Basic Math & Word Problems Word Problems File-1

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Fractions: -

5. of a faculty of a high school is women.14 of
3 4 5 the men of the faculty are unmarried, while
1. If each of the fractions , , is in lowest terms, 3𝑟𝑑
𝑘 𝑘 𝑘
which of the following could be the value of k ? Of the male teachers are married. The total
number of faculty member is?
A) 48
A) 30
B) 49
B) 50
C) 50
C) 70
D) 51
D) 91
E) 52
3 6. Multiplying a number 2 and then dividing the
2. If 5 of a class that includes 10 girls are boys,
how many students are in the class? result by 4 is equivalent to performing which of
the following operations on the number?
A) 15
A) Multiplying by
B) 20 3
C) 21 B) Dividing by
D) 25 3
C) Multiplying by 8
E) 30
D) Dividing by 8
3. After Claire has read the first of a book , there
are 120 pages left to read. How many pages of E) Multiplying by 3
the book has Claire read ? 3
7. At a high school basketball game, 5 of the
A) 160 1
students who attended were seniors, 3 of the
B) 200 other students who attended were juniors, and
the remaining 80 students who attended were all
C) 240 sophomores. How many seniors attended this
D) 300 game ?

E) 320 A) 120

4. A number of people boarded a bus at the B) 175

terminal. At the first stop, half of the passengers C) 180
got off and 1 got on at the second stop, of the
D) 210
passengers on the bus got off and 1 got on . If
the bus then had 15 passengers, how many were E) 210
there when the bus left for the terminal ?
8. After Arlene pumps gas into the gas tank of her
A) 40 1
car, the gas gauge moves from exactly 8 full to
B) 48 7
exactly 8 full. If the gas costs $1.50 per gallon
C) 58 and Arlene is charged $18,00 for the gas, what
is the capacity, in gallons of the gas tank ?
D) 60
A) 24
B) 20 0.25+0.15
2. The fraction 0.50
is equivalent to what
C) 18 percent?

D) 16 A) 20%

E) 15 B) 25%

9. An oil tanker contained 5500 liters of oil. Three- C) 40%

fifth of the oil was delivered to a customer and
D) 60%
two-fifth of the remaining was delivered to
another customer. The number of liters of oil E) 80%
that remains in the tanker is:
3. in a movie theater, 480 of the 500 seats were
A) 0 occupied. What percentage of the seats were not
B) 440
A) 0.4%
C) 880
B) 2%
D) 1320
C) 4%
10. Rex is a dinosaur who lives on an island that is
also inhabited by people, who he eats. He easts D) 20%
one fourth of the people on his island on
Monday, 13 of them on Tuesday, and half as E) 40%
many as he ate on Monday on Wednesday. If 4. The number 45 is 15 percent of what number?
there are 22 people left on the island on
Thursday, and nobody came to the island or left A) 320
in a way other being eaten in that time period, B) 310
how many people were on the island before
Rex’s rampage? C) 300
A) 56 D) 325
B) 64 5. After 2 months on a diet John’s weight dropped
from 168 pounds to 147 pounds by what percent
C) 68 did John’s weight drop?
D) 74 1
A) 12 2 %
E) 75
B) 14 2 %
Percentage: -
C) 21 %
1. What is 20% 𝑜𝑓 3 𝑜𝑓 15 ?
D) 25%
A) 1 4
E) 28 %
B) 2
6. Jim works for $15.50 per hour for a health care
C) 3 facility .He is supposed to get a 75 cent per hour
D) 4 raise at one year of service. What will his
percent increase in hourly pay be?
E) 5
A) 2.7%
B) 3.3%
C) 133% E) 2
D) 4.8% 11. In a factory that manufactures light bulbs,
0.04%of the bulbs manufactured are
E) 105%
is expected that there will be one defective light
7. If the result of increasing a by 300% is b, then a bulb in what number of bulbs that are
is what percent of b? manufactured?

A) 20% A) 2500

B) 25% B) 1250
1 C) 1000
C) 33 3 %
D) 500
D) 40%
E) 250
E) 66 3 %
12. If 8 kilograms of alcohol are added to 17
8. If 200% of 40% of x is equal to 40% of y , then kilograms of pure water, what percent by weight
x is what % of y? of the resulting solution is alcohol?

