Guide To Avoid Observations 2020-1
Guide To Avoid Observations 2020-1
Guide To Avoid Observations 2020-1
Company’s Risk Assessment procedures not HSQE Manual Part II 2.8 (re underwater survey):
followed properly Before beginning any operation, a Risk Assessment
and a Safety Meeting must be conducted with the
participation of all involved personnel in order to
i.e. Underwater survey as part of discuss all aspects of safety, with special attention
intermediate Class survey was not being being paid to the suspension of all ballasting/de-
accompanied by R.A. and relevant work ballasting operations, command and communication
permit links, rescue arrangements, proper signaling, lashing
and tagging of all valves within the repair and/or
under inspection area. Diving contractors shall be
invited to contribute in the Risk Assessment
preparation, with their own material, as applicable.
HSQE Manual Part II 1.5:
Work plan/ toolbox meetings not followed/ -Company’s form F.SAF.2 “Work Planning Meeting”
documented. to be followed by Deck & Engine Dpts. All sections
must be completed as applicable corresponding to
Engine department daily work plan not found R.A., PERMITs for each job
Officers/ Engineers observed not familiar with All crew onboard must be familiar with the job
b. Incorrect tank capacities mentioned All tank capacities to be in-line with Capacity Plan/
Sounding Tables/ IOPP certificate
c. Erroneous entries found Proper entries of figures with decimal places and
units (eg 1000.00 m3)
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e. O.R.B. found in poor condition; pages & O.R.B. and any official log must be maintained in a
outer cover detached presentable condition for third party inspection
Bunkering Operations:
Engine Operation Manual Chapter 9: Company’s
a. Not properly filled and complied
forms F.OPS.19, 19-A,B,C,D to be correctly filled and
(missing Port names, Dates, Signatures,
thoroughly complied at all stages of bunkering
Transfer rate, Barge PIC
operations. These forms to be handwritten and not
acknowledgement, method of
13 prepared in the computer.
Engine Operation Manual 8.6: Ship specific
bunkering procedure with the fuel pipeline plan must
b. Bunker Plan placard not in vicinity of
be permanently displayed at Bunkering Station &
bunkering site
Best Practice: Safety information like Muster Station
Safety information were not briefed to the location, Emergency Alarms in addition to the safety
visitors by the duty AB at Gangway procedures must be briefed to all visitors by the duty
AB on the Gangway. In case of doubt or further
queries by the visitor the duty AB should intimate that
Safety Officer would assist and explain.
15 Engine logbook not properly maintained Engine logbook to be properly filled and cross
checked by C/E recording entries such as:
30 Ultrasonic test records not found for last “When considered necessary by the Surveyor, or
Special Survey in the ESP file. where extensive corrosion exists/ previously damage
reported, then thickness measurements to be carried
out, upon close-up inspection”.
Disposal of oil sludge to shore facility dated 12 Correct > Usage of "Code C": Collection of oil
31 Sep 2018 was wrongly recorded as "Code I" in residues (sludge)
the oil record book. Mistake > Usage of “Code I”: General Guidance –
Additional Voluntary Recordings
a. Position fixing intervals not matching Ensure positions fixed on paper charts/ ENCs
with the passage plan within passage plan established intervals
b. Ship’s position’s plotted mostly by the Position fixing methods while coastal
aid of GPS navigation to be done by all available means
(V/R) not only GPS.
c. No celestial observations taken for fixing On ocean passages, the noon position should
during passage be determined by celestial observation and
entered on the chart and noted in the deck log
book. The stellar fixes obtainable during the
twilight hours are also recommended.
b. BWL chart not posted on Bridge A monthly schedule of watches of deck and engine
departments, containing watchmen details, must be
c. BWL 3 organization requirement not The only personnel permitted on the bridge are those
followed whose work or duties require them to be there. This is
to be strictly enforced during port entry and departure,
river/canal transit and any other times when watch
level 3 is implemented.
Duties and availability – according to bridge watch
level (page 34)
3 BNWAS tests not recorded for all stages Best Practice: BNWAS stage 1, 2 & 3 to be tested
and logged at least once per voyage.
BNWAS found switched off while at N.P. Bridge Manual 5.17: BNWAS must be switched
anchor on at all times when the vessel is underway or at
anchor and switched off when the vessel is alongside.
The system shall not be operated under “Automatic”
mode, but only through “Manual ON” mode.
Activation/ de-activation key or password must be in
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b. Master/ Pilot exchange time not N.P. Bridge Manual Company’s form
recorded F.NAV.15 Master/Pilot exchange form and Pilot card,
reflecting the vessel’s present actual condition must
be handed over to the pilot upon boarding. The
exchange process must be properly completed, the
plan (passage, mooring, etc.) must be fully agreed
and the forms must be duly signed.
