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Teknik Dergi, 2022 11661-11680, Paper 653

Preparation and Performance Testing of SBS Modified

Bitumens Reinforced with Halloysite and Sepiolite

Dilay UNCU1

In this study, halloysite and sepiolite nanoclays were used to reinforce SBS modified
bitumens. The nanoclays used are different from the materials in the literature and have
properties such as easy to find, economical and available from local sources. The mixing
parameters were determined before production process. The polymer additive SBS was
added into base bitumen at 3% and 5%, while the nanoclay additives were added into polymer
modified bitumen at 2% and 4% ratios. The morphological structures were investigated under
fluorescence microscope. Physical and rheological properties of the samples were compared.
The phase separation cases were investigated by storage stability test. Furthermore, rutting
performance of samples was measured with zero shear viscosity (ZSV) and multi stress creep
recovery (MSCR) test methods.
Keywords: Polymer modified bitumen, halloysite, sepiolite, dynamic shear rheometer, zero
shear viscosity, multiple stress creep recovery.

Bitumen is a mixture of aliphatic, aromatic, and naphthenic hydrocarbons and it is commonly
used in construction of roads [1]. Several types of failures (rutting, fatigue cracking and
thermal cracking) occur during the service life of asphalt pavements [2]. Bitumen is provided
to increase the low and high temperature performance, and to provide elasticity, and to reduce
permanent deformation by using various additives [3]. Modification of bitumen improves

- This paper was received on February 3, 2020 and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board on
November 9, 2020.
- Discussions on this paper will be accepted by May 31, 2020.
 https://doi.org/10.18400/tekderg.683568

1 Manisa Celal Bayar University, Department of Civil Engineering, Manisa, Turkey - [email protected]
2 Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Civil Engineering, İzmir, Turkey - [email protected]
3 İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Department of Material Science and Engineering, İzmir, Turkey -
[email protected] - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2584-7043
Preparation and Performance Testing of SBS Modified Bitumens Reinforced with …

performance properties like oxidation, aging resistance, temperature sensitivity, adhesion,

durability, rutting, and fatigue resistance [4, 5, 6].
In recent years, polymers having very long chain molecules consisting of several ordered
small molecules, are used for the modification of bitumen [7]. The prevalent used polymers
from the group of elastomeric block copolymers [8] and Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS)
belongs to this group enhances the elasticity of bitumen. However, weak compatibility
between SBS and bitumen causes separations especially at high storage temperatures. Thus,
when the modified bitumen is exposed to heat, ultraviolet light and oxygen, the separation
becomes even worse due to the unsaturated bonds in SBS [9, 10, 11]. The search for new
additives has been done to eliminate this problem. Recently, nanomaterials as new additives
have been used in many engineering fields.
At least one dimension of nanomaterials is between 1 and 100 nanometers. Nanomaterials
show better and varied properties according to normal sized materials by means of high
surface area and their small size [12]. Significant development is obtained in mechanical,
thermal and barrier properties of bitumen by addition of several nanomaterials for
modification [10, 13]. Furthermore, the rutting resistance and fatigue cracking are improved
by usage of nanomaterials in bitumen and bituminous mixtures according to some researches
in the literature [12].
Nanomaterials are used as additives in polymer modified bitumens (PMB) and also used
alone for modification. The parameters like type of nanomaterials, ratios of additives, mixing
method and conditions are used in these studies vary. According to the studies, 3-6%, 2-5%
and 3-7% ratios of SBS are commonly used [10, 13, 14]. When the studies are examined, it
is seen that nanoclays are mostly used as nanomaterial additives and the use of
montmorillonite, which belongs to smectite clay group that the distance between layers is
high, is quite common among nanoclays [10, 15, 16, 17]. The reasons for preference of
nanoclays are easily attainability from natural sources and being economic. The usage
percentages of nanoclays are 2%, 3% and 4% in general [14, 15, 18, 19]. Nanoclay addition
solves separation, storing and transportation problems with reducing the density difference
between bitumen and polymer [10, 20]. In addition, it has been observed that with this
modification process, there are significant improvements in the thermal, mechanical and
barrier properties of bituminous binders [10, 12, 13]. The reason for this improvement is that
nanomaterials show different and superior properties due to their small sizes and high surface
areas compared to other normal sized materials [12].
The properties of the samples were researched by conventional methods and compared with
each other. The morphological structures of modified bitumen samples were investigated
under fluorescence microscope. The rheological properties were utilized by DSR. The upper
critical temperatures determined according to the Superpave Performance Grading (PG)
system for base and modified bitumen samples using rutting parameter (G*/sin). The loading
and temperature effects on the unaged and aged bitumens performance were analysed at five
different temperatures from 40°C to 80°C with 10°C increment at low frequency (0.01 Hz)
and high frequency (10 Hz) levels. Rutting performances of all bitumen samples were also
investigated with zero shear viscosity (ZSV) and multiple stress creep recovery (MSCR)


