Naqiyah 2019 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1227 012031

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The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1227 (2019) 012031 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1227/1/012031

Physics Learning Using Direct Instruction Model Assisted by

Plickers Application to Measure Problem Solving Ability

Mardhiyyatin Naqiyah*, Jumadi, Insih Wilujeng

Physics Education, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University,
Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract. This was a quantitative research that aims to know the effectiveness of physics
learning by using direct instruction model assisted by Plickers application, knowing the
problem solving ability of learners after being taught using direct instruction model assisted by
Plickers application, and knowing the percentage of learners achievement for each problem
solving indicators. The subjects of the study were the students of class XI MIA 1 SMA Negeri
1 Sayegan consisting of 32 students and selected using purposive method. Data was collected
by using a test instrument in the form of a reasonable multiple choice which presented in the
Plickers application. The results showed that learning by using direct instruction model assisted
by application of Plickers was effectively used in physics learning process in terms of KKM
(minimal completeness criteria) achievement. In addition, the average score of students’
problem solving ability was 85.00 with details of 27 students scored the high category and 5
students were in the medium category. Furthermore, the percentage of each problem solving
indicator was in the high category and only one indicator experienced the medium category
with a percentage of 73%.

1. Introduction
Physics is one of the disciplines of science that has a very crucial role in developing knowledge and
technology. This requires humans to continuously improve the latest science and innovation related to
physics. The same thing applies to students who are required to have a better understanding regarding
physical material. Hence, the role of the teacher is very important to design a learning that is more
focused on mastering the concept of physics. Therefore, the role of the teacher is not only teaching,
but also to ensure that the learning process is optimally applied so that the learning objectives can be
achieved well.
Based on Permendikbud No. 22 of 2016 concerning process standards in elementary and secondary
school level learning, it is recommended to use problem solving based learning as one of the
approaches to learning in order to encourage students' ability to produce individual and/or group work
In addition, Permendikbud No. 22 of 2016 concerning process standards for elementary and
secondary school level learning also suggests that the learning process should contain the application
of information and communication technology that is systematically integrated, and effective in
accordance with the situation and conditions. This means that technology acts as a medium that
indirectly helps the learning process become more focused on students. Therefore, the integration of
technology in the learning process is very important to conduct.

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The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1227 (2019) 012031 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1227/1/012031

In line with the recommendations in the problem solving process, one of the problems in physics
learning that is still often found in the field is the learning process that is still oriented to results and
completing the material so that thinking skills become less applied [2]. In addition, learning in the
classroom is more directed at mastering the concept regardless of the physical problem solving
abilities that lead to the difficulties of students in facing complex problems [3].
[1] found that the problem that often occurs in the learning process is the lack of problem solving
skills in students, especially in contextual questions, whereas problem solving skills need to be
developed for students to be able to keep up with the times.
Based on several facts from previous research, it was found that students' physical problem solving
abilities were still in the sufficient category. This is mostly due to the difficulty of students in
understanding the problem so that it is difficult for them to make a solution plan to solve it [4]. In
addition, students are emphasized on mathematical formulas and operations so that they lack the
opportunity to be responsible for their opinions and answers, whereas giving more opportunities in
problem solving processes can help students to gain experience in solving physical problems [3].
According to the results of the observations conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Sayegan, it was found that
the stages of learning were only focused on making the students memorize the formula, without any
further understanding of the concept, so that the physics problem-solving ability became less applied.
Furthermore, the learning process that is implemented is still teacher-centered which eventually lead
students to be less active in the learning process.
Regardless of the problem that has been mentioned before, another problem that was also found
was the lack of utilization of technology that made the learning process monotonous. This will
eventually makes the focus of students easily distracted by things that are not related to physics
learning. Furthermore, learning using online media is very rarely done in physics learning, so that the
usual learning process becomes less interactive.
The phenomenon found is in line with the research conducted by [5] which reveals that classroom
learning which is generally used emphasizes more on quantitative aspects, for example in equations or
mathematical processes, compared to qualitative analysis that is able to help develop the ability to
choose the concepts and principles that are most suitable to be used in solving a particular problem.
Therefore, a learning model is needed that can guide students in identifying concepts, understanding
their use, and planning solutions in written form before solving the problem [5].
One of the learning models that can be applied to help students in training their problem solving
abilities is a direct learning model (direct instruction). It is because direct learning models can involve
students directly in learning to understand the steps to solve problems through structured information
and training [6].
In addition, one of the methods that is suitable for investigating problem solving is interviewing
which allows students to tell their thinking processes when trying to solve problems [7]. In line with
this statement, the stages in the direct instruction learning model allow students to express their
opinions regarding the reasons for choosing the answers given. Thus, students' problem solving
abilities can be more trained and not limited to the use of equations.
Furthermore, the use of technology in learning is highly recommended so that the learning process
can occur in a more effective and efficient way, especially in terms of evaluation or assessment. One
educational application that can be used is Plickers. Plickers provides a system for managing quizzes
for tests or evaluations, the results of which can be seen directly. This application makes the process of
answering questions more interactive because they are packaged differently by using internet and
smartphone networks. In the process, students are given a card to answer the questions displayed. This
application can also be accessed for free, making it easier for teachers to use it [8].
The use of a direct learning model in measuring problem solving abilities has previously been
conducted by several researchers. A research found that direct teaching was effective in improving
problem solving abilities [9]. In addition, the use of the Plickers application as a medium in the
learning evaluation process is consistent with the research conducted by [8] which found that the use
of the application of Plicker has a positive impact on the learning process.

