005-22BLC Student Guide FY 22 Ver 3.0.pd
005-22BLC Student Guide FY 22 Ver 3.0.pd
005-22BLC Student Guide FY 22 Ver 3.0.pd
Purpose 1-1.
Course Objectives 1-2.
Course Length and Structure 1-3.
Course Prerequisites 1-4.
Enrollment Requirements 1-5.
Reporting and Inprocessing 1-6.
Course Graduation Criteria and Requirements 1-7.
Course Physical Requirements 1-8.
Required Clothing and Organizational Equipment 1-9.
Duty Uniform 1-10.
Privately Owned Vehicles 1-11.
Cell Phones 1-12.
Student Pay 1-13.
Finance 1-14.
Religious Services 1-15.
Valuables 1-16.
Prohibited Items 1-17.
Medical and Treatment 1-18.
Laundry 1-19.
Offices 1-20.
Visitation 1-21.
Billeting / Meals 1-22.
Emergency Phone Numbers 1-23.
Academy Mailing Address 1-24.
Standards 4-1.
Reassessments 4-2.
Inspections 4-3.
Formations 4-4.
Student Counseling 4-5.
Pass Privileges 4-6.
Leaves 4-7.
Meals 4-8.
Service School Academic Evaluation Report (DA Form 1059) 4-9.
Study Hall 4-10.
Attendance 4-11.
Complaints and Grievances 4-12.
1. Congratulations, in accordance with The Army Training Requirements and Resources System
(ATRRS), you have been selected to attend The Army School System (TASS) Noncommissioned
Officer Professional Development System (NCOPDS) for the Basic Leader Course (600-BLC).
This course will be offered at HQs 201st Regiment (MF), Fort Allen Training Site (FATS), Juana
Diaz Puerto Rico.
2. I am sure that your attendance to this course will be both challenging and enjoyable. You will
be tasked to perform in various leadership roles, which will provide you the opportunity to put into
practice the newly acquired skills.
3. Report to Fort Allen, Juana Diaz to Dome building 231, at 0800 in Army Physical Fitness
Uniform (APFU) on reporting date for in processing.
4. If you cannot report by 0800 on the course reporting date because you live in the Continental
United States or US Virgin Islands, notify us before the course reporting date. We do not offer
shuttle bus transportation from or to the San Juan Airport. Soldiers arriving after 2400 hours on
the course reporting date will not be enrolled.
5. NCOA commandants will arrange for students that look unhealthy or unfit for meeting BLC
standards or deem them to be a potential health risk to be seen at the post DA Medical Center or
Troop Medical Clinic for medical clearance. If medical clearance is denied then student will be
denied enrollment.
6. When any discrepancies exist between this welcome packet and the current 600-BLC Course
Management Plan (CMP) and or Program of Instruction (POI) the CMP/POI will take precedence.
7. All students should consult the Welcome letter for their particular Class Number for more
detailed and specific information.
NCOA Commandant
1-1. Purpose:
This guide outlines applicable policies and procedures for students reporting the
Noncommissioned Officers Academy (NCOA). All students will read this guide. Students
are responsible for complying with its contents prior to attending, but not later than 24 hours
of arrival at the NCO Academy. Failure to comply with the policies or procedures contained
herein could result in an early release from the course.
b. Noncommissioned officer backlog. Within the guidelines of Select Train Educate and
Promote (STEP) (AR 350-1, Section V) is defined as Soldiers with 37 or more
months’ time in grade who have been promoted without completing/graduating the
Professional Military Education (PME) course in the Noncommissioned Officer
Professional Development System (NCOPDS) required for their grade level. Soldiers
on the legacy backlog are afforded one opportunity to attend their requisite NCO
PME course. These Soldiers are not otherwise eligible for further promotion
consideration unless they meet all of the training and educational requirements for
their current rank. (Ref: AR 350-1, paragraph 3-19f)
c. Attendance is on a priority basis. Soldiers who qualify for BLC are placed on an
Order of Merit List (OML) by the unit commander as follows:
(3) Third Priority. SPC/CPL in leadership positions. In order to fill all BLC training
seats, non- promotable SPC/CPL with demonstrated leadership potential may
attend BLC only when all higher OML categories are exhausted.
