PSC Management

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Latest PSC trend by region

1. TOKYO MOU [ 아 · 태 지역 ]
A. Australia [ 호주 ]
-. Along with the increase of raw material transportation these
days, vessels calling Australian port are increasing and case of
detention for old tonnages and the vessel calling for the first
time is increasing
[ 최근 원자재 물동량증가로 인해 호주 입항선박이 증가하는 추세이며 이에 따라 ,
및 호주에 처음 입항하는 선박의 출항정지 사례가 증가하고 있음 ]
-. Accordingly, KR has notified 'Major Items for Detention by PSC
in Australian port' as follows. All vessels calling Australian ports
are required to perform checks for following items thoroughly
[ 이에 , KR 에서는 하기와 같이 ' 호주 PSC 주요 출항정지 항목 ' 을 공지한 바 , 향후
입항선박은 반드시 하기 사항 점검 / 정비 요함 ]
▲ Major Items for Detention by PSC in Australia(* marked are most
frequently detained items)
1) MF/HF Radio Equipment *
-. Fail of DSC test call (RQ/BQ); Be sure to receive BQ in Aus.
port(with DC power)
-. Fail to Changeover AC to DC, DC to AC (Test call to be done
with pure battery)
-. Defects on emergency power in battery room
-. Poor antenna connection may result in fail of DSC test call
-. Poor skill of operation by each certified officer

2) Life boat *
-. Fail of engine starting ( primary & secondary ) and Boat drill
-. On load release gears locking system (be sure to lock exactly
when boat stowed) ;
Wrong position of hyd. Locking lever, Operating lever and
Locking pin.
Any abnormal release gear system (eg. Loose of nuts, etc)
might be detained
Be sure to provide maker’s instruction
-. Defects on Lifeboat hull and davits (crack, hole, heavy
corrosion etc. )
-. Corrosion on hook hanging brackets (in and outside of boat)
-. Corrosion at sheave blocks, sheave, hook ring and holding
3) Fire dampers ( E/R, Galley, C/hold, Aircon Ventilators and Funnel
flap ) *
-. Any defects of fire dampers for E/R ventilators ;
To check corrosion and closing condition for damper ( inside
of ventilators)
Be sure to open inside and maintain just before calling
Australian port
-. Funnel closing flaps : contact & corrosion condition(check
sun-tight & corrosion)
-. Other ventilators : To check closing condition & internal cover

4) Air pipe heads (Sure to open all covers and check inside) *
-. Any defects of Float contact area ( internal corrosion, rubber
gasket defects )
-. Defect on stem for disc float (to check broken or missing )
-. Missing of flame screen for F.O/L.O air pipes(no need for WBT for
bulk carrier).
-. Corrosion on pipes and near deck penetrations
5) Emergency fire pump *
-. Fail of pump starting (sure to check em’cy power, vacuum pump,
exh. pipe)
-. Lag of water pressure when two nozzle shooting
-. Leaking on fire main on deck (to check when pump running)
-. Sticking on isolating valve, leaking on fire hoses

6) Oily Water Separator *

-. Fail of operation and alarm within 15ppm (content meter ,
solenoid valve)
-. To check oily or not during pump run at overboard pipe (open,
check & clean)
-. To check condition of filter(renew in accordance with maker’s

7) Emercy generator *
-. Fail starting with blackout condition ( Auto-starting within 45s )
-. Primary and secondary starting (sure to start with 24V in case
battery start)
8) Hatch coaming plate and stays *
-. Any holes or cracks (To check closely below top plates and
corroded area)
-. Any cracks on coaming stays and hatchway corners
-. Heavy corrosion at hatch covers ( underneath structure )
-. Check leaking(crack/damage) on shell, deck, hold, Bhd, WB Tank

9) Hatch cover cleats *

-. Missing of cleats, corrosion of cleat seats, poor condition of
H/cover seal
-. Severe gaps between auto-cleats and stoppers when covers

10) Securing of closing devices for access hatch and steel door *
-. Missing of toggles, butterfly nuts for hatch, door and natural
-. Distortion(gap) of steel door and hatch cover

