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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 (Cagayan Valley)


Sinamar Norte, San Mateo, Isabela, 3318

3RD Quarter

INSTRUCTION.Read and analyze each question and choose the option that best answers the
question. Shade the letter of your answer in the provided answer sheet.

1. Which branch of Philosophy deals with the establishment of criteria of beauty?

A. Aesthetics B. Ethics C. Logic D. Metaphysics
2. Which branch of Philosophy deals with reasoning conducted according to strict principles of validity?
A. Aesthetics B. Ethics C. Logic D. Metaphysics
3. Which branch of Philosophy deals with the evaluation of human actions and the nature of moral virtue?
A. Aesthetics B. Ethics C. Logic D. Metaphysics
4. Which branch of Philosophy accounts for the unreal in terms of what we accept as real?
A. Aesthetics B. Ethics C. Logic D. Metaphysics
5. Which of the following tells about the etymology or origin of the term Philosophy?
A. Philosophy comes from two Greek words Philo and Sophia which means “to love” and “wisdom.

B. Philosophy comes from Confucian idea which says that deep thinking is essential to one’s well-
C. Philosophy comes from two Greek words Philo and Sophia which means “to argue” and “agree.”
D. Philosophy was coined by early philosophers which means reasoning.
6. Which of the following statements shows the relationship between Social Science and Philosophy?
A. Social Science and Philosophy are disciplines.
B. Social Science is a discipline under Philosophy.
C. Philosophy is a discipline under Social Science.
D. Philosophy is employed in many different disciplines in making arguments.
7. Which of the following statements shows the importance of Aesthetics to us?
A. It helps us understand better the nature and origin of knowledge.
B. It brings us in touch with our culture and arts.
C. It serves as a tool in unraveling the unknown.
D. It enables us to make plausible arguments.
8. Which of the following statements exemplifies the value of Ethics in Philosophy?
A. No man is an island.
B. All matters are composed of atoms.
C. Ideas are forms of thought representing the real objects.
D. Women are not inferior to men and that both must complement each other.
9. Which of the following statements makes Philosophy a science?
A. Philosophy is a science because reasoning itself is a science.
B. Philosophy is a science because it enables us to find answers to our questions.
C. Philosophy is a science because it helps other sciences in their quest for answers.
D. Philosophy is a science because it is an organized body of knowledge just like any other sciences.
10. Which of the following pertains to the Principle of Identity?
A. It means “everything is what it is.”
B. It means “a thing is either is or is not, there is no middle ground possible.”
C. It means “nothing exists without a sufficient reason for its being existence.”
D. It means “it is impossible for a thing to be and not to be at the same time, and at the same respect.”
11. Which of the following statements best describes the Principle of Non-Contradiction?
A. A cow is the same as beef.
B. Ice is a liquid matter in solid form.
C. If Ejie went to school then he is not anywhere else.
D. The same person is present in two places at the same time.
12. Which of the following scenarios best describes the Principle of Sufficient Reason?
A. Happy people are those who are contented with their lives.
B. Cats have nine lives because they can easily prevent accidents.
C. Ghosts as popularly known are spirits who could not be accepted either in hell or in heaven.
D. Anything afloat the atmosphere will fall down on Earth because gravity will work on it after sometime
in one way or another.
13. Which point of view looks at all aspects of a situation?
A. Holistic B. Reduction C. Partition D. Partial
14. Which point of view looks at limited number of aspects of the given problem or situation?
A. Holistic B. Complete C. Partition D. Partial
15. What does it require in doing philosophy?
A. Faulty thinking B. Critical thinking C. Irrational thinking D. Illogical thinking
16. What is the process of engaging oneself in matters of utility and methodologies to clear out any practical
problem or abstract idea?
A. Doing conclusions B. Doing arguments C. Doing logic D. Doing philosophy
17. Which of the following statements best describes the Latin Maxim “Minima Maxima Sunt”?
A. The small efforts are the greatest.
B. The smallest things are the most important.
C. The minimum wage is the maximum we can get.
D. The minimum standard of man is the maximum for humanity.
18. Which is the most important point of holistic approach?
A. Speculations and pure opinions.
B. Realities of grammar and language.
C. Priority of the wholeness of being over its parts.
D. Relevance of the parts to understand the whole.
19. Which of the following is an example of holistic perspective point of view?
A. Ejie acts as a mediator of his two friends having an argument rather than taking one side.
B. Right after watching a television show, Ejie concluded that everything he had watched is correct.

C. Ejie is member of a religious group, he claims that only their religion is teaching the true words of God.
D. Ejie condemns an artist that went viral in giving his opinion about the shutting down of a TV network.
20. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates a partial perspective point of view?
A. Watching videos over the internet.
B. Participating in a class discussion.
C. Referring to only one source of information for your position paper.
D. Listening to both of your teachers’ and parents’ advice on how to improve your grades.
21. Which among the following students may have already developed a broader philosophical perspective?
A. Maria, who regularly monitors the behavior of her classmates.
B. Kristina, who always chats with her classmates about their interests.
C. Francis, who rarely talks with his classmates, but is always observing them.
D. Princess, who always listens to all sides of the argument before giving any advice.
22. Which of the following statements explain how philosophy can answer moral dilemmas?
A. It is based on experiment in different laboratories.
B. It is based from experience of different philosophers.
C. It clings on hearsays and on what is trending in the social media platforms.
D. It provides theories and methodologies in understanding further the moral dilemmas.
23. Which of the following is a reason why philosophy is relevant as ever?
A. It continues to influence humanity C. It has meaning in the business world.
B. It is the foundation of critical thinking D. All of the given choices
24. Which of the following explains why pedantry among Filipinos is different from doing philosophy?
A. Pedantry is for Filipinos only and Philosophy is for Westerners.
B. Pedantry is useless knowledge while philosophy is a love for knowledge.
C. Pedantry means observance to all details while philosophy observes small details.
D. None of the given choices.
25. Which activity requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings, actions and learn from
A. Reflection B. Questioning C. Wondering D. Reasoning
26. Which of the following group of words is an example of philosophizing?
A. To see, hear, feel and think C. Answer, belief, understanding and
B. To know, understand, analyze and find answer D. Wonder, doubt, experience and seeking
27. Which of the following statements explain why do we need to have holistic perspective in doing
A. It cannot be used to know other’s history.
B. It gives us biased judgement in each problem or situation.
C. It helps us arrive at logical, sound and unbiased reasoning.
D. It makes us consider few things before making any conclusions.