2.1. Materials
The base bitumen with a penetration grade of 50/70 was procured from Tupras Refinery,
Aliaga/Izmir. Penetration [21] softening point [22], viscosity [23], rolling thin film oven test
[24] and, in addition, penetration, softening point tests after RTFOT [21, 22] were performed
as conventional test methods for characterizing the properties of the base bitumen. Brookfield
Viscometer was used for viscosity test results at 135°C and 165°C. The results obtained from
these tests are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - The properties of the base bitumen

Test Specification Results Specification limit

Penetration (25°C; 0.1
ASTM D5 65 50-70
Softening point (°C) ASTM D36 53.7 46-54
Viscosity at 135°C (cP) ASTM D4402 425 -
Viscosity at 165°C (cP) ASTM D4402 112.5 -
Rolling thin film oven
ASTM D2872
test (RTFOT)
Change of mass (%) 0.16 0.5 (max.)
Retained penetration
ASTM D5 82 50 (min.)
Softening point after
ASTM D36 58.3 48 (min.)
Flash point (°C) ASTM D92 334 230 (min.)

Kraton® D1101 is used as a modifier of bitumen for roads. The SBS block copolymers are
composed of blocks of styrene and butadiene and the properties belong to SBS in this study
are seen in Table 2.
In this paper, halloysite and sepiolite were used for reinforcing PMB with a high shear mixer.
These are two different Turkish natural clays that are abundant in Turkish mines and they
have two different distinct shapes at the nanoscale. Sepiolite is a needle like structure that
can reinforce the matrix. The other clay Halloysite is natural clay that has tubular structure
at the nanoscale. The morphology is different and thus the rheology and the asphalt
reinforcement are different compared to sepiolite. These two clays are close in chemical
composition to layered clays like montmorillonite. In this study these two nanoclays were
used as alternative additives for modification.
The above mentioned nanoclays were supplied from ESAN Company for adding into PMB
and producing nanocomposites. The contents of halloysite and sepiolite nanoclays are
depicted in Table 3 and 4.

Preparation and Performance Testing of SBS Modified Bitumens Reinforced with …

Table 2 - Typical properties of Kraton® D1101 SBS [25]

Property Test Method Units
Elongation at break ISO 37 % 880
Tensile strength ISO 37 Mpa 33
Specific gravity ISO 2781 0.94
Hardness, Shore A
Hardness, shore A(30 sec) ISO 868 72
(30 sec)
300% Modulus ISO 37 MPa 2.9
Melt flow ratio, 200°C/5kg ISO 1133 g/10 min. <1
ASTM D 1895
Bulk density kg/dm3 0.4
method B

Table 3 - Chemical analysis of halloysite

Content SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO Na2O K2O
16.50 43.00 37.50 0.70 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.05 0.30
±1.00 ±1.50 ±1.50 ±0.10 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.01 ±0.05

Table 4 - Chemical analysis of sepiolite

Content SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO Na2O K2O

(%) 18.45 0.84 0.218 0.029 21.64 22.27 0.13 0.11

2.2. Preparation of Samples

The samples were produced by a high shear mixer at 180°C and 2000 rpm. In this method
SBS was added into the base bitumen and mixed for 15 minutes firstly. Then halloysite and
sepiolite were added into the mixture and mixed for 45 minutes more. These production
parameters were determined in the light of the literature as a result of viscosity measurements.
3% and 5% ratios were selected for SBS as the weight of the base bitumen according to
minimum and maximum ratios in the literature [26, 27] and similarly nanoclays were used at
2% and 4%.

