3R.Epublit of Tbe Bilippines Upreme: Qcourt
3R.Epublit of Tbe Bilippines Upreme: Qcourt
3R.Epublit of Tbe Bilippines Upreme: Qcourt
Also referred to as Coca Cola 13ottlers Phi ls., Inc. (formerly known as Coca Cola FEMSA PHILS.,
INC.) in some parts of the rollo.
·• Designated additional member per Raffle dated September 13, 2022.
Designated additional member per Raffle dated Septe,nber 13 , 2022.
Decision 4 G.R. Nos. 2 18010 and
formerly known as Coca-Cola
FEMSA Philippines, Inc. (CCFPI),
Decision 5 G.R. Nos. 218010 and
Rollo (G.R. No. 2 180 I 0), pp.80 1-834; Rollo (G.R. No. 248662), pp. 23-41.
Rollo (G.R. No. 218010), pp. 29-44. The August 19, 2014 Decision in CA-G. R. SP No. 126819
was penned by Associate Justice Zenaida. T. Galapate-Laguilles, and concu1Ted in by Associate Justices
Jane Aurora C . Lantion and Amy C. Lazaro-Javier (now a Member of this Court) of the Special
Fourteenth Divis ion, Court of Appeals, Manila.
Id. at 24-27. The March 17, 20 15 Resolution in CA-G.R. SP No. 126819 was penned by Associate
Justice Zenaida T. Galapate-Laguilles, and concurred in by Associate Justices Jane Aurora C. Lantion
a nd Amy C. Lazaro-Jav ier (now a Member of this Court) of the Former Special Fourteenth Division,
Court of Appeals, Mani la.
Rollo (G.R. No. 248662), pp. 76- 89. The November 14, 2018 Decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 137718 was
penned by Associate Justice Myra V. Garcia-Fernandez, and concurred in by Assoc iate Justices
Apo linario D. Bruse las, Jr. and Rona ldo Roberto 8 . Martin of the Tenth Division, Court of Appeals,
Rollo (G.R. No. 248662), pp. 16- 19. The July 26, 20 19 Resolution in CA-G.R. SP No. 1377 18
was penned by Associate Justice Myra V. Garcia-Fernandez, and concurred in by Associate Justices
Apolinario D. Bruselas, Jr. and Ronaldo Roberto B. Martin of the Fonner Tenth Division, Court of
Appeals, Man ila.
Rollo (G.R. No. 2 180 I0), p. 30.
Id. at 3 1- 33 .
Id. at 81 2- 815.
Decision 6 G.R. Nos. 2180 IO and
those holding
the position of
Asst. Vice
Pres. & above.
June 25, 2004 One-Time Twenty Thousand All
Economic Pesos (P20,000.00) or Philippine-
Assistance one-half of the basic based Regular
salary, whichever 1s Employees of
lower. San M iguel
Group of
which then
December 2, 2004 One-Time Five Thousand Pesos A ll
Gift (PS,000.00) worth of Philippine-
SMC Gift Certificates based Regular
and Cash amounting Employees of
to seventy-five San Miguel
percent (75%) of basic Group of
pay Companies
wh ich then
December 2, 2005 One-Time Seven Thousand All
Christmas Pesos (P7,000.00) Philippine-
Gift worth of SMC Gift based Regular
Ce1t ificates and Cash Employees of
amounting to fifty San Miguel
percent (50%) of basic Group of
pay or Fifty Thousand Companies
Pesos (P50,000.00), which then
whichever is smaller. inc luded
November 17, 2006 One-Time E ight Thousand Pesos All
Gift (P8,000.00) worth of Philippine-
SMC Gift Certificates based Regular
and Cash amounting Employees of
to fifty percent (50%) San M iguel
of basic pay. Group of
which then
December 7, 2007 One-Time One Month pro-rated All CCBPI
Trans ition base pay. Associates
Bonus who were
regular 111
status as of
emplovee. 9
Id. at 8 12- 8 15.
Decision 8 G.R. Nos. 2180 10 and
This Office a lso DIRECTS CCBPI to pay compla inants' a tto rney's
fees equiva lent to 10% percent of the mone ta ry award in the a mount of
[PHP] 469,245.10.
lt is unde rstood tha t legal inte rest shall run until thi s decisio n
becomes final and executory.
