Fifth Form - 1st Week - Past Continuous

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1st Week – 5th Form ______________________ 1


a. Read the story and search words in the dictionary: (Leer el texto y buscar las palabras desconocidas en el
Dear Diary, July 22nd 2008
Last week my father got a new job. I couldn’t write you because we
moved from Paris to Lille. My parents bought a cottage in a small
village near Lille and we moved there last weekend. I left my friends
and changed my school, so I was very sad. The cottage was pretty,
but it was very old on the day we moved there, I had a funny feeling
when I went inside.
I remember it was a lovely hot summer’s day, but it was freezing
inside the cottage. When I walked into the kitchen for the first time,
I felt really strange and uncomfortable.
On our first night, I went to bed at about ten
o’clock. My mum was watching TV, my dad was
sitting in his room and working with computer and my sister was listening to the radio. I
couldn’t sleep, so I read a book. While I was reading I heard a noise. I looked at the clock. It
was midnight. I was thirsty, so I went downstairs. I saw an old woman in our kitchen. She was
sitting at the table. I couldn’t believe it. I looked at her and suddenly she disappeared. I felt
really frightened. Who was she? Why was she sitting in our kitchen?
I will write you soon …
Love from Pier
b. Answer: (Responder las preguntas en base al texto leído)
1. Why did Pier and his parents move to Lille?
2. What kind of a house did they move?
3. What was the weather like when they moved in?
4. How did Pier feel inside his new home?
5. What were Pier’s parents and sister doing when he went to bed?
6. Why was Pier upset?
7. Who do you think the woman in Pier’s kitchen?
c. True or false (T/F): (Verdadero o falso)
1. Pier’s family moved from Lille to Paris.
2. His family bought a house in a small village.
3. Pier was very happy with his new school.
4. The cottage was new.
5. His mum was listening to the radio when he went to bed.
6. Pier was reading when he heard a noise.
7. The old woman was sitting in the kitchen.
d. Number the events in the correct order: (Numerar los eventos en el orden correcto)
He sees an old woman in the kitchen.
1 Pier’s father gets a new job.
The first night at the house he hears a noise.
The family buys a cottage in a small village near Lille.
The first time he walks into the kitchen he feels strange and uncomfortable.
The woman disappeared and he was frightened.
Pier changed his school.
He is thirsty and goes downstairs.
Área de Promoción de la Comunicación – Inglés
Centro Educativo para la Producción Total N° 28 La Unión – General Guido
1st Week – 5th Form ______________________ 2
was not
I was Was I working at home? Yes, you were. / No, you weren’t.
were not Were you studying
You were Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
working at home this weren’t English?
He morning. Was he sleeping? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.
studying English was not Was she working at
She was Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.
yesterday morning. wasn’t home?
It sleeping when the phone Was it sleeping? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.
rang. Were we studying
We Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t.
were not English?
weren’t Were they working at
They Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
ATENCION: En este módulo nos adentramos en un tema nuevo: PAST CONTINUOUS. Este tiempo verbal nos refiere a
una acción que OCURRIA en un determinado momento del pasado durante un periodo de tiempo. PAST CONTINUOUS
destaca la idea de continuidad de la acción. Como ven en la tabla anterior, este se forma así: TO BE en pasado (WAS –
WERE) + verbo terminado en –ing, es decir, similar al Present Continuous.

a. Complete the following sentences: (Usando la tabla como ayuda completa las oraciones con el P. CONTINUOUS)
1. I _____________ (watch) TV this morning.

2. You _____________ (read) a book during the storm.

3. He _____________ (listen to) music when she opened the window.

4. We ______________ (study) Geography when the bell rang.

5. Stefany ____________ (bake) a cake when his brother arrived home.

b. Write sentences from activity 2.a) in the negative.

c. Transform sentences from 2.a) into questions and answer as follows: (Transforma las oraciones de la actividad 2a

en preguntas y respóndelas como te indico) X=negativa ; =afirmativa

1. (X)

2. ()

3. (X)

4. ()

5. ()
Área de Promoción de la Comunicación – Inglés
Centro Educativo para la Producción Total N° 28 La Unión – General Guido
1st Week – 5th Form ______________________ 3
d. Look at the picture and complete the sentences: (Observa la imagen y contesta las preguntas)

1. Was Paul riding a bike? ___________________________________________

What was he doing? ___________________________________________
2. Was Ted surfing the net? ___________________________________________
What was he doing? ___________________________________________
3. Was Cynthia playing with the dog? ___________________________________________
What was she doing? ___________________________________________
4. Was Mrs. Smith cleaning the house? ___________________________________________
What was she doing? ___________________________________________
5. What were the boys doing? ___________________________________________
6. What were the boy and the girl doing? ___________________________________________
7. Was Mr. Smith swimming? ___________________________________________
What was he doing? ___________________________________________
8. What were the girls doing? ___________________________________________
Were the children playing basketball? ___________________________________________
9. What were they doing? ___________________________________________
10. What was the girl painting? ___________________________________________
Área de Promoción de la Comunicación – Inglés
Centro Educativo para la Producción Total N° 28 La Unión – General Guido

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