Vocabulary List of NET

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Vocabulary List of NET-1

Below is the list of words which were asked in NET-1 for synonyms and antonyms.
These were provided by the students who took the test .
Many of these words are from the SAT word list .

Number Words Meanings

1 enigma mystery , puzzle
2 flippant rude, superficial
3 exacerbate infuriate, make worse
4 abhor detest, hate
5 censure severe criticism, blame
6 prodigal dissipated, excessive, extravagant, immoderate
7 magnanimou beneficent, benevolent, bighearted, bountiful, charitable,
s considerate, forgiving, generous
8 nuzzle Rub or push against gently with the nose and mouth, bundle,
burrow, caress, nestle, nudge
9 benign amiable, beneficent, benevolent
10 august dignified, noble
11 sumptuous luxurious, splendid
12 blemish flaw, beauty spot
13 fulminate criticize harshly, denounce
14 analogous akin, alike, comparable, consonant
15 sluggish dull, slow-moving
16 apportion divide into shares, accord, admeasure, administer, allocate,
allot, assign
17 vivacious lively, spirited
18 dowdy poorly dressed, old-fashioned, antiquated
19 gregarious friendly, affable, clubby, companionable
20 venial pardonable, all right, allowable, defensible
21 amiable friendly, agreeable
22 arrogate claim without justification, accroach, appropriate, assume
23 stingy close-fisted, costive, thrifty
24 calm peaceful, quiet
25 aggregate accumulated, added, amassed, assembled, collected
26 apprise advise, brief, enlighten, fill in, inform, notify
27 appalled alarm, amaze, astound, horrify
28 intrepid brave, nervy, bold, courageous, daring, dauntless
29 throttle burke, control, gag, inhibit, silence, smother
30 capacious abundant, broad, comfortable, commodious
31 prodigality absurdity, amenity, dissipation, exaggeration, excess
32 brunt burden, force, impact, pressure
33 ascribable capable of being traced, attributable, derivative, detectable
34 knave rascal, swindler, villain
35 effusive gushing, profuse, big mouthed, demonstrative, ebullient,
36 artful skillful, cunning, adept, adroit, clever, crafty
37 spontaneous impulsive, willing,
38 venial pardonable, all right, allowable, defensible, excusable,
39 audacious reckless, daring
40 adulterate pollute, cheapen
41 subdue keep under control, moderate, triumph over, vanquish
42 perturbed troubled, anxious, bothered, flustered, restless, uneasy,
43 beckon call, signal, or lure
44 tranquility peace, quiet, serenity, stillness
45 fleece plunder, steal
46 horde band, crew, crowd, crush, drove
47 improvise make up, fake, slapdash
48 engross hold one's attention, absorb, apply, arrest, assimilate, attract
49 pauper person who is poor, almsperson, bankrupt, beggar
50 barbaric crude, savage, brutal, coarse, cruel, fierce
51 kindle start a fire, blaze, burn, fire, flame, flare, glow, ignite
52 badger nag, bother, importune
53 intricate complicated, elaborate, tangled, tortuous, tricky
54 illicit not legal, forbidden
55 elicit draw out, evoke, evolve
56 obesity bulk, chubbiness, chunkiness, fatness, overweight
57 acrid bitter, sour to taste

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