New Project 2

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Figure 1: Existing Design #1 ................................................................................................................ 4

Figure 2: Existing Design #2 ................................................................................................................ 4
Figure 3: Existing Design #3 ................................................................................................................ 4
Figure 4: Concept #1 ............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 5: Concept #2 ........................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6: Concept #3 ........................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7: Concept #4 ........................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8: Initial Embodiment Assembly ........................................................................................... 20
Figure 9: Lift Assembly ...................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 10: Motor ................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 11: Motor Mount .................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 12: Single Lift Assembly Initial ............................................................................................. 23
Figure 13: Full Lift Assembly Initial ................................................................................................. 24
Figure 14: Signed Analysis Tasks Agreement ................................................................................. 26
Figure 15: Engineering Anlaysis Sizing Electric Motor .................................................................. 29
Figure 16: Working Prototype Assembly ......................................................................................... 35
Figure 17: Working Prototype Assembly (2) .................................................................................... 36
Figure 18: Jack .................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 19: Winch Motor ..................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 20: Base Plate .......................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 21: Motor Shaft Adapter ........................................................................................................ 39
Figure 22: Car Lift Assembly ............................................................................................................ 40
Figure 23: Exploded Car Lift Assembly ........................................................................................... 41
Figure 24: Bottom Plate...................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 25: Motor Mounting Plate...................................................................................................... 43
Figure 26: Spacer ................................................................................................................................ 44

Table 1: User Needs Interview ............................................................................................................. 5
Table 2: Initial Needs For Mechanical Car Jack ............................................................................... 6
Table 3: Identified Metrics ................................................................................................................... 7
Table 4: Quantified Needs Matrix ....................................................................................................... 8
Table 5: Concept #1 ............................................................................................................................ 13
Table 6: Concept #2 ............................................................................................................................ 13

Table 7: Concept #3 ............................................................................................................................ 14

Table 8: Concept #4 ............................................................................................................................ 14

Table 9: Revised Needs for Mechanical Car Jack............................................................................ 17

Table 10: Revised Identified Metrics ................................................................................................ 18

Table 11: Revised Concept #2 Scoring .............................................................................................. 19

Table 12: Initial Bill of Materials ...................................................................................................... 20

Table 13: Bill of Materials .................................................................................................................. 45

Table 14: Parts List ............................................................................................................................. 47

Table 15: Final Bill of Materials ........................................................................................................ 47


Car jacks are a needed tool when beginning to work on a vehicle. One can complete
basic maintenance on their personal vehicle at home with the helpful use from a car jack. The
typical scissor design of the car jack has been around since cars have. A new design of the
car jack makes completing basic maintenance at home a breeze.



Design a portable car lifting system that will lift all four wheels of a vehicle off the ground a
few inches for tire rotations. Our design of the car jack will be implementing an electric motor
that will operate the lead screw of the scissor jack. The jack will need to be safe, portable, and
operated by a single user. The jack should be able to lift anything from a ½ ton truck to a smart
for-to. The jack will need to be designed to be safe, user friendly, and operate in a timely
manner. To save time, a manufactured jack will be purchased and modified to accomplish this.


Research for some preexisting designs yielded a ton of results. Several companies are using
the typical scissor jack, most commonly seen in the emergency pack of a car, with an electric
motor attached to operate the lead screw. This design uses the car battery as a source of power
for the jack. Below are some photos of existing designs.

Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3.

Figure 1
The image shows a typical scissor jack that has been modified. Where a typical scissor jack is
powered by a rotational torque from a user, this design is using the rotational torque from a motor to
lift the car.

Figure 2:
Image 2 shows something like a bottle jack. In this case the jack is also operated by an electric motor
to lift the car. The bottle jack like design allows this jack to be compact.

Figure 3:
Image 3 shows a motorcycle lift. This design is something that could be manipulated to lift a car.
Shortening the pad (where the motorcycle sits) to fit between the wheels of a car and increasing the
lifting power would help us achieve our goal of lifting a car.

