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Sensorless Output Maximization Control for

Variable-Speed Wind Generation System
Shigeo Morimoto, Member, IEEE, Hideaki Nakayama, Masayuki Sanada, Member, IEEE, and
Yoji Takeda, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes a variable-speed wind generation the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control, some con-
system using an interior permanent-magnet synchronous gener- trol schemes have been studied. For example, a search-based or
ator (IPMSG). The armature current vector of the IPMSG is opti- perturbation-based strategy, a fuzzy-logic-based control [3], and
mally controlled according to the generator speed in order to max-
imize the generated power from the wind turbine. The IPMSG is a wind-speed-estimation-based algorithm [4] have been applied.
controlled by the loss-minimization control with maximum power Many of the generators of research interest and for practical use
point tracking below the base speed, which corresponds to low in wind generation are induction machines with wound-rotor or
and medium wind speed, and the maximum energy can be cap- cage-type rotor. Recently, the interest in permanent-magnet syn-
tured from the wind. Above the base speed corresponding to the chronous generators is increasing [2], [6]–[8].
high wind speed region, the current- and voltage-limited maximum
output control is applied, where the current vector is optimally con- The variable-speed generation system using an interior
trolled so that the output may become the maximum in considera- permanent-magnet synchronous generator (IPMSG) is studied
tion of the constraints of current and voltage. The proposed output in this paper. The permanent-magnet synchronous motors
maximization control is achieved without mechanical sensors such are widely used in many applications such as high-per-
as wind speed sensor and position sensor. The control system has formance variable-speed drives. In particular, an interior
been developed and several experimental results show the effec-
tiveness of the proposed wind generation system. permanent-magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) can offer a
high-efficiency drive by utilizing the reluctance torque in addi-
Index Terms—Interior permanent-magnet synchronous gener- tion to the magnet torque, and achieve a wide constant-power
ator (IPMSG), maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control,
sensorless control, variable-speed generation, wind generation. operation by the flux-weakening technique [9]. Therefore,
high-performance variable-speed generation including high
efficiency and high-controllability is expected by using an
I. INTRODUCTION IPMSG for a wind generation system.
In the proposed wind generation system, the current vector
R ECENTLY, wind generation systems are attracting great
attention as clean and safe renewable power sources. In the
wind generation system, the variable-speed generation system is
of the IPMSG is suitably controlled according to the generator
speed in order to optimize the wind turbine operation for various
more attractive than the fixed-speed system because of the im- wind speeds. The IPMSG is controlled by the loss-minimization
provement in wind energy production and the reduction of the control with an MPPT algorithm below the base speed, which
flicker problem by the variable-speed generation [1]–[5]. In the corresponds to low and medium wind speed, and the maximum
variable-speed generation system, the wind turbine can be op- energy can be captured from the wind. Above the base speed
erated at the maximum power operating point for various wind corresponding to the high wind speed region, the current- and
speeds by adjusting the shaft speed optimally. In order to achieve voltage-limited maximum output control is applied, where the
current vector is optimally controlled so that the output may be-
come the maximum in consideration of the constraints of cur-
Paper IPCSD-04-067, presented at the 2003 Industry Applications Society rent and voltage. The proposed MPPT control does not require
Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, October 12–16, and approved for publica- the wind speed information. Moreover, the IPMSG can be con-
Drives Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript sub- trolled without mechanical sensors such as speed and position
mitted for review September 1, 2003 and released for publication October 19, sensors, and such information is estimated based on the sensor-
2004. This work was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research less control algorithm. The proposed control system has been
(C)(2) 14550271 of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
S. Morimoto, M. Sanada, and Y. Takeda are with the Department of developed for laboratory experiments, and several experimental
Electrical and Electronic Systems, College of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture results show the effectiveness of the proposed wind generation
University, Sakai 599-8531, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]; system.
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
H. Nakayama was with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Sys- II. WIND GENERATION SYSTEM
tems, College of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai 599-8531,
Japan. He is now with the Advanced Electronics Engineering Department, Elec- A. Composition of Wind Generation System
tronics Engineering Division, Nissan Motor Company, Ltd., Kanagawa 243-
0192, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]). The wind power generation system studied in this paper is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2004.841159 shown in Fig. 1. The wind turbine is coupled to the shaft of
0093-9994/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

Fig. 1. Composition of wind generation system using IPMSG.

an IPMSG through a gear box, where the converter loss of the

speedup gear is ignored in this study. The IPMSG is connected
with the power converter circuit, and the terminal voltage or the
phase current can be controlled. The generated dc electric power
is directly supplied to the dc load or battery, and is con-
nected with the utility grid through the inverter. The mechanical
system shown in Fig. 1 has a gear box, but the proposed control
system can apply to the direct-drive system without gear box.