11) CO2 system

-. Holes or heavy corrosion on CO2 line on deck or in
accommodation *
-. Operation, Instruction, Bottle condition and fire drill
12) Others
-. Oily in E/R overall area, Leaking on machinery *
-. Fire door closing condition specially for E/R entrance and E/R
escape trunk
-. Self-closers for each E/R oil tank sight glass *
-. Self-closer and sounding caps for E/R DB tanks *
-. Fire detectors in E/R or accommodation
-. Crew license;
Particularly, vessels of Panamanian flag are required to check
validity of Crew Certificate, and for Korean flag vessels,
requirements of Seafarer’s Act and requirements of STCW
(including the engine horsepower of the vessel boarding)
[ 특히 , 파나마 국적선 경우 선원자격증의 유효기간 , 한국적의 경우 선원법 요건과
STCW 의 자격요건 ( 승선선박의 기관마력 등 )]
-. Life raft stowage condition(weak link) and many portable fire-
ext. defective
B. Case of Detention of other company vessel (New Castle,Aus)
1) Detention Item
-. Lack of pressure in emergency fire fighting pump due to
excessive suction head
[ 비상소화펌프의 Suction Head 과다로 인한 압력 부족 ]

2) Cause
-. In order to get prepared for the swift loading speed in the port,
the vessel has de-ballasted too much exceeding maximum
suction head of the firefighting pump to cause lack of
[ 해당 항만의 빠른 loading 속도에 대비하기 위하여 입항 전 과도한 De-Ballasting

로 비상소화펌프의  Maximum Suction Head 를 초과하여 압력부족으로 지적됨 ]

3) Preventive Measure
     -. Vessel’s navigation officers shall be instructed and educated
not to cause problems by excessive de-ballasting through
continuous confirmation of maximum suction head of the
emergency firefighting pump
[ 본선 비상 소화 Pump 의  Maxium Suction Head 를 확인하고 과다한 De-
Ballasting 으로 인하여 문제가 발생하지 않도록 본선 항해사관들의 사전교육이 필요함 ]
A. United Kingdom [ 영국 ]
Last November and December, there were as many vessels as 17
were subjected to detention in England. Vessels calling these
regions require special cautions
[ 지난 11~12 월 영국에서 무려 17 척의 출항정지 선박이 발생한 바 동 지역 기항선의
한 주의가 요구 됨 ]

▲ Major Items for Detention by PSC in U.K

1) No reserve power to the Global Maritime Distress Ship System
(GMDSS) installation
2) Hydrostatic Release Unit to the Emergency Position Radio
Beacon(EPIRB) had expired
3) Emergency Position Radio Beacon (EPIRB) was inoperative
4) Automatic position input to both VHF DSC units was missing
5) AIS data was incorrect
6) Reserve power supply to the AIS was missing
7) VHF radio was inoperative
8) MF/HF radio was not working properly
9) NBDP telex system was also inoperative
10) No transmission was possible from the main MF/HF radio
11) VHF radio installation had an incorrect MMSI number
12) Radio battery charger arrangement and power distribution
was incorrect

B. Case of Detention of other company vessel (Dublin,Ireland.

'08.01.25 )
1) Detention Item
-. Emergency Fire Pump not operating
[ 비상 소화 Pump 작동 불량 ]
-. Self closing cocks on fuel oil tanks in engine room not
working (Spring of self-closing valve in F.O. Sounding Pipe
was missing)
[ 기관실 F.O. Sounding Pipe 의 자동 차단 Valve 의 Spring Missing]
-. Mast thwart in PS lifeboat rotten. Mast pin missing (In case of no
engine type lifeboat, the tip of wooden panel that supports Mast (or
wooden panel on which man can sit) when raising Mast is rotten.
The part where tip of the wooden panel meets Boat Buoyancy tank,
or the part where FRP and wooden panel meet is rotten – See photo
엔진 없는 Type 의 Lifeboat

경우 , Mast 를 세울때 , Mast 를 

지 해주는 나무판자 ( 또는
앉을 수 있는 나무 판자 ) 끝단이

식됨 . 나무판자 끝단이 Boat
Buoyancy tank 와 붙는 자리 ,

FRP 와 나무판자가 붙는 자리가
부식됨 – 사진참조 )]

