014 defines risk as “the com-
can uniquely treat conflict management and manage public bination of the probability of an event and its consequence.”
acceptance. This definition is similar to the one you provided, but it
Meanwhile, risk can be defined as the “possibility that explicitly includes both the possibility of an event and the
human actions or natural events lead to consequences that potential consequences it could have. Both definitions
affect aspects of what humans value” [35], but a more emphasize the uncertainty of outcomes and the potential
generalized definition refers to ISO31000 and Risk manage- impact that events or actions could have on what an orga-
ment and ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014. ISO 31000 defines risk as nization values, whether it be its objectives or safety.
Risk communication refers to the “effective and accurate activities that establish, maintain, and promote favorable re-
exchange of information about risks and hazards that ad- lationships of mutual understanding, acceptance, and coop-
vances risk awareness and understanding and promotes eration among the actors of society such as the government
protective behaviors among actors” [36]. According to Figuer- sector, the private sector, and civil society, focusing on the
oa's [37] research, risk communication emphasizes three as- provision and sharing of information in all processes of risk
pects: organization activity, respect for risk perception, and management [38].
identity as dialogue, not instruction.
Considering the above-related concepts, Risk Management
Policy PR is a systematic communication management pro-
cess based on communication toward minimizing the possi-
bility of physical and psychological damage that may occur
due to crisis events related to an organization. Thus, Risk
Management Policy PR can be defined as Communication
Fig. 2 e Expert Evaluation of South Korean Hydrogen PR Fig. 3 e CONCOR analysis for opinions on the improvement
policy. of hydrogen PR policy.
24542 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 5 3 6 e2 4 5 4 7
Hydrogen has some technical limitations in production, research on human beings because it collects data on mutual
distribution, and safety compared to conventional energy human understanding through communication via language
carriers; it has a low energy density, there is limited distri- and text [56]. Various types of questionnaires exist, such as
bution and delivery, and it is highly flammable. Even with open-ended, multiple choice, checklist, classification,
these limitations, hydrogen is still a promising energy carrier sequence, and rating scales. In this study, the open-ended
and has the potential to meet carbon neutrality targets [39,40]; type was selected. An open-ended questionnaire is a form in
thus, policy PR on this should be discussed more in our soci- which respondents are free to answer. This type of ques-
ety. There tends to be more apprehension about hydrogen- tionnaire is beneficial as it can extract broad and specialized
related facilities, as hydrogen leakage accidents or hydrogen information by giving the respondent maximum freedom [55].
explosions can sometimes occur [26,41,42]. Thus, proper However, the method can be difficult to apply to respondents
hydrogen risk management by the government will play a with little interest in the questionnaire subject. Therefore, we
crucial role in promoting public acceptance of hydrogen fa- limited the possible respondents to hydrogen safety policy
cilities and technology [43e45]. In this regard, policy PR can experts so that the open-ended questions could collect the
deliver prompt, open, properly controlled, and disciplined maximum amount of professional information. Then, we
hydrogen risk management and effectively communicate analyzed it through semantic network analysis based on the
with people to maintain their trust in the government [46,47]. core keywords in the sociogram, which are explained below.
Previous studies have outlined several criteria to evaluate
suitable risk management. First, responsiveness or prompt- Semantic network analysis
ness is important. Responsiveness highlights providing infor-
mation timeously. Here, the government should pay attention Semantic network analysis is a form of content analysis that
to providing prompt and accurate information to the public. analyses the network between the nodes as indicated in a text
The second criterion is openness. The government should to represent a discursive form as a map or sociogram [57].