B. Wind Turbine Characteristics

The mechanical input power from the wind turbine is
given by


density of air;
area swept by blades;
wind speed;
turbine power coefficient.
The turbine power coefficient is a function of the tip speed
ratio of the blade if the pitch angle of the blade is constant. The
turbine power coefficient is represented by various approxima-
tion expressions. In this paper, is expressed by


where the tip speed ratio is defined by mi/h rad/s

[5]. This coefficient is used in the simulations and experiments
in this paper. Fig. 2(a) shows the power versus speed curves cal-
culated by (1) and (2) at various wind speeds. The parameters of
the wind turbine used in this paper are listed in Table I. From the
power versus speed curves, the torque versus speed characteris-
tics shown in Fig. 2(b) are obtained. The speed and the torque Fig. 2. Characteristics of wind turbine at various wind speeds. (a) Power
represent the variables of the generator side through the speedup versus speed characteristics. (b) Torque versus speed characteristics.
gear. Fig. 2 shows that the power and torque are a function of
the wind speed and the generator speed , and the optimum the generator speed is proportional to the wind speed as shown
operating point obtaining the maximum mechanical power ex- in (3), and the maximum mechanical power and the
ists, which is indicated by circles in Fig. 2. This optimum point optimum torque are given by (4) and (5) as a function of
corresponds to the condition where the power coefficient be- the wind speed
comes the maximum. The maximum value of is 0.4176 when
in (2).
When the tip speed ratio is controlled by the optimum value
regardless of the wind speed, the maximum mechanical power (4)
is obtained from the wind energy. In this optimum condition, (5)


where , , and are constants determined by the wind

turbine characteristics, which are listed in Table I.

C. MPPT Control Without Wind Speed Sensor

When the generator speed is always controlled at the optimum
speed given by (3), the tip speed ratio remains the optimum
value, and the MPPT control can be achieved. In this case, the Fig. 3. Equivalent circuits of IPMSG. (a) d-axis equivalent circuit. (b) q -axis
information of wind speed is required and, thus, the wind speed equivalent circuit.
sensor is utilized for detecting wind speed.
Substituting (3) into (4) and (5), the following relationships model includes the effects of the copper loss and the core loss,
are derived: where the core loss is expressed by the equivalent core loss
resistance . If is assumed to be a function of frequency,
(6) the hysteresis loss in addition to the eddy-current loss can be
(7) The generator torque , which is defined as a negative motor
torque, is expressed as
The maximum power curve given by (6) and the optimum torque
curve given by (7) are shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2(b) suggests that (9)
the MPPT control can be achieved when the generator torque
is controlled on the optimum torque curve according to the where
generator speed . In the proposed MPPT strategy, the gener- magnet flux linkage;
ator torque is controlled based on (8) [8] , - and -axes inductances;
number of pole pairs;
(8) , - and -axes currents.
From the equivalent circuit, the copper loss , the iron loss
The turbine torque moves on the versus curve ac- , and the total loss are expressed as follows:
cording to the wind speed and the shaft speed. On the other
hand, the generator torque is controlled on the optimum torque (10)
curve in Fig. 2(b) depending only on the generator speed. The
shaft speed is accelerated or decelerated by the difference of the (11)
turbine torque and the generator torque . If the generator
speed is less than the optimal speed , the turbine torque
is larger than the generator torque, and as a result the generator
is accelerated. To the contrary, the generator is decelerated when
B. Loss-Minimization Control With MPPT (Mode I)
. Therefore, both torque of and settle down to
the optimum torque point at any wind speed, and the wind The maximum efficiency condition, that is, the loss minimal
turbine is operated at the maximum power point. In this strategy, condition of the IPMSG, can be derived based on the equivalent
the wind speed is not required, thus, this is a very simple MPPT circuit of Fig. 3 and (9)–(12). Such condition is very complex,
control without wind speed sensor. and both - and -axes currents are functions of torque and an-
gular velocity as described in [10].
III. OPTIMUM CURRENT VECTOR CONTROL OF IPMSG In the proposed MPPT control, the generator torque is given
by (8) as a function of generator speed . Therefore,
A. Model of IPMSG the - and -axes currents for loss-minimization condition be-
Fig. 3 shows the - and -axes equivalent circuits of the come a function only of the speed. The optimal currents of
IPMSM and IPMSG in the – coordinate, which rotates and , which are derived by a precise calculation, are plotted
synchronously with an electrical angular velocity [10]. This in Fig. 4. The parameters of the IPMSG for this calculation are


the - and -axes currents based on (14) and (15) according

Fig. 4. Optimum currents in d–q axeis as a function of speed. to the generator speed, the maximum mechanical power is
obtained from the wind turbine and the losses of the generator
are minimized. As a result, the wind power energy can be
PARAMETERS OF IPMSG most effectively utilized, and the maximum generated power is