(1) Meet height and weight standards IAW AR 600-9. Soldiers are allowed one re-
screening. The re-screening will be administered no earlier than seven days
after the initial height/weight assessment). Failure of initial height and weight
screening will result in a counseling and removed from all academic honors. If
a student passes the re-screening, the highest rating they may receive on the
1009A for Presence and Comprehensive Fitness is a MET STANDARDS.
(2) Be eligible for reenlistment and have an attendance recommendation from
their immediate commander.
(3) Have no suspension of favorable personnel actions (flags) or pending flags.
(4) Arrive fully capable of performing supporting individual tasks and tasks
required at the previous lower level course, e.g., basic training, SMCT Skill
Level 1, SSDI/DLC I.
(5) Pre-execution Check List (PEC), Post Reservation Check List (PRCL), and
complete NCOA packing list.
(a) Active Component (AC) Soldiers must bring an automated TASS Unit
Pre-execution Checklist (PEC), TRADOC Form 350-18-2-R-E with
them. This form is available for download from the TRADOC website:
(b) Soldiers have 72 hours to provide all required missing documents and
NCOA packing list items. Soldiers who fail to provide required missing
documents and/or items within the established timeline will be
disenrolled and returned to their unit.
(c) Common Access Card (CAC): All Soldiers attending BLC are required
to have CAC.
(d) Student qualifications in meeting prerequisite tasks are an individual
and unit commander’s responsibility. Upon arrival, Soldiers must
possess the capability of performing supporting individual Skill Level 1
b. Soldiers with temporary profiles preventing full participation in a course that are not a
result of operational deployment, will be removed or deferred from school attendance
consideration by their immediate commander, until the temporary profile is removed
or the student can complete all course graduation requirements.
c. Soldiers with a permanent designator of “2” in the physical profile must include a
copy of DA Form 3349 (Physical Profile) as part of the course application. They will
be eligible to attend courses (to include PME) and train within the limits of their
profile, provided they can meet course graduation requirements. Soldiers with a
permanent designator of “3” or “4” in their physical profile must include a copy of DA
Form 3349, and the results of their MOS Administrative Retention Review as part of
the course application.
d. Soldiers who have been before a MOS Administrative Retention Review and retained
in their MOS or reclassified into another MOS are eligible to attend appropriate
courses (to include PME) and train within the limits of their physical profile (DA Form
3349). Commandants will not disenroll or deny enrollment of Soldiers into the course
based on physical limiting conditions on their physical profile, IAW MOS
Administrative Retention Review adjudication.
e. Pregnant Soldiers: Soldiers who are pregnant prior to the course may not attend BLC
until medically cleared. A Soldier who is diagnosed as pregnant while attending BLC
may continue, provided written documentation from the doctor states she can
participate in all course physical requirements. Soldiers medically dis-enrolled for
pregnancy after enrollment are eligible to return to the course when medically
f. NCOAs will deny enrollment to Soldiers failing to meet any one of the above
prerequisites. NCOA commandants will not supplement these mandatory enrollment
a. Reserve component (RC) Soldiers must report with the Post Reservation Checklist
(PRCL), which took effect in April 2011, for U.S. Army Reserve and Army National
Guard Soldiers. The PRCL must be completed by the Soldier's unit two days prior
the report date. If the PRCL is not completed, the Soldier's reservation will be
canceled. Due to the use of the PRCL, Reserve component (RC) Soldiers attending
BLC at an RC NCOA will not need a TRADOC Form 350-18-2-R- E, PEC, as the
information has already been verified through the PRCL.
b. Orders. You will not report or travel for institutional training courses (IDT, ADT, or AT)
without proper orders. Ensure to bring at least five copies of your orders with you. For
DTS Orders (DA Form 1610) it must have an authorization number. Ensure that you
receive orders at least 30 days prior to the course reporting date IAW TRADOC Reg.