2.3. Test Methods

2.3.1. Conventional Bitumen Tests
The conventional bitumen tests were implemented for bitumen samples. Penetration [21],
softening point [22], viscosity [23], storage stability [28], rolling thin film oven test (RTFOT)


[24], and in addition, penetration and softening point after RTFOT were applied on all
samples. The results of viscosity were measured at 135°C and 165°C.

2.3.2. Morphological Structure

Fluorescent microscope was operated for investigating the morphological structure of the
samples. The morphology term is used to define the properties of microstructure between
bitumen and polymer [29]. Fluorescent microscopy helps to understand the morphologic
structure of samples by examining the quality of the dispersion. The working principle of
fluorescent microscopy is that polymers swell due to absorption of some of the components
of the base bitumen under fluoresce in ultraviolet light. The bitumen phase looks dark or
black and the polymer phase seems light [30]. Leica DMEP fluorescent microscope was used
for investigating the images of all modified bitumen samples.

2.3.3. Rheological Test Methods

Dynamic rheological tests were applied to define the viscous and elastic behaviour of
bitumen samples by using DSR. The tests were implemented with parallel plates and the
diameter of plates was 25 mm with 1 mm gap. The unaged and RTFOT aged samples are
subjected to DSR tests.
The viscous and elastic behaviour of bitumen as represented by the complex shear modulus
(G*), shear storage modulus (G'), shear loss modulus (G") and phase angle () are measured
by DSR. Rutting and fatigue behaviours are represented with G* and . The G*/sin and
G*.sin are defined as rutting resistance and fatigue cracking performance parameters
respectively [24].
Lately, it has been stated that G*/sin parameter is not efficient and unsuccessful for
predicting the rutting performance. For this reason, as an alternative to G*/sin, the value of
zero shear viscosity is recently used. ZSV is the viscosity measured in shear deformation,
when the shear rate approaching zero [25]. In this study, determination of ZSV was
performed by the implementation of creep test.
In this creep test, a constant shear strain is applied to the bitumen sample, and the exiting
strain is observed for a prespecified period of time. If the stress is applied for a sufficient
period, the bitumen deformation rate takes a constant value corresponding to the steady state
flow of bitumen. At this stage, the viscosity is determined as the steady state viscosity or the
ZSV [26]. The ZSV values have been estimated by implementation of creep test at 60°C and
the test was carried out according to CEN/TS 15325 standard [27]. The creep test geometry
is composed of 25 mm parallel plates. The gap between the plates is 1 mm. The value of
stress is 10 Pa for base bitumen and 30 Pa for modified bitumens. Each creep test proceeds
for 30 minutes. Time-creep and time-creep compliance graphs are obtained at the end of the
test. When it reaches steady state, the curve of time-creep compliance becomes closer to the
line. The slope of the time-creep compliance curve in the last 15 minutes (900 seconds) before
removing the load is calculated by the following Eq. (1) with the average slope Δt/ΔJ stable
viscosity value is zero shear viscosity.