C. Current- and Voltage-Limited Maximum Output Control

(Mode II)
The phase current and the terminal voltage reach their ceiling
values at the base speed . Above this base speed, the con-
trol method of Mode I cannot be applied. In this speed region,
the control method is changed to the current- and voltage-lim-
ited maximum output control, which is called Mode II. The op-
timum currents obtaining the maximum output power under the
current and voltage constraints are given by

shown in Table II. They are the same parameters of the tested
IPMSG described in Section IV. Here, the effect of magnetic (17)
saturation is considered by modeling the -axis inductance
by (13) as a function of -axis current [12] where and are ceiling values of armature current
and induced voltage , respectively [11], [12]. This optimum
(13) current vector is also a function only of the speed. The optimum
currents of and above the base speed calculated by (16)
This control method, which is called Mode I in this paper, uses
and (17) are plotted in Fig. 4. The relation of optimum current
the loss-minimization control together with the MPPT control,
vector and the speed can be approximated by a second-order
and it can be applied below the base speed of 1800 r/min,
polynomial given by
where both current and voltage do not reach their ceiling values.
The plots of precise calculation below in Fig. 4 show that
the relation of the optimal current to the speed is not complex.
Thus, this relation can be approximated by a third-order poly- (19)
nomial given by (14) and (15)
The coefficients in (18) and (19) are listed in Table III.
(14) By controlling the - and -axes currents based on (18) and
(19) above the base speed, the maximum generated power is
obtained considering the limitations of current and voltage.
The coefficients of both polynomials are listed in Table III,
where the unit of the generator speed used in (14) and (15) is D. Generated Power Control
revolutions per minute. The currents calculated by (14) and In the proposed IPMSG control method mentioned above, the
(15) are shown by solid lines in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 shows that the current vector is optimally controlled so as to obtain the max-
optimal currents are accurately approximated. By controlling imum generated output power from the wind turbine for various

Fig. 5. Block diagram of IPMSG controller.

wind speeds considering the current and voltage constraints. If converter is controlled so that the actual currents may follow the
it is necessary to control the generated power, the current vector current references by the current controller.
is adjusted as follows.
The torque equation (9) indicates that the generator torque is IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
proportional to the -axis current when the -axis current is kept
constant and, thus, the generated power is almost proportional to In order to verify the performance of the proposed wind gen-
-axis current. Therefore, the control of the generated power be- eration system, experimentation was carried out. In the tested
comes possible by adjusting only the -axis current according to system, an ac servomotor is utilized instead of the wind turbine.
the required generated power, where the -axis current is given A digital signal processor (TMS320C32) is equipped to execute
by (14) or (18). The performance of the generated power control the proposed control algorithm such as MPPT control, optimum
is evaluated by the experiment in Section IV. current vector control, and sensorless control, which is indicated
by a dotted rectangle in Fig. 5. All of the controls are processed
E. Mechanical Sensorless Control of IPMSG at the sampling period of 0.1 ms. The dc-link voltage of the con-
verter is set to 150 V, and the PWM frequency is 10 kHz.
In order to achieve the optimal current vector control of the
IPMSG, the information of position and speed of the IPMSG
is required. We have proposed the sensorless control strategy A. Steady-State Performance
for a salient-pole PMSM based on extended electromotive force Fig. 6 shows the experimental results of the proposed gener-
(EMF) in [13]. This sensorless control strategy can be applied ation system with respect to the generator speed. The generator
to the control of the IPMSG. speed is estimated by the position and speed estimator, and the
Fig. 5 shows the block diagram of the controller for the current references of and are determined according to the
IPMSG, which corresponds to the block of the power con- estimated speed. The - and -axes currents are suitably con-
verter and controller in Fig. 1. The detected phase currents are trolled as shown in Fig. 6(a), which are the same as the optimal
transformed into the estimated rotating – frame by the esti- current references shown in Fig. 4. Below the base speed of 1800
mated position. From the currents ( and ) and the reference r/min, the current vector is controlled based on the loss-min-
voltages ( and ), the extended EMF in the – frame is imization control with MPPT (Mode I) and, thus, the gener-
estimated by the state observer. The speed and the position ator torque can track on the optimum torque curve as shown in
are estimated based on the extended EMF, and they are used Fig. 6(b), where the optimum torque curve is calculated by (6).
for controlling the IPMSG. The detailed explanation of the When the current and the voltage reach the ceiling values at the
sensorless control algorithm is shown in [13]. base speed of 1800 r/min, the control method is changed to the
In the optimal current vector calculator shown in Fig. 5, the current- and voltage-limited maximum output control (Mode II)
current references of and are calculated using the estimated and, thus, the voltage and the current are controlled within the
generator speed, where (14) and (15) are used in Mode I below ceiling values as shown in Fig. 6(c). In this operating region,
the base speed, and (18) and (19) are used in Mode II above the generator torque cannot follow the optimum torque curve,
the base speed. This algorithm determining the optimal current but the available maximum output can be generated under the
vector is very simple and is easy to apply to a practical use. If constraints of voltage and current as shown in Fig. 6(d). The
it is necessary to control the generated power, only -axis cur- lowest speed confirmed by the experiment is 100 r/min as shown
rent reference is adjusted. The pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) in Fig. 6. This speed corresponds to 5.6% of the rated speed of