350-18, para 3-19 and state that it is to attend Basic Leader Course.
c. DA Form 3349 (Profile) and Military Medical Review Board (MMRB) Results. (If
Applicable) Soldiers with permanent profiles bearing a numerical designator “2”, “3”
or ”4” under any of the areas covered under the acronym PULHES must bring a copy
of DA Form 3349 (see enclosure 3) and paragraph 3 for details. This Form must be
completed IAW AR 40-501.
e. One copy of DA Form 705 (Administered 60 days prior to the course). DA Form 705
must be completed correctly and include height and weight screening.
f. DA Form 5500/5501. Must provide two copies of DA Form 5500 / 5501 or height and
weight certification memo if applicable.
1-14. Finance:
a. Students are recommended to activate and bring their government credit card for
unexpected travel expenses.
b. A certificate of attendance will be issued to ARNG Soldiers and Soldiers from USAR
will have their orders signed, so pay can be processed at his/her parent unit.
c. Be sure to bring sufficient funds for the training period since a request for partial pay
cannot be processed at this institution.
d. Students should bring $50.00 dollars cash for incidentals.
1-15. Religious Services:
The Fort Allen area doesn’t have religious services available, but can be arrange if request
1-16. Valuables:
You are reminded that the safekeeping of valuables is a personal responsibility. It is
recommended that high dollar personal valuables not be brought to the Academy.
a. Students will conduct themselves in the manner expected of an NCO. This includes
demonstrating law abiding personal conduct and behavior, both on and off duty.
The NCOA Commandant may release students from the course for any conduct
or behavior that violates any local, state, or federal law, or for any conduct or
behavior that violates any Department of Defense (DOD), Army, or local policy. This
includes, but is not limited to substantiate cases of violation of the honor code (oral
or written, sworn or unsworn), cheating, plagiarism, and improper relationships, for
example: (senior-subordinate or student-cadre). The following are examples of
leadership deficiencies, but are not all inclusive:
3-2. Responsibilities:
The Facilitators are responsible for the overall administration, billeting, safety,
messing and processing of all students. In addition, Facilitators have the
responsibility of conducting squad training and rendering assessments of the
students to include making on the spot corrections and counseling. General student
leadership responsibilities include:
a. Attending all classes with their assigned small group.
b. Organizing the student company for formation.
c. Giving and receiving accurate accountability reports and accountability of students.
d. Disseminating information down to the members of each team ensuring subordinate
leaders are kept informed at all times.
e. Movement when directed by the training schedule.
f. Maintaining areas of responsibility to include barracks, classrooms, and
outside/common areas.
g. Reporting violations of instructions or policies to the facilitator's NCO Support
Channel as soon as possible.
h. Briefing the new student leader when leadership positions change.
a. Responsible for the police and orderliness of the Academy area as a whole.
b. Having 100% accountability of platoon member at all times.
c. Other responsibilities as directed by the facilitator NCO Support Channel.
a. Ensuring platoon members are awake at first call and preparing for formation.
b. Having 100% accountability of platoon members at all times.
c. Performing additional duties as directed by the facilitator NCO Support Channel.
a. Keeping the student NCO Support Channel informed of squad/team members who
need help with problems.
b. Checking each member of the squad/team at first call to ensure that they are awake
and preparing for first formation.
c. Checking the squad/team at all formations to ensure that all members are present
and in the proper uniform.
d. Having 100% accountability of squad/team members at all times.
e. Performing additional duties as directed by the facilitator NCO Support Channel.
4-1. Standards:
The NCOA is dedicated to the principle of leading by example.
a. Military Courtesy: Students will maintain the highest standards of military courtesy
while at the Academy. Appropriate greetings and courtesies of visiting officers and
NCOs will be observed. One important exception is when classes are in progress.