The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1227 (2019) 012031 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1227/1/012031

Based on several explanations that have been described, it is necessary to innovate physics learning
by using direct instruction learning models assisted by the Plickers application. The use of direct
learning models that utilize online-based applications is expected to have a positive effect on students'
achievement, especially on problem solving abilities.
Furthermore, this study will highlight whether or not the use of direct instruction learning models
based on the Plickers application is effectively used in physics learning in terms of minimum
completeness criteria (KKM). In addition, it will also measure students’ physical problem solving
abilities after applying direct instruction learning models assisted by the Plickers application, as well
as the percentage of students' achievement on each indicator of problem solving ability.

2. Method
This is a pre-experimental research aiming in measuring problem solving ability of student after being
taught in learning using the direct instruction model assisted by the Plickers application. The research
design used was a one-shot case study as illustrated by Figure 1[10].

Figure 1. One-shot case study design

X : treatment in the form of learning by using the direct instruction model assisted by Plickers
O : measurement of physics problem solving abilities after learning
The research subjects were students of class XI MIA 2 of SMA Negeri 1 Sayegan in the 2017/2018
school year consisting of 32 students. The subjects of this study were selected using purposive
sampling method. Data collection was conducted on 30 April 2018 by implementing learning in class
XI MIA 2 and evaluating at the end of learning by utilizing the Plickers application.
The study began by designing subject specific pedagogic (SSP) that will be used in the learning
process. The SSP that was developed was based on basic competencies related to the material of
optical equipment, especially in the sub-material of cameras and microscopes. The development of
this SSP is guided directly by expert lecturers so that it has gone through several stages of revision.
The instrument used in this research is a reasoned multiple choice test. Question items are
presented using the Plickers application while still writing down the problem in the place provided.
This problem solving was then analyzed using Excel 2013 and SPSS.
The analysis used in explaining the data obtained is descriptive analysis. This descriptive analysis
is displayed in the form of averages, standard deviations, maximum scores, minimum scores and
variances. In addition, the effectiveness of the learning process was analyzed by using one sample t-
test by comparing the results obtained with the minimum completeness criteria (KKM).
The maximum score of students was obtained from four indicators, which were: (1) describing
variables known to the problem, (2) determining equations that are suitable for solving problems, (3)
substituting known values into equations, and (4) evaluating solution. The acquisition of the maximum
score of students will be categorized based on the assessment guidelines adapted from [11] in Table 1.

Table 1. Problem Solving Ability Categories.

Score Category
20 -29 High
10 - 19 Medium
0-9 Low

The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1227 (2019) 012031 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1227/1/012031

Furthermore, the average percentage of each problem solving indicator will be categorized into
four sections based on the guidelines adapted from [12] in Table 2

Table 2. Percentage Categories of Problem Solving Ability Indicators.