Fig. 6. Experimental steady-state performance of proposed generation system as a function of generator speed. (a) d- and q -axes currents. (b) Optimum torque
and generator torque. (c) Voltage and current. (d) Mechanical input power and electric output power.

Fig. 7. Experimental efficiency performance.

Fig. 8. Performance of generated power control at 1500 r/min.

1800 r/min, and this lowest speed is enough in the application
of the wind generation system.
Fig. 7 shows the efficiency performance. The generator ef- Fig. 8 shows the mechanical input power and the dc output
ficiency from mechanical input power to ac output power power at 1500 r/min under the generated power control de-
exceeds 80% although the rating of the tested IPMSM is scribed in Section III-D. In this speed region, the current vector
comparatively low. The total efficiency from mechanical input of IPMSG is originally controlled by Mode I, and the current
power to dc output power considering converter losses references at 1500 r/min are determined in order to utilize the
is almost 80% at the medium to high speeds. This characteristic maximum available generated power. Such operating point is in-
shows that highly effective power generation is achieved by the dicated in Fig. 8. The generated power can be adjusted by con-
proposed generation system. trolling the -axis current toward 0 as shown in Fig. 8.

IPMSG is driven by the sensorless control strategy and, thus,

the mechanical sensors such as rotor speed sensor and position
sensor can be eliminated. The control algorithm and system con-
figuration of the proposed generation system is very simple, but
the operation of the wind turbine and the generator are opti-
mized. The proposed generation system has been developed for
laboratory experiment. The performance was evaluated by sev-
eral experimental results, and the effectiveness of the proposed
system was confirmed.

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Shigeo Morimoto (M’93) was born in Japan in 1959.
He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from
Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan, in 1982,
V. CONCLUSION 1984, and 1990, respectively.
He joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Tokyo,
The variable-speed wind generation system using an IPMSG Japan, in 1984. Since 1988, he has been with the De-
has been discussed in this paper, and the optimal control strategy partment of Electrical and Electronic Systems, Osaka
Prefecture University, where he is currently an Asso-
of the IPMSG maximizing the generated power was proposed. ciate Professor. He has been engaged in research on
The optimum current vector utilizing the wind energy as large ac drive systems and motion control.
as possible for various wind speeds is determined by the simple Dr. Morimoto is a Member of the Institute of Elec-
trical Engineers of Japan, Society of Instrumental and Control Engineers of
low-order polynomials with respect to the generator speed. The Japan, Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, and Japan In-
MPPT control is achieved without a wind speed sensor. The stitute of Power Electronics.

Hideaki Nakayama was born in Japan in 1979. He Yoji Takeda (M’93) was born in Osaka, Japan, in
received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from Osaka Pre- 1943. He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees
fecture University, Sakai, Japan, in 2002 and 2004, from Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan, in
respectively. 1966, 1968, and 1977, respectively.
He was involved in a study of a wind generation Since 1968, he has been with the Department of
system at Osaka Prefecture University. He is cur- Electrical and Electronic Systems, Osaka Prefecture
rently with Nissan Motor Company, Ltd., Kanagawa, University, where he is currently a Professor. His
Japan. main areas of research are permanent-magnet syn-
chronous motors, linear motors, and their control
Dr. Takeda is a Member of the Institute of Elec-
trical Engineers of Japan, Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engi-
neers, and Japan Institute of Power Electronics.
Masayuki Sanada (M’94) was born in Japan in
1966. He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees
from Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan, in
1989, 1991, and 1994, respectively.
In 1994, he joined the Department of Electrical
and Electronic Systems, Osaka Prefecture Univer-
sity, where he is currently an Assistant Professor.
His main areas of research are linear motors for
direct-drive applications and their control systems.
Dr. Sanada is a Member of the Institute of Elec-
trical Engineers of Japan, Japan Institute of Power
Electronics, and Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.

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