The labor arbiter rul ed that the grant of yearly bonuses by CC BPI was
uninterrupted and continuous fo r several years and has become a company
practice. 13 It held that the workers, except for Danny Balunes, Joy Ocado,
Ronnie Palentinos, Reynante C. Basinang, Rami l Duran, Victorino 0.
Atienza, Jr., Allan B . M'ole, Wilbe1t Banayo, Chri stian Cantos, and Arnaldo P.
Batis, should be awarded their yearly bonuses fro m 2008 to 201 0 equivalent
to their monthly salaries per year based on the last cash g ift received in 2007. 14
practice. On the other hand, the workers filed a separate appeal contending
that the 10 excluded workers are also entitled to bonuses. 15
Anent the exclusion of the IO workers in the award, the National Labor
Relations Commission affirm ed the dismissal of their case for failure to
substantiate their respective clairns. 19
15 Id. at 36.
16 Id. at 58-66. The February 29, 20 12 Decision was penned by Presiding Commissioner Joseph Gerard
E. Mabi log, and concurred in by Commissioners l sabei G. Panganiban-Ortiguerra and N ieves E. V ivar-
De Castro.
Id. at 66.
Id. at 64- 65.
Id. at 65.
20 Id. at 53- 56. The July 25, 20 12 Resolution was penned by Presiding Comm issioner Joserh Gerard E.
Mabilog, and concurred in by Commissioners Isabel G. Panganiban-Ortiguerra and Nieves E. Vivar-
De Castro.
11 Id. at 55- 56.
Id. at 56.
Decision 10 G.R. Nos. 2180 10 and
Thereafter, the decis ion is considered fully satis fi ed and the above-
entitled cases are closed and tenninated for all intents and purposes.
Consequently, any notice/s of garni shment and writ of execution issued with
respect to the execution of the decision arc CANCELLED/ LI FTED.
Rollo (G. R. No. 248662), pp 30, 80- 8 1.
Id at 81.
Id at 81.
Id at 8 1- 82. Dated March 11. 20 13.
Id. at 81 --82.
Decision 11 G.R. Nos. 218010 and
The labor arbiter issued an Order33 granting the employees' motion for
the issuance of a writ of execution for the collection of their bonuses for 2011
and 2012, attorney's fees, and legal interest in the total amount of PHP
2,907,901.25. 34
The labor arbiter emphasized that the directive in its Apri I I 8, 2011
Decision was to enforce the payment of the workers' yearly bonuses from
2008 to 20 I 0, each yearly bonus. equivalent to their respective monthly pay
multiplied by three or the number of years it remained unpaid. It was stated
that apart from the bonuses for the years 2008 to 2010 that was already
executed, CCBPI should also pay the bonuses for 2011 and 2012. 35
i d. at 82.
Id. at 46-53 . The November 11, 2013 Order in NLRC Case Nos. SRAB-1V-09-5 179- 10-L and 09-5 186-
10-L was penned by Labor Arbiter Melchisedek A. Guan.
Id. at 52- 53.
Id. at 49-50.
36 Id. at 54- 79 & 82.
Id. at 82.
Id. at 3 1-44. The June 23, 20 14 Reso lu tion in NLRC LER No. 12-342- I 3, NLRC SRA B IV Case No.
09-5179-10-L, and N LRC SRAB IV Case No. 09-5 186- 10-L was penned by Presiding Commissioner
Herminio V. Suelo, and concurred in by Commissioners Angelo Ang Palana and Numeriano D. Villena
of the National Labor Relations Commission, Fourth Division, Quezon City.
Decision 12 G.R. Nos. 2 18010 and
The CA declared that the bonuses granted to the workers did not amount
to a demandable right and that fo rcing CCBPJ to continue distributing the
same wou ld constitute a punishment for its past generosity. 45
In granting the petition of CCBPI, the CA pointed out that the grant of
bonuses denominated as one-time grant, one-t ime gift, one-time econom ic
assistance, or one-time transition bonus was not incorporated into the
collective bargaining agreement, ifthere is an existing one. Furthermore, there
was no express agreement whereby CCBPI prom ised to give a yearly bonus.
For the CA, the absence of such an express agreement showed that CCBPI did
not intend to provide a yearly bonus to its employees.46
The CA also emphas ized that the grant of the bonuses did not qualify
as a regular practice of the company as bonuses were not consistently and
deliberately given. It noted that no bonus was granted in 1998 to 200 l. A lso,
there were instances when two bonuses were given within a year, upon the
Id. at 43-44 .