Issues to consider
Some issues that may arise with this project that need to be considered. One of these issues is
that the jack must hold a certain amount of weight and be stable. This is a concern to safety, and the
jack must be stable because the car could fall off the jack. The following document demonstrates
safety concerns regarding vehicle lifts: . Another issue with having a strong and stable jack is that they
are typically
bulky, heavy and take up a decent amount of space. The main concern with our project is going to be
space and weight, this product will be operated by one user. Floor jacks are operated by one user as
well, however floor jacks are heavy and have wheels.


3.1.1 Record of the user needs interview

Table 1 – User Needs Interview

Project: Mechanical Car Jack Interviewer: Craig Geismann
Question Customer Statement Interpreted Need Importance
What variety of Anything from a ½ ton Can to lift 4000lbs 5
vehicles does the jack truck to a smart car. max and fit different
need to lift? wheel bases
Is there a time A few minutes is Can be assemebled in 3
constraint for appropriate. less than 2 minutes.
assembling the
What size envelope Inside a garage. Jack can fit inside a 5
does the jack need to garage
What are acceptable Electric would be best Jack is powered by 5
forms of power for the but human power is electricity
lift? acceptable.
What are the time Maximum of 5 Jack will lift in less 3
constraints for lifting minutes. than 5 minutes
the vehicle 3 inches?

What is an acceptable One person can move Jack will 4
weight for the lift it. accommodate
itself? movement for one
What safety features Ratcheting, and safety Jack will provide 3
are required? pins for locking height locking mechanicsm
for height
What price could you $200 or less Jack will be 3
see a product like this purchasable for around
go for? $200.
What types of terrain Concrete floors. Jack will operate on 4
does the jack need to concrete floors.
operate on?

Table 2 – Initial Needs for Mechanical Car Jack

Need Number Need Importance
1 Jack can serve a variety of 5
2 Jack takes little time for 3
3 Jack can fit inside a garage 5
4 Jack is powered by electricity 5
5 Jack will lift in less than 5 3
6 Jack can be moved by one user 4
7 Jack has safety features 3
8 Jack can be sold for reasonable 3
9 Jack can operate on several 4

3.1.2 List of identified metrics

Table 3 – Identified metrics

Metric Associated Metric Units Min Value Max Value
Number Needs
1 1,8 Adjustable Feet 1 6
2 1,8 Adjustable Feet 1 3
3 1,5 Weight Tons 0 3
4 2 Assembly Seconds 30 120
5 1,3 Storage Size Cu. Ft. 10 2000
6 4 Alternate Binary 0 1
Forms Of
7 1,5 Lifting Time Minutes 1 5
8 1,3,6,8 Weight Of Pounds 50 600
9 7,8 Safety Integer 0 5
10 8 Market Price Dollars 200 600
11 4,9 Different Integer 0 3

3.1.3 Table/list of quantified needs equations
Table 4 – Quantified Needs Matrix

3.3.1 Concept scoring
Table 5 - Concept #1:

Table 6 - Concept #2:

Table 7 - Concept #3:

Table 8 - Concept #4:

3.3.2 Preliminary analysis of each concept’s physical feasibility

Concept #1:
This concept is particularly feasible because 90% of this concept already exists and it
only requires slight modifications to off the shelf parts. This design basically builds two
motorcycle style lifts and attaches them via an adjustable steel frame. The steel frame can be
adjusted by simply releasing a pin and either pulling the lifts apart or pushing them together
to adjust the width. A pin can then be put into the proper hole in the frame to lock the width in
place. This also makes the lift easy to store as it can be taken apart into two halves and rotated

upright to place against a wall, taking up minimal space when stored. The lift will also be on
collapsible casters that allow the lift to be rolled around with ease or collapsed allowing the
lift to sit sturdily on the floor. The lift will require two specialty parts. I would like to replace
the widely used hydraulic actuators with electric ones to allow for greater reliability and
controllability. These electric actuators will require a controller to control the height and
speed of the lift. This controller can be wireless to be sure the operator can be a safe distance
from the lift while operating.

