Social Impact Assessment of Urban Mass Transit: A Case Study of Metro Rail in India

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Social Impact Assessment of Urban Mass Transit:

A Case Study of Metro Rail in India
Dr. Sanjay K. Pradhan
Metro Division, RITES Ltd, Gurugram, India

Abstract:- The country's efforts to improve its Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad, situated just 32 km apart,
infrastructure are important for promoting economic are closely linked by highways and are quickly developing
growth and alleviating poverty. However, these initiatives into a continuous urban region. With its strategic geographic
often result in negative consequences alongside their position, diverse cosmopolitan society, huge growth potential,
positive outcomes. These negative effects can manifest in and business-friendly policies, it is an attractive place for
various forms, including social, cultural, economic, and companies, entrepreneurs, academics, and families. The twin
environmental impacts. As such, it is imperative to cities currently have a population of approximately 6.5
anticipate and prevent these undesirable outcomes to million and are projected to reach 9.3 million by 2025. This
achieve inclusive and sustainable development. The rapid growth is placing immense strain on the transportation
importance of Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and system in the twin cities, necessitating the need for faster
meaningful public consultation in infrastructure projects modes of transportation to prevent delays and alleviate
has been recognized by social scientists, policymakers, congestion. In response, the Government of Gujarat has
international financial institutions, and development recognized the metro rail as a highly effective, financially
practitioners as effective measures to mitigate adverse feasible, and environmentally sustainable solution to meet the
social impacts of development projects. This is equally future transportation demands of Ahmedabad and
applicable to urban transportation projects, which also Gandhinagar.
require a thorough evaluation of their social impacts. In
this paper, we examine the SIA rules and regulations In 2009, the Metro Link Express for Gandhinagar and
under the RFCTLARR Act 2013, assess the social Ahmedabad (MEGA), now known as Gujarat Metro Rail
impacts of the Ahmedabad metro rail project (Phase-I), Corporation Limited (GMRCL), was established as a special
and propose mitigation measures to minimize negative purpose vehicle (SPV) to oversee the development and
impacts and maximize positive ones for all stakeholders operation of a Metro Rail system in Ahmedabad and
involved. It is argued that addressing social issues early in Gandhinagar. MEGA prioritized the protection of the
the project and integrating them into resettlement environment and the well-being of the public, and therefore
management can greatly increase the chances of project aimed to construct the Metro Rail facility in compliance with
success. strict environmental standards. The Delhi Metro Rail
Corporation (DMRC) was responsible for preparing the
Keywords:- Social Impact Assessment, Metro Rail, Gender Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the Phase-I corridor, which
issue, Project Affected Persons, Stakeholder consultation, was finally approved by the Union Cabinet of India in
and Rehabilitation & Resettlement. October 2014 (ToI,2014). According to the DPR (MEGA,
2015), the entire route spans 37.928 km and includes 31.593
I. INTRODUCTION km of elevated and 6.335 km of underground section with a
total of 32 metro stations. The metro alignment provides
In India, 461 million people are living in urban areas north-south connectivity from APMC to Motera Stadium and
(Cities Alliance,2023). This number is growing by 2.3 percent east-to-west connectivity from Thaltej to Vastral.
each year (UN DESA,2018). In recent decades, there has been
a sharp increase in urbanization. Vehicular traffic has During the planning stage of the project, a Social Impact
increased alarmingly, with a compound annual growth rate Assessment (SIA) study was carried out by RITES Ltd in
(CAGR) of 94.40% over the years 2011–2016, because of 2014 (MEGA,2014). In this paper, an attempt has been made
unparalleled urbanization (MoRTH, GoI, 2016) and this has to describe the application of the Social Impact Assessment
resulted in severe economic, environmental, and social (SIA) study for the project under the Right to Fair
consequences such as increased fuel consumption, reduced Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition,
productivity, increased business cost, and increased emissions Rehabilitation, and Resettlement (RFCTLARR) Act 2013,
and stress. To develop more sustainable urban transportation assess the potential social impacts of the project based on SIA
networks, this scenario has led to increased expenditures in study, and develop mitigation measures to minimise the
mass rapid transit systems. negative impacts and maximising the positive impacts for all
stakeholders of the project.