Preparation and Performance Testing of SBS Modified Bitumens Reinforced with …

ZSV= ∆t⁄∆J= 900⁄ Jf -J15 (1)

In Eq. (1) J15 symbolizes the compliance stated in Pa−1, measured last 15 minutes before
removing the loading, Jf is the compliance stated in Pa−1, measured at the end of the 30
minutes. The expression 900 is indicated the time interval between the two measurements as
seconds [28].
The latest development to the Superpave Performance Graded (PG) Asphalt Binder
specification is the multiple stress creep and recovery (MSCR) test. DSR is used for the test
and the test is applied to short term aged samples [29]. The MSCR test was performed
according to ASTM D7405-08 standard [30]. 25 mm parallel plates with 1 mm gap and 60°C
temperature value are used for the test. The bitumen sample is exposed to creep loading and
unloading cycle of 1 s and 9 s, at 100 Pa and 3200 Pa stress levels and 10 cycles for both
stress levels. Two main parameters, the non-recoverable creep compliance (Jnr) and percent
recovery (%rec), are calculated from the test results for evaluating the rutting sensibility. The
difference in Jnr between two stress levels is calculated to detect the stress sensibility of the
sample and expressed as percentage Jnr,diff.

2.4. Result and Discussions

2.4.1. Conventional Test Results
The conventional properties of the samples are presented in Table 5. In the table, halloysite
and sepiolite were shortened as “Hal” and “Sep” respectively.
The test results of conventional bitumen tests indicated that all modified samples had a
remarkable decline in penetration and increment in temperature of softening point according
to base bitumen. Table 5 shows decline in penetration values and an increment in softening
point temperature especially for 3% SBS and nanoclay modified bitumen samples. A less
decrease in penetration value is identified for 5% SBS and modified bitumen samples
reinforced with nanoclay. Softening point temperatures of 5% SBS + 2% Hal and 5% SBS +
2% Sep modified bitumen are lower than 5% SBS modified bitumen, 5% SBS + 4% Hal and
5% SBS + 4% Sep modified bitumen have close values with 5% SBS modified bitumen.
After short term aging, a decrease is observed in penetration values in all samples except 3%
SBS + 2% Sep and 3% SBS + 4% Sep modified bitumen. In softening point temperatures
after short term aging, 3% SBS and nanoclay modified bitumen samples have lower values
according to 3% SBS modified sample. It is thought that nanoclays prevent aging of PMB
due to complicated oxygen diffusion. In 5% SBS and nanoclay modified bitumen samples,
softening point temperatures increased except 5% SBS + 2% Sep modified bitumen. It is
predicted that the amount of nanoclays has been insufficient and properties of polymer has
become dominant.
The flow resistances of all samples were obtained by viscosity values. The viscosity test
results are lower at high temperature values because the bitumen samples became more
viscous. All modified bitumen samples had high viscosity values according to the base
bitumen for both temperatures. The addition of 3% SBS roughly increased the viscosity
values two times and the addition of 5% SBS increased viscosity four times. The nanoclay


Preparation and Performance Testing of SBS Modified Bitumens Reinforced with …

addition into the PMB also increased the viscosity values. The 3% SBS + 4% Sep has the
highest viscosity for two temperatures between 3% SBS and nanoclay modified bitumens.
The 5% SBS + 4% Sep has the highest viscosity at 135°C and the 5% SBS + 4% Hal has the
highest viscosity at 165°C between 5% SBS and nanoclay modified bitumens. The increment
in viscosity is permitted in the specification up to 3000 mPa s at 135°C. The reason of the
limitation is that the too high viscosity values negatively affect the bitumen workability.
When the results of the viscosity test are examined, this undesirable situation isn’t occurring
for any samples.
The penetration index value expresses the temperature sensitivity of the bituminous binder
and there is an inverse proportion between them. Increase of penetration index is an indicator
about decrease of sensitivity to temperature. Penetration Index value less than -2 indicates
that bitumen is very sensitive to temperature, and the value greater than +2 indicates that it
is less sensitive to temperature [38]. The penetration indexes of all modified bitumen samples
increased compared to base bitumen, so their sensitivity to temperature decreased. The
polymer additive is more effective in decreasing the temperature sensitivity compared to the
penetration index values, and the increase in the additive ratio decreased the sensitivity.
The lower storage stability values are better and it is desirable that the difference in softening
point between the upper and lower does not exceed 5°C in the specification. When the test
results of the modified bitumens are examined, the storage stability values are improved by
adding nanoclay into the SBS modified bitumen. Only the storage stability of the SBS
modified bitumen sample was above the limit value in the 3% SBS modified group, and the
addition of nanoclays reduced the storage stability values to below the limit value of 5°C.
The bitumen samples containing sepiolite have lower storage stability values than the
bitumen samples containing halloysite. All the samples are seen to exceed the limit value in
5% SBS modified group due to the increase in the percentage of polymer. The storage
stability values worsen as the percentage of polymer increases. In the previous studies in the
literature, it is found that the increase in the amount of polymer negatively affects the storage
stability [39, 40, 41] and it is stated that storage stability of polymer modified asphalts
depends on many factors, especially asphalt composition, polymer characteristics and content
[39]. However, with the addition of nanoclay, the storage stability values did not fall below
the limit value, but lower values were obtained.