Id. at 83.
Id. at 463-465. The July 31, 2014 Resolution in NLRC LER No. 12-342- 13, NLRC SRAB IV Case
No. 09-5179- 10-L, and NLRC SRAB I V Case No. 09-5 186- 10-L was penned by Presiding
Commissioner Hermin io V. Suelo, and concurred in by Commissioners Angelo Ang Palana and
Numcri ano D. Villena of the National Labor Relations Commission, Fourth Division, Quezon City.
Id. at 439-454.
Rollo (G.R. No. 2 180 I 0), p. 29-44. Dated A ugust 19, 20 14.
Id. at 43.
Id. at 41-42.
Id. at 40.
Decision 13 G.R. Nos. 218010 and
The CA also stressed that the bonuses were not automatically given to
the workers as these were subject to the CCBPI management's approval. It
added that the implementation of each bonus was in accordance with the
guidelines delineating the purpose, the formula for the computation of the
amount, and the employees covered by the particular bonus.48 The Court of
Appeals also highlighted that the amount of bonuses was not fixed. They
varied from year to year, depending on the guidelines approved by the
management. It observed that, except for the one-time transition bonus in
2007, there was a downtrend in the value of the bonuses. 49
the labor arbiter went beyond the terms of the April 18, 2011 Decision when
it ordered the issuance of a writ of execution directing the payment of bonuses
for the years 2011 and 2012 to the employees. 57 The CA also noted that the
November 11, 2013 Order of the labor arbiter had already been set aside in a
Decision by the Former Fourteenth Division of the CA in the case docketed
as CA-G.R. SP No. 126819 that was promulgated on August 19, 2014. 58
In a Resolution, 59 the CA denied the motion for reconsideration filed
by the workers. 61
In a Resolution dated January 11, 2023 , the Petition in G.R. No. 248662
was consolidated with the Petition in G.R. No.218010.
In the Petition docketed as G.R. No. 218010,62 the workers argued that:
( 1) the bonuses formed part of their wage as these were given voluntarily,
consistently, and without any condition; 63 (2) the varying amount of benefit
and the different names given to the bonuses should not be used as grounds to
allow employers to unilaterally deny the workers the enjoyment of the benefit
which has already ripened into a demandable right; 64 (3) the unifonnity in the
name of the bonus or purpose is not a requirement before a bonus can ripen
into a demandable right as the law does not mandate such requirement;65 and
(4) in the recent Resolutions dated October 15, 2014 and February 11, 2015,
in Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippin~s, Inc. v. Mario G. Ustaris et al. (Ustaris)
docketed as G.R. No. 214149, this Court already ruled with finality that the
subject bonuses constitute a demandable right of the workers. 66
Id. at 88.
58 Id. at 88- 89.
59 Id. at 16- 19. Dated July 26, 20 19 .
60 Id at 126- 132.
Id. at 19.
62 Rollo (G .R. No. 2 I 80 l 0), pp. 80 1-834.
Id. at 8 18- 820.
Id. at 82 1.
65 Id. at 824- 83 I.
Id. at 831-833.
Id. at 848- 85 1.
08 Id. at 853- 854.
Decision 15 G.R. Nos. 218010 and
Philippines, Inc., et al. docketed as G.R. No. 214996 (Nido); 69 and (3) Coca-
Cola Workers Union-Bicol Region, Lorenzo B. Deris, et al. v. Coca-Cola
Bottlers Philippines, Inc. docketed as G.R. No. 215681 (Deris). These cases
involved substantially the same subject matter. The Court of Appeals similarly
resolved in each case that the grant of bonus has not ripened into a demandable
benefit in favor of the workers. When bruught to this Court via separate
petitions for review on certiorari, these were all denied and the assailed Court
of Appeals decisions were affirrned.70
On the other hand, in the Petition 76 docketed as G.R. No. 248662, the
workers argued that their right to a yearly bonus must be upheld. They contend
that only the computation of the monetary consequences of this right is
affected but this is not a violation of the principle of immutability of final
j udgments.77 They also contended that the April 18, 2011 Decision of the labor
arbiter that was affirmed in the National Labor Relations Commission's
February 29, 2012 Decision and July 25 , 2012 Resolution, cannot be modified
nor nullified at the execution stage by a mere resolution based on a Petition
for Certiorari. 78
Id. at 855.