ATTACHED PP”). Pilot’s part (Section B) if not
completed to be filled later with all gathered
information. Attention on units used for bollard pull –
ALWAYS use Metric Tons (MT)
c. Conning time taken over with the N.P. Bridge Manual 3.5.2: The OOW continues to be
Master while on Bridge, during port responsible for the safety and navigation of the vessel
arrival not recorded (pay particular despite the presence of the Master on the bridge until
attention to this observation which such time as the Master informs him specifically that
very usual) he has assumed that responsibility. The OOW writes
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12 N.P. Bridge Manual 7.2: There are four distinct PRIOR DEPARTURE AND
No passage planning appraisal meeting/ stages in the planning and achievement of a safe ARRIVAL , BRIDGE MEETING
briefing took place before departure passage: Appraisal, Planning, Execution, Monitoring. IS CONDUCTED FOR
These stages must follow each other in the order set APPROVING PASSAGE PLAN
out above. An appraisal of information available must AND LOGGED IN DECK LOG
be made before detailed plans can be drawn up and BOOK ALONG WITH F NAV 5
a plan must be in existence before tactics for its
execution to be decided upon (F.NAV.5).
This is the process of gathering all information
relevant to the contemplated passage.
Sailing directions/pilots not referred in passage The following should be available for the use of the SAILING DIRECTION ARE
plan appraisal navigating officer to assist him in collecting all the INCLUDED IN PASSAGE PLAN
information necessary for a full passage appraisal:
“…d. Sailing direction and pilot books…”
zThe Chief Engineer was not included in the The Chief Engineer should be included by all ENG IS INCLUDED AND CH
passage plan briefing means ENG BRIEF ABOUT THE
Few of the reasons the Chief Engineer should be part ENGINE PARAMETERS &
of the bridge team planning: TAKEN SIGNATURE IN F NAV
5 & F NAV 19.
The main engines and machinery running well
and in good condition during critical passages,
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N.P. Bridge Manual 6.1.5: The GMDSS log must be PRE DEPARTURE OF SART,
Pre-departure checks of SART, VHF/DSC, kept in order to provide a record of all events VHF/DSC/INM-C ARE
INM-C not recorded in GMDSS logbook connected with the radio communications facilities on RECORDED IN GMDSS LOG
board. In particular: ”…GMDSS equipment tests prior BOOK
sailing each port…”
20 NAVTEX device observed switched OFF while N.P. Bridge Manual 6.9: Navigational warnings,
vessel at port. Several warning reports found EGC and NAVTEX are a vital source of safety
unacknowledged by Bridge Team Members information and as such must be monitored closely by
the OOW. Navigational warnings, EGC and NAVTEX
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Best Practice:
Laminate a copy of Safety contour harmonization
flow chart (page 13) and ensure compliance.
REMEMBER: If the ECDIS is not displaying the
largest scale, then a warning will be displayed
reading: “Larger scale available for vessel position”.
An indicative sign on each ECDIS unit to be posted
on, noting “Shallow Contour”, “Safety Contour/ Depth”
& “Deep Contour”
Echo sounder log did not mention vessel’s Best Practice: Echo Sounder logging must be
draft and tidal conditions specific for current Ship’s draft and tide, ensuring
proper safety marginal cross checking
28 Maintenance records for Magnetic and GYRO N.P. Bridge Manual 5.20: A repairs – maintenance
compass(es) not found list must be kept on the bridge mentioning details of
maintenance/repairs i.e. when repairs or maintenance
carried out, description of job done, person/firm
carrying out the repairs/ maintenance etc. Thus, the
history of each navigational equipment will be
available for review at any time by next navigating
officer or auditor. In this respect a file (dossier) for all
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Best Practice:
Ship specific pictorial laminated guide to be posted in
Change over procedures not found for GYRO
vicinity, projecting instructions on how to change-over
to MAGNETIC and vice versa as well as
GYRO to MAGNETIC compass and vice versa as
GYRO to GYRO, where applicable
well as GYRO to GYRO where applicable.
SOLAS Ch IV Reg 6 / 2.5:
GMDSS console not having a display of ship’s Every radio installation shall be clearly marked with
name and call sign the call sign, the ship station identity and other codes
as applicable for the use of the radio installation
N.P. Bridge Manual Specific risk
Passage planning guide for Malacca straight
assessment must be conducted; all risks involved in
and Singapore not referred to leg-wise
30 different legs shall be identified and entered in
determination of isolated hazards and other
contemplated passage plan. Details of each leg shall
Navigational factors
be also stated in the risk assessment form.