Under no circumstances will a class be disrupted for the purpose of courtesy. The
priority of training takes precedence at the Academy and visitors will understand.
b. Personal Appearance: You are required to attain and maintain a high standard of
appearance at all times. Strict adherence to standards outlined in AR 670-1. There
are no exceptions.
c. Honor Code: Honor is the guiding principle of every endeavor involving the
profession of the Army. Integrity is a basic attribute demanded of every
Noncommissioned Officer. This personal quality requires, among other things, that
“Your work must be your own.” Performance assessments are given throughout the
course. Each individual student prepares presentations. This work is assessed based
on individual effort. Each student’s work will be entirely original in every manner. The
copying of another student’s work violates the intent of the Honor Code. Students are
encouraged to work together, utilizing the team concept; however, the final result will
be original. The honor system does not cease with academic honor and integrity. It
also applies to the observance and adherence to rules, regulations, and policies. To
knowingly violate a rule, regulation or policy whether or not this violation is
discovered, is a discredit to your word of honor. It is your responsibility as a student
and as an NCO to report violations of rules, regulations, and policies immediately to
the chain of command. Failure to do so is a violation of the Honor Code, and any
violation of the Honor Code is grounds for dismissal.
4-2. Reassessments:
c. Soldiers are allowed no more than two reassessment during their enrollment in the
BLC; additional reassessment are not authorized. Soldiers who require and pass a
reassessment will receive the minimum passing score of 70% for that event and will
automatically be removed from class honors consideration. The highest final grade
for an assignment a student can obtain on a reassessment is 70% (regardless of the
scored obtained). If a student fails the reassessment or requires more than two
reassessments, they will be recommended for dismissal from BLC.
4-3. Inspections:
Military inspections are required to ensure adherence to standards and overall
preparedness. BLC cadre and Learner leaders will conduct in-ranks, classroom, standby,
and barracks (for safety and general cleanliness only) inspections –announced and
unannounced. Students will be properly prepared for inspections at all times while attending
the course.
4-4. Formations:
Formations are conducted IAW TC 3-21.5 and occur at designated or unannounced times.
Attendance is mandatory and only the facilitator can authorize an absence. Under normal
conditions, students will march at the position of attention. When uneven surface conditions
exist, formations are marched at “At Ease” or “Route Step.” Horseplay or unprofessional
conduct will not be tolerated under any circumstance.
e. Spot Report: A type of counseling. It is an “on the spot” counseling used to conduct
immediate written counseling for both positive and negative events. Facilitators may
issue positive spot reports or conduct adverse counseling as warranted within 72
hours of the infraction. Students with negative counseling or adverse spot reports are
not eligible for achievement awards or graduation honors.
4-7. Leaves:
Individuals departing on emergency leave will receive an administrative release. The
student’s parent organization is responsible for preparing and processing the leave request.
4-8. Meals:
Facilitator will release students for meals IAW the BLC training schedule. At no time, will
students be allowed to leave the installation during the duty hours to pick-up or consume
their meals.
a. The Commandant directs that only those students who fall in the categories listed
below attend a one-hour mandatory study hall as annotated on the training schedule:
4-11. Attendance:
Disciplinary elimination will result from any unauthorized absences after being late for
formation two times. Attendance at all classes is mandatory. Soldiers cannot miss any
graduation requirements. Students missing class must make the material up on their own
prior to graduation, if the Commandant feels you cannot make up the time you may be
considered for release from the course. Attendance at training events is mandatory for all
students. Any student who has an official or medical appointment, quarters, or any
emergency that causes him to miss four or more academic hours (special circumstances
will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Commandant) of programmed instruction
will be considered for release from the course. All training is critical and time does not
permit the student to recover before moving on to next subject.