사진 ) Corrosion at Support Board for L/Boat Mast Tip

C. Precautions for vessels sailing toward Paris MOU countries
[Paris MOU 지역 기항선 주의사항 ]

1) If a vessel is to sail toward Paris MOU countries within 3

months after periodical inspection of KR, be sure to notify shore
office (Superintendent in charge)
[KR 의 정기적 검사 후 3 개월 이내 Paris MOU 지역 기항 예정 시 반드시 육상부서
( 담당 감독 ) 통보 요함 ]
☞ Notify Class Inspector performed the final periodical
inspection. If required, apply for KR-Pre-Inspection. (For
instance, apply through Fleet)
[ 최종 정기적 검사를 시행한 선급 검사원에게 통보 및 필요 시 KR Pre-Inspection
신청 예 ( 선단 )]

2) If the vessel has received PSC inspection in Paris MOU

countries since more than 6 months or if PSC inspection is
apparent when calling at port of these countries, notify Shore
Department (Superintendent in charge)
[Paris MOU 지역에서 마지막 PSC 수검이 6 개월 경과 시 또는 동 지역 기항 시
PSC 수검이 확실한 경우 육상부서 ( 담당 감독 ) 통보 요함 ]
☞ If required, prepare to receive PSC inspection after receiving
KR Pre-Inspection
[ 필요 시 KR Pre-Inspection 후 PSC 수검토록 조치 예정 ( 선단 )]
3) Prior report for Mandatory Expanded Inspection(MEI)
[Mandatory Expanded Inspection(MEI) 사전 보고 철저 ]
; Refer to Clause 3 'Procedure in preparation for PSC' of Chapter 16
in POSQ-1.1 Quality Manual or Official document SQT- 07584
'Notice of the Latest PSC Trend‘
[POSQ-1.1 품질매뉴얼 제 16 장 3 절 ' 항만국 통제 대비 업무절차 ' 또는 SQT- 0758
근 지역별 PSC 검사 동향 및 주의사항 통보 ' 공문 참조 ]
☞ Vessels classified into High Risk (including ships entering for
the first time) falling into this category and entering into port of
Paris MOU country without having received MEI shall make prior
report to Port Authority
[High Risk Ships 로 분류된 선박 중 최근 12 개월 이내에 Paris MOU 역내에서 MEI
수검을 받지 않은 경우 ( 최초입항선 포함 ), 입항하고자 하는 항만당국에 사전 보고 요함
선 )]
[ 최근 자주 지적되는 결함 사항 10 항목 ]

1. Corrosion and holing in Lifeboat Davit

☞ By painting on top of existing

coating without removing it
when performing maintenance,
corrosion progressed under
the layer, even though look
good outside
[ 정비 시 Scale 제거가 용이치 않아 기존
의 Paint 위에 덫 칠하여 겉으로는 양호하
나 속에서는 부식이 계속 진행됨 ]
☞ Even if looks good outside, be
sure to check inside after
removing the scale by chipping
the topcoat
[ 외관상 상태 양호해도 Hammering 하여
반드시 Paint Scale 제거 후 상태확인 ]
2. Corrosion in Lifeboat Winch Foundation & Bolt/Nut

☞ Even if look good outside, corrosion developed inside due to paint

scale [Paint Scale 로 인하여 외관상 문제 없어 보이 나 내부에서는 부식이 진행 ]
☞ Even if looks good outside, be sure to check inside after removing
the scale by chipping the topcoat
[ 외관상 상태 양호해도 Hammering 하여 반드시 Paint Scale 제거 후 상태확인 ]
☞ If required, replace the bolts/nuts and leave sign of repair
[ 필요 시 Bolt/Nut 를 교환하여 수리 흔적 남길 것 ]
3. Corrosion of Lifting Hook Bracket at Keel in Lifeboat

☞ Remove gadgets from inside the lifeboat and check after

removing the scale [ 내부에 탑재된 구명정 비품 제거하고 , Hammering 으로
Scale 제거 후 점검 ]
☞ Check bolt condition connected to Boat proper
[Boat 본체에 연결된 Bolt 상태도 점검 ]
☞ Make close-up checks for Block Sheave and Joint Shackle
condition [Block Sheave, Joint Shackle 상태 Close-up 으로 점검 ]
4. Malfunction of Lifeboat Engine