2.4.2. Examination of Morphological Structure

Thin section specimens were taken after completion the production of all modified bitumens.
The specimens were examined under fluorescence microscopy and the information of the
additives distribution in the bitumen phase was obtained. Dispersion of thin section
specimens between lame and lamella of modified bitumens containing nanoclays has become
more difficult, so this situation overlaps with increasing viscosity values.
When only the polymer modified sample in Figure 1.a is examined from the 3% modified
bitumen samples, it is seen that the polymers have spread to the bitumen phase but formed
thin bond structures. These bonds have gained volume and have spread to more areas in the
bitumen phase with the addition of nanoclays in Figure 1.b, c and d. The microscope image
of 3% SBS + 4% Sep modified bitumen sample cannot be obtained because of insufficient
dispersion amount, so polymers and nanoclays cannot be distinguished in the image.


Figure 1 - Images of 3% polymer and nanoclay modified bitumen samples (10x)

(a) 3% SBS modified bitumen sample (b) 3% SBS + 2% Hal modified bitumen sample
(c) 3% SBS + 4% Hal modified bitumen sample
(d) 3% SBS + 2% Sep modified bitumen sample

Figure 2 - Images of 5% polymer and nanoclay modified bitumen samples (10x)

(a) 5% SBS modified bitumen sample (b) 5% SBS + 2% Hal modified bitumen sample
(c) 5% SBS + 4% Hal modified bitumen sample

As seen in Figure 2.a, b and c, 5% PMB samples, more intensive bonds were formed,
dispersion and occupied area of additives were increased with the usage of nanoclays in the
PMB is shown by Figure 2.a, b and c. Similarly, due to the insufficient dispersion amount,
the images of 5% SBS + 2% Sep and 5% SBS + 4% Sep modified bitumen samples were not

Preparation and Performance Testing of SBS Modified Bitumens Reinforced with …

2.4.3. Dynamic Shear Test Results

Unaged and RTFOT aged bitumens were exposed to oscillatiion by DSR at 10 rad/s
frequency (1.59 Hz) for determining upper critical temperature for PG system. The initial
temperature values were set to 52°C and 64°C for respectively unaged and short term
(RTFOT) aged bitumens with increments of 6°C. The upper critical temperatures were
specified for each sample according to G*/sinδ results. The temperature is indicated the upper
critical temperature at G*/sinδ is 1.0 kPa for unaged bitumen, and G*/sinδ is 2.2 kPa for short
term aged bitumen sample [24]. The upper critical temperatures for each bitumens are seen
in Table 6.

