LP For BOOK Tools and Materials
LP For BOOK Tools and Materials
LP For BOOK Tools and Materials
I. Objectives
III. Learning
A. References
2. Learner’s
Material (LM)
3. Textbooks pages
4. Additional
Materials from
resources (LR)
A. Reviewing the The teacher will divide the class into 2 groups this activity called “SPELL
previous lesson THE BUTT”. The teacher prepares a box that contains words, and the
or presenting the students will spell the word using their butt and whoever group got spelled
new lesson many words in 3 mins will be the winer.
B. Establishing a It is important to know the tools and materials needed in presenting cake for us
purpose for the to have some knowledge already of their uses.
C. Presenting
examples /
Asking hot question starting with HOW? & WHY? about the new lesson.
instances of the
new lesson
D. Discussing new
concepts and The teacher will discuss the new topic
practicing new
skills #1
G. Finding practical
applications of Independent Practice (Dyad Activity)
concepts and
Direction: With your partner choose 1 tool or material needed in presenting
skills in daily
cake and discuss its uses infront of the class.
H. Making It is important to understand and identify the tools and materials needed
generalizations in presenting cake for us to save time and for us to know their specific
and abstractions uses.
about the lesson
I. Evaluating Direction: Identify the following tools or materials referred to in the statement below.
learning Write your answer in the space provided.
J. Additional Assignment:
activities or
application or Direction: Bring at least 2 tools or materials that can be used in
remediation presenting cake that can be found at home. Identify and discuss its
uses infront of the class.