Concept #2:
The concept behind this design is to take basic principles of a drive on vehicle rack
and modify it down such that it can slide under the car as well as be easily removable. The
design will be small enough so that it can be slid under the side of a car between the two tires
and aligned with the vehicle’s pinch welds or frame as they are common lifting points. This
design will require two identical units in order to be able to slide one under each side of the
vehicle. This design features pins and rollers or slides that will allow the scissor design to
move only vertically while lifting. This is seen as a benefit over other designs which move the
car horizontally as well as vertically as they lift in an angular fashion. The next feature of this
design is a winch that will provide the lifting force via drawing the arms of the scissors closer
together and creating lift. This feature could also be easily swapped for a hydraulic or
pneumatic actuator if those mechanisms are deemed more appropriate.

Concept #3:
This concept is based off the scissor jack. The scissor jack to be used would be ones
like that out of a car’s emergency kit along with the spare tire. This concept uses four of
these scissor jacks, placed at every jack point of the car. The only part needing fabrication
would be the shafts connecting all four jacks. This part is realistic to build, it would take 7
beveled gears and some sort of metal stock. The beveled gears would be welded onto a rod in
the configuration shown. This configuration resembles that of a differential. The screw of
each jack would then be welded to each rod with a bevel gear on it. The power of the electric
motor could also be increased, depending on the gears. The difficult part about this build
would be having the adjustability for the length and width.

Concept #4:
This concept also uses the same mechanism as a scissor jack. The scissor jack would
be mounted on a larger floor pad for stability. The top plate would then be modified to allow
two arms. The arms would be adjustable lengths to accommodate the different widths of
vehicles. The arms would have a jack pad integrated in them to make a safe jack spot for the

vehicle. The screw would then have a chuck for an electric motor to attach to for lifting and
lowering. The fabrication needed for this design would be the top plate. This would be a
difficult design to integrate onto a scissor jack. A concern with this design is the weight
capacity. Usually a scissor jack is used to lift one corner of the vehicle up. This would lift
both side of the vehicle up, so some strengthening of the jack would be needed.

3.3.3 Final summary statement

The winner of the concepts would be the concept with the highest happiness, this
would be concept # 2 with a 73% happiness. The reason why this design had a higher score is
because the adjustability was the highest, it would also provide the closest dollar amount to
the market price. It also yielded the lowest lifting time. This concept is one to be considered
when going forward with design. The others had lower scores due to the adjustability, our
product needs to serve a variety of vehicles.


The goal of our project is to design a jack that will work on several different types of
vehicles. With the selection of concept #4, we would be able to use this design on several
vehicle types. Our team figured that the needs we came up with for our design were
sufficient, however some revisions were needed. The issue our team would run into is
finding a winch that would fit into our budget. The need for market price would have to
expand for this design. Most jacks come with safety features integrated in the design, any
other implications of safety features would be minimal. This changed the need of safety
features to implicated safety features.


Table 9 – Revised Needs For Mechanical Car Jack
Need Number Need Importance
1 Jack can serve a variety of 5
2 Jack takes little time for 3
3 Jack can fit inside a garage 5
4 Jack is powered by electricity 5
5 Jack will lift in less than 5 3
6 Jack can be moved by one user 4
7 Jack has additional safety 3
8 Jack can be sold for reasonable 3
9 Jack can operate on several 4

Table 10 – Revised Identified Metrics
Metric Associated Metric Units Min Value Max Value
Number Needs
1 1,8 Adjustable Feet 1 6
2 1,8 Adjustable Feet 1 3
3 1,5 Weight Tons 0 3
4 2 Assembly Seconds 30 120
5 1,3 Storage Size Cu. Ft. 10 2000
6 4 Alternate Binary 0 1
Forms Of
7 1,5 Lifting Time Minutes 1 5
8 1,3,6,8 Weight Of Pounds 50 600
9 7,8 Safety Integer 0 2
10 8 Market Price Dollars 200 800
11 4,9 Different Integer 0 3

Table 11- Revised Concept #2 Scoring



Attached below is the initial embodiment plan. This drawing includes two scissor
style lifts, attached to the lift would be a winch. The winch would pull the sliding arm,
actuating the jack to the up position. The two lifts would then be attached by means of
welding metal stock to the bottom plate. The distance between these two would adjustable by
having holes drilled in the metal stock and coulter pins inserted.