IJISRT24MAR1483 1980

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

II. METHODOLOGY ADOPTED FOR SIA STUDY compulsory acquisition, inadequate compensation rates, lack
of compensation for those who lose their means of livelihood
The SIA study was conducted in accordance with the (who are not titleholders), and legal disputes. Consequently,
RFCTLARR Act, 2013, Japan International Cooperation a fresh legislation has been implemented under the name of
Agency’s (JICA) guidelines for Environmental and Social the 'The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in
Consideration 2011. Before the start of the SIA study, the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013
Government of Gujarat (GoG) informed the public through (Pradhan 2014).'The purpose of the Central Act is to
notification about the proposed metro rail project. Field visits guarantee fair and equitable compensation to the affected
and studies were conducted in September and October of families as well as to ensure a humane, inclusive, informed,
2014 to verify alignment drawings and identify affected areas and transparent process for the acquisition of land needed for
on site. The study team then engaged with various industrialization, urbanization, and the development of
stakeholders in the project area and arranged meetings to critical infrastructure facilities. To ensure a comprehensive,
raise awareness about the project. A census and socio- participative, and meaningful process for land acquisition
economic survey were conducted to assess the potential under the Land Acquisition Act of 2013, the Government of
impacts within the Corridor of Impact (CoI), This survey India issued the Right to Fair Compensation and
aimed to gather necessary information on the PAPs to Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and
accurately evaluate the extent of potential impacts and Resettlement (Social Impact Assessment and Consent) Rules,
determine appropriate measures to mitigate any adverse 2014 on 8th August. These rules state that before land
effects. The survey consisted of three parts: a household acquisition, a SIA study must be conducted in the affected
census, a socio-economic survey of the households, and area, to identify the potential social impacts of the project.
community-based public consultations. Through this process, This study must be completed within six months and
the households, commercial and business enterprises, and includes provisions for public consultation, hearings, and
community property resources within the project's CoI were obtaining consent from a majority of local landowners (80%
identified. Trained investigators collected a wide range of for private projects and 70% for public-private partnership
data, such as demographics, education, occupation, income, projects). Additionally, an expert group is to be formed to
and types of businesses, through a pre-tested questionnaire. evaluate the SIA report. The Rules also require the state or
This data was later shared with the communities for review central government to establish a Social Impact Assessment
and verification. Public consultations were conducted at Unit to ensure that the SIA is carried out by independent
various levels, including individual, group, community, and parties, rather than requiring body. In order to maintain the
institutional, to gather feedback and input. Once the draft credibility of the SIA, certain provisions are necessary. These
SIA report was prepared, another round of public include the inclusion of independent practitioners,
consultation was conducted at the city level. The entire data academics, and qualified social experts in the SIA team, as
collection process was supervised by the project's Social well as at least one-woman member. Other important
Development Specialist. provisions include a six-month timeframe for the SIA, the
collection of written views from affected families, the
III. RESULTS OF THE STUDY involvement of local media and volunteer organizations in
public hearings, the recording and consideration of
A. SIA Background and Instructions objections raised during these hearings, conducting the SIA
Initially in India, SIA was conducted as a part of the and hearings in the local language, and utilizing a web-based
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). However, it did flow management system for the acquisition process. If land
not receive sufficient attention from the project developer as is being acquired, fair compensation must be promptly paid
it was just a component of the EIA process. SIA was to all affected individuals, as outlined in sections 28, 29, and
introduced by international financial institutions such as the 30 of the Act (GoI 2014). For the proposed metro rail
World Bank and the Asian Development Bank to approve project, a SIA study has been conducted and mitigation
loans for the government. It was officially mandated as a measures have been developed following the RFCTLARR
planning tool when the Government of India issued a new Act, 2013.
Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy in 2007, replacing the
previous policy from 2004 (GoI,2007). This policy required B. Identifying Social Impacts of the Project
that SIA be conducted for any new project or expansion of an After conducting a thorough field investigation, it was
existing one. While this was seen as a significant step, further revealed that all land and structure owners were in favor of
examination revealed that it was not as promising as it the proposed metro rail development in the city and were
initially seemed. The focus of SIA was primarily on willing to let go of their land. However, they also voiced
quantifying the loss of physical assets, rather than their concerns about the potential consequences on their
considering social impacts (Mathur, 2016). It was also found social and economic well-being because of the land
that SIA was not effectively integrated into the process of acquisition.
resettlement planning in India.
Through the implementation of the metro rail project,
There is a widespread consensus among individuals and there will be a significant reduction in road traffic and
groups from all sides of the social and political spectrum that associated stress, fuel consumption, air pollution, travel time,
the present policy is riddled with deficiencies such as vehicle operating costs, accidents, and road maintenance.