Id. at 853, 855, & 857.
Id. at. 864- 879.
Id. at 870- 874.
Id. at 875-878.
74 Id. at 997- 1005.
Id. at 1004.
Rollo (G.R. No. 248662). pp. 23- 4 I.
77 Id. at 39.
78 Id. at 39-40.
79 Rollo (G .R. No. 248662), pp. 638- 668.
80 Id. at 65:S-658. .
Decision 16 G.R. Nos. 2180 10 and
the SACORU case docketed as G .R. No. 206506, the N ido case docketed as
G.R. No. 214996, the Deris case docketed as G .R. No. 215681, and Ricardo
Briones et al. v. Coca Cola Bott/ers Philippines, Inc. (Briones) docketed as
G .R. No. 225144. CCBPI argued that in the said cases, it had a lready been
settled that the so-called annual year-end bonus prem ised on the previous
grant of "one-time" economic ass istance, C hristmas gift, or bonus has not
ripened into a company practice and is thus not a demandabl e right. 81
Whether this Court is bound by the minute resolutions in G .R.
Nos. 206506, 214996, 2 15681, and 214149;
Whether the discontinuation of the bonus in the form of one-t ime
economic assistance, grant, gift, or transition bonus constitutes
d iminution of benefits proscribed under Article 100 of the Labor
II l.
Whether the entitlement to a year-end bonus of the employees in
G .R. No. 248662 had already been declared final and executory
and may no longer be reviewed by this Court; and
Whether the National Labor Relations Commission comm itted
grave abuse of discretion in reversing the Order of the labor
arbi ter executing a deci.sion that had already been affirmed with
Id at 658-667.
82 Id. at 723- 75 1.
Id at 749- 750.
Id. at 750- 75 I.
Decision 17 G.R. Nos. 218010 and
At the outset, this Court must address the binding effect of the minute
resolutions in G.R. Nos. 206506, 214996, 215681, and 214149 which
involved the same subject matter as the present case, albeit filed by a different
set of workers of CCBPI. The workers insist that this Court is bound by its
Resolutions dated October 15, 2014 and February 11, 2015 in the Ustaris case
docketed as G.R. No. 214149, wherein this Court upheld the ruling that the
subject bonuses constitute a demandable right of the workers. 85 On the other
hand, the respondent invokes the binding effect of the separate Resolutions of
this Court in the SACORU case docketed as G.R. No. 206506, Nido case
docketed as G.R. No. 214996, and Deris case docketed as G.R. No. 215681,
all denying the claim for payment of bonuses instituted by other workers of
In this regard, it is worthy to point out the ruling of this Court in Phil.
Health Care Providers, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue87 where a
minute resolution was differentiated from a decision. In discussing the binding
effect of a minute resolution, this Comt explained:
With respect to the same subject matter and the same issues
concerning the same parties, it constitutes res judicata. However, if other
parties or another subject matter (even with the same parties and issues) is
involved, the minute resolution is not binding precedent. Thus, in CIR v.
Id. at 83 1- 833.
i d. at 848- 851.
6 I6 Phil. 387 (2009) [Per J. Corona, Special First Division].
Decision 18 G.R. Nos. 2 18010 and
It appears from the records that the workers were not made parties to
the cases of Ustaris, SACORU, Nido, and Deris. Applying the principle laid
down in Philippine Health Care Providers, Inc. and Philippine Pizza, Inc. to
the present case, it is clear that both parties cannot invoke the minute
resolutions in G.R. Nos. 206506, 2 14996, 21568 1, and 214 149 as these are
not binding precedents. Considering that the workers who instituted it were
not impleaded and did not participate in any way in the cases of Ustaris,
SACORU, Nido , and Deris , the dictates of clue process and fa irness permit this
Court to resolve the present case independently.
Id. at 420-422.
s•> 839 Phil. 38 1 (20 18) [Per J. Perl as-Bernabe, Second Div ision].
90 Id. at 390, citing Read-Rite f'/,i/ippi11es, / 11.:. , ·. F, ancisco. 8 16 Ph1I. 85 1 (20 17) rPer J . Leonardo-De
Castro, First Division].