4-12. Complaints and Grievances:
Students should address complaints and grievances to their facilitators, senior facilitator or
the Chief of Training (COT) at any time. Every effort will be made to resolve issues at the
lowest level possible. The Commandant’s Open Door Policy applies to all students enrolled
in the course. Should a student’s concerns not be resolved while utilizing the NCO Academy
facilitator chain of command, they may request to speak with the Commandant. No student
will be denied the right to speak with the Commandant IAW his Open Door Policy, nor there
any repercussions for such a request.
a. Commandant’s List: This list will not exceed 20% of the class enrollment. If the
student passes all initial assessments; receives a cumulative attributes and
competencies average of 480 or higher on the 1009A; passes the U.S. Army fitness
requirements during the course; and receives no negative counseling; they are
eligible to receive this honor.
b. Distinguished Leadership Award: There is only one Distinguished Leadership
Award recipient. Eligible nominees must appear before a board. The board will
designate the leadership award to the nominee who receives the board's highest
evaluation. The nominee must meet the following prerequisites:
d. Honor Graduate: This graduate is the student who demonstrated superior academic
achievement through the “Whole Soldier” concept. This graduate must meet the
following prerequisites:
(1) Must be eligible for the Commandant’s List
(2) Have the second highest overall academic grade point average (GPA)
(3) Have no adverse developmental counseling
a. SHARP Essay Award: This recognition is awarded to the Soldier with the best essay
within the class addressing sexual harassment/assault response and prevention from
within the army and making recommendations on how leaders at the SGT level can
implement potential solutions.
NOTE: In the event of a tie, the Commandant will establish a board or a competitive
exercise as a tiebreaker for these honors.
5-2. Dismissals:
a. Students may be considered for dismissal from courses for the following reasons:
(1) Personal conduct is such that continuance in the course is not appropriate (for
example, if a student violates regulations, policies, or established discipline
standards). No formal adjudication of guilt by a military or civilian court or by a
commander under UCMJ, Art. 15 is necessary to support dismissal under this
(2) Negative attitude or lack of motivation, either of which is prejudicial to the
interests of other students in the class.
(3) Academic deficiency demonstrated by failure to meet course standards or lack
of academic progress that makes it unlikely that the student can successfully
meet the standards established for graduation.
(4) Illness or injury (as determined by a physician), or added physical profile
(5) Compassionate reasons.
(6) Students enrolled as a military member retiring or leaving the military and not
continuing in a federal civilian capacity.
b. Students being considered for dismissal must have been counseled by the chain of
command, with an opportunity to correct deficiencies, prior to consideration for
dismissal. Counseling sessions will be documented and signed by all counselors and
acknowledged by the student. All counseling forms will be maintained with the
student’s records.
c. Dismissals for misconduct, lack of motivation, academic deficiency, or failure to
maintain physical readiness or body composition standards will be recorded on the
individual’s DA Form 1059, if applicable, in accordance with AR 623–3. Foreign
student dismissals will be handled in accordance with AR 12–15.
5-3. Appeals Process: Any student released from the course has a right to an appeal. An
appeal is a written request to the Commandant to reconsider his decision to release the
student from training. Other appeal information includes:
a. The training supervisor will notify the student in writing of the proposed action, the
basis for the action, the consequences of disenrollment, and the right to appeal. The
supervisor will advise the student that any appeal must be submitted within seven (7)
duty days after receipt of the written notification of the dismissal action.
b. The training supervisor will make a recommendation to the dismissal authority that
the student be dismissed from the course.
a. Out-processing.
(1) Students will inventory and turn in their computers to their facilitator. Students will
be charged for all damaged or missing items. Students will receive their hand-receipt
after being cleared or receiving a statement of charges.
(2) Students will clean all Academy areas to standard prior to being released for the
graduation ceremony. This includes (but not limited to) barracks, classrooms,
latrines, laundry rooms, outside areas, and police call areas.
