Final Position Paper - 2

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Jocelyn Herrera

AP English

Period 5

Final Position Paper

The topic I will be discussing is animal testing. I believe that animal testing is wrong

and shouldn’t be used anymore. Animals don’t deserve to go through all the suffering.

Besides animal testing takes time and it’s not fair to put these poor animals through all

the experiments. There are other ways to get results without using animal testing like in

vitro. Another reason why animal testing shouldn’t be used is because animals and

human anatomy are different even if the experiment worked on animals it might not

have the same effect or results on humans. Animal testing has been used since 500

B.C. in ancient Greece. Even though animal testing has been used for many years it’s

time for animal testing to be gone and for new ways to be used.

Animal testing causes the death of many animals and it’s not fair to them. In one of the

articles, I read by Calen Otto. He mentioned that “Over 100 million animals including

dogs, cats, monkeys, mice, and rats are burned, poisoned, abused, and crippled in labs

in the U.S. each year”. These animals are made sick for many weeks until they die.

Animals don’t have anyone to defend them no one to say no. This source supports my

claim that animals don’t deserve to be experimented on. Animals all over the U.S. each

year die. It's not right for these animals to die for human needs they deserve to be in the

wild living their life. But other views believe that animal testing is needed for example

“Laboratory mice, for example, live for only two to three years, so researchers can study
the effects of treatments or genetic manipulation over a whole lifespan, or across

several generations, which would be infeasible using human subjects.” They believe it’s

better to test on animals so if their experiments don’t go as planned it doesn’t affect


Animal testing takes time to find the results scientists want. But also human and animal

anatomy aren’t so similar so it’s not worth the animals suffering and dying. Here are

some examples of an article I found that explains how good results are shown in animal

experiments but didn’t show positive results in humans. “Human and nonhuman animals

differ in many ways, so the results produced by animal experiments often don’t

accurately predict human responses”. There were many trials on humans that went

badly because they assumed since there were no risks on animals that it was okay to

test one human and they were wrong. It was stated that “The anatomic, metabolic, and

cellular differences between animals and people make animals poor models for human

beings”.When animal testing is performed 94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in

human clinical trials. This article shows that experimenting with animals is not worth it

because animals die to get good results just so humans don’t use it at all.

There are other ways scientists can get results without using animal testing like in vitro

testing which is testing in human cells or tissue. One example of not using animal

testing is the covid 19 vaccine they didn’t use any form of animal testing. Vitro testing

offers opportunities to reduce or replace animal testing. In this article is said that

“Traditional toxicity tests performed on animals are becoming outmoded. These tests
result in the deaths of many animals and often produce data that are irrelevant to

humans.” An example as I mentioned before when animals were not used to find results

would be Covid 19. Instead of using animal testing, they went straight to observing how

it worked on humans. They didn’t wait to use animal testing they took the use of new

technology to look for results and it worked they got a vaccine in a few months.

Animal testing is wrong and shouldn’t be used anymore there are many other ways to

find results that don’t involve animals being used. This source supports my claim that

animals don’t deserve to be experimented on. Animals all over the U.S. each year. This

also shows that experimenting with animals takes time and is not worth risking the

animal’s lives and making them suffer. There are other ways like in vitro testing. The

vaccine for COVID-19 is an example that animal testing wasn’t needed. Animal testing

also slows down the process because animal anatomy is different than humans. So it’s

better to test on humans than on animals. In conclusion, there is no reason why

scientists should continue to test products on animals that sometimes don’t even help

us humans. Animals deserve to live their life like we humans do.

Works Cited

Calen Otto Why Is Animal Testing Bad and Why Should We Stop Animal November 10, 2021

Nine out of ten statistics are taken out of context Posted: by Chris Magee on 23/01/13

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