A) 10% A) 8%

B) 20% B) 17%

C) 30% C) 32%

D) 50% D) 68%

E) 80% E) 75%

9. If w is 10 percent less than x, and y is 30 percent 13. There are 50 students in a class,
less than z, then wy is what percent less than xz? 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑎𝑟𝑒 boys & 25% of the boys are
A) 10% black .If there are 15 black students in the class,
then how many girls are white ?
B) 20%
A) 17
C) 37%
B) 20
D) 40%
C) 23
E) 100%
D) 26
10. If United States imports increased by 20 percent
and exports decreased 10 percent during a 14. in a school in which 40%of the enrolled students
certain year, the ratio of imports to exports at the are boys 80% of the boys are present on a
end of the year was how many times the ratio at certain day. If 1152 boys are present , the total
the beginning of the year ? school enrollment is
12 A) 1420
A) 11
B) 3600
B) 3 C) 2880
C) 8 D) 4600
15. A man spends 12.5% of his money and after C) Rs 500
spending 75% of the remainder he had RS. 175
D) Rs 600
left. The money he had first was:
20. Price of an admission ticket is reduced by 20%,
A) Rs 2,000
as a result total collection amount is increased
B) Rs 1,750 by 60% find percent increase in the number of
C) Rs 700
A) 24%
D) Rs 800
B) 40%
16. A woman has a certain number of mangoes of
which 14% are bad. She gives 80% of the C) 80%
remainder in charity. Then she has 258 left, how
D) 100%
many had she at first?
E) 75%
A) 1,500 mangoes
More Questions From NUST IBA PAST Papers
B) 1,000 mangoes
C) 1,250 mangoes
D) 1, 2000 mangoes 1. Zahid sells a watch to Abrar at a gain of 10% and
Abrar sells it to sohail at a gain of 5 %, If sohail has
17. A series of discounts of 10%, 20% and 40% is a to pay Rs, 462 for it , the cost price of the watch
equal to a single discount of : for Zahid is :
A) 50%
B) 56.8% 2. Price of an admission ticket is reduced by 20%, as a
C) 70% result total collection amount is increased by 60%
find percent increase in the number of tickets?
D) 70.28%
E) 65%
3. What is the gain percent if a bicycle costing RS 175
18. The price of sugar increased by 30% and then is sold for Rs 200.
decreased by 30%, what was the percentage
increase or decrease in the final price as
compared to the original price ?
4. A cloth merchant bought 35 shirts, each at a price
A) No increase or decrease of Rs 280. He sold each of them for Rs. 308. Find
his percentage profit?
B) 9% decrease
C) 10% increase
D) 10% decrease 5. An article is sold for Rs 2400 at a profit of 25 %.
What would have been the actual profit or loss if it
19. Zahid sells a watch to Abrar at a gain of 10% had been sold at Rs 1800?
and Abrar sells it to sohail at a gain of 5 %, If
sohail has a to pay Rs, 462 for it , the cost price
of the watch for Zahid is :
6. A retail fruit vendor buys pineapples at a score for
A) Rs 300 Rs 200, and retails them at a dozen for Rs 156. Did
he gain or lose in the transaction and what % was
B) Rs 400
his gain or loss?
7. If an article is sold at a loss of 66 2/3%, what is the 1. A shopkeeper earns profit of Rs 70 for every 3
loss in terms of the selling price? bags of wheat it sells. How many bags of wheat
must the shopkeeper sell in order to make a Rs
1400 profit?
8. Profit obtained by selling a floppy disc at Rs. 320 is
A) 75
equal to 7/5th of the profit obtained by selling the
same floppy disc at Rs. 300. What is the cost price B) 60
of the watch?
C) 45
D) 30
9. A man sells two chairs for Rs. 480 each. On one he 2. If 1/5 of a job can be completed in 15 minutes,
makes a profit of 20 % and on the other he makes how many more minutes will it take to finish the
a loss of 20 %. Find his total loss/gain in these two job completely?
transactions (in Rs.).
A) 60
B) 75
10. Mukesh purchased two watches at the same price
C) 90
and sold one at a profit of 20 % and the other at a
profit of 22.5%. If the difference between the two D) 105
selling price is Rs 150, what is the cost price of
3. The salaries of three professors are in the ratio
each of the watches?
7:8:9 . If the highest salary is 450,000 rupees,
then the smallest salary will be
A) 500,000 rupees
11. Rashid purchased a plot for Rs 8000. He sells the
B) 400,000 rupees
plot to shahid at a profit of 20 percent. Shaid in
turn sells that plot to shami at a loss of 20%. The C) 350,000 rupees
cost of plot to Shami.
D) None of these
4. The ratio of boys to girls in a business class is
7:5, if his class has a total of 60 students, how
many more boys are there than girls
A) 7
B) 5
C) 12
D) 10
E) None of these
5. A bag of rice is sufficient for a family of six for
nine days .A group of three people join them for
an indefinite period. For how many days the bag
of rice will feed all of them, provided they all
have the same eating habits?
A) 3
B) 4 10. It took 12 men 5 hours to build an airstrip.
Working the same rate , how many additional
C) 5
men could have been hired in order for the job to
D) 6 have taken 1 hour less?