Figure 8 - Initial Embodiment Assembly


Table 12 – Initial Bill Of Materials


Figure 9 – Lift Assembly

Figure 10 – Motor

Figure 11 – Motor Mount

Figure 12 – Single Lift Assembly Initial

Figure 13 – Full Lift Assembly Initial


Scissor Lift:
This is a Scissor Lift Assembly capable of lifting 1000lbs. The assembly comes with
a mechanism that allows the user to lift the car via an electric wench or crank by hand.
Four of these Scissor Lift Assemblies will be used to lift the car, one in each corner. We
chose this particular Scissor Jack Assembly because it was the cheapest and it fit our lifting
capacity requirements. Also, this lift was already set up to have a motor attached which saved
us on fabrication costs.
Price: $73.08 each
Electric Motor:
The size of the electric motor still has yet to be determined, the torque rating for the
screw actuation on the scissor lift will need to be determined. Once this is found then the
motor can be sized accordingly. In the assembly, each Scissor Lift Assembly will require one
motor. We chose this motor because of price and also because it will power the screw
mechanism on the jack. The motor is DC, so it can be powered via battery which may be

convenient in some situations. The motor will also be easily mountable to the Scissor Lift
Price: $34.50 each.
Electric Motor Controller:
Control the speed of low-voltage permanent-magnet DC motors. These controls
accept DC input voltage and supply a variable DC output voltage. Set a minimum and
maximum speed and adjust the current limit on these controls. Operate controls manually or
remotely with an electrical signal. We chose this controller, so that it will give us control over
all motors simultaneously.
Price: $56.00 each

ASSIGNMENT 5: Engineering analysis task agreement (2%)
PROJECT: Mechanical Car Lift NAMES: Brett Brooks INSTRUCTOR: Geisman
Brett Kleeschulte
Jacob Nolen
The following engineering analysis tasks will be performed:
1) Selection of Jack

2) Identify torque required to turn the screw

3) Sizing electric motor required to turn screw

The work will be divided among the group members in the following way:
1) Jacob Nolen/ Brett Brooks
2) Jacob Nolen
3) Jacob Nolen/ Brett Kleeschulte
Instructor signature: _________________; Print instructor name: ________________

(Group members should initial near their name above.)


5.2.1 Motivation

Selection of Jack
Selecting a jack is important for our design. Our design requires that the jack
used to lift the vehicle will need to hold the weight of a ½ ton truck. A ½ ton truck
weights about 4000lbs. The jack selected will need to hold a ¼ of the weight because
our design uses four jacks collaboratively. If a correct jack is not chosen, our design
will fall through along with the vehicle.

Torque Required to Turn Screw

Finding the torque required to turn the screw that actuates the jack up and
down is critical for our design. We will use the torque found to size an electric motor
to power the jack. If this calculation is done wrong we may end up with an
undersized motor that will over torque, or we may end up with an oversized motor
that could possibly strip the lead screw of the jack.

Sizing Electric Motor
Sizing an electric motor is just as important as selecting the right jack. If the
electric motor is not sized correctly, it may destroy itself or the jack. The motor could
also spin the lead screw too fast and cause the jack to lift unsafely.

5.2.2 Summary statement of analysis done

Selection of Jack
The jack used to lift the vehicle will need to be selected to hold the weight of a
½ ton truck. A ½ ton truck weights about 4000lbs. Our design will incorporate four
scissor jacks, all powered by a motor that is integral to the jack. Under this
assumption we can assign a rated load required for the jack. The rated load would
need to be at least 1000lbs. Our jack would also need to keep a lower profile for use
on a variety of vehicles. The range for the profile would need to be between 3”-8”.
Our jack would also need to lift a range of 6”-12” if this is not accomplished, wood
blocking would need to be implemented to shim the jack up toward the lift point.

