Literal Language and Figurative Language

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The key takeaways from the lesson plan are understanding the differences between literal and figurative language, composing sentences using both types of language, and realizing their importance in daily life and conversation.

The objectives of the English lesson are for students to understand the difference between literal and figurative language, compose sentences using both types of language, and realize their importance in daily life through applying it in daily conversation.

Literal language has a basic or direct meaning, while figurative language uses words or expressions with meanings that are different from the literal interpretation and can have hidden or underlying meanings.

Alegado, Cyrill Mae G.


A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. understand the difference between literal and figurative language,
b. compose sentences using literal and figurative language, and
c. realize the importance of literal and figurative language in daily life through
applying it in daily conversation.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Literal language and Figurative language
English Communication Arts and Skills. pp. 26-27
English Learning Package. pp. 166-168
C. Materials: Instructional aids, Visual materials, Markers
D. Values Integration: Nowadays, students need to know the importance of literal
beyond meaning of a certain spoken or writing to communicate people in order to
prevent or avoid any misunderstanding and/or any hurt feelings.
E. Teaching Strategies: Inductive Method and Collaborative Approach

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Students’’ Activities

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer

Everybody stand! Yasser please

lead the prayer.

2. Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

Kindly pick up those pieces of paper
under your chairs.
Okay you may now sit. Thank you Ma’am!

Hi everyone! How are you today? We're fine ma'am!

Okay! So, are you excited to what we are
going to learn today? Yes we are!

3. Spelling

Class! Get ¼ sheet of paper, write

your name and number it from 1 to 5
because we are going to have a spelling
activity this time.
Listen to my instructions carefully.
I am going to use the words that you have
to spell correctly. I am going to read the
sentence twice and the word that you have
to spell correctly.

Did you understand? Yes Ma’am!

Okay let us start!
1. I want to express my feelings.
2. There was an underlying meaning of it.
3. She shows her hidden talent.
4. The statement needs a clear
5. We should learn first the basic.

Are you done? Yes Ma’am!

Okay let us check your work. Exchange
your papers to your seatmate and write
corrected by.

For those who want to answer just come

in front. (Students raise their hands)

Who got perfect?

Very good!

Pass your papers forward at the

count of 5. 5…4…3…2…1

This will serve as your attendance for this


4. Collecting and Checking of

Get your assignments class and pass it
forward without making any noise.

Are all papers in? Yes ma'am!

5. Drill

Now class, we are going to answer your

assignment. I will divide you into 5
groups. Each group has 1 representative
to answer here on the board.

Is that clear? Yes ma'am!


Congratulations to all of you! You got all

the correct answers!

6. Review

Based on our activity, what was our topic

last meeting?
Okay, Jeyhan what was our topic last Our topic last meeting was all about the
meeting? Elements of a Short Story.

Very good!
The elements of a short story are
So class, what are the elements of a short CHARACTERS, SETTING, CONFLICT,
story? PLOT, THEME

Very well said!

Any questions about our previous topic?

None ma’am!
Very good!

7. Motivation

Class! I have here pictures. Now, I

want you to form at least one sentence
for each picture. Let us start with the
first one.

Ana! What sentence can you form based

on the first picture? I will zip my mouth.

Very good!

How about the second picture? Keep silent.


Very good!

These pictures have something to do to

with our topic this morning.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation of the Topic

This time, we are going to discuss about

"Literal and Figurative Language".

2. Unlocking of difficulties
Before we are going to start the
discussion, let us define first those
difficult words that we may encounter
later on.
1. spiky- having sharp points.
2. underlying-cannot be shown directly.
3. expression- the act of making your
4. interpretation- the way something is

3. Discussion Proper

Literal Language
- The type of language we speak most
of the time.
- It has basic meaning or no other


1. Grass looks green.

2. Sand feels rough.
3. My words aren’t coming out right.

Figurative Language
- It has hidden or underlying meaning.
- A language that uses words or
expressions with meaning that is
different from the literal


1. The grass looks like a spiky green

2. Sand is solid water.
3. I’m tongue tied.

Did you understand class? Yes ma'am!

4. Application

I’m going to divide you into two

groups. I will provide each group a paper
and a marker. All you have to do is to
write examples of literal language and
figurative language as many as you can. I
will give you five minutes to do the task.
If you finish writing, each group should
select one representative to present your
work in front.
Is that clear? Yes ma'am!

Okay let us start!

Your time starts now! (Students do the activity)

Very good!
5. Generalization

Do you have any questions regarding

our topic for this morning? None ma'am!

Very good! So, who can differentiate

now the Literal language and
Figurative language?
Okay Aya, please stand. Literal language is a language that has basic
meaning or no other meaning while the
Figurative language is a language that has
hidden or underlying meaning.
Very good Aya!

Now class, what is the importance of

learning Literal and Figurative language (Students raise their hands)
in our daily conversation?

Yes Johaina… Literal language and figurative language are

very important in our daily conversation for us
to use phrases and sentences properly in
different speaking situations.
Very good Johaina!

Any clarification class? None Ma’am!

Okay very good!

IV. Evaluation

Instruction: In a 1/2 sheet of paper, identify the following by putting a check mark, if the
statement is under literal or figurative language.
Sentence Literal Figurative
Language Language
1. My mother gave me a tongue lashing when
she found out that I lost the camera.
2. I have a ton of essay to write before this
week ends.
The varsity player is so tall that his head
could almost touch the ceiling.
4. The guidance counselor was determined to
get to the bottom of the problem.
5. My father cried tears of joy when he saw
the baby.
6. Our classmate snorted like a pig when I
told her the story.
7. Her mother cooking always works like a
charm on her father.
8. His friend is good in cracking jokes.
9. The cheeks of the baby are pinkish.
10. We seldom fight like cats and dogs with
my cousins.
V. Assignment

Instruction: In a ½ sheet of paper, write LIT if the statement is Literal language and FIG
if the statement is Figurative language.

______1. Berto was tasked by Delia to kill Berto's adopted dog.

______2. Centipedes often scare people because of how they look.
______3. Delia's resentment towards Eddie could be traced black from their mother's
______4. Eddie saw his sister as a thorn on his side--something which should be
______5. Eddie's feelings toward his sister should be compared to that of an
overheated kettle.
______6. Eddie's sister was stunned when she saw the centipede.
______7. Even as a young boy, Eddie already had the instincts of a hunter.
______8. For most of the story, Eddie and Delia were like oil and water.
______9. Once, Eddie thought that Delia was extending the olive branch to him.
______10. Their father often told Eddie and Delia to keep the peace.

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