E) None of these A) Two

6. A father wishes to divided his yearly savings of B) Three

Rs. 846 into three sons 1/3:1/4:1/5. How much
C) Four
should he give to his first son.
D) Six
A) Rs 360
E) Eight
B) Rs 300
11. The length and width of a rectangle are in the
C) Rs 250
ratio 3:5.If the rectangle has an area of 375
D) Rs 285 square centimeters, what is the perimeter, in
centimeters of the rectangle?
7. If m men do a job in 10 days, how long will it
take 10 men to complete this task assuming that A) 32
they work at the same rate ?
B) 16
A) 10/m
C) 80
B) 100/m
D) 64
C) 100M
12. At a party, the ratio of males to females is
D) m 3:4.Which of the following could NOT be the
total number of people at the party?
8. 10 engineers can complete a road in 30 days . If
they want to finish the road 5 days earlier. How A) 14
more men will be required?
B) 35
A) 5
C) 44
B) 2
D) 63
C) 4
E) 70
D) 6
13. A bag contains mangoes that are either green or
9. The number of kilograms of corn needed to feed yellow. The ratio of green mangoes to yellow
500 chicken is 30 less than twice the number of mangoes in the bag is 325,when to green
kilograms needed to feed 280 chickens. How mangoes are removed and 10 yellow mangoes
many kilograms corn are needed to feed 280 are added, the ratio becomes 2 to many
chickens? green mangoes were originally in the bag?

A) 70 A) 32

B) 110 B) 26

C) 140 C) 18

D) 190 D) 30

E) 250 14. The ratio of students to teachers at a certain

school is 28 to 3.The ratio of teachers to
cafeteria worker is 9 to 2.What is the ratio of 19. If y varies directly as x and 𝑦 = 24, when 𝑥 =
cafeteria workers to students? 2, then y will have a value of ____ when 𝑥 = 10
A) 1 to 42 A) 26
B) 2 to 28 B) 10
C) 3 to 37 C) 120
D) 9 to 56 D) 8
E) 3 to 14 E) None of these
15. The ratio of A to B is 1:8, and the ratio of B to C 20. The cube root of x varies inversely as the square
is 12:c.If the ratio of A to C is 2:1, What is the of y, if 𝑥 = 27 when 𝑦 = 4, find the value of x
ratio of a to c ? when 𝑦 = 6
A) 2:3 A) 18
b) 3:2 B) 64/27
C) 4:3 C) 27/4
D) 3:4 D) 4/27
E) 1:3 E) None of these
16. y varies directly as the cube when 𝑥 = 2, 𝑦 = 8,
if 𝑦 = 512 then x equals
English to Math: -
A) 6
1. To calculate Body Mass Index (BMI), health
B) 7 professionals divide a person’s weight by the
C) 8 square of his or her height, and then multiply the
result by 703 (If the measurements are in inches
D) 9 and pounds). Which of the following equations
17. The square root of x varies inversely as the cube models this calculation?
root of y, if 𝑥 = 2 when 𝑦 = 64 find y when 𝑥 = 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
A) ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 2
× 703
3 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
A) √3 B) 𝑤𝑖𝑒𝑔ℎ𝑡 2
× 703

B) 9 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡×703
C) 105
D) None of these D) ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
× 703