N.P. Bridge Manual 3.11.5: The Bridge and Engine
room Watch Officers are responsible for and must
test the primary and secondary steering gear at every
Steering Gear test timings recording while watch /after prolonged use of auto pilot, before
31 Hard over Port to Starboard, by the use of one entering coastal or congested water and before arrival
and two pumps found to be equal. and prior departure. These tests shall be completed in
compliance with SOLAS Ch V Reg 24, CFR and
F.NAV.26 requirements and must be logged in the
logbook as completed.
C. Deck - Operations
1 “Ballasting/de-ballasting operations”
a. Heavy weather ballasting/ de- Best Practice: Ship’s specific Heavy Weather Ballast
ballasting not correctly followed – procedure and precautions to be posted in Ship’s
missing procedure & precautions office and ECR (ballast console area). Supporting
stability conditions to be available too.
b. Ballasting operation not logged in Deck Operations Manual 12.1.2/ 12.6: Vessel must
Deck Logbook while vessel properly complete the “Ballast Water Record Book”.
discharging her cargo Every ballast move must be recorded in this record
book i.e all operations concerning ballast exchange/
ballast-deballast during loading/discharging
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c. Crew found not familiar with fixed Best Practice: Crew training to be carried out
firefighting system operation regularly ensuring proper familiarization.
Pictorial guideline for F.F.F. system’s operation
to be laminated and posted in vicinity under
emergency light.
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a. Drain plugs several missing or found Best Practice: All drain plugs to be in position having
wasted, observed with leakages attached their securing chain/ wire. Threads to be in
(standard & repeated observation) good condition and properly greased ensuring free
movement. Leak test (water) to be done ensure
b. Several vent heads and pipes including Structural condition of vent heads/ pipes/ drip
body of drip tray found thinned/ holed/ trays surface to be intact and well maintained
c. Capacities on Drip trays/ save all of Engine Operations Manual 8.9: All drip trays to be
bunker tanks vents not stencilled stencilled with capacities in cubic meters
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d. Documented evidence not found for Deck Operation Manual 14.13.1: A pull in the wrong
testing each winch separately direction may reduce the holding power, by up to
50%. The design of the mooring winch brake band is
such that, the pull must be applied against the fixed
end. Therefore, the rope must always be correctly
reeled and the pay-out direction marked on the winch
Fire line dresser couplings found frozen/ over Best Practice: Expansion joints on main deck fire line
11 painted/without any lubrication to allow to be always maintained/ cleaned/ greased, ensuring
freedom of movement free movement during seaway
IMO Res A 1045 (27) 2.1.5: When a retrieval line is
considered necessary to ensure the safe rigging of a
Pilot Ladder found with incorrect connection of pilot ladder, the line should be fastened at or above
tripping line the last spreader step and should lead forward. The
retrieval line should not hinder the pilot nor obstruct
the safe approach of the Pilot boat.
13 SCBA (pay attention!)
a. SCBA bottle filing log not maintained Best Practice: Relevant filing log to be
presented at site of BA compressor followed at
all times including Pressure reading before &
b. BA compressor relief valve pressure Ship’s BA compressor must be stenciled for its
setting not stenciled relief valve pressure setting in the vicinity
c. BA compressor kept on the floor and not BA compressor to be well secured on wooden
properly secured foundation
d. Air Quality Analysis Certificate not found Air quality analysis certificate copy to be
posted at site of compressor
e. IMO symbol missing Relevant IMO symbol to be posted in the
vicinity and at the entrance of compartment
f. Pictorial instructions for operation of BA Pictorial instructions for operation of BA
compressor not available compressor to be posted in the vicinity
g. Crew found not familiar with SCBA Training Session to be carried out and deck
bottle filing logbook entry to be made upon familiarization
of all crew members by Safety officer
h. No evidence of filing SCBA bottles after SCBA bottles to be refilled and entries in
use during Drills relevant log to be updated immediately after
the drill, ensuring readiness in case of
i. No means of cooling/ container found During SCBA bottles filing operation ensure
next to BA compressor same to be submerged in water-filed container
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14 Lifeboat
a. There was additional wire lashing taken SOLAS Ch3 Reg 13.1.3: FFLB should be in a state
for free-fall lifeboat of continuous readiness. When at port/
INSPECTIONS lashing wires & lifting wire slings
should be removed. FFLB should rest only to her
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c. Gratings/ checker plate on boat deck Best Practice: Ensure adequately maintained
excessively corroded access platform of FFLB embarkation deck
d. Cooling water pipe painted over and Best Practice: Following makers maintenance
chocked and operational instructions cooling water pipe
of LB engine must not be painted and ensure
not to be blocked
e. Window glass found blurry – dirty and LSA – 11: Windows or translucent panels on
stained – scratched. both sides of LB to admit sufficient daylight to the
inside of the lifeboat with the hatches closed to make
artificial light unnecessary
Relative IMO symbol for all manual call points as per
Ship’s specific Fire Plan to be adhered on vicinity.