Table 6 - Determination of PG upper critical temperatures for base and modified

bitumen samples
Temperature G*/sin δ (Pa) Upper Critical
Type of Bitumen
(°C) Unaged Aged Temperature
Base bitumen 64 1622 4080 64-X
70 1784 3611
3% SBS 70-X
76 931.8 2111
70 1834 4335
3% SBS + 2% Hal 70-X
76 892.4 2160
76 1059 4158
3% SBS + 4% Hal 76-X
82 562.1 2107
70 1877 3536
3% SBS + 2% Sep 70-X
76 986 1730
70 1601 4225
3% SBS + 4% Sep 70-X
76 965.8 2027
76 1776 3225
5% SBS 82 1184 1710 76-X
88 769.1 -
76 2018 3322
5% SBS + 2% Hal 82 1101 1767 76-X
88 612.8 -
76 2115 2613
5% SBS + 4% Hal 82 1353 1464 76-X
88 909.9 -
76 2331 3240
5% SBS + 2% Sep 82 1410 1719 76-X
88 904.6 -
76 2180 3444
5% SBS + 4% Sep 82 1410 1804.57 76-X
88 938.2 -


It can be inferred from Table 6 that PG upper critical temperatures of modified bitumen
samples are higher than base bitumen. The performance grades of modified bitumen samples
have been risen one degree for 3% SBS modified group, and two degrees for 5% SBS
modified group. The higher upper critical temperature is an indicator value of higher
permanent deformation resistance.
The RTFOT aged bitumen samples were exposed to oscillation by DSR at low (0.01 Hz) and
high (10 Hz) frequency levels at five temperatures ranging from 40°C to 80°C with 10°C
increments. The variation of G*/sinδ values of base and modified bitumens at two frequency
values are presented in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Figure 3 - G*/sinδ values of base and modified bitumen samples at 0.01 Hz

Figure 4 - G*/sinδ values of base and modified bitumen samples at 10 Hz

As can be seen in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, concerning all samples, G*∕sinδ values increase with
decrease in temperature at two frequency values. The increase in G*∕sinδ value specifies
higher rutting performance. Furthermore, expectedly G*∕sinδ values increase with increasing

Preparation and Performance Testing of SBS Modified Bitumens Reinforced with …

frequency for all samples. This is owing to the rheological behavior of bitumen by reason of
exhibiting elastic behaviour the bitumen under high frequency level or shorter loading times
The rutting parameter of modified bitumen samples have been significantly increased at two
different frequencies and five different temperatures according to the base bitumen. The
G*/sinδ values improved by addition of SBS into the base bitumen, have been increased by
addition of nanoclays into the PMB. This case is evidently observed on modified bitumen
samples containing 5% SBS. 5% SBS + 4% Sep has the highest G*/sinδ value at low
frequency and 5% SBS + 4% Hal has the highest G*/sinδ value at high frequency among the
aged bitumen samples. These modified bitumen samples are the most resistant samples even
as a result of expose to aging.

2.4.4. Zero Shear Viscosity Test Results

The results of ZSV for all bitumen samples obtained by DSR performed with creep mode are
illustrated in Figure 5.

Zero Shear Viscosity (Pa)


Figure 5 - ZSV values for base and modified bitumen samples

As seen in Figure 5, 5% SBS + 4% Sep sample has the highest ZSV value among the bitumen
samples. As a result of the using of nanoclay in the group containing both 3% and 5%
polymer additive, an increase in ZSV was observed compared to the only SBS modified
bitumen. Higher ZSV values indicate higher resistance against permanent deformation during
long term loading [34]. It is expected from modified bitumens that exposing the least
deformation and giving the highest value of ZSV.

2.4.5. Multiple Stress Creep Recovery Test Results

The percent recovery (R), the non-recoverable compliance (Jnr) for 100 and 3200 Pa, stress
sensibility and also the percent differences in non-recoverable compliances (Jnr-diff) of the
bitumen samples are seen in Table 7.


