Astra 2022 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2377 012071

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The 11th National Physics Seminar (SNF 2022) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2377 (2022) 012071 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2377/1/012071

Development of Electronic Module Using TAI to Improve

HOTS of High School Students in Fluid Dynamic Materials

I M Astra*, I Nurjanah, R Raihanati, and L H A Fitri

Department of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka,

Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

*Email: [email protected]

Abstract. This research aims to produce independent learning materials in the form of an electronic
module using a cooperative model the Assisted Individualization Team (TAI) type equipped with
HOTS questions in a dynamic fluid material. The method used in this study is the development
research with developmental stages of ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation,
and Evaluation). The cooperative model type Assisted Individualization Team (TAI) has five
learning stages: team formation, initial test, group learning, final test, and scoring. This electronic
module is equipped with HOTS questions, where HOTS is a high-level thinking skill that includes
three indicators, including analyzing skills (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6). The results of
the validation of the due diligence of the electronic module by media experts gained a score of
82.60%, the validation in the material aspect by the material experts gained score of 79.92%, the
learning experts obtained 87.92%, and the calculation of n-gain test was 0.48 which means moderate
category. These scores mean that the electronic physics module using cooperative model Team
Assisted Individualization (TAI) type is equipped with HOTS questions in dynamic fluid materials
as independent teaching material.

1. Introduction
Teaching material is a set of facts, concepts, principles, and procedures that are designed
systematically to facilitate a learning process by the competencies to be achieved [1-3]. This
teaching material has an important function in learning, used as a guide for teachers and students.
But physics teaching materials used in schools still use printed teaching materials in the form of
textbooks and are less attractive to students because they are considered less effective. This is
evidenced by the questionnaire analysis of the needs of students of SMAN 16 Jakarta class XI,
obtained the results of the availability of learning materials, especially for physics subjects most
(55.56%) are still in the form of printed teaching materials in the form of textbooks and most of
these learning materials (61,12%) students consider it less effective. Almost all students (91.67%)
need independent teaching materials other than books because the number of books in school is
still limited. students feel they are not enough when using textbooks to be used as learning
materials independently.
Innovative teaching materials are needed to overcome this problem, one of which is by using
modules.The empirical test results obtained by students of 88.99% can be concluded that the
contextual physics module on the subject of fluid development has been good and suitable for use
as independent teaching material in learning physics [4].
Along with technological advances, teaching materials used are also increasingly developing.
One of the uses of technology in the world of education is to develop printed module teaching
materials into electronic-based modules or better known as E-Modules. The electronic module

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The 11th National Physics Seminar (SNF 2022) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2377 (2022) 012071 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2377/1/012071

makes it easier for students in the learning process independently and provides updates in learning
that is a substitute for books without reducing the function as a source of information [5-7].
From the needs analysis, it was also found that almost all students (77.78%) were interested
in learning physics using electronic modules, most students (69.45%) argued that the presence of
electronic modules could help overcome physics learning difficulties. Nearly all students
(88.89%) expect electronic modules that contain images, animations or videos related to daily life
in them, and almost all students (75%) expect examples and exercises about High Order Thinking
Skills ( HOTS). In Bloom's taxonomy, the ability to think high level (HOTS) as a transfer of
knowledge includes three indicators including the skills of analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and
creating (C6). HOTS assessment instruments or questions are questions that require students to
think higher-level based on facts, HOTS also requires students to be able to solve problems
critically, evaluate information, and make conclusions from solutions found based on facts [8-
Based on research results on the development or application of cooperative learning based on
the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) model. The percentage formative test score of 83.6%,
it can be understood that the Physics learning module with the Team Assisted Individualization
(TAI) cooperative model can increase student motivation [12-15]
Supported by the results of research from Tri Arini entitled "Cooperative Learning Type Team
Assisted Individualization (TAI): Impact on Student Physics Learning Outcomes" states that
based on the analysis of the average value of the experimental class on the initial test of 40.64 and
the final test amounting to 83.41. While the average value of the control class in the initial test
was 32.16 and in the final test was 75.73 [16]. Thus, cooperative learning Type Team Assisted
Individualization (TAI) influences student physics learning outcomes.
The existence of research into the development of electronic modules with the cooperative
model type Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) equipped with HOTS questions is expected
that students can optimize their problem-solving skills by learning independently using electronic
module teaching materials. Individual learning outcomes can be discussed together into group to
obtain the correct problem-solving. Students use all thoughts, choose a solution strategy, and
process until finding a solution to a problem to achieve the competencies that must be achieved
in learning.
Based on the description above, it can be seen that the electronic module with the cooperative
model type Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) has great potential to be developed as
independent teaching material by learning a scientific approach. Therefore, the researchers
developed an electronic module using the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) type of
cooperative model equipped with HOTS questions, especially in dynamic fluid material as
independent teaching material for high school students in class XI MIA.