18. y varies directly as the cube of x when 𝑥 = 0.5, 2. A farm in Kansas both raises cows and grows
𝑦 = 2.5.If 𝑦 = 540 then 𝑥 equals wheat. The farmer calculates that in each month,
3 he can make $1500 per acre used for grazing his
A) − √3 cows and $1200 per acre used for growing
B) 3 wheat. He can allow his cows to graze from
March until October, but can only grow wheat
C) -9 from April until August. If he allots c acres for
his cows and w acres for his wheat, which of the
D) -3
following represents the amount of money he 6. A proposed tax system would tax the first
can make in a year? $75,000 of a household’s income at r% and any
additional income at q% . What would be the tax
A) 5 × 1200 × 𝑐 + 8 × 1500 × 𝑤 for a household with an income of $90,000?
B) 13 × (1200 × 𝑐 + 1500 × 𝑤) (𝑟+𝑞)
A) 100
∗ 90000
C) 8 × 1500 × 𝑐 + 5 × 1200 × 𝑤
𝑟 𝑞
B) 100
∗ 75000 + 100 ∗ 90000
D) 1200 × 𝑐 + 1500 × 𝑤
𝑟 (𝑟+𝑞)
3. Chicago cabs charge $3.25 for a “flag pull” --- C) 100
∗ 75000 + 100
∗ 15000
calling the cab off the street and the first 1/9 𝑟 𝑞
mile of your trip. Each additional mile is $1.80, D) 100
∗ 75000 + 100 ∗ 15000
it is customary to tip the driver 15% to the total.
Which expression gives the amount you would 7. A sweater that normally costs $42.00 is on sale
pay for a trip of m miles? for 30% off. If there is a storewide sale that
applies an additional 20% off to everything.
A) 3.25 + 1.15(1.8𝑚) What will be the total price of the sweater and a
belt that normally costs d dollars?
B) 1.15(3.25 + 1.8𝑚)
1 A) 0.5(42 + 𝑑)
C) 0.15 [3.25 + 1.8 (𝑚 − 9)]
B) 0.56(42) + 0.8𝑑
D) 1.15 [3.25 + 1.8 (𝑚 = )] C) 0.5(42) + 0.8𝑑

4. A parking garage charges a rate of a dollars for D) None of these

the first hour and b dollars for each additional
hour the car is parked. When Jacqueline leaves 8. Full time in-state tuition at the university of
this parking garage, she is charged c dollar, in Illinois is $6018 per semester. In addition, there
terms of a, b, and c, what is the number of hours are service fees, not included in tuition, of $1783
for which Jacqueline is charged? per student per semester. If there is an 8%
tuition increase, what will be the cost of n
A) semesters of college?
𝑐−𝑎 A) 1.08(7801𝑛)
B) 𝑎
B) 1.08(6018𝑛) + 1783
C) 𝑎 + 𝑐𝑏
C) 𝑛[1.08(6018) + 1783]
D) 1 + 𝑏
D) None of these
5. The US Olympic Team has f members, and they
9. Sidrah is staying at a hotel in Dubai that charges
will be distributed equally among g charter
Dhs 475 per night plus taxes for a room. A tax
planes on their way to Rio in 2016. If the team
of 20% is applied to the room rate. Dhs 15 per
decides to charter h more planes, how many
room per night Tourism tax will be extra. Which
fewer athletes will ride on each plane?
of the following represents Sidrah’s total charge,
𝑓𝑔 in Dhs for staying y nights?
A) 𝑔(𝑔+ℎ)
A) 510𝑦
B) 570𝑦 + 15
C) 𝑔+ℎ C) 570𝑦
𝑓 D) None of these
D) ℎ
10. It is estimated that the cost C, in rupees, of C) Father’s age 35 years; Son’s age 14 years
producing m items is 𝐶 = 15 𝑚 + 600. The
D) Father’s age 32 years; Son’s age 12 years
manufacturer sells each item for 24 rupees. The
manufacturer makes a profit when total income 15. Asghar is 27 years younger than Junaid. In 10
from selling a quantity of items is greater than years Junaid will be twice as old as Asghar.
the total cost of producing that quantity of items. How old will Junaid be in 7 years?
Which of the following inequalities gives all
possible values of m for which the manufacture A) 17
will make a profit? B) 44
A) 𝑚 > 67 C) 24
B) 𝑚 > 66 D) 51
C) 𝑚 < 67 16. Tickets for a show cost R 500 or R 800. If 100
D) 𝑚 < 66 tickets were sold for a total of R 65000, how
many tickets were sold for 800?
11. A father is twice as old as his son. Sum of their
ages is 75 years. Find the age of father? A) 40