The percentage of return of bitumen samples under a certain load has increased considerably
by modifying the base bitumen. When the load on the sample was removed, it was found that
the highest recovery was provided by the 5% SBS modified bitumen sample, followed by
5% SBS + 4% Sepiolite modified bitumen sample. This is thought to be due to the fact that
the nanoclays do not have a flexible structure.
The higher compliance value (Jnr) indicates that the bitumen samples will be exposed to
further deformation under a certain loading condition. Lower Jnr values specify lower
sensibility to rutting. Base bitumen has the highest compliance value at two stress levels (100
and 3200 Pa) as expected. This shows that the base bitumen is the most susceptible bitumen
type to rutting. However, 5% SBS modified bitumen sample has the lowest compliance
The stress sensibility of the bitumen samples was defined with the differences as percent for
non-recoverable compliances (Jnr-diff). When the stress level is increased from 100 to 3200
Pa, the non-recoverable compliance value specifies the percentage of increment about Jnr of
the sample.

Table 7 - MSCR test results for base and modified bitumen samples
Jnr Jnr
Bitumen R@100 R@3200 Jnr-diff. Stress
@100 @3200
Type Pa (%) Pa (%) (%) Sensibility
Pa Pa
6.493 3.167 1.126 1.183 5.061 0.051
3% SBS 18.044 13.474 0.461 0.499 8.104 0.081
3% SBS +
20.41 14.513 0.459 0.512 11.541 0.115
2% Hal
3% SBS +
18.523 14.325 0.395 0.418 5.794 0.058
4% Hal
3% SBS +
18.725 13.532 0.472 0.514 8.849 0.088
2% Sep
3% SBS +
16.834 12.467 0.496 0.534 7.751 0.078
4% Sep
5% SBS 45.437 41.956 0.104 0.111 6.345 0.063
5% SBS +
39.793 35.398 0.159 0.174 9.340 0.093
2% Hal
5% SBS +
42.017 36.705 0.16 0.181 12.509 0.125
4% Hal
5% SBS +
30.035 25.248 0.197 0.212 8.100 0.081
2% Sep
5% SBS +
49.505 40.478 0.171 0.205 19.844 0.198
4% Sep

Preparation and Performance Testing of SBS Modified Bitumens Reinforced with …

It determines the sensibility against rutting when sudden loadings due to heavy traffic are
implemented on pavement or extraordinary high temperatures are observed. This percent
difference value is a measurement of the sensibility to the increase in the stress level; hence
lower values are defined by a less stress sensible material [43, 44]. The Jnr-diff value and stress
sensibility are high for 5% SBS + 4% Sep sample, thus this modified bitumen is highly stress
sensible at the stress level of 3200 Pa.
In addition, according to the MSCR test results, a new performance classification called PG
Plus became a current issue. In this new classification method, the Jnr value at 3.2 kPa (3200
Pa) loading is taken into account at the temperature at which the test is performed. There are
four traffic conditions according to the performance classification and named S (Standard: <
4.0 kPa-1 and standard traffic loading), H (Heavy: < 2.0 kPa-1 or slow moving traffic loading),
V (Very Heavy: < 1.0 kPa-1 or standing traffic loading) and E (Extreme Heavy: < 0.5 kPa-1
ESALs and standing traffic loading) [45, 46]. PG Plus grades determined according to Jnr
values under 3200 Pa loading obtained from MSCR test are presented in Table 8.

Table 8 - MSCR letter grades of base and modified bitumen samples

Superpave Performance Jnr @3200
Bitumen Type PG Plus Grade
Grade (kPa-1)
Base Bitumen PG 64 1.183 PG 60 H
3% SBS PG 70 0.499 PG 60 E
3% SBS + 2%
PG 70 0.512 PG 60 V
3% SBS + 4%
PG 70 0.418 PG 60 E
3% SBS + 2%
PG 70 0.514 PG 60 V
3% SBS + 4%
PG 70 0.534 PG 60 V
5% SBS PG 76 0.111 PG 60 E
5% SBS + 2%
PG 76 0.174 PG 60 E
5% SBS + 4%
PG 76 0.181 PG 60 E
5% SBS + 2%
PG 76 0.212 PG 60 E
5% SBS + 4%
PG 76 0.205 PG 60 E

PG Plus grades increased as expected as a result of adding additives to base bitumen

according to the results in Table 8. Although the class of 3% SBS modified bitumen is E, it
has fallen to V class with the addition of 2% halloysite, but its values are very close to each
other. The PG Plus grade rose again to E class with increase of halloysite amount and the rate


was 4%. As a result of the addition of sepiolite, there was no change in both ratios and
remained constant in the V class. As a result of the 5% SBS modification, the grade rising to
E class has also maintained its place with the addition of nanoclays. This MSCR letter implies
that the sample can resist deformations even under extremely heavy traffic conditions.