☞ Try all engines of the lifeboat to check operation (Must be

possible to start by one man)
[ 모든 구명정에 대하여 엔진 시동 확인 ( 한 사람이 시동 가능 할 것 )]
☞ Be sure to clean F.O. tank at all times (Remove dirts from inside
the tank) [ 연료 유 탱크 청소 반드시 실시 ( 탱크 내부의 찌꺼기 제거 )]
☞ Check condition of Chain if chain operated
[Chain 구동형인 경우 Chain 상태 확인 ]
☞ Test ahead/astern Propeller [Propeller 전 / 후진 Test 실시 ]
5. Stuck Air Vent Head

☞ Remove all Air Pipe Head Cover for checking inside when
performing regular inspection
[ 정기적 검사 시 모든 Air Pipe Head Cover 제거 후 내부 상태 확인 ]
☞ Check corrosion or holing of pipes exposed on deck
[ 노출 갑판에 나와 있는 Pipe 의 부식 / 파공 여부 확인 ]
☞ Check tightness of cover in case of Gooseneck Type
[Gooseneck Type 의 경우 , Cover 의 Tight 상태 확인 ]
6. Corrosion of Hatch Cleat Secure Socket

☞ Check Weathertightness of all Hatch Covers (If required, perform

Hose Test) [ 모든 Hatch Cover 의 Weathertightness 점검 ( 필요 시 Hose Test 실시 )]
☞ Check condition of Top Rail and Cleat Socket attached underneath
[Top Rail 및 하방에 부착된 Cleat Socket 상태 확인 ]
☞ Check for excessive clearance of cleat if Auto Cleat(Maker
recommended 3 mm max. in case of Macgregor Type)
[Auto Cleat 의 경우 , Cleat 의 과도한 간극 확인 (MacGREGOR Type 의 Maker
Standard 는 최대 3mm)]
7. Corrosion/Holing in Hatch Coaming Stiffener

☞ Confirm Original Thickness. Check if worn in excess of allowable

[Original Thickness 확인 . Wear-Down 의 경우 쇠모 한도 초과여부 점검 ]
☞ Check for any local holing [ 국부적 파공 부위 유무 점검 ]
☞ Defects found in regular inspection or at any time of PSC
inspection shall be remedied before departure
[ 정기적 검사 시 , 매 임검 시 마다 , 결함 발견되면 출항전까지 시정 요구 ]
8. Stuck and Corroded E/R Fire Damper/ Ventilator

☞ Check if Damper is stuck [Damper 고착 여부 점검 ]

☞ Check for corrosion of Damper (Vulnerable for corrosion due to
temperature difference between E/R and outside)
[Damper 부식 상태 점검 (E/R 과 외기 온도의 차이로 부식이 용이함 )]
☞ Remove scale by chipping Vent Pipe and check for any holing
[Vent Pipe 는 Hammer 로 두들겨서 Scale 제거하고 파공 여부 등을 점검 ]
☞ Check inside if suspicious [ 의심스러우면 내부 상태 점검 ]
9. Inoperative Emergency Fire Pump

☞ Check if Suction pressure is -50Bar or above and Delivery

Pressure 3Kg/Cm2 or above
[Suction 압력이 -50Bar 이상 , Delivery 압력이 3Kg/Cm2 이상 확인 할 것 ]
☞ Must be possible to shoot two nozzles simultaneously at all
[ 어떠한 경우도 Deck 상 두 줄기 사수 방출 가능할 것 ]
☞ Operate in maximum output for 5 minutes
[ 최대 출력으로 5 분 이상 작동 ]
10. Malfunction of Oil Separator

☞ Check operation of Bilge Alarm and Oil Level Detector

[ 빌지 Alarm, Oil Level Detector 작동 점검 ]
☞ Overhaul overboard discharge pipe to check if oil residue is left
inside [ 선외 배출관 분해하여 유분 여부 확인 ]
☞ Check operation of Oil Discharge Valve and Three-Way Valve
[Oil Discharge Valve, Three-Way Valve 작동 상태 점검 ]

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