DCS 2024 Sponsorship Package

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Partner with the

Department of Communication Studies (DCS)

to stage
the 2024 DCS Premiere Products
About us:
The Department of Communication Studies (DCS) at the Northern Caribbean University
(NCU) strongly believes in the development of student skills and practical knowledge. The
DCS is one of the Caribbean's only communication-based departments to provide daily
hands-on experience for its students, as well as being the home of many of the top names
in the industry, such as Dadrian Gordon, Vashan Brown, Andrea Chisholm, Basillia
Barnaby-Cuff. NCU graduates from the department garner a well-rounded experience that
is preferred in the Communication and Media Industry.

Our products:
Week of Excellence – 14th annual staging
APRIL 6-14, 2024

The Week of Excellence is a week of activities consisting of several events - Community Convo,
Church Service and Social, Global Connections, Showcase my DCS, Symposium & Af�irmation
Ceremony, and Lignum Vitae Film Festival (LVFF) celebrating its 16th annual staging this year.
It creates an atmosphere for both students and staff to appreciate the work done as
communicators, content curators and practitioners. It provides an atmosphere for students to
cultivate professional behaviours, attitudes and skills in the communication discipline to
become global citizens in their communities, countries and across the globe.

For 2024, Neil Nunes from BBC Radio 4, London is the Keynote Presenter for Symposium.
Other presenters include:
A. Gabrielle Nellums, Producer - CNN, USA - Journalism session
B. Angela U. Burns, CEO/Managing Director of ZJoyVI/Joy Gospel Radio FM, UK Virgin Is.
- Radio session
C. Gabrielle Thompson-Jackson (graduate), Producer & Multimedia Journalist, Public
Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica - Television session
D. Danielle Terrelonge, CEO of DRT Communications Ltd, Jamaica - Public Relations

NCU Invitational Debate Series - 12th annual staging MONDAY,
OCTOBER 24, 2024

Since 2013, the NCU Invitational Debate Series (NCUIVDS) entered the debating circuit
encouraging critical-thinking and a spirit of tolerance among citizens.

In 2019, the University of West Georgia, USA competed and placed third in the Finals creating
international collaboration and impact. The NCUIVDS continues to experience tremendous
support from the debating community due to originality and the “only one of its kind” product
offering in Jamaica. There has been national recognition and commendation because
NCUIVDS is open to all tertiary level institutions in Jamaica, making it a national icon.
NCUIVDS is dynamic and continues to grow locally and internationally and in 2023 plans to
expand its reach locally, regionally and internationally.
Competing institutions include: UWI Mona & Western Region; UTech Jamaica; University of
West Georgia, Spelman College, Mico College.

*Motion Sponsorship opens annually in March and closes by the end of July.


DCS events for Week of Excellence include:
 Global Embassies share opportunities for academics, skills and
Connections career opportunities in the communication and media
industry of their respective countries (Spring).

 Community Convo An initiative that builds the capacity of a targeted

community (Spring).
 Showcase Communication Studies emphasis is displayed on an off the
My DCS university campus, requiring marketing materials,
transportation, and other logistics (Spring).

 LVFF team meals By being our main meal sponsor on the day of the LVFF
event - before, during and after the event, you will receive
the entitlements for the main sponsor package. The crew
consists of twenty persons who will be on location from
12-noon until end of event (Spring).

 Invitational Annual debate competition among university debaters

Debate Series (Fall).

Sponsors bene�its include the following:

• Platinum Sponsorship becomes Title Sponsor for DCS Week of Excellence,

receiving mentions across all events, across various media entities boasting
national reach and having social media presences on various platforms.
• Associations with the DCS Premiere events for Sponsorship Mentions on NCU
Radio/TV- generous allotment.
• Media Interview leading up to the event or throughout the Week of Excellence
• Opportunities for product placement/sampling/branding at the event.
• Imprinted logos on the event �liers
• Exclusive Interview on the Red Carpet or at event (LVFF)
• Access to students, faculty and staff for products and services, including interns.
• Social media mentions on all our platforms - DCS, NCU & NCU Media Group

Long Term Bene�its to Your Brand

• Your company's corporate citizenship and contribution to youth/community/

industry development through nation-building will be more visible.
• Developing young minds and talent as future industry leaders demonstrates your
brand's core values to your customers and prospective customers.
• Your brand will position itself to leverage the opportunity to bene�it �inancially
from this marketing opportunity.
• Your company can bring about social change while increasing return on
investment through association.
• Socially responsible actions by a company lay the groundwork for increased
corporate growth.
• Sponsors' brands will be positioned with prominence and perceived as the brand
of choice, earning goodwill.

The department accepts both cash and in-kind sponsorship. Cash is used to help with event
budgets for printing plaques, gift badges, procurement and maintenance of equipment,
decor, refreshment, purchase gifts to �ill gaps, etc. In-kind sponsorship may include
products, gadgets, neutral fashion items, gift baskets and gift certi�icates.

Academic Categories for gifts include Platinum Honourees, Top Male & Female (Sophomore,
Junior & Senior), Overall Top Male & Female Performer (Kgn & M/ville).

Voted Categories for gifts include Student Citizenship (2), Student Leadership (2), Most
Professional Faculty, Most Amiable Faculty, Most In�luential Faculty

*Package details on last page.

WOE Commitment Page

I/We __________________________________________________________________ commit to becoming a sponsor for the

Department of Communication Studies at Northern Caribbean University:

(Tick all that apply)
____ A) Week of Excellence 2024 cash valuing $___________________
____ B) NCU Invitational Debate Series 2024 cash valuing $___________ or _____Motion Sponsorship $95,000
____ C) Both events $__________________
____ D) In-Kind Sponsorship only: # of Baskets _______ # of Gift Certs ______
____ E) Other gift items/products ________________________________________________________________________________

All sponsorship commitments will be made available by ___________________________(Date)

Main point of contact:

Phone number: ________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Name of Signing Of�icer

Signature of Signing Of�icer



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