Decision 19 G.R. Nos. 2 180 I O and
' .
decision becomes a judicial precedent to be followed in subsequent cases by
all courts in the land. The doclrine of swre decisis is based on the principle
that once a question of law has been examined and decided, it should be
deemed settled and closed to further arg ument. 9 1 (Citations omitted)
Indeed, the issues and facts in SACORU, Nido, and Deris are all
identical to the present case, albeit instituted by different groups of workers
of the respondent. However, it bears to stress that the application of the
doctrine of stare decisis presupposes the existence of a decision in the
previous case settled by this Court.
91 Castillo v. Sandiganha,van. -127 Phil. 785. 793. (2002) [Per J. Buena, Secom! Di vis ion].
92 Phil. Health Care Providers, rnpra note 86, at 421-422.
Philippine l'iz:a, Inc., .rnp;a :iote 88.
Decision 20 G.R. Nos. 2 180 l 0 and
[A]n amount granted and paid to an emp loyee for hi s industry and loyalty
which contributed to the success of the employer's business and made
possible the realization of profits. ft is an act of generosity granted by an
enlightened employer to spur the employee to greater efforts for the
success of the business and realization of bigger profits. The
granting of a bonus is a management prerogative, something given in
addition to what is ordinarily received by or strictly due the recipient. Thus,
a bonus is not a demandable and enfo rceable obligation, except when it is
made part of the wage, salary[,l or compensation of the employee.97
(Citations omitted)
CONST, an. 11, sec. 18: The State affirms labor as a primary social economic fo rce. It shall protect the
rights of workers and promote their welfare.
95 CONST., art. X II I. sec. 3: The State sha ll afford ful l protection to labor, local and overseas,
organized and unorgani zed, and promote full employment and equal ity of employment opportunities
for all.
It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-organi zation, collective bargaining and negoti ations,
and peaceful concerted activities, including the right to strike in accordance with law. They shall be
entitled to security of tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage. They shall also participate
in policy and decis ion-making processes affecting their rights and benefits as may be provided by law.
The State shal l promote the principle of shared responsi bility between workers and employers and the
preferential use of voluntary modes in settli ng disputes. including conciliation, and shall enforce their
mutual compliance therewith to foster industria l peace.
The State shall regulate the relations between workers and employers. recognizing the right of labor to
its j ust share in the fruits of product ion and the right of enterprises to reasonable returns on investments,
and to expansion and growth.
96 407 Phil. 804 (7.00 I) [Per J. Gonzaga-Reyes, Th ird Division].
/d.atSl'.2- 813.
Decision 21 G.R. Nos. 218010 and
the circumstances and conditions imposed for its payment. In Vergara, Jr. v.
Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.,98 this Court explained that the
prohibition against diminution of benefits applies "only if the grant or benefit
is founded on an express policy or has ripened into a practice over a long
period of time which is consistent and deliberate." 99 Here, there is no CBA or
employment contract granting the benefits. Instead, the workers claim that the
grant of bonus has ripened into a company practice.
In the present case, the CA correctly ruled that CCBPI ' s act of giving
bonuses for several years, for different purposes, and in varying amounts, did
not g ive rise to a company practice that may no longer be discontinued or
w ithdrawn.
The claim of the workers that CCBPI had continuously and deliberately
g iven yearly bonuses to its employees is inaccurate. As aptly underscored by
the CA, granting bonuses denomi_nated as one-time grant, one-time g ift, one-
time economic assistance, or one-time transition bonus did not qualify as a
regular practice of the company as these were not consistently and deliberately
given. A careful scrutiny of the various bonuses wo uld show that the
frequ ency and consistency of the grant were among the critical factors in
arriving at the conclusion that it has not ripened into a company practice. It
must be stressed that no bonus was granted in 1998 to 2001. Also, there were
instances when two bonuses were given within a year, and these were granted
upon the discretion of the management.
To illustrate the lack of pattern and consistency that bolsters the view
that there was no intention to give the bonus regularly, this Cou1i highlights
the observation of the CA that in 2002 to 2004, the workers received economic
assistance in June and a one-time g ift in December. However, the economic
assistance was not given in 1997 and in 2005 to 2007. This hardly qualifies as
a company practice, continuously and deliberately given by the employer. As
correctly concluded by the CA, if the workers truly believed that these
bonuses were intended as additional remuneration that formed paii of their
707 Phil. 255 (20 I 3) [ Per J. Pera lta, Thi rd Divis ion] .
Id. at 262.
uxi Id. (C itation omi tted)
Verg ara, Jr. v. Coca-Cola fJot1ler.1· Philippines, Inc. , id at 265 .