communicate information honestly to relevant public groups While conventional text analyses, such as content analyses,
and stakeholders. In particular, it is important to give the depend on measuring frequencies to determine prominent
impression that information disclosure is open rather than concepts [58], semantic network analyses identify the struc-
being controlled. Third, a control tower is important. The ture of relations between concepts based on their co-
government should clarify its responsibility and authority by occurrence by applying techniques. Applying semantic
forming a control tower. Here, making the final responsibility network analysis, this study explores the most frequently
clearer helps build trust in the government. Lastly, guidelines mentioned concepts and the interrelations of terms by
for the risk manual should be outlined. The government should analyzing the hydrogen risk management policy experts’ re-
create scenarios according to various situations and train sponses. Compared to other qualitative expert research, se-
teams according to these. The risk manual requires continuous mantic network analyses enable an objective and semi-
correction through feedback. See Tables 1 and 2 below. quantitative approach to unveil text patterns and read “be-
tween the lines” [59]. Degree centrality is the value of the ab-
solute connection degree divided by the total number of nodes
Research design (g) in the network for standardization (g-1). The formula for
calculating degree centrality is as follows:
Sampling the expert P
j¼1 gij
Cðni Þ ¼ (1)
This study design comprised three steps: 1) Selecting experts
through snowball sampling, 2) Emailing a survey, and 3) The normalized degree centrality was also applied in this
Applying semantic network analysis to the expert's answer. study to compare four categories of keywords; Responsive-
The sampling took one month, the email survey took one ness; Openness; Control tower; and Guideline. While degree
month, and the semantic network analysis took three days. centrality is an index meaning the frequency with which a
The research process took two months and three days, from keyword is connected with other keywords within a single
August 1, 2022, to October 4, 2022. The first step was sampling network, normalized degree centrality refers to a keyword in
the Hydrogen PR policy experts, and snowball sampling was other networks by standardizing the centrality of keywords.
applied for sorting. The first three experts were members of This converts the centrality of relations into a comparable
the “Hydrogen safety management policy committee” sup- style. The below formula indicates the normalized degree
ported by MOTIE. Each expert recommended one to five ex- centrality (nDc ðNi ÞÞ.
perts to the research team. These recommended experts also
Dc ðNi Þ
recommended another one to five experts. nDc ðNi Þ ¼ (2)
Email survey The degree centrality of keyword ἱ (Dc ðNi )) is divided by the
total number of nodes (g) in the network for standardization
Survey research uses a questionnaire tool that requires re- (g-1).
spondents to describe their answers to a series of questions Lastly, CONCOR analysis has been applied for clustering
written by a researcher [55]. These questionnaires have been the keyword to identify the subgroup. CONCOR analysis is a
constructed to explore the researchers’ core research ques- representative structural equispatial measurement method
tions. This method is the most basic research method in that uses correlation values to derive patterns for
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 2 4 5 3 6 e2 4 5 4 7 24543
relationships between actors. “Structural equivalence” refers result with the public. Also, the experts raised specific con-
to a case in which a node has no direct relationship with cerns based on the aftermath of the Gangneung TP accident
another node in a network but has the same relationship (hydrogen tank explosion accident), which occurred in 2019.
pattern. In this study, CONCOR analysis was performed using
Ucinet6's Net Draw program to derive clusters based on key- Openness (in communication)
words with similar characteristics. For openness in communication, “Cause,” “Press release,”
“News,” “Inadequate,” “Accident,” “Accredited institution,”
“Transparency,” “Open,” “Former government,” “Gangneung
Results TP,” “Hydrogen related information,” “Public,” “Data,” “Lack,”
“Details,” “Partial,” “Initial information,” “Need,” and “Follow-
Research question 1 up” appeared as important keywords in the openness socio-
gram. Half of the respondents evaluated the hydrogen PR
To answer the first research question, “Is South Korea's policies positively, but the other half evaluated it negatively.
hydrogen policy PR well structured? If not, what are the main Experts raised concerns about openness due to some inade-
rationales?“, the respondents were asked to evaluate quate explanations for the cause of accidents, absence of
hydrogen policy PR from four perspectives: responsiveness, accredited institutions, lack of transparency, former govern-
openness (in communication), control tower (in risk man- ment's insufficient response to the accident, lack of hydrogen
agement), and guidelines. In terms of responsiveness, 63.64% information opened to the public, lack of data and details of
of respondents positively evaluated South Korea's hydrogen accidents, lack of initial information given to the public, and
policy PR, whereas 36.36% negatively evaluated it. For open- lack of an open follow-up process.