Torque Required to Turn Lead Screw

To find the torque required to turn the lead screw, we used a torque wrench
with a 7/8” socket. The method for finding the torque is identified in the

Sizing Electric Motor

Once the torque was found we needed two things for selecting the correct
motor, Horsepower and RPM. The equation used is: 𝐻𝑃 = . The RPM

value is the revolutions per minute at which the hp was measured, electric motors
provide constant torque at all rpms. We also needed to know how fast we wanted the
lift to go. The lift has a travel of 11” and goes up ¾” per 1 revolution of screw. It
would take 14 ⅔ revolutions of the screw to reach the highest travel. So, at 120 RPM
the jack would lift in 7.333 seconds, at 240 RPM the jack would lift in 3.66 seconds.
The rpm will need to stay low, in order to ensure safety of users.

Note that in the analysis done, the values are assumed. Also note that the calculations
were done for one jack assembly, our design calls for use of four of the jack
assemblies, therefore providing enough power to lift a ½ ton truck.
Figure 15 - Engineering Analysis Sizing Electric Motor

5.2.3 Methodology

Selecting the Jack

The method by which we selected the jack was to ensure that the one we found
matched the criteria laid out above. We did a web search of a screw powered jack and
found one that was rated for 1100lbs, 3” tall when collapsed, and lifted 14”.

Identifying Torque Required to Turn Screw

Finding the torque required to turn the screw was fairly simple. The testing
was completed as follows using the torque wrench:
1. Load the lift to maximum capacity of 1100lbs.
2. Operate the lift with a torque wrench until wheel is 1” off ground.
3. Adjust torque wrench setting while wheel is off the ground until required torque is

Sizing the Electric Motor

To select the electric motor, the following equation will be used: 𝑇𝑄 =
where the Torque is in Ft. Lbs. This equation can be used because electric

motors deliver constant torque at any rpm. An example motor at 1000 RPM yielding
1 hp would give a torque of 5.25 ft. lbs. The torque value would have to be equal or
greater than 20 Ft. lbs. unlike the example.

5.2.4 Results

Selecting the Jack

We were able to find a jack that fit all of these parameters set in place by us.
This means that we had reasonable restrictions for selecting a jack.

Identifying Torque Required to Turn Screw

What we found was that the torque it takes to turn the screw is 12.5 ft. lbs.
This is a reasonable number as the screw shouldn’t take much torque to turn because
it is typically human powered.

Sizing Electric Motor
The motors will be selected based on the equation used in the methodology
section. We were able to find an electric motor to use. The motor can be found The
motor is one that could be found on a dump truck for rolling the tarp up. The motor
would produce a torque of 30 ft. lbs. at 80 rpm. There is also a wiring kit to wire a switch for
reversible actuation. We were not able to go with this option due to time constraints with
ordering. We were able to use a winch motor for actuation of the jack the winch can be fou
The motor uses a 1hp motor with a 262:1 gear reduction that would provide us with enough
torque and rpm to lift the jack.

5.2.5 Significance

The results from the analysis done did affect our design. When sizing the
motor needed, we needed to find a motor that would supply enough torque at a low
enough rpm. This was very difficult to find in our price range. Our team put in
several calls to local electric motor vendors around the Saint Louis area, but the
companies were not able to find one in our price range. This caused us to use a winch
motor which required more modification to get the design to work.


People wanting to do basic maintenance at home are trying to cut cost out of owning a car

People using this jack are going to want several uses out of it so they can start saving money
User Safety
Lifting a vehicle can be a deadly process, especially if the user has to get under the vehicle
Vehicular Safety
Vehicles can be damaged by wrongful use of a jack

Keeping the cost of the jack down can be done by finding parts that will integrate well with
one another.
Using parts that are correctly sized can help keep the jack working for a longer time. An
example could be using an oversized motor could damage the lead screw on the jack.
User Safety
Utilization of safety features already in place by the jack is important. Keeping the parts the
way they were will help reduce the risk of injury. One example would be allowing the user to
operate the jack from a safe distance.
Vehicular Safety
Just like user safety, keeping the safety features of the jack the way they were is important. If
a jack needed a hole drilled in it, this could risk the loading weight the jack can handle