Home Credit Mutual Building v. Prudente, G .R. No. 2000 I0, Aug ust 27, 2020 [Per J. Lopez, J., Firs t
Divis ion] at 4-5 . T his pinpo int c itatio n refers to the copy of this Decisio n uploaded to the S upreme
Court website.
Decision 22 G.R. Nos. 218010 and
This Comi also cannot ignore the fact that the bonuses previously
granted were not unconditionally granted. The grant of these bonuses was
subject to the approval of the management and the implementation was can-ied
out through a series of guidelines prepared by the management outlining the
purpose, the formula for the computation of the amount, and the employees
covered by the particular bonus. 104 Clearly, the "one-time" bonus, economic
assistance, or gift previously given were merely acts of generosity of
respondent that are beyond what is required by law to be given to the workers.
In support to the claim of the workers that they are entitled to the bonus,
they argue that the amount of the bonuses they previously received was fixed.
This is erroneous. As noticed by the CA, the amounts varied from year to year,
depending on guidelines approved by the management. In fact, except for the
one-time transition bonus in 2007, there was a downtrend in the value of the
bonuses. 105
As regards the amount that may have been already executed, the same
is governed by Section 18, Ru le XI of the 20 11 National Labor Relations
Commission Ru les of Procedure, as amended, which states:
Id. at 90.
Decision 24 G.R. Nos. 2180 10and
Associate Justice
WE CONCUR: ¼f ~ di<;,f,U,{T
~ Senior Associate Justice
~~/ /~-< ~
~ON«)T. KHO, JR. ~
Associate Justice
Decision 25 G.R. Nos. 218010 and
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court's Division.
ief Justice
A lso relerr<!d to as '·Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., Inc. (form erly known as Coca-Cola FEMSA Phils.,
Producers !h111k <?f'il,e Philippines v. Nu1io11al Labor Re/al ions Co111111ission, 407 Phil. 804, 8 13 (200 I)
[Per J. Gonzaga-Reyes. Third Division].
315 Phil. 860 ( 1995) [Per J. Feliciano, Third Division].
Dissenting Opinion 2 G . R. Nos. 2180 I O and 248662
Metro 7,·unsit Organi::.mion, Inc. v. NatiOIJal Labor Relations Commission, 3 15 Phil. 860, 87 1 ( 1995)
[Per J. fe liciano, Thi rd Division].
607 Ph il. 359 (2009) [Per J. Leonardo-De Castro, firs t Division].
Metropolitan Bank and 7)-w;t Company E National Labor Relations Commission, 607 Phil. 359, 370
(2009) [Per J. Leonardo-De Castro, First Division].
Vergarn 1~ Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines. Inc., 707 Phi l. 255, 262-263 (20 I 3) [Per J. Pera lta, Th ird
l'onencia, pp. 4-5 .
Dissenti ng Opinion 3 G. R. Nos. 2 180 IO and 248662
June 2, 2002 One-Time Seventy-five (50%) All Employees/
Economi c [sic] of basic salary or Personne l of CCBPI
Assistance P40,000.00 whichever whether Commission
is lower or Non-Commi ssion
November 5, 2002 One-Time Seventy-fi ve (75%) of All Empl oyees/
Gift bas ic salary Personnel of CCBPI
whether Comm ission
or Non-Commission
June 27, 2003 One-Time Fifty Thousand Pesos Al l Regular CCBPI
Economic (P50,000.00) or 50% of Emp loyees except
Assistance basic salc1ry, whichever Officers and those
is lower holding the position of
Asst. Vice Pres. &
June 25, 2004 One-Time Twenty Thousand Pesos All Philippine-based
Econom ic .(P20,000.00) or one- Regular Employees of
Assistance half of the bas ic salary, San Miguel Group of
whichever is lower Companies which then
included CCBPI
December 2, 2004 One-Time Five Thousand Pesos All Philippine-based
Giti (P5,000.00) worth of Regular Employees of
SMC Gift Certificates San M iguel Group of
and Cash amounting to Compan ies which then
seventy-five percent included CCBPI
(75%) of basic oav
December 2, 2005 One-Time Seven Thousand Pesos All Philippine-based
Christmas (P7,000.00) worth of Regular Employees of
Gift SMC GiR Certificates San Miguel G roup of