NOTE: Equipment drawn from the Academy supply room will be cleaned and returned to
the supply room prior to graduation, minus those items needed for graduation. Barracks,
classrooms, and common areas will be cleaned and inspected prior to departure for the
graduation ceremony.
b. Graduation: Upon satisfactory completion of the BLC, a graduation ceremony is held
to recognize those students who have successfully met all course requirements.
Upon graduation, each student receives their out process packet:
NOTE: Graduation ceremony will be conducted on the last day of the course at 1100
(subject to change) at building 205. It is the student’s responsibility to notify their unit as to
the time and place of their graduation. Students should encourage family and friends to
arrive early as there are a limited number of seats. All students’ respective unit POC will be
responsible to coordinates the travel tickets after Graduation Ceremony.
5-6. Departure. Student's departure from this institution back to their destination will take
place at 1200 (subject to change) after the graduation ceremony.
NOTE: The Hurricane Season covers the period of 1st June to 30th November each year.
Before you report to the Course take all preventive measures to ensure family members and
property is secured.
2._______ TRADOC Form 350-18-2-R-E APR 2018 Unit Pre-Execution Checklist signed by Unit Commander
4._______ two Copies of a current periodic health assessment (PHA) within last twelve months IAW AR 40-501.
(If age 40 or over, have completed a cardio vascular screening as part of their PHA within the last five years.)
6._______ MAR2 / Medical Review Board (MMRB) Results (permanent profiles CAT 3/4, if applicable)
8._______ d. Structured Self-Development Level 1 (SSD-1) or Distributed Leader Course I (DLC-I) certification.
10._______ One copy of DA Form 5500 / 5501 or Height and weight certification memorandum (if applicable)
DOCUMENTATION AT IN-PROCESSING REF: TRADOC Regulation 350-18, dated 21 July 2010
PR-HS (40-501)
1. Reference: NGR 40-501, 15 Dec 94, Medical Fitness for National Guard
2. A Medical duty Review Board convened on 26 May 96/89099, at Camp Santiago Training Site,
Bldg., 588. The following personnel participated as Board Members:
SGT Faustino Rivera 000-00-0000, HHD 263rd Infantry, DX: Herniated Disc Cervical Spine,
Chronic, Asymptomatic. Recommendation: A Permanent Profile 2 (U) was given to the soldier.
No running, no jumping for APFT.
-----Original Message-----
From: Washispack, Calvin J Mr NGB-ARNG
[mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 11:59 AM
To: RTIs
Subject: RE: P3/P4 and the DA Form 3349
Importance: High
Please note: AR 40-501 has been revised Oct 02. The revision
changes procedures for signatures on the DA Form 3349 for P3/4
profiles. Last policy message stated that TPU/Traditional
Soldiers require a completed DA Form 3349 IAW AR 40-501. Under
the current policy, the DA Form 3349 only requires 2
signatures, one from the profiling officer, and one from the
approving authority (must be a Dr.). The Commander
is no longer required
to sign unless they disagree with the profile findings. The policy
does not supersede requirements from the Army Reserve or National
Guard Surgeon Generals or from AR 600-60 and NGR 40-501.
AGRs are still required to have a MMRB for a P3/P4 profile and are
required to have both documents for school enrollment.
TPU/Traditional Soldiers who have completed a MMRB are required to
have both documents for school enrollment.
Karen A. DiIullo
<<DiIullo, Karen A SGM.vcf>>
1. SPC Peco Rodriguez, 000-58-6654, is schedule to attend BLC, which requires soldier to have
1 year remaining in current enlistment.
2. Soldier is eligible, and will be paid a retention bonus; thus, he may reenlist/extent not earlier
than 3 months before ETS as specified below.
3. AR 600-200, para 7-6(1) states that Soldiers eligible for bonuses who are required to extend or
immediately reenlist in order to attend courses may defer that action until they are within 3 months
before their currently scheduled ETS. This is an exception to the policy in NGR 351-1 and any
other regulation requiring the remaining service.
John Doe
Option 1:
San Juan Airport to Fort Allen, Juana Diaz PR