Percentage Category
t > 75% High
50% < t < 75% Medium
25% < t < 50% Low
t < 25% Very Low
Note: t = percentage of each indicator

3. Result and discussion

Analysis related to the effectiveness of the learning process using direct instruction learning model
assisted by Plickers application was analyzed using SPSS with one-sample T-test technique with a
significance level of α = 0.05. The testing hypothesis is as follows:
H0: physics learning using direct instruction model assisted by Plickers application is not effective
according to the achievement of learning outcomes.
H1: physics learning using direct instruction model assisted by Plickers application is effective
according to the achievement of learning outcomes.
The results of the analysis show a significance value of 0.006. Because the significance value
obtained is smaller than the value of α = 0.05, then H0 is rejected. This means that learning direct
instruction models assisted by the Plickers application are effectively applied in the learning process.
Before being given to students, the instrument is first calculated the level of validity and reliability.
This calculation is done using SPSS and obtained results as in Table 3

Table 3. Validity and Reliability of Instruments

No r Count Value r Table Value Information

1 0.805 0.349 Valid
2 0.543 0.349 Valid
3 0.643 0.349 Valid
4 0.703 0.349 Valid
5 0.806 0.349 Valid
6 0.784 0.349 Valid
7 0.653 0.349 Valid
Reliability 0.801 Reliable

The r table value used was 0.349 based on the number of samples which consist of 32 at a
significance level of 5%. Based on the data shown in Table 3, the r count value for all items was
bigger than the r table value. Thus, it can be concluded that the instrument used is valid. In addition,
the reliability value is seen in the Alpha Cronbach value and it appears that the alpha value obtained
was bigger than the r table value. Hence, it can be concluded that the instrument used is reliable. In
addition, the instruments used were also validated by two expert lecturers and declared eligible for use
in the study. Furthermore, to interpret the problem solving abilities of students, descriptive analysis
was conducted using SPSS and the results obtained as shown in Table 4.

The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1227 (2019) 012031 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1227/1/012031

Table 4. Descriptive Analysis of Problem Solving Ability Tests

Statistic Statistical Value
Sample 32
Maximum Score 100
Minimum Score 60
Ideal Score 100
Average 85.00
Standard Deviation 11.46
Variant 131.35

Table 4 shows that from the ideal score of 100, the maximum score obtained by students was 100
and the minimum score was 60 with an average of 85.00. This score was obtained by adding each
student's score for each indicator which is then multiplied by the score of the question. The average
value was above the KKM value and it supported the results obtained at the level of effectiveness of
this learning process.
The results obtained were inseparable from the class control carried out by the teacher which made
student were competing to answer the questions during the learning process and more enthusiastic in
the process of answering questions using the Plickers application. The achievement of the students
was then categorized based on the criteria in Table 1. The results of the groupings are illustrated in
Figure 2.

Figure 2. Graph of Problem Solving Abilities Achievement

Figure 2 shows the final results obtained by students, where out of 32 people there were no students
in the low category, five students scored the medium category, and the rest scored the high category.
Furthermore, the percentage analysis of each indicator shows that one indicator was in the medium
category, while the other three indicators were in the high category as shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Percentage of Problem Solving’s Indicators

Problem Solving’s Indicators Percentage Category

Describing variables known to the problem 88% High
Determining equations that are suitable for solving problems 82% High
Substituting known values into equations 73% Medium
Evaluating solution 78% High

Table 5 shows that only the ability to substitute the values known to the equation rank the medium
category. This was probably because some students do not know the similarities used for cases with

The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1227 (2019) 012031 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1227/1/012031

similar solutions. In the microscope material, a similar resolution case was to determine the
magnification of the microscope for accommodate and not accommodate eyes
The results obtained were in accordance with the results of research conducted by [13] that there
were significant differences in students' problem solving abilities after being given treatment
compared to conventional learning methods. In addition, the findings of this study were also in line
with the research conducted by [14] which provides treatment in the form of interviews with students
regarding the answers given after conducting the test. It was found that training explicitly in solving
physical problems can help students to acquire the skills needed

4. Conclusions
Based on the data processed and the discussion that has been presented, it can be concluded that.
 Physics learning using direct instruction model assisted by Plickers application was effectively
applied in terms of the achievement of KKM (minimal completeness criteria)
 After learning physics by using the direct instruction model assisted by the Plickers application,
students’ average score of problem solving ability was 85.00 with details of 27 people in the
high category, 5 people in the medium category, and no students in the category low
 Percentage of each indicator of problem solving ability was in the high category. However,
there was one indicator that scored medium category with a percentage of 73

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The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education IOP Publishing
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