and Cash amounting to Companies which then
fifty percent (5 0%) of included CCBPI
basic pay or Fifty
Thousand Pesos
whichever is smaller
November 17, 2006 O ne-Time Eight Thousand Pesos All Philippine-based
Gift .(P8,000.00) worth of Regular Employees of
SMC Gift Certificates San Miguel Group of
and Cash amounting to Companies which then
fifty percent (50%) of included CCBPI
basic pay
December 7, 2007 One-Time One Month pro-rated All CCBPf Associates
Transition base pay who were regular 111
Bonus status as of regu lar
O n April 18, 20 11 , the labor arbiter9 found that the annual bonus had
ri pened into a company practice and awarded petitioners a yearly bonus
equivalent to their monthly pay. T he dispositive portion of the labor
arbiter's Decis ion reads: ·
Both parties partia lly appealed the labor arbiter's Decision to the
Nationa l Labor Relations Commission, but their appeals were dismissed. 11
T he di spos itive portion of the Nati ona l Labor Re lations Commission 's
February 29, 20 12 Decision reads:
•i Id. at 69- 93. The Decision docketed as NLRC Case No. SRAB- IV-09-5179-10-L was penned by Labor
Arbiter Melchisedek A. Guan.
" Id. at 90- 93 .
Id. at 58- 67. The Dec is ion docketed as NLRC Case No. 07-00 1838-11 (N LRC Case No. SRAB IV
09-5179-10-L, NLRC Case No. SRAB IV 09-5186-10-L) was penned by Presiding Commissioner
Joseph Gerard E. Mabilog and concurred in by Commissioners Isabel G. Panganiban-O11iguerra and
Nieves E. Vivar-De Castro of the Sixth Divis ion, National Labor Re lations Commission, Quezon City.
Id. at 66.
" Id. at 53- 56. The Resolution was penned by Presiding Commiss ioner Joseph Gerard E. Mabilog and
concurred in by Commissioners Isabel G. Panganiban-Ortiguerra and Nie ves E. Vivar- De Castro of the
Sixth Divis ion, National Labor Relations Commission. Quezon City.
Dissenting Opinion 5 G.R. Nos. 2 18010 and 248662
On August 19, 2014, the Court of Appeals 15 granted the Petition and
reversed the labor tribunals. The dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals
Decision reads:
· Id. at 56.
Id at 29-44. The Decis ion docketed as .CA-G.R. SP No. 1268 I9 was penned by Associate Justice
Zenaida T. Galapate-Laguilles and concurred in by Associate Justices Jane Aurora C. Lantion and Amy
C. Lazaro-Javier (now a member of this Court) of the Special Fourteenth Div ision, Court of Appeals of
" Id. at 4 3.
Id. at 24- 27. The Resolution was penned by by Associate Justice Zenaida T. Galapate-Laguilles and
concurred in by Associate Justices Jane Aurora C. Lantion and Amy C. Lazaro-Jav ier (now a member
of this Court) of th e Former Special Fourteenth Division, Court of Appeals of Manila.
ix Id. at 26.
'' /\RT. 100. Prohi bit ion against e limination or dim inut ion of benelits. Noth ing in this Book sha ll be
constru ed to e liminate or in any way d iminish supplements, or other employee benefits being enjoyed
at the time of promulgation or this Code.
... ' Dissenting O pinion 6 G. R. Nos. 2 18010 and 248662
The evidence for respondents reveals that they did not offer a
reason or purpose for the payment of the" 1997 O ne-Time G rant" . There is
no thing in the g uidelines w hich show that the grant was in the fo rm of a
profit-sharing bonus. The 2002 "One-Time Economic Assistance" is no
different, a lthough this ti me, CCBPl stated that the ·' monetary assistance is
intended to provide meaningful help in meeting the financial needs of (the)
employees especially at the time of year. Th is line was re peated in the
memoranda on the granting of bonuses in 2003 and 2004. In 2005 and
2006, respondents abandoned this line and simply thanked the employees
fo r the ir s upport and dedication for the years past. In 2007, respondents
awarded the ir employees w ith ·one-time transitio n bonus for their "extra
e !To rts ."
The la bor arbiter 's finding was echoed by the National Labor
Relations Commission: