Movie Trailer Website Case Study

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Movie Trailer Website Design

Victor Diala
Project overview

The product:
The Movie Trailer App is poised to elevate the movie-
going experience for our audience, combining
innovation, user-centric design, and seamless
integration with theater services to create a
comprehensive and enjoyable platform for all movie

Project duration:
3 Weeks
Project overview

The problem: The goal:

The current state of our movie trailer app is The primary goal of our Movie Trailer App is to
plagued by a significant issue related to the revolutionize the way users discover, engage
lack of effective personalization and discovery with, and share their passion for movies. We
features. Users are encountering difficulties in aim to create an immersive and personalized
discovering trailers that align with their unique experience that goes beyond traditional trailer-
tastes and preferences. watching, fostering a vibrant community of
movie enthusiasts..
Project overview

My role: Responsibilities:
UX researcher, UX/UI designer of the Movie Conducting interviews, paper and digital
Trailer website design. wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping,
conducting usability studies, accounting for
accessibility, iterating on designs and
responsive design.
● User research
Understanding ● Personas

the user ● Problem statements

● User journey maps
User research: summary

I conducted user interviews, which I then turned into empathy maps to better understand the target
user and their needs. I discovered that many target users love movies and relaxing activity when they
need a break from school or work. However, many movie trailer websites are overwhelming and
confusing to navigate, which frustrated many target users. This caused a normally enjoyable
experience to become challenging for them, defeating the purpose of having fun and relaxation.
User research: pain points

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Inadequate Trailer Quality Cumbersome Navigation Experience

Most movie trailer app Users encounter Movie trailer websites

have low quality of difficulties navigating the don’t provide an
videos. app due to a lack of engaging browsing
intuitive design and experience.
unclear organization of
Persona: Chibuzo
"I love the anticipation that comes with a good movie
trailer. It's like a sneak peek into another world. A
platform that truly understands my taste and allows me
to share that excitement with others is what I'm looking
Problem statement: for."

Goals Frustrations
Chibuzo is a busy working class
❖ Want a platform that ❖ Frustrated with
provides personalized
person who needs intuitive
platforms that do not
recommendations understand his unique
based on his eclectic taste, leading to a less
Age: 29 taste. engaging discovery
website navigation and search Education:
Bsc. in Computer Science
Software Engineer

Location: Abuja, Nigeria

filters because they want online Family: Single One evening in Abuja, Nigeria, Chibuzo, a 29 years old
software engineer, finds himself winding down after a
challenging day of coding. As a dedicated movie enthusiast,
movie streaming to be stress free. Chibuzo is always on the lookout for the latest and most
captivating movie trailers to add to his watchlist.
User journey map

I created a user journey

map of Chibuzo’s
experience in which using
the site to help identify
possible pain points and
improvement opportunities.
● Sitemap
Starting ● Paper wireframes

the design ● Digital wireframes

● Low-fidelity prototype
● Usability studies
Difficulty with website navigation
was a primary pain point for users,
so I used that knowledge to create
a sitemap.

My goal here was to make

strategic information architecture
decisions that would improve
overall website navigation. The
structure I chose was designed to
make things simple and easy for
Paper wireframes

Next, I sketched out paper

wireframes for each screen in my
app, keeping the user pain points
about navigation, browsing, and
checkout flow in mind.

The home screen paper

Refined paper wireframe
wireframe variations to the right
focus on optimizing the browsing
experience for users.
Stars were used to mark the elements of each sketch
that would be used in the initial digital wireframes.
Paper wireframe
screen size variations
Because Movie Trailer’s customers
access the site on a variety of different
devices, I started to work on designs
for additional screen sizes to make
sure the site would be fully responsive.
Digital wireframes
Moving from paper to digital
wireframes made it easy to
understand how the redesign
could help address user pain
points and improve the user

Prioritizing useful button

locations and visual element
placement on the home page
Easy access to search movies Homepage is optimized for
was a key part of my strategy. easy browsing through the
carousel of images and nav
Easy access to filter menu options
Digital wireframe
screen size variation(s)
Low-fidelity prototype

To create a low-fidelity prototype, I

connected all of the screens involved in
the primary user flow of adding movies
to the cart or book now option,
checking out and and download their
movie ticket.

Usability study: parameters

Study type: Location:

Unmoderated usability study Nigeria, remote

Participants: Length:
5 participants 20-30 minutes
Usability study: findings

These were the main findings uncovered by the usability study:

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Successful Page Cart Single Page

There were no successful There were no button for There were no preview
illustration image clearing of the cart if the button to play the movie
need arrises to be sure of the movie.
Refining ● Mockups
● High-fidelity prototype
the design ● Accessibility
Based on the insights from the usability study, I made changes to improve the site’s checkout
successful page. One of the changes I made was adding the successful illustration image. This
makes users to feel good.

After usability study

Before usability study
To make the single page preview flow easier for users, I added a play button that allowed users to
play and preview the movie before booking it.

Before usability study After usability study

Mockups: Original screen size
Mockups: Screen size variations

I included considerations for additional

screen sizes in my mockups based on my
earlier wireframes. Because users visit
websites from a variety of devices, I felt it
was important to optimize the browsing
experience for a range of device sizes, such
as mobile and tablet so users have the
smoothest experience possible.
High-fidelity prototype

My hi-fi prototype followed the same

user flow as the lo-fi prototype, and
included the design changes made
after the usability study.

View the Movie trailer:

Accessibility considerations

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I used headings with I used clear, legible fonts I maintain sufficient color
different sized text for and ensure proper contrast between text
clear visual hierarchy. spacing to enhance and background to assist
readability for users with users with visual
visual impairments or impairments. I avoid
cognitive disabilities. relying solely on color to
convey information.
Going forward

● Next steps

Impact: What I learned:

Our target users shared that the design is user I learned that even a small design change can
friendly to navigate through, and more have a huge impact on the user experience.
engaging with the images, and demonstrated a The most important takeaway for me is to
clear visual hierarchy. always focus on the real needs of the user
when coming up with design ideas and
Next steps

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Conduct follow-up Identify any additional

usability testing on the areas of need and ideate
new website. on new features.
Let’s connect!

Thank you for reviewing my work on the Movie Trailer app!

If you’d like to see more, or would like to get in touch, my contact information is provided below:

Email: [email protected]

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