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Place of articulation

Front Back

Bilabial Labio- Dental Alveolar Palato- Palatal Velar Glottal

dental alveolar
Unvoiced - v
-v +v -v +v -v +v -v +v -v +v -v +v -v +v -v +v
Voiced +v

Stops/Plosives p b t d k g
Manner of articulation

Fricatives f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ h
Affricates tʃ dʒ
Nasals m n ŋ
Lateral l
Approximants w r j w

w= a labio-velar approximant (semi-vowel)

A complete closure is made somewhere in the vocal tract, and the soft palate is also raised. Air
pressure increases behind the closure, and is then released ‘explosively’, e.g., /p/ and /b/.
A complete closure is made somewhere in the mouth, and the soft palate is raised. Air pressure
Affricate increases behind the closure, and is then released more slowly than in plosives, e.g., /tʃ/ and
When two vocal organs come close enough together for the movement of air between them to
be heard, e.g., /f/ and /v/.
A closure is made by the lips, or by the tongue against the palate, the soft palate is lowered,
and air escapes through the nose, e.g., /m/ and /n/.
A partial closure is made by the blade of the tongue against the alveolar ridge. Air is able to
flow around the sides of the tongue, e.g., /l/.
Vocal organs come near to each other, but not so close as to cause audible friction, e.g., /r/ and

Bilabial Using closing movement of both lips, e.g., /p/ and /m/.
Labiodental Using the lower lip and the upper teeth, e.g., /f/ and /v/.
Dental The tongue tip is used either between the teeth or close to the upper teeth, e.g., /θ/ and /ð/.
Alveolar The blade of the tongue is used close to the alveolar ridge, e.g., /t/ and /s/.
Palato-alveolar The blade (or tip) of the tongue is used just behind the alveolar ridge, e.g., /tʃ/ and /dʒ/.
Palatal The front of the tongue is raised close to the palate, e.g., /j/.
Velar The back of the tongue is used against the soft palate, e.g., /k/ and /ŋ/.
Glottal The gap between the vocal cords is used to make audible friction, e.g., /h/.

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