ness, 51.52% of respondents positively evaluated South Only five unique keywordsd“Accredited institution,”
Korea's hydrogen policy PR, whereas 48.48% negatively eval- “Transparency,” “Former government,” “Initial information,”
uated it. Regarding the control tower, only 36.34% of re- and “Follow-up” were identified in the openness sociogram.
spondents positively evaluated South Korea's hydrogen policy From an openness perspective, accredited institutions are
PR, whereas 64.66% negatively evaluated it. In terms of needed at the outset to deliver exact hydrogen accident in-
guidelines, 45.45% of respondents positively evaluated South formation. Also, securing transparency is highly recom-
Korea's hydrogen policy PR, whereas 54.44% negatively eval- mended, which the former government (under president
uated it. Moon Jae-in) failed to secure. Lastly, immediately after the
Overall, the most urgent task for hydrogen PR policy is accident, the follow-up information for the accident should be
setting and growing the role of the control tower of hydrogen transparently delivered to the public. Experts seriously
PR. The second most important task is re-establishing the pointed out that only the occurrence of the incident was
guidelines for hydrogen-related accidents. Compared to these communicated, and details of how it was dealt with were not
two perspectives, the respondents positively evaluated South disclosed.
Korean PR policy in terms of responsiveness and openness.
However, negative responses for each criterion were not Control tower (in risk management)
negligible at 36.36% and 48.48%, respectively. This means that Regarding the control tower in risk management, “Ministry of
additional effort is needed to increase the integrated accep- Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE),” “Responsibility,” “Korea
tance of hydrogen energy and improve hydrogen policy. Gas Safety Corporation,” “Accident,” “Design,” “GanneungTP,”
This study also required some rationales for the re- “Uncertain,” “National policy agency,” “Ministry of employ-
spondents' negative evaluations. To minimize the subjectivity ment and labor,” “Authority,” “National Fire agency,” “Safety
of the researchers' interpretations, this study applied se- manager,” “Government department,” “Local government,”
mantic network analysis to respondents’ answers to “ratio- “Ministry of Public Administration and Safety,” “Serious Ac-
nales of negative evaluation.” By identifying the core elements cident Punishment Act,” “Control Tower,” “Inadequate,” and
of keyword sociograms, this study derived a parsimonious “Role” appeared as core keywords in the sociogram. In this
task for better constructing the hydrogen PR policy regarding sociogram, most keywords indicated the names of certain
responsiveness, openness, control tower, and guidelines. institutions, such as MOTIE, Korea Gas Safety Corporation, or
National Policy Agency, which each appeared only once.
Responsiveness Because 60% of experts negatively evaluated the hydrogen
In terms of responsiveness, “Accident,” “Press release,” accidents in terms of the control tower, these keywords
“News,” “Gangneung TP,” “Partial,” “Inadequate,” “Govern- should be considered when designing future hydrogen PR di-
ment,” “Cause,” “Scale of damage,” “Result,” “Open,” “Public,” rections. Many respondents raised serious concerns that the
and “Frequency” emerged as core keywords in the sociogram. responsibility of certain entities is ambiguous in South Korean
Among those keywords, “Scale of damage” and “Frequency” society. Even among the experts, opinions did not bring
appeared only in the responsiveness sociogram, not in other consensus; the majority of experts indicated that MOTIE
sociograms. should be in charge of hydrogen accidents, but other experts
Although only 36% of experts negatively evaluated the indicated that control towers should include lower-level in-
responsiveness of hydrogen PR policies, some raised concerns stitutions (e.g., Korea Gas Safety Corporation, National Policy
such as inadequate explanations, only a partial government Agency, National Fire Agency), other ministries (e.g., Ministry
reaction, a lack of defining the cause of the accident, a lack of of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Public Administration
explaining the scale of damage, and a lack of sharing the and Safety), or the local government.
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