A) 35 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 B) 50

B) 40 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 C) 60

C) 45 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 D) None of these

17. Faraz purchased brand R pens for Rs. 330/box
D) 50 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠
and brand S pens for Rs 200/box. If Faraz
12. A father is 61 and his son is 16. After how many purchased a total of 12 boxes of pens for Rs.
years will the father be twice as old as his son? 3700, how many boxes of Brand S did he
A) 35
A) 10
B) 30
B) 5
C) 29
C) 3
D) 25
D) 2
13. A son is 25 years younger than his father. After
3 years, sum of their ages will be 42 years. What 18. Zubair Consulting charges R 1000 per man-hour
is son’s present age? for the first 50 man-hours and R 800 per man-
hour for each additional hour or fraction of an
A) 5.5 hour. If Aslam’s fees for using Zubair.
B) 7 Consulting’s services were R 119600,
C) 10 approximately how many man-hours were
D) 12
A) 130
14. Seven years ago a father was four times as old as
his son, but in 7 years more he will be only B) 137
twice as old. What is the age of each? C) 875
A) Father’s age 45; Son’s age 20 years D) None of these
B) Father’s age 40 years; Son’s age 17 years
19. A certain store sold pens for R18 each and D) 16 km
pencils for R21 each. If a customer purchased
3. I have to be at a certain time and find that I
both pens and pencils from the store for a total
should be 15 minutes too late, if I walks at 4 km
of R270, what total number of pens and pencils
an hours and 10 minutes too soon, if I walk at 6
did the customer purchase?
km an hour. How fa have I to walk?
I. 13
A) 4 km
II. 14
III. 15 B) 10 km
A) I only C) 7 km
B) I and II only D) 5 km
C) I and III only 4. A man travels a certain distance at the rate of 20
km per hour and comes back at the rate of 15 km
D) I, II and III
per hour. His average speed for the whole
20. In 3-or-7 game, each player scores either 3 journey is:
points or 7 points. If 𝛼 players score 3 points
A) 17 − 1/7 km/hr
and 𝛽 players score 7 points, and the total
number of points scored is 81, what is the least B) 18 km/hr
possible value of |𝛼 − 𝛽|.
C) 17 − 5 km/hr
A) 27
D) 17 − 6/7 km/hr
B) 17
5. A train traveled from Point A to Point B at a
C) 7 speed of u kmph and traveled back from B to A
D) 3 at v kmph. What is the average speed of the
1 1 1
A) ( + )
2 𝑢 𝑣
Motion Problems: -
B) 𝑢+𝑣
1. A train travelling at 36 km/h, took 10 seconds to
pass a stationary man. What was the length of 𝑢+𝑣
C) 2
the train?
A) 45 m D) 𝑢𝑣

B) 80 m 6. To get from the Vaca Muerta Oil fields to

Santiago, an engineer must travel in a helicopter
C) 100 m
for h kilometers and an ATV for a kilometers. If
D) 110 m the helicopter’s average speed is 120 km/h and
the ATV’s average speed is 40 km/h, which of
2. A man reaches his office from his home 40 the following gives the time it takes the engineer
minutes too late, if he walks at 3 km an hour and to cover the entire distance?
30 minutes too soon, if the walks a 4 km an
ℎ 𝑎
hour. How far his office is from his home? A) +
120 40
A) 10 km 120 40
B) ℎ
+ 𝑎
B) 12 km
C) 120ℎ + 40𝑎
C) 14 km
D) 40ℎ + 120𝑎
7. On a school trip to Washington, D.C, two buses A) 450
leave Asheville, N.C at 6:30 a.m, a trip of 470
B) 570
miles. Both buses drive at an average speed of
60 miles per hour for the first two and a half C) 680
hours, and the one bus overheats. The repair is
made thirty minutes later. Which equation will D) 900
give the speed the overheated bus, will have to
average for the rest of the trip in orders to be in
D.C, at the same time as the other bus? Work and Tank: -
A) Average speed = 320 1. Mr. Badges can wash his car in 15 minutes,
while his son Dave takes twice as long to do the
470−60×2.5 same job If they work together, how many
B) Average speed = 320 1
− minutes will the job take them?
60 2

