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A Detailed Lesson Plan for

English 7
March 14, 2024

I. Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to:
a. distinguish the difference between spoken and written language;
b. apply spoken and written language; and
c. demonstrate their ability to adapt their communication skills between spoken and
written language by participating in spoken and written activities.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Spoken vs. Written Language
b. Reference: Essential English Wortext in Literature and Language 7, C. Gonzales,, 2017, Rex Publishing, pp. 4-18
Other Reference: Oral and Written Language, Henry Buemio 2019.
c. Values Integration: Expressing yourself through spoken and written language.
d. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, TV Screen, Visual Aids

III. Learning Procedure:

A. Preparatory
1. Classroom Management
Settle down students. Sit properly,
ensure that there is no trash on your
respective area, keep your phone,
pay attention, and let us learn and
have fun together this afternoon. Do Yes, Ma’am
I make myself clear?

2. Opening Prayer
Now, stand up and let us put
ourselves into the presence of God. (Students will pray spiritually)
May I request someone to lead the

3. Greetings
Good morning, Grade 7-
Sampaguita! Good morning, Ma’am!
(The teacher will do the butterfly
hug as she greets the students)

(The class secretary will check the

4. Checking of Attendance attendance)
Who are absent? Class secretary
please check the attendance. No one is absent today, Ma’am.

B. Motivation
Before we start our lesson for today, let
us first have a game activity called “Pass Exciting!
The Message.”

Do you know how to play it, class? Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, let’s begin. Each group must have
a leader to come in front and read the
message. After reading, the leader will
pass the message to the first person in
the line then the leader will come back (The students are listening carefully)
in front to avoid cheating. Then you will
pass the message until the last person at
the back receives it. The last person will
come to the board to write the message
that he heard. The first group to finish
the activity will be the winner.
Yes, Ma’am!
Did you follow? (The students will play the game as

C. Lesson Proper
From our activity, what do you think Student 1: I think our lesson for today is
class is our lesson for today? all about language, ma’am.

Very good.
Can you give me the two types of
language, class? Student 2: Ma’am, the two types of
language are spoken and written
That’s right! language.

I have one more question for you, class. Student 1: Talking, Ma’am.
When you were still a kid, what did you
learn first, talking or writing?

I agree because we all started in baby

talking, right?

Baby talk is the language of the kids or

babies who can’t utter words yet. But
did you know that even mute people Student 2: Yes, Ma’am. Sign language.
have their own language? Do you know
what it is?

Very good.
So mute people communicate by moving (Students listen attentively)
their hands combined with facial
expressions and body postures.
Language is the means which people
Everyone has their own language but use to express their thoughts through
what is the main purpose or use of oral, written, gestures, signs, and
language? symbols.

Kindly read.

Today we are going to discuss the two

kinds of language which are oral spoken
and written language.
Student 3: Spoken language composed
What do you mean by spoken language? of sounds used to express thought.
Kindly read it.

Thank you. Student 4: Yes, Ma’am.

We simply mean that spoken language is
the use of spoken words to express our
thoughts. From the word spoken, we can
easily get the idea of talking, speaking,
verbal lor vocal. Did you get it?
Student 1: Written language composed
Next is written language. of written words to express thought.
Kindly read.

If spoken is the means of spoken words,

then written language is the use of
written words or these are the letters.

To make it easier for us to understand

the difference of spoken and written
language. I will divide the class into
two. The spoken group and the written
group. The written group will construct (Do as told.)
5 questions to be answered by the
spoken group. Your topic for your
question is about English language.
Make your questions specific or precise.
While the written group is writing their
questions, spoken group will discuss and
decide who will answer their questions.
There are 5 discussions, so there should
be 5 speakers who will answer their
questions. Student 2: Written language, Ma’am.

From the activity we had, what do you

think is easier to use, spoken language
or written language? Student 3: Written language is easier to
use because when you make mistake, it
Why written language is easier to use? can be erased or changed but in spoken
language, what you’ve said can never
Very good. be erased anymore.
That is why they always say that “Think
before you talk.”

D. Application
We are going to play a game again. From
your same group earlier, the oral group this
time will give a listening and writing quiz to
the written group. Spoken group will write it
correctly in a cartolina. They are only given

10 seconds to answer. This is to test their
listening ability and if they can write as fast
as they can. Are you ready? (Do as told.)


E. Generalization Student 1: Spoken language is the use

of spoken words while written language
Now, can someone tell me the difference is the use written words or letters.
of spoken language and written
language? Student 2: Language is the means of
communication so people will
Very good. understand each other and for unity.
What is the importance of language?

IV. Evaluation:
DIRECTIONS: Write SL if the sentence is Spoken Language and WL if it is Written

________1. You call your bestfriend on the phone to invite them to a party.
________2. In English class, you are writing a critical paper about literature.
________3. Your mom asks you what you did in school today.
________4. Your teacher wants to know the answer to the homework.
________5. A stranger needs direction and asks you for them.
________6. You have to write a report on the fiction book you are reading.
________7. You recommend a fiction book to a friend to write a book report.
________8. As a reporter for the school news, you write stories about the school.
________9. You need to write an article for your Campus Journalism subject.
________10. You are delivering a speech in front of the class.

V. Assignment:

Study the other kinds of language which are gestures, symbols, and sign language.

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