As a result of the study, the conventional, rheological bitumen tests and examination of
morphological structure have been utilized to evaluate the difference in the properties and
performance of SBS modified bitumens containing nanoclay additives.
Conventional bitumen tests performed on two different ratios of SBS modified bitumen
samples (3% and 5%) and each concentration containing 2%, 4% halloysite and sepiolite. A
considerable decrease in penetration and increase in softening point temperatures of modified
bitumen samples have been observed for all concentrations of additives compared to base
bitumen. The decrease in penetration has been increased some more as a result of nanoclay
addition into the PMB. The increase in softening point temperatures has showed a change
according to the polymer ratio between PMBs containing nanoclays. The softening point
temperatures have been increased for 3% SBS modified bitumen samples but have not been
changed for 5% SBS modified bitumens.
It can be deduced from the viscosity test results that the addition of nanoclays increases
viscosity for two temperature values. The viscosity values have been increased with
increasing of nanoclay content. The storage stability results have been improved with
addition of nanoclays especially in low SBS ratio. The improvement in storage stability has
been reduced with increasing of SBS percentage.
The PG upper critical temperatures of modified bitumen samples are higher than base
bitumen and advanced at least one degree as a result of the modification. The performance
grade has increased two degrees in some modified bitumens. Higher upper critical
temperature value indicates higher resistance against permanent deformation.
The results of DSR, G*∕sinδ values have increased with an increment in frequency regarding
all samples. Based on the G*∕sinδ values at low and high frequencies, it has been seen that
modification of base bitumen with SBS enhances the performance of base bitumen to rutting.
Additionally, the rutting resistance of modified bitumens has been improved with using
nanoclay additives in SBS modified bitumen samples.
According to ZSV results, it is deduced that increase of polymer percentage and addition of
nanoclays improve rutting performance of modified bitumens.
Based on MSCR test results, especially high percentage of polymer is provided high recovery
values. Besides, addition of nanoclays slightly decreases the recovery values because of low
elastic behaviour of nanoclays. Bitumens have high percent recovery and low non-
recoverable compliance values are more resistant to rutting under loading and unloading
cycles. Otherwise the MSCR letters imply that polymer modified bitumen samples

Preparation and Performance Testing of SBS Modified Bitumens Reinforced with …

containing nanoclays could remain resistant to deformations even under heavy and extreme
heavy traffic conditions.
The results showed that nanoclays could be used as additives for improving physical and
rheological properties of PMB samples. When all test results were evaluated with the
limitation of storage stability results, it was seen that the addition of nanoclay in 3% SBS
modified bitumens was more appropriate. This also revealed the result that determining an
optimum value for the polymer ratio is very important. It is recommended that production in
more detailed combinations for nanocomposites and further performance analyses are

This research was sponsored by the Scientific Research Project Office of Manisa Celal Bayar
University with the project number 2014-069 for which the authors are greatly indebted. The
authors are also thankful to the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Dokuz
Eylul University for its support.

G* : complex shear modulus
G' : shear storage modulus
G" : shear loss modulus
 : phase angle
G /sin : rutting resistance parameter
G*.sin : fatigue cracking performance parameter
∆t : 900 seconds time interval
ΔJ : difference between Jf and J15
Jf : compliance measured at the end of the 30 minutes
J15 : compliance measured last 15 minutes before lifting the loading
Jnr : non-recoverable creep compliance
%rec : percent recovery
Jnr,diff : difference in Jnr

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