What I Know
Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and encircle the letter that
28. Which of the following statement best defines holistic perspective?
A. It looks at all aspects of the problem or given situation.
B. All aspects are given importance when making conclusions.
C. All aspects are tied together to form a general overview.
D. All of the given choices.
29. Which of the following statement best defines partial perspective?
A. It looks at all aspects of the problem or given situation.
B. All aspects are tied together to form a general overview.
C. It looks at limited perspective of a given problem or situation.
D. All aspects are given importance when making conclusions.
30. Which of the following statements explain the importance of philosophical reflection?
A. It makes us more trustful in times of problems or crisis.
B. It creates confusion on what are the things to consider.
C. It gives us misperception on the different problems that we are facing.
D. It enables thought to be investigated using a deeper, holistic perspective.
31. Which of the following is a result of deliberate reflection?
A. Magnifying mistakes instead of learning from it.
B. Acting impulsively towards things and problems.
C. Commiting the same mistakes and not learning from it.
D. Evaluating and knowing the best choice from a set of options.
32. Which of the following is the correct definition of philosophical reflection?
A. It is the process by which a person undergoes a reflective state or evaluates his or her experiences
first before making any related action.
B. It is a process wherein a person examines his or her thought and yet acts impulsively or in a spur of a moment.
C. It is an activity only for the highly-intellectuals for it requires critical thinking and deep analysis.
D. It is purely theoretical but not necessarily can be applied to real situations or problems.
33. Which of the following refers to something that can be verified or proven to be true?
A. Opinion B. Belief C. Fact D. Assumption
34. Which of the following expresses someone’s belief, feeling, view, idea, or judgment about something?
A. Assumption B. Belief C. Fact D. Opinion
35. Which of the following Signal words convey opinion?
A. Confirms B. Discovered C. Demonstrated D. Argues
36. Which one is very important because it drives our desire to discover truth?
A. Evidence B. Doubt C. Belief D. Judgment
37. Which of the following questions identify facts?
A. Can the statement be proven or demonstrated to be true?
B. Can the statement be verified by witnesses, manuscripts or documents?
C. Can the statement be observed in practice or operation? Can you see it happen?
D. All of the given choices
38. Which of the following best describes an opinion?
A. Making a good choice. C. Something that can be proven.
B. A person’s thoughts or feelings about something. D. A person who can prove something
39. Which of the following is an example of fact?
A. All students have the same IQ.
B. Drinking liquor is prohibited to minors ages 17 below.
C. Staying under extremely hot places can protect you from COVID.
D. Sweeping at night according to some Filipino beliefs drives richest away.
40. Which of these sentences is not a fact stated in the paragraph?
Ejie was not helping, because he ran inside the house to call his grandparents to tell them about the
games. He had won a trophy for being the most valuable player, and his team has won all of their
games. He scored at least two goals in each of the games. He was extremely excited.
A. Ejie won a trophy at the soccer.
B. Ejie scored at least 2 goals in every game.
C. Ejie’s team won all of their games in the tournament.
D. Ejie was exhausted, but excited about the tournament.
41. Which of the following philosophers dubbed as the “Father of Modern Philosophy”?
A. Socrates B. Rene Descartes C. Immanuel Kant D. Friedrich Hegel
42. Which of the following is a kind of inquiry or examination that discloses people to themselves, making them
see what their opinions really amount to?
A. Socratic Method B. Dialectical Method C. Methodic Doubt D. Critical Method
43. Which of the following suggests that in knowing things we should focus on the analysis of the conditions
limits of knowledge?
A. Socratic Method B. Dialectical Method C. Critical Method D. Methodic Doubt
44. Which of the following is to think or express of oneself in a philosophical manner?
A. Method of Philosophizing B. Method of Philosophy C. Doing Philosophy D. Philosophy
45. Which of the following refers to the existence above and beyond the limits of material experience?
A. Limitation B. Transcendence C. Possibility D. Success
46. Which of the following is an example of bodily limitations of Transcendence?
A. Abusive relationships B. Socio-economic status C. Mental disorderD. Negative influences
47. Which of the following is not an example of bodily limitations of Transcendence?
A. Location of neighborhood B. Abusive relationships C. Illnesses D. Negative influences
48. Which of the following is not an example of social and environmental limitations of Transcendence?
A. Location of neighborhood B. Abusive relationships C. Illnesses D. Negative influences
49. Which of the following will not help you to overcome your limitations?
A. Proper mindset C. Clearly defined goals
B. Motivation to rise above challenges D. Competing with others
50. Which of the following does not belong to the limitations of Transcendence?
A. It varies across all people. C. It does not come at a specified period.
B. It may coincide with physical limitations of the body. D. It develops a positive outlook in life.

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SHS Teacher II Head Teacher III Principal IV

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