Checks to be carried out further to Safety/ Fire Plan
IMO symbol missing from manual call point in and ensure suitable IMO Symbols posted.
the Emergency Generator Room
Shock treatment posters & High Voltage
stickers to be placed on Emergency & Main
16 Lifebuoy lines and lights were secured to the All attached lines to lifebuoys should be spliced round
bucketed line and not round the body of the body and not on the becketed line.
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b. Garbage designated area colour coding Garbage Management Plan Ch 8: The storage bins
of drums not properly marked should be stenciled and color coded as follows:
•Plastics - Blue
•Food Wastes - Green
•Domestic Wastes - White with blue band
17 •Cooking Oil / Oily Rags - Red
•Incinerator ashes - Gray
•Operational Wastes - White
•PCB / Electronics - Brown
•Batteries - Black
•Medical Waste - Blue with White band
•Cargo Residues – Yellow
Best Practice:
OSHA Standard 1926.550(g)(3)(ii)(A): Cranes and
derricks with variable angle booms shall be equipped
One inclinometer from provision crane jib, was with a boom angle indicator, readily visible to the
missing operator.
MSC.1/Circ.1525 –
Restricted areas may include spaces with access to
potable water tanks, pumps, or manifolds. The ship
Fresh/ Drinking water tanks were lacking
security plan should identify the restricted areas to be
provision of locking arrangements on main
28 established on the ship, specify their extent, times of
deck filling & sounding pipes
application, the security measures to be taken to
control access to them and those to be taken to
control activities within them.
b. Engineers found not wearing PPE All Engine department personnel to be using
all given PPE as required – PAY ATTENTION
OBSERVATION – Post Electric Shock
Treatment poster in vicinity
c. Fixed electric grinder found with Any protective shields in workshop should be
damaged protective shield rigged in place and in good condition
d. Welding machine cables found Welding machine cables to be intact without
damaged along the cable length and any joints. Connectors (all ends) to be in
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e. Color coding missing for fixed Oxygen Oxygen & acetylene pipes to be color coded,
acetylene pipes blue & red respectively, on their whole length.
f. Flash back arrestor missing from Flash back arrestors to be connected at both
Oxygen/ Acetylene bottles ends
g. Oxygen/ Acetylene lines found HSQE Manual Part II 2.4.4: Hot work inside E/R
pressurized at Port and fitter executing workshop can be undertaken provided that the
Hot Work in Workshop following Company’s requirements have been met:
The ship is not in port unless permission from
authorities has been granted and office
(HSSE, Technical and Operations depts) have
been informed.
No any of the following operations is carried
out: a) Bunker transfer, b) Tank cleaning
The working area inside the work shop has
been cleaned, the atmosphere checked and
confirmed gas free and Hot Work Permit has
been issued. It should be noted that the validity
of Hot Work Permit should not exceed the
eight (8) hours
b. Engineers found not familiar with All Engine Department personnel must be
operation/ testing familiar with operation/ testing procedures of
c. Overboard v/v not secured with chain & Engine Maintenance Manual 10.6: As control
padlock arrangement and numbered measure, all the flanges of the OWS discharge
seals pipeline leading to overboard valve should be fitted
with uniquely numbered seals, in order to prevent
unauthorized by-passing. The numbered seal should
be fitted to the longer part of a bolt coming out of the
nut, after drilling a hole to it. The fitting of the uniquely
numbered environmental seals on all the flanges
should be accompanied by the appropriate record. A
protocol including the numbers of the uniquely
numbered seals and the date fitted, should be
prepared, send to the office and posted in the area.
The overboard valve of the OWS must be locked
closed during the vessel's port stay or when transiting
restricted waters. The keys must be in Chief
Engineer’s possession
d. 15 PPM alarm not tried out for last 3 OWS 15 PPM alarm to be tested at least as
weeks per PMS schedule (ie weekly) and relevant
entries to follow in its PMS section/ Engine
8 Two drain valves or one valve and one plug Best Practice: Two drain valves or one valve and
not found on bunker drain lines at the one plug to be installed on drain lines at the manifolds
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a. Fuel tank not marked with minimum SOLAS Reg 43: Emergency generator should be
level required capable of giving power for the period of 18 hours.
b. Crew found not familiar with simulation Engine Maintenance Manual 9.8: To ensure efficient
test operation in the event of any emergency, black out
simulation test should be carried out and the
emergency diesel alternator should be run once per
week on load for at least five (5) minutes, fuel tank to
be always full and instructions as per company’s PMS
to be followed
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