2023 AMC - Senior

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Senior Division

Questions 1 to 10 are worth 3 marks each.

1. What is the value of 2023 − 3202?

(A) −1221 (B) −1179 (C) 1179 (D) 1221 (E) 5225

2. A parallelogram P QRS has an area of 60 cm2 Q

and side P Q of length 10 cm.
Which length is 6 cm?
(A) RQ (B) RS (C) QT
(D) P T (E) QS


3. Which one of these is equal to 57 × 953?

(A) 321 (B) 4321 (C) 54 321 (D) 654 321 (E) 7 654 321

4. What is the difference between 25 and 52 ?

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 5 (E) 7

5. What is the value of the angle θ◦ in the

(A) 100◦ (B) 110◦ (C) 120◦
(D) 130◦ (E) 140◦

6. The shaded square is inscribed in the larger square 4 3

as shown.
What is the ratio of shaded to unshaded area in the 3 4
(A) 5 : 4 (B) 25 : 24 (C) 3 : 2 4 3
(D) 7 : 4 (E) 12 : 7
3 4

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7. Jemmy multiplies together all the integers from 1 to 18. What are the last three
digits of the result?
(A) 000 (B) 020 (C) 200 (D) 080 (E) 800

8. A fuel tank is 40% empty. Then 40 litres of fuel is removed. The tank is now
40% full. How many litres are in a full tank?
(A) 40 (B) 100 (C) 160 (D) 200 (E) 400

9. The volume V of a sphere of radius r is given by V = πr3 .
For a sphere of volume V = 100 cm3 , which of the following is closest to the radius?
(A) 2.9 cm (B) 3.5 cm (C) 5 cm (D) 5.8 cm (E) 10 cm

10. If I add 3 consecutive odd integers, I get a total of 9m + 3. The largest of these
3 integers is
(A) 3m − 3 (B) 3m − 1 (C) 3m (D) 3m + 1 (E) 3m + 3

Questions 11 to 20 are worth 4 marks each.

√ √
11. The value of ( 24 + 54)2 is
(A) 140 (B) 150 (C) 160 (D) 170 (E) 180

12. In a group of 6 people there are 3 pairs of twins. How many 3-member committees
can be chosen that do not contain any pair of twins?
(A) 0 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) 24 (E) 48

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a−1 − b−1
13. Assuming a > b > 0, the expression can be written as
a−2 − b−2
b−a b+a ab a2 − b2
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) a − b
ab ab b+a a−b

14. A bag contains red and yellow balls such that the ratio red : yellow is 5 : 7.
Then 10 balls of each colour are removed and the ratio changes to 5 : 8.
How many balls were originally in the bag?
(A) 48 (B) 60 (C) 72 (D) 84 (E) 96

15. In the solution to this number puzzle, whenever there are

three numbers in a straight line, the middle number is the
sum of the other two.
What is the value of x? a b
1 1 1
(A) (a + b + c) (B) (b − a − c) (C) (a + b − c)
2 2 2 x c
1 1
(D) (a − b + c) (E) (b + c − a)
2 2

16. If f (x) = 5 + x and g(x) = 7 − x, then f (g(x)) − g(f (x)) equals

(A) 10 − x (B) 7 (C) x + 2 (D) 10 (E) 2x − 2

17. The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle has length 6 cm. The perimeter of the
triangle is 14 cm.
What is the area of the triangle in square centimetres?
(A) 7 (B) 12 (C) 14 (D) 21 (E) 24

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18. I have two identical dice, each with faces

√ 1
1 √ 1 1 3
1, , 3, √ , √ and .
2 3 2 2



I roll both dice and multiply the two numbers
rolled, then simplify my answer. What is the 3 1
probability that this product is rational?