2. Methods
The research method used ADDIE development model. ADDIE research has 5 stages [17].
Preliminary research for needs analysis is done through a questionnaire. Questionnaire was
addressed to students of class XI Natural Sciences and carried out by the method of distributing
written questionnaires. In this study, data on formative evaluations were obtained from the
validation test analysis questionnaire and field trials. Then design the electronic module and
realize it into the product development stage. Then validation tests were conducted by material
experts, media experts and learning experts, while field trials were conducted on physics teachers
at SMAN 16 Jakarta, which were visited one by one, and field trials were conducted on a group
of students on a small scale that was gathered in one room then observed the products of the
development in the form of an electronic physics module and then filled out a questionnaire
provided by the researcher to obtain information from respondents about matters related to the
assessment of products that have been developed. Then to practice higher order thinking skills
(HOTS) within the scope of Problem-Solving Ability is done by using One Group Pre-Test Post-
Test, that is by giving questions pre-test and post-test to students. Previously, a validity test was
conducted by material experts related to the pre-test and post-test questions to be used.

The 11th National Physics Seminar (SNF 2022) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2377 (2022) 012071 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2377/1/012071

3. Results and Discussions

The electronic module produced uses the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) type of
cooperative learning model consisting of five learning stages: team building, initial test, joint
study, final test, and scoring. In this electronic module, there is dynamic fluid material, which is
divided into three learning activities, namely: learning activity 1 (ideal fluid and discharge),
learning activity 2 (continuity equation and Bernoulli principle) and learning activity 3
(application on the Bernoulli principle). Furthermore, the electronic module components that have
been made are put together using the iSpring Suite 9.7 software. The following is the final
appearance of the electronic physics module that has been developed:

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

(i) (j)

(k) (l)

The 11th National Physics Seminar (SNF 2022) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2377 (2022) 012071 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2377/1/012071

(m) (n)

(o) (p)

FIGURE.1 Electronic Module Components

The results of the electronic module product validation test by experts produce the following data:

TABLE 1. Results of product validation tests by media experts for article 1.

No Aspect Percentage
1 Electronic module display format 85,29 %
2 Completeness of electronic module components 87,50 %
3 Grammar of writing on electronic modules 75,00 %

TABLE 2. Results of product validation tests by material experts for article 1.

No Aspect Percentage
1 Coverage of dynamic fluid material 77,27 %
Compatibility of electronic module components with
2 75,00 %
3 Grammar on dynamic fluid material 87,50 %

TABLE 3. Product validation test results by learning experts for article 1.

No Aspect Percentage
1 Feasibility analysis of learning content 90,91 %
The characteristics of the team assisted the
2 92,86 %
indiviualization model in learning
3 Grammar in learning 80,00 %

The formative evaluation results above obtained an average value of 82.81% so it can be said
that the electronic module of Dynamic Fluid material using a Team Assisted Individualization
(TAI) type of cooperative model is feasible to use.

Furthermore, the results of the electronic module field trials by physics teachers and students
produce the following data.

The 11th National Physics Seminar (SNF 2022) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2377 (2022) 012071 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2377/1/012071

TABLE 4. Results of field trials by physics teacher experts.

No Rated aspect Percentage
1 Dynamic fluid material coverage 86,67 %
2 Characteristics of learning with models 83,34 %
3 Completeness of electronic module components 84.01 %
4 Language on electronic modules 83,34 %

TABLE 5. Results of field trials by students.

No Rated aspect Percentage
1 Dynamic fluid material coverage 90.47 %
2 Presentation techniques on electronic modules 91.54 %
3 Language on electronic modules 91,02 %

The results of the field trials above obtained an average value of 84.73% in field trials by
teachers, and obtained an average value of 91.01% in field trials by students so that it can be said
that the electronic module of Dynamic Fluid material uses models Cooperative Team Assisted
Individualization (TAI) types are suitable for use.
Whereas based on the normalized gain test by doing a pre-test and post-test, an average gain
of 0.488 which states that students have increased in high-level thinking skills in the classification
of "moderate" improvement.

4. Conclusion
Based on the validity test and the gain test that has been done, it was concluded that the Dynamic
Fluid material electronic module using the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) type of
cooperative model is feasible and the use of the electronic module can improve students' higher-
order thinking skills.

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