Probus VMS

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Probus Advanced Visitor

Management System
Features Of Advanced Visitor
Management System

Automate Process Securely User-Friendly Interface

No more writing in the visitor log-book Ingress VMS is designed with simple
by security guards / visitors. Manual recording of and user intuitive interface making it easy for
information is prone to errors & this will provide even a non-IT personnel to handle the system
management with wrong information during without much training, and guides are provided
emergencies. By having the process automated, to smoothen the process along the way
data accuracy is not dubious anymore.

On-Premises and Cloud Integrates with Several

Capabilities Management Software
You have the choice to host this solution Your managers can connect to various
over the cloud or through standalone, on CRM, HR, & IWPM software, creating an efficient
premises servers. organization.

E- Passes to Reduce Creates Appointments via

Carbon Footprint Web or App
Your organization can save paper and Admin and members can conveniently
money by using the e-pass displayed on a visitor’s create appointments from both web and app.
Customizable Emergency Draft and Deploy NDAs for
Alerts Visitors
Members can customize alerts to notify Require visitors to accept and sign NDAs
all or singular individuals of the concurrent before entry which would also respect their data
emergency’s type, timing, and severity. privacy.

Sends Notifications Group Visitor Entry

Admin and members can send relevant Get the convenient functionality of
notifications to anyone: themselves, employees, inviting a group of visitors in one go, for instances
visitors, and contractors like team meetings, negotiations, etc

Creates Blacklists for Individualized branding

Troublemakers Interface
Individuals who cause trouble can be You can customize QR codes and
added to blacklist to prevent future entry by your messages to your brand elements.

Easily Sorts All Entering GDPR - Compliant for Data

Individuals Privacy
Pass categorized by type of individual : The visitor management system is
walk-in visitors, pre-appointment visitors, compliant with the European Union’s GDPR laws

contractors, and employees. in case of European visitors.
Visitors Get Appointment Gets Walk-in Visitors
Link Approved
You need not worry about appointments Visitors who do not have an appointment
being missed, as the visitor gets a direct link via can be approved by host members after an
Text / Email. ID-check.

Issues Configurable Members Get In-App

Contractor Pass Notifications
Customized option that creates a detailed Members and hosts get notifications of
access pass for maintenance staff, delivery men, check-ins, check-outs, and emergencies.
plumbers, etc.

Parting Thank You at Visitor Sends Google Maps Link to

Check-out Visitor
When a visitor checks out, they receive On their smartphones and other devices,
a warm, customized message on Text / Email, visitors get convenient map locations of their
thanking them for their time. destination : your workplace.

Benefits of Visitor Management Solutions
VisItor Gate Pass
Company Name

✅ Streamline cumbersome, manual processes.

Location Name

✅ GatePass No : 001 Date: 26/01/2023 In Time: 12:43 P.M. Badge No: 43

Reduce costs.
✅ Gain better visibility into visitor activity
Visitor Name:

Moblie No:
Satyaprakash Varma


✅ Meet safety and compliance requirements Vehicle No: MH 14 CN 5125

✅ Integrate your other core systems


I am From:

ABC Company

✅ Manage multiple sites Host Details: Mr. Vijay VN - 1212

✅ Improved Security
Instruction: Test
Maintaince Test

✅ Enhanced Brand Image

✅ Reduced Overheads
Visitor Sign Security Sign Host Sign

VisItor Gate Pass

Company Name
Location Name

GatePass No : 056 Date: 16/11/2022 In Time: 04:12 P.M. Badge No: 23

Why Visitor Management System ?

Visitor Name: Anushka Singh

Moblie No: +91-9695969899

Impress Your Visitors Vehicle No: MH 02 SP 4579

✅ Improved Office Efficiency


I am From:

ABC Company

✅ Enhanced Data Security Host Details: Mr. Amit KN - 5410

✅ Modern Reception Instruction: Test

Maintaince Test

✅ Reduced Waiting Times

✅ Better On-Site Transparency
Visitor Sign Security Sign Host Sign
Few of Our Client

Thank You !

[email protected]


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