1 2
1 1 1 5 7
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
9 6 2 18 18

19. How many distinct pairs (x, y) satisfy x2 + y 2 < 50 if x and y are both positive
integers with x > y?
(A) 15 (B) 13 (C) 11 (D) 9 (E) 8

20. A 15 cm × 20 cm rectangle is cut into two triangles. One

triangle is rotated and placed on top of the other triangle
as shown to form a concave pentagon.
What is the perimeter of the pentagon?
(A) 80 cm (B) 84 cm (C) 93 cm
(D) 96 cm (E) 105 cm

Questions 21 to 25 are worth 5 marks each.

21. I have four numbers. When I add 3 to the first number, subtract 3 from the second
number, multiply the third number by 3 and divide the fourth number by 3, my
four answers are all equal.
My original 4 numbers added to 32. What is the sum of the largest two of these?
(A) 24 (B) 25 (C) 26 (D) 27 (E) 28

22. Antonio walked 11.5 km to his cousin Maria’s house.

At first he walked uphill, then along a flat part of the road and the final part was
downhill. The trip took 2 hours 54 minutes. The next day his walk back home took
3 hours 6 minutes. Antonio walks uphill at a constant speed of 3 km/h, on the flat
at 4 km/h and downhill at 5 km/h.
What is the length, in kilometres, of the flat part of the road?
(A) 4 (B) 4.5 (C) 5 (D) 5.5 (E) 6

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23. I think of two positive integers and call their sum S and their product P . Which
one of the following could not be the value of S + P ?
(A) 84 (B) 86 (C) 88 (D) 90 (E) 92

24. A solid regular tetrahedron has 4 faces, each an

equilateral triangle. It is suspended in the V
entomology laboratory. There are two food
sources on the tetrahedron, one at a vertex V and
the other at X, the centre of the opposite face.
When a geodesic grub is placed anywhere upon
the tetrahedron, it instinctively crawls along the
shortest possible path over the surface to the X
closest food source.
What fraction of the surface area is closer to V
than to X, in terms of paths along the surface?
1 1 1 2 3
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
4 3 2 3 4

25. Three spheres of radius 2 sit on a flat surface touching one another. A smaller
sphere sits on the same surface, in the middle and touching all three of the bigger
spheres. What is its radius?
√ √ p√ √ √ 3 2
(A) 2 3 − 2 2 (B) 2 3− 2 (C) 3 (D) (E)
2 3

For questions 26 to 30, colour in the bubbles on the answer sheet to record
whole-number answers from 0 to 999. See the back cover for more details.
Questions 26 to 30 are worth 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 marks respectively.

26. How many ways can you select four distinct equally spaced numbers from the set
{1, ..., 40}?

27. Digits a, b and c are chosen and then two six-digit numbers are formed, M with
digits abcabc and N with digits ababab. The ratio M : N is 55 : 54. What is the
3-digit number abc?

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28. Two wheels are fixed to an axle as shown.

120 cm
Due to their different sizes, the two wheels

105 cm
trace two concentric circles when rolled on
level ground.

70 cm
In centimetres, what is the radius of the
circle traced on the ground by the larger

29. Martin the gardener has 3 new vegetable beds, near the kitchen, laundry and shed.
Each year he will plant one bed with tomatoes, one with beans, and one with
carrots. He needs a schedule for planting that goes for 8 summers.
To balance the disease risk and soil nutrients, his schedule must follow these rules:

• A bed that has tomatoes one summer can’t have tomatoes next summer or the
one after.
• Carrots can’t be in a bed that had beans last summer.

In how many ways can he schedule his vegetable planting for these 8 summers?

30. A percussionist is practising patterns within an 11-beat bar of music. To visualise

this, she arranges 11 dots around a circle, with black dots representing a drum hit.
She reads this pattern of dots clockwise, starting at the top.
Her patterns have at least one black dot, no two adjacent black dots and two
patterns only count as the same if they are the same in every detail, including
where the pattern starts in the circle and the direction it is read.
For instance, patterns A and B below are two of her patterns, and they count as
different, even though B can be thought of as A starting on a different beat.
Pattern C is not one of her patterns, since it has two adjacent black dots.
How many drumming patterns like this are possible?


AMC2023 papers for online formatting 9/6/2023

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