Keeping the user safe is the most important risk in the project. Vehicles weight upwards of
2000 pounds this is enough weight to cause serious harm or even fatal injuries for a user. User
safety takes precedence over the other risks. Next in line is vehicular safety, cars and trucks are
expensive. A vehicle falling off the jack can yield a costly bill at an automotive shop. Keeping
the jack reliable is third in our list. Someone who is looking to purchase this jack will want to
be able to use it several times for regular maintenance items, saving costs. The user will not
want to purchase a new jack every few months. Last is cost, keeping the cost of the jack low is
important. The customer will not want to pay $500-$600 on a jack when they can just take
their car to the mechanic and get maintenance items done for $200.


ASME B30.1- Standard for Jacks, Industrial Rollers, Air Casters, and Hydraulic
Chapter 1-1 applies to mechanical jacks
UL 1004-1 Standard for Rotating Electrical Machines - General Requirements


ASME B30.1 is relevant to our project. In chapter 1-0 section 1-0.1 identifies the
scope of Volume B30.1. The scope of the volume is identified as “…applying to the
construction, operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of mechanical ratchet jacks,
hand- or power- operated mechanical screw jacks…”. This scope of the volume applies to
the mechanical screw operated jack our team is designing. The chapter that applies to our
project is chapter 1-1 Mechanical Jacks. This standard was chosen because this is an
industry standard code to follow. A quick web search for a floor jack from a retailers
website identifies that the jack does or does not conform to the ASME standards.

The UL 1004-1 Standard for Rotating Electrical Machines is relevant to our project
because our design will use an electric motor to power the screw actuation on the jack.


7.3.1 Safety
1. The control parts of the jack should be designed to minimize exposure of operator injury
while providing operation and adjustment
2. The jack should be designed so that the stress in the structural components doesn’t exceed
50% of the yield strength of the material at the rated load.
3. When synchronized lifting, all jacks should be the same manufacturer and model.

7.3.2 Quality
1. Replacement parts shall meet or exceed the original equipment specs.

7.3.3 Ergonomic
1. Carrying handles should be designed to hold 200% of the jacks weight

7.3.4 Ecological
1. The jack should be designed to operate the rated load at temperatures it will be used in

7.3.5 Life cycle

1. Repairs, alterations, and modifications shall be specified by the manufacturer or qualified
2. The jack should be designed to handle proof loading
a. Proof loading is the process in which a newly designed mechanical jack
undergoes dynamic testing of different parts above the design load.
7.3.6 Legal
1. Jacks shall provide a means for labeling the manufacturer, rated load of load point, and
auxiliary point, if applicable, the model number, jack handle length and force required.


These constraints won’t affect our design by much. The motor will have to be sized to
the appropriate torque. The jack will be purchased from a manufacturer. The jack will
confirm to the ASME standards as listed above. Most of the constraints listed above
have already been met by the manufacturer for the jack to be offered for retail. The
constraints that will affect us the most are the ones that state specifications to be met
when modifying jacks, and constraints on synchronized lifting. The synchronized
lifting requires that when lifting.



Figure 16 – Working Protoype Assembly

Figure 17 – Working Prototype Assembly

Figure 19 – Winch Motor

Winch Motor

In order for the jack to be operated without work being required from the operator a power
source must be fitted to the jack. This came in the form of a winch motor. The motor has its own
controller such that it can be operated with one hand.

Figure 20 - Baseplate


The baseplate creates a solid connection between the jack and the motor. It has spacers and a
mounting plate for the motor welded to it such that the screw on the jack and shaft of the motor are
always aligned.

Figure 21 – Motor Shaft Adapter

Motor Shaft Adapter

In order for the output shaft of the motor to connect to the input of the jack an adapter was
created. The adapter is simply a 7/8” socket welded onto the part of the winch that slips onto the
output shaft of the winch motor.



9.1.1 Engineering Drawings

See Appendix C for the individual CAD models.