470−60×2.5 A) 5
C) Average speed = 60
470−60×2.5 B) 10
D) Average speed = 320 1
60 2 C) 30
8. Frederica drives s miles per hour for t hours, D) 7.5
then increases her speed by 20%. She maintains
her new speed for one-third longer than her 2. Tanvir, Shabbir and Saghir can do a piece of
original speed. Which expression gives the work respectively in 15 days, 6 days and 10
distance she traveled? days. All the three together will finish three
times that work in:
A) 𝑠𝑡 + (1.2𝑠) ( 3 )
A) 6 days
B) 𝑠𝑡 + 1.2𝑠𝑡 B) 8 days
C) 𝑠𝑡 + (1.2𝑠) (3) C) 9 days
4 D) 10 days
D) (1.2𝑠) (3 𝑡)
3. A can do a piece of work in 12 days. Along with
9. Kamran ran from his house to the supermarket at B, he can do the work in 8 days. B alone can
an average speed of 6 km per hour and returned finish the work in ____ days:
along the same route at an average speed of 4
km per hour. If the total time it took him to run A) 10
to the supermarket and back was ninety minutes,
B) 15
how many minutes did it take him to run from
the supermarket to her house? C) 18
A) 36 D) 24
B) 54 4. Two pipes A and B can fill a cistern respectively
in 16 and 80 minutes. If pipes are opened
C) 45
together at the same time. In how many minutes,
D) None of these the cistern is full?

10. A car averages 80 km/h for the first 3 hours of a A) 3 min

trip and averages 110 km/h for each additional
B) 13-2/6 min
hour. The average speed for the entire trip was
100 km/h. How many km long is the trip? C) 4 min
D) 3.5 min days. The expression above models this
5. Julie can type a manuscript in 4 hours. Pat takes problem. What does represent?
6 hours to type the same manuscript. If Julie and
A) The number of days it takes the brothers to
Pat begin working together at 12 noon, at what
paint 13 pictures
time will they complete the typing of the
manuscript? B) The rate at which the two brothers work
A) 2:24 P.M
C) The rate at which the second brother paints
B) 2:30 P.M
D) The number of days it takes the first brother
C) 2:40 P.M
to paint 13 pictures.
D) 3:00 P.M
9. Jamie is filling his y-gallon pool with water, and
E) 3:30 P.M he has two hoses, each of which puts water into
the pool at a different rate, if one hose can pump
6. One machine can seal 360 packages per hour, water into the pool at a rate of x gallons per
and older machine can seal 140 packages per minute, and the other hose is twice as fast as the
hour. How many MINUTES will the two first, which of the following equations shows
machines working together take to seal a total of that the two hoses can fill the pool in 4 hours?
700 packages?
A) 𝑥 + 2𝑥 = 4
A) 48
1 2 𝑦
B) 72 B) 𝑥
+𝑥 = 4

C) 84 𝑦
C) 60𝑥 + 120𝑥 = 4
D) 90 1 1 4
D) + =
𝑥 2𝑥 𝑦
E) 108
10. You are attempting to give your dog a bath. The
7. Christine is typing at a rate of 75 words per
faucet in your bathtub will fill the tub in 20
minute. Paula is typing at twice Christine’s
minutes. Unfortunately, the tube has a leak that
speed. If together they need to transcribe a 2000
will empty the bathtub in 35 minutes.
word paper which of the following expressions Accounting for the leak, you can fill bathtub in x
would illustrate the time x, it would take for 1
them to do so. minutes. What does 𝑥 represent in the expression
1 1 1
2000𝑥 that models this problem, 20 − 35 = 𝑥 ?
A) 150 = 75
A) The time it takes to fill the tub
75 150
B) 𝑥
+ 𝑥
= 2000
B) The rate at which the volume of water in the
𝑥 tub is increasing
C) 150 + 75 =
2000 C) The rate at which water is leaking out of the
D) 𝑥 = 150+75 tub
8 13 D) The rate at which the height o f the water is
E) 7 + 𝑥 = 𝑥
rising in the tub
8. Two brothers are painting pictures, one of the
brothers paints 7 pictures in a day. The other
brother paints 8 pictures but it takes him x days
to do so. Together they painted 13 pictures in x


1 B 21 C 1 A 1 C
2 D 22 C 2 C 2 C
3 B 23 A 3 D 3 D
4 A 24 B 4 D 4 A
5 C 25 A 5 B 5 B
6 A RATIO & PRO 6 D 6 A
7 C 1 B 7 B 7 B
8 D 2 A 8 C 8 A
9 D 3 C 9 D 9 B
10 A 4 D 10 B 10 D
1 B 6 A 12 C 1 B
2 E 7 D 13 A 2 C
3 C 8 B 14 C 3 D
4 C 9 C 15 D 4 B
5 A 10 B 16 B 5 A
6 D 11 C 17 D 6 C
7 B 12 C 18 B 7 D
8 D 13 C 19 B 8 B
9 C 14 A 20 D 9 C
10 B 15 C 10 B
11 A 16 C
12 C 17 A
13 B 18 B
14 B 19 C
15 D 20 B
16 A
17 B
18 B
19 B
20 D

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