IJISRT24MAR1483 1981

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

This will also lead to increased mobility and better enhance skills and one-time economic rehabilitation grants to
accessibility, positively impacting the surrounding areas and vulnerable families, enabling them to rebuild their economic
stimulating economic growth. Additionally, it will enhance stability.
social well-being, create new business opportunities, and
improve the overall aesthetics and image of Ahmedabad and C. Measures to Address Gender Issues
Gandhinagar. The metro train project will completely The project has implemented gender-sensitive measures
transform the transportation landscape of these cities. to maximize positive impacts and minimize any potential
According to the SIA report, respondents expressed positive negative effects. During the planning and design phase, the
opinions about the metro project. 42% of them project has shifted from a minimal compliance approach to
acknowledged its potential to boost business and one that promotes empowerment, allowing women to
employment opportunities in the area, while 35% believed participate in the consultation process. Additionally, steps
that it would enhance the city's transportation system and have been taken to provide job opportunities for women in
increase property value. They also believed that the the construction, operation, and maintenance of the metro rail
development of metro rail could lead to a variety of system, as well as ensuring equal wages, training, and access
livelihood opportunities, improve quality of life, and reduce to livelihood restoration programs. The project also includes
accidents and greenhouse gas emissions. In particular, female specific provisions for women residing in the construction
respondents noted that the metro train would greatly benefit camp, such as temporary housing, healthcare, daycare
working women. facilities, and proper scheduling of construction work to
prevent child labor. These measures have been carefully
As per the SIA report, the project requires the considered to benefit all women and children living in the
acquisition of 898191 sqm of land for the construction of construction camp.
different components of the project. Most of this land, 94%,
is government-owned, while only 4% will need to be D. Provisions for Schedule Caste and Scheduled Tribe
acquired from private owners. Despite efforts to minimize About 17% and 26% of total project-affected families are
the land needed by adjusting the alignments away from from scheduled tribes and scheduled castes respectively.
private property and human settlements, the project may still Tribals found in the project area no longer live in
result in the displacement of families, damage to structures, forests/hills. The tribal population has been integrated with
loss of businesses and livelihoods, and unemployment for the mainstream population. However, a small number of
wage earners. Vulnerable groups, particularly women, may them still fall under the category of below the poverty line.
also be negatively affected by the project (MEGA, 2014). To improve the economic conditions of the affected
scheduled tribes and castes, the Resettlement Plan (RP) has
IV. SOCIAL MITIGATION MEASURES been designed under the RFCTLARR Act, 2013.
Additionally, there are several State and Central Government
The following measures are proposed based on the schemes aimed at the development of these populations, with
study to minimise the negative impacts that may be occurred an annual budget allocation for their implementation. The
due to land acquisition for the construction of the viaduct, project proponent has a crucial role in connecting these
stations, depot, etc. of metro rail. welfare schemes to the development of the affected tribal
communities. Suppose any negative impacts on the tribal
A. Resettlement by Social Relationship people are identified during the project's implementation. In
To ensure the continuation of social ties, it is suggested that case, the project proponent must ensure that an
that the relocation of affected communities be carried out indigenous people’s plan is prepared under the RFCTLARR
within the following guidelines: (a) all members of the Act, 2013, and JICA's Involuntary Resettlement Policy. This
affected community should be relocated together to the new plan must be approved by the Government of Gujarat and
resettlement colony; (b) individuals from the same ethnic JICA before awarding any civil works contracts.
group should be situated in close proximity within the new
colony; and (c) households and communities from the same E. Provision for the Mobility of Disabled People
neighborhood should be placed as close to each other as Ensuring accessibility for the elderly and disabled is a
possible. crucial factor in any urban transportation project. In
accordance with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Urban
B. Provision of Income and Livelihood Restoration Development, measures will be taken to make both stations
Assistance and rolling stock disability friendly. These provisions,
Restoring income levels to pre-project standards is a included in the project's DPR, will be implemented. Entry to
crucial aspect of rehabilitating communities impacted by the the stations will be available from both sides of the road,
project. The project policy includes numerous measures to with a gently sloping ramp to aid the mobility of individuals
help affected individuals improve their socioeconomic status. with disabilities and the visually impaired. Furthermore, lifts
Furthermore, the project needs to assist in maximizing the designed for the disabled, tactile flooring, and other
benefits of government schemes for those affected. The NGO necessary features will be installed to facilitate access to the
will work closely with different departments to ensure platform and designated areas on the train, located near the
smooth integration with the overall project plan. driver's cab (MEGA 2015).
Additionally, the project offers training opportunities to

IJISRT24MAR1483 1982

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

F. Provision of Community and Religious Structures V. DISCUSSION

It is essential to involve the community in the
replacement of affected communities and religious The main goal of the project is to construct a metro rail
structures. In cases where replacement is not possible, fair system that adheres to appropriate environmental regulations
compensation or replacement with a comparable or superior to safeguard both the community and the natural
resource must be provided to offset any losses incurred. surroundings. The SIA study was applied to assess how the
project's social impacts would affect the local population and
G. Provision of Training for Capacity Building community and to identify ways to maximize positive
The success in implementation of the resettlement plan impacts while minimizing negative ones.
hinges on the abilities of both management personnel and
affected persons of the project. As such, it is recommended The primary results of this review include: (a) the SIA
that a thorough training and capacity-building program be team diligently analyzed the SIA rules and regulations
implemented for all key stakeholders involved in the outlined in the RFCTLARR Act, 2013, evaluated social
execution and oversight of the project's resettlement plan. impacts, and devised effective social mitigation measures by
This should include various stakeholders responsible for the utilizing a variety of established social research methods; (b)
implementation and management of the resettlement plan of the impacted community was given ample opportunity to
the project. engage in the SIA process and offer valuable
recommendations to address various social concerns; (c) the
H. Stakeholders Engagement During Project study demonstrated that community perspectives and values
Implementation gathered during the SIA greatly influenced the outcome of
The agency responsible for implementing the project the process. This study affirms that the implementation of
must hold information-sharing sessions in the designated SIA is crucial in ensuring the success of infrastructure
project location, seek assistance from local community development projects.
members and leaders, and encourage the participation of
those affected in implementation of the resettlement plan. It VI. CONCLUSION
is necessary to conduct consultations and focus group
discussions with stakeholders in the affected areas, The construction of the metro rail in Ahmedabad City is
specifically targeting vulnerable groups such as women, an important project of the State Government. The project
families living below the poverty line, and individuals with requires land mainly for the development of station
disabilities, to ensure that their unique needs are taken into buildings, platforms, traffic integration facilities, staff
consideration. The implementing agency, in collaboration quarters, office complexes, and operation control center, etc.
with NGOs, should also arrange public gatherings to inform In compliance with the RFCTLARR Act, it is mandatory to
the community of the progress of the resettlement plan. conduct an SIA study to acquire any land. Accordingly, a
Furthermore, updates on the resettlement component of the SIA study for the proposed metro rail project was conducted.
project should be regularly displayed at the project offices Stakeholder consultation was considered fundamental for
for public awareness. effectively addressing social issues in the planning and
design stage of the project. The study highlights both positive
I. Implementation of Grievance Redressal Mechanism and negative impacts of the project. To address adverse
An efficient grievance redressal mechanism has been negative impacts and maximising positive impacts, a project-
proposed to address the grievances and complaints of the specific resettlement plan including income restoration,
affected persons. Initially, the affected person's grievance grievance redressal mechanism, and monitoring and
will be handled by the field-level staff of the implementing evaluation mechanism for implementation of this plan has
agency. In case the staff is unable to resolve the grievances, been prepared based on the SIA study. It is learned from the
they will be escalated to the Grievance Redressal Committee study that the SIA process allowed affected persons and
(GRC). The GRC has the following responsibilities: (i) communities to have a voice in the development process and
providing assistance to affected persons regarding issues the findings of the SIA report influenced Government’s final
related to land/property acquisition, (ii) recording, decision about the metro project. Sharing the SIA report
categorizing, and prioritizing grievances for resolution, (iii) after the completion of the SIA study with affected persons
promptly informing about serious cases, and (iv) updating and communities made it participative and created
affected persons on the status of their grievances and confidence among them concerning the government. The
decisions made by the GRC. Additionally, the GRC will also SIA report also helps the project-affected persons (PAPs) to
review complaints related to all types of assistance, such as receive fair compensation as per the RFCTLARR Act.
replacement costs, relocation, compensation, and Hence, for the successful completion of any infrastructure
resettlement benefits, except for legal disputes over development project, it is required to identify and address
ownership rights. Any complaints raised with the field-level social issues at an early stage of the project through an SIA
staff must be resolved within 15 days of filing. study.

IJISRT24MAR1483 1983

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


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