Figure 22 - Car Lift Assembly

Figure 23 – Exploded Car Lift Assembly

Figure 25 – Motor Mounting Plate

Figure 26 – Spacer

9.1.2 Sourcing instructions

Table 13 – Bill Of Materials
Bill Of Materials
Item # Part # Part Description Link Source Qty Price/ea Total
1 1 BOTTOM PLATE 1/4" Steel Stock
Salvage 1 Salvaged $ -
2 2 MOTOR MOUNTING PLATE 1/4" Steel Stock
Salvage 1 Salvaged $ -
3 887480011173 Square Tubing 4' 1"x1" 1"x1" Square Tube
Home Depot 1 Salvaged $ -
4 5001.5044 MOTORCYCLE JACK Jack
Home Depot 1 $ 74.95 $ 75.95
5 371003246165 7/8 6PT 1/2 DRIVE SOCKET Socket (Motor)
Home Depot 1 $ 2.78 $ 2.78
6 91290A332 M6X1.0 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW Screw (Motor) https://www.mcmast McMaster Carr 4 $ 0.66 $ 2.64
7 94645A205 M6X1.0 NYLON-INSERT LOCKNUT Nut (Motor)
McMaster Carr 4 $ 0.27 $ 1.08
8 KAC1500 WINCH MOTOR Motor Keeper 1 $ 346.58 $ 346.58
Total $ 429.03

Item Numbers:
1. The bottom plate is used to mount the jack. This is just ¼” steel plate and can be found just
about anywhere. Local hardware stores should have this
2. The mounting plate can be found by using the scrap pieces of the bottom plate
3. The square tubing can also be found at local hardware stores. This is used to shim the jack up
so that the shafts of the jack and motor line up.
4. The motorcycle jack can be found on homedepot’s website. This is used as the lifting
mechanism for the design. Any jack that has the same weight capacity and lift mechanism as
this can be used.
5. The socket was used to attach the winch motor to the lead screw of the jack. This can be
found at local hardware stores as well.
6. The screw was used to mount the motor to the motor mounting plate. This can be found at
local hardware stores as well. The same dimensions are required.
7. The nut was used to secure the motor to the mounting plate. This can be found at local
hardware stores. The threads must match that of the screw.
8. The winch motor can be found on amazon. This is produced by a company called “Keeper”.
This was used to power the jack. Any winch that had reversible controls and a load capacity
of 1500lbs could be used.


Table 14 - Parts List

Parts List
Part # Description Material Qty Price Total
5001.5044 MOTORCYCLE JACK - 1 $ 74.95 $ 75.95
7-8 SOCKET 7/8 6PT 1/2 DRIVE SOCKET - 1 $ 2.78 $ 2.78
91290A332 M6X1.0 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW - 4 $ 0.66 $ 2.64
94645A205 M6X1.0 NYLON-INSERT LOCKNUT - 4 $ 0.27 $ 1.08
KAC1500 WINCH MOTOR - 1 $ 346.58 $ 346.58


Table 15 - Final Bill of Materials

Bill Of Materials
Item # Part # Part Description Link Source Qty Price/ea Total
1 1 BOTTOM PLATE 1/4" Steel Stock
Salvage 1 Salvaged $ -
2 2 MOTOR MOUNTING PLATE 1/4" Steel Stock
Salvage 1 Salvaged $ -
3 887480011173 Square Tubing 4' 1"x1" 1"x1" Square Tube
Home Depot 1 Salvaged $ -
4 5001.5044 MOTORCYCLE JACK Jack
Home Depot 1 $ 74.95 $ 75.95
5 371003246165 7/8 6PT 1/2 DRIVE SOCKET Socket (Motor)
Home Depot 1 $ 2.78 $ 2.78
6 91290A332 M6X1.0 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW Screw (Motor) https:/ McMaster Carr 4 $ 0.66 $ 2.64
7 94645A205 M6X1.0 NYLON-INSERT LOCKNUT Nut (Motor)
McMaster Carr 4 $ 0.27 $ 1.08
8 KAC1500 WINCH MOTOR Motor https:/ Keeper 1 $ 346.58 $ 346.58
Total $ 